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tv   [untitled]    October 5, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the police across those months what the, the us transfers weapons to ukraine seized from our around as the american and european stockpiles trial. also coming up in the program, the co leader of germany's biggest opposition party is reportedly attacked with a syringe of that campaign. raleigh, that causes him to been to of electric shock. united nations saves the world, isn't living up to it so cold, never again kept them in the migraines crossing the mediterranean continues of parish and startling numbers as they attempt to reach you. or if the choice, the problem must go to the world,
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this is our to pleasure to have your company. my name's unit only washington has find a new way to arm key of after admitting its own. stocks are running dry. the pentagon is now sending weapons previously seized from a ram. president bible stays up despite the obstacles and made congressional in fighting us. legal aid will continue in ways that are yet to be a not or the addition. we can support. you create the next trash can we need and there is another reason by which we may be able to find funding for that. but i'm not going to do that. and there was no $318.00 your grade has been running low on, is being largely overshadowed by the congressional and fighting of our whether or
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not the united states should send an palm more money and weapons into ukraine. now, the united states government seems to have found a new way and a temporary solution to i use that went fall ammunition it had seized from iran to be sent to ukraine on wednesday. you the west central command, and now is that uh more than 1000000 rounds of ammunition. um, how about has already been sent to uh, the ukrainian on forces washington has. i seized those bullets last year from a vessel and accused of shipping a warranty, and were pens to the whole sea group in yemen for now, one is yet to comment on the move, but the decision is really expected to increase and escalate. the already high tensions washington claim that last year it took custody of thousands of air warranty. and what as in transit to e and including rifles assault rifles, bullets and machine guns. and now washington is expected to send more of those
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confiscated weapons to ukraine. a in line with its efforts to park the alleviate. the critical shortage facing the ukranian armed forces into a battle for you as they are desperately waiting for assistance from the us. and it's european allies last crossed live now to political level has done visiting professor the university of terra, dr. to heed aside a you're most welcome. can i put it to you to aid if a school yard bully stole some sweets and handed them to his friends, the teacher would discipline the child at tell him it's wrong. do you see much difference in this case except that the lethal weapons dot com the we're talking about to uh, well 1st of all, uh, what i need to say is that the reports has not been independently confirmed or rejected by the uranium official sources. and this is the fact that you have got
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this long history of illegal arm sales long enough to trace it back to 19 eighties when the use administration lied to the congress. vandiver courtly involves selling arms to iraq and the car seat that was subject to their own sanctions. this is the contradiction that you can see in the history, but getting back to the question that you raised, even if the assume that the field of course is right. i think there are 2 bars that i need to elucidate on the one that was on in demand, which is, which is the report is partially dealing with. and the fact that the you have any as far as getting over. and it is interesting that it is guessing what we're after the united states decided to withdraw from the region and doctors with your abn to run this bit busy using this opportunity of us visual decided to have a reproach meant, which shows that as soon as you have the united states out of the calculation, it's easier to solve the problems. the 2nd bar is the bore that takes place in
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ukraine. and i remember i told russia today that americans are going to continue this for a case russians until the last ukrainian sold drake. this is the bar of its name to super powers. and i, the, one of the superpowers is obviously running out of resources and has got, has, has been sick this year. yeah. domestically and among the european partners that you have to knock support. so under such circumstances they, they should, they could resort to any possible uh, actually restore in order to time the flames a tension in ukraine and in, in order to have this war kept on this. i think a very joost of the arts. totally fine. yeah. it's probably worth pointing out as well, but this is happening after more than a year of washington, purportedly giving audits. i updated s star pilot,
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raising as someone to question whether they have the arms to give i know, so they're not sending their own. they're taking somebody else is what sparked it, not oh, well this, the truth is that as i mentioned earlier, part of this comes from the financial issues and the disasters to call and make situation that the united states is dealing. so we can expect that as soon as they don't have enough, or they don't have powerful enough veterinary david use others, veterinary use in order to support a bar. and, and the point here is that iran has been constantly saying and has always practiced this policy of neutral, neutral mess towards the war between russia and ukraine. and iran has proved pull some initiatives to solve the problem. basically, it goes without saying that the continuation of this war is for the benefit of for
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the benefit of americans, and this is not for the benefits of uranium. so what's your runs clear line of policy and disregard. this goes to this piece initiative raised by uranium officials and they're trying to practice that as long as they can. and it's divorced sees if this tension is stopped at that point before the benefits of ukraine for the benefit of russia and for the benefit of all the countries in the doesn't matter who wins the next us presidential election. it appears that opposition from the people from inside and the they the car doors of power as well. that there is more and more opposition to us tax peer funds being sent abroad when they're dealing with their own crisis. for instance, on the southern borders. what do you think is washington's long term strategy,
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or does it depend who wins? well, the truth is that domestically speaking the united states is facing so many challenges back home and with the election down the road and added to that with so many foreign policy seniors of the united states now by ministration and democrats are facing cautious criticism. not only from republicans, but also some democratic supporters who have decided to change their opinion and also the great zone of politics in the united states with so many constant failures, including their vigil roland from the mid lease their, their withdrawal from that's kind of started which was a big bastard of what their performance and young man one day did in iraq and other countries. and also when you go to ukraine, the same story is taking place and then you go to other, other parts of the plane. you see this constant slide speed your and domestically speaking is
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a huge amount of pressure on democrats. and this is not the end of the story back home. there are so many domestic challenges, not through the visit to foreign policy, but it's mostly related to economy issues, health issues, education and other challenges that the americans are facing. now, blaming supplies and administration for not taking care of domestic issues, but going through some irrelevant issues. as i told earlier, fanning the flames of pension here and there, but just further uh, lets say find out some birds and for the american taxpayer. can i just briefly touch chef finally on whether you agree with the send, but this is perhaps being seen as, as a, as a controversial test case, that if the us gets away with this, then at such things as rushing economic assets could be unlocked. and given to, to t of as well, i'm just the, the pen door as box that that opens up. do you see it or something that's that
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almost as a test case to oh, well, i mean just one points in this regard, which tops the list of priorities. and that question is that there is this kind of eviction in the united states or using sensors for blocking and reusing the assets of other countries. and whether it's the case of ukraine or russia or iran or elsewhere. the truth of the matter is that this policy is fading away is, is losing its functionality in effectiveness. so countries like russia, even though they are under tough sanctions by the united states, they're paving their way towards an independent economy system. globally speaking and corporate responses are there for this. the bricks is a successful instead of showing the countries like russia, countries like iran,
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beach, is knocking the door of this breaks and now they're opening it. these are indicating that there are, there is this us hatch many over global economy on the verge of a very final stage on the verge of, i'm guessing over. so these, this is, this is the very general idea that i can raise. but when it comes to russia and ukraine in particular, there is just one point, even though it's really hard. but the situation is quite complex. but i'm totally convinced that i sort of these foreign interventions are stopped. there should be a possibility for russia and ukraine taking seats and having negotiations solving their problems. both countries let it be clear, are located in one single region. and this is for the benefit of 2 countries to have peace there so that they can continue what they're doing there. but the thing
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is that these are in determinants and particularly the united states is, are trying to add to the tensions because this is for their benefits to hire this story k. yeah, thank you for your time and your thoughts dr. tahita saw the politic level is on visiting professor at the university of tara. thank you very much for having me have a good day. the emerging multi point, our world, the global economy, and the energy, the powers that that's the focus of the 20th annual meeting of the fall, die discussion club taking place in the russian city of searching now into it's 4th and final say r t, z versus don't know if has been following developments for us to answer for the past couple of days. well, intellectuals from all over the world for more than 40 countries, they have been gathering at this venue was absolutely breathtaking. views. i have to say behind me and well they will engage in philosophy. they were debating. they were sharing ideas and this is the final day that we are observing here. and it is
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said to be somewhat of a crescendo with the russian lead of latimer putting, making in attendance as he is expected to deliver his speech in front of the participants over the face of all the discussion clubs event shortly. now of course, we have no idea as to what he's about to say, but every single time he would address the participants. he address all these people because it is far from the 1st time for him. he has been addressing them in attending these meetings in defense, consistently, every single time every his address turned into a key note to speech. so for instance, last year he did spend a big chunk of his time on stage 2 took about the role that he sees for russia that basically does not seek to to and rushing to any sort of a gym. and that he does not seek to strict the stifle from the us and to sort of give it to any other country or any other parts of the world. in fact,
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be the east west or the south. he, he sees the world now as a multi polar place, and this is something this has been the key topic here over the past few days, a multi polarity and fam, multi polarity. also last you have light reporting tool to about the west that essentially the us and the likes have been preaching democracy consistently. but then over the past few decades, that kind of changed and shifted into i think you do the democracy, i wake or no way a tool. and again, the russian president, he condemned such approach. and really he expressed his collection that a of the us and washington and the west in general, does not encourage independent thinking and independent thing. cuz when it comes to other nations in other parts of the world, suddenly it will be very interesting to see how his views may have evolved over the
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past year or so. and we will be standing by to bring you everything about that. as soon as it happens, i'm just touching on some of the boys points international relations expert professor richard sack has observed that this year is gathering of the valve di discussion club features, more representatives from global side countries. his views, he stays are going for a lot. the hey vowed on. club involves it changes every year. it's a, it's a different atmosphere. it's always a positive documents to have discussion, an open discussion. the most important thing about this club is that the tone is always respectful, even when the ethic dis disagreements, the change this time is the increased, not just the number of preventatives from the so called said, well, the global service. but also that these representatives were in the past, always overshadowed by those from the western countries. in particular, on the contents, these people now will not accept the leadership if anyone se on now saw feelings.
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independent states who conduct their own diplomacy, differing the vision of self intake, also what they want, and they said it over and over again. they want a new model of peace and development. they don't want to be caught up in this 2nd cohort. they don't want the instigation of the politics way. they become poems in the game of other powers. they want now to be respected. they want their positive agenda. and when western powers too, i to impose a negative agenda was sort of the g 20 summit in into just use simplex. they say no notes or so at the bali i meeting last year. they don't want to be hijacked in a global agenda. okay, to another over a headline stories today, the co leader of germany's biggest opposition party has been reportedly attacked at a campaign. raleigh investigators have opened a case like after funding and injection mark on tino trip pilot. now we heard from
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the austrian politician who was out the event in an interview to r t. he said that investigators found a syringe around 2 centimeters long, but it is still to be determined if it's connected with the incident, the youngest of english. so let me hope they won't get out. we had a meeting ingle start at 6 o'clock where i'd read it to you. no trip on. she was letters then with the crowd of fans who wanted to take itself. it was 2 guys were standing next to him and then after a while he collapse with the police and security guards for coverage him for other structure and took him to the hospital. the police told us not to talk about it and not just bred to panic. then investigative police arrived, they were looking for traces, as the range of about 2 centimeters was found near his car. how this is related to the physical damage of $200.00 pilot is still to be found out. now he's under medical supervision at the ingle start hospital to face. what we do understand is that he's the coordinator of f. the. his name is tino capella. he was at
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a raleigh in bavaria which is the southern states in germany. he was that because there was a big election coming up in bavaria on sunday. so he was there at a campaign, raleigh, winston. and he was caught up in the mail a. he was taking cell fees with the thousands of people who were there at the crowds and then he collapsed. now the unconfirmed reports we have is that he was attacked with a needle that was full of liquid and not liquid caused him to go into an electric shock. we have not had that confirmed from the police that is unconfirmed reports. the police say that they were called about an incident at $430.00 on wednesday in the southern state of the barrier. they say that the leader of the ac was hospitalized, but he was showing no injuries. well, that would be consistent if there was an attack with a needle, it would be very hard to see that injury. and that he was taken to hospital where he is in a stable condition. this is being taken very seriously by the i see the other konita, which is all this guy though. she is in hiding at the moment because she also says
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that she has received threats. and this is not the 1st time we have seen the tax on politicians from the a f d. that's been a long listing, treating back in 2019. and the city bremen, one politician, was almost, is to, into test a more recently in, just by august of this year, another if the position had dog feces. smith on. so really a long list of attacks, the policy taking this very seriously. this is a positive set up in 2013, so it's only about 10 years old. they recently have the 1st publication elected into a state parliament. i'd be happy building their success, you and years a consider themselves to be alternative in terms of politics. they have spoken out against the number of migrants coming into germany. but tina qu paula himself as being co elite enough for 4 years, he has really overseeing this rise in popularity of policy. and he has been a particularly controversial figure when it comes to the mainstream media,
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because he's spoken out against ukraine. he has actually liking the country to being like, not seen germany. and he said that the only when the in the war and ukraine is actually going to be the us. and that's because he says, as a result of that, who you of us tried to stop buying russian energy. it's instead of importing show gas from the us gas, but he describes as being dirty energy and has been really at spoken with you and insight on funding on these decisions are actively prolonging and conflict and blocking these negotiations. they're running straight into an open fire with their eyes wide open, and i have to say straight into the world war 3. so here to the controversial figure, but successful for the policy when his party is now posting 2nd in germany, that is above i chose the olaf, schultz c d u policy. so we're waiting for more information, but the confirmation we have at the moment is that the community that he' s b is in hospital with the stable receiving treatment after that reported attack at the
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raleigh input the area on wednesday. charlotte do been stable. we also spoke to a member of the burden parliaments, the f. these gunner lindman, he's of a few other german political movements may be connected with the, as as the note dealership on, the bill is in the hospital and he is still isn't in intensity for the station of the hospital. he isn't, uh, his condition is quiet, okay. but the, the good stuff is taking him and they find a point of in the junction and here's the scheme. so, so at the moment we suppose to as a, somebody at tech timbers, the music does a, but nobody knows what was inside this a meter is a police on a, it's a don't told her about it because a want to find every day and go to try to find out something to the criminal court,
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just thought that investigation. the problem is because of the election and by mario and bobby on sunday is election as a bigger election and to f d as a 2nd strong. this party and the other part is afraid already done. for example, the invalid empowerment, but leanplum and spend 1000000. you want to make it or do you start against the a f d they collect to those things? what we're doing is like a star, the in the drum and the on to 9089 of the bodies price to shut down the members of a big because also success of f d. in the last month, in the past few weeks, a lot of i hate speech against a of the party to push people to treat the members of the members of parliament of empty. and the that the, that was happened is that, you know, sure, by law yesterday in the english stopped. and the same was the last,
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the last week was i need somebody to do it and she wants the tech to about the police took care of and said she cannot go to the campaign to give a speech. but it is not supported to comes by it, but the but it's a politic ends of the other part is fine. and this i'm deep 5 little boxes i left the extremist groups to give her a text, a text. uh but it, it comes out way of the united nation saves the world, has not lived up to its commitment. when it said never again would migrants crossing the mediterranean sea parish. it comes as you are recently recorded the highest number of migrant that's on the chores in recent years. here's our t contributor rachel marston, no trace. it has been back in the headlines with crises for europe and its better trade, in fact, with africa and free the united states on his border with latin america in the south. and now the united nations migration authority has just given the side i to the lip service page at the treatment of my birds, 5 developed countries,
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the us international organization for migration points out that 10 years ago, 3 $158.00 men, women and children died off the coast of italy's lab produced the islands price and make it to your li, western backers, each age democracy expands an operation in syria and libya. and, well, you may find this hard to believe, but it turns out that all the never again virtue sigmoid has not managed to fix the problem. when a boat crammed with over 500 women, men and children sent over the coast of the tenant all into a form produced 10 years ago, people sat never again to day on the 10th anniversary of that shipwreck. we have no to leave top to that commitment. 2023 has reported the dead list 1st quarter of seems 2017. and by the 2nd of october, 2517 people were counted as that are missing this year,
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alone in the central media to renew them. so why have it the west best and brightest been able to come up with a solution? why? after 10 years is mediterranean migration towards europe resulting in death full. nazis is 2017 with over 2 and a half 1000 lies lost. so far this year alone. ursula bonder lie. i knew i said, european commission president and the fact of the press where's the land produced? the last month after thousands of migrates, fighting far as more than the population of the entire island itself and talked about the. ringback incredible or more me solidarity, even though it exasperated. finally, the official had been ranting in the street about the overwhelming ways of an increase the number of my friends all leaving the country of origin being led by ruthless mount pleasant traffic coast. and many, a rough here in lumpy, just as simply because of its location. i want to be very clear. we have an obligation as part of the international community. we have fulfilled it in the past,
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and we will do so today and in the future. but we will decide who comes to the european union and under what circumstances and the smoke was in traffic cuz it borderline based that the you decide who gets it then? well, what's the waiting for to prove it? a written invitation. that's what is likely in practice as bonder lines valid, a coordinated european response to the christ. because this by the time prime minister's georgia maloney's campaigning on getting the migrant situation under control. he also really made a mistake of leaving it to big brain, your fragile brussels as you call them, it's never a good idea. so then maloney had to resort to de europe and allies the patient. but ursula is to unity. i have other ideas. germany said that it was full up. nobody can see here maybe try to place down the street in france. so it's your view solidarity by promptly setting a quarter with italy. there can be no message given to people who come to our shores that they will be welcomed, whatever happens if people are not eligible for
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a silent, which is the case for the nationalities we're seeing at the moment i board ends can be and sending a least an easy and there is no political asylum aside from exceptions to be given to these people, they obviously have to be sent back to their own countries. what gutted and didn't be here for as far as the whole, say last year the integration was the quote. for minimal chance for, for us, of course my goal is only talking about a very specific find it grace in europe and the us are only too happy to benefit from the break rate caused by x. it is educated citizens for the country, types by western morris starts by countries just like black holes, france in africa, siphoning off the hand pick and leaving the rest to scramble on to boats and take their chances. because apparently solidarity only begins once you managed to reach europe's deal at garden gate. let's take you to india where flash floods triggered
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by a deluge of rain on the discharge of water from a huge hydro electric dumb as killed at least 14 people. according to officials, the disaster in 2nd states and the countries northeast has also effected over 22000 people. i left more than a 100 others, including several dozen military personnel missing. and d as prime minister and a river moody met with the chief minister of sic him to examine the situation and assured him of his complete support. the event has already been the 3rd and natural disaster by the local administration. the palestine is celebrating world teachers day new generation of students are taking notes. some of them are even getting their homework from one of the world's official top 50 educators, maybe making it a little bit easier to swallow. as ortiz may have an option to discover it in the, in buffalo city of genie. a miss lays. yeah. a computer science teacher from the palestinian city of denise is one of the world's best 15 teachers. that's off to he
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won a global teacher fries for the creative and promoting interactive learning. he had students or palestinian boys, aged $5.00 to $15.00, leaving the city that's mostly makes headlines together with a nearby refugee camp of the same name as an api center of a palestinian arms. the resistance and for being a target was really army lanes. the most recent one, the largest ground in error peroration in 2 decades, was in july, it last 3 days, and ended up with 13 dest, including 12, who israel calls terrorist, while palestinian c as liberators, as well as severe damages to infrastructure. many local youngsters struggle to see any bright future, something that he believes could be changed through education as well the
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nation, despite the events relief in here in jeanine, were coming of age and excel in all fields and created what's that originate from palestine enhancing innovation and promoting the exchange of experiences. so that's the posting and students can feel global citizenship processing and students challenge students from all the countries and compete with them. a yard has won a number of awards in the last 6 years, including outstanding future answer anesco sponsorship. the european commission also for the team in the top 10 best teachers. now and ward 5, the teacher is better than his student, also sound bladder for who, who was that? yes, i know that mister a, it isn't a competition. and he deserves to win to truly deserves to be the best in the world . because thanks to him, i've learned many things and benefit and greatly i've even become ready to program more advanced things than what we're currently learning. thanks to him. i have developed a greater passion for school.


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