tv News RT September 29, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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the, this the, the, the so is this how bang this is for a mess. this is also as been harboring, but arose from across the globe and the miles into the ceiling of the man responsible for getting them read the video just online event and just show pros independence and who is in the room to getting approval with an indian flag practice around the we discussed the conferences and also i'm new to the with the in use routing parties full time. the light of a vision probably in slovakia is big 3 this weekend. black all of entry election. if that happens, it could mean big changes of life as well. the support of the claims for the
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last go to the well, this is a and it's great to have your company today. my name is but i'm fine with issues for this. so hasn't used canada of hall, green murder is from around the world he made is involved as long commentating on the putting diplomatic license and feed altura and india. canada must not be a hub of all the murders. the murderers can go to canada and take shelter and they can have a wonderful life while those they killed their relatives are suffering. the context is important at bangladesh and india. a long time allies and friends. this goes back to a bundle dish has more of independence in the, in the 19 seventy's. and part of that conflict to the one of the founding fathers, if you like, of a bind to the shaking rum on, was killed in 1975 along with him. several members of this family in a very, very brutal, brutal killing. now,
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canada has given refuge or shelter century to the the killer of this mind is founding father, i call nor chaudry, has been living in canada. he's never denied involvement indicating that it also comes in the context of several requests from by the nurse to extradite this gentleman. and kind of that has consistently refused unit, and it's refused on the basis that it has a specific laws regarding extradition to countries that may how yeah, the death penalty. all of this, of course, comes in the context of significant controversy in canada, around freedoms and around migration who gets in, who doesn't get in. and we've seen that kind of that has another card attitude. it seems to add just this when it comes to immigration and, and those matters. i mean we've got this situation where we've got significant numbers of nazis asked. the 2nd world war, found refuge in canada. you've got jewish groups at calling for further release of,
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you know, secret documents which the canadian government were compiling during this period. and these documents the tenant, great, the in great, a granular detail that the amount of the nazis that were brought into the country. so essentially shade just just to clarify that you had ss veterans coming from germany to kansas, but there are victims, the jewish victims of the holocaust, those people who would somehow survive. they weren't a lot to be a given refuge in canada at the same time. that's what these details these documents is is, is seeking the details. yeah. they seem to detail that on these jewish groups loving group. i'm looking for the full, the classification. a lot of this stuff is still been redacted. but even canadian and ministers have called this stuff out, even though we actually listen to a canadian minister may just thoughts very clear about this. canada hasn't really talked you through it with not cease in canada. there was a point to now history and when it was easier to get in as a nazi then it was as
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a jewish person. i think that's a history we have to reconcile it, share before you go. it's being hit after hit for kind of those leaders recently. and last week's events in, in parliament really must top it. all right. yeah, it's been very difficult for the canadian governments. ers love home got a, a volunteer, and now it's important that we state a volunteer. this one joined the 14th glitzy and at assess division notorious and ukraine, no toys. and you'll find in the toys across the world, the ss, the short stuff of the hard stuff to her, the most about nazis in the very much this one volunteered in 1943 to join this group. that's very important. volunteered this division was made up of ukrainian volunteers ultra nationalist volunteers who would have also been part of the o. u. n. d u p, a. these very brutal, ultra nationalist groups or operating in ukraine. now, this gentleman was given, not one but 2 standing ovations by the ukraine president,
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i have let him is it as the i'm of course, just intrude all alongside them at were senior police and military officials all gleefully applauding this. not another say that we didn't know anything about this, but this was down to the speaker of the house who was now since resigned to the scandal. but it's also a merge that this gentleman out, a private audience with just intruder prior to that engagement, if you like. also what's fascinating human. if you think about it in ukraine, it's after noon little monuments at parades and celebrations of people like stuff on bundle rule. i'm gonna shoot k of which the founding fathers of this very aggressive also rights movement of which mr hunter would have been an advocate. and those are completely ignored by the west and media. meanwhile, in the canadian parliament, when he's applauded, there seems to be a huge abroad. that's a point that we should. we should also remember when we're looking at this for you guys, all of our ross and his story and it says that non c ideology is being hiding in plain sights and kinda says the 19 for these off of the countries leave the race to
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fascist on the run a drawer, judo, the speaker of the canadian parliament, the german ambassador, and other officials, they've known what it was all about. in fact, canada, as the canadian preston historians rode about after the 2nd world war, openly accepted many former nazis, 9000 people from the scale, you'd see a move to canada after the 2nd world war. by comparison, canada had only accepted 5000 holocaust victims who fled the nazi regime between 193919459000 nazi criminals were taking in immediately after the war. how can this be assessed? these really were bloody b step, murder, children, women, and the elderly. it is clear that canadian society was already inspected in many ways by this justification of naziism. and it was impossible not to know about it. at least those who invited and participated in organizing this events naturally knew everything perfectly well. and the german ambassador is obliged to know the
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history of germany and is obliged to know as it seems to me, the participation of certain nazi formations in the 2nd world war. if this person does not know, then the question arises about his competence in the position. he holds video as him, uh, showing that what appears to be pro seek independent until this in toronto. picking a football with an indian flag wrapped around it. or is it a, is, is um, pull of the and the indian sentiment comedy play outs in the north american country . it's canadian sinks, held a protest. i was like indian diplomatic emissions, but in the nation flag and taking a while as cardboard c o, the states, 5 minutes, a new movie, the general account was a little the 6 the justice moving rates. and the hold on hand is in kind of the quote written to india using them working again. so going to from which they benefit economically. now that says that it hasn't been conducting what it calls
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and feeds have a raids against how this dining move went in. india was thinking to create an independent seek nation and then know the importance of region of india promoted government. the states of the time thing is of been in the we until this hobbling by canada. back comes them. it already tends, ties between onto a new debbie over the kidney of opponents. the community in june. could i have in 5 minutes adjusting to the accused indian government officials of direct involvement in his desk sees further to r, p. c. national. suppose personal for india, the routing beat a positive, you said needed that he was not involved in the sink community, the just kidding. i missed a tutor hasn't provided any proof of his accusations. i don't see any evidence on any, any document on the card which claims what, what,
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what mr. just said to the clips. that was you said there's some critical leaders in that. i would never heard this in the department at the bottom this, this was a word that department. uh there's, there's incredible leakage. and on that basis you said a person from a mission you are supposed to go home from the product, which is government is being supported by uh, also to limits the almost to 25 of them. the man who is the person who supports kind of funny or kind of some woman in canada and what right. so probably the person would be something that was suggest. keith has also the g 7 recommendations to provide long range and this also it goes fine, grew and production sites in iran, syria. i busta missile strikes on the production plans of u, a v. as in iran and syria, as well as on
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a potential production site in the russian federation, the above may be carried out by the ukrainian defense forces. if apartments provide the necessary means of destruction to the healing, seen by the guy and allegedly shows kids, government accusing tahoe on, on them, off the. so suppose involved one of the products of drugs literally use attacking thing, tennessee. wrong, as repeated the add, add them, and they denied sending goodness to russia while the equipment spoke. so when do a few, pasco has emphasized that russian entry only uses domestically produced drugs as the cost of live or to, to her on base for the how many of us a hold on is either i'm going to do that. thanks so much for joining me. here today and i'll see you play that to see you now. so kids, okay, should i say isn't allegedly requesting these weapons to select sit iran and russia . what are your thoughts on that i'm going to have justified? is that the 1st of all, i thank you very much for having me on the show. uh,
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you know, it shows the tragic comment is behind the scenes on this issue that has been actually, it doesn't get one word or more than a year. and that's how you see it keeps going on task. come planes from a funny claims and the thing it is out of stance. there's no sense in saying that depend doesn't know what he's talking about, the packing he wants syria or the countries one you are just talking a war that you have. i waste actually is something that is more a comics joe rather than some only to call comments or somebody later to come in from a suppose that they need their off the country. there are more spurious, uh or let's say serious, but he's not serious. that's all, but there are serious enemies to you on, for example, a syria, and it could not do anything against this country. so how it country like you're paying will be a but do that even with the right and long lines, the signs or what?
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so i've already this, and this stuart free a country with a long time of thinking of conflicts. and it started them in that country did not actually go down and do the same place and scream, continuing with it space existence and how, how does he wants to tie such a country, let alone one or other countries so and only on what they can see just some, some, some comic show from a former committed young who is now playing that role. and i all the leader in ukraine. and it is being a part that actually the year to the scenario which is retail before the weekend being walk right, shop or the how many there's a you mentioned now you reminded everybody of, of us how does that as these to be a comedian and he's big clearly being a comedian, his that's what you'll say. but what does that mean for the cleaning government?
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what does it have to result to something like this? is it because, i mean, i don't know if it was in your mouth, but is it because he just needs long range missiles and this is just an excuse or even if he's provided, we try it out. it will not change a serious situation off the war. the 2nd one is that the main part of the campaign is just media comes and goes across the lanes and the same thing. you just hear the body of the deposit on the ring and from so many other inc. and the pro, 50, that the russians are. we know there are a local media campaigns of these information of fake news being passed on the public opinion across the board. and i, the most positive situation to the cost is a media campaign. otherwise it cannot be serious at all. and i don't expect that the a list and countries would provide him with a long regimen price. it was uh,
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we asked him how they have me support the judge. they are just using him to target joshua and to try to be going russians and actually to, to try to we in russian a military force. so that's the only thing that is being the, the role that the west and countries are considering for a trained use like that. just, it's great for the some, some foncher on it to be attacked or, or to be, and let's say a shield coordinator up to your home. and with that, i don't think that they will be provided with long range nissans as you, i've seen how there were a lot of problems just from united states. europe can, you can see what portion of that has been provided to me. so yes, it might be an excuse for that, but i didn't take that you'd be given such a that definitely would have to leave is a very interesting and in great to see you again, i made it as
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a hold on his audit. so thank you. so much for joining me here today on the shipping. so that gap has been one of the plains loudest of orders that could be set to change as the country is smid. upon village opposes the signing of lethal aid to keep hasn't charles and gain power in parliamentary elections this weekend. both adjust the top to the bottom of the day i had of the vote volunteer need and for the pm robot fee goes ahead with breakfast law, the quote was set and then the um, any more it's s m e r. as part of the government, we won't send any arms or ammunition to ukraine anymore. the only winter of the war in ukraine or the western arms factories. and then many wonder why no one wants peace and ukraine. well, so back into the do you to head to the polls to a life for people's face prime minister in only 4 years? and this election is really sending alarm bells ringing in brussels. and that's
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because there's a suggestion that the leading quality in the polls, if it wins, were completely reversed the country's position politically. and militarily, when it comes to crate. and so in europe that very, very concerns brussels, particularly looking at what's happening here. they consume that so the back is going to elect the flu. russian government are concerned about what impacts that could have on u. p. and policy to would you crane in the future? well, let's have a look at now. those policies are in the front runners. it's consistently being at the top is this may a policy that you seen as being a pro russian policy their own just about 20 percent of the closest y equals a progressive slovakia just below them. and then in 3rd place, it's whole us on just under 12 percent, tell us could that she'd be the king make is in the selection, which is about proportional representation, where they should be saw ease,
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make sure because so back it has been one of the queens sending the loudest support is so it's me, it gets in, it could completely reverse the way that the country has been acting towards ukraine over the last year or so. and it's a policy that the policy has been tapping into, which is a vain social discontent in the hearing. so if i can just to give you suggestion of recent survey shows that 51 percent of respondents thought that it was the west, or even ukraine itself. that was responsible for the war. and so this is, woke up, policy is tapping into, you know, a smidge policy. when could also disrupt what the policy is in brussels because it could, that is yet another voice of discontent and questioning things such as the logic behind that the sanctions. yeah. show that i'm so i wanted to just jump in quickly and ask if i can, because clearly with the, with the vote happening on stuff today. i guess the media right now is probably
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doing uh, a lot of attention of a big focus on, i guess, busy this information that i, i guess, transparency headed of what, what are you seeing where you are? yes, that's why the western media is pointing towards pro russian channels. think they spewing out this information however, was incredibly interesting. isn't even to do that. the us some past due to slovakia, gave him the last week one of the main papers here. he pointed out that his country is spending millions upon millions of dollars giving money towards parties which are helping to serve to silence those on social media platforms, including politicians, including those perform. this may have policies that some of this is what the us invested this of us. yeah. she said, we have provided $5000000.00 to the slovak ministry of defense. it will go towards countering russian influence. last year we were able to cooperate between the slovak government and the us government and bringing information to facebook. we're facebook decided that m p lu bos blah, should not be given
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a platform because he was such a notorious spreader of lies and misinformation. now we think of the issues with that being discussed in very polarized all the influx of migrants and also issues surrounding the l. g. b, t, community. but when you look whatever the subject is, it is very clear that slovakia is divided. it is polarized on all of the topics it's discussing had if those elections on saturday as close live to the american journalist colors and political commentator bradley blankenship is joining me now. so if i can send, as i was letting me know we got these elections as of the elections coming up this weekend, perhaps a pro russian policy could take the, the, the, the rains here. but how will this affect, how will this affect the support for you credit? now we're seeing a shift in the tides when it comes to europe. i'm the you and what's going on with
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ukraine. you know, i think that, that it's true that this election is, is, is definitely showing where the people are. but i think what's really important to know, not only about slovakia, but the rest of the year of is that the system of the democracy that we have on this continent does not necessarily represent people. so it's true that a lot of sort of slow back, people don't agree with the support that their governments given to ukraine. the pull, their said that 51 percent of people disagree with the support as well. ukraine's i think that is actually the west of nato, that started the war and ukraine to begin with. so of course, this is definitely true, but the important thing about feed, so he's probably going to be next prime minister according to both, if he can form a coalition, for example, with loss, which would required to moderate his positions that he has a. so we know you have to track records is already the prime minister for 6 years. and when he served in that role, what he's saying now he didn't do back then,
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you know, he was, i mean, he was certainly like against brussels. and at the typical line is other national conservatives and in the you. but he didn't directly pull away and rewrite the country's foreign policy. so the way i see it is that even though the public lock is very much against the status flow in terms of foreign policy, the politicians that are in power don't represent the people, the will, the people you have to understand. so lucky a just like where i live in the czech republic is an extraordinarily corrupt country. we were talking about a country slovakia, where all the guards can open the killed journalist spring and we're investigating that. so this really has to be taking account selection. i don't think that the will of the people is actually going to be reflected in the election. oh, it's interesting that you say that we know that things are obama and hungry. also it's sort of against the idea of uh or moving away from relocating and brushing energy do so if i could also get his energy from the russians or would it
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not used to oh, absolutely. did. every country in this region of course, did do the through the pipeline. you know, everybody in europe including germany, is completely dependent on that. the economic model of all these countries is dependent was dependent the growth model of getting cheap russian energy and then adding value to dad to uh, export to the global market. slovakia, in fact it's economy is almost completely dependent on heavy manufacturing. just like check republican hungry manufacturing automobiles and now as of what's going on, their entire job market is being crushed now by the rising energy prices, which is having a really, really outside spec on central europe particular. so again, i can see the people are poor as and assist you, and i don't want to have the status quo going because inflation in this region particularly it's been absolutely for the last couple years. uh, poverty's rising people are seeing their uh,
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any income to the gain since the pandemic is the real income. the dad is actually shrinking, you know, in real terms. so of course people are happy, but again i think that that would really have to be stated here is that again, slovakia is just a really, really corrupt the country. i think that the so again, it's been a prime minister before i think he's co opting the language that he knows people one here but did form a coalition government because again, he's only pulling at 19 percent his body smear. so in order to form a government, he has to make concessions anyway. right. and so i think it really is going to be the story here will after the elections over i think it's going to be a similar situation to georgia maloney. so of course said that she was gonna stick to brussels due at washington, were afraid of that, and she came in and she's doing exactly the same thing that they wanted her to do. so. yeah, but overall, okay, but see the board of the page that we wrote a and we're coming into october now there's already that called just yet by the frost hits. uh, you know, the backs the screen,
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the front screen because of all windows with a screen. will we not see a false or reaction because prices of energy will have to shoot up again. but we know like leads as the an uproar in europe. once you get that, we absolutely will meet here in the czech republic where i live last year and september around this time we had a more a way to march and best software with 100000 p. busy uh, just 2 weeks ago we had in march with over 10000 people and we're seeing these habit with increasing frequency, we're seeing unions that are threatening and national straight. i think that because of the proximity of that check. yeah, it has a so lucky a that of course, you know, the political move, it's in these countries check republicans, the lucky are very, very connected and back are all the guard under bobby's endorsed pizza or prime minister of course. and he is, of course, are slow back organ. he's a partner or check by minister, but they were the same country. so you know, he has an outside input slovak politics. i think that will carry over. i think it
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will bleed over it. so lock it, i wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of grassroots movement, reactionary movements against what's going on with, with the new government, whoever it should be. especially if the so doesn't do what you say. and i, i personally don't think they will. i mean, that's just my opinion, you know, and i think if he doesn't, he's going to see a complete backlash against the very people who voted for their indeed and broadly . that's why we have you on. we want your opinion. thank you so much for joining us . today here on, i'd say a, we got it. thanks again. it's about loss. so the progress of this fine, a maybe these 57 people that a school's mobile and, and the number is 510 to rise throughout the day. as many are still trapped under the rubble. i'm wondering you may find the following in, which is the study explosions. co pays as well as of those that are right to the but the prophet mohammed, so fall, no group has claimed responsibility for the incident,
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but police suspects suicide. but most of be responsible for both explosives. there's been a recent such an extremely tact i had over the general election set for january, a local dentist send us this re footboard from pakistan. there's an odd you have the unfortunate terraced incident occurred in the must on area biologist on province. it was a suicide, attacked on the procession when people were celebrating the birthday of prophet mohammed initial investigations reveal it was a suicide blast. the attacker exploded his jacket, but he was identified before the attack and the police tried their best to stop him . after the blast, there was chaos and emergency was declared and the local hospitals and rescue operations were started. immediately. police are investigating the incident. a bomb disposal squad is working at the spot and the areas cordoned off to collect evidence from the crime scene. we have been told that we're security alerts in recent days in the province and preemptive measures were taken. but unfortunately,
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the incident eventually happened. the reasonable has highlighted the us still is not confidence. i did. those it taught to in rocky prison is 2 decades on from one evidence 1st and most of the stuff in treatment. all these folks all to spoken to a full my. i will kind of inmate to shed with us his own experience of this. and then finally as while we were dragged by roots attached by police dogs beaten by whips. when americans fired live ammunition at us, they killed 2 people in front of me, put them in body bags and took them away. we're blindfolded hand cost. i've suffered from very painful memories, even though we didn't understand their language. we could tell that they were cursing at us like the phrase shut off, which was translated to us later and they used it all the time. i don't understand, what will the american forces compensate me with compensate me for my mental health
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or my mental states? these are the marks caused by my mental states since i was in prisons until now, and i didn't go away due to my heart breaking in justice, will they compensate my sons and daughters with education that they were deprived of, or my health. when i went to prison, i lost my strong body, it started to get worse and worse will the americans compensate me for my devastated family. it was a shattered life. until this moment my mental state still remains bad. i swear death would have been easier for me, but i keep thinking about my sons. if they get sick, who do they have? they don't have a mom near them. they have no one except for me. they, i will have physical abuse by american forces in iraq, again, international attendance in 2003, when the torture and abuse of detainees committed by gods was exposed to live. i'll mazili again vitamins the us for giving
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a rocky people if of it was oh goodness of this little boy regarding the abra graves scandal in general. the whole world heard about it, but there were things that neither the american nor the international media had shed. light on us came to a rock in the name of democracy and came to change the regime and remove dictatorship. but it turned out that america is the route of injustice and dictatorship if you take the rocky people's opinion, 90 percent of them curse the day when the evasion happens. because as i said, things went from bad to worse. most of them are hungry and sick with no infrastructure or hospitals. no schools or education, things went from bad to worse. also of interesting. so as they are not see, the comedy shows the say those out i will be back on the top of the out with all international news. we'll see you then, the
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hello and welcome to the cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter live out in many ways the west ukraine proxy war and russia is all about narratives . first deployed was russia's unprovoked attack. then it was admitted, there was nato's expansion, ease that served as a catalyst starting the conflict. now we're told it's all about the future conflict with china. take your pick, it's all boils down to western to gemini, the cross talking russia and china. i'm joined by my guess.
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