tv Documentary RT September 22, 2023 4:30am-5:00am EDT
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communities i saw something, some of the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin move. yep. mission the state on rush coding and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say stephen twist, which is the way started really slow, just tearing up with 6 or 7 restaurants right now. basically using my sedan here as our means of transportation,
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which can be difficult. so we're kind of hoping to get a nice refrigerated truck and start, you know, adding on more clients. but there's a lot of people in the area that want access to all of our fresh fish motivation was to find a way to make a direct connection from the boat to the people that are gonna eat the fish. and by doing so, trying to eliminate the middleman and costs that are associated with the auctions, the distributor, the processor, the secondary distributors that bring it to restaurants and then the grocery store . and then the people that you know, are working up the counter trying to make it so that the boat's getting a fair price, not based on international markets, but based on what it takes to have a livelihood. i don't like to use the word locals. i'd like to use the word intelligently, a little more knowing where that's it's coming from having the relationships with
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the people it's coming from. that's what our menu reflects. will get text messages from amanda before the body saying that here's what's coming in. what do you want? the qualities definitely there as well as depression we've also been able to open up the doors to new areas for delivery. working with us, they know exactly what they're going to get. that same high quality fish every single time the my families when how efficient for a really long time. my mom was pregnant with me still long lining. and i grew up on long land boat. so, you know, that's been a huge part of our income and our way of life is how that ration there's really nothing else like it as far as a really hard manual labor. and a lot of the fish are, you know,
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twice my size. so it is pretty wild when you get those big fish, but it is very gratifying. wandered over easy running. yes, fantastic. so medium, slightly running. in other words, you want it perfectly done again. ok. i just bought it to your my dad is a super jolly guy. he's kind of like buddha, like he's taught me the trade and i think that's really unique. i've been how that vision since probably 1978 was my 1st year that i seriously went into the
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the way that we catch how that is. we catch them on what's called long lines and they're basically small diameter, a role that plays on the bottom. and we have a large truck in on that hopefully have other fish. that means is the quality standards for sea food is change. people demand a higher quality fish. my son marsh, started out as a young boy fishing with me, and i think he had higher standards, right from the beginning. he has a new way of treating fish and i think it's actually better the. so when i started off, you know, you're catching each fish individually,
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how come i'm in taken care of them and then just to sell them to a global commodity marketplace and felt kind of incomplete. we had this beautiful fish, and then it just disappears under this will take all the supply chain, the 20th 11. i saw on some fish to my friend who did a little buying club. and then i went down to the midwest and meet the people that they got my catch. and they were super excited about the quality and where it came from. it was like an aha moment of. well, there's a better way where i can sell my fish directly. i can receive a fair price and people receiving the session, the midwest, getting an incredible product. the success of shares. yeah, uh what, uh, what are you looking for the looking to do any kind of directory consumer lavish
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business is really difficult and that the amount of capital it takes to get started just to have all the services that fishermen need ice made access to their catch be able to offload it, be able to take their full loads of fish. all these things are, are really challenging here. last year when you're trying to produce perfect fish. every single step matters. how the fisherman catches the fascists and blood right away. is that showing right away how long it see they spend? and then how quickly is that fish relate and frozen, and how as frozen is really important to and then once has frozen household, does it stay on the punching the pacific is an incredible pushing for small mo, order operators that gets flights not as much challenged by consolidation but by
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kind of stagnant fish prices in order for us to make it, especially when we need to find a marketplace that really values of quality, there's a growing movement of people wanting to sell their cash directly. and there's a consumer base that really supports that. so i think that in the future we'll have more, more efficient, you know, connecting directly with 2 peaks or fish. the small communities across alaska work to find solutions by catch from industrial trawlers continues to threaten the how that population the how that fishermen have taken big productions in their quota. they are conserving and you really can't have a healthy, sustainable resource unless all sectors. everybody involved, the sharing and conserving that resource. their way fisheries are changing. it's the way our country seems now. it's increasingly harder for small businesses to
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make it more specific fishery management cancels responsible for regulating halibut bycatch across the alaskan fisheries. today the council is voting on limits for the industrial tresley, the hello council. my name is john scale and i've been a small boat held at long liner for just about exactly 40 years. and since that time, i've made uh at least 50 percent of my yearly income and up to maybe 90 percent on the pallet. so i'd like to request that when you vote that you vote for the maximum by catch reduction. you're now well aware of the status of
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the how a bit stuck in the need for conservation. you've heard from a lot of people. the exploitable biomass is near historical levels. growth rates have dropped. we're still seeing over 3000000 pounds of juvenile halibut killed as by custom, the varying see the people dependent on the how that resource are the ones that are plummeting and we're, we're calling out to you. those who are watching us fall are either enjoying the view or missing. the fact that we're about to hit the bottom everybody is living in denial here and because of big money, i mean that's, so that's the only way i could see this thing not happening was because of the amount of money that is generated from the fisheries out in the bearings see, i hope you guys are hearing me while the council did approve of bycatch reduction
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in the bearing, see the new limits are an insult to the many locals to testify. and the total how big population has since seen a decline leaving the future of halibut fishing for local communities in jeopardy at what point and say this, you know, we're trying to promote, we, diversity of the numbers are going down. privatized fissions corporate, which is happening to small businesses. there's something you need to are responsible for pushing or how to support businesses. a lot of times i wish that shares didn't exist. i wish i didn't have to be such a manager. you are the hopefully we've driven home the point to them that there's landlords in this space
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. are you making a lot of money? all politics aside, i just want to be able to go fishing and keep the money i make not paying someone go i thing and check. well, he's not vision the he had some of the i think so. well i said look, a nice out, amanda. there's other similar models out there that are doing the right thing and i want to be like we are the proof and important how you doing good. we didn't do some of this work as a father takes, you know, some of the time i have messed with him. i really hope to have him involved. right. let's bring him there fast. all the restaurants. anyone else?
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in the fall i can get it done. you have the skills. yeah, because that's what i do for what i'm going to take you on a cod fishing trip this year, a little more peasy $13.00. well let's we can try what we're gonna do with them and we can play with them. you think you'll like being played with after coming up from 200 feet of water? one missing kid. ok, that was a really good job. the we are in august on one of the most ethically and culturally diverse regions on the
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entire planet. as you make your way through the start, you will discover each region is known for its own unique arts and traditions. the last 4 of them is done is how could i escape this to the rest of the border to you? some money off the power to them during the 1st of all, you simply have to do it for me mostly the way we have this new do they have uh business to do anything on the job for yesterday. the 1st one being unemployed. so i see that nevada i was obviously is on the she left by the so the
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a bruce and the legit and design. if a say a set of keys are actually due to the remainder process is when the preferred to the ball was picked up on potato on. yeah, there's on your part from will show a move on to pretty good unit. is the briefcase. now the process for this night they push up to a little bit of a floating and useful previously on the frontier, secure for those of us for the details of my phone i. mascot. but it's not, the real thing to do is i have to go a little updated as a little go or what's going on there. so before we're in the professional, we'll work on your cell phones have all a nice and you know, deputy that gives you more of the
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issue like a nice, quiet little town. this would be a great place to live. but there are problems that can was in a small town in poverty that are unfortunate not just as a small town in america. we absolutely import or perhaps talking about what our community needs to keep going. collectively. we all need to stay in fishing so that we can keep the infrastructure. we have an economy that we have for community. early on, we understood that we needed local science, that we need to understand what the fish stocks were here right at our front door. and we took on the issue of marine reserves that was close to fishing, that was a savings account for our community that essentially serves as a place for the fishing go and goes fish can reproduce, and we can keep a healthy fisheries. this place is so amazing, this cluster of rocks right out here is a red fish rock marine reserved. it's the marine reserve that our group of fishermen put far words. we want to integrate our exponential knowledge ends in
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choosing where it would be. and then we installed the framework where it would be started from here, the marine reserve 3 and protected area. and each of these dots is a place where i tagged to fish and released it. i think fundamentally what brought me here, where rockfish set along generation time, some of them but to be over a 100 years old. and when they get over fish like they were back in the seventy's, eighty's fishermen here wanted to be proactive. they wanted to get out in front of the issue they drew the lines and they presented those boundaries to the state. and that's what led to red shocks. so there's a little transmitter, basically was implanted and efficient abdomen after tagging, their fist goes into his cage. when we get down to say 4050 feet door pops
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open, fish twins away, and now we're tracking it. we've found a perfect synergy between people who have a careers worth of knowledge about fish in the ocean. and we've connected them with the technology of a research institution like o s u, that kind of negotiation is how you get to where you're trying to go when you're trying to do conservation in a community that's dependent on resources. the abundant stocks are important. i mean, who wants to fish the last batch, the way of communities like port orford work to find the balance between fishing and conservation. deceptive labeling has become the latest industry . we have $74.00 different species of rock to shop the art in cost. it's solve the snapper. the people are willing to accept that their fishes ministry,
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fish van. you know, who cares anymore about the small guy. a new reports as many fish providers are playing a shell game with suppliers. recent investigations and studies have shown this labeling. sometimes do the error, but on the results of outraged fraud is ramp in the industry. the safe with labeling in general has been found unfortunately to be full of mislabeled and a lot of it is intentional. mislaid was there been a number of studies where people just go in, they buy fish and fish markets that are said to be something like red snapper and then they do dna test and they find that it's not red snapper us solution to the fraud in seaford is better enforcement where somebody who was coming into by happened to be running dna test, they really wouldn't keep doing that. who fishes matters. and you can actually know
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your fishermen, the we operate port, orford, sustainable seafood communities for to fishery. we catch our fish. i sit down over night and lock in the fresh desk as fast as you can. troubles were to pay more for the fish, a fair trade price to create processing jobs and to sell puerto efficient port orford. you couldn't buy local fish and efficient town and that felt fundamentally wrong. if a chief, the goal of raising the price on fish so that other buyers have come up to meet our price as well. and then we'll go up again. so we can stay in business, this is where all the best from alaska comes directly. this is about 50000 pounds. that around 20 below transparency is without a doubt the julian hurdle. see from the supply chain and
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a small operations with the right intentions grow and scale. it's an issue that must be addressed if you're trying to expand from selling your own fish directly and you want to grow your business for a lot of time, your line and other entities to process your fast to ship your fish to deliver your fresh companies that may not adhere to your values and what point you have enough sales enough volume to like build the infrastructure to do everything yourself. we've process the fisher ourselves. we deliver that trace and we'll finish ourselves. and we can make sure that was the piece is officially, so is the one that is on the name. that's a beautiful thing. and i want to keep that growing and keep, tell me the, this is a new cardiac municipal crane. this allows harbor users independent access to the
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waterfront without having to go through a large industrial processor. we've been fighting for this for between 30 and 40 years. there can be no startup operations, they'll have an access to the waterfront with what this plan provides. now you can have a little mom and pop processor that's, you know, a couple blocks in land. this is the kodiak island wild source facility. we hope to serve the small boat fleet, hearing kodiak, with custom processing. really excited to see the new plan. just got it up and running, right? yeah. just a week ago. so this is our role stock packaging machine plus 1000 pounds in our we can run through here. this is an idea of our small boat slate. the opportunity to custom process this throughout the course of the year. i think we'll be hopefully 12 months of the year as long as there's fish to be caught. you guys helped us get
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to the point that we are today and we want to be partners and success with you guys . all the basics are here for sure. a new era. yeah. for the areas cash present in geography, issues like in the battle for access to the waterfront, beneficent, ultimately determine whether it's possible to make a living we need to capitalize on value and get some adapters to issue the i've seen with these efforts. there is a back in the success on the way the today annually one fish longer is visit. pretty crazy. was changed in the business
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for us. we bought a 2nd truck, a bigger truck, 2nd boat from then or 2. we also have several full time employees now they believe in one i believe in, and i'm having fun doing what i'm doing. the sink we got cooking and growing pretty well. they're in a really short time, and there's only so much you can shuffle fish around in the refrigerated man. there we go. i think we can have your own cold storage. well, leave you to and having more flexibility to do our work. i'm looking forward to this, this would be nice. we have a close to $3000.00 followers on facebook. i never thought it would be at that point, never thought it was possible. we do work in our community. we do everything that you would want a small business to do and keep doing that. the, the systems are going anywhere. are 2 choices,
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make it work for us or to fail what the differences is making an example for all there's a ball that defies that system. the battle for me now is not in washington dc anymore. it's not in town, so meetings. it's on my boat and into businesses. we work with the, the future of small scale fisher's and seen our hands as consumers, the value they bring to coastal communities. and their stewardship to the ocean will only remain if we commit to supporting and while their service to society is under threat, hope that our fisheries will once again thrive with possibilities still exist.
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among those who continued there's different levels of challenge. so what's gonna make us work in the small mo fisheries? providing that quality traceable market is absolutely key to our survival at this point. the combinations of small scale fisheries, and robust management that's kind of ideal. as far as fully employing people and fully making use as a resource, the ocean is still capable of producing and sustaining an unbelievable amount of life in us waters. we have started to let it do that and it shows the message i would leave to you is the importance of not giving up the importance of working together and also the importance of taking care of your corner of the ocean . i think the challenge one term for protecting fist x is it more our complete understanding of the system?
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recognizing the importance of habitat and managing as if we are in the only predator that's taking fish out of the c building, direct connections between fishermen and the public. that's great for, for not ultimately shifting policies. and that's all for nothing. how can we leverage that network of people who care about where the seafood comes from so that we're protecting community based fishermen who we believe are poised to be the best stewards of the ocean? that's really ultimately what we need. it is going to be around for the long of the
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i don't think that i could ever as a writer really capture the experience that is 1025 percent of your income. roughly, there's someone that's at home probably enjoying retirement, watching the wheel of fortune or murder. she's such shrewd, shrewd points about the way in which the sea food world fits together in the middle r squared in the middle is got a lot of steam, monica, your t. v shows misbehaving. very upset. this film. 80 that's coming out soon and better be anyways this
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was broken save any one. i did nothing that i that was in 2013 which really in my wake. and it makes me thoughtful things to willy waiting for. i need to have the time happy that trying to find is really good to you. you can the sleep mom a he become my new friend, the one who has loved going to die or because he is would stay alive. say next to me. the
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if i'm not crazy enough, i'm not going to make it the protesters in your van surround the main government building as a raleigh against the prime minister. surrender of no core, no car box as locals, the choosing the leader of treason. i meant safety concerns over people living in the region. i know many people there who want to leave and cannot implement. that's right. they are staying their cost of their own, their relatives and their children's lives. the current discoloration and the boy in a car boss occurred the time when armenia was conducting joint exercises with the united states on its territory versus deputy envoy to the us. and since the armenian prime ministers decision making on the crisis may have been influenced by western powers .
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