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tv   News  RT  September 17, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the, the 7 people are killed and a ukraine at sack, on the done by city of that with us. 12 to several others have in decimal, reported and reading over the weekend several countries in africa as us. i have legion established a defense, a lives to fight against terrorism, alex of twist to the national, 70 or guns. highest ranking general admit as the so called chinese supply blended not packaged and collected for transportation instead of just on new as the territory. and the 55 years off the, the 2 miles from where his father was assassinated in us, the presidential hopeful robot f. kennedy and jr. his campaign event is followed by the rest of
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the company. as we review the most recent international news on the stories that made this week, this is our team to national and i want to allow me to put in another the, the weekend in the don't ask for a public with the flu of attacks by you clarity of forces on something in areas. 7 people was killed in the city of sped blood, ask in the latest report by local authorities over the weekend and several people, what sides have died in the implementing of time. it's all about city as well as a goal of costs and the regional comes to don't ask. as long as he said that at least 50 times so carried out in total in the past 24 hours, including using cluster munitions, a scale, all right, says their affairs. and as he says that a series of attempt to new planning,
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vernal tax time of the thing must go and find man was successfully repelled this weekend. the emma deals of the state. so you, for me has notes. you went up on pliers to recapture the fees for to the city of altima, also known as buffaloes. however, it is that ukraine has failed to drive russian troops out from the advice settlements. all teens senior correspondent, what does he have has been following developments along the front lines. disease minutes before sunrise. we drive as far as cause can safely take us. we have joined a highly specialized team scouts and true and operators of biking, special operations unit. we are in the direction of course human ski. we will be engaged in reconnaissance search operations and the identification of prospective and to be points while we collect information on the front. police is
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just south of boston, what you quoted me it offensive. he's on the way the door. com proves deceptive. as you can hear, you call him bath. easy especially cuz cool to so, so to file flights. so if you $4050.00 means is russian and you credit troops facing each other over the past, but you, for hours russia has beaten fullest. you created troops out of several positions and they've got the shape which uh, the credit in stock with huge casualties and a mass expenditure of immunization. it is a long track to the front lines. we do not pass a new test of the
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bullets. we shall end impact meters away. napoleon, yoke of they had an a gives the direction and it just take the shots. that's old. they just to make you duck. that's what they do during a solar. drones are everywhere. russian and ukrainian. as old times, everything is feasible, new one, and nothing can hide for long. well, let us be able to move them. it's a small multi router strike you a be. in this configuration, it's empty. it can fly 10 to 12 kilometers. as long as the radio is accessible, if we load for instance 4 kilograms,
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the range is reduced to 2 to 3 kilometers through. as the scouts i had filming destroyed, american made m 1138 p. she's from above to below our team heads forever. she ridiculous shelf guns, rifka direction. it's that way, clusters fly in there all the time. so you can just give me the that was the sound of class, the munition exploding designation in presumably which is under a result country with a hearing cluster, munitions impact. if we 5 also a 5 to 2 minutes at this point,
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it wouldn't be long before we had a much closer encounter with american supplied cluster munitions. ukrainians most likely would targeting us trying to heat where we would be a drone hubbard and watched a function usually you just funny. yeah, i'm on one of these. yeah, it's been wasn't feeling fine. you have a me oh,
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you have a better team and that's, that's the whole thing. so i'm not sure, i mean, yeah, we're changing a roof. we're going to the target for from a different direction. that way. the enemies were fired, vain. we to confuse the enemy, so we don't guess what the marble moberly now and all of this we filmed in just several hours. it conveys the ferocity of the battle, raging around boston woods. this will be remembered and felt for decades.
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yes. the more i guess the archie from than yet screeching and as of the fighting continues, the russian defense of industry has published footage of a long set and drones to continue clean um and very cool on the front line in the hes on region licenses hits the time with the highly maneuverable, circled kamikaze drawn, officially returning it from the conflicts you couldn't a media outlet to side to the men, so you come on from the country who claims that out of every $100.00 truths, mobilize in ukraine says law. so some $80.00 to $9.00 to a now wounded or dead. this white report of have casualties and equipment loss is
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inc. ways move in since it has taken control of the village of under the cap. they are too much. however, the deputy defense and the so was full, so we'll back those things. earlier this week, off the planning fights is on the ground. colds are out for putting their lives at risk. we are from driven low make a good not lindman, who says, keeps claims, cannot be taken at face value. as we know, it's a fine information, though, so ukrainian government, so great in government, they need to success. that's via the try to, to tell us about the military success even is a don't of course a. so nobody can really going towards that situation. what is going on? what is not going on, but a long time since the stopping those days that work great in government,
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gifts of all new information. so we know we cannot believe what the official key for attending us been to a situation of cause the flaws in germany. it's very difficult to create an army by the time is a, is losing the fight. they're not the really, we mean little guy. you mean, can they keep that positions with how to perform best? but i'm kind of get this out of both united states. we say both, you will be in union countries with the weapons of your britain unions. without that that the delivery of these weapons. they would never be possible to keep the. ready the positions of the date is of 3 nations, and after this i have region have a form the regional security alliance to come by terrorism, organized crime, and switch to national sovereignty. the pangs also the go button was the policy is a grievance, a fight together. if any outside power uses force against one of the countries,
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any attack on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of one or more contracted parties will be considered in aggression against the other parties. who is the country to his new able to man resign. where near minnesota, for our west office on the heart of any additional threats who was administered for us to be against them. to re establish the former president of mohammed 5 reversed fight in july, 1773. the fact said that the any assets on the $3230.00 to infinity dates of one or more points that the body will be pointed, her eyes on a good fit for the authorities and for them to be able to mentor any older countries, solutions and realities kind of driving outline sort of society. let's say that the organization is
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also send up against f. one document via france has been forced to withdrawal from my lease. and i know he's a under pressure of you or to reduce to withdrawal. it's a 2 and a feeds of the 3 alliance stations who approve as a member of the fonts by g 5. so i had a alliance which was founded back in 2017 and didn't little come by terrorism in the region. we cited to some audience, it told us that they expired, the new old eyes agent to buy something stream is i'm with bright effectiveness and i did on the french supervision. this is a very good thing because problems are common and borders are porous. if our states decide to join forces and pull their efforts, it can only be beneficial. france is not mentioned in the document, but it could be described as an agreement that could completely sideline the g 5.
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so how, which is an initiative of france and other western countries, that's what we're looking for to this line. so for keen, a 5. so molly and these are proves that we are waking up. i also ask other african countries to join the alliance. i would say that this is an alliance against the western world, not just france, because even after francis departure, our countries continue to suffer. so with this alliance, we can fight evil, especially since malia seen today as an example, either of you. so if you have any reality is good, because all the countries in the process of set enough figuration. but i don't want it to be just the stablish middleman that lines, that's to be a logistical fall off to this alliance. so if mattie book, you know, any gen managed to come to an agreement and join hands, i think that terrorism can indeed be defeated. thought, i mean so quick, global affairs and security alas, pool a shumate in either he claims that follows is defiance of files come to the mom,
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but it was do it. so this is an example of power, says imperial and new colonialist aptitude to the confidence of africa. we have to here say that that, that is the assumption that the have that hasn't been m is that it to him besides a gaze that there are always, i mean, there's a highlight on west africa now, what some citizens are saying is that fine. so i'm very, it's i life i that really for the own interest firms would tell you that term. it was invited or had been invited by these companies to assist them. but i am, if somebody has that code, you are invited you to do a job and them up as soon as that you are not doing that job in the satisfaction. i think they have the also a right to say listen, i'm the front. i know for i know for the i bought francis in the system as
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a free sir. excellent. now you have already started the bus that the has been expanded. me that. and then the troops out we met spell, but this is system that is not bring them any way. i know you wonder imap, imap is summer instead. so that is a time, but from what you probably have imperialism or nero calling, i mystic a tendency. that's a claim out on the friends also true is policy not to the guy has no provide itself in bloody uh that is what you'll find in to print sentiment. that is brilliant process. farnham is who has 5. so take the course name that is in response to nato is expanding men in presence in the arctic, in the course to strengthen nato's military potential in this region. including through the entry of finland into the alliance. and the planned integration of sweden indicates the prevalence of power scenarios in nato to ensure its own
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security and the northern latitudes, to the detriment of the security of other countries across the top of the mouth. also to say that native place to make feeling that of sweden full sized members demonstrates the lines of determination to create a quote great on and off at the expense of others. in april, philips became a says, the team 1st member but hungry and took care of yet to improve suite has been lost in the organization. the chief. yeah. and sold them. a sudden rush, oppose, a strategic threat to nato. and the optic and cold flip blocks in spanish, and it has lots of guys said such as will be viewed as a destabilizing fight, as a, and that's with russian territory quite a bit. but previously they play that then that i'm thinking the artic and the far east and allows is a major strategic priority. moscow also emphasizes that the northern syria, a significant international maritime channel,
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is seeing unprecedented growth despite the west. i'm to us and sciences on ship building products this week, who rushes the input call the over liquefied natural gas of china. across the arctic tongues was the 100000000 cubic meters on board. we heard from the foam and cheese of india's name and stuff, as no addition is the what the says, the us that moved to a lives nato has been trying to. tiffany lincoln, russia and there are degrees. there is no need to fix state except from the nucleus, american nuclear subsidies operating in this area of doctors, which they have been breach and 64 volts. then it is that the test is demonstrated interstate, yes, coordinator in the big green economies of the collective risk. and the risk,
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the industry is and manufacturing capacity and infrastructure to match up with russia, the induction of hypersonic besides undersea on in the surface. davey and from the air and the 2 navy. and the qualitative and quantitative augmentation of the not you pete, uh at the moment for this is on. it's cannot be measured by the rich fontenot on from the saw to the wrist and no to the not in the arctic. they raise, guide you on with this deem regarding the incentive to recon restaurants. of course, it is not succeeded. devastating floods in libya, this week is believed to claim to the lives of more than 11000 people. another 20000 have been reported missing. as flooding was connected with storm daniel,
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which rex have called the north african country, closing a pair of dams to bus made the to rancho band full reason for the farm and the area . it reveals a drastic scope of destroyed buildings and infrastructure. by seo peroration the still very much underway with the health of miss the for the east leaving government say at least 3000 of the debt has been very largely in mass graves. libya has requested international assistance to cope with the disaster express. it was one of the 1st countries to help libya by sending emergency assistance, the worst affected city of the there and to aid. and the search for survivors. agencies such as is not make relief and doctors without borders and also want to illness outbreaks in the coming months. we heard from people on the ground searching often in vain for their loved ones. the whole families have lost loved
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ones including us and that doesn't account for those who are still unaccounted for in the city. every single family that has been affected by that not to open, have a lot of family and during a and i've also lost many loved ones there. despite the ongoing efforts of many humanitarian organizations to bring comfort to hearts, it is important to note that many people have remarked them the lack of organization, which has led to confusion and chaos. in the cabinets it to be towards the horrible disaster, a tragedy. even town has been a fact that every region has victims. and many activists and individuals have volunteered s q military and 8 has begun to rise. it has been discovered that many towns have been damaged, and druids, cutoff is so, so it's kind of over, but tensile excited. we wouldn't have been stalled, amid a dispute over the controversial, at least on the separatist movement. any of the top coma officials said the total
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was, had been suspended over quote. so that's an issues, but speculation has swelled about to the possible reason is kind of so i'm active is want to call the houses independent territory in south asia. they've been engaged in the 5th campaign targeting indian diplomats abroad, particularly in canada, including the slogan, quote to india that he believes that also hasn't been too many. and with those acts of his scott, it was obviously the 1st to announce that the site so. so with india, with the input on hold, just the head of las vegas change on the summit in delhi. the other side has elaborated on the reasons behind the suspension. the problem is of both india and kind of that helped by that as a thoughts during the summit in the as new vendor mode. the report of the express disapproval becomes apparent in the midst of the approach to that kind of stem active is despite the threats to india is sovereignty. he conveyed our strong
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concerns about continuing anti indian activities of extremist elements in canada. they're promoting secession isn't an insane violence against eating diploma damage and diplomatic premises and threatening the indian community in canada and their places of worship. the next. so such forces with organized crime, drug syndicates, and human traffic and should be a concern for canada as well. it is essential for the 2 countries to cooperate in dealing with such threats. we're from florida for as a split robin such that he says that the c canadian support for the, for the move and has become a means of civil in the way of trying to fluid the there is nothing specific which pretty good recently it's been building up over a period of time, essentially, uh, india's unhappiness, so with the manual in which canada is advertising india as concerns about due to the college funding extremist who are living or based in canada. and the
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perception between dea has that to canada has not been taking action in such circumstances. and recently, over the past few months, you know, things have gotten even more severe. like there was a lot of aid a few months ago with the indian prime minister in that i've done the cut assess and they said it was, we got a fight, which india protested. then that had been some instances of what backs on indian diplomats. so all of this combined youtube, which india and all themes, but that's frustrated that canada has not been picking india concerns seriously on this matter. so high is why he was general admitted that the sub full chinese bible apparently didn't and she'd do nice flying whatsoever. the intelligence community there assessment, and it's a high confidence assessment that there was no intelligence collection by that below some bottom line. it was a bible, but it wasn't spy. ok,
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and i would say it was a spite blown that we know what i did yesterday. got no intelligence and didn't transfer anything until i suspect kinda the holidays but and so i have to, i, one of us pause of alaska and canada. i'm into the console and then till us in the january and february before it was shut down by us 5 of get american media outlets branded. it's the so called twice bible to buy the china maintain. that must have been only a civilian ad call. so perhaps was a monitoring device that was blown. of course, that was the last of the incident caused a bit of a hysteria among the local media and even some top us officials. at the time, i made clear the presence of a surveillance balloon and us there, a space is a clear violation of us sovereignty and international law that isn't there responsible act. and that the peer seized decision to take this action on. even my plan visit is detrimental to
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a subset of discussions that we were prepared to have. and we begin today with the breaking headline late today. the suspected chinese by balloon is floating over the northern us, suspected chinese 5 alone, a suspected chinese bible, luna. there is a suspect in chinese 5 balloon. that balloon is the size of 3 buses and it was spotted over montana and montana, of course, home to several sensitive nuclear sites. blogger, i'm the, as well as alex swift report, the advice says the u. s. o. issues 1st, an off questions that this is the typical american style. shoot in fire. first, ask the questions later. and this is what happens with us surveillance or the so called surveillance of the united states government. and they get involved in these skirmishes and then when they do a thorough investigation after, well, the embarrassment is on them. and of course, that says a lot about the us intelligence when they're afraid of a balloon floating over their territory. nothing new. this is how the tactics work
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with the american. this is all part of their strategy. you know, as we say the guilty always screen the loud as well. the americans, once again, were terrified in the shocking, uh, you know, invasion of their territory by a floating balloon. what next could it be? could it be a children's balloons that left the birthday party may be in louisiana? they will call him, you know, the air force to shoot that down. i mean, it's mass of syria, but here helps sell, you know, the arms in america. this is when he gets their economy going. it's a, you know, military industrial, complex driven economy. and let's be honest, here, the americans, the pentagon has been a laughingstock for the last 2 decades. no one really takes americans the serious when it comes to national security. i mean, if you're afraid of a balloon, i mean you're afraid of your shadow. and that's what the americans are right now.
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right, it's from a history kindly, a home to one and all that has of the rest of the campaign event hosted by us democratic presidential hopeful robot f. kennedy junior in los angeles. this is the zoo, reportedly dressed, the fits in with the kind of a security team holding fee us marshall credentials was carrying a load as having done this, but i mean ition r f k junior has gained a big following as a rad demographic voice. opposed to double mandated coby the vaccination programs. he's also criticize washington's role in the any income phase. however, this 5, his wife brought support the bye didn't istation refused to provide him with secret service protection. even though that cover is traditionally given to presidential candidates of notes, you know, they just said, we're not, you know, we're not going to give it to you and i think i what do you think they don't want to give it to you? i, i have an idea of what,
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what do use i don't know why it's important. i mean, i guess the, the sort of the least, but my level of interpretation would be that the dnc knows that i'm going to have to spend, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars on my own protection. oh, okay. um, and that, that is gonna be, uh, that's gonna be revenues that i won't be able to spend, you know, a campaign right up and running advertising. oh, so that's okay. okay. that makes sense. i, i would say that's probably that, but who knows? i don't, i, you know, i don't know because they didn't tell us. the democratic candidate is a nephew of former us president john f. kennedy as son of x u. s. a totally general robot f. kennedy. both of whom were assessing ivy. the public events of the 19 sixty's his on who was the famous they killed by rifle shot while riding and opened the top car in dallas in 1963,
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5 years off of that. his father was also vaguely saw. so i said campaign riley in they'll find it is just a few miles from where this late this arrest was made. well, that's all. so this new though, as always, is great to have your company here on the, on the, i'm, i'm on the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the web page was a part of the 21st century is widely believed to be about the rise of china, the continental whose name comes from a greek warrant meaning to rise, but despite being called the land of the rising sun, asia, as no one lands inside, its the biggest, the most dispersed of all continents with many lamps wanting to shine and grow. is it possible to rise unless rise was to discuss it? i'm now joined by doctor for and try it. then leave us on the secretary general of the asian corporation dialogue. doctor born childs great to talk to thank you very much for your time. thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to say a few words about the a cd. now your organization, the, a city was created some 20 years ago as with the goal of facilitating communication on the corporation across the whole of asia. and the task seems pretty
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