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tv   News  RT  September 25, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the, the canadian politicians say so great jones on the nation. also the country is paul events, including the prime minister. it gives a standing ovation to a world war. 2 notes in collaboration was welcome to you previously, as canadian hair. speaking to all t rushes on, fox, the canada condemns the nazi veterans reception. and also while urging the world to resist the attempt to re writes a brand new nister's refusal to apologize, escaped coatings. the speaker was the following month and the at the same time. blaming rations, prep, again, is just pretty close to us it's, it's a,
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it gets it far as a process takes same nations tossing military assistance to ukraine. that's just by the point of having pushed with keith just weeks ago, the very welcome you're watching all t international with the very latest world news updates good to have you with us. now nazi collaboration stands innovation, and then an apology. canadian know makers of being in full damage control mode following the red carpet treatments of ukrainian nazi collaborate to is welcoming all to was met with international outrage when grilled or the scandal find the cool media prominence to just intrude or trying to downplay the incidence before randomly switching the topic to so called russian propaganda. this is extremely settings. this happens. the steve or speaker has no excuse mistake. it's going to
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be really important. and all of us push back against russian propaganda. rushing this information and continue our steadfast, unequivocal support for ukraine as we did last week with announcing further measures to stand with ukraine in russia's legal, more against what we call, reaction to the scandal on this one. medications from russia's um, boss of the, to canada. like step on of it's, it's not, it's a grid to everyone who is interested in cheese 3 can just google it because uh that the guy uh, missed a home co blink or a he has a ultimately stated that he was a fighter for a says did he is there a division uh, go in there and uh i, i can understand that probably part of the members of that bundle of men to some
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members of the bottle. the men who applauded is able to adjust the grant of history . by the time i'm sure that the adult assorted to his federal authorities of kind of the prime minister's office and made them freelance, the deputy prime ministers at a fully aware of who missed the phone was and the especially appalling to me was seeing as the chief of national defense, general waiting air, standing practically next to that guy in the aisle and uploading it to him to seize the as the. busy brass of canadian army, a member of anti cute little colleagues sion to upload the, to one of the former assess countryman, you just the in comprehensible and the i just the t, she's the but it assessors in the,
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in that position and the ends of those who forth on the canadian side, in the 2nd world war, me have multiple and mechanisms and formats, including a group of, uh, brands and support defense, national lo, including a like minded to button as seen as c o. and then the m brakes and the in every 4 months and ends united nations before we explain them. the mode is the idea is that it's in admissible to rewrite history. it's in a miserable to infinity is a post throws, but then they have to be in our experience and i'm sure that the while the rest of stance is easily it'll be a principal position during the community and present as a recent visit to all to where the canadian parliament proudly hosted 980. do you
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have to solve hunk of an ethnic you crate in to it said on the hipaa doing the 2nd model in an s s division that was accused of war crimes. we have here in the chamber today. ukrainian canadians cleaning canadian world veteran from the 2nd world war from fort ukrainian independence against the russians and continues to support the troops today. even at his age of 98, the navy veteran was recognized by the canadian house speaker as a ukrainian hero. as a canadian hero, who felt against a for ukrainian independence against what he called russian aggressors. and he also
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proceeded to thank him for his services. so this is a $98.00 a year old veteran called yellow slab guy. he's ukranian born as, as collaborator now living in canada. now he's serving the infamous 14th a watson as volunteer division, a unit that committed atrocities against polish civilians, russians, and also jewish communities. it was formed by nazi germany and consisted mostly of ukrainian collaborators from the western parts of ukraine. this veteran yellow slab who got was never really shy of. he's not the past because it was very much well documented. we so we can see photos of him proudly standing alongside his and i'd say cooperators in the us as the vision. but you know, it seems that canada is really no stranger to white washing, nods the links because one of the people who rose to their faith in that parliament was none other than canadian deputy minister chris jo freeland. now what's
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interesting about this is that chris jeffrey island, her grandfather just so happens to have been in ukrainian world war 2. ok, that's a collaborator whose name was michael ham yet and add into that the political sion has did not shy away previously in the past. to pay tribute to his legacy despite knowing, despite her knowledge of his past in being part of the nazi of front. and you know, she was also photographed, allegedly posing with far right symbols that a pro ukraine raleigh in toronto last year. when the you quinn conflict began, but she was also seeing as one of the potential candidates likely to take the position of the next nato secretary general. and as expected, of course, western media did not shy away from white washin. uh,
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this positions families pass and they claimed that this is nothing but just russian propaganda. now one question remains that i'm asking myself is how can you have a veteran in your parliament celebrate him and not really know anything about his past as they claim they didn't know anything the uh there was a lot of outrage coming from the jewish communities. they've asked for apologies and explanations of from the canadian government. how good of this even happened kind of biology. so to every holocaust survivor and veteran of the 2nd world war for, for the nazis and an explanation must be provided as to how this individual entered the hallowed halls of the canadian parliament and receive recognition from the speaker of the house and the standing ovation. full and has also expressed anger, uh and its feelings regarding the situation. the ambassador of poland to canada has stated that he was counting on an apology from canada and the despite pull in support for ukraine. they would not go to the lens to whitewash nazis. 122
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september, the canadian and ukrainian leadership in the house of commons gave a standing ovation to a member of the division of s cisco to see if the against the miss world war 2 era ukrainian military formation responsible for the murder of thousands of poles and jews, although poland does ukraine's best ally. it will never agree to whitewash such villains as poems and bastards and canada. i expect an apology. this, i'll discuss this with paul. tell us the highest, jo, altman joining goes my function of color all day. many thanks for joining us. so 1st of all, i'd like to watch the reaction to the non c veterans reception impala, and then 2 days late to statements about it. well he, he's been, he's been in canada for a long time, so it's not like they didn't know of the past. i don't believe it. it happened by accident. and there there's, there's some issues that we should probably flush out and that there's neo liberal
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fascism that we're seeing happening. i think the ambassador to, to canada was talking about this earlier. it's not by mistake that they know what they're doing. the same thing that they do in the united states that they've done around the world, they put it out there to see if anyone's paying attention. they've added this guy. they knew what they were doing. they were basically saluting a demon. mm hm. what do you make of traders attempts to blame it to a lot of russian propaganda off the way so it just doesn't compete with me. i don't understand the connection what part of its propaganda? i mean, did you have a you have a guy that literally committed atrocities and more war to some of the worst atrocities committed, not just against jews, but against polls against other people as they were supposedly fighting on the, on the front. how do you compute, how do you push those 2 together and say that we're dealing with propaganda when everything that's being said about this 98 year old murder is true. and it's like
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a ton of doors for guessing its own history as well. it kind of, it was a member of the anti peddler coalition during the war and east 42000 canadian died, helping to win the war against nazi as a well sort of message. do you think there's reception and the whole family is sending to canadians some of the rest of the world? well, look at what's happening in ukraine. you have the a's off battalion, which is a no nasty battalion. there represents a large contingent of the fighting force. the ukraine has created this chaotic, almost conflict in and people's thoughts of do i support ukraine? can i, can i not support ukraine? are they not these? are they not nazis? they're not denouncing, not to you. so you have zalinski himself that came out and said, well they're, they're not these, but they're not killing jews. so they're ok. it's this justification is slippery slope of evil people. and i guess that's what it's come down to is it doesn't matter if you're jewish or not, jewish, the country educate crane largely has attacked its own people with impunity. you
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look at what they did in dunbar and you look at the fact that they had a a referendum vote asking what the people there. one who did they wanted to go with russia. so this is, this is just more of the white washing to come, but they are the nazis. we're talking about a country in large part by the way. i don't care what anybody says, most of the united states does not stay with ukraine. you have the politicians and the part of the political elite who are largely disconnected with the american people. but there is not a unwavering support in the united states for ukraine. we see it for what it is. we have access to too much information. and frankly, this is just another one of those connections between the us uh, installed government that we have here and what you have up in, in canada, which is much of the same electric just saying it's on the last time you cried in fascist, including nazi veterans on motor neo, nazis being praised in the west for that just because that financing against russia . i'm just wondering how concerned should we be about this and then where is this taking us? do you know what's the future looking like? now?
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i think the future is between good and evil is not republican democrats. it's not jews. and blacks and hispanics are russians, and polls or germans, it has nothing to do with that. it is this establishment that this, this systematic rot that exists across the globe versus the normal everyday people . and those that want to do, do good within the government apparatus is, but i think that the more we are exposed to and the more we pull back the curtain and we're able to see this institutional rock, this demonic, i call it evil. i mean, i don't know if there's anything else you'd call it other than evil. it is now good versus evil. it is, it is them to them versus us in us, meaning probably 7 and a half 1000000000 people versus, you know, these, the, a couple of 1000000 of these criminals that exist across the world. well, because we all in this information was right now and, and many people in the west see russia as the bad guy in all of this.
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and how willing do you think the west is going to be to accept and, and the re, well, i think of history. well, history is written by the victors. and right now the evil is trying to, in real time rewrite history. and if you want to go back to world war 2, there is a inconvenient truth that most people don't actually ever talk about and that is inside the nazi regime were jews. it was not just the regime that was a 100 percent against jews. and if we also remember back to world war 2, we had over 30 nations. they got together where germany was saying that they would give the refugees inside of jeremy that went to these concentration camps to those 30 nations. and all of those nations collectively turn their back on the people that ended up dying and his concentration clips so that there's a lot, there's a large part of history that most people are just completely ignorant to. and so, to, to say that it's okay because the lensky is a jew,
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then we can just walk away from what's happening in ukraine and, and these monetary crisis has been created in large part by nato and, and ukraine and the western world. i think it's foolish, so we're, we're getting that place now where i think that most people are realizing what's happening and then they're seeing it for what it is and, and you see the klein that's happening, you see the lives that are, that are just starting to compound themselves, both in the west and in largely what is happening in ukraine. do i thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. we appreciate your time. pod costs, how is that joe opened? all right, god bless you. well, probably have the keys to germany of speaking so you're interested in the countries internal affairs and responsibilities claims that also is selling a you visa is to migraines, who will then smoke k to germany in the latest statement by the german chancellor. all off schultz violates the principles of the sovereign equality of states. the
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competence of the german chancellor clearly does not concern the ongoing proceedings in poland. statements in this regard indicated an attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of the pole, the state, and the ongoing electoral campaign in poland. the visa scandal that is now happening in poland needs clarification. i don't want poland to just wave good bye to us. and then discuss our silent policy. a situation where visas were somehow handed out for money makes the problem even worse. as agreed with the countries. we will have to adjust the situation at the borders and possibly take additional measures according to polish and media repose over the past couple of years. more than 250000 microns from africa and asia have received permission to work in poland to the primary countries. farm industry has denied these accusations, and it says it's hardly investigating only $268.00 such cases. meanwhile, as well, and criticized as well. so on his mind when policy gemini,
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has decided to fund and use the rescue, migraines and the mediterranean, and drop them off from the shows of another you country, easily move this box condemnation from right berlin pretends not to realize that in doing so, it causes difficulties to a country that in theory should be a friend. it is the ideological approach of a certain political left that does not take into account the consequences of its theories on the people to one of these n g a is as nice as being promised around 800000 euro is from the land to help my friends cross into italy, the german foreign ministry has defended the move saying that rescuing people that see is a humanitarian and tomorrow's u. t. earlier italy say to that would increase the number of detention centers for migraines before that possible people taishan and extend the periods of the detention at least a 125 thousands. my friends have a run to the city so far. they see it twice to them during the same period of 2022,
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a foreign policy chief, joseph burrell. so you see blocks members should stop bickering and see common grounds on migration policies. migration is a bigger divide for the european union, and it could be a dissolving forest for the european union. we have not been able until now to agree on a common migration policy. the more important point is this in new york has been bouncing episodes, the hour of spring in 2011, let 10 millions of people's leading to the west military interventions in our countries like libya, syria and the rock of owning age months, as was so much like a nation's that also contributed to the mind could flow with humanitarian crises, was easily mist insurgencies leading to the displacement of many local. the song of the vatican has changed as to a less than 2 months time. proof of funds this has gone from contemplating what it will take figure up to show the world
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a positive piece of ukraine to preaching about the moral duty of states to continue dropping weapons in decay of tons. we should not play games with the mazda dom of these people will have to help them resolve the things i see now that some countries i'm moving backwards not wanting to give homes. that process is starting in which the mata so then they will be the equate in the people, and that is an ugly thing. it's not correct effect with a deep law for europe. and in the spirit of dialogue that distinguishes these continents, we might ask why you had named if you're not showing the world positive piece, creative ways to bring an end to the war in ukraine. you know what to give you a sense of the age provided by western countries to ukraine. here's some data from the gym until institute. a, you institutions top the list pledging of 8 to 9000000000 euros since the conflicts begun. the united states follows that, sending the equivalents of new the $70000000.00 euro to key f and terminate,
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which is signed off tax pad checks to the, to some $20000000000.00 bureau rounds off the top 3 though the list earlier we heard from the chief editor at the finished news outlets mc last, he understood conan, he suggests that the pope's narrative on the crank conflict is controlled by actors outside the box. could. what's the fault says now that it's in full with some kind of a task to do. i just wonder how high the decisions for our new craig is nowadays done, because the but because is clearly playing a role here, i think that there is no coincidence isn't fully fixed. and he just revealed the agenda. austin wattley, calling only the western states against russian. well, what people need is to have a message off fees, lot of an understanding. that's the spirit of god. what, what these kind of demanding more clearly the slaughtering level crania is through the last man. this is not a word of
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a whole is really just very deep dark speeches. of course the believers will be wearing this off in their life, but as the whole west already knew these propaganda. now the fault is continuing. if you do the spiritual level and that is the frightening thing, the west is showing it's true colors. that's the message from serbia and president, alexander vintage, of the pro e. you all 3 an economist cold from day to, to bombs, the kosovo in the west. true intentions are as voiced by gunther feelings, or who calls for belgrade to be bombed again, sir bor, against costs of all his stars in gantski, as i warned all year russian. sir bill once talking to the front. nowadays, here i call natal to prepare and convention again, sir, but immediately bone bill draws. now. the cool for the night type lock to drop his weapons on. so it'd be, again, comes as tensions and costs of over on the rise. following is to take it is
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northern region was full, people were kills, the police officers establish control of the area where the ethnic stubbs use trucks as a road block. on a bridge, the situation quickly escalated with one officer killed into the injured group, then escaped to a nearby monastery wet and nothing gun fights and sues. according to reports, 3 sub switched on judge, and one of that was the west coast of those lead. immediately they can add the wage incidents a terrorist attack. however, so be, as president insisted that early close to boat has something to gain from instigating a conflicts long simmering. tensions between serbia and the self proclaimed costs of a republic ignited in recent months with violent protests of disputed local elections . dozens of nato peace capers were reportedly injured in connection with taxes. with protest as back in may, we had from professor and international attorney, dr. cook is the black piece that he's,
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that nato deliberately instills to vision and countries so that it would so that it would be easier to control them. and to benefit from these instabilities. um, i think it's unfortunate. i think it also indicates the type of union that nato is that it is a military union along that sees aggression as part of their mandate. they would like to see these countries divided, divided countries are much more difficult for them to protect themselves and to stand up to western powers. and what i mean, western pro, i say western powers, not only governments, but also doesn't cover mental actors who often benefit from these. so some of the american company use and western european companies have benefited greatly, for example, or a war in the ukraine, which i think that they and promoted very much beforehand and still do so
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i could very well see that that is state board evasion. for 3rd parties, i don't think it's a motivation for most of the coursework people and what was the serbian people ukrainian red cross has spent a large amounts of humanitarians funding depriving residents have been to dance with public of crucial aid. well, misrepresenting facts about the plight bass according to the cold residence all days it goes to on a possible on the serious allegations raised against the charity. the idea of helping people without prejudice runs through the entire mission statement of the red cross. the branch in cuba though apparently didn't pay attention when push came to shove, the ukrainian red cross abandoned its people. in the hour of grace's need to go into the hold of the leaders of the guards, regional organization of the red cross of ukraine were among the 1st to leave and
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took away all the organizations transport which wasn't separate, don't yes, can i even contact to them and asked them to leave the call so that we can move around the safety, continue working because in the new areas, people without move to and without bread, we could give it out for free. but we were deprived of the opportunity to bring it to people. as well as so what i need was there any get on the 4th of our unit, the rapid response unit of the administrative emergency situations of ukraine and overall in transport and ambulance using the with deliver it fluid and war transport, people with limited mobility and provided for a state, with the beginning of the escalation of the conflict, our transport and part of the equipment were taken away by the leadership of the regional branch from the red cross, the ambulance left in the direction of ukraine who are told that it was more needed there, despite the fact that we had a lot of people who needed help, both is abandon ship crucial equipment, went with them, remaining stuff is how to carry this humanitarian flag on their own. while the
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office in keys kept throwing spanners in the works, good the go to what i left for the tower sheet of russia. i was sent an older than my work was suspended alongside to other colleagues. it shows me the official website of the ukrainian red cross pains a staggering lea contrasting picture. it's packed with reports, reporting to show their activity on terra trees. long off to russia had seized control over them. when i show these pages to the woman actually in charge of the region, she can't hold back her emotions for yeah, because of the i see the dates on the spot to ski district, the russian troops in the area right now. i see information that they signed a memorandum of cooperation with across the russians could ministration. that's impossible. i don't regret doing this interview. i'm able whelmed with emotions. i'm shocked that presenting on the site is like they're supposedly car. and once
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they're misleading people, the head of the red cross and the little guns republican so confirms the office in t if provides 0 help. if not some how do you mean that i see stick with you? in 2015, the russian red cross helped us. i went to moscow, they provided humanitarian aid, your suit and other things for the people of them. it was impossible to talk about it and well planted found to do came it was difficult with the drawers and the international committee of the red cross that helped us by the drawers the russian cross that helped us. and now it's given us humanitarian aid, which we provide to people throughout the republic. but that can be easily explained by the fact that the ukrainian red cross doesn't tied its political allegiance in another violation of the organizations code. ukrainian red cross categorically condemns the actions of the aggressor country, which lead to an increase in the number of victims among the civilian population,
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as well as an increase in human casualties in cities and towns throughout the country. the guilty must be brought to justice in accordance with international law, the neutrality in order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all the movements may not take sides and hostilities or engage at any time and to improve our system for political, racial, religious, or ideological nature, are you reached out to the main office of the red cross in the you for a comment on all of the above? the response was silence reports. so fantasy achievements, brain stone, by the people in t of isn't will that the official website reveals the acquisition section. showcase is the ukrainian branch has been splashing money on something other than human to terry and aid like this purchase and installment of air conditioning. any business center, again,
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another violation of the code which arguably pales in comparison with others as one of the most crooked countries in the world. apparently managed to corrupt and change the world's most recognized charity. i'm. it has done a very poor thing from the don't bass ok. see many things where you can put it here and honestly international this monday. we always appreciate it and we'll talk with more especially minutes see of them the the, the ambassador, thank you very much for joining us today. thank you. i can imagine that it might be somewhat difficult for so many people to understand why the countries as far as rush and indonesia might need to develop close bilateral relations. could you
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please explain that need? well, actually our, our world is a small place and we're not that far away. but seriously speaking, of course, the 1st of all, we are linked by history, all good relations and traditional friendship that started in the sixty's when our 2 countries, very, very close and present. so comfortable who brought the independence to the indonesian republic, visit the dark country 4 times. and i can tell you that the people of the generation of my parents in russia, they remember that very well. my parents were students at that time and they were, were greeted to present, so caught them all in the street when he arrived to moscow and soon then the song, you're on to our pool, i'll get lots of became very popular in rush shape was the.


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