tv [untitled] October 3, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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[000:00:00;00] the, the outcry from human rights advocates on kenyans alike as the un and dual says the us, back to 10 years that didn't a national minutes re mission to hate to put the locals in the african countries thing they shouldn't be doing. washington's big, monique, it is ridiculous to have tenure restore peace and order in haiti so that america can achieve its mission. americans only want to misuse our country and use it as a stepping stone to reach that destiny. our mission is not experienced at all. we don't even have good weapons and our economy also is not doing well. you prayed in president in florida minutes, the landscape publicly owners. yes,
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and not the not the cooperate tests of the western media attempt to whitewash the reputations of people good fledged royalty. out of the us multinational corporations skip support. hearing out of ports facing the consequences for the largest non made cannot pull this off stop, which killed 1030 for india, such 9 years, the color on a warm welcome from the whole team head. all tease h to, as always, great to have you with us when we take a look of what's happening around the box. we're jumping right to any us fact. minute tree intervention in haiti has been approved by the un security council. of the multinational mission will be led by 10. yeah. and the countries president, that's whatever to says a mr pro. 9 security and haiti,
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which has been paid by gun violence for years. the i pretty good for that is a lucian on the top, the 7 of the chapter with the appropriate provisions to facilitate support for they hate the national police enhancing its capacity to effectively provide security for the people of haiti that info structure and property. i am delighted that today the security to con soto has directly on some of these quote with you and security and solution to 699 of 2023, which mandates the mountain national security support mission over here, when response came off to the haitian government, of said, account and manage without international assistance, whether russia on china a place of the same from the vote, that with most cove questioning the legitimacy of the ministry and to pension were we thought, reaction from some of the closing tenure and all they say. but the nation is equipped, i'm struggling with enough of its own problems to help
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a country on the other side of the globe and the name of washington's interests. staffel. as i saw, they come to us at heart, does not have a good will for tenure. so they are looking for ways to ensure we are fighting with cd and not the gangs they want to benefit from this. and honestly, our mission to haiti will not manage the situation at all. it is ridiculous to have tenure restore peace and order in haiti so that america can achieve its mission. the u. s. is unable to help 80, and that is why they want tenure to fight a problem that the us started many years ago machining bias. i'm, it is very wrong for the us to use a small country like kenya to solve hate these issues so that it can gain and even achieve its own agenda. our mission is not experienced at all. we don't even have good weapons. and our economy also is not doing well truly, i'm disappointed for that decision. it's very human leads into santa ken admission to hire the worst you know, the country. we have great problems in securities everywhere. americans only want to misuse our country and use it as
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a stepping stone to reach that destiny known. i think kenya is being used by the us government so that it can achieve its goals in our country and in haiti to what they want. can you to appear as an enemy to other nations and global answer will network pulled, the people's assembly has also reacted solving the hate the mission as a washington project, the weren't actually sub interest of the locals and the power in nation. once again, the us government is using the united nations to push for a genocide omitted tree into invention. in haiti, the disastrous experiences, the foreign interventions showed that the release of to deepen violence, poverty and injustice against the hate and people. why is this resolution facing? so much criticism at this time, especially this is a us back, kenyon led multinational military intervention in haiti to help this country. and it's um, gang warfare. now can you has offered to contribute
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a 1000 police officers to haiti with other countries neighboring haiti. also pledge into the same b, u. s. one as part offered $100000000.00 in logistical support. now, many haitians condemns this as they see it. every foreign military intervention of haiti has brought nothing but a pain and misery to the people of the country. we are writing to you to sound the alarm against an international military deployments supported by imperialist countries, the united states, canada, france and demanded by the legitimate corrupt and repressive government of ariel. i'm re, it is the same actors who are responsible for the crisis. in heidi for an interventions and heidi also already have a consistent track record. apartments, civilians with no accountability, introducing color injuring civilians while it's destroying property in military operations. perpetrating acts of sexual exploitation and abuse,
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and living victims. and the results in children without resources or resource by misdirecting assistance and delivering faulty infrastructure, is the 1st time and patience of experience, new areas for in the military interventions, including when the united states multiply the country for nearly 2 decades and the alteration that brought the locals neither peace or prosperity as was promised to them for many decades. the united states, it seems like the victim chose who was really, who would be the president of the country, you know, financing them, of backing them, backing them up as they are of interest to the united states and with its last policy of this kind. it ended up with the as, as a nation of former haitian president, back in 2021. so in this current case, the united states tried to lo, be canada to lead a force in haiti,
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which they refused. so now they have 10. yeah, 10 is going to do that, and now it looks like b, you west. maybe they've learned a lesson that they are no longer directly involved in the country, but instead they're looking for other states that could be involved in. of course, they would be fine as by them with the, the us american vaccine list. take a deeper look at these us interventions.
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the talk to us basically why is the us advocating for another intervention in 80 now? now, vaccine hates and leaders accused of the 3rd, terry, and rule as simply because they advanced us interest in the country is a tactic that the united states has been use it for a while. and looking back at american policy in haiti over the decades. it is quite important to understand why haiti is the way it is and why haiti remains the forest country in the western hemisphere. this 5,
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the billions of the age and money that the us sense to the country. according to the states department, the us has provided over $5600000000.00 in a to haiti, uh since 2010 and 12. now the united states is also paying for this with this new resolution that was drafted by the us government. the west has provided $120000000.00 for the hate and national police over the last 2 years. we expect to be working with cougar's to provide another $100000000.00 in support for the mountain national security support mission itself. and we expect the pentagon will be provides another $100.00 move in in time support intelligence, lift, communications, a magical. now what's interesting to note is that no municipal a just the civil problem in 3 elections have been held in years, creating essentially a power vacuum in the country. and one goal of this can you lead mission is to create conditions or say for conditions for
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a safer elections and for the united states to be choosing an african countries to be participating. and this appears to be some kind of public relations exercise for the united states. and, but this is not a chris new tactics that came from the u. s. i spent 33 years and 4 months inactive military service. and during that period, i spend most of my time as a high class us on line for big business for wall street and the bankers insurance . i was directed to you, a gangster for capitalism, helped me hating cuba, a decent place for the national citibank boys to collect revenues in helping the raping of half a dozen central american republics for the benefit of what street. so of course, with that logic, knowing that one of the goals of this intervention is to create a safer environment for say, for elections. and knowing that those gains that the us is claiming that they will
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be fighting against in the country. and they are calling for over throwing a us, nominated government. i think if we put $2.00 and $2.00 together, it's simply looks like another intervention for the sake of getting more controlling the country. i spoke with lloyd on human rights activist project, do not know he's optimum. the washington wants instability and hate see in order to steal the resources. my name is hyatt. this shall be no better for me is on the same people on the monthly on the title, as for anybody on the phone. jim, because that is for us once you want to use that is the height so that we can pull
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from the still very so long for yourself for the so the the ukraine's president has public pay on it. yeah. it's not the not c collaborator by name and one of the country's military units off the yes. can you come for lots now he had teamed up with hit not head of world war 2 to played a big deal out of the occasion. even hosted you foreign policy chief joseph parales, the ceremony where ukrainian reconnaissance battalion proud to add to the name of one of audits to its title. it's not the 1st such case as presence density, arlia, nate, and renamed for all the ukrainian minute treat gate to a device that's tied to once held by a not seat deficient russian foreign minister spokeswoman has condemned. he has made his own ring on this head a come and once again,
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a confirmation of the nazi essence of the key of regime. another minute since unit has been designated in on a of the hit to right. yes. can you kind of audits out so full ukrainian, nazis kind of outlets was one of the most invited to hitler on the most loyal so yes. can you convert law a ton of all that was a problem then to creating an extremist during the 19 twenties and thought sees, you could found it unplugged the ukrainian nation, this organization, and so known as the o u n, the nate to, for, to, alongside the nazis in world war 2 and of all it's built close ties with the side royce and electric and even met hitler himself several times to create in radical was assassinated in 1938 of course, just had a stall to 12 o. 2 of the contribution will serve many and he has comes to stay, is off to another scoundrel abrupt it in the west that was owned by the canadian parliament standing ovation for a little time. nazi collaborate from ukraine,
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some west to meet out as an alternative to whitewash the story. politico has even published multiple, comparing the soviet union to nazi germany, holding the movers the same and suggesting the siding with berlin wasn't actually such a big deal for some people. 5 live now to north and on the street from the scars discussed his father. retreat uh we spoke recently and not too dissimilar. an issue . it's always great to get your take. i mean, just on this renaming of the battalions, i mean, we bought this prominent ukrainian nation as being on a triple 8 device at the same time. we're told that, you know, not, doesn't mean ukraine is just a russian mess. it's hard to squat, isn't it? it certainly is, especially for someone like myself, a greek origin. this edelweiss battalion, which a which the which the nazis employed during the 2nd world war, committed the famous atrocity in greece and
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a village called coming. the word wiped out over $300.00 civilians, $73.00 of whom were children under the age of 10. and there were widespread reports also that women were raped prior to their being massacred. one would think that whatever the presence of lensky is a personal inclinations may be, or thoughts may be about the nazi regime. one of the most monsters and the history of humankind, said he would be sensitive to the fact that countries like greece, whose government has the weapons to ukraine and its military over, you know, contrary to the wishes of the majority of the greek population. i might add, he would be sensitive to the fact that naming a battalion, the ukrainian battalion a device might offend their sensibilities, but apparently he has no such sensitivity is demonstrated again here. and of course, the whole of the ukrainian parliament has demonstrated that it has no such those a sensitivity when it declared
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a national holiday in favor of stuff in. but there are, i believe that was like back in, but when 2018 and every year since that including in 2023, the ukrainian government has celebrated the legacy, the odious legacy of stuff. and, but there it has done so even though one of his closest allies, the polish government, has objected strenuously to this. so at a bare minimum, it's shows an appalling lack of sensitivity. but i think when you look at the entire picture, what it actually shows, the highest levels of ukrainian government, there is a considerable sympathy for nancy collaborators. you know, it's very interesting, a 12 i agree with you on face to point about sensitivities and, and seeing it on a, on a high level political level. but we're seeing this endorsement. but also what struck me is that maybe the lens to feels that he can only these people because he knows, but around the world, they will cover him. they will have his back when you put political biting off
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because comparing sides right to the soviet union, one who was feels the one you know. so then you could say anything. and he gets away with the thought, the impression that you've got as well. i think that certainly in the west and that's where, uh, so let's do. you obviously wants to find the most favor. he wants a western public to support the army of ukraine because without western support for ukraine's military, the world would be over within 24 hours. as the german defense secretary himself acknowledged more as the story as recently. so in that context, in the western context, she has effectively enjoyed immunity and there's no more dramatic example of that than what happened in canada's parliament when zalinski himself celebrated a nazi. and let's recall that this nazi he had a slave hunger was presented prior to zaleski pumping his fist and showing inactive solidarity with them was presented to parliament as ukrainian 00. are we to believe
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that the president of ukraine knew nothing about the background of the so called ukrainian hero when he saluted him and canada's parliament. and what happens after he did that? the, the, it was most remarkable spectacle for a canadian, i must say to see canada's prime minister apologizing to below them. or as lensky whose government has been on the receiving end of $9000000000.00 of canadian aid, rather than having presidents of lensky himself. apologize for what he did. i think that that shows you that is complete and utter impunity in the west, and hopefully that is breaking down. but up until now there certainly has been complete. another affinity for the next, the associations and sympathies expressed by the government of ukraine. and i want to say something about this political article it's, it's really a shameful exercise in white washing i, in my view, i mean, 1st of all, let's imagine what the article, the claim that is made in this political or political article, is that if you fought against the soviet union, you weren't necessarily a nazi. well,
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it's not just that hunk of fight against the soviet union. he did. so in the go we show up in s. s division. she volunteered for an 1943. he called those years 1941 to 1943, the happiest years of his life. and certainly by the time of it 1943 came around. it was widely known that the ones that s s was 0 likely anti semitic. very likely, russell phobic considered jews, poles, russians, and others to be lower forms of life, explicitly characterized them in that manner and had committed widespread atrocities. this was widely, no, it's strange, could eulogy to suggest that anyone who volunteered for the walk an escalation division in 1943 was unaware of the odious x and the racist ideology of this organization. and i've been the last thing i want to say about is this political article says that, you know,
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the fact of just having served in the debate was seized upon by the enemy of ukraine. well, in, in canada, 3 of the organizations would precipitate the apologies because this was being widely discussed in social media before for some 24 to 30 hours before the canadian government actually took any kind of action. these 3 organizations where the simon simon seasons, all center the center for the israel and jewish affairs, and the neighbors, canada, 3 main street and jewish organizations. they were the ones who force the governments him by denouncing uh, the uh, the, the pondering of someone described as a nasa collaborate and someone who is a nazi collaborator, are these the enemies of ukraine. these 3 organizations, are they align with russia? in fact, all 3 of these organizations have expressed support sometimes or not, or another for the broader policies of the canadian government with respect to the ukraine war. and yet they denounced this man as a nancy and then denounced parliament for having honored him. this is not about the
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enemies of ukraine seizing upon a fact which is really can be explained away in a simply there's no innocent explanation for this mit disgraceful. the political was trying to wake washing squats also. i mean, this goes obviously not a fringe. my, you know, not friends, publication. what's interesting is that it went through several editorial tooth infinity basically. but had editorial vide either one seems to think that it's probably more political bother than anything else that was to reach the scars, nor until unless, as have a really great to have you had. thank you so much. thank you. the american dow chemical skipped on engine coolant summons on tuesday. victims had hopes that criminal charges would find the port for the major on non made this all set of booth poll pesticide pump in central india. now the tragic ghastly killed thousands of maimed thousands more. not a code was 40 years ago. the u. s. multinational company has taken over the u. n. cob. i'd plant involved in the does all sta,
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dial denies responsibility and refuse india as quote summons all doing. they want the pesticide concert and is all the time of that. it's all stuff. so pull victims and indian activists say the 19 h 4 environmental tragedy has been unresolved for most 14 years as well. that smith still very bought. officials report that the death toll from the gas to me because of the 25000 lives. many died later off to suffering permanent disability or chronic illnesses. the un call by the company paid $470000000.00. that was back in 1989 to india, the medical expenses. nothing is political wrangling. the indian government refused, and the supplement claiming that the cost of it is all stuff. we're moving $3300000000.00 and expects the current to case to consider this amount. well, we spoke with watson and didn't grow. he's inactive us watching with the survivors of the purple gas project. and she said that multinational companies keep getting
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away with what they've done by driving out solicitation price. i see is. c when we have been award, unfortunately, which quotes maximization profits, what we saw in football almost put the 9 years ago is what we're seeing in this world happening reserve is industrial pollution and climate change. but in the bottom, you wouldn't be surprised to know that even after the depths of 25000 people, more than an engineering half a 1000000 people, not a neither union carbide nor it's owner. dow chemical has been punished. in fact, union carbide is bidding for a proclaimed sponder. they just refused to show up in indian courts before 9 this and who was charged with comfortable homeless side and man slot to expand me is to return back. but never did. and now, or we are asking, are we now there is a note this out for the appearance of the dow chemical company to appear as they continue to show that a fugitive from justice, the 1st time they have shown up. but again,
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they're investing do this diction and this is how unfortunately it works. you know that you just keep making this matter go year after year turn this yeah. has rejected the financial support offered by the ear in september saying that the proposal was not in line with the agreement signed 3 months ago. denise, it rejects the e u. announcements because of the small amounts that because the proposal conflicts with the memorandum of understanding, signed in july the law smaller for your pin commission and said that it would give a lot a 140000000 euros church. and as you, as part of an agreement to fight illegal immigration from africa, tier of a song that is significantly less than me initially pledged one thing into europe. now, europe has had an issue with migration since 2015. the number of refugees from north africa has increased significantly more than
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a 120000 people seeking refuge arrived. and it's me alone. this year. some attribute, this influx to the arab spring well, office to isis activities in the region. this one is who economic condition looks across lives now to reach out to an international relations betcha, gene. it's really great to see you. i'm the 1st thing i want to ask you. i mean, was it about the agreement or was it about the some of the money of what was that? do you think that really drove between isn't president to turn down ears alpha the size of the business side. it's not about money. it's not about the huge money or mess. it's about this the how the union deals with these guys. it loves us both way. is just because we have the president say, the july agreement. we do have good news. but as you know it's,
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it's not so good. it's because i'd rather die by him. say that that 0 can. you can look at the issue just it's a show of money, but it we as to the gym and as if it isn't a look at this 10 minutes program of immigration is not about money. and also it's not about 10 years. yeah. they've been doing the adventure. yeah. i live in north africa. it's a little as i say all the time is a problem of the integration to this website is going to be jews. yeah. it's not just, it's it just expect and if there be a new was really just sort of the problem the they well they, they mean do i know that as you buy it, give you just sent some some i wasn't sure i want to austin because the seems to be willing to spend money on preventing applicants from coming over to it's me and
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father in to europe. but they don't seem very interested in investing money in the country back home and ask because the africans can develop our economies, but they can become independent. and these are countries of exploited during the colonial rule. what are you, what are your thoughts on that today? want to keep i for cut dependent i think it's clear that the all the junk drug i know it, well, that's a regulation. this should stop. i. i see the new a just side corporation. actual assume the, the stop the union should if they have the attention to have the piece in the city of the vision, vision, who does the traffic? i've jumped and it comes in and to know something that we've at. and you a vision. we are not just the money we, we, we had a claim to have
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a relation. it'd be the relation with equity gigi until now it'll be in a, let's say, the majority of a category. so look in union of dealing with that. there's always money. and through the money that's it actually get, i don't think it, they accept many more benefits from political, economic instability on the african continent to i think if there is no stability, if they there is no gross, it's going to be enough to get there is most of the, in our 0, i don't speak just about it again for us on germany. but when you're in the actually got the see that there is no solution in the country. there is
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no future and they gave me country each would be abnormal, that they are able to you if you're to another 5 and we say is you don't have the option to have uh do you have a seat in the piece? they should not have to let you out of order or even that of a team. they should invest in the economy and the, in the, you know, just to taking go after the general services. and i see where you live with this money if they really continue to see if even get a lot of the problem i can use. yeah. but also from the on the i think i got the and vision. well, it definitely seems like a good formula case in africa piece for mankind. that was the patch of dream, a research for an international relations,
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speaking to us from cheers. thank you so much for your time. i'm fine. is this our hundreds of demonstrators lots for peace through the street, some people in tomorrow, but jeremy is unit today on tuesday. 7th, straightest them onto the current government resign on hold on the election. they codes the grubbing divisions among here, a pin countries as a funding ukraine. uncalled for an end to minute. she's hungry. recently use of the veto to block a new foreign policy chase proposal to provide kids with additional aid on subject . you have to elect a new parliament unplugged to nita would have had the brought to swap a will not give a single round to keeps. who will that's how things are looking for now. but check back in later with any updates and have a great day. the
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