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tv   News  RT  September 25, 2023 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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the, the canadian politician space outrage and home the nation of the country is called events, including the prime minister. gives us something of the agent to a world war 2, not because number rates us, it was well took because of the premium as canadian hair. these as military leaders declare a new era, and the country's history of the president, mccoy, on announced as the planned with to by a french troops from the west. stockton nation. and polk from says, takes aim at nations causing military assistance to ukraine. fastest upon the pontiff hopping pushed bookcase. just wait for the the
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very warm welcome asap. i am here in moscow and this is on the international with the very latest world news update is great to have you with us. on top story this, our a nazi collaborate to a standing ovation and then apology, the how speak and full, the canadian parliament has paid in full damage control mode. following his red carpet treatments of ukrainian nazi collaborate to of his will, welcoming all to elizabeth with international outrage. my colleague, you to know neil, discuss this with all teeth, my a to scandal. a ruptured last week. when footage came out from the canadian parliaments in which you can see the ukrainian president presidents, the landscape and the canadian prime minister, just internal, both applauding, a very interesting person. now this person has served in and not the division during the 2nd world war. let's take a look. we have here in the chamber today ukrainian canadians, ukrainian canadian world veteran from the 2nd world for who fought the ukrainian
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independence against the russians and continues to support the troops today. even at his age of 98, the we just saw that the veteran was recognized by the canadian, how speaker has the ukranian hero as a canadian hero who fought against afore ukrainian independence against what he called russian aggressors. and he also proceeded to thank him for his service. and as we just saw, also in the footage, the ukrainian neither the ukrainian president nor the canadian prime minister had a problem celebrating this. a veteran with a call the for him. i looked at statement by the highest speaker saying, you know,
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he's fought against the russians conveniently, forgetting that was the red army fighting against nazi germany. so in that who is this person that, as you mentioned food over the lensky, that the entire parliament are applauding, saluting. so this is a 98 year old veteran called the out of slab guy. he's ukranian warren, as collaborator, now living in canada. now he's serving the infamous 14th a watson s as volunteer division, a unit that committed atrocities against polish civilians, russians, and also jewish communities. it was formed by nazi germany and consisted mostly of ukrainian collaborators from the western parts of ukraine. this is uh, it was essentially crushed in the 2nd world war by the red soviet army, of course in 1944. and soon after that it was renamed, the queen national army. but this also remind ourselves that at the time, canada was a soviet ally. so this really looks quite funny and hypocritical,
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celebrating, and that is the veteran in your problem and is certainly not what you would expect from them. right? this veteran you have a sub who call was never really shy of. he's not the past because it was very much well documented. we so we can see photos of him proudly sending alongside his and not the collaborators in the us as the vision. but you know, it seems that canada is really no stranger to white washing, nods the links because one of the people who rose to their feet in that parliament was none other than canadian deputy minister, chris del freeland. now what's interesting about this is that chris jeffrey island, her grandfather just so happens to have been in your plane in world war 2. and that's a collaborator whose name was michael him. yeah. and add him to that the political sion has did not shy away previously in the past to pay tribute to his
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legacy this by knowing, despite her knowledge of his past in being part of the not the front and you know, she was also portal graft allegedly posing with far right symbols at a pro ukraine raleigh in toronto last year, when the you print conflict began. but she was also seen as one of the potential candidates likely to take the position of the next nato secretary general. and as expected, of course, was to media did not shy away from white washin. uh, this positions families pass and they claim that this is nothing but just russian for 5 down the. now one question remains that i'm asking myself is how can you have a veteran in your problem and celebrate him and not really know anything about his house as they claimed they didn't know anything. i think that's one of the questions. many countries are asking representatives of those states. i'm
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a big i try following this. yeah. so of course, as you would expect, the, there was a lot of outrage coming from the jewish communities. they've asked for apologies and explanations of from the canadian government. how good of this even happened? let's take a look and apologies though, to every holocaust survivor and veteran of the 2nd world war. for, for the nazis an explanation must be provided as to how this individual entered the hallowed halls of the canadian parliament and received recognition from the speaker of the house and the standing ovation. now, russian officials have also reacted and the russian ambassadors to canada has mentioned that the russian embassy would demand an explanation from the canadian government. but also the diplomatic notes would be sent to both the foreign ministry and the prime minister's office. bella rose, also express outrage as well saying and quote, we are convinced that such a cynical attitude to the memory of thousands of innocent victims of nazism is not
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a random incident full and has also expressed anger and its feelings regarding the situation. the investigator of poland to canada has stated that he was counting on an apology from canada and the despite full of support for ukraine. they would not go to the lens to whitewash nod fees. and let's take a look at that now. on the 22nd of september, the canadian and ukrainian leadership in the house of commons gave a standing ovation to a member of the division of ss collage. here the infamous world war 2 era ukrainian military formation responsible for the murder of thousands of poles and jews. although poland does ukraine's best ally, it will never agree to whitewash such villains as pulling some bastard to canada. i expect an apology, but this has not stopped a countries because roach neither of the famous american actor also since winter.
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and he expressed his concerns on this situation as he was finding to go to canada, but cancel his trip is not, this is not the 1st time that the west has tried to whitewash ukrainian 90 or a few instances that a set that were documented. so for example, when the stanford university hosted in the event of featuring fighters from the ukrainian united z adults battalion in october of last year, we also have went home with sorrow. a prominent american official posted a photo of a patch berries step in pin. there been dara, the leader, a few cleaning nationalists who bowed shirts, polish, and jewish communities and collusion with hitler's forces. or when for example, the u. k. stein use, allegedly abruptly ended an interview with demetri paul young, as he claimed the deputy head of russia's mission to the united nations. as soon as he showed a photo or with a knife as a symbol that has been posted by the ukranian president. now the list goes on
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really and this whole topic is very interesting to talked about and discuss and new beginnings. that's how nisha leaders have harold did the announcement, the french military forces will leave the west african country fresh troops. and the french ambassador will leave news year before the end of the year. this is a historic moment that shows the determination of the insurance people. each person, each institution or structure that threatens the interest of our country must leave the land of our ancestors imperialist and new colonialists forces are not welcome anymore on the share in territory. this comes off, the power is made and unexpected. utah and as president mccormick, rates a would call his i'm positive from nisha and to withdrawal french troops from the west african country. the left hand side, you see the francis decided to bring back it's in bassett, or in the next few hours or in baset or, and several other diplomats will return to france. we're ending our military
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cooperation with cool beyond the christian. right. and always we the, it was pre so origin when decisions that lead to defense chris didn't get to making this announcement. and it also recalled that a few days ago, it was reported that some west african countries, such as the multiplication of fossil, including the g. i found a military pen mcclung at that point to have nothing much to do besides just giving it to the, the moans off the military governments that the troops must leave the country as well as the front diploma that were in any shape. the announcement also came off to be completed issued a state to enter that they were closing the g is, is phase 2 from so and this, despite present in my normal crunch, previously, insisting that it was no way possible to talk about withdrawing french troops from this year with the current, but if the officials hang on a hook on this whole condition, we do not recognize the legitimacy of the purchase declarations. because the cutting since president bustle has not relinquished power. and so if we re deployed,
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we would only do so at present, presumes requests, and then coordination with him and not with specialists who today are taking the president cost. issue exploits continue to say that this particular key is to make a special ad, may i mean as a high performances preexisting disease and following the money. on the other hand, cost has repeated deep, straight into military action to restore pursuit. but to fall those places, none of them have been transferred into any action so far. the trade of a play by our rules. that's the message for me. you commission vice president on season china trying to level the competition with terrorist old to and then call and make us face chinese electric vehicles that come with a best price to say your welcome competition is makes our company stronger and more, if you know to how out of competition must be fair and we will be more upset to inc
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. dock. link on farmers. let us get some more details on this on cost life to warranties contributes original mazda now rachel, good to see this evening. so just bring us up to speed on what this is all about. yeah, he's, you're really define what he means by fair. hey, remember earlier this month when europe and commission present ursula ponder line and elect a defacto queen of europe, school in china and like a school mom saying that she was launching an investigation into whether china was on fairly subsidizing its electric cars that were being export to europe, because apparently she just could not understand how the china could possibly sell cars more cheaply than european countries. these industries are paying 14 for energy and also have to support useless pricey bureaucracies like hers. well now here's the use old trade chief speaking at the university of beijing telling the chinese look, all we care about is fairness. we're not trying to be anti competitive or anything, but maybe turn down the efficiency and give us a break. kind of like the kid on school sports day,
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who reads twin keys and plays video games all the time. but then watch the same result as the kid who trades every day. then the even try to you've tried another manipulation tactic. the europe, china, economic relationship is deep. it has benefited both sides. there is no intention of cause of that relationship. we do not seek self sufficiency or input substitution, which i concerns that the youth has actually raised about china, his own policies. oh, okay, so there what he's saying is, hey, this relationship is good, right? no need to start looking elsewhere and checking out other people, right? europe would never do that, even though we've asked you so many times if you're thinking of cheating on us. okay, so the big question is, why is there such a discrepancy between ursula stern words and those of this trade chief? now, just days later, the german economy minister provided a pretty big clue. now was
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a lot from the mind propose that we should have for the deep dive into the christian. if china as giving the good or no not w t o recording, soc seduce the german economic system. the german automotive industry is afraid, variety. so that if this would be the case and terrace would be invented on chinese costs or whatever. re read have to have your context for a full front. it's not a problem because they're not sitting so many calls. so this is yet another case of a relentlessly ideological. you're trying to break with a level way above its own behind while it's member states realize that it's just not pragmatic, realistically, and can cause all sorts of problems for them. in this case, it's germany saying, look, france, once all of this protectionism against china. but that's easy for them to say
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because they don't sell nearly as many cars to china as journey does. a german senior lobbyist told the western prost recently that this is all away, as far as he's concerned for french car manufacturers to hamstring their german competitors. so a little team, unity fight clubs, side show happening there to between france and germany. so, well, queen ursula has been trying to make it all about china. it turns out that teachers pads back home and friends have been pulling, yanking on a skirt and trying to manipulate or, or at least that's what the germans are saying behind the scenes. and you're, all this drama. china is going, hey, look, this all sounds like one giant you problem to us. china believes the investigative measures proposed by the european union are in reality to protect its own industry in the name of fair competition. as it turns out, that even the ceo of germany's mercedes benz has said that the free market approach is still very best considering how entire global automotive supply chains can be
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very badly disrupted by any anti china terrace and ultimately below back right onto europe. but regardless, chancellor, all off schultz is top adviser on you. economic affairs made it clear at a recent atlantic council event that berlin totally supports the investigation. sure. why not? german industry is already having to contend with energy issues caused by use anti russian policies. with berlin's full blessing, it may as well just add potential supply chain disruptions to that steaming pile of problems. rachel, many thanks for the updates on sante is contributing right to mazda and the speaking to his live from paris. well, let's now continue the conversation with our guest economist and all the i go home . i many thanks for joining us on the present this evening. always lovely to see you. so we have the, you have accusing china of unfair competition, just hung justified is that came in. you'll see. well, the main problems that has the costs for the german industry and especially the
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kindest, where you're coming from the european commission, who made regulations that are happy to fulfill for the german kind history. not only there they are survey, they seem to serve more, their bodies in the united states, then that will need the street by sending us officers into folks are the biggest com maker in europe, at least to, to change the car, make up from a process you can make up to electric, a cut to electric call make us know the electric vehicles don't work. so all these problems that have being made, our homemade and his basically nothing to do with china. but china is the most important market for these car manufacturers without china, they have really to struggle. so on the one hand, they asked you for a freight that, and i lena bear book and go, but how they are declaring war
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a economic board against china. so they losing the markets and on the other hand, they are super afraid of the, your quote being called a commission to, to even tyson the regulations against german car make us we just, just on the previous to do it in germany is always had such a great reputation when it comes to the automotive industry, what do you think? germany is so afraid or worried about this competition from the chinese electric cars mean to them and cause it's still known as the the best and the wells on a that they are. but the, they are the best in the fossil fuels and this technol technology is still the most advanced and best in the world. but german politics assembled tashing in the alliance with european commission summertime, the german industry with a and when you can only speculate on the reasons and some reasons could be that the american park most don't want is from german call industry because they're kind
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disagree strongly. and their industries losing market chess everywhere. and so that is the easiest ways to stop a task. the biggest competitor by now, china is the biggest competitor and nobody can sell it to us. china, because the chinese government is serving the industry and they're not fighting the industry as your p or the germany. the government does. i think the, the response from that is in, in the phones is also very interesting because while germany is wary of their run this occasions of this, the you pro, the can based composites is a, in from so seems to be welcoming, get what you make of this rivalry between neighbors, but we can see this rivalry for, for quite a long time. it was it where the fringe. we started this summer, charging the german industry by giving regulations. but con people sales by the lex street segment only by the vicar cars that has been produced in france. they have
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to be in the summer charging the german car industry by trying to put through that limited speed limit to old europe, which is benefiting the cars they produce and not the luxury cars that are produced in germany. so we have this fight from france against germany for quite a time, and it says it is due to n b the, the french are not competing markets with the quality they are competing markets with the unfair means, and they thought they can continue about. now the german car industry is on the brink of collapsing, and this would mean of the enter your b union is falling apart because european union is living on sucking out germany and nothing else. when it's terminate, like you say, is about to, to lose is crown as the, the, the top may to of cause in the world who's going to replace it. well, the american thought they could replace it by test law. so changing forbidding the fossil fuel cars and installing the electric cars or making an electric car where
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they thought they would be the most. the most advanced. but apparently it is china, china, here's the big on market. china is, has advantages at the car industry. they can produce cars much cheaper than the your piece of the americans and they seem to, to conquer the markets. and so this is a part of this is one competitor. most of these, um european spent the us didn't, didn't account with or china has that to be said that this in even investigation it could be bad for both sides. that's something that germany actually agreed with badging on. what do you think to, well, this is true the chinese to come into effect as nerd. quite a lot of the german caught manufacturers who have be from the quality wise, the best that we have. all these joint ventures in china with the european or the german car manufacturers. so yes, it would harm at both sides, but it would collapse the german kind of free or the p car industry. and china
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could suffice with this, as we saw with the raw material, the rivers and all the other stuff. what the european commission in favor of the f . c o m u. s. bodies were sent and were declaring trade was on. so this work can only be one from china and not from the european commission and, but they are, they are so full of themselves that they think they are still the center of the universe, but they are not anymore. interesting times, thank you so much for spacing. so at this evening it's always great to get your take on things, economists and all of that i can, hama, thank you. thank you. well, instead of using his pulpit to promote pace, hope phones, this has been criticized countries for reducing military a to k. s, claiming that it could directly contribute to ukrainian debts. we should not play games with the mazda dom of these people. we have to help them resolve things. i
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see now that some countries i'm moving backwards, not wanting to give items. that process is starting in which the mata suddenly will be the crate of the people, and that is an ugly thing which gives you a sense of the aid provided by western countries to ukraine. has some data from the gym until institute is you institutions top the list pledging of 89000000 euro since the conflicts began. the united states follows that, sending the equivalence of nitty $70000000.00 euro to kia of germany, which has signed off tax pay a checks to the tune of some of the $20000000000.00 euro rounds off the top 3000000000 analyst chief editor of finished news outlets. and the left, the yellows put, conan suggests that the pope's narrative on the ukraine conflicts is controlled by actors outside the vatican. or what the faults is now that it's a whole week, some kind of a task to do. i just wonder how high the decisions for our new craig is nowadays
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done because the but the car is clearly playing a role here. i think that there is no, according to this isn't fully fixed, and he's just revealed the agenda often what they call only the western states against russian. well, what people need is to have message of peace, love and understanding. that's the spirit of god. what, what these kind of demanding more killing the slaughtering level of grainy is through the last man. this is not the word of any holy spirit. you just very deep dark speech is. of course, the believers will be wearing this off in their life, but as the whole, where's forward use this propaganda? now the poll is continuing if you do the spiritual level, and that is the frightening thing. and the latest episode of going to underground asked him are times which has with alice stat quote k for me, you would find that on me these to fast elaborates on the un general assembly of
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arm if occasions of ukraine sold to encounter offensive. and you can catch the full interview, hey, on all t throughout the day, but for now, here's a preview, a task. thank so much for coming back on. i know you were in a bit of an equity room kind of re abused in hotel california, or i think so gala or of in new york, that's all on the hills or wednesdays, informal bricks, meeting biden, celebrating with the landscape. the wife has 2 separate welds now and the international community of the united states is, is becoming isolated. i think that although europe is to come ahead, you know, it's too old to washington. what can i do was, i mean, it is made itself a vessel of washington, all the biting administration. so no, it wants to keep its jobs. so they have to say the right things. but there's great divisions and much more so and the ground level where people, i mean,
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the come on mean consequences of the sanctioning of russia. i just playing i know in terms of high unemployment and people can't afford food medias. censorship way, your speaking to me from the official media censorship in the european union. how easy will it be from the united states to de, couple from the i suppose west in europe and from the policy? well, europe is divided, it makes it much harder for, for washington to go ahead because a narrative is always be, you know, nature, always united in your nature is together. that's no longer true that are on the positions both at the military level and also increasing the political level about that. the
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many thanks for your company here on the international with back of the top of the album defense. you know, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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that's the damn bass of the thank you very much for joining us today. thank you. i can imagine that it might be somewhat difficult for so many people to understand why the countries as far as rush and indonesia might need to develop close bilateral relations. could you please explain that need? well, actually our, our world is a small place and we're not that far away. but seriously speaking, of course, uh, 1st of all, we are linked by history, all good relations and traditional friendship that started in the sixty's when our 2 countries, very, very close and present. so comfortable who brought the independence to the indonesian republic,
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visit the dark country 4 times. and i can tell you that people of the generation of my parents in russia, they remember that very well. my parents were students at that time and they were greeted prices. so call them know in the street when you arrive to moscow and suzanne, the song that i you on to our pool, i'll get lots of became very popular in rush shape was the to slate. this interruption in the media of us the easier and when my father found out that that was going to be posted indonesia, the 1st thing he did, he sang the sold to me and i shall i that time i didn't know the song. so uh varies . this tradition of uh, friendship and good relations and uh, similar to all the views of our 2 countries on the many issues of


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