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tv   [untitled]    October 4, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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to be on to something on a computer or do you do us the a co leader of field, tentative for job. any party is hospitalized software and attacked out a campaign event. all tease sol says say he would stop with the syringe containing an unknown substance who 10 criticizes the car in global economic system has already benefits in western countries with resolve currencies as he pulls but developing a ton of tubs and fit that calls the wall. when a rough saw made in jerusalem, all trained video thought today till 9 shows open notes do splitting on the ground beside a procession of foreign at christian wash. suppose we have proven i what it is, not new is just being reported now. and now the levels are just out of control,
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it's everyday expense type splits. there's pads fits there, but it's not, it's not a new thing. it's been going on for years. the hello and welcome. this is our attempt to national great talk you with us has we take a look at what's going on around the world will stopped and us off a co lita of be well ton of to for germany potty has been hospitalized. tended to paula was a sold to during an election campaign event in southern germany. according to all his sol says the attack was carried out with the syringe containing an unknown liquid which caused an honest galactic shock. coupon code lead to of the a f t policy since 2019 has not shied away from both statements. he compared ukraine to nazi germany, and in a recent debate, talked about how both ukraine on russia us. so for losses in the ongoing conflict.
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while the us comes out, as the only went on, it also complained about berlin's inability to buy russian energy, instead of having to settle for more expensive to shale gas from america. we spoke to vice president of the a f p in the federal state of the barrier waiting a rough fuss. he describes how tensions in job and they are rising ahead of the upcoming elections. we are shocked and uh yeah, we are only a few days away from uh the elections in bavaria. and um we're saying that the situation seems to be escalating. and um, that's something that boris of course, the old democratic forces in germany. i can confirm is that the situation is really intense in the battery um, in germany in general, we also have elections and it has been going on. and the campaign
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is being characterized by really intense uh, threats to many people. um we have had one um canada to has seen this in the radius of the uh, uh, just a few weeks ago. i can witness all of them from my own uh, region here as in dog at uh already election posters are being damaged. uh, really intensive lease. uh they usually just hang over night and the next morning they are destroyed. and this just happens with the yeah, yes, the, so i have the impression that uh, that was courses to fear that the a s d could take away from them. incidence seats, many resources also want to fight us through these and democratic yeah. measures. and just by violence,
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and this is really a development that we should immediately stop the lot of my parents and households about the importance of breaking away from the current financial system, which he says only benefits nations that have resolved currencies. this was just one issue raised by the russian president, while speaking of a serious education center in the city of thought she, it was to be on these level. and so the world is steadily getting rid of the dictatorship of the comic model that only vs the goal of driving into depth reading, economic colonies and depriving resources that are necessary for development in entire regents of the world we. i think you would agree that such a future will not be welcomed by many, but that's the process of building and multiple our world order that is more democratic for them fair. and just where the majority of humanity is inevitable. historically indispensable in the russian president attended the planner recession
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uh for the 3rd olympiad on financial security. now this olympiad is aimed to help parts assistance acquired the knowledge necessary to create financial and legal literacy. the russian president emphasize the fact that the geography in the event is expanding, meaning that more participants from different countries started to take place in this event and started to come to this event. now he also touched upon the fact that exchange exchange and ties and cooperation and establishing ties between one another is very important. and now when the notion of family and how important it is to the participants in the event was brought up to the president's attention. he says that a lot of people in the west as well follow you traditional traditional values and traditional family values. but they're not very loud about it. yes, people who believe that traditional values, including family, once our dad behaved very aggressively,
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especially in north america in europe. but there are many people that share our views in european countries. i would say a lot of them do you go to it was they just behaved more quietly and did not for long therapy session you when it comes to the multi paula world, the president talked about how the world is gradually getting rid of quote and quote, financial dictatorship, that is aimed at pushing countries to essentially be in depth and turning them into a economy colonies. now he says that this is the reason why building a multi polar world is necessary. and when asked about international cooperation with other countries, the president phrase, russian indian relations as they both countries for decades have shared a history of friendship and cooperation between one another. and i see in do see is a, this is rushing in. india are tied by decades of friendship and partnership to be sure we have very good personal relations with prime minister mode. it means that i'm
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more that he's a very wise man. under his leadership, india develops very effectively. and that definitely correlates with the interest of both india and russia. now when it comes to the multi paula world, it requires a new financial system as well. that's what the president says and such as system provides new opportunities for states and businesses. now he also says that of course, challenges may arise, but they will be dealt with a big point school for pollutant. not hillary clinton's assessment of how old ton of tip and pro russian views all spreading in the west. the full, the us. but state secretary admitted that all t pay is a key role when i see people parroting russian talking points that 1st showed up on russia today or 1st showed up in a speech from a russian official. you know, that's a big point scored for food and i spoke with miss kwan less than fill make cut show
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on stone, who's a pillow that how much attention not to use guessing from politicians in the west despite being blacklisted that well, we've been hearing it for quite some time since my days on our team, when i was hosting watching the hawks in the 20152020 era we, we, we were told that our duty was actually one of the agents of influence during the camp during the campaign and the election of that will trump remember how the, the intelligence community and the, those, you know, the reports that came out in 2017 right to the election. we was alleging that our team was one of these, you know, in stages those influencing the election, the russian agent, those are closing the election. right. so obviously they give a lot of credit to, to our, our jesus lives in the world. you know, one thing little said that struck me. i mean, clinton not into it was accused the criminal corruption. nothing you, i mean, slightly ironic coming from someone who's actually just been recently called out by
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republican congressman, but that's virginia false. she said that the clinton foundation has been involved in crops and that would quote, make even how to bite and bloss, i think very little, makes hum to bites and loss. so i think this is really saying something. what do you recog? do you think henry, to give the criminal to run for its money as far as, as far as corruption is concerned? because yeah, so we know that there was and foundation, i mean the clinton global initiative was not even a charity. it was basically a front and you know, the clinton foundation of how, how much a to leave, how much, how you say, how much corruption it was involved with the it through the allegations around human trafficking. obviously the money, the, the money laundering, the amount of money that, you know, the overall like favors, you know, that, that hillary was basically, you know, doing for, for in foreign countries for nationals. and this was, this was clear, i mean, this was their brand, right. i mean, the point was that the, that bill clinton comes out of office, you know, they made it, they made like
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a nice library for themselves as lawyers and, you know, in arkansas then through, you know, through the presidency, but coming out after presidency, these guys become i don't know, 100 millionaires. i mean they, they made a fortunes. it's interesting because here we have hillary clinton admitting that people are watching all to you, but people are quite power taking the boots and talking points. we're also hearing that there is a lot of corruption in ukraine stories, which maybe we wouldn't have had a year ago. we're hearing that. wow. everyone's a bit poor at the moment. we're not sure how much more money we can give key up. we've also run out of weapons. we need to think about our own self, you know, defendants. i mean, if i was a lensky in cube, i'd be looking at all of this and i'd be thinking no, that preparing to drop me off. they shipped fish. well that's, that's going to be, uh, that'd be an interesting problem for the landscape because the, if you know how to say his own, his own corruption,
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it could come back to haunt him. right. even though it's his own people. so as far as the depression of dropping the grand, obviously bite and then company will not do it. even in his recent issue around the house spending bill. right. it was like, they're public in that a lot of the republicans abuse or like, are done with sending more money to ukraine. but mccarthy uncommon, you're still saying we will want to support militarily environments arms and this kind of stuff. so it's going to be a real conundrum here, as you say, because already we saw for last year the america was borrowing bullets from countries like south korea to send to ukraine the right there. they were like right . and you know, love is blowing me your bullets basically, right? cuz we're not manufacturing enough for them to support this war. so it really does big that question of what will happen here? going into the winter time a rest on widespread theory off the april. holbrook, sou spots on the ground next to christian pilgrims in jerusalem is ready to go from and how strongly condemned these actions video thought today to me on twitter shows
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. like i said, you spent 2 on the ground next to 4 and pilgrims were holding a wooden cross. a christian symbol is where the police arrested 5 federal excuse on suspicion of the disrespectful act injury spends over 50. well, there's been a raleigh's and incidents targeting priests on pilgrims. we spoke to an eye witness who claims that this is becoming almost daily occurrence. it was an incident, it was incident going on for years. the 1st report on those really news about you spitting on questions was in 2003, 20 years ago. the government talks about condemning it. the government talks about doing something, but it's all talk. i want to see action. i see this every day. i'm a tour guide and drew i live in tell of you, but i guide and drew some 3 times a week in the old city. i see all, all choice, new york shoes, regular or orthodox jews, settle or jews spitting on, crushed sions,
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putting on horses and spitting on priests in front of the policeman. and the policeman do nothing. like i said, it's not on youtube. you're acting at other people acting like, oh this is a new phenomena. it is not new. it's just being reported now. and now the levels are just out of control. it's everyday expense type spits. there's types fits there, but it's not, it's not a new thing. it's been going on for years. these people are wacko, they're living in another world. they're living at a world of f, no nationalism. what does a jewish country, no separation, trucks, your state to call you on the gentiles, they don't belong. we've got to cut the questions out. we've got to kick the moslems out. this place is it's just getting worse and worse and worse and under the car in government. this f national nationalist is government members. the government are they, they're criminals, they might say criminals. i'm not saying that figure release. i mean there are literally criminals that have like a rap sheet. they've been arrested. they've been charged with crimes of racism. been charged with crimes of violence, have been charge of crimes of corruption, and these are all our ministers. so it's no surprise to now with this government in
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power, the lid has been taken off apart and the whole success to discuss the racism is just bubbling over. the incident, spots out rage on strong remarks from is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he came out with guarantees for the rights of people, the whole face to go on pilgrimages and the homeland israel is completely committed to safeguarding the sacred right to worship and pilgrimage to the holy sides of all faiths. i strongly condemn any attempt to intimidate worshippers, and i am committed to taking immediate and decisive action against it was not stopped by all in his government, the national security, minnesota. it's more than the claims but spitting that christians is not a reason for rest. i still think, speaking of christians is not a criminal case. i think we need to act on it through instruction and education not adverse and justifies. and the rest we spoke with foam is waiting to promote peace
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activist. i don't know. he believes that these incidents, all a reflection of education with the jewish supremacy being torn as well. the problem lies with the education system. it is the, especially the religious education and the racy spot of the religious education that preaches for choice. you know, i was fully these uh the person we spoke to choose. she is, oh, don't let the dishes say use these to the questions and most of these is over game and say this is full hours. we book the full on the bible for this. this cool mass of the sweetness, though,
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especially on the increasing the with the jo store and the boosters and the superiority beating. so i really blame this ways the in few other ministers the days because this is on the news, the national education, any when it says it's slow growing up, some of the most be the, the, they know the some of the to the special ed and they have the special inc i have a 4 weeks without water in addition to constant blackouts, thoughts well, the residence of brick finish, stop up in johannesburg about to deal with or discuss the has been a problem in south africa's largest city for
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a long time. the government and that to do lots funds to fix the issue all to you correspondent, in order for your conduct possible a residence in johannesburg. so that's for to find themselves between a rock and a hard place. either they don't have electricity or they don't have water. it's been more than 4 weeks since residents, shane bricks didn't have had water. seeing that they've been told it's an issue that cannot be resolved as more than one month than other people who have got port . busy of what that refuses to give other people what that does, they say they, they pay for that water, but it does pay for it because it's poured on water. you don't find what to do things and medication. so you don't think the medication on the time we've gotten to the toilet, we got to the, to got to go to school, accidentally paid me to this. i don't know what the, what, what the government must wake up in the government. they have to wake up because doesn't know what dates. there's no life. yeah. so every day we go out to look for water. sometimes late at night. that's when we encounter gangsters. all lives are
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in danger, not any from the black house, but also from the water crisis. it's difficult to even do important things, such as cooking for your children. life is difficult for us. the drastic water and electricity costs have repeatedly for some public health facilities in the area to shut down the doors. well, others don't allow patients to use their toilets and catastrophic situation, but many residents find themselves experiencing. when you speak to government, you're told that it is mainly due to various factors that climate change increasing what's the demand and the f, a growing population solutions such as fixing broken in aging infrastructure, of course costs. and we'll take efforts in funding from the government. the country, the limits to which we can build additional dams and other infrastructure in order to capture surface water and to supply it's to growing cities and that,
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and they to technical options that are available to do that become increasingly expensive because of the limited on limited dependency to capture additional water, recurring the external writing range of projects to, to make more available. for example, the central highlands project is turned under construction to massive projects, which is going to bring the whole water to the ball river system to enable the child. taking municipalities, drive more water to enable run more so to treat more water expect safe batch, even though so last week has always been a war to constrain the country. the problem has increasingly become dia, constant war to interruptions of becoming the norm in many townships and suburbs. businesses also suffer with many saying that to this he's in the law, me situation 1st, paul issues and now would appear. so that's because we'll have to adjust to the what the crisis the program has become dia,
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i think it started with the 2015 droughts when most of south africa was under a means for distressed men. unfortunately, it with the over 2 decades of neglect and no political will of trying to fix what the management will fix all the infrastructure, despite many action plans being published by government as well as many papers from experts saying that we need to take action now or we will sit in this situation that we all know now the chickens is unfortunately come home to roost. for the man on the street below shedding has become a huge inconvenience. but many citizens have adopted or rather become conditioned to the interruptions in the supply. awfully tricity, but then would want to stating that problem is a different story because unlike electricity, there is no alternative source for time. for t, i'm number, we'll come get into hand this beg washington's political unity is cracking in a historic fuss us. how speaker kevin mccarthy?
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has pronounced it from his post funds to the votes of the republicans solved. he was accused of making a secret and deal with president biden to spend more tax pet dollars on ukraine despite his public pledge to put american interests fast. kevin mccarthy couldn't keep his word. he made an agreement in january regarding the way washington would work and evaluated that agreement. we are $33.00 trillion dollars in debt. we're facing $2.00 trillion dollar annual deficits. we face a d dollarization globally that will crush americans working class americans. i think a lot of numbers are going to reflect on their thinking after this historic moment . i don't think that was good for the institution, but apparently i'm the only one. i believe i can continue to fight maybe in a different manner. i will not run for speaker again. i'll have the conference pick
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somebody else. remove football from the coffee squeaks through the us congress on tuesday with a 6 foot motion. the full of my house speak a has come on to heavy criticism from his own party over his handling of the budget debate on capital hill or the all to contribute to tar read, laid out. the reasons for my call keeps talking to my colleague michael kitchen, to apparently, according to mac gates. um andrew, the car. so you made a secret seal with the democrats without telling the republicans. and so they saw this as a betrayal. right. and the secret deal was this apparently was about ukraine funding, getting added back in because many of the republicans were against more billions going to ukraine. and matt gates said this, along with his inability to, you know, prosecute or look into the impeachment. inquiry of investigating biden,
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along with the not addressing the $33.00 trillion dollar budget and other, you know, depth, depth of cit fits, that's happening right now. of all of these things were adding up. and so in his 9 months, which was a very short term, this is the 1st time that us history that a speaker of the house has been removed in this way. so you had all the democrats voting for it, right? suppose. and what does that tell you? well, it tells you a lot of it tells you that they're not worried who's going to be the speaker. they want that money in there for ukraine, and they're trying to get the billions e koreans funding is the bone of contention in, in this jury from what we're seeing and reading, and all the reaction and all of that. but when it comes to mcafee was a keys and making a secret deal, the president binding to keep the funds floating to kids who you know, paid on is the most viable candidate for speaker at this point as well. i think for, for the new speaker probably um school easy per probably is one, but i think representative jim jordan. mike, come into the mike,
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come into the picture. but whoever it is, i mean, the democrats must have been confidence that they could get a rhino, or in other words, a moderate republican who will agree with them and keep that funding in. because the deal that he made specifically was this, they were trying to put the funding with securing the border. you know, in your mexico, in america, along with the print funding source, slip it in there. what matt gates are saying is no, no. if you're passing a budget, these big things need to be stand alone. so there can be actual debates and conversation about it. and what the democrats are are masterful, of doing sometimes of slipping and you know, some, some things that they want. but besides those kinds of hawks that are squawking pretty much people are moving away from the, from the constant. unless worse, there's a real public push back against it. and i think you're seeing it reflected in some of the, well, mostly republicans, but they're not wanting to find the worst. so i think this is providing some drama
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and some chaos and political theatre. right. that will allow an exit ramp to ease back that funding and maybe end it in the meantime and love and demonstrate just for rest of that the capsule, while protesting funding to crazy people pulled for piece on a diplomatic solution to the crisis. instead of sending the full weapons all those arrested when they talked really? yeah. what do we need burning ukraine for today? because also mounting across the pond in europe, most powerless systems and out against financial aid for ukrainian refugees. as, according to a new survey from the published research institute, 60 percent of the respondents were not in favor of ukrainian systems in poland, guessing benefits. some suggest that this could be due to the ongoing dispute of ukrainian agricultural exports might recall the cube. how soon neighboring ponens for the decision to bomb it's grain from being imported. also how the seems to tom
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and to keep the bottom part as prime minister, also sad because i'm not sending any new lessons to kia. meanwhile, across the board in germany, demonstrate this trip to the streets across the country on tuesday, demanding a stop to on shipments on to government valleys were held in the biggest cities including paulette and munich deductibles demonstrations, mall job and unity de commemorating unification of east on west germany, thousands showed off the riley and the capital according to the resignation of the current government. some of the protests, the shot that use on how the government is handling the crisis. a good sign on behalf of some people i want to say that we need peace and not just weapons. we know that we can only and ship this piece without this weapons. it never goes with weapons. 70, yes. do you west have status from one war into another? they say it's about democracy, but in reality it's both natural resources. and that is why we have to get out of
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nature. that's how primary go. we need to find a solution so that nature doesn't lead us from one more after another. this middle, of course, is about trans, towards germany's made to res. i should have been thrown off to old from a future political point of view. germany is you right in the middle and the is shamelessly taken advantage of that and send me some funding to a wrong with the head of the local atomic energy organization. has elaborated on the recent expulsion of several i a e, a. inspectors from the country to ron is accuse them of hostile political behavior . we have expelled the inspectors. who will the nationals of these states which followed a route of aggressive policy to one to run the expelled inspectors for 3 or 4 persons. and they had never been in iran before. there's 3 or 4 expelled inspectors . a freshman of the 127. i you guys verified inspectors in the run. the states
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behaving a political way rather than my age technical approach. and they put pressure on the wrong to remain obligated to the g, c, u a. and they do not even fulfill their own obligation. they're wanting nuclear troops that dismissed inspectors were from free european countries, which have maintained a harsh political rhetoric against the wrong based on the 2015 nuclear deal, the international atomic energy agency has 127 approved inspectors and their bon, who constantly keep tabs. honeywell is new, clear activities and to make sure that everyone will not reach the limitations set on its atomic program within a clear record known as the j. c. p. o, a, b r a has for several times confirmed that one has complied with the terms of the multilateral accord, which one says the european signatories, namely germany, the u. k. and france have resorted to picking a co propaganda and psychological warfare saying that everyone should view to laterally implement the terms of the jcp away while they themselves have failed to
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keep their side of the bargain. the now defunct, j. c, p. o, a promise to remove the western sections against the wall and in return for the country, curtailing its new clear activities, which the west has always warm, but they lead to a nuclear bomb. something which one has categorically dismissed as baseless phone? b was withdrawal from the deal in 2018 and reinstatement of sanctions on the one these womic republic, which sally aided by gradually scaling back its own commitments by increasing the purity and volume of enriched uranium. well beyond the cap set by the pact to fort also a limit the access of the i a to its nuclear facilities while still allowing v inspectors to operate as well. me pointed out that the j. c, p o, a was meant to call, and any disputes over allegations regarding the p, m. b, which stands for possible military dimension. otherwise, nuclear program, he said that the western trio have once again leveled on,
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justifying the accusations against him on which he believes are politically motivated. 6, thinking to exert pressure on these moments, republic gain privileges, and this seems to be the drives behind the want expelling the 3. i use factors with european nationality is that is all but as of this, our thank you for keeping me company have a great day. i'm facing the summer acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations, choose your.


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