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tv   Interview  RT  September 13, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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the, the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify all confused who really wants
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a better wills and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusions, going underground can the by the early 1950. can you? it became one of the centers of resistance to colonialism in africa. the british invaders infringed on the most basic rights of the local population. great britain pursued the policy of squeezing out the local population from their indigenous lands. the best airable areas were given to white farmers, dooming canyons devolve or d and hunger. this caused the sharp protest of the peasants and led to the emerging
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of the mile mile movement, which started the bite against the invaders. the rebels called themselves canyon land and freedom army. the spiritual leader of the movement, with the anti colonial active as jo, mo, kenyatta, to freedom fighters, used to relive tactics and attacked the individual units of the british troops. the latter responded with massive air rays and artillery effects. when suppressing the uprise of london relied on the maximum cruelty over $50000.00 canyons were killed. about 300000 people were thrown into prisons and concentration camps, where george here in no way inferior enrolls the to the nazis, was widely practiced. the veracity of the colonial list only led the temporary success. in 1963, the british empire had to recognize the independence of gain yet, however, the colonial regime left behind a trail of blood and bones that canyon nation has not recovered from on sale. now, the will come to the eastern economic for
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joining us today is marizza. however, the spoke sooner of the russian minister of foreign affairs. even though we're holding this meeting and defies. i'd like to start with you. russia is often accused of being your century, to be honest. i haven't heard this one before. are they now accusing us of our geographic location on top of everything else that's we tend to accuse a selves of because for the very long time, throughout the centuries, there's a simple answer to it. i don't know if that was your question or not, but i think it's very simple or geography implies both european and asian presidents. it's a given, you can argue with geography, we're both in europe and asia, and we're the bridge between europe and asia. it's obvious that's number one, as far as our civilizational foundations are concerned. and thankfully, we finally admitted it to ourselves, which wasn't easy. it took awhile that our country is
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a civilization and its own right. not just some conglomerate, or a community, but a proper civilization, which means unity or synergy which could be a better term of different cultures. people's ethnicities, world views, philosophies, and so on. in this sense, of course, the european civilization in its best manifestations is one of its key components. i'm not talking about the condition of western europe has driven itself into these days. which negates the very roots of the european civilization. i'm talking about it's good and positive achievements that have been driving our development for many centuries, even for millennial, yet you've added a philosophical note conversation funding from us a more. well, i just followed your lead. yes, i think we both appreciate so the so, so let's see. well, let's start with you on some of the more practical issues before. circling back to discussing rushes, asian identity among other things. in spite of all the declarations,
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european countries remain the largest bias of russian l. n. g. as far as i know, russia is still the 2nd largest supplier for the coincidence. how to explain that? why do you think you are still buying gas from russia? despise all statements that russian natural gas will do, please, but african agent or whatever resources. one can play with words all they want, which is what this western and native central group of countries is doing. they can go ahead and play with words or even letters, but they can't the nice science with facts and reality. cutting yourself from sources of energy means undermining your own development and achievements for decades to come. it makes sense that every country would like to have alternative energy suppliers to ensure its sovereignty, independence, and have a sense of security. i think i can relate to that, but the thing is they can't afford completely giving up the russian energy resources. i believe they realize this by now,
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and speaking of their future prospects, they know the math. once they get off their podiums with mikes and start talking to their businesses, they get very clear numbers. and there's one more important factor at play here. all these new moves at western europe is trying out now are not actually of their own choosing or making. they've been too long under washington's influence. and as a result, a number of leading you companies ended up taking off and leaving, registering their businesses across the oceans. but what does it mean? it means more taxes. it means that instead of financially supporting the new, they are now supporting usa in other countries. and now that they've got all this on their plate, making bold statements is becoming less fund. another important factor here is that all this information noise, all this fuss is built on a false premise on completely false narratives. and it's obvious the scandal in estonia and scandals in other countries make them show their true colors. let's
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talk about true colors. just recently, new customs restrictions were introduced against russian citizens. i'm sure you heard of this function. you did just outreach us. yes. they've set off even the most experienced people. right. the show can in terms of both this q, i'm putting this on the one hand that directs it against all russian people all hold as of a russian prospect on data on the bond even covers personal care items. it's a little bit too much, even for the most sophisticated mind. what's your personal or professional take on this martha? as for the 1st part of your question, i would agree that these sanctions have shocked. everyone is they are truly beyond all reason. i don't even know how much lower one can really go storing it, that, but still, what is this? how can we explain this? it's racism. we don't need to look for other terms. it's pure racism. it has always been there historically in the western centric model that we now call the collective west. unfortunately,
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it has always been at their core to some extent replacing the true traditional values, the foundations of the western civilization that we hear in russia tried to preserve . and the wes tries to get rid of in particular by not fighting racism the way they should previously, racism was flourishing in the policies of colonialism, slave trade, exploitation of other countries and other imperialistic concepts. you then, the 20th century arrived with large scale industrialization and a whole new logistic model. human rights in the early 20th century. it was still a long way from that. yes, but the discourse was only just the racism started to fester and evolved into naziism and fascism. it's the same thing. it's about dividing people into 2 groups . those who are entitled and those who are not, why not because some of them are smarter or kinder than the others because they're different. no, just because idea, logistics come up with a set of facts that allows to separate one group of people from the others. and it
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doesn't matter that someone is objectively stronger and can use their strength or is better at physics because they have studied it and have a talent or cups. well, no, it's nothing like that. it's a classical approach used to explain the injustices of this world because someone has a different shape. it's, you know, who's over the years or the head, which don't like it, but it's your fault. yes. well then there was a break after world war 2. they got a gripped button, their races slip, so to say that it comes unbuttoned every now and then for almost 50 years, they managed to keep their true sentiments. well, we hid them without eradicating it, which is certainly sad. and they were all sorts of things that were a manifestation of racism. but it was all disguised prices so, and they denied it being such as they denied it in the wes, i'm in the interview and kept talking about human rights. they thought the more they talked about it, the less insignificant this problem would appear and the fewer people would notice it. and then it all got out of hands with the collapse of the bipolar world. the
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system that kept racism in check. in fact, it was the soviet union that initiated the, the colonization process and supported the actions in a lead or not words with the soviet union go on. it all started yet again, right from the beginning. so the baltic states, for example, started segregating their own nation discriminating against their own citizens, that even devised a new concept of non citizens for part of their native population. the new new goes as the closing. so exactly, and then little by little transnational corporations came into play all this lead to the situation we have today with burrell saying that there is a garden and a jungle afterwards, instead of apologizing for his words, are taking them back or blaming it on a bad script or a slip of the tongue, he further elaborate it on the topic, asserting that there is a golden billions. and apparently the rest of us who are not golden. and he said very clearly is that the rest of the world must surface golden 1000000000. i
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believe to be on this confiscated toilet peoples in yulu, even for the golden be them. they're probably running out on the snow for the speech it's mentioned in the official document. well, you probably know, they keep running out every now and then they've mentioned it before. i can't see why else i don't. how do you think we should rather consider it's sort of a geo political anecdote, or is this a sign of some quite serious trys where fi soon given the context of world war 2. you already mentioned this and patients of cause the shadow on other nations. you know, when it's both tragic and comic is called a tragic comedy. a tragic comedy is a literary genre that's got it all. the anecdotal the irony, the sarcasm, and at the same time, it's a tragedy in a sense of some unavoidable do. and that's all mixed in this genre. you know, like sweet and sour sauce, when to opposite tastes, workers one blend. it's the same with tragic comedy. watching it gives one's mixed
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feelings. it's weird, bizarre, funny, and repulsive. but once you work through the emotions and start seeing the meaning of it, it becomes clear that it's very threatening. it's extremely threatening because it's not some random thing, but almost there are some reasons that go down very deep. it's not the work of some stupid clark and brussels who put together this paper. it's a product of their mentality that reflects their attitude deep down to the rest of the world. by the way, i think one of the most famous view pin to us was one set that genetic persons to values one needs to observe how they treat and all difference, but the people they don't like the way it feed them defines that kind of pressing you are many philosophers made similar observations gone? the for example, if i recall it correctly said that the civilization of the nation in the society are only as great as they treat their animals. you see, but pardon me, the joke is that this civilization, that is western europe, that this native centric group started protecting the rights of animals better than
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they do the rights of people. so it's not the problem. it's not that they don't understand, they do. they simply believe that there are people whose rights need protecting more than everybody else. the minister of foreign affairs, jo, accused in some part, is to protect the rights of russian citizens and pushes foreign policy is bees on the principle of me try to. wills, russia, stick to the me, shows the principle in reference to this measure. since russia will have to respond one way or another, or maybe the principle of reciprocity, or would we rather stick to on sets of values? you know, in cases like this, when it's not about the diplomatic missions and diplomatic staff, the regime of work are discontinuing their work. but when it's on a completely different scale, it's about how all of the country citizens are treated. we have to work out our response together with the agencies. and right now we're in talks with them, so i won't talk about it for now. not because i don't want to or have no opinion of
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my own. but because we need to give some time to the agencies to complete their work in this regard. and so we'll come to shop to some extent. well, as for the shock, you know, when they come up with the idea of 80 genders and force others to believe the same, isn't this shocking? and when people pass of mind blowing, number of laws concerning gender transition, and holmes, hormonal therapy for their own children, boys and girls, isn't this shocking? they're doing it to their own people. they made a call out of it. you see the fundamental controversy behind this? it's a dead end track and they're on it in every other respect too much. i honestly recommend everyone to find some time to read the g 20 declaration, even if you're not into international politics, even if you don't need it for work. it's an important and very curious document. it's long and with over 80 clauses. a large group of experts work to produce it over an entire year. and if you read it, you'll see things that will shock you, that i was truly shocked when i did. the g 20 consists among others, and the usa,
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canada, a number of e u nations. and the g 20 to declaration has been signed by these nations. and the declaration says, among other things, the drugs are a threat to be combated. and this makes me want to ask the united states canada and these b u nations. so where's their real position? is it real when they have their signatures under the don't g 20 declaration that calls combating drugs? because that's what it does, like, where is it real? when these same countries go on and legalize drugs internally, and on top of that run campaigns promoting it internationally to have others do the same. it's a clear contradiction of how can their position or actions towards russia be any better. you know, your was truly and deeply shocked when you know, i worked for a few years in the russian mission to the u. n. in new york city in manhattan. and we were working really long hours up to 19 hours every day in close contact with
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fellow citizens. and americans and manhattan is pretty small and it's a small island with a tiny area. so 2 months and you get to know absolutely everything there. all the spots streets and people say when i visited manhattan, the last year, i was shocked, even though not by what they turned into during the pandemic years and why they still can't handle all the self and dirt and, and process trash everywhere as bad as it is they, they'll sort that out. i was shocked to see shops. so when legal has drugs almost on every corner in manhattan, and we're not talking about some city suburbs where taxi's, don't go and people are warned to stay away from the best of everything. and america back in 2005, i wasn't all when i saw america, i was impressed by a lot of things. and i was truly convinced that it's the civilization that will save the world yet. now when i see drug dealers offering drugs to people in cars waiting for the traffic light to change and the central new york one cuz of all i want to ask is, wait,
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is this the same usa that is trying to teach in previous to the world how to live? well, they've got this nest right here in the center of their most progressive cities, the financial heart of the country. remember how back in the early 2000 that the u . s. was all over russia for the license merchandise, services and lots of counterfeit stuff on our market. what happens in the us now versus tv reported recently how old around 8 or 9 pm. people come out to put counter foot goods on rags, right? on the sidewalks, all across manhattan is selling face of everything. you name it women's bags, perfume scarves and they don't have to hide it. well, and city folk have to walk around these piles on the ground up for us. and in the lower part of manhattan, there are places where this stuff is on sale. 247 wide. yeah, this is what's truly shocking when the same people say white and then turn around and call the same things black and with it's noon psychological mechanism. it's easier to teach others how to me when you have a little knowledge of yourself. you know, to be honest,
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i can't find any such example or seeing him look, i talked to people from different countries and i read the documents adopted by their government. so i see doctrines developed in different continents and then regional integration blocks. i haven't seen such a dichotomy, such a 5 polar disorder anywhere else. deluca. my next question is precisely about this . the customer reco grossi who's not in america, was a representative of a respect taxable. it's a national organization for the i. e. a set the, the use of depleted uranium. i'm a mission which the us is going to supply to cream, does not have and you realize you called consequences. sure that it may not look like a threat when you're sitting in vienna. but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that it does pose assess and danger. now this is what is called the propaganda look at what they did here for some media in general, and those who provoked these remarks. those who put these questions to mr. grossi, you rightly said that he's had a v. i a, a, b i a e,
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a deals with nuclear energy. that's what i'm not a physicist. i mean, i went to school, i got an excellent grade in physics, but that was a long time ago. so when i heard the statements yesterday, i called the curb to accomplish institute, which by the way, is also represented here at the forum. i talked to the expert, they sent with no size and they sent me some notes. they really i also read some of the information that we already had. but the point is, those in the west who are trying to justify the supply of depleted uranium ammunition, they all say, what's the difference show? i'm talking about the people in washington state department, the white house, and those in london like is they base their narrative on the premises. there's a sam munition who's like any other. there's no difference. they say why not? because the uranium is depleted, so there's no components that makes it or a video access. yes, but it's misleading, but they're not telling the whole story. there was holding the key part. in my opinion, if i knew what it is that it's not just a coincidence, it's
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a deliberate attempt to hush it up and distort the narrative. the thing is depleted, uranium is a heavy metal. if we look at it in these terms, from a chemical standpoint, we'll see that it's a very different story, but they don't talk about that. they emphasize the nuclear component and put the question to the head of a nuclear security organization. yes. but what does that have to do with that? it's actually we're talking about a heavy metal and yeah, it's something that even children would understand that i'm probably thinking of russian like, you know, i doubt that their school is teach this information even though when heavy metals accumulate in the environment. when they get into the human body into food, it leads to catastrophic consequences, including cancer with mr. let me give an example to make it clear ammunition containing heavy metals such as depleted uranium that produces toxic era slides with you. mr. gross, he didn't talk about this because it's not his area of expertise profession. so he went with the question that we've given and only talked about one aspect of the
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features. but i think he understood the problem. like when the immunization penetrates the army, the depleted uranium course that's up in kind of night and a depleted uranium liner and a power charge is even worse. what on people who deal with these things professionally like chemist cannot be unaware of this stuff. but i think that, physicists also notice as well the once again. so he stayed with him, his man like that and woke up into what i understand correctly that who ever ends up owning this, terry to the environment there will be contaminated the even if the laundry mass parts of the cream, there will be green damage to human health to save for quote, unquote, as well. so emission of uranium to $38.00 is only safe when it's coming from the outside. but when you're rainy, i'm oxide. aerosol gets into the human body. it's very dangerous. it causes cancer, right. and yeah, but is there anybody who doesn't know that? absolutely. everybody knows that it's in the literature on the events and use this lab. yeah. it's in textbooks. well, general readings,
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not just about global or regional crises. it's trivial. it's only complicated for you and me because it's not our field of that's people who work with chemistry and physics for a living. consider a common knowledge one night. so it's part of the propaganda sort of. they take a person in a very high position of someone who has been on the news recently because of the situation with the nuclear power plants. and they ask him a question which is just outside of just direct responsibilities. and then it goes into the mainstream point as exculpatory evidence for the west discussion, wisdom motors appear on the took off a lot of our time. let's talk about the east, which we all know is consechi to an exception. a diverse to this is eastern economic form, brought together participants, not only from the far as the from the middle east. this kind of diversity is targeting the 4 to 8 countries in asia. the last time i checked, how is the work about diplomats on the eastern front and diplomacy in general, different from our contacts with the west?
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do you have to adjust to approach your methods of reaching agreements, uninsured, and that the sustainable in which you, regardless, each country has its own specifics? sometimes you can find countries on one continents that are united through common language, religion or even history, but are at the same time, very different through traditions formed over moder australia. so it's all very individual. and there's also the human factors shape. one person can find a quick solution to the problem at hand, where is other people in the same country or a public agency can put the brakes on them that are creating a lot of red tape, which so i wouldn't generalize here. so there are no formulas that apply to an entire continent or even region. politically, there are differences, of course, right? you probably a say that we're getting too deep into philosophy here. but in matters like this, you can't do without philosophy. it all boils down to ideology, the western world ideology to hinges on domination and imposing its world view on all the other countries. why? and this is what stands in the way of finding a solution to any problems. like,
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you know, why? because diplomacy is about agreement, it's one side tries to understand what the other side is thinking, and together they start searching for common ground on bringing their positions closer to each other, reaching a compromised visually. however, it's only possible in a relationship between peoples in a dialogue built on mutual respect and del but this, you see is not an option for the west for western europe. the us, not that since the entire nato central's system for it, for them, it's just unacceptable right now to you and me that way of looking at things as almost in comprehensible just like we can't fully grasp the horrors of racism. and historically in today, because we didn't have it as a world view, i think we have never suffered the oppression to slavery as we read about it in the box, inside and movies and documentaries. but thank god we've never been on either side of this dreadful matter. so it's just like that here we can't even fathom what it's like to have this sense of exceptionalism. how certain countries think themselves
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as above all others. why is it there on top of a mountain and all those below must cows? how to the something that they actually live with these ideas and these, can you understand what it's like? well, i think it's impossible for people like us. he was, was that not right? it's impossible to understand. yes. but you can see and the way the east oriented southern associations are developed and that's the way this truck shits full support is not so rigorous. i mean, yeah. as well with us. i'm a global south seas, things differently. it is survive colonial or semi colonial rule, and they have a much greater understanding of the western lab and we do their mindset and emotional outlook. because up until recently, the west used to exploit the end of the colonization. the process they went through was not purely political. i know they did not sit on the un general assembly committees for that. they had to fight for their freedom with, with them they want, they know these people from the inside out. they know how the westerners left
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behind all their little hooks impala techs in the economy in national security. they know all the tools and weavers that the west uses to influence things from interference and domestic affairs, all the way to regime change it out and just look at what happens on the african continent. discuss more in some asian countries in that sense. these nations gifts have 1st hand experience of the western approach. rather, not just from the textbook. and what's more, they've developed a very different philosophy, your relationship mustang. nobody forces anything on anyone use your international law and that's the foundation. but no one could impose their own world view or mindset or anyone else on right there. thank you for your time. thank you. thank you for watching. the the
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in the 2nd half of the 1940, the powerful european armies were losing their colon. one of the 1st to start collaborating with the dutch empire. on august 17 1945. the declaration of independence of indonesia, a former judge colony was proclaimed the liberation movement westlake by the national hero of the indies. people to gardens, however, amsterdam had its own plan, which was to defeat the revolution. more over, they were supported by great britain. the colonial troops setup control over the main cities in the country, but the countryside remained in the hands of the rebels and the resistance continued growing. in 1946, the british left indonesia, whereas the dutch did not want to lose power. and switch to the tactics of total terror. in december 1947, the royal troops committed. the massacre of the inhabitants in the village of
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rubble got a $431.00 civilians were killed. all in all the lives of 100000 indonesians were on the conscience of the dutch colonialists and their allies, mass executions, and regular bombing did not help the netherlands. their troops got blocked in the cities, the world community demanded to put it into violence. and the empire started negotiations . in 1949, the head round table conference was held in the kingdom of the netherlands was forced to recognize the independence of indonesia. a sovereign muslims days appeared on the world map and became one of the most powerful countries in the islamic world. the known in vietnam as the american war, the vietnam war lost it for almost 2 decades and dragged in. numerous countries is not done with nouns, but you can just say now what is all i'm empty. hundreds
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of thousands of american troops who was sent to the country to back the south vietnamese on me. i don't know about that. not much of the american soldiers murdered resistors mercilessly bowed down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and lee laid up day by all right. did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did and on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah, yeah, that's. that's a way to put yeah, the,
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the bottle talks between the north korean leader, kim jong moon and russian president vladimir, put and have finished at the bus stop the cosmo jerome in russia as far east washing reason. so sacred, struggling to defend its state solvent and protected security. now position development. and this of the he gemini, forces that oppose russia power meeting takes place at the special times. it was our country that was the 1st to recognize the silver and independent states of the dpr k, and helped it's clyde for its independence. ukraine. it targets russia stop all was 10 missiles and 3 unmanned boats leaving at least 24 people injured. and the ship building plants on fire and and these air.


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