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tv   [untitled]    October 4, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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the, the washington political unity is in tatters. as in a historic move us house speaker is ousted from his post. i'm in the allegations of a secret funding deal for you, frank. despite public touches with american interest, 1st, some of my colleagues are only willing to stand up and fight for world border tickets and billions to ukraine to fund their border to well, i've had enough of that. and that's why i brought this motion to vacate the big crane risk being left hung out to dry when it comes to future age. read for efforts by the collective west, which now admits that can no longer afford to provide you with money and weapons. and israel demands canada, acknowledge it's historical sense of allowing nazis to emigrate to the country as the scandal around auto was part of that upon
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a former nazi collaborator continues to has global outrage the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international in a historic 1st us house speaker, kevin mccarthy has been ousted from his post, was 208 democrats and 8 republicans. voting to remove the official fellow republican mat gates who triggered the vote accused mccarthy of agreeing it to a secret deal with president biden on further aid to crane. despite the latter publicly plunging, depart, american interest. first, it was concerning to me, to hear of news of a secret deal on ukraine funding, the order of a log rolled more money with ukraine, with our southern border. how offensive is that to our customs, and be able petrol to our eyes, to the people that are suffering as a consequence of our border, that some of my colleagues are only willing to stand up and fight for our border if
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they could send billions to ukraine to fund their border too well, i've had enough of that and that's why i brought this motion to vacate. and the last vote on you we had a majority of the majority vote. no. and yet that was not something is the leadership on, and they use democratic votes to send more money to train. and maybe the last straw for me was learning that kevin mccarthy had created a secret side deal with president biden on ukraine while we were in the middle of this, this government funding battle. all i would add is that clearly somebody's been lied too because we heard the president come out and say there was a deal with the speaker on your train. and the speaker just stood up in front of all of us and said that there is no deal on you crate. the house democrats say there's a deal on ukraine, so we're gonna have to sort that out. we're going to sort out who's lying because somebody's lying about whether or not as is c r a negotiation. there was a secret side deal on ukraine funding. well, this is
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a historic move where we see the mog weighing of the republican party, the trump aligned populace waiting of the republicans remove a speaker of the house for the 1st time in the history of a speaker of the house. that's the position that is the 3rd in line to be president of the united states. that is, the person who presides over the house of representatives and. ready larger of the 2 legislative bodies that the federal level with united states. for the 1st time we've had a speaker of the house ousted amid their term, and this is quite a big move. now. matt gates who led the moves that it was about. the fact that while gavin mccarthy had said one thing, and he had made a secret deal to make sure that ukraine continued to get funding in the long term. what he's referring to is the fact that there was almost a government shut down over the weekend recently and that there was a deal reached in order to prevent it. they did pass a 47 day extension spending bill to prove that the government from shutting down
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and binding sabbath some kind of arrangement had been reached between kevin mccarthy so that ukraine would continue to get funding in the long term. now kevin mccarthy denies that, but several, kevin mccarthy is rhetoric does indicate that there was some kind of equivocation between the us border patrol and the ukrainian forces. but the priority for me as america and our borders now, i support being able to make sure ukraine has the weapons that they need. but i fairly support the border 1st. so we've got to find a way that we can do this together. it seems that many uh, resents kevin mccarthy and the more neo conservative establishment republican wang for its commitment to following on popular u. s. foreign policy. social media has been flooded with people rejoicing kevin mccarthy's departure. and allister, kevin mccarthy wouldn't give up funding for ukraine. that's it. let this be
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a message to every future speaker. americans are done funding for morse and money laundering. well, our country falls apart. that is, republicans can replace them with someone who cares about fiscal responsibility, strong border security and america 1st rather than ukraine. first. his allister would be a win win for the american people. there is, you know, criticism of the amount of attention, new brain has gotten well so much is in need and they're such a frustrating and deteriorating situations here at home. so it seems like a majority opinion a has been expressed. this is certainly a surprise. many did not expect that kevin mccarthy would indeed get ousted. that's the way the boat wraps. i mean, kevin mccarthy is out. uh, they'll be looking for a new speaker of the house of representatives soon white a dramatic day on capitol hill, legal and media analysts. lionel believes the ukrainian black money hold played the size of role and these latest developments. so i'm going to start off by saying,
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i am not unbiased. i'm not a journalist, i'm not in any way going to give you away concise, an cronkite esque approach. i am telling you as an american citizen, finally, the republicans have done something. anything they studied for something might be wrong and might be stupid, it might be foolish. but finally, for the longest time, i am going to tell you the g, o, p, of which i am not just going to write code. i am a registered independent which is a political atheist or agnostic, whatever that means on either side. i despise equally. but for the longest time people been asking, what did these republicans been for? they don't like trump. they, they, they are. are they democrats? what are they? h yes, a significant portion of this was the ukrainian vote because nobody's understood. i mean i'm it. especially right now when think about this. people are being told
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we're going to shut down the government because we don't have enough money. i'm sorry, but to be frank, that might be listed. there's belt way, politics. there's washington the way they think, you know, deep state to heritage and though that sort of thing. they watch cnn. and morning, joe and they live in that world. the vast majority of most americans have no idea of what ukraine means. we're rushing means they know what some kind of a war and you know where we're going to help the good guys. but what really gets people's attention, what really gets america's attention is, is when you say you have monies that are going elsewhere, that are not being audited. not being accounted for. now, a lot of aspects to this, and some of them political, some of them via radical. but this is, this is been quite a while donald trump is on trial, as we speak, who just received a gag order. i mean, this is you, you, you can't write this,
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you can't write this. i've been doing this for a while, and i have never seen anything even remotely as, as a tragic comic as this a crate. and it could be left hung out to dry when it comes to future aid. and it's more efforts by the collective west, as, as the u. n. washington put the brakes on their cash flow with the u. k. also admitting it can't afford to send any more weapons to ukraine. earlier i spoke with our correspondent charlotte davinsky, who gave us more insights on the development. and we time for the last year or so we support, you will be back till the base rent will provide you with all the military assistance that you need. and now what we're seeing or cracks are showing in the unity in the message. and these are some pretty big cracks as we've been hearing about in the us. over the last week, they had to avert a shutdown of the governments and they could only pass the bills that didn't include any new agents you created to keep the lights on. but,
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and we've also been hearing similar stories from elsewhere as well. so these promises that we've been hearing and i've changing that smell of just from the us. what from the u. k as well, we've given away just about as much as we can afford. we will continue to source equipment to provide for ukraine, but what they need now is things like a defense assets and artillery ammunition. and we have run dry on all that. while we have the ability to continue to support ukraine's ability to defend itself, in the immediate term, we have already exhausted much of the existing security assistance funding. it is enough to for us to meet the meet you crane's urgent battle from better feel needs for a bit for bit longer. but we'll remaining, but will be maintaining our, our study cadence of p. da's for sure. but it is not the long term solution here it is not the long term solution. the reality is these countries now looking at their own store files, looking at their own capabilities and saying to know we have to put ourselves 1st.
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i know you crane. yeah, i mean, that makes sense. you know, given the money the west has collectively, given that to kia, has ukraine's encounter offensive medic spec stations. well, they say something that's really being questioned and it's a bruising question when it's off to ukraine. we've had a sense over the last few months about comprehensive has not been going very well. in fact, some report suggesting, you know, you'd need a microscope on a month to see where the head feed of a fence is breaking through. and this is after billions and billions of dollars, not just in the us, the u. k, the e u, in other western allies for being plowed into you quite in the military training. and the question is, what has this money achieved? now we've now had it from one ukraine and p themselves. really the difficulties in the space of 4 or 5 accounts defensive, his head chief there for the last few minutes. counter offensive is going as planned as long as it going to sense. well, as much as we can,
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haven't going as planned was the amount of weapons on the quality of the munition. that that's where a guessing the steady or the deliveries on the big or the deliveries of the armaments for you frame the cost of the counter offensive to 5 the weekend. well less than one percent of the ground. the last one for the invasion. unfortunately say that doesn't do any time for the end of the month to guy before another month. so 5 is for the colds and the winter settles. and before we can, we will, we will have to actually force until the spring time, less than one percent. that really is nothing to show for all of that money. and that is something now that western governments are indeed questioning. yeah. and the fact of the western media now is finally acknowledging and even the question is something significant as well. well, what are some of the other places in europe that are calling for an end to military support for ukraine? look to spend the last few days in slovakia. they've had an election that on the policy that came up was hoping to pose this one that campaigns against sending new
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move weapons to quite not a single bullets. we've also heard discerning voices from poland. they saying that they haven't got anymore military a to send you quite an item. and that's really interesting procedure to the loudest voices in europe over the last year. essentially been leading brussels in to, you know, sending more say you're not doing enough. you need a to create new need to do create. they've now had a complete scene change in the you to an invoice that's saying that we've also heard from hungry is for administered. this is pete just cfo who was asked just in the last few days about that sort of fit. she could, that comes in terms of supporting ukraine and he turned, found and responded to a question that specifically then said, it is what's being said behind was what do we know hearing in front of the cameras . and this is how he responded to that. i can see that the world, so you are is looking forward to the end of this war because they don't understand many things about it. they don't understand. for example, how every time there's or outside you are, the you looks down from
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a moral high ground and calls for peace negotiations and immediate end to the violence. the when the war ends in europe, that you fuse the conflict and supplies weapons. and it saves in wider than that from a political report in the last few days. i'm just going to court one, you official note lined up. it said we cannot keep giving from our own stockpiles. and that really seems to be a message that we're hearing more and more not just from a you from the u. k. i'm from the us, the 3 big supporters of ukraine in this wolf. eliza magnolia, award journalist and the political analyst based in brussels, explains how the you became the victim of its own policies when it comes to funding ukraine. a bad idea of being is, are no longer he does yes. dates to find that is a war that is going, you know, way i need to. now russia economy is doing becca much better. they all back to the 1st beginning of the war. they offered using bliss on getting more money because of
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the increase of price of oil. we are stupid enough to go in by the russians owing for india much more expensive than buying it from russia. we have lost and those free to that was to about guided by the us and germany was the 1st country a leading the industry. and now if there's a number full and going down the line in fries in brussels, in all the european countries to be suffering from heavy inflation. the valuation of the euro. and people are hardly managing that for the end of the month. the population are suffering from the consequences of financing ukraine, cooperation and science and education, russian, society, a and then era of transformation and the ukrainian crisis. these are just some of the topics on the agenda. as the 20th annual meeting of the validated discussion club enters this thursday in the russian city of searching. all right,
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for more details press live now to our t correspondent, eager span of who is at the for i'm eguard dates 3. what's happening as well? absolutely. that have been the 1st couple of days. they have been quite intense and they have, they have been truly pack the agenda and all sorts of topics from financial stability to, well, basically the financial future of the world, the future of the fuel markets and so on and so forth about security about, well, of global equality and the general issue of the global south. so the 3 right now there's a bit of a law here in terms uh, in terms of the agenda. because right now the forum really prepares and bracing himself for the visit of the russian president himself vitamin poaching. tomorrow he will be here addressing the participants of this fall, the discussion club event, but to talk more about what takes, what about the 1st couple of days and what to expect from today. hey,
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i'm joined by professor one wang, who's the the executive dean at the 2 young young institute for financial studies. mister wang, uh, thank you very much for joining me here. so i would like to start with china and russia. of course, these 2 countries. uh right now the locomotives of the global locomotives, when it comes to promoting trade, using national currencies, other than the dollar, what sort of examples do you think these donations are sending to the rest of the world? and do you think that they are incentivizing other nations to follow suit? well, uh, i think nowadays of last year and to try it out again. sure. if i remember right, good. and we have the full political strategy to contrast. and also we together push the, the form of international trade, anything national financial, anything that's your economic consistent. and also we have this thing the mission for national reach information. so that's why we now we cooperate a very good and the last the i'll walk by now to a tree,
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they increase the more than 25 percent. and this year, the 1st the ada balance. i don't want that at all to try to increase the more than the 30 percent. so i think this is a for a very good animal. you bought a is a by natural trade of our 2 countries. so you know, more and a more dependent on our own, the candidacy, oppose the d darlise aging process. i think our old shoes there to all what 2 countries that promote the international so called international democracy. so incorrigible animal, emerging economy, developing economy, promote the international way, i'll uh, conditions in the future. both russia in china are among the founding fathers, so to speak of a, so to speak, of the bricks alliance and the right. now, i mean this yet, it brought some big news regarding this blog. it has expanded. some 20 nations are also looking to join the but already g t, p wise, if you look at the purchase impiety of, of all these nations, it's larger than the g 7. what does it mean for the block?
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i think the, the breaks nowadays the shoes much more inclusive, but then g 20 nowadays. and what would that down more than 40 countries want to join the breaks. uh group that meets the data. breaks has 7. very good future and a truck piece. so why fees? because the more and a more emerging economy developing caught me, they want to the international democracy. they want for the mutual respect, they won't or hardly for their national life and a national advocate for nations. i think this is, this is a breaks mission and our break. so we work together development together and to, to the international department. i think the nowadays will animal come to the good . they look good and the very good expectations of fall break future. speaking of this event, it is quite unique. i have to say because you have the cannot make forms. you have big political gatherings like the g 20. does this bronze itself as
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a discussion club? you know, you participates in such events all over the world, like in the diverse economic for him. where does this vault a discussion club? what is, where has it found its place comparing to other events of the sort? not just hosted by russia, been all over the world. yeah. you know me very well and the extra idea into i enjoyed why the clock discussion. i know meeting i told him any time, so why the club and the compared to the other a 4th and for example, you mentioned that i was following x ray in a single pole that has a song the uh septic took realty uh farmer. and also the american has asked him for that thing. that's why the club very big events. yeah. back big for event and the why the comp and looks a shoes much more pro intellectuals categories sticks. why the cloud lease packed into the extra like us, and we have a very good opportunity to
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a face. we said last year, the to clean face best renee should practice divisive problem in east and of the as a top leaders and a we discuss each has a we equally discussion and down can help us to know rushes a position called you and the future at the election, i think this is a very good mutual respect, the discussion. it's a model 40 on a forward on this document. i think a lot right across nowadays if we come, then most one of the most important of folding and a one of the most that easily so far, you know what that's actually a very interesting insight, especially coming from someone like you who knows the other. you know, forums and other big, massive world wide events from the inside out. mr. wing. thank you very much for your time. thank you. professor wong wang, executive dean at the children institute for financial studies and of course russia
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he had freed. so this of all the discussion club, every event of this kind with very well it does so very seriously. and we've already, we've already seen the russian for administer. so the elaborate of making an attendance, the deputy prime minister and all sorts of russian v. i peas coming here, flying here to switch you to well to talk to will these intellectuals and visionaries and we're lucky to be here to bring you everything from. well, what's going on here and bring you the insights like these great to keep us updated with that r t correspond that you cars down off eager. thank you. the, the scandal over canada is attitude towards nazis. both past and present shows no sign of a bathing. the israel now demanding canada address the glaring difference in his post world war 2 immigration policies toward jews and former nazis. in order to prevent such a injustices from happening again. at a time of rising antisemitism beyond embarrassing incidents and parliament
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underscores the imperative. a comprehensive education on anti semitism then and now on the holocaust and on the history of world war 2. the very possibility of its occurrence undermines the responsibility of countries like canada, to the shared perspective, commitment of never again demanding to remember and to know the past in order to identify presence threats and prevent the reoccurrence of atrocities too terrible to imagine. but not too terrible to have happened. after a week of silence, these real has now officially reacted to the scandal in canada that has the making headlines worldwide. where the whole parliament, including the countries prime minister, adjusting to the door. and he's gas at that time, your point in president followed the meta zalinski gave a standing ovation to f for nazi call about 8 or as you know, as a result the problem and speaker had to quit and missed
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a to do apologize for that mistake. that embarrass, choose country and nowadays really special invoice for combat thing. and to semitism says that this resignation should only be the 1st step in count as official recognition of its own long history of harbouring nazis at the same time, refusing to provide refuge to jews. well, these like is ation is quite harsh, but it seems they hold walter according to official dates. so between 19331945 canada, it has drastically restricted the amount of jewish refugees allowed to enter its territory. there was also an incident back in 1959 when a vessel carrying 900 doors, men, women, and children, all those escaping from the atrocities didn't was denied entry to canada and as a result back then, the vessel had to sail back to europe and many of the passengers of that boat, the venture, the filings desk at the hands of the nazis in 2018,
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just include the again as he was the prime. it is. so if canada at that time as while apologize for that incidents, but there was never an apology for accepting according to different estimations around 2000 nazi war criminals at the end of the war. the historian, these really special invoice will come by taking anti semitism, refers to told american journalist that's had that time. it was very easy for nazis to freely and to canada. we know that one of the ways of getting into the account 3 of canada during this period was by showing the ss tattoo this prove that you were an anti comment man, but there's a chart of the sense the south with obviously the charge with the responsibility of murdering jews. so it was the question that these will work them up. the scandal was, it can add in a poem and has all the ready 3 good reactions worldwide, including from the countries that suffers from ukraine and nazi calibrators. officials from both russia and poland on now saying that they are cause caesar in
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official legal means to expedite and investigate and spoke to trial all potential wall criminals that could still be hiding in canada these days, including the man who was praised in the candidate in solomon theresa in saying while adjusting toledo is now trying to put all the blame solely on the speaker of the parliament who had to wait as a result, as you know, which is form it is to sort of get lobrado says that there is no way that all those people applaud into that man in the palm and didn't know bodies past the door to those comment on. this is beautiful to look at. he's a prime minister after all. and when he ends lensky work laughing and raising their fists in the air, saluting this nazi of course they knew everything. but the saddest thing is the truth, the after summing up the courage to apologize. apologize to who does the gradients and to the landscape with whom they see kyle disfigure to get is or is this grace
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level as these are the needs with israel? now joining this push to bring all canada based nazis to light the spotlight. the back man who was praised recently in the canada and paul events was provided with could turn out to be to bribes for other knots of calibrators to handle 10. definitely. we may expect to hear more of that story in the upcoming days. but that's as some western media outlets try to downplay the story with political publishing an article on the incident calling it complicated. the opinion piece like is the soviet union to nazi germany, even suggesting that signing with the 3rd right, wasn't such a big deal. also down the line that serving in the ss, the military force loyal to hitler and responsible for mass genocide made someone a war criminal. the idea that for him, volunteers and consequence for being allocated to have often assessed right at the end of an locked on, administered safe rather than ideological grounds. he's a hard sell for audiences condition to believe the assets, primary task was genocide and simple narrative like everybody in dss will scale
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their work. crimes are more pervasive because they're much simpler to grasp. the story isn't complicated at all. as a matter of fact, it's pretty straightforward. if you're part of the s s, you're a nazi. all right, there are no 2 ways about it. the slime. yes, most blatantly, revisionist manipulative, disturbing thing. i've come across in a while for the record. it was ruled at nuremberg that the entire ss was a criminal organization and everyone unit a criminal. why political click bait politic oh, now running straight up holocaust revisionism in wife and s s white washing? absolutely no one political europe look just because you were a literal nazi who swear allegiance to hitler. it don't necessarily make you a bad guy. one of those attempts to whitewash nazi is i'm strong sentiment towards often soldiers, both in ukraine and beyond, including an ottawa remains with canadian neo nazi active s line flowers to memorials dedicated to the listing of division and fighters at a cemetery with inscriptions handling them as heroes who died for the freedom of
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ukraine. canadian journalist and active as steve angler says, otherwise been trying to whitewash naziism for decades. i certainly agree with the fact that uh, there was a deeply uh anti jewish uh immigration policy in canada before during and just after world war 2. and that's well documented. uh uh, i also agree that the canadian government commission from the mid 19 eighties i looked into the the, those far with the nazis who were allowed to immigrate to canada. no doubt that the, the canadian government should do a full accounting of of exactly why it was easier for former nazi soldiers to enter canada after weather to that it was reduced. i think the reason was in large part because they were and to comments. and immediately after world war 2,
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the canadian government began to take on the, the cold war, the anti soviet. uh oh, look. and, and the nurtured far right. uh specifically you can, but also uh, eastern europeans on nationalism as a way to undermine the ussr and nice and that's all pretty well uh, pretty well documented. so more details i should be brought to light. alright, just stay with us as much more news to the comment about 30 minutes in the meantime . be sure you're following us on social media. if you aren't already including x and television by the the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion, by how us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the, the tide appears to be turning against the crane. the counter offensive is a stunning failure. future western funding for the proxy more is in doubt and european voters. it started 2 beds, their displeasure for a conflict designed and promoted by the release. is this the beginning, the.


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