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tv   Going Underground  RT  September 17, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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the the time option or time see and welcome back to going underground real cost to go around the world for me to buy in the you a this week. so a more alarming news from your, your ups lodges nuclear power plant is every year react on the neighbor river. it came up to tuesdays attack along one divided by must go to the u. n. itself or the hydro electric dams and supplied water to crime. yeah, but it is nuclear power, that danger is always full time, also winning film director and right to all of a stone contents have we will be in hoodwink these new documentary shots, a historic conspiracy involving oil companies,
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the press and hollywood preventing us from understanding that nuclear is the only way to avoid imminent climate change. catastrophe the most of our power is still comes from burning gas and cold. the mail is going up not if we do not cut carbon emissions by nearly 100 percent, the world will suffer serious damage. this is an even bigger problem than we thought the answer to solving climate change is very straightforward. what's the best solution in your mind? largely nuclear, nuclear, nuclear, nuclear. we've been trained from the very beginning to fear nuclear power. the very thing that we fear is what may save us, but scary is not the same as what's dangerous. coal is dangerous. a more people die from coal in a couple of weeks than i've ever died from nuclear, which is all from the one accident in turnover. first question is, what about the waste nuclear waste is nothing compared to climate change. you can
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watch and you can now and video on demand. but now the also winning creator of films like salvador petune, j. f. k. nixon, snowden, and wall street. all of a sudden joins me from los angeles. a lot of a welcome back to the show. you know, i wanted to speak you about, you want to go dar his death. i wanted to speak to you about ukraine under fire, and then you come up with a film that, arguably, among solely oh, great films, maybe the most important film you've ever made. i mean global media focusing on nuclear power. perhaps perhaps in a way that actually the feel your film uh shows is a part of the conspiracy against nuclear power. so tell me, tell me a, tell me what the films about as well. and you know, you with your c store and allow me about the stairs, it's not based in conspiracy because we don't know that we know that it could include off. if not, it could just be business as usual, you know,
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which is competitive. but anyway, uh, starting at the beginning, uh, let's say that i haven't seen you in, in about 2 or 3 years and you see over that period of time 2019 on this i was really more and more disturbed by climate change and warning warnings of all the confusion in the media, i mean up me at us from different sources saying this and then and this, and this is a solution that's a, that's not the solution, etc. i wanted to find out as i, for my own sale. if i wanted to go to the bottom of this, so i went to little book that i came out in 2019 called bright future, a bright future by josh goldstein who was a up international public relations professor and his partner stefan cist. screw this toes, a swedish nuclear engineer, it's called a bright future and it lays out very practical economic terms. the point about
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nuclear energy works, it's always worked. france has made it work sweet and has made it works. it's worth to a degree in the united states and in russia and in china and re a and so forth and so on. and it still works. it's been working for 50 or 60 years . in some cases, reactors have been built. and because of a few one major accident and a few mishaps and we have to really talk about each of those actions understand. because of that, the psychology has turned against the nuclear power because of fear. and that is a huge factor of crushing pin, stopping it and legislating against it, supporting environmental groups. so we're legislating for an enormous amount of regulations that building the price up at least in the united states. the thing is, the thing is all over you've to, you've told us this truth since elizabeth for about vietnam, about central america, the u. s. role in central america, about what happened in ukraine, the key, the key of coo and 2014. you've told us stories about the plight of the vulnerable
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and the dispossessed, over so many decades. but you know, jane fonda did the tell us a lot of truths about vietnam and ralph native, perhaps a more people than anyone in history individually for his fight with the comic is on the seat belt. i mean, you're going up against, with jane fonda and ralph nader say as well. absolutely. uh, but you know, i admire the both of them doing much for what they did to mr. nate are brought to our attention to automobile safety and seat belts and so forth. and jane is an advocate passion and advocates against vietnam. and i am myra courage and i supported her all the way through. but she's dead wrong on nuclear energy. and so is ralph nader and there's no reason to, to, to harbor these mess. we have to move on because the last, the life of the plan is at stake. so this is far more important than the protests against it. and that goes back to the 19 seventy's and eighty's. of course,
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things have changed so much and so we didn't even know about climate change when people were easily protesting nuclear power among them. i didn't protest, but i was, i went along with and i said, okay, they may have appointments. we don't need nuclear power, but that was back in 8070. we now know that we need clean energy because the atmosphere is poisoning itself. and we don't know how badly this is going to happen . but the i p. c. c, the international government, intergovernmental panel on climate control, new in as large body of scientists in large body. it has warned us repeatedly since 1980 that we're reaching a point of 0 tolerance, really where the part of the plan is going to be poisoned really forever. and it's not going to stop the warming is going to keep going. and it seems to be evidently true from all the graphs from 1980 to 2000 and some the 2000 to 2020 period, which was alarming because nothing is improved. the carbon dioxide and i should
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include methane gas, which c h 4. that's poisoning the whole. the whole show is we're not getting better any better. we're putting a 1000000 streams of dollars into renewables. we talked about it endlessly blah, blah, blah. nothing is happening. it's not getting better. and by 2015 we're, we're going to be really screwed. so we set the guidelines and on sale that 30 years from 20202015. we're talking about those 30 years practically. what can we do as a race, as a human race, the whole global, not just need outage states, and we come, we come to the very strong conclusion. we're going to need nuclear power, and we and we support renewables, that's fine. we can keep doing it for we're going to need nuclear power to close the gap that's coming. and we're gonna need a lot of it, which means building building nuclear plants everywhere in all countries, like airline production. yeah, and i should say the film goes clearly through solar and wind and the logo or the
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deepest exercise. this film is act oriented. it's not me writing what i believe i have. i am not assigned this. i don't claim any expert knowledge. i'm going off experts, i'm going to them and asking them, and i'm interpreting. i think i'm making it more simple because they're scientists and they can be very abstract and it's sometimes difficult to read and understand. but i think what i've been able to do is interpret what they're saying for a large audience i, my goal was to teach myself, which is to say, to make it available to a 9th grader or an 8th grader, which is what i feel sometimes they do they fight and cares about. i mean this fil a close your program is i understand it of nuclear power stations. although in your film you show that the one in california where there's never been an accident of any guide is i think got a reprieve. do you think bible is about it? do you think by the cares about the environment then ultimately, i mean you mentioned l n g and they're increasing fact l n g. and of course,
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as we know, the north stream pipeline blowing up was the largest single event of it. me saying the mission ever in history? absolutely, absolutely. the l n g is the liquid natural gas and gas is not the solution. gas has nothing in it. and it could make a leaks all along the line. we know that proven, and it's pointing in the atmosphere. and in the short term is that we say it's far worse, even then. and then carbon dioxide is far worse, but it's the long term. it does drop off. so what we have is a situation with monoxide and on top of it they put renewables in, but renewables they'll work all the time. so it is not always there. it's winter, it's night. it's cold. the solar sun doesn't always come out. the maximum capacity in germany, for example, is about 2012 percent of the sun combining that is on the high side, the wind is a little bit more like 22 percent, but we need to get up to 90 percent to have nuclear works around the clock. and it
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works efficiently and not it's not costly once it's built. so nuclear is a 90 percent plus solution it and it's clean and that you don't need to backup like renewables need to backup, which is gas and we always, so that's why these gas but when they say their partners perfect partners, renewables don't believe it. that's energized, and they're very good at it. they make it sound like it's easy. oh yeah, we'll just put some gas in. and it also. so this ties angeles, i think by and cares about the environment. and i think he's obviously had political challenges. she's getting it through congress because of the certain people still believe that there's no climate warming, but that doesn't matter. listen to the account. he really doesn't care about it. if we set off the north street pipeline, which is a toy, you know what i was getting, you know, you know, i agree with you. i agree with you and he's done completely distract you believe that story. you know, i believe the united states has something very mr. bind promised that it would not
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exist before it happened. you know, if you saw it has the pronouncement, he had a smirk on his face. so he was pretty sure that he was going to end the thread of the pipeline. but what he's done as far worse than that, what he's done is the stabilize the whole world without. he blames the russians and it's easy to do so because that's the boogeyman right now. but the truth is, who set off the war, you know, who you have to go back to 2014, but we're talking about in here. yeah, i want to keep the film i want to give you the film and we don't want to get completely mad because i know ukraine on fire film, which i think is believe the back of the, the film is accurate. it was owned by ukrainian man, lee lives through this thing. and that war started just to repeat in 2014, it did not start in 2021. why did the pens and kind of contract a google banner from youtube and why is netflix binding this film? because it's a strange world we're living in the really our security. netflix isn't bad and you'll call it the new one in netflix building in streaming. how you just rejected it and they rejected it. i don't know what am i so my thing to do with new crane
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maintenance really about it's about the shortage of clean energy in the future. and right now, and we have to do something about it. that's what the film is about and that's what gives it is urgency a, i don't list it distracted but, but absolutely be, i mean, i know i'm just wondering, is it you showed in? is it a possibility that you actually go around russian nuclear power stations. you talk about china is expansion of nuclear. i mean is happening. other countries are listening to the arguments of this film already daily on that they understand what you're talking about. that brings, you know, just say that one of the reasons i do that film is because so much of the material machine in movies, television and in, in news is so depressing in to still be. and it's always about a negative future, especially movies, movies have done no favorites to nuclear energy. they may have was made at the intimate as you know, from china syndrome silkwood and the data that horrible tv series at h. b. oh,
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good turbo. which was not accurate, we go into that in the field that made it so it works is drama because it's sensational and upstairs is out of you. but that is not true. the terrible thing was, um, was this tragedy? no question and it was badly handled. but we go into the detail, the scientists who was actually involved is a very broken man, and he explains what really happened. and he was, he had test the professionalism of the soviet crew. there was never any intent to, to see the i a e a and he talks about i'm gonna let him say it. but the truth is that because of that accident, which was the only fatal accident in the history of the nuclear and it was 50 people died, 1st responders were badly protected. they were sending. and then on top of that, there are some, there was a large release of beaks of low level radiation in the northern your, which there's sort of the government, the guy died. and that was
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a shame. but the u. n. went in there exhaustively, as did the don't real house organization and they tested tested the they, they, they said, possibly 4000 people died of casters after that. but it's hard to trace the link between when you were cancer and radiation. radiation, we have a lot of it in the world. all of a sudden i'll stop you there. more from the oscar winning film director after this break. the,
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the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. in most all sense and up in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians today, and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services, for what question did you say even twist, which is the
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welcome back to going underground. i'm still here with our school winning film director. all of us though known as new release, new k. and now i have noticed that the some scientific of scholarly papers are reducing the numbers previously thought of as being affected by radiation near nuclear power stations. but when i said conspiracy earlier, i didn't mean of course, last time you were on, i think you were talking about j f k. the film that, you know, created congressional panel, the biden is refusing to release the papers. clearly, i was talking about the conspiracy in your film, which is um, which is quite something, the 7 system oil companies, you know, with hollywood. you've been an interesting story altogether, the press all coming together. so the generations on from these great oil companies,
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rockefeller and his alliance, has a very significant, very significant article. like i know i learned about it because ron adams, in 1956, the new york times published a study done by the rockefeller foundation, rockefeller foundation. remember, is the john rugged on the rock of roller and the biggest oil magnate of our time. they found that any level of radiation is harmful to the human body. as it was in the 1956, that report was released front page new york times, not a big publisher in your times was of course on the board of the roger feller foundation. so you know, you see the connections at a high level. and once they put that news out, you know, to advertise, and it was just the front page story radiation men became even more scary to more people because we have the world war 2 experience of your machine. but where indeed it was a dangerous level of radiation because it was an enrich mom and were dropping bombs with rich plutonium uranium. so people were dying from radiation boys,
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no question. but this is a different kind of radiation as low level as back what they called background red radiation. and that is what people have is terrified because of all the fears stoked by the rockefeller foundation and the environmentalist. and i think you go into it in such detail and people can watch it on, on a video on demand. the fact that the radiation risks of ionizing radiation are exaggerated. i would say that you, as a veteran affairs department, still recognizes increased cancer risk on those. so having a nuclear submarines they do that. they do the risk panel, 85000 nuclear submarine cruise between 69 and 82. there is increased cancer for him and as ation radiation at the low doses. but um i just what i'd like, i don't know about that report, but i'd love to know exactly. i'd like to know the more it's on the you as a master list. i mean, you can get money if anyone watching who is serving has to have done anything. so i
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mean, you can get a reimbursement from the u. s. federal government. nobody has, as we say, and there has been no major, no accident, no significance in the navy. there was ice on the accident, it's a low level radiation. you're continually exposed to over time. well serving in a new one, your submarine as well as i mentioned that i think my problem, my problem with it was the film was the risk of terror attack. nuclear waste with yours, you say is very safe. um usually ways clearly know what to say because it has the bearings, it was very safe. we say it was very well handled and they was washed. and mon, and one of a terrorist blows that up. one of these concrete steel as soon as uh, you know, there is, if you are in a nuclear tech or the safest place you could be as inside one of those concrete tests there really well done. and it's, you know, you can never have perfect, you're never going to be perfectly safe. blowing up something up and you blow up in a blue, we did have a hybrid, we had
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a nuclear explosion at journal age. 50 people went in to clean it up and died as a result. and there was a radiation the but that compared how does that compare to the gas blowing up in both home which kills $18000.00 people. chemicals gas, uh oh, the the hydro, even one and 18000 with birth defects. i'm thinking about dad. i'm telling me that there was about a 100000 wounded as far as i know. yeah. the china, there was a hydro electric game that, that the sailed in 201975200000 dead. i mean, you understand when, when a rate when and so what i'm just saying, the friend of more it was the front of the climate change before ukraine. but now everyone is worried about nuclear war actually. yes, yes, yes, yes, this goes on and on and look by us yesterday i asked an expert what's really going on. he wrote me this now and he says each reactor has
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a containment structure to begin with. all 6 reactors are shut down, but still putting the residual heat from radio to many, not a fishing chain reaction. the plant has its own cooling pond, which will continue to work without the reservoir. you know, you can get on twitter it, but if you have to go to a site and just to understand what's really happening, you can't do with a newspapers because a lot of sensationalism sure. the threat of another journal. sounds horrible, but it's even jermel was not nothing compared to hiroshima and nagasaki. that's the point. no, no, of course is of course, but we didn't think 911 was possible. that film, i know you, you made a branch on. i'm telling you and your smart man, you can have an explosion, and it's not going to be as bad as you think it is. why, why did the, why did the pro nato pro zalinski greens oppose me about what's happened to the green movie? maybe you want to just tell me what it would. the green movement is completely
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supportive of, of the military industrial complex in your country. it seems like can't be, excuse me, wants to do some water, excuse me for that. so i just have, i don't know what's entered politics of the green party, but it's so disappointing to me like starting the 1980s that they really change the world. but they have become pro uh and so i nuclear energy. you mentioned green piece in the film green piece. we showed a lot of this, i just found it and found it. and he says very clearly says green piece has done a lot of good saving the wells, bringing up toxic waste, opposing nuclear bombs. but we got one thing wrong, that was nuclear energy and he was in very forthright about it. and yet green keys continues to, to act out and make sensational claims that they never back up and mean they never happen. but they always say wellness. when the russians floated that barge to
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perfection, the article was a nuclear barge or s m r small modular reactor. when they slowed his ad barge, they said it was gonna be a nuclear titanic. never happened. they went through all the icebergs and its functioning beautifully in a small town, medium size, counting in the arctic. this is what the beauty of nuclear is. you've been floating on on barges. you can put it up and down the coast. there's another way of approaching it on water. and i should say also that is a natural, natural partner with brand new i can view actually talk about small businesses being able to make scalable nuclear power decisions in the united states. if, if the federal authorities continue to be um, uh, believing that the new theories is all evil. but you know, this week it was an advisor that ukrainian deputy pm and this was quoted across the whole u. s. news. we can see the, the active is a damn breach, an act of terrorism. the consequences on the scale of to know bill,
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which you already have exploded are not actually ideally as bad as he's in the field as coal fired gas stations in their effect on breathing. but to this is what the deputy m b m system. does it landscape? what is it with the power of nature, the scale of how many people should leave their homes? it's always new. clear now, alexi rehab jim, is the guy that's gonna be here by that is we actually no a, you know, there's a war on and you, once you get into a war situation and as you increase even have so much propagating it from, especially from the western side it's so one side of the everything becomes an anti russian issue. obviously they're there this stronger country. they're winning the war. they're actually kicking ass, but we don't know that in the west we have no realization that was really going on because there's been no military honesty. it's a completely corrupt processing united states and it runs. and if you have to run
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everything to the white house, because the white house is fighting the war, and they're telling you the russians, are you doing all this stuff? but it's not fair because we're not getting the truth. and american people are blind to like, lead by like, sheet to a conclusion. well, how can we check it both sides? how can we can hear your if you are sh. ready in england or in america, you can't even hear it. it's ridiculous. you don't, you're the right to speak. you're an intelligent man. our team was a good network. and it doesn't mean you have to buy everything they say, but they did a good job. they got cameraman to those places and they continue to be good. and there's other outlets that should be promoted and allowed, but you can't say anything apparently in the united states. it's really on speaking to you because you're in dubai, which is what you're trying to make is that yes, they're gonna, they're going to exaggerate everything possible against the russians, including anything that happens nuclear. anything will be built up into some sensational event, although there is in fact no actual threat. what's happened with the damage ration
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and you know nobody's cleaned it, but it's clearly motivated to the motive for doing it is new training. ukrainian motive is to wreck. they are losing badly, they want to wreck the land before the russians take care. so the russians are predicted to take that area because it's a russian, basically, a russian speaking area, russian ethnic. so no one's ever pointed out and seems to me successfully to the american people. and the, the engines especially are being built, but this is a civil war. this is not like a normal one. this is between russian and ukrainian. the ukrainians had been vicious against since 2014 against the russian ethnic population vicious. joining us. i've heard on various reports from 50027000 plus wounded. there's been almost 14000 people affected in that spirit while they resign the means degree. met the ukrainians and they didn't know they didn't honor it for 6 or 8 years. they us
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a mentor ukraine, tribute over finance. everything were financing the government and built the army to this level where it should attack and take back the don't bass and the blue bits. so we'll just, we'll just find it very briefly. this isn't very briefly though, all of a very briefly. and i should say are to use available in some cable networks in the united states. certainly banned in the european union and britain and we go out to so many different channels. i just want to say though, you went to russia in this film and people watch the film can see that you actually went to that. i just very, very briefly. the prospect of can you following us breed to react? is that you witness the recycle of waste? just very quickly. yes, the russians have a 250000 people working on the topic energy that in the government agency, rosa john, as we need government back in to get these things done on a big scale, france has the electrician data falls sign. it has its agency and that's where you
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have it, and that's what you need to do to move things the deal. the department of energy by the way, has been good and they're pro nuclear. but they're slow and they're not spending big money, big, big money. but they are definitely backing initial initiative. they're back in the small modular reactors and they want to, she is 50 companies in america from the enterprise companies developing it. this is great. it's sort of make them smaller reactor and i think it's going to work and it's going to be huge. but you know, it's not going to deal with the volume that we need from the world to. we still need the heavy reactors. china is doing the biggest amount of progress as of the date they have admitted to they have like, uh, some say 506070 reactors. i forgot, but they're building a lot more according to what i read. recently, the building, $440000000000.00 worth of new reactors, some $170.00 some. and they're going to be out. their plan is to have it up by 2038,
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a significant yet. we know the china uses a lot of coal and still does so all of the more reactions they can build, the less coal they will use. all of this done. thank you. thank you actually have that set for the show. remember, you can watch new can now on video on demand will be back on monday, on russian day with funeral. you can of chapman to the presidium of russian scouts and before and defense policy until then, you can give it to us for our la social media of instruct sense. and then you will country and had to a general going on the going to feel normal. they've come to us new and old episodes of going underground c on monday, the we are in august on what is most ethically of culturally diverse regions on the
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entire planet. as you make your way through the start, you will discover each region is known for its own unique arts and traditions the the the .


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