tv [untitled] October 4, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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the, the, the lot a man who 10 criticizes the car in blue hill, economic systems as early benefits in western countries, bought some more during the pen, the recession of this point, options here to live cat insult cheap. the serving you praying funding brings a radical shift in the us. government would be all single house because kevin coffee stop members of the congress save more changes also on the horizon. i think a lot of members are going to reflect on their thinking after this historic moment and a spit that is, polls a wall with a rest all made in jerusalem. officer of vinto stop fit, a sing online, says orthodox to sing on the ground beside
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a procession of foreign christian watch because we have from an eye witness. it is not new, it's just being reported now. and now the levels are just out of control. it's everyday defense type spits, there's transcripts where there's not a new thing. it's been going on for years. the hello and good evening, just going to 9 pm here in a multiple. great. have you with us? uh, let's see what's happening around the world. i'll top story this out loud, i'm a person has talked about the importance of breaking away from the current financial system, which he says only benefits nations that have with of currencies. and that was just one issue raised by the russian president. while speaking of the serious education center in the city of searching, a good place to be on these low land. so the world is steadily getting rid of the dictatorship of the can on the model that only vs. the goal of driving into depth
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reading economic colonies and depriving resources that are necessary for development in entire regents of the world. i think you would agree that such a future will not be welcomed by many, but that's the process of building and multiple our world order that is more democratic for them fair and just for the majority of humanity and you know, is inevitable. you might, historically indispensable in the russian president, attended the planner recession uh for the 3rd olympiad on financial security. now this olympiad is aimed to help participants acquire the knowledge necessary to create financial and legal literacy. the russian president emphasize the fact that the geography in the event is expanding, meaning that more participants from different countries started to take place in this event that started to come to this event. now he also touched upon the fact that exchange exchange and ties and cooperation and establishing tied between one
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another is very important. and now when the notion of family and how important it is to the participants in the event was brought up to the president's attention. he says that a lot of people in the west as well follow you traditional traditional values and traditional family values. but they're not very loud about it. yes, people who believe that traditional values, including family, once our dad behaved very aggressively, especially in north america in europe. but there are many people that share our use in your being countries. i would say a lot of them do you go to that? they just behaved more quietly and did not for long thorough position you. when it comes to the multi paula world, the president talked about how the world is gradually getting rid of, quote unquote, financial dictatorship. that is aimed at pushing countries to essentially be in depth and turning them into a con economy colonies. now he says that this is the reason why building a multi paula world is necessary. and when asked about international cooperation
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with other countries, the president phrased russian indian relations as they both countries for decades have shared a history of friendship and cooperation between one another. and i see do see is a this is rushing in. india are tied by decades of friendship and partnership. so we have very good personal relations with prime minister mouldings that are more due. he's a very wise man under his leadership, india develops very effectively. and that definitely correlates with the interest of both india and russia. now when it comes to the multi paula world, it requires a new financial system as well. that's what the president says and such as system provides new opportunities for states and businesses. now he also says that of course, challenges may arise, but they will be dealt with the washington's political unity is a cracking in a historic fast us house. peacock having the coffee has been ousted from his post,
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thanks to the votes of fellow republicans. i thought that he was accused of making a secret deal with president biden to spend more tax paid dollars on ukraine. will that despite the house, he does public pledge to put american and trust fast. kevin mccarthy couldn't keep his word, made an agreement in january regarding the way washington would work and he violated that agreement. we are $33.00 trillion dollars in debt. we are facing $2.00 trillion dollar annual deficits. we say say de dollarization globally, that will crush americans working class americans. i think a lot of numbers are going to reflect on their thinking after this historic moment . i don't think that was good for the institution, but apparently i'm the only one. i believe i can continue to fight maybe in a different manner. i will not run for speaker again. i'll have the conference,
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pick somebody else on the removal of my coffee, squeaked through the us congress on choose day with a 6 foot motion for my house speak. i had come on to a heavy criticism from his own party over his handling of the budget debate on capital hill. while i'm joined now by full republican member of the virginia state senate, richard black. welcome to the program, much so much for taking the time. i'm, i'm really interested to get your kind of insight uh take on this because i was speaking to someone yesterday off the ed just happened. and he made an interesting comment. he said, if this had been the democrats, it would never have happened because the democrats are always in lock step. they never criticize each other in public. do you agree with that? do you see a difference in how the policy is acting to preserve that political states, us, i'm position in the country at the moment. there, there is
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a great deal of difference between the 2 parties. the democratic party is, is the 3rd to unified. it is not at all democratic it, they tend to all go to like, the republican party has robust disagreements. and one thing you could say is that on the issue of ukraine, the republicans have been shifting very much away from support for you appraisal home to where just last week. those are there, which is supplemental, the security, the chair of the choose your more money to ukraine. and during the boat of the republican members, there were more republicans who voted against giving the money to ukraine and voted in favor of a $117.00 against it. and all of a $101.00 for it. so the turnaround is very heavily against ukrainian spending.
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more republicans are figuring out how the war started. they know the rush or did not for both the war that indeed this was something that was done under president obama. and by and by the central intelligence agency, how they over through the government of ukraine, back in 2014 and southern motion the war. so do you, what you see on the republican side is traditional democracy. and actually, what you see on the democrats side is something more akin to a marxist approach to governments. and well, i'm glad that you raised the ukraine because it was clear that funding to key it was a key element in mccarthy's demise. political demise. i'm do you think it
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was this accusations that macowski was doing the secret deal that really got gates and others wild up? or is it just the ukraine issue has become a poisoned child as a cost for those and politics and there were a couple of things that that brought about the over throw of the speaker and they, they all related to how we do the budget is under the constitution, the way we're supposed to do it, is you take a pot of money, whatever you have, and then you, you divide it into $12.00 parts and, and different different subcommittees of the appropriations committee and congress then decide how the money should go within their areas that has been just
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a band story during the presidency, obama, and so the congressman just get on an appropriations bill to sign up or down added to it sometimes as 2000 pages long. they have no earthly idea of what's in it. that is not a democratic form of government that is a dictatorship and we have been operating under semi dictor tauriel power for, for some years now. and the mat gauge representative gauge from florida. and the other members of the freedom caucus have decided they are going to break that pattern and they're going to return us to constitutional democratic government if they possibly can. you know, it's interesting because i was looking online, an approval ratings of congress on the federal government as a whole are at
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a near historic news. so clearly the american public feels a lack of trust, feels the straight to do you think this new generation, i understand some people loved them. some people to the marjorie tate of greens, the mac date says. but do you think that they feel the american pulse of the people on the street much back to then kevin mccarthy or others of the what you could say establishment really? i think they're, they're, they're in touch with, with sort of sort of the intellectual part of conservatism. and i couldn't say that the others aren't in touch, but they're very much and the others are in touch more so with the lobbyist where it's the people who who vote according to the way that the deep state wants them to
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vote more money for, for, for and interventions for foreign wars for bigger military budgets. um, i think in a way that says yes, the freedom caucus tends to be more in touch with the grass roots. the people who have to live on a budget to have to have to pay their bills. who, who have to deal with the crime situation with a broken borders of america today in many ways it to, to is sort of reminiscent of, of the roman empire during the days of decay. we're sovereign with enormous debt. we've de valued the card saved by just print, taking limitless amounts of it. we are finding wars all over the glove, whether it's a new crane and a rack and gaming in syria and libya and serve you,
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we're finding everywhere. and meanwhile we've, we actually believe it or not, we have somewhere between $600.00 and a 1000 overseas military spaces. now that's not huge basis, but it's a $600.00 to a 1000. meanwhile, russia has something like 30 in china has like 50. so we have this vast empire and we have no need for it because we are sheltered by enormous oceans that are 56 out of 10 miles across. but meanwhile, we are, while we have these armed forces all over the world, we cannot defend our own border. the only threat that the united states faces from any foreign power is the one across our southern border in mexico,
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trying to us and threaten us rusher doesn't threaten us all these other places. the only place that threatens us is the southern border. and we refuse to defend it. it's insane. i mean, a lot of such a common criticism when it comes to bite and bite and seems to be a bit out of the loop when it comes to what real concerns are for the american public. i mean, it was interesting, but when not, government shot down was seemingly on you know about to happen. he kept talking about ukraine and um, and he also added that macowski is ousting. what impact america's ukraine policy? because every one of the majority in washington support funding is not really what's happening on capital or people getting wary and pull. well,
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the, it's hard to say when the ukrainian funding will be terminated. but what i can tell you with certain day is the public support for the war is evaporating. i went in the republican party, i majority of people or against the war. a majority of the republicans won all funding for ukraine, terminated because there is some thinking life that on the democratic side that they tend to be afraid of voicing their opinions for graduate on site, you're going to see a breakdown in support for continued funding. and i don't think it's going to be too long because you're starting to see a great deal on these in europe. in the same way. i know with germany, i'm in close touch with the a f
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d party over there. and i know that they are very much opposed to continuing this escalation of warfare. you see this in slovakia for now or you have a, a government is coming to power. it looks like it will oppose any, any support for the war. so there's this erosion, it's inevitable. russia is when they go into battlefield. there's no question of that. and uh, uh, and the money is drawing up for ukraine. so it's really the time that we brought in and to the war and stop this terrible, terrible slaughter. um, so yes, but i'm trying to get the bottom line. the important thing to remember is that the support for the ukranian war is rapidly dissipating throughout the western world. today. you know, you talked about the breakdown and support the money drawing up. it's interesting,
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just yesterday, a nato, the need to admit it to commit to the set that the alms industry needs to run pop of sense because the bottom of the barrel is now physicals. what top to bottom money drawing up. but also what buttons. i've noticed there's been an increase in that kind of rhetoric in recent days and weeks, especially. i'm is you'll send us the best sort of what seemed endless supply of money and weapons from the west is coming to its logical conclusion. it is our i've personally been surprised at how slow the defense industrial base was to gear up for the tremendous amount of weapon rated were sunday. so it doesn't speak well for of, for our basic defense industries that we, we can't ramp up the production of our to hurry shells. this isn't magic. this is
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here. so an artillery shell, they were, they were making them in the 1st world war. they haven't changed terribly much, but we can't seem to ramp up the supplies of them, which tells you more about the industrial base in the united states. and in the western world. we, we really gotten to where we rely on, on other countries to do much of our real production. and we, we get so much of it from the, from china, from, from mexico, from other places. but, but we're certainly not ran for, you know, and it is starting to, to cause a little bit of backlash from the defense establishment. because they're beginning to say, hey, more. we can't defend our own country anymore. and we just can't keep digging into our remaining supplies to defend another country as well. it definitely seems
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that there is a lot of disagreement in washington. i think that's what you're going to intensify as we go into election. yeah. as i thought it was a privilege to have you on the show, thank you so much. that was richard black, former republican member of the virginia states and have a good day i as a rest and widespread fury, health to equip of orthodox jew spots on the ground. next to christian pilgrims and jerusalem is ready to government has strongly condemned to these actions, well, bidder, so hang on to it just shows to splitting on the ground. next to foreign pilgrims who are holding a wooden cross. a christian symbol of course, is really police arrested 5 orthodox jews on the suspicion of the disrespectful act and not to play some jury since old city. without house being arise and incidents targeting priests of pilgrims. we spoke to an eye witness who claims that this has become an waste daily occurrence. now, it was an incident. it was incident,
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seem going on for years. the 1st report on those really news about you spitting on questions was in 2003, 20 years ago. the government talks about condemning it. the government talks about doing something, but it's all talk. i want to see action. i've seen this every day. i'm a tour guide in drew. i live in tell a group, but i guide and drew some 3 times a week in the old city. i see all ultra orthodox jews, regular or orthodox jews. i'm settler jews spitting on crushed sions sitting on courses and spitting on priests in front of the policeman and the policeman do nothing. like i said, it's not on youtube. you're acting at other people acting like, oh this is a new phenomena. it is not new. it's just being reported now, and now the levels are just out of control. it's everyday expense. time splits, there's times bits there. so there's not a lot of new things been going on for years. these people are wacko, they're living in another world. they're living at
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a world of f know nationalism which is a jewish country, no separation, church or state. they would call you on the gentiles. they don't belong. we got to cut the questions out. we got to pick the muslims out. this place is it's just getting worse and worse and worse than under the current government. there's no national nationalist government with the members, the government or their criminals. they might say criminals. i'm not saying that big really. i mean, there are literally criminals that have like a rap sheet. they've been arrested. they've been charged with crimes of racism, given a charge of crimes of violence, have been charge of crimes of corruption and these are all our ministers. so it's no surprise to now with this government in power, so literally take it off a part of the whole pool with disgusting racism. it's just bubbling over all the incident. small doubt rage and strong remarks from these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he came out with guarantees for the rights of people in the face to go on pilgrimages in the hurry land. these royal is completely committed to safeguarding the sacred right to worship and pilgrimage to the holy
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sides of all faiths. i strongly condemn any attempt to intimidate worshippers, and i am committed to taking immediate and decisive action against it. but he wasn't boxed up by oh, in his own government, the national security minister, it's mob ben. prepare claims that spending christians. it's actually not to reason for arrest. i still think, speaking of christians is not a criminal case. i think we need to act on it through instruction and education. not adverse and justifies. and the rest. while we spoke with form is waiting for my peace activist, i don't know, he believes that these events and incidents are a reflection of education with jewish supremacy being taught in as well. the problem lies with the education system. it is the, especially the religious education and the racy spot of the religious education
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that preaches for choice. you know, i was fully these that i know the person we spoke to choose the you know, the additions, say use these to the questions and most of the over the say this is full hours. we book the full on the bible for this, this cool man of this when you start, especially on the increasing the with the jo store and the police choose and the superiority being so i really blame this ways the in few other ministers the days because this is
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on the vacation that when it says it's low streaming, uh, the some of the most speedy, the, they know the, the, some of the to the stage, the seeing the, the special booking the united states has suspended about $265000000.00 in military aid to egypt of allegations of human rights. the piece in the country, washington has issued a statement saying that the measure will remain in place until progress is made. the egypt stability is in the us national interest and that interest is best served to one egypt. him government is taking sustainable concrete and meaningful steps to improve respect for the human rights of its citizens. as chairman of the senate foreign relations committee, i believe it is imperative that we continue to hold the government of egypt and all
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governments accountable for their human rights violations. my hold on current funds will remain until specific human rights progresses made. the statement was made by ben call to the new chime and of the senate foreign relations committee. now he took her off to the resignation of fault. menendez, who was himself accused of being involved in applied voice, came with it. ships and government officials, but does is now facing a corruption pro, but has denied the charges against the tenants in the mills. thank you, commission will mean multi egyptian present knob tell photo stacy has announced his intention to run in the upcoming presidential elections. district crowds of supporters into the streets instead of operation. if he wins, it will be a start tom and office. the. the way you think you'll be demonstrate is time flag,
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celebrating the presence official announcement to run in december election. some how the font is quoting for stability, security, safety and development, which they associate with a president l. c. c. they believe it is a great to sign every single month. we'll came out to support and endorsed president l. c. c, because of the john projects he's undertaking the results of which will soon appear . there is no better person than president all cc for them coming from the neighboring countries have collapsed and did not rise again. but thanks to god and the president stuff us and the army, the future will be better. we celebrate the announcement of mr. president's candidacy for his new term and wish and success. as you can see, it is a day of joy and we are all happy. we hope that god willing, the upcoming days will be even better, and the entire egyptian people are behind in the everyone is to that right. in the presence announcements,
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we just undoubtedly great and positive sign. addictions will unite and recognize the tremendous effort the present has put in me and the significant changes that has killed in the previous period, the as the one in the celebratory mood. some was seen funding the president's campaign finance and videos to mounting. elsie says removal from power. i have seen such late some on social media. egyptian interior ministry denies that these gatherings all political motivated. just some background l. c. c became an egypt meta off to a 2014 a minute to take copa when he move in 90 percent of the upcoming elections will be taking place a mid you cannot make crisis on record high and station. i will get some insight into this issue with join now by site it's subject to gyptian political unless thank you so much. um i just want to us your thoughts. we exit and
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when washington decided to suspend the aid and then linked it to these legit human rights violations. what we have fox sports well, this is not new uh us or was raises this issue every now and then whenever the app softens, treasure a company, especially in developing countries. the use of gets a lot of money from the us. they cannot e n military. but this small money was part of the military is longer than $65000000.00. whereas over 90 moms of i'm $15000000.00, mobility be able to continue why the u. s. has so if he's against us and he's the source to know the also want to have a piece of the piece and piece of his bank of america both on the phone. and so let's see. and so that and uh, and the questions and you said the yeah,
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i love those. the awesome few that 50 come off. i took the most with the zip. what's the use of both long china and russia and so they wouldn't do a big holes. listen, push over here and there, and that's it. but no, the, oh no, there's nothing that cannot be on the visual. that'd be listen you, which is not going to be a big piece. it's all the time. so i'm, do you think the exact, can talked about how strategic egypt is when it comes to this piece in the middle, at least most of the suez canal. do you think that's why washington is so invested in egypt in town, in the fuzz. yes, of course. and the also wants to make sure that the last thing we changed in that area, and this is not the book. and of course the, the look at the some friends in both. and if there's any problem, remember the golf for the 2nd don't know that you're talking. the reason why it is
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your son phillips was very important in supporting american gibson and the different countries about spaces in the world. again, this is the confusion of point. so this has been a lot of security on 3rd c and the guns happens in the nation. the thing is, i'm sure, maybe and the american maybe. so this is also very important. things are not the most abusive because it shows the, especially in this area where you can find the lights that are not homelessness picked up by the americans. for example, the scientists have been to ages the women installed in the certain way. it usually will be about this issue in the book. it is all new. when do you want to protect me and you want to push on you then the just just by no human rights these and put the on the media and, and in the.
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