tv Documentary RT September 13, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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of the commission found no evidence that the deceased was anything but a civilian or that he was otherwise directly participated in his still it is and to waste the outcome of the investigation conducted by the united states. the 603, a man who turned out to be innocent, civilian was killed during a us central command. drone striking the country's north west washington initially explained the target was a senior. i'll tell you to a member on following the stuff of the launch the form of an investigation whose outcome is yet to be published. while the false actually has claims that the country's military has become too focused on accounts of terrorism operations. instead of preparing for a possible war with china, from kendall, says the us could lose such a war unless it falls to adopt some changes. the threats of attack from violent extreme is organization still exists, and we will address those threats as they occur. but china is by far, our pacing challenge were tied, us falls less tending colonel talent across kolscott says that the us military does
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not learn from his mistakes on the organizational reforms on needed. it's not so much the air force people, even the equipment. it's our leadership, that's the problem. it's not the 1st, it's not the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th. it seems like we're not learning. this is a serious problem, not just relative to china. this is a series organizational problem. and i think um, why do we keep hearing and seeing these kinds of things? and of course the, the denials until it is actually proven, you know, they don't want to own up to mistakes that are made. and they're not learning from them. we're in big trouble as a, as a country. i don't think you can count on the us air force or other parts of our military to really defend us. i've seen published already, internal reports, interviews by people who are involved. that i said we told this general and we told our top leadership that we were not sure. and then when we became even less sure
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that we had killed the right guy, we told them and they didn't want to hear that. so most likely it will be written up to an error, maybe a miscommunication and intelligence or a just a, just as sorry, mistake. but i doubt we'll pay very much retribution to the family and we'll just go on and fail to learn enough. some final thoughts from the participants of the 8th eastern economic forum which took place in versus far east and the city of lundy will start. when we spoke with charlie thunder uni, administer of the ministry of industry of norma. he says that his country is not scared of functions because it has his own industries. the son, kids, is the effect on the input of the ruling materials on the deal. but the whole industry was a, based upon the local products local role meant to use. we piece of on the gods overall mccue's. therefore the we would like the sections to which
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stand full of full manufacturers. this is all to try to you. we have the own technology. it is not too high, but the which, which is still using our own technology to manufacture our needs as well. that the rep phenomenon is be discards and i'll be back again at the top of the hour with the latest news views analysis by $101.00 on say, i'll see you the, the history. yeah. the 2nd with them for me to set them. i'm going to do the i for the come skim allowed 0. sure left seem like charging me to what the shuts it up. that's what's the one in sibley mission is in. she said that sense of, i'm assuming african mallos. let's to continue to set them good,
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no matter who is particularly metric listed and board president sort of so that you will read your stuff. that cons, eat with her acceptable for terribly and it's out of always pressed or she could almost video those mean except which in crash. and then you might have to meet those magic listed. can you move the shows, movies, to what civil interested in national movie shows. i respect that real quick if measuring able to extend the support across, convincing them today, africa is on shackling the chains of slavery all over europe. it's of course the stuff will disagree with us, but the piece you have to go this with as the very top of your vehicle is quick. accessing it to us in florida, you know, it's almost or you think before that i think i'll keep telling me to, to, to really know how to do the stuff i'm going to need to for how data from content or you know, what day to day this was the last one, i know it's up, it's almost or not with the car to the euro, placing it from godaddy and i need to update the interest vehicle
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a to i over here. it's a pretty seen in the missing us with us going over her company. if you me a shift interest get complete of your show. young it'd be the what the order of what i was do she look through them to see what well she, fellowship smith the the this is a bridge. pretty minister, relevant guess going, says old, described the process. we have been engaged in drawing lines up on maps when no white mans, photos ever trod. we have been giving away mountains and rivers and lakes to each other. only hindered by this mountain impediment that we never knew exactly where the mountains and rivers were. the chests property, it was ice costing us to continue to assault on that going. you thought that i mean at the top will pity or article in your own and basically
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putting me i need somebody to explain the whole family much and how good it is. it would be a good i see time for 3. so i'm on but i'm kalama control my morning 10 yesterday at this point, but it wasn't usually researched which as of right to dash the to didn't put it down when do when the diesel version it just gives us, is that it did that a video to be that even your was the yeah, i mean a, i think, and that's what i wanted to use it to determine, you know, when the met him in the dim event. so if it is it x, one of these that he sits in x on is that table on it will change, you still must have the money for special on desktop. so there isn't that is an extra on the product you've decided to meet the goal piece,
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not to them of what so. so the a that exclusive or the money system for the method or easy my just thinking, if, if it doesn't matter, i found supposed to be an issue. so let's keep on the look down some of the key difference. it might be to convince the visuals. i'm afraid to pick it up, it can't even get to my this was the 50 and detective convenient alfonso plus that a lot like this one. this is a fit and i'm just taking the 5th a lot of alexi sounds good and yet it doesn't it, it, it, it. and if i'm not the, the any to continue the funding of definitely take a profit as a don't put them in the flow show as a minimum of a 50 percent off of the list the
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show my interest. remember, just to show you guys what is it from this to roughly it can not be. so it kind of look good because i know this important piece of intuitive clipboard or chester and i presume that extra booms one and a brief shift. we were searching for this with nimble switching everything. you do a dumb image of the change here. so it is 9 am really losing you, this should mean you did it just america, which is good for us, but it's immunization was no kim, i'm still put this down so it does go cooling, international fuel use that you should mean you get a blue 7th the interesting as an illustration of this, for just what the carpet prostitution, especially for the history, is just the it was put on the hand. them got the 1st
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step we need is a, can you hear me? this is equally visit with does it is the because with the, with the, with the showed image occurred and you have to and your super look the search as i mentioned, you can get out of hand and live at the top and then combine them to show that it has done that if you are going to different technicians to put in your comfortable, i mean show up showing you may assume or send that to them. and i said if you look through, i made it to this and you know, it didn't come through this, but i never knew for actually it is a full that much it uses actually in a rush hour for shipping. most of the people i mentioned before that so those are the existing grad processor of 9 year for that comes and it's almost like there's plenty more with, i know story success i put on it
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that she does have time you cuz he's using the cartoon as really of money told me these are the sundays lucius to dental the same. so basically, so the beginning of the know about the simplest frontier for the 1st one is the lady with some of the sensitive and with some w. just to me this out to you, if i you, but i'm not seeing you provided pointers, you provide the rest of your day at the window. do you get your p i or that is or given a be so might be done for the source. i need you to do the rise called the one that's 10 and not equal that 3. and let me use the female. i need to
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choose what kinda got to pick. i didn't come near what the but doesn't do that. they used to be in the private about friends you the issue. let me be by the way, i be not to do any but do model talk. i need to many i have better support if the we the democracy. if i basically got totally in the stuff by less unless you were to you for your school, if social social is going to out you my life, this is not a good thing for me. i mean the something you pointed me? nope, i didn't mind still just i need talk to 22. i guess maybe. yeah. the 1st of that will just be a little too much stuck in joe, but i'm usually done. i'm, i'm how come they, i believe what i see your point is still a minute. i'm nothing was all graphic with me. so i was terms of the way, but it's just getting up early next in the media and it shuts off. it goes to the
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store and so this is something, sir, it's garcia. you come down in the coming to you. i guess i've actually got some more than it pretty much just now monday night. tell me what you mean yet. these mean that course gives bostic. is this the mean of somebody in need of anything else? i know one monday across the top of my mind you guys get distributive. that'd be my medium. plus they've been out the measures so that includes super, super, super, super. so in any states, because you're really into some i'm from the p, looking with the constitution, the gnostic, me with complexity. so like long support. suppose the eric a true to look up the same thing yet for also stick f as in know motors him live with him. but and yet i didn't isn't i see nothing. i'm easy. of course. cook officially and then it's almost a nice night. i'm just the notion of pain yet for the for the i'm going to call so
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we, we need some, i sick. yes, we need the above. you a to kind of nice him see what i should input problem. so it's a with the sure. but should run us a country, this process which now slide the slide by seats. so when you cross that, you'll see just snipping, we set the tools in their car, and you're supposed to say that the professors can provide it, which i'm going to get you to swap francis know, assessing expenses, and plus your friendship is offered. you. i know we're going to do it for him to go on. you've offered to blue portion. i don't know whether the only portion front seat in front of it for the weather. please press one for new drug turns truck on your d a r be size for gifts to be do not receive the labels 9200 or less for an instant . i don't know if it goes get is pulling up or not sort of fence up my friend essentially nothing comes clean, docketed. when you watch these pick on so was
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putting in was so picking you put on so the sounds yeah. i mean, you guys have got to his of c a plus made me this. i pronounce that the kid from thing it doesn't. i'm glad the speech has to be that 1st with step 30. so i have provided these, but the more i put a guy, so i said in a what uh, such a square footage and so between what someone's inside and provide what they have to, to see for who is of the sort of safety plugins. but seems to me it puts in that, but i'm astonished as the 3rd could i see a more suspicious whom does that part so stuck on this is it was something i don't know if that's good as bullock it i seeing in the video. there's that, i think of that like when you're going to 0 or let's say this whole thing. so you need and it does not move on, will not have any special interest in africa. it's not looking for any benefits for itself that yeah, it's interested in developing good relationship, promoting corporations and exchanging cultural values epic on. so you might see this month in the collect the value in your cut,
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the records of its 90 smells upwards. you smart them after, so can usually can i me just giving you suggest searching student services, but that will just keep the activity me and you know i can use the crown yet. can i ask, is there any of with kirkwood or is it a little boy it will just be more wise. no. go somewhere near born for proper some of the city and i'm of with nash move to the authority levels you it's, you might say, what does i think that it's, it's a bit see a strong category was this uh, uh, with some lots of sit on the left sky, there's more ship a live in the a concert or russian state. never as one of the most sense community best most i'll send send up the in the 65 with the keys 195 and speed you one else calls. question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin media mission, the state on rochester day, and split the ortiz full, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you say steven twist, which is the, by most of the no name was on, i mean, terms of got it. yeah. in order for the lower ability, when, when is the check? i can be out see what we want to set up like what the issue
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most of the associates involved in negotiations and agreements on economic and technical cooperation. we're going to get to in the ussr and the republic of symbolic way, when it was signed in the kremlin. this was my 1st visit to the soviet union enough to us in, but we attain these independence. the only theater really needs to be to use the work is we by using but with ease of use with the russell southern visions of uh, sanctions. so the calm is in the fire to against and you know, this sanction but cool. and then to that extent, as regions they share the same positive and series of assumptions of what would be surprising that is, is on the side of the russian production. reserved for, for what the new mine was the from her typing right for. so as soon
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as i perform the session, we met to non africans the minus the number that i see to. so i don't believe i slice correspond to somebody that does that. but, and she said it was on the postcard, it does come from, but one which i'm going to go sort of the front of in about. but that will still function by check on accordance. and as i click on skating and keep by me, look at the them, start searching activities to be able to xena a frustrated new good, the thoughts a if thoughts as and you left fits in, you should category modeling, and then yes, well i picked for you with the 3rd question premier, as i shift to or thoughts a studio scheduling looked at as well. sir, for the cons gift that we have through stomach virus, i'm city day. so what else? and then grab that you plus what to do with thoughts and the shift for that was to mishap that with that of to i'm not, i'm not the full set of for to care for the concept for you both wherever that is
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there anything you monitor? if it is showing, if they're not some of that, do you mean besides the talk nash it'll save. yeah. so i will display as i pull him that cd i've when i'm the cartridge to, sonya pulls up on you post. that was there in the hub creed. it's a bit, it's 2 days to follow up with that. is you pretty well? sure. it's the depth of the ocean. walter put, get the right side of things. just off the ground floats up, wizard chain. you just ask always a couple guys that the cost to sonya, by the way, i need the big lesser i have to be just wouldn't be deceptively suggested across gifts. would you get this picture would stop same period or what is the vine years to death? suddenly plus 2 pins, which one you have to do without showing opinion last on you're familiar with what we should, i should have gone to that sort of, which is pretty much a shame here. scott came, it certainly needs they might be used with. key to name is gaby of that will be what if you can see it is the cause of it. what's, what's out there with flava vocal with? i've got to, if they woke up with me, the one that looks like what, when it should sit on the perfect, i'll skip, grab it of 70 minutes or so i'm going to say it's concise,
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isn't invest upset. they should choose so much. or at least a piece of them forgot the name is, let me just you want, that's a card that got those in there. so it's can say who's watching like the shoes. and if you are christian, we plus the cost gifted around the menus. do you have to do you have them so if the doors in that spot said, no, it's new. do what a suggest for the middle with some oh really. but i was just like, what sort of med center, what the visual menus that are in the gates to money in providing them with what you cartoon, what your 3, excuse me, can you sort of sense that was what your notice covers across grip is the only thing floors in the history chimney, q u smith towards it got voted for crying need is somebody know, so i just go say it was a here's is relying and why least of which if there was kids, what kind of, what if we knew differential skinner stone i'm 0 with it. these look natural up. she. yes, richard ready? bottles, kit once i've sent for the one, my posts the cash just but i need the notice. i was deposited on the account you
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out of the schools. money in on some ships. the thing you should be pretty, a couple keeps up, must be on for the 1st machine meal. this at the old in front of my for most of us, my mom. we moved too much just because that's what i'm going to tell you that that, that it would. uh, but the rest let's to oh no, it was it will show the representative of most of the lady did she's here to the
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the home a movie which usually did the what it was. no, no, it was but then we just give them the e because you nationalist is one, shows self study and wounds, but when you want me to lift your mazda motor practice model to do is have to do with berkeley getting this over to the 30. yes. that's the, that's the no, you did the nothing worse than a human to. is it nationally seen only mean yes. deal with them on
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you know, so now i'm just giving you what we just moved here was throwing us up. right. so when we us it'd be nice to you. yeah. of the lot that will be just based on what that will give a place to be nice or to them. i left somebody, not so call up to date which pretty to go through studies the for us to be the interest or something like that or with you with i will not support you in my that yes, i will show what you in the rest today behind them available to see some of you, but i've definitely so let's go through what was the start of the, of the, of the c by addition which you yeah, the, i mean, i got them, i live with much and that's what the identity of so the physically dependency tough because more comfortable with of what the f one must expect for months is system in phoenix. oh, you are the
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or the source it will be associated with this on the used as pross, national or just over saying after gasket. but i'm one class and it could cause processors motion. my thing a bit is about my shift and there's one condition we're going to college. there's plenty of kept. what are, what us, you have a chance of the commerce that's good and associates solutions in thomas o option college was due the fact that it comes to the categories. yes, which is what i see. and what's to me, not least you will start at that point, but yeah, continue to cut the score to spend it the for just was originally follow familiar of them. there's what the car dealership not showing up in front of another book
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just for initially there are limits environment. well, not of, of i just not sure i'm not showing up side routes and then over worthy, you'll notice the suggest took care of the class, give you by me, my 0 that's good with those. and so goes on yet. so i your best brand name if you buy sure without true because of it. so i'm not sure if that's not showing you that out there to resign. if the rest of africa got daughter pressure will sort you look to be made so that they should, that it's not something i don't see if they're on the bullet. but it started in the, with the intro to sickness, but i see it was of issued some of the cool. so i think and they're supposed to get you to the 1st knew what the other 2. and that's what i need, what those are definitely concepts does a lot of the students, which in the versions glitzy just get economically assuming it's you, is this my supervisor know, look for the key lendy bundles. you have, you found intellectual, my, you know, your page is to see if i'd be t z. there was a v. c course. you have to see this one of any of the money. you know, they apply interpreter as you'll see with us and they've finished presenting by the
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q. then you see the and people to see the numbers before. so what kids the engine is, if you knew what the case on for what was your initial free to create that would be your truck near for these got cut on think of a sundays in sundays video games started left to my son is i la kids i'm much effective level bless you see the point at the tempted by the concession and deducing the lender. so you have a deep look study that even the book. so if you really don't see that,
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that was really much more they may need visiting for the traffic coming from the from bosh bosh for your continued discussion about dropping off some water in the back of the dressing information on the kitchen now . so you can let me just see when you see a double practicing part, they pulled it off of the concept. look on you for this aging out very simple. the shipment, the by the 2100 about 40 percent of the planets population will live in africa. the
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and much more. this is why there are some who want alternative for germany. the under the watchful eye of the west of the present and kim john owns meeting wraps up and rushes far east with both sides of green sea boost ties. russian has reason and so sacred struggles to defend its state solving and protected securities. you know, position germany force always brought. our new team takes place at a special times. it was our country that was the 1st to recognize the silver and independent states of the dpr k and helped it's applied for its independence. the news on to us and the functions of bug firing were the punitive measures serving a blow to develop economies around the globe wants to go into the world trade organization. a quick warning of assessing images that had bodies was open
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