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tv   News  RT  October 1, 2023 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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this is the city of the the a suicide bomber blows himself up outside the turkish interior ministry, and on for a while, his accomplice is killed by law enforcement. the president joe biden signs an emergency funding bill to keep the american government running while excluding new aid. for you print pictures is republican supporting the country and a quote manufacturer to prices ballots are being counted in slovakia is parliamentary elections with preliminary results for the party. the purchased and military support to train in the lead will get the latest from our correspondence and brought to swap on and on this 1st day of october and 9 curios celebrates 63 years of freedom from british colonial rule. with government officials praising the progresses of shaving independence,
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we all agreed to generate leads in the united states. as far as the fly from moscow on rachel ruble, you're watching our t international. we start with breaking news. an explosion has brought to the area outside the turkish interior ministry entre has classified as an attempt to terrorist attack and which ones suicide bomber blew himself up while a 2nd one was killed by law enforcement. let's get more on this now from r t correspondent. yes, and that can who joins us live from istanbul. yes. and what more do you know, a range of assorted ventures spark
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a great deal of controversy. but for starters, we were going to discuss are being security precautions that package. unfortunately, it's not tied up in reporting. i'm not going to, it's blocking off roads in and out of the area. every itself is quite important. the interior minister did it, and she was statements coming. that's essentially the nature of the tags and how the police and the 1st responded naturally responded about the area in which the blacks could place in which the classrooms took place. and it was an area that is full of government building. so beat internally. administrative is there in that district and on, but we're also talking about the parliament which is closely related there. there's also the administrative of fans and intelligence, but more buttons or a regular formation. is there a drop be american? obviously is there, the russian embassy is there. so right now what we're looking at a total shut down of that entire district and nothing comes in or out. but there's
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also another great deal of information back to me is just as important now purchase parliament was expected to reopen today sunday, october. the 1st if i'm not mistaken, around 2 pm, mostly time. so before, that's what happened, this preventive place, which has a great deal of controversy because of the fact lots of the month of october. 4th and not just for 13, not just for the 30th or the target state, but also for international matters. diplomacy policy, which is also the money, but in fact, it probably would be expected to be the ratified or both against the ratification of the student's needs or what section. but so there's a lot going on here right now. this event for be it was not as significant as previous 3rd parts as it has been done by the jury. what it says is important just because of the timing and the location. rachel, if i'm not mistaken. the last time, the similar terrorist attack took place when stumble was november of last year.
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this was about the time that you were going to assemble your tier one that happened . and to be honest, if i could recall correctly the last time that we've had significant phases of terrorist attacks, like this dates all the way back to 2016, of course not facing, took down some isolated incidents here and there. but this is definitely one that we will be following with definitely one that the 1st session when it's free. oh, they start supplement will be following as well. rachel? alright, yes. and can and assemble. yes and thank you. so lucky you may be headed in a new direction as voting as finished, and the country is parliamentary elections with the results that may bring a new party to power. right. for more details as cross live now to our to correspond that charlotte davinsky in the practice lava charlotte, tell us about the preliminary results and the potential ramifications of the, of the. well,
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it's pretty clear now the front run. the in this poll was robot features smith policy, they have gain just on the 23 percent of the vote. that's a lot higher than the polls leading into selection suggested they would get. so pretty convincing and it looks like they will be given the know to attempt to form a coalition government. he platform dolan, i'm to ukraine message he's seen as being pro russian. and he said convincingly several times throughout the election campaign. but if he's his party one, there would be new military owns and support to craig. and he's also, of course, just saw a sanctions against russia talking about the logic ality behind those. and the ramifications that's had for us to have back here in terms of the inflation rates and inflation. we're really pointing in this country. he's also talked about being, we knew most fruit to russia, then perhaps the west. now the party that came in 2nd was progressive slovakia.
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there was a point on sunday evening when the exit polls came out, didn't look like they could have told the pole, but they happened. they've come in with just a around 18 percent of the votes and then in 3rd, it's her last policy with some 15 percent just around that of the vote. now there are a few of the smaller policies that have had a number of the vote to be able to make a significant difference when it comes to that coalition. but what's really interesting is those policies have lost the s n s and the k d h. all parties to the platform on a and campaigns on the platform of being mt crane in terms of sending military a that was a complete opposite for progressive slovakia that said they wanted to continue the status quo, continue to send weapons and really sees itself as being of a pro wes proof. nice to coffee, just off of those polls closed on sunday night. this is what the leader of
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progressive slovak, yet not to say. like some people are you from the asking? yeah. i want to state clearly that whatever will be the outcome of this election. progressive slovakia we will accept as with humility. we have done everything we could with all of knowledge and with all of our energy. and now whether the thing is only in the hands of the voltage as you well progressive. so of i kid did know when the selection that goes to robot fits shows. smith policy will now be speaking to a lot of smaller policies to talk about forming the next government of the country . charlotte, what's the general feeling there among the slovak people as well, it's been a really polarized debate, leading up to this selection and distracting to people will just have in part to solve it. but in some of the times that size, pretty much every topic and really divided individuals with it. that's about the
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influx of migrants coming to the country with about. so the l g b at issues or whether the comes to crane and really what we have seen over the last year is a big shift in slovakia is pointing to view. this is a country that has been very loud about it, support for ukraine in the past, but that's really not something we're hearing from the general population. we really would just like to see this whole thing and, and full the next government to not be on. and you claim the i will load for the policy that is full piece, the support solving things in other ways than by senselessly sending weapons. the media changing of the incumbent government is of most important to me. i was very dissatisfied with it because i felt the impact of sanctions on the people and don't agree with this governments policy in general, the work of the slovak for public scum room is terrible for those of net,
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we don't know the war and ukraine certainly didn't help us for the whole of europe and the sanctions against russia are absolutely useless and totally disastrous for europe as close of the. you could just say that's just a few voices, but it's not that has been so is a upon survey in recent months showing that there was a big scene change in house. the vacuums viewed the way new. quite recently, one survey found that 51 percent that's the majority of believe that the result of the when you queen was only the do to ukraine itself on the west and not really has translated into votes that have campaigned on a move for russia. stats. if you add those up together, they would take about $92.00 seats out of the $150.00 in the slovak in national council. so if those policies can come together and create a coalition, then the smith, it would be a pretty convincing and launch blog. all right,
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r t correspondence. charlotte defense the charlotte. thank you. all right, well same with the story. let's cross live now to george samuel l. a senior research fellow global policy institute. george, great to have you on nearly 100 percent of the vote that has been counted in slovakia and it seems that there will be a shift in power. i haven't like to hear your thoughts on where the country is headed. if this new leadership is indeed confirmed, as well as i imagine the new leadership will be concerned and the robust depot will be the next prime minister and that he will attempt to enact to the program on which you read, which was that this will makes absolutely no sense, but ukraine. uh, the rush. it was provoked. um the nato is this actually waging a, an aggressive destructive war with benefits? no one in europe. i mean, i imagine that will be his plan. however,
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what happens in nato land is very different from the incense of boats as the president of us, slovakia is very much in the whole nature, the u line of thinking and they, so any you are going to apply a great deal of pressure. it's not on a fee, so then on his coalition partners, so he will have a very rough right ahead of him if he wants to pursue an independent foreign policy . you know, if he wants to pursue a policy more, more closely aligned with victor or by me, help him at all. then do you think the selection is in shaping in slovakia is foreign policy? what it's it gets a huge result. there's no question and um, and you also respond to and mention about the exit polls, the exit polls. the very, very interesting because that, that has the air of, by the color revolution in the making that it was some kind of
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a dirty business that was being planned because of the initial results. was that the got of the progressive pro nato for west and thought they had won the election . and there was scenes of celebration and the media were running with the storage. huge victory for the pro nato, a budget. and then of course they've done that the, the result was nothing of the sold and the defect feet go had done a lot better then even live bowls before the election had predicted. so that was a very, very strange and clearly laid. so you are very concerned about what has happened. they always support a lot of effort into trying to stop the go. and they go to continue to the low a, put in a little bit, but they called allow members of nato to slip away. and they could live with our band, he was just a maverick and they could just try to isolate him. but he now you have hungry and
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slovakia, you're them. they have to then worry about who's next and, and the actually the front that the pro native for it with you friends is reckless the crack. and, and that sort of thing. they're going to take likely. so there is going to be a lot of pressure to apply to get speak of the george, as we've discussed, one of the main points of this mir parties agenda is that it a poses any more weapons to weapons applied to ukraine. this is a pretty big shift in thinking because like it has been a 11 of your crimes. biggest supporters. why do you think this, this change and will has come about? well because it's of this, they have a terrible effect on your of the europe in economy with it's a it problems with inflation problems of energy. and of course the voc. yeah. like hungary like bowling as also stuff. but as a result of the you policy of allowing in ukrainian, graeme,
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and that by undermining your sponsor on demanding of the common agricultural policy . so this has had a um, obviously very negative impact on us. the walk in opinion. it's also a 100. so bucket likes hungry is actually very close to the action. i feel very close to the action. so you really have to worry that there is going to be a spill over. i mean, it's just common sense that the, the, going through the nato line, that the countries of a close to ukraine and actually very, very agitated by russia they want war on because they think russia is a poses a threat to the security. but of course, it's not true. so lucky is extremely close, as is hungry and neither so log in nor hungary believes russia poses any kind of a thread of the country where they see the thread is a spill over from the war web both economically and from my um, uncontrolled flow of refugees they august, they won the war to come to an end,
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which is, but the most sense of what policy would be if you're living in that part of the world at georgia, talked about the, the concern from the you and, and nato over the results of the election, but what kind of reaction or response to actually expect to see from brussels? well, i think they go to apply the can all make pressure. so you can forget any kind of um, you cannot make uh assistance um and they go to apply. well, man, all right, so who knows what kind of, uh, uh, uh, opportunities for blackmail that they have. i mean they, they might, they may have all sorts of material that they can selected to release. um they could try to provoke some kind of a political scandal. uh they, they, they play dirty if, if you don't label with them. um, otherwise you could be lot of trouble. and even though with mill prior to the victory initially of the georgia maloney last september and who still f one,
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the lions name is they said the has the tools. well the you has the tools, maloney witness, the come chip off is no resistance whatever to the you will see what the fee co, uh, will offer some resistance. you know, he said this is a colorful character. he's been around for a long time. so the you may have a lot of adults on him that they are, they will want to release. all right, well, leave it there, george samuel, a senior research fellow global policy institute. thank you. thank you for the last president has signed an emergency funding bill to keep the lights on in washington by the accused republicans of putting america in the precarious position of excluding new support for ukraine. but i want to be clear, we should have never been in this position in the 1st place. just a few months ago. speaker mccarthy and i reached a budget agreement to avoid precisely this type of manufactured crisis for weeks. extreme house republicans tried to walk away from that deal by demanding drastic
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cuts. that would have been devastating for millions of americans. they failed. well, the speaker in the over, well, me, majority of congress had been steadfast and their support for ukraine. there's no new funding in this agreement to continue that support. we cannot, under any circumstances, allow american support for ukraine to be interrupted. i fully expect to speaker will keep his commitment to the people of ukraine and secure a passage of the support needed to help you crane. at this critical moment, it appears that a deal has been reached. joe biden has signed a bill into law extending government funding so the government will not be shut down $47.00 more days. have been bought by this last minute deal with that. and before his invented, a government shut down. now this is a deal that was reached in the us house of representatives, then later approved by the settlement. and it was a last minute deals. and as we observed in the house of representatives in the lead
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up to the final boat and things got free heated, here's what republican leader, kevin mccarthy, and marjorie taylor green, had to say about how she did things got on capitol hill in the lead up to that final vote in the house of representatives. it's all right that you put america 1st . this all right. and for public and the democrats joined together to do what is right. what the senate wanted to do was focused on ukraine in front of america. i understand our responsibilities, but i'm going to put america 1st. you create is not the 51st day. joe biden treats ukraine like it's the 51st dates, the senate treats ukraine like it's a 50 per state, including mitch mcconnell. he's one of the worst ones. and you've got the democrats in the house pulling a motion to adjourn, pitching an absolute bed, and apparently pulling a fire alarm over there in the canon building. because it does not bind you crane. what marjorie taylor green was just referring to there is that apparently democrat
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jamal bowman, a member of congress, representing new york. he pulled the fire alarm in a congressional office building. now many believe this was an attempt to cause some kind of security situation or the accusation on capital hill and prove that the vote from taking place that would pass this budget that does not include funding for ukraine. and this indicates a lot of desperation on the part of the foreign policy establishment in washington dc. jake sullivan, the national security advisor, a few days prior to the government shutdown crisis. a deep voice from his deep concern. just believe that if you grain didn't get this money, generally would lead to a full russian victor already. here's what he sat gentlemen for me. i think we're at a moment's now. where are those who support the continued defense on freedoms frontier in ukraine need to stand up and make the case for this in the intermediate term and over the longer term. this is ultimately about us sustaining our support for
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ukraine for the long term, for years, not just months at a different level, but nonetheless, for years, we are committed to making sure that we must have the support in both parties and in both houses to get that done, apparently, the strategy and goal of the by the administration is to continue funding and pro line the war for many years. however, it appears that the scores within the united states has dramatically shifted. you'll recall that just a few months ago was zalinski was in the halls of congress getting the standing ovation and joint sessions of both houses. but his recent visit for the un general assembly got no such a red carpet or fans there. as the wednesday was not granted the opportunity to address congress and opposition to funding of ukraine as increased as we just now see the passage of this expansion budget budget for 47 additional days preventing government shut down. but no new money for ukraine is quite
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a dramatic change in looks like within the power structure in united states. the forces that have a cold continued funding and sending of weapons to key a are getting new recruits to join their ranks and expanding their in requirements, an opposition to the continued us funding in so long? i think honestly it does grow. that would be, what many would, uh, would you know, conclude, having to look at what isn't, what just happened to you, or even though the biden administration wasn't happy about it, in order to keep the government from shutting down, they were forced to sign a deal and sign a spending bill with no new money for ukraine, tyler whit. earlier we spoke to a former senior security policy analyst at dependent on michael maloof. he highlighted the political rivalry between the democrats and the republicans suggesting the cross out feud is set to continue. there was so much opposition among republicans and there was such a desperation to get
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a bill for it for mccarthy, particularly to get that bill passed by the house. that even the democrats decided, well, we can always be returned to the ukraine re refunding and a issue and debate that at another time they were under extreme tension to pass a we can a continuing at least something that we continued keeping the government open. you have a republican lead house now and you before, when he was here addressing congress waiving the ukrainian flag on the, on the floor of the house of representatives before joining session, which people were just outraged by that. only the american flag should be in that chamber and that, but that was under democrats. now we're seeing an entirely different page haven't been turned. and it's going to be even more critical as the months and weeks and
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months go by. it's only for as a, as caleb says, uh for about $47.00 more days and then we're going to do this all over again. so you k is looking for even closer, military ties to trains that produce defense chief says instructor should be sent south and he'd like to see quote more things the product 6. yeah, he's clarifies that production of military equipment could be done directly any print from or on the involvement head over to our website, r t dot com. the nigerians are celebrating 63 years of independence from the british empire this sunday. here's what a booge us government secretary had to say about the significance of the day. i want it means for the people we all agreed as nigerians leave in the united peaceful
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and press bar as country as one people one destiny in spite of file of di message. this is very critical. without this interest, norton nation come move forward. this abode a well press conference box, the beginning of the trans scheduled or week to commemorate nigeria, 63rd independence enterprise to re celebration on october. the 1st secretary to my terrace compliment george aka me host. at the conference, he said that she, us commemoration is particularly important at a time when some parts of africa are seen a wave of tools. i can mistake. nigeria has a witness on broken democratic records since 1999 and has reported seamless and
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peaceful insurance agents from one government to another. part of the government secretary said this your celebration will be low key finding materials economy problems that have been excessive dated by the removal of the fuel subsidy in may, as well as the impact of the economy downturn. he said the government is working to provide relief packages to reduce the suffering of citizens, including the provision of gas powered bosses to these transport. machines have gone through these dry moments and to have come out stronger, stronger because lead that she was commented on the citizen array also appreciated wadley that she was doing and that's in bits and we are we de to lead that ship. that is
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sort of timing very knowing where to take cause. we also said the government, he's engaged in what the label internally and in order to address concerns for the wellbeing of all night, cheer and walk us for workers union last week. right. instance when block on an in depth and it strikes if the government does not with for us, it's economy policies, especially this cramping up a few a subsidies document promise on fridays will improve food security guarantee an and to fall between improve security, economy growth and job creation other events deal to come include a presidential address, national pray us, and a military parade. tennessee or b. r t, a boon john. my 2 last nations celebrate freedom from british colonial rule. it's lingering presence on the african continent continues to leave. it's mark kenya has
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slammed the u. k. army for its mishandling of arms that has wounded hundreds and even killed some over the years. and the investigation outlet spoke with the son of one of the victims jeffrey mohammed, who was killed by british weapons left behind. when i see the british army in the new key, i see my father dying. my father used to get the position on the scrap vehicles to do onto the re practice with when they finish the training, they would be able to call us back and tell him he could keep the scrap. he had no idea that the call was returned to the gavin arch together with that munition boxes with scrap you will need take the math for when he was dismantling the call to check the engine was the and see where he could sell is elementary. and that's when the last happened to the reports from the media outlet declassified u. k. revealed of that and a name to canyon officer voice has concerns. decades ago about an explosion that killed the mechanic in a new key where you k, troops operate
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a training center. however, britain's high commissioner leonard alan son claims the victim killed himself by mishandling parts of a mortar shell, which incidentally was left in a truck that had been sent to be scrapped although kenya claims new case, military presence in the country has threatened civilian lives. the british haven't admitted any responsibility. ruby has launched an investigation into the activities of the so named by took unit that includes accusations of soldiers coming, sexual abuse, and destroying the property. a similar blast occurred in the 2015 killing of a 13 year old boy, where reports say the british military knew the explosives and the fuse were faulty before the blast or casualties occurred in 2021. as another young boy was burned after igniting a flare, left behind by the by to local residents, say, the british military has exposed them to dangers a full. so my,
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that i my you maybe we always faced a lot of challenges. what uh, can you for that braces show him its raining the units in the forest. the general gave us protective gear against dangerous wild animals. some have died after being attacked by pirates on scorpions. no one cares about us. some of my friends have been left with permanent disability. they expose us to home full chemicals released in the explosives, damage all lands. people have died as a result of health issues and no one seems to care. they started fires that destroyed local vegetation. and i knew you will have one and you people have been queued by the buttocks and nothing has been done. no justice at all. in all the distorted fire that destroyed everything. life still died. and some last, the ice side completely out, you're going to have health complications. the bridge regional values can use of old. they don't care if we lose all lives. we have been suffering, we hate having them here in our region. the government should come up with safety measures and or the means of protecting the community from harmful chemicals and
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explosives. they must teach the community and also pay compensation to the effect of the families. and they have engaged in sexual harassment. kennings destroyed crops and animals, and they've got too many people here have health issues. as a result of inhaling by chemicals, the british always think they are a superpower and they can do anything without being questioned by the people i suggest. they should also compensation to be affected families and tenure in training their own country, not 10 years. because the british has been exploding that problems in this area. many people have been injured, others have lost the lights. the u. k. government must know that kenny or is an independent country and we shall most agree and you come and nice ation. so they must also compensation for anyone who has been killed or developed health issues as a result of that training. and back in with more news coming up in about 30 minutes time. in the meantime, be sure you're following r t on social media including telegraph and ex.


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