tv Documentary RT September 14, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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used in syria. moreover, we know the aside regime was responsible in the days leading up to august 21st. we know that a sides chemical weapons personnel prepared for an attack near an area where they mix certain gas. we know senior figures in a sides military machine reviewed the results of the a tech and the regime increased. they're showing of the same neighborhoods in the days that followed. we've also studied samples of blood in hair from people at the site. the tested positive for sarah. well, that's a rough this friday morning here in most go do you head over to the websites for more than any of those stories? if not, i'll be back again at the top of the hour with that know that gone down to all the like the the
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was you got it for the room. middle group on we'll call below gains of shown in the corner was sunni day. can you get a guy? they're going share scalable data. so the league on sony day, the, the, you know, what i mean, you got it. see what i mean, the little boy, you know, these went out in the face. the most of the for the lower ability. when, when easy chickadee can be out also when we go to sony bugs to neighbor so we can see what's going on see this building so that up put it into the about the problem of a level would have you followed along with it in for me you will see then you'll slow down the long body on went up was inside, what do you do? she did does equity fund? them? like i say, like i said, i would have the vision that go sure. don't live in soon
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a good friend sullivan. so these are the, the, the issue, the fund but sold in the me a just calling to see what was the and these are the middle, what the result i g good. it'll bind always, always be a 2 by 8 on it or none. the less of, you know, when you have seen it, i don't know me. can use that as owners, some of the people still go on except for the bundle, but so the, the color of the said on the, do you guys got a full and you only but they have so many of them are comics to deal with these are they available in showing sammy or gains underneath. so the way these already like when you get the full by good solid, by the can i just did you get my like a bustle to form a new but when he got it, sonya and what you can look at if i'm your model, see be that you know, well yeah, more say about then take it down to name or you mean then come to,
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i mean for which is the city police the one knowing on see, i'm a little focused on what i loved. you know, so you have been, you mean to them on the go in the ability to look for to lead me think the projects we're going to run into issues that are built, that you're going to know the angle, the way to do when you, when the middle, defend a ball, but the one that took out of that season when the bill always so a little bit as a chest, so i might on guess i'll just send them lineup of new we still most likely to do this is because of the things i got, you'll be able to do a portfolio for games that she paid on the enormous a. so cindy that i got the, you know, it was don't get, she normally quits is all i need you. they are using it for the front of the office . so it was like, well gene colleges can actually pull up some of the, the vin, whether there's any value, maybe g soon as possible is out of the problem. unless you wanna do one of the
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ceiling, you may have to go. that's fine. yeah, that was the sort of outage in mind. you can move on. so i wonder if either of you you are, you're the one of them. when i show that we start, i'm finding the most of the cheese. so i knew that the doctor, she has about 30 she's studying into yeah, i get up. i have to be, she's to be able to see that what i appreciate, what i told him, great e k i m b r to the nato coordinator. she say, i'm k closest b i, b b a r e a the, with the lawyer down a card at the bottom. i see a demo on florida. we present in illinois. i said in that case, and i want to see if maybe you can find me that on the bus up to the portal for the about the, the, the thought is you can get even though even though i'm about to combine your daughter. cool. so they're gonna find you the most of the,
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most of those are mine with the for so gal facilities. it's you that over again. essentially what i got on the visual for just to give us update. oh, beautiful was the got him a lot of it. so like you was annoyed deed as a little girl for and bodies with the, with the, the other one and she's doing what do you want to see if it came up with them or something with a bunch of issues that i've been with them. and i go on and when he died and it'll be on your mind. i go to one another, you will save up pretty much within. yeah, i see a guy similarly the the,
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the, the, you know, maybe i'm a little bit, are you a little more likely in the front of it on the i knew that you live on, did you present the on the volume or lower the name on the same was the old, don't need to get these. going to be going to a mazda young, easy, the vintage inquiry on the boy miss of the cool meal. but uh, you have a key, no big load. you can do the units on people. 13, did you need if i chose the other ones, the only way to do they go to georgia on means is going to get 40 scores from you. i was gonna see what i, what are the a monthly fee is you or am i have 2 more to put a guide you even, but there is a senior and was going to the me, but the most even senior. but the, the waste of your mental, but it shouldn't be with the
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group the other 2. can you read on a couple things on the other one? show the and see. i mean, i'll throw out us when i click on sony clicking noise to go through it. i'm afraid i can look them up. it will be notion t income theater. the cool a for you. so any idea of this, so they'll be on one with each other in the way of going on a few made on the same idea of what the of the content, the sort to get more to what kind of
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a content thing and show this was flooding is showing us what i'm but the and have you ever met to make the certificate, but it saves you and it made it easier to get from you or your agend thanksgiving day. like you take the, the affiliated with the ones that we have on both of those a library to tell them to move into to and i'll get over to the same page without any of us as utah goes or, you know, see, go ahead and go find them,
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if you guys want me to go to the most fun carrollton women and you'll get that in your present the you don't get an idea of the 7 is, can you read all those? have to verify the photos of it as a video seals with i was going down. okay, i can stop us. i'm going to do this. i'm going to run them with you guys. i never thought it was the the level see me that when he got to come, which i can throw in the of the the,
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me a condo, but the muscle so and so what did he about tv? i g. so sudden sea and body seen him. what do you see, what's the memory edition, thought and i will sort of to, to send them that. so the game changed. the big issues of a lot more, you know, check, see what it all pulled up and get then secondary impulse to get somebody to go to see if at all. nope. did you get you over them? oh, you got to use your land another way and that is that going 1000? 0 my god. i'm nothing wrong. leave us, you know. go to say yes here in the visor is finding rules. so
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yeah. slash the scan the scanner and what was the reason for my feeling that somebody's need ruthie me. i need to speak to ms on mrs. can anybody but i'm going to go and she then says get to what's already been the money, but it was great. the ad isn't going to the visually to sports, so i know it could be of i think, watching the most lose agree with it too. god forbid of that going thought it even will deal to just being on the being. i need to show it over as soon as, but y'all, it, even though i'm not sure if i can talk, elaborated on the phone as good as even come on. one of them probably going to hear the goals.
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hancock was a homeless kind of deal them, some bogus the of it, there was a little spin out the limits and was there so was on your side of your side will metadata? you know, dallas can be on the side one by the name name was as though is the, is the name was the numbers and they don't it, or some of them are those basis? well, they're like in a lot of them no anymore. what that means that no, you know, stairs together, is it just wearing outside the domains like a supplement there on the level, but as soon as you mean, oh good. i know what it is um. well, most gave me an meano's beginning of it, but his ear, cuz i'm bit of this loop as book. so bear with me cuz i'm pretty beat us. you know, they don't even pocket because the manuals go to some boom. i'm the one i'm, what do you me that is who so for the most what her name is carolina parking the the on the phone interview and we have them up again, i guess bid this. so maybe it needs a movie and it looks like it really goes. it goes campbells, like when it says,
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oh my god, no, as i'm what are you? there was a ticket and yet when i got and went up here and there was a, i gave a good the video to, you know, it says own name. boom, boom, boom, go, yeah, no, it would all. but could these, i guess, i guess, i mean, as i'm probably being on the front of me, just look it up. let's get to see if you guys are doing a follow. cuz if that's you want you to look into getting those up for you. okay. so we went on based on those eights fleming data, the junior on the me 3017 points that are not up to you. i will get your phone number
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in fact, just get off the phone for like where like ones or even do the on the internet once a piata, me phone, throwing the ottoman contradictions to anything at all. not submitted to the army s . we found the audit to get onto the course of wednesday. it was a, well not even a funeral on or you had the cheapest. and it was a by then it goes to that might be that people send vantage expenses. anything that the, the general secretary young sultan burton. cuz acknowledge the decision to enter ukraine last year was to prevent nato from expanding into the country reclaimed. it was an unprovoked invasion. this propaganda, the west ukraine narrative is on the
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garage of business in the system. the screen of them must be why, but just keep them in the system with key at the washington state, the bruce the computer system, the phone of send this to, to talk to you for the list of all of a huge because they use the color people's the level side, a level of photo political snapped off my ditching of 95. go to the terminal on uh,
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a dealership on east samuel mark. see still any, see a time or you somebody bring out the mail and the rest. what does that invite them? not somebody stuck in the deductible, and then will i be able to, i gotta keep the, my $30.00 money, diety, all paid the master adult bull. and the other that you said the, the, on the main thing we took on that on the amount of the complete equipment. but they lock up with a little time before she start getting rid of it. let me just to let you pop up on video. the loud, the i'm just sort of main filled up with the k, the 600. i don't know. how many got definitely vasquez, my name is out of the fed. zonal name uh, calling east. i mean, you took nice trying to send a man onto fascist a spend the to year off my eyes the in the same the please that i can be great. and it was call my and of a had the own girl come up, name will jungle. and we stay for one in sierra to whether you filed the for
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7 years in the us the 1st time. and when i arrived the newest that something wrong got into the unit of id, i don't say nothing to other people. some of these after what's going for your mind, that at the end it was one of the that's my name. but if i'm not sure it is the leg up still mean i'm not on the but i'll send it, but i'm not the way i'm talking to word. i have to sort of mostly jobs but took a moment and sparsely the ceiling. don't my ceiling isn't really going to see. i'm just double video content and stories is the most. that is fine. yeah. the yeah, the mess you go daddy. one that'd be so that we stick them, but they want, if i choose what i've been with them, but then for she's most base. so what's up with him or did julie mills in the mazda of love would lead to
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issue with adding issues gives her mind on my soccer and then they sent me a quick check on the claims keys, metal music. you could do it for the way it gives you an estimate for the sending in about the use of fits your. let me just search for this. so let me me 0. it is because of the, the, the bins, the animal possession of the screen. so presumably built up with the 1st 1st gc
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ever particularly looks like the as the money and the planet was it, as will show off shows use stage live on the little list is a comma to eat. the 3rd suspicious is often useful is short. zillah g got the mueller is now shows you what i need and usually what, but almost federal. 32, it says up put and get this invest alumni. she only goes to issued the live on the out of doors. must clear up this go someone's opinion. goshen city often. that's okay. but tell me up a footstool and your zip code what you've corresponds in the family. know. yeah. and the way up to choose my frequency, chiseled 90 stick. it broke through,
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stuck with she had to push luck with me. this land motion was on that. the financial. is it the the assistance to live with us 1st coffee i lose. oh is this is natalie? yeah. me. it's when i put it in these days because of that the deal is in the beach and i guess they will flush the score and the roots. yeah. but it isn't showing me just for. yeah, monday is that not some issues i'm on dish and that shouldn't be too lovely. jeannie, this is over on a news, it gets sort of when you want. if so please, what did you push a particular? this means that the measuring that would have says a, so i'm going to feel like i'm gonna ship new scenes miss that will come out of mine . and she has to refinance the g to bomb and you take any cell phones that i'm glad
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i can certainly something you can try to find on the items you know, can i and i'm, i go them know, creating the field on my side where to from die you um, oh oh, you know? yeah, a lot of people that the wind don't toward that to the west and account was go home . and we to that gratian to rush him for the show, not the someone don't want that we thought. and so our problem and now it's just to keep up the, our forces holes together and try to make a change in our county the way. yeah. and stuff. once you go on to the tiny apple p and not a, i don't know a i find that or the source of the that main drag by is it? well, you thought it was saying, and they would all talk with rock on the next was charlie on the phone on the side
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that a mock you got the fax it in uh for what i see on the noise on the queen piazza after the bus stop yeah, i mean i talked to somebody, so i told them what you're telling me. i mean, she's energy really in general and almost went to the back of the game. they're going to be moved into the middle. renita is id. be able to scroll as i need. uh, if i got a albany legos and she really need the phone in law and they'll, they don't know chad totally. i mean these go to the will be with you as you read the the, the done. yeah. who ways are getting so many bit of advice useful? been going quando and i've been sort of the, she does even in the box and you know, 20 but she's so i can see a but there's one that i got a line or see a few entity bill push into i think it was it, but be meant that bobby, that able to break the
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when it came back from the don't less suddenly it was a difficult to really infinity, shown quits, plain that they owe their point of view of the swore on the point of view of people are of a known less than the point of view of and they were creating an anti fascist they point of view of russia ends. so up and some think that it was incredible to us of the 1st time that the tenant that the, the tanya and secret service may get um, some of us here about, uh, 12 people that, that's not to go any more into the nation. i was one of these sort of a people and so since, since that's the steps to work in the entire international because i think that to be done and go or month just that they quoted that from the american government,
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the template of a think what i'll do is you, i'm going to be the, the general and go to tell you that because of the vehicle you and to really just been just open monday and on. must have been, was all the emails that i sent out to the entry, sort of the immediate see any of any on that? what was, you know, the other for on the it's in the us, one out of the. so going to get signed up with him, but we want to know when to insure it for the out the i've been was other was he the only i'll be up to the objects to him, to me,
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to put towards the waste. so in the video, when they'll be able to actually forget to like, i don't want them to actually send over the phone. yes. so that gives you shed a southern w out, the more 20 got to you. but give me a soon for the, the when, when you use any sort of, or somebody to go out inside the get a moment on the, on the, in the most us to say, i don't think over in the school into interviews will go to a good place other the or the
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a 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalist view, astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they built the scene of us consultation camp a place associated with the worst of trustees committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the santa of us, campbell who renders the gods to which it to arise and the prisoners they send in the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide the
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the crushes were criminal. propagandists will all be hunted down and just as will be served. an american transgender spokes, person for the ukrainian military openly threatens russian generalists fucking criticism from moscow might have left. a reaction from the west also had the utility, an island of long pen dues, a declared the states of emergency after nearly 8000 my been slung in the last 3 days alone, assembled in the entirely islands population on the debt. so from the devastating floods in libya surpasses 11000 with officials saying that the number could
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