tv Documentary RT September 15, 2023 11:30am-12:00pm EDT
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as the flawed wave surprised us and took us quickly, the situation was sold dia that we couldn't even make it to all costs. we found ourselves post on the roof of falls. house, those who left in the costs during the torrents. god has taken those lives and we pray for me mostly for them. the only thing i know for sure is that a lot of people still unaccounted for include in taurus in the morning, security services immediately took action and launch search and rescue efforts for her. because out of following torrential rains caused by hurricane done, you know, to dump 1st off stream from the city of during the on monday as a result, entire neighborhoods, bridges and roots were washed away without warning. a note to me to find the following image as upsetting openness with thousands of bodies wrapped up in blankets of being seen on the streets and up in the moss hill. rescue teams including those from abroad, are still searching for victims under the rubble. the distress has unified the
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country citizens, but in fighting between political functions as complicated logistics, local residents, and during a spoke to us, the kind of, well, all the families were asleep at home and unexpected floods swept through the city and completely submerged area. i remember the what are reaching the height of approximately 10 meters and this went to possibly 11 and how many humans got the city submergence on the day of the disaster can be attributed to the dams failure. just hours before the floods came, the situation seemed to manageable as local authorities were able to keep the flooding under control done, however, on the dam's rupture caused a huge problem and resulted in flooding, which killed many people from the tragedy. was your military and assistance from around the world, how speed arriving in libya, not including the russian aid with cargo, touching done in the country buyer or a transport among others providing help. our kids are 30 and the u. b and some
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european countries as well. some hard hitting remarks from the head of the un agency to the chief of the world mister a logical organization sees the aftermath of the flooding wouldn't have taken so many lives of systems and government had worked with better functioning coordination in the crisis rack country. they could have issued a warning and the emergency management authorities would have been able to carry out evacuation of the people and we could have avoided most of the human casualties . since the security situation in the country is so difficult, it's difficult to go there and improve the situation. well, the so called security situation has played libya since 2011, when nato forces intervened in the country to take all it to move market duffy who had led the nation for decades. the events resulted in the north african states. this integration, which is not being governed by 2 opposing forces and all the strife that comes with that. earlier we spoke with guess about the political situation in tripoli,
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the how that has affected the response to the natural disaster. i don't know, i was protected by the state of dance, 2 main ones. the last time these terms were maintained was in 2002. and they were due to their major maintenance and 2012. but of course in 2011 video wasn't david and no maintenance was done in 2012. and nothing was done last year. 2022. the ministry for both parties or citizens allocated 30376000000. libyan denies, which is a substitution amount of money to do the worth of projects in the east of the country. but this money was i never received because of the nature of the competing governments. i'm competing executive buddies or they were mismanaged. all of this is because libya, a stable, well developed, a country was destroyed,
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this army destroyed governments and institutions. universities, i know 12 and a half years later, but the country is still suffering. the reason if this is pure, pure, a see and negligence, and complete corruption. it is the corruption of the system and the creed of some of the people in charge is the reason for the dams not being well maintained. these fragile dams have not been maintained for decades, and they were not prepared for what came. it was not an actual disaster, is it is, is not as a negligence, it's not a natural disaster as much as it's negligence. well, libya is not the only country suffering the full i'd from western initiated regime
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change. new revelations by pilots or a prize winning journalist seymour her suggest to us presidents disregard intelligence reports if they don't fit the north. one answer is that it is now and accepted the reality that presidents in the post 911 era don't hesitate to manipulate in lie about even the most competent of the intelligence reports. if they do not fit into their political agenda, we'll see more hearse went on to reveal the us intelligence wasn't aware that the syrian terrorist groups were producing chemical weapons in 2013, whoever at washington chose to withhold auth instead accusing damascus, president this out of carrying out a deadly chemical attack in the good to suburbs. archie correspond a shape always picks up the story from their if anyone knows what's going on behind the scenes in washington, it's veteran award winning journalist seymour hersh. and his latest work is
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shedding light on the la carte attitude of american senior politicians to intelligence. if it fits the narrative, it's relevant if it doesn't, it's ignored. and that certainly seems to have been the case back in 2013 in syria when a brutal chemical weapons attack was carried out against the civilian population. of course, the selective treatment of intel is nothing new, according to hersch back in 2013 a u. s. military intelligence support into our kite affiliates. i'll news from chemical weapons capacity was intentionally concealed, as it would have interfered with the ongoing regime change operations syria. once again, the welfare of the order we serious people came a poor 2nd to the necessity of the c. o u, a mission to overthrow the government. a busher a side down this reference associated. so in production sell is the most advanced. so employed sense ok either pre $911.00, that fort arrests in the rock into the have disrupted the sales operations. however,
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we assessed the intent to produce advanced chemical weapons remains previous intelligence. community focus has been almost entirely on serial chemical weapons stockpiles. now we see all those restaurants attempting to make it sound kind of cool weapon purchase article is quite clear that despite being warned by a senior military official, that the chemicals use didn't match syria and chemicals. president brock obama instantly inconveniently blamed the syrian government for the attack. no one disputes the chemical weapons were used in syria. moreover, we know the aside regime was responsible in the days leading up to august 21st. we know that besides chemical weapons, personnel prepared for an attack near an area where they mix certain. yes, this remarkable, selective blindness. when it comes to burying inconvenient intelligence in favor of more narrative friendly information, was put to one of the sources for his insightful article. and the response was telling,
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as it is shocking the da's assessments as i have reported on now the intelligence of choice inside the white house. so the question remains, why the, the intelligence not get to the white house. i put that to a senior intelligence official after shaving the paper with him. his answer was that it wasn't obvious, hold petite, and it was ignored for political expediency. just as much of the sea ice country boarding going to fail ukraine offensive has been ignored by blinking and all the forwarding bullets officials into binding the administration. and of course, despite the obvious failure of the crating and counter offensive, it seems the head into sign to approach the brains, but will feel was, is being widely practiced by the very same white house officials who had such a central role in creating this bloody calamity ultimately, that's really what's the, the heart of this and the reason that i remain very confident ukraine's ultimate success, which is that they're fighting for their country for their future, for their freedom. the russians are not. well, it's been said that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. and
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it's so when the ukranian conflict ends, we can expect to see the true extent of us influenced being key of. and if their track record in a rack where they accepted flawed intelligence, as it suited their narrative and syria, where they ignored reliable evidence for the same reason or anything to go by. it will be a picture of a selective truth deployed to support the narrative rather than accepting the reality that the proxy war against russia was probably doomed from day one. yeah, i put the chaise main points. there are 2 former us intelligence officer and host of the whistle blowers show john kerry echo, who stays up the us, and that's the allies follow a politicized course. with high considering the role fox, the decision making process in the united states is, is holy and solely political. it's usually not based on the intelligence. and we can go back into history. i mean, recently back into the 1960,
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it's beginning with decisions to go to war against vietnam. this is something that is not new, but it's wrong. no matter how you look at it. this imposition of unpopular and unwise positions on the rest of the of the nato alliance points to long term damage where, where other nato countries are either unwilling or unable to stand up to the united states. that log us policy becomes nato policy. and once the policy is set, it's almost impossible to change because changing it would be an admission of failure. and so once these incorrect, these improper decisions are made and the nato alliance runs with them, it just points to a do college. ready and a long term failure on the part of the, of the alliance. okay, i'm exciting. i've been to tell you all about no,
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because we're all aboard for expedition, seventies, the bike and or customer jerome is about to launch a russian saw use m. s 24 spacecraft to the international space station, crewed by a team of to russian cosmonaut. and on the american stroke, we're just looking at live pictures now being supported at lawrence site, on the deep dots to where we cross live. our to corresponded to my email is shar, is waiting for the rumble on funder of the launch site. now, at the unanticipated space event, this take us through it. as we are right now, i'd be by to north cosmo drone. this is where you already got gar. in the 1st human that ever flew to space departed from and today it is
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a busy space. puerto operated by a restaurant, a pause. that's done right now, we are actually a waiting the launch of the say use and as 24 spacecraft. now this is a 40 meters tall space grab that is going to be taken to russia. cost $1.00 off n one american as for an off to the international space station. now the law is going to happen at any time now in a few seconds. but uh, originally it was supposed to be we russian call someone else that would go to add on this mission. but the american us throughout laurel o hara replaced the russian cosmonaut as part of keeping at least one nasa astronaut and one roast cost most uh customer not uh on each of the crews rotation missions. so what this would essentially means is they would ensure that both countries, in this case restaurant and the united states would have
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a presence on the station. now uh right now uh after the launch the costs menard's will be spending one year on their mission in space and the astronaut will be back to earth in spring in this upcoming year. now right now it's uh, the launch is going to happen at any 2nd. now we're expecting it at any moment. and uh, once we have that, we will, uh, start the count down. yeah. as you can see, probably behind me you can actually see the spacecraft from far away and be i think we have around a few seconds maybe a minute before the launch at and uh yeah, we'll just start the count down now and uh wait for it to happen, but uh this uh, this uh, mission also proves the uh,
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spears in which russia and the united states, uh, cooperate, specifically the space spear. and it seems like this is the only, sir, despite political tensions in which both countries still successfully managed to cooperate with one another. so when talking to the customer most and as for not a few days ago during a press conference here in, by putting or uh, well asking them about the cooperation between both of the countries they both see the customer else and as for now, where very much okay, okay, here the, so this is the loans, the,
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that was the very much a weighted loss of these i use the m s 24. and this mission really proved to have the potential that we have if we just cooperate with one another and listen to one another, part of the is sure they're taking us through that. i was we could just hear in the box from their resume. it was speak in the tiers, which i always find when i'm covering events like this. it's a mixture of jubilation, and also released the families of those cosmonaut send us just being able to really enjoy that part of the culmination of their life. going up to space and staying
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there as we move a thing for a year or so it will be spending new years. there are other children across they utilize quite elephant and that that is expedition 70, around 3 to 3 hours, 15 minutes it will take the get to the i s s f problem. now as you can just so you got them like just getting further and further we had to reiterate speeds into the cosmos. so a little bit later in the day, we will return to that and just make sure everything went okay. it did appear the blasters went off without a hitch. we heard all those cheers, which is always a good sign. it was a little bit at fearful that something could happen when you're dealing with such a gigantic technology, but everything appears to have gone ok for those 2 customer notes on the austin of launching off to the i. s. as above that russian saw use m. s. 24 craft as i say, we will return there in a few hours just to make sure everything as regards the ducking of that onto the
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international space station happens as it is supposed, as the washington plans to withhold 18. $5000000.00 in military aid to egypt over human rights issues on a failure to uphold us conditions on freeing political prisoners. by the way, us senator chris murphy. yeah, i've spoken at times he has gone all and he's urging the whitehouse to withhold an additional $235000000.00 to the nation. back to this or regular early jailed for spreading false news about human rights violations. over and over again. the government's play book is just the st. shut down. voices that are critical of the government throw in jail. people who don't comply, administration rightly decided to withhold that 1st crunch $85000000.00 tied to the release of political prisoners because there's just no correction. there has not
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been enough progress, but what about the remaining 235000000? i'd argue that the answer is just as simple the by the ministration needs to hold the line. it just a point to either important part. there's a major section of the phones are to be redirected to taiwan, while another $30000000.00 are to be sent to live in. the us is accusing egypt of dealing more political prisoners down. it has released despite heavy on medical pressure chips yet to risk on your own in response to a similar move from the us egypt president l. c. c. made it clear that this company would not give it to western pressure. we heard from a geopolitical expert in cairo, who say support from the us usually comes with strings attached of the congress, including the senate. and the house of representatives. try to impose specific western norms on the kitchen culture. and this is not going to work.
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egypt is pursuing a very ambitious bad strategy towards human rights in egypt. united states is giving 10 school regions of dollars. now those that don't unable to connect to 3 g, which is ukraine. ukraine is that the category. there are lots of violations of human rights. and a lot of corruption and the, you know, this, why do they do it? the, or the egypt alone? why don't they the sanction you claim, simply because ukraine serves its purpose. okay. you're watching it for a lot of our t international use. another story to bring at to your attention this friday pocket study military rates have targeted block market and money exchanges in an effort to
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safeguard the countries faltering rupee. indeed, in the face of most of dollars smuggling into neighboring of dallas, them, the nation's army has posed the country's entire currency industry. at local reporter mohammed, all reef can tell us more. the place where i'm standing right now has been the regions biggest trade center for centuries, and was a junction of international trade between daily summer kind and the far the location is still crucial for regional trade to the stay. throughout this room, china has started trading as i've gamma in countries around us have already said good bye to the us dollar. but pakistan remains constrained by a tax stands power for military establishment recently rated and close to the currency market to stop the dollar smuggling. it's about to get us dollars completely vanished from the market during that period with currency dealers disappearing completely local traders and other people say, leasing not the right solution for the problem in that pakistan needs to trade.
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alternative currency is done to finally and it's dependency on the dollar. just find the somebody say, just produce done is willing to freed. so from america's subjugation to end dependency on dollars to get the freedom from strictly on his condition. cuz as of right now, i'm like, octopus is just a month. i best solution is to trade in local currencies, which on a bus to most due to the way of motion, guys in your trade, in a new one with the regional trade with our neighbors have that we know europe as far away from year. they are comfortable with trade in the indian dollar, but we should prefer one region under conflict of a trade in u. n. m. i believe chinese products traded here will be useful in pakistan. i just thought i would insist to use the chinese currency is that the best alternate is the us dollar will slide and the value of the pakistani root b will rise if we link it to the chinese currency. yeah, look, our biggest weakness is we are slaves to american women. unfortunately, we are independents, but only see a radically not practically because what the americans ask us. we do that. there's
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like the other countries prefer to trade in their own currency or to go to alternate currency is one part or through imports and exports in pakistan must follow that mechanism to break the chain of slavery or economy will grow this way or currency will strengthen for that you need to end america. slavery. yeah. has to be, will be if they had taken effective steps in the past to stop the dollar smuggling situation would have been different today. our inflated electricity bills and prices of a central food items are linked to dollars. oh, alright, that is where we leave been use drop for it all in our t international, but do join me again at the top for more at all or fridays. big news stories and there has been quite a few. i'll bring the developments to you and talk to you then. the the,
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a profit. silver sign of the colonization was the uprising of black slaves in haiti that remote island, reduced almost half of all the sugar on the planet. sooner was made by d as in franchise slaves, broad from africa. scene 1791. they started an uprising against their oppressors. the black swept away the colonial administration and formed their own army. it was led by that charismatic leader, francois dominique tucson. love at york. ranks attempts to regain control of the colony were unsuccessful. having comes up, our napoleon dispatched a large expeditionary force to haiti. the french manage the caps or to saul love at your by defeats, but they could not suppress the rebels and suffered at the staging defeats on january 1, 18 o $418.00 declared independence. the 1st one in the whole latin america. however,
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freedom was paid for with the blood of 200000 courageous haitians who had sacrificed their lives for the abolition of slavery on our planet. the events and haiti were the only successful uprising of slaves in history when they not only through of slavery, but also began to rule their state. the we are in the darkest, on one of the most ethically, and culturally diverse regions on the entire planet. as you make your way through the stop you will discover, each region is known for its own unique arts and traditions the
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it comes to movies too much . and we have some more for someone who is this relationship to the the as they already started the cps because they kept the scroll. so i'd be search and then use familiar email fewer which is great if in to the urls the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style. for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes to the full prisoner of war. labor comes 10. prisons really well, you know,
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think she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the chest really to get all the things going. assuming people's going to sit in approximately 25000 people, went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff suddenly level if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff to the youngest. i mean, you know what the found in disease forced labor to which it, by the word simple use. what was it in the last it also need, you know, the words to tape it to you that, that it's a terrible human off with those who put in his name, push these things up to give her what she meant to do it because he doesn't do those thousands of test, a massive crimes and the impunity of criminals. so when you look on here, you know, wanted to do to speed on the on the did i tell you yeah, for the good i see you don't really supplement they decided to do. just got to do,
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please don't tell us being yes. i was looked at the word along the of the ukraine's military spokes person, at least partly and observers of elections and don't boss, which includes journalists about shortly after she said to you as a 3rd things would quote, hunt dog journalist, a report russian side of the car is the mom's, it's french artist syndicate separate artistic legs with 3 african countries following their break away from, from 2 centuries long. colonial like it's better to look at your own actions as leader and mocks. the west plains, the north pre, and they have sent troops to craze, a flight along side bushes. and he was meeting with lot of they were putting himself to a game up very difficult to proceed with condemning the very thing that uses deadly
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