tv News RT September 26, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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is on the global energy markets, or registering and as a consequence of russia's aggression against ukraine. this incident, serious as a start reminder of the funder abilities inherent to ascension energy infrastructure. content july denmark, germany, and sweden sent another joint venture to the security council. regarding the status of under investigations into the explosions and the same letter that you reiterated their commitment to investigating that the sabotage comprehensively discounts is kind of to ignore the fact that the nature of these activities unprecedented investigations are complex. and this is something that we should be able to agree to and acknowledge. meanwhile, most a has no reason to believe that they are not being conducted meticulously in line with the fundamental principles of through level and independent from political interference. we reiterate our full confidence in 3 and 4 chevy t as credibility persistence claims that's enough. time has paused to establish the
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truth, are groundless. such speculation only creates distrust and suspicion among states. furthermore, the countries in question have with the necessary means resources and expertise to conduct their own investigations, introduce further and further investigations at this juncture, serious the risks being counter productive. i thought you mentioned president i sent a representative for both of their statements. i gave the floor to the representative of united kingdom. thank you madam president, and thank you said the brief is for the perspectives. madame president, the international community remains rightfully concerned about the sabotage of the north stream pipe pines. we have repeated the condemn this attack, and we all want clear on says that's why we support the nation investigations of jeremy denmark and sweden to determine who is responsible. in july, jeremy demo can squeeze in office, a detailed updates on the progress of the investigations that update highlights the
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unprecedented nature of the sabotage and the subsequent complexity of the investigative processes. we understand these investigations will take time and we have full confidence in the impartiality and integrity. as we said before, we do not believe it is a good use of all time for the security council to start to pre judge. the outcome of these investigations dictates how they are conducted well, otherwise undermine them. we, on sunday council members should continue to offer our full support. so these investigations say that we can establish who was responsible for that. and before i finish that, it's close for a moment on the fact that it was russia who cooled this meeting. russia is claiming it is concerned about the destruction of civilian infrastructure. so much say that it seeks to commemorate the anniversary of this attack. yeah, we will know that almost every single day of the year isn't anniversary of age and zip codes, russian attack on civilian infrastructure in ukraine. we're seeing the systematic
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booming of ukrainian energy and port infrastructure. we seen a, the 480 russian attacks on schools and hospitals on a 120 a tops on religious sites. i am beyond infrastructure. what is the lives of civilians themselves? at least 9600 civilians have been killed. and 17 and a half 1000 more injured in russia, as well as the aggression in ukraine. so as we listen to russia today, let us not forget what's what they are doing deliberately and as a matter of policy. that is also not forget the callous disregard russia schafer, civilians and civilian infrastructure in a lat, pole homes in damascus. when they be said 9 council resolutions aimed ending the assad regimes indiscriminate bombing of hospitals and schools. unless as not forget the well, russia repeatedly brings breakfast to the council from the west who are free to attack, requesting governments. they systematically look up any one who does to criticize
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the russian government positions that had met him. president russell hypocrisy today is nothing you but it bears repeating. if they all seriously concerned about civilian infrastructure, they must cease their relentless attacks, uninsured, accountabilities, the pulling destruction and suffering. they have cost tests and the representative hope, united kingdom for thursday. when i give the food to the representative of united are of the mirrors, met him president. the united arab emirates reaffirms it's unreserved condemnation of the acts of sabotage against the north stream one and north stream to pipelines one year ago. and president, the consistent and predictable supply of energy is a bedrock of the international order. the need for energy stability and security is something that unites countries around the world. large and small, developed and developing. the we like all countries,
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relies upon the safety of trans boundary energy infrastructure threats to section for threats or a matter of international peace and security. and have rightfully been addressed by this council. us and resolution 2341. the security council highlighted increasing cross border critical infrastructure into dependencies, including for the generation transmission and distribution of energy. the council further emphasize that protecting critical infrastructure demands cooperation across the borders with governmental authorities for and partners and private sector owners and operators of such infrastructure. madam president, sabotaged against trans boundary energy infrastructure, is a grave threat to international energy security. when such acts occur, it is vital that competent national authorities investigate investigations should be thorough and rigorously fact based. we note the ongoing investigations by
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relevant national authorities into the september 22 acts of sabotage. the will, you will come to the 21 february and 10 july 2023 joint letters from denmark, germany, and sweden to the security council, which provided information about their respective investigations. we encourage further updates, as well as expeditious conclusion of the ongoing investigations. we also urge transparency and sharing the findings of national investigations with relevant actors as appropriate we continue to emphasize the value and importance of international coordination and cooperation in such investigations. and in this regard, we encourage increased cooperation with the pipeline operators who have legitimate equities at stake and the ongoing investigations. the ways own national experience demonstrates the usefulness of cooperation and information sharing and such
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situations. so many presidents, undoubtedly, all members of this council share an interest in preventing acts of sabotage against france, boundary energy infrastructure. such acts must never be tolerated. we eagerly await the conclusion of investigations into the north stream one and 2 pipeline explosions. the determination of what transpired and the identification of those responsible so that they may be held to account. thank you, madam president. i signed the representative for tonight, the 3rd of the amount for their states and i give the floor to the representative on sunday. with the president mozambique to extend this offerings to the very 1st mister dick pullman said jimmy dar for the important insights on the topic before the council
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in that connection. we wish to recall that judy mozambique has consul presidency in march this year. we were told that the temp there was being made pre establish an independent investigation under the auspices of the secretary general. we then learned that it was pretty much who to call for an international investigation. the idea was to avoid interference with the national investigations under way. after the time was under, it could be done the line that such investigations or do not to be endless. we therefore expressed our support for the speed, the conclusion,
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although no objective impartial and professional inquiry today as despite that the prevailing believes that this was indeed not to summer tash. and that a serious violation of international law had taken place. we're not close to our search and through was on beacon does not condone with that deliberate to destruction. and to work on the is ation of critical anteaus national infrastructures such as the north city and pipeline. we are still committed to allow ongoing investigations into the incident conducted by deal with 42 seemed a pretty nation. i usually nixton's, normally those of germany, sweden and then mike to come to
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a foreclosure. we hold this view, guided by a security council resolution 23 or 4 to one of 2017 the dames super tech to create to calling for the sub chose of such attacks. but the president there is a pressing and founded a juicy in bringing to the issue for the clergy to of justice. we need to guarantee that the christ we hold the no a collective nick on is, is not a to hold it. in the faith in the collective security to the system, designed by the chart that he's thinking at all times and circumstances
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that does not forget the consequences of impunity. it's, it's not the only mouldings those hope up, it's right side shots, but also weakens the very foundation of international cooperation. as the prime of oregon are responsible for international peace and security. it is a legitimate to disagree with the causal because the burst of the resolved has, oh, did try it. national investigations was on the go strongly and cartridges the speed, the conclusion of objective impartial and professional investigations introduced that that's a pos to be contracted to international law. i frontier model president, i found the representative of mozambique for their statement. i gave the floor to
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the representative with united states. thank you, man and president. we regret the russian mission continues to call repetitive meetings on this topic, despite the number of other pressing matters on the councils agenda. the united states reiterated concern regarding the sabotage of north screen one and north stream 2 pipelines that took place in september 2022 had respect for this councils time. i will keep my intervention brief and refer you to our prior statement on this matter. the united states maintains confidence in the ongoing investigations into the facts of what happened led by the governments of denmark, germany and sweden. the tax took place in denmark and sweden's maritime zones. and these governments are conducting thorough and impartial investigations which it has repeatedly claimed it seeks an impartial investigation. despite its own premature
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attempts to place the blame on certain countries, it is no surprise it selectively promotes narratives in this council. the comport with its pre ordained conclusions while dismissing alternative views in a country with such an incident within its territory would expect to 1st conduct its own investigation. this council should disregard accusations and speculation and allowed denmark germany and sweden to conclude their work. disingenuous statements from russia, feigning concern, are intended to undermine ongoing investigations in an attempt to prejudice their results. and i thank you, madame present. i send the representative for tonight. it stays for their statements. i give the floor to the representative of friends. but let me know, because, you know, the bottom president's france clearly expressed its concern
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a year ago when underwater explosions struck the north stream. gas pipelines suite took reports indicating that these explosions were the result of a deliberate act of sabotage. a very serious land, our position has not changed. this is a serious incidents which calls for in depth investigation. however, one cannot help but wonder about the reasons which led russia to request for the 4th time. a council meeting on this subject. since our last meeting in july, no new credible or meaningful elements have merged to justify a new debate on this issue. for the more well rush, it shows so much concern about a tax. on your pin infrastructure it continues to inflict massive destruction daily on ukrainian civilian infrastructure,
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electricity systems, hospitals, schools, and the could meetings of this new meeting therefore doesn't seem to stem from any necessity of other than russia's needed to distract this council and to fuel speculation. as to responsibility for the sabotage of these gas pipelines in order to establish the truth of this matter, investigations have been launched by the competent german, danish, and swedish authorities. as we have already stressed, we have no reason to doubt their seriousness or impartiality. give them a seriousness and the complexity of the matter at hand. we understand that the ongoing investigations required time and thorough verification. we hope that these investigations will continue and reach their conclusion free from any political interference. i thank you. i think the representative of prompts for thursday's
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month, i give the floor to the representative of the governor to assign to modern precedent . we have listened closely to the information provided by the briefest note to come on interest in unraveling the facts surrounding the sabotage of the north between one and 2 gas pipelines. the successive damage to the 2 north stream gas pipelines at the time when the global energy crisis was already on the rise shops, the cautions of the international community into a renewed awareness of the strategic linkages between critical infrastructure and security, economic stability, and sustainable development of societies, the depravity of the actions highlights the importance of concepts of global efforts to put in pace preemptive, as well as mitigating measures against such actions. the incident now view reflects a disregard for the inherent drives of the populations that depend on the energy
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installations and remains unacceptable. by all stand, that's is really a treat to the necessity for states to uphold their responsibilities established on the international law and re offend by the decisions of the security council for the protection of critical infrastructure, especially office trends, boundary nature. it is necessary to forestall future or cabins is as damage or destruction costs of critical infrastructure in one sector, beads, energy, water, communication, cyber security, or transportation, often result in extensive and width and consequences on other citizen populations. creating situations of instability and instigating humanitarian crisis. we support the sustained interest of the council in helping unravel the sabotage of the north stream pipelines, an edge. the differences in the views held by council members on this stablish mental funding to national investigative and kind of them should not distract from
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the unified position expressed against the supple sides of the pipelines in previous be things of the council. modern precedent as the counselor with this is the issue on the one year mark of the incident gamma would like to retrieve the following 4 points. first, we continue to believe that a stablish and the facts of such seniors actions is necessary to ensure accountability on the part of the perpetuates is and send a strong message. it is a deliberate destruction of critical infrastructure. anyway, it is and disregard that we are called importance to the ongoing national need investigations by the concerned countries of denmark, gemini, and sweden, an edge support for the efforts aimed at then covering the facts beyond the mutual establishment of the incident. being to sabotage, we started to believe that the outcome so the national investigations would be instructive for the future actions of the security council on the matter. second,
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we reiterated our appeal to all policies to work in a collaborative manner. and in good faith, consistent with the provisions of the security council resolution 2341 of 2017. we also see the show and exchange of information technology expertise and other relevant resources between and among the countries as well as the russian or preaches, will contribute immensely to ensuring co haven't outcomes. and the, in the completion of the investigative processes said to address the persisting problem of the speculations. and i'll say true rhetoric, which only fuel the existing geo political stations we as the parties to work in the more open and transparent manner. while acknowledging that some information may be sensitive to the national security of the concerned countries, we encourage the provision of regular updates on the status of the investigations
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to boast, the international confidence in the national purchases. 4th and finally, we reiterated a previous submission regarding the necessity of a timeframe for concluding the national ne investigations and presenting the outcomes to appropriate international institutions, including the security council for necessary follow up actions. i thank you for your kind attention. i think the representative has gone up for thursday. if not, i shall now make a statement. my capacity is representative of jose new colleagues. there have been several new things on this issue. the same narrative and the same positions have been repeated twice most the day. for the very simple reason that there is nothing new on the matter. the menu pretty 1st of different profiles have tried to explain what they don't know and what we still don't know. our position has been very clear from the beginning and the remains the same. we have been and our zip while the see
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us here. yeah. now was that was the united nations security council with russia. i had called for a beating the reason to mark the north, the pipeline that was blown up exactly a year ago today that i'd like to give you a little bit of a wrap up of what was told us about a couple of politicians and jonas so it was about how critical it was that important to note the seymour hersh, a recent report to hear about it was clearly a minute feel, preparation, but kind of card this out now. and they also talked about these just like talks about that this axe was on industrial, it was a, might some industrial us. this is something that needs to be addressed. no, just uh, on the global myers, not just on the global media but,
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but at the security council to that all the countries, of course, uh, judged that the reports of b, c, d, and a year has passed already. and that has to be a conclusion as soon as possible. of course, throughout the evening tonight we'll be giving a full wrap up. was to be that was a while, but let's continue now with the other top stories around the world. now the house speaker of the canadian parliament, i was just resigned to this post island. i waited for those last week. the m, the house of commons were m p's. i'm the countries of prime minister gave a standing ovation to a not seeing will to collaborate. the lot sparks are in the world wide and the publish them is that even called for the expedition of the not to collaborate. that early on monday just didn't shoot those policy, put forth a motion to scrub the record on via the event ever could from official government
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documents. however, my did not sit well with some i would like to ask for unanimous consent to adopt the following motion. that not withstanding any standing ordered special order or usual practice of the house. the recognition made by the speaker of the house of an individual present in the galleries joined the address to parliament by his excellence, the flooding mirror, zalinski, distract from the appendix of the house of commons to be of service date. september 21st 2023. and from any how small your record really with tax to the speakers, words from parents or what have only one purpose to try and forget what happens to wash the record clean. now while the canadian prime minister turns hit no idea who the individual who bowed for was a finger still post uploaded by the ss veterans granddaughter seems to suggest that prior to this dining evasion should a man with the 98 year old privately. and i'm as consult mode and what seems to be
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an attempt to shift the narrative kind of leda admitted the whole situation was an embarrassment, but suggested less than this information was somehow in the mix. obviously it's extremely saying that this happens, steve or speaker has no excuse mistake. it's going to be really important. and all of us push back against russian propaganda. rushing this information and continue our steadfast, unequivocal support for ukraine as we did last week with announcing further measures to stand with ukraine in russia's legal war, against driving deeper into who bought the house down in canada. yet us love, who is a 90 or 8 year old as thinking, grain who fault the notorious? what harm f? as the vision which was comprise, most of you putting in collaborate because it was no for the mass killings of poles,
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jews are the russians enjoying level 2 on themselves, has never signed away from his soda in far. i haven't posted all 5 photos until it was about his service under the furious by the professor getting grief i distinguish holocaust his story and says of the countless incidents of not see glorification are a disgrace to the memory. the millions who died at the hands of na see forces and they train in collaborators. from day to day, you would discover the new elements of the national socialism in deal crate. from day to day, this is only one of this contents. every week you can add some new scandal, so called the neo nazis. you mean into a crane? and i would like to pin you as a jew, is hardly built to think about the hundreds of thousands of jews who, brutally with murder during the whole. of course by the germans driver really of
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course, but also with the collaboration and to the us, the collaboration of thousands. so from craig and it's of course the current to create an inch deep not to the crime. we have to be very clear about the but the fathers and grandfather said great grandfather's happy li assistance. the germans in the heart of the crime in modern, brutally murdered hundreds of thousands of jews. and when i hear the news now a days about v needs, i bought the key of about the other places in ukraine. the 1st thing which comes to my mind is the cost of what happened to those innocent jewels who were brutally murdered by the germans and do crating it. and i think i'm sure as a story with the big fan of the great news, the scope of the mess mode or fuels during the articles would never have reached such big hardy but numbers. so i've, i've otherwise i'm active is lee come on the line. those are the former president,
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nelson mandela, has recently died of the room struggle with cancer. she was 43. she was initially diagnosed 11 years ago. last year she revealed the counselor, has went to her bones. she wrote extensively about her experiences to help others cope with their own vassals with cancer. so as to educate the public about the disease. as far as the cats across the line, that is the message from the united nations body of human rights. all the powers about french women will be prohibited from where in the next you live. big games fronts has an obligation to take all the appropriate measures to modify any social cultural patterns that have based on the idea open priori t or superiority of either use exist. in general, the human rights office says that no one should impose on
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a woman what she needs to wear on not to where you are in condemnation came off to the 1st was with they said, november the french, and then pick delegation will be allowed to wear head coverings and make some of those and bent. the international olympic community isn't by seeing the funds of buying. i'm has as a country to consider other clothing, not as a religious symbol, but a cold. so no, i'm a french announcement. come, certainly off of the nations forbade school though from the full name a by a government meetings, a heated debates in the country and the on the how inclusive the state should the individual clothing choices. earlier we heard from highlight a car guy, a good karate athlete from the other, doing the writing. so this is adjusted to move to the bottom. the most important thing has nothing to do with sports. it doesn't make any sense to me because like you mentioned before, it's not in the just where as much as it's
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a culture where my name is, the woman doesn't where he job and that doesn't make them, not most of them. so why does i have the most sense is not the last 4 disappear h, y, understand that doesn't where he jeff is not going to be where he just doesn't say anybody else. so why is it for him to as long as way he job or any other? is it just clothing? does it actually interfere with the sports that the actually is play? you really have no right to present. for example, i'm trying to athlete and the job was that of the like 2013 until the world changing came and the entire indian national team as agents and national team. and if you wish to participate with the frame page up there, the point that the the championship. so that was provided for the ration change, the regulation that allows for a specific job where of course uh no matter how much hard work i have with the how much i stream about being admitted in any 10 years. and i can just forget about my
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lease and you know what i think about what i sent for. uh so if i was from playing with the job i was forced to see attempted to, i would, i wouldn't be able to join that would to so bad for any athletes that put in sports space is best for them to fight for those dreams. just because their way to get jobs is just not sure if it's in a mail, a waiver, you know, like he can just come to my. so if you go to meet with me, there's so much differences between us. so it's really not fair for female actually he's in is ease of pro vision of money. poor, have suspended mobile internet services the several days off and dozens available. we reported the wounded during a series of mess protests the injustice with 2 young people who.
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