tv [untitled] October 4, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT
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on, justified accusations against yvonne, which he believes are politically motivated, 6 thinking to exert pressure on these moments. republic gain privileges. and this seems to be the drives behind the wind expelling the fleet high. yeah. inspectors with european nationality is not is all but as of this, our thank you for keeping me company have a great day. see said the we are in contract the land of fire breathing volcanoes. volcanoes vividly capture the imagination and they define our lives much more than you would expect. so what are they capable of and what makes contact as volcanoes? stand up, the
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the hello and welcome to cross stock. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle, but tied appears to be turning against the crane. the counter offensive is a stunning failure. future western funding for the proxy war is in doubt, and european voters have started to vent their displeasure for a conflict designed and promoted by their leads. is this the beginning of the in the cross dr. ukraine and the west. i'm joined by my guess, larry johnson in tampa. he is a managing partner at burg, associates and a former c. i. a analyst and us state department counter terrorism official in
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belgrade. we have stephen diets, he is a research associate at build rates institute for european studies. and in sydney we crossed simone wake up. he is a political activist, student contributor and hosts of the ozzy costs loc show on t and t news radio or a gentleman cross i girls. and i think that means he can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate it. let's go 1st and larry in tampa. well, it looks like the western, the leads project known as ukraine is hitting some speed bumps. is it is a big, is it fair to say this is the end of the beginning? are i being too optimistic, larry? no, i think is there that a the, the key thing is how long will the west continues? you try to pour money into this. that's the only thing that's keeping you create a float without a western aid. they will last a week. and so what you're starting to see in washington is what was once unified support has freight and afraid significantly, the congress is now at least some members of congress are willing to use ukraine
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and some leverage and the amount of funds that once were readily available have shrunk so yeah we're, we're looking at the, the light at the end of the tunnel is not a non rushing training. i see, but let's go to you and and bell. great. i mean it, let's talk about your neighborhood. slovakia had an election mr. pico his come out on top of be very much expected though. at the very last minute of the exit polls said something different. is there some kind of shenanigans going on there? but at least for the time being his party, one way hungry is in the same category here. what's going on with the so called western unity. a new brand new war is only an avatar for a bigger picture. and that is the end of the parasitic system. the end of near colonialism which is happening everywhere. and of course it's happening in, in,
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in europe in eastern europe, in particular. the small box that you've just mentioned, just heading off. busy of uh, being bullied by brussels and by the united states. to be quite frank. uh, and constantly, uh, ordered to give more and more of their weapons money. and everything that is needed for the globalized cost, which is the ukranian war ended. they had enough. they simply had enough, so they've bolted somebody who wants to land this kind of a rental status. that's the lock. yeah. as well as many other, most of your being countries have a towards a towards washington. so now what we see is only the beginning of the process that will continue. however, i do expect that there will be a backlash. i think that the, the, the system that is pulling up barnesville, do every thing create more use only in order to preserve what they have. i
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absolutely agree with you. they're not gonna go down without a fight, no way. and they head to mind will not give up easily. let's go to sydney and some of the, one of the interesting things about this is we're talking about with slovakia and hungry. and we had a politico in the last new cycle, come out with 2 stories in politicos, probably the most pro war outlet, and there is out there. no arms web for ukraine in europe. and also the funding crunch is coming here. and these are the most pro war people ad politico here, is this a sign of the times that there we've been getting to think about changing the situation? go ahead and sydney a look. i think that this is a race to the bottom. what we're going to say next is a competition between western powers west and the latest to get out of the conflict 1st. it's a matter of who's going to be holding the by the last. and for example, in australia, out prominent style but easy just yesterday, williams that he's sending and the drying systems,
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the crime. and everyone in australia is saying, well, hang on a 2nd on the american sign is stopping money. the british, the germans, hunger is lucky. everyone is turning their backs and the prominence through this trying to have been able to use these on the very heavy criticism. because as trends that want to be left last housing, the baby and facing, for example, russia. let's just fix it on the right or with it with the coalition of whoever has left that the smart laid is out there. the people in charge of wisdom, countries who have a little bit of a foresight. well, they can say that this is a very good opportunity to withdrawal, to say stop and get out of the situation before they left on the run with the landscape. well, larry and anyone, that part of the so called coalition that well withdraws will be punished by the united states friend or foe larry in the united states has been a want to know, charlie, you know, there was
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a saturday night live skit several years ago with christopher walken and even the every time you come out the band was playing and it would tell him would need more cal bill. yeah. well, i remember that. yeah. that was all the waiting day to ourselves. that's a long time ago, but it's a good one. yeah. keep going, yeah, but because of the that's been the western strategy they call for more cal, but we did with fits just a matter of you only get the right weapons, the system and package and in the hands of ukrainians. then they'll be able to run off with it and defeat the russians. and it doesn't matter whatever weapon system is, is sent over whether it's the em triple 7 artillery pieces, or the high mars, or the f. 16 or the m one abrams tank or the leopard or the challenger. if you don't have trained ukrainian 2nd, operate that equipment. and then the russians have affective fire from both artillery, fixed wing aircraft. they're destroying it, right and left. so there's not the west has this military fantasy this been based
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upon, you know, 30 years of beating up on what i call little brown people around the world who didn't have our tillery who didn't have fixed wing aircraft. now they're come confronting a kind of war that they haven't, nobody alive has seen it. the last time they saw anything like this was in world war 2, only back then we didn't have drones. well, it's even then. then, you know, there are collective wisdom here. it, it tells me this is just the graph this, keep it going on as long as i get a funded. okay? mean they, the outcome is obvious here. okay, how we get there? that's a different story, but as long as the money is there, why not take it? the outcome is obvious, but what i am afraid of is the, let's say, a soccer therapy or the shock event that might, you know, flip the attention. so ukraine is over now let's move to some other spot. i mean, nobody is asking today what happened with the uh, with the whole
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a call the thing. and uh, if are the reports about certain vaccines being that lead to or not. because now we have this big war and a lot if something else comes and then nobody will even notice that you grain is as the it does is faded away somewhere in the horizon. so what i think is that every trick in outside of the boat will be used in order to prolong the situation because it has the money is definitely over. and the countries all over the world and the peoples are all over the world are in this i would say a liberation movements. uh and they're trying to and are successful in, in, in the, in fight in grab this a, a new colonial system. but that is why i think we might see some, some events. uh, that's a, a, that's my tried to divert attention. so what i'm looking at now is the region of
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caucuses and, and the pacific. because it seems to me that maybe even the bulk is where i am. uh, because it seems to me that after the fail counter offensive, there is a desperate need to divert rushes energy. and also the do to try to ruin the coalitions that are trying to be formed, especially i think that the middle eastern salt focuses locals are both dialed, which is why thing that the, the attention of not only the united states, but also great brands. and even more and some other western countries are being focused on, you know, somebody, one of the things also that i'm worried about is a false flag operation. because i think that's the last card that the u. s. can play, we had north stream. but there's some other things they can do just to divert attention and add to it, make it be, you know, a pro democracy against autocracy. you get that message back online, go ahead and send me the russians. they make strongly careful and heads off to the
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russian military and the leadership in russia for how careful they've been. it have been almost 0 attacks on civilians and people in the west on the stand that even the initial stages of especially the russian people are sympathetic because i feel of the full lot of the russian armies being unleashed at you know, world war to install the sports, the policy was that evidently was not true. and people in the west, in australia, for example, they say now that russia is the good guy. and i want to add to the opinions that definitely the opposition in the west, particularly in australia, is very growing, gets expanding and in terms of the back of the locked out as the 1st mandates in relation to the kinds of vaccines and people do not trust the government, people don't trust the government at all now that there's a trend in australia. you've got people who support funding zalinski. well they
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support locked down by support. ready very masks, they support the yes to the referendum which is coming up in australia and 7 days. and on the other side, the majority. now the growing majority, you have people who are saying no to the able to easy governments referendum no to anything. the government's trying to propose not to all of the ad, to tell terry measures which the government takes not to the doctor, nation of children, not to all this propaganda, which is taking class notes and most importantly, not through supplying any weapons, any estrada weapons when he's tried in money of a safety, a crime. it's probably the lowest now pauline, in relation to support for a stratum development of the war. and, and that's a great thing for us. it's a terrible thing for you crime, but it's also a direct thing for a strider, because australia is a sick of seeing the demilitarization of australia. australia doesn't have a lot, just try, doesn't have any weapons. let's try to send him for those 7 systems. drones me solves even a bush. last is a 2500000 dollars age and they started simply does not have as the weapons to be
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involved in a world like this in the big fight. i'm. i'm glad you brought up coping because the a, cobit and ukraine. these are a lead agenda is that we're not popular and no one voted down. the gentleman i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go into a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine and the west state without the the release of russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community invest. in most all sense and up the
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must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on rochester day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center question. did you say steven twist, which is the welcome act across stock? we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing ukraine and the west the okay, let's go back to larry in tampa disc kind of stress the. this is an elite agenda. i
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thought it was really quite interesting is that we had the election outcome in slovakia and then we had joseph burrell. instead of saying, you know, europe a, b, u was behind the ukraine. i mean, you have, you know, the electorate same one thing. and then you have the so called foreign policy person who is a fool and essentially a mr. mcgrew saying he's speaking for all of the you. i mean, you can get more of a contradiction than that. go ahead, larry, but the not the united states and nato dollar, really, they're struggling with at the you. because they had this plan and it was a plan based on hope. now that they thought that they could put enough product that number one, the built the ukraine up in the military. they could defeat russia at least in their minds. they didn't really look at it appropriately, but that's another matter. the 2nd they thought that food ned very weak support, that the russian economy was running on fumes. you know, the famous, that's it, it's a country masquerading as
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a gas station. and what has happened in the course of confronting russia and imposing both the economic sanctions and then throwing every thing they have from a military standpoint, short of nuclear weapons, or putting nato troops on the ground. it's all blown up in the face. and the notion to put it in nato troops on the ground would mean that they were more effective fighters and ukrainians is just nonsense. it's ridiculous because the fact of the matter is we have a 30 year history now of watching us troops and nato troops. and places like iraq and afghanistan spells to quell people who did not have the same kind of intelligence support. and so is surveillance, capabilities and weaponry. and so here in the dark thing here is the ukrainians. are actually taking advice from these clowns. yeah, able to put these plans that have not won a conflict the indian and you know,
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see partners and not appear power. i see that, you know, one of the things that is very curious here is that as the counter offensive has failed, one has to wonder if russia is going to take advantage of it. one couldn't make the argument then slowly, but surely what the special military operation is succeeding. but you know, there, i'll be honest with you living here in russia, there is frustration. russians feel that they have the capacity to end this and they would like to see it. and stephen, the russians were reluctant from the beginning. i mean, this might sound ridiculous, but basically i think we came to this point because russians were exhausting every possible way to just not escalate. so what they did, they went through this means could ramen for a for 7 or 8 years and uh they were tricked. and uh at the end they had to resort to military intervention, which was obvious back in 2008. when in bucharest they decided to,
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to integrate the ukraine and georgia, which was a direct a recipe for it is authorized for a future war. that is happening right now. so what the west did is actually forced russia to completely, i would say this for destroyed the combined ukrainian natal forces on the 30 terms of the former soviet republic or you're grand. i think that this will only mean this, this part of the global war will and way of dressing troops in kia, of, and probably on the bulge border with the same on, in, in, in sydney here what i think it was last week of foreign minister law brock said, the west, what's the, the a conclusion in ukraine on the battlefield. and he said, well, that's fine with us here. and i, and i'm agreeing with what we heard with steven here. mean the west doesn't want peace, they never talk about peace. they only talk about russians defeat,
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which is not going to happen. so, you know, all of this western support for ukraine is destroying ukraine. go ahead and sidney . i think what the problem is that the west was never really, truly committed to fighting russia. it was all about adventures signaling someone. ready well, i know somebody come on, no, i'm no, i, i, i, i wouldn't have the variation on that. they, they wanted to fight russia, but they wanted someone else to do it. i think that's the whole, that's what it was began, but here keep going. go ahead exactly what i mean. they were happy to say ukrainians died and these mess cemeteries that are well that when you cry, once these territories liberated, we need to have monuments stand blocks to those. the training and soldiers decided these men died because of nights or is actually night to be killed. these hundreds of thousands of ukrainians all around the country. very sad because russia never wanted that. we know the right the why the russians start the new diversion. in fact, russian troops on the 24th of february, 2020,
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to many of the russian from for say, don't shoot at ukrainian soldiers at all because we expected them to surrender. we'll come and join outside. we were filled with the you for yeah, from crime. yeah. and that was the expectation. and at the end of the day, now the night to has gone its price. they shun the whole world, but its, its weapons uh inferior, its tactics that inferior russia, on the other hand, images out of this conflict as a very strong country. it's the most a because i strongest russians ever. bane, military production levels are back to where they were in the soviet union dies. russia has the most ad drive at tech and defense systems in the world because why i said that is because arguable, of course. but russia has the experience, the rest of the country in the world that has been using drugs and also defending against drugs and such a capacity. so we emerge at a be special with depression, with russia being the much well prepared out of any country in the world for a future logic conflict, which is probably around the corner. this is probably
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a very similar situation to the soviet finish war, which preceded the 2nd world war the right by try to cool web. it was necessary to have some mistakes, learn some mistakes, costly, but then it improves deposition in the future. so russia is most prepared out of all the countries now, and i think roughly is in very 5 morales is most important thing. the russian people are rallying behind the president, the russian knew it series reading and russia is. and it's, it's sort of a post itself of track this page, the sofa of these today, and then use the f as be reported that it ran and come, jessica was arrested and stripped of his russian citizenship. now this is a very interesting development that this is happening, and they're actually now stripping people of russian citizenship for a extremism for calling for the murder of russians or a tax on russia. and of course, as by surprise of this man was an ex ukrainian who received directions in 714, so within russia, inside is fantastic. the you can cite the advancement the russians receiving all
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these hidden look bonuses cruising started with certain objectives, demilitarize. and then that's cation of the price, but he's also dealing with arise, a whole wave of nights or countries the extra and the reason why they love to be appalling as trying to, even if they've all been demilitarized. yeah, well, larry, that also this conflict is, is revealed what's happening in nazi occupied canada which is a fact which is a, a topic of another program which i've already done. but, but it's very interesting we, you know, we heard from some of them that you know, the russians have learned from their mistakes. i agree. well, natal learn from its mistakes, larry. now there's a flat learning curve. yeah. what kind of the, a real resistance. in fact, i, i am aware that you, the us military right now has been carrying out some exercises there preparing to go to war with china. i made, it sounds mad. it sounds insane, but they have not learned anything from this conflict in the war and ukraine. they
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made the calculation number one, recognize ukraine, represented. even though it wasn't an official member of nato, it represented the 2nd largest military force in nato. and they sincerely believed that they could launch it against russia, that the, the russians would collapse because the russian military, according to the western intelligence, was a hollowed out shell. only lead with people who had been conscripted against their will and were a bunch of criminals anyway. and that it would just rapidly collapse and implode, plus russia didn't have any ability whatsoever to produce muscles that fire one or 2 and it'd be done as well. it was all a lie. and what so shocking about this is that the west, the western intelligence did not correctly identify the real capabilities of russia had. and what to do. and so now they've, they've single handed, at least, destroyed what was a us led international order. and have now created the post world war 2 thing is
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done, it's dying. and we're, and we're witnessing that the rise of a new genuine both type all the world. well, it's steven, you're, you're living in europe. i mean, what has the average european citizen gotten from all of this? i mean they're always saying sacrifice the lead, say sacrifice may never sacrifice the leads. never. okay. and but well, you know, what is, what are people in slovakia? what in hungry in poland, in, in your country? what it, what is the uh, the upside of all of this. i can't see any non 0 serves being given into wars with natal during the 9th. these are probably an exception to the rule. but in europe 1st, they were fed with propaganda and i thing now they're fed up with anger because uh, the living standard is flowing and there is no point and no progress from this uh, from the standpoint of where they begin with that ukraine is defending the free
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world, i mean the old basically the, the, the, the old mess. busy of spartans being individualistic, europeans who are fighting against these hordes from, from, from a design. so that was exactly what people are use basically, again. yeah. i, yeah, that's absolutely right. we've been here before. keep going, keep going. i mean, the same, where's the same? no european identity or been excuses. us look at the nazi propaganda in the countries outside of germany occupied by the germans or allied the do the germans. it looks exactly the same to, you know, your opinion unit, the, against the, the, these evil 100 miles from the east and so on. so i think that the, this is all falling apart. and at the same time with the global and actually the globally such as i have the following, i think we are seeing already and we'll see more and more on internal disputes and
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a god. those wants to be quite honest in the future a when it comes to western european society is in particular because uh, the leads are, uh, have a time and again failed. their holders failed their citizens. and as somebody we'll have to uh, to be responsible for this, and i think that the citizens will try to do so. however, these societies are quite divided among many lines within themselves. and that is why i think we expect some kind of growth in decades of mathematics. a style. well, i mean, well, well i'll, i'll be very modest. i, i'll be happy just to see the end of nato that would like, i'll take that record when i can get it. okay, that's all the time we have, gentlemen. i want to thank my guess in belgrade can but, and, and sidney. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. and next time, remember, prospect rules, the
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the a name man, boston, subaru, points plumbing in. so if you don't test it to vehicle code, you have an old less to sas that was said, it'd be fissions. and so do you know stupidity? i don't know if you let us, but that's our growth in this. but i'm not physically the show mean in me a one on the desktop or joseph. this alex is low to me on i it was the most of the beast. well, most of them are continue listening. that's giving me a so is this number of children. if i don't take it easy to use across progress means like it or not. so it all as a with the on i box the the close. yeah. cool. which you put in the 6 in
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a little boys, even though lynch stuff going out of the stuff, get a gena, the little system, images of those. i had some stuff so i'll say on the freeze on us. so you, they essential political. some on i said to us on the saw the english american law, so much stuff, you know, much missing stuff. you'll see last bill it is a, is a senior run it up to you last but they were 5. you does. this is a by any other notes on the pro much she's funding of running away know premier the most reason is munoz curtis. imagine if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out some about so we talked about that i chose for our
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1st serve. don't put your human symbols on displays, the decision space to guide. so you guys don't talk to strangers, the void noisy gatherings and was wondering what she was alive and get him in the water. she's beaten your colleagues and perhaps also your friends. think your guilty because your russian let you know the boom. so what can i do? i'm that was my, i'm see if it's all a detail which is the team that does put teaching styles. we did use be a good fit, genetic of bang, useful. the exception to the bodies specific social concerning the the
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a co leader of the old tentative for germany. paul t is hospitalized software, an attack out of contain event. all tease full says say he was stopped with the syringe containing an unknown substance. vladimir putin criticizes the car in global economic system has already benefits in western countries with resolve currency as he pulls but developing a ton of tubs and a bit. that's called a wall when a rough saw made in jerusalem all tre video thought today to on line shows old prosciutto spitting on the ground beside a procession of foreign at christian watch. suppose we have proven, i went it is not new. it's just being reported. now and now the levels are just out
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