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tv   [untitled]    October 5, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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a with disregard of international law. and when russia started taking certain actions, they said what was happening, rushes, violating international law into young chancia. and unfortunately, they've always been attempts to use international law for their own benefit. is that a good or bad? that's very bad about it's something that exists and that can be used as a guide. i'm only concerned that if we could completely destroy that, we would have no guidelines at all. i think we should gradually change instead about this has to be done. there is no doubt that the world has changed. thank you . certainly kind of please. mister fulton, i am one of the veterans and one of the founders of the club. and i am filled with joy. celebrating between to sign to verse 3 shoals. people always say that it used
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to be better, but i can tell you this now it's better. it's more interesting and more emotional. thank you very much for the patience. well, speaking of more fun, i think that's not truly the right for us for that. well, i wouldn't say fun. well, have some not really fun for me. i'm gonna say all right, most of those in rush and outside of it and in the crop there was one simple matter. currently under discussion, let me formulate it like this. it is my question, don't you think that our nuclear doctrine is outdated? the non use doctrine?
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so i think it's outdated and i think it's something that was created in a different era under different circumstances following outdated. serious nuclear deterrence doesn't work anymore. is a time to change the nuclear doctoring and low with a nuclear threshold. should we follow the path of escalation? should we use this to this her, our partners. dave was that the actions have become outrages. b, o police say that the russian doctrine means the non use of nuclear weapons which allows them to persecute heat is aggressions. this is one question. and another one following it. even when we, when in a certain way on the in ukraine on round to cream. when we defeats them,
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we would still go through a very hard times with the new centers risings and new problems and managing we will have to turn on the safe to you back on the safety of nuclear deterrence that's been holding the world together for the last 70 years now the west is trying to eliminate the safety mechanism. is a time to change our policy in this regard. i am well aware of your position. i have read certain documents and onto close that to you, published. i can understand your sentiment. let me remind you that the russian meal, its reductive tree,
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and has 2 reasons for the possible use of nuclear weapons by russia. the 1st reason is the use of nuclear weapons against us as a response to a nucleus strikes as a retaliation. this means that the for mucous launched, our system detects the launch we see the fact that there ain't had the russian federation territory. it takes me a seconds for that to happen. and as we get the information that there is a new incoming against russia, we kind of response to that to aggression. and let me assure you that today their response is absolutely unacceptable for
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any potential address or wherever the new equipment was launched from any point of the air. so in the search of the ocean, how land there is such a number. there are hundreds off rushing me sideways coming into retaliation. that's no opponent has any chance of survival in several directions at once. now the 2nd treason for the possible use of nuclear weapons and the dog train is the the threats to the existence of the russian states. even if odin read weapons used, if the existence of russia is threatened. these are the 2 possible reasons for the
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use of such weapons that she mentions. do we need to change that? why everything can be changed, but i see no point in doing that. there is no situation here. for example, today, there is no situation when something could threaten the existence of the russian state. and i think no reasonable insane person would seriously consider the use of nuclear weapons against russia. nevertheless, your point of view and the views of posit experts and the opinions of the patriot
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tech. people who are very concerned by what's happening in the around the country who are very concerned with what's happening and see contact lining the ukrainian front. i understand that sure. we are mindful and respectful of your point of view about i see no needs to do that. there's no needs to change our concepts. the potential adversary's are well aware of our capacities. on the other hand, for example, i have a certain calls to talk and review nuclear tests. here's what i can tell to the united states have signs that are relevant international of the document. an agreement on the probably
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mission awesome nuclear tests and russia signed lease treaty as well and gratified it's too, while the united states signed it, but never rectified it. so now we have almost finished working on the more than the types of strategic weaponry that i mentioned previously that i announced several years ago. they've gone through the final tests, the successful tests of the board investment long range me side of caring with a nuclear engine. we have almost work finished working on the soup a have a thermal, it's me cycle. so now that are
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on this certain legal and bureaucratic procedures left and then we can proceed. so the mess production of them and this is coming very soon. generally the specialist say that new types of weapons have to be tested 1st to make sure that the special war had kind of work and stay for tests. i needed much. i am not try the to say was a such tests. i really need it or not what i can tell you is that regarding the united states, which has signed but is never rectified from nuclear test ban treaty. i would
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say is that we can act in a similar manner as they act. this is a question for our problem and terence, in theory, we can recall the rectification and that would be enough. i think. all right, so the west as such and sentiments and some are saying in the west that the active support for ukraine is justified by the fact that prussia hasn't been responding enough to the escalation started by the west. well, i'm not sure if that's true. since the beginning of the so called culture offensive, according to the latest data started from the 4th of july,
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the ukrainian forces have already lost over 90000 people. these are the people killed in action. 57057 tags and 9 hundreds of tang center on vehicles of various classes. is it convincing or not? we have our own understanding of how things are proceeding. we understand what has to be done, where we needs to work more. we are proceeding to achieve our goals and i am sure that we will achieve that and we will carry out all the tasks that we have set for. thank you. project inside please. president 14 us. thank you very much for another really, really informed i would say as story can be very instructive and structural looking
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talk. so it's as always very impressive and a privilege to hear that i have um a question and also a personal it be. my question is about the country a come from canada. as you know, the canadian parliament has just, it's made, it says for laughing stock of the world by uploading a ukrainian nazi, a veteran nazi in parliament. they have a full 100 over 440 members of parliament. none of whom aust. is this the right thing to do? as you know, prime minister to do has apologize, i believe twice the speaker to follow me and has resigned. and it's really to me, shows a shows the extent to which the rest and position of which canada is a kind of leading edge has to be, become sort based on hubristic notions, ignorance, hubristic notions, that these people have forgotten how,
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how much russia has done to the for the defeat of not see some of the they have forgotten that had it not being for the rushes for russian contribution. the 2nd world war may not have been born in russia contributed to that victory. but you know, this 30000000 lines last. this is a staggering figure that one cannot even imagine. so i wonder if you would please comment on that. how do you, uh, how do you think about this? and then my boss will be, is a bought something or feed very strongly about. so 1st of all, let me just say, please pardon me if i misspeak anything, but it is about the case of a friend of mine and of several other people here. my husband demetrius constant, juggle us, and that is the case of what his gover litski believes. as you know, he, as you may know, he has been detained and be already worried about his personal welfare. and i just want to see a,
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a couple of things about why i'm raising this year. that has been plenty of petitions that have been signed in best and countries in about this case, we have not signed any of these petitions because we don't agree with the content of these petitions which is profoundly anti russian. so we, we have a letter for you, which we hope you will, you will read. and we hope very much that you will see that we are, we have addressed this to you as friends of russia. indeed, we found ourselves also in a beautiful country because we do not agree with the position idea friend has taken . but we also remember how much we have learned from his formidable knowledge of russia's history. and he's for me to be commitment to, to russia. so we just appeal to you that you take it personal interest in this case . thank you.
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the media just a bit of guitar lessons learned that he's going through the personal details. so i'm gonna stick over litski much. sure. i will take your let to. i will read that and i will react to that. i promise. speaking of your question, well, we never agree with you to that question, but i was expecting that i'll be honest with you. i was expecting a question like that. moreover, i have information on what's happened and it says nothing within the re event for us. let me remind you that as
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a division with that ukrainian nazi you was serving was created by the hitler command on the 28th of april. 1943. the nuremberg tribunals. it wasn't us. it didn't happen yesterday or today. it happened during the november tribunal. they declared the leech and this has the vision to where this ukrainian nazi was serving as the criminal division responsible for genocide of juice, pulse and all the civilians. this was ruled by the international newer, and the tribunal lead to remind you that this decision was made by the independents, prosecute the some challenges by the judges. and the, and based on the dates are provided by the prosecutors of various countries. this
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is a criminal organization. let me also remind the of the worst thing. i took this paper specifically to quotes that's and to have the most precise information. here's what the speaker of the canadian solomon sat to retail today in this whole would have a ukrainian canadian, the veteran of world war 2 who fault for the independence of ukraine against russians. i am proud to say that he is a hero of ukraine and the hero of canada, and we are grateful to him for his service. well 1st of all,
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if the speaker off of the poem and tough canada says that the vase, canadian, ukrainian, or ukrainian canadian not see was fighting. yes, the russians during world war 2, she must understand that he was fighting on either side rather than the side of his own motherland, canada. or he was a fascist collaboration, is any way he was fighting on the side of the nazi forces. well, let's suppose he didn't know if that's true. i am not trying to say anything negative about the canada, especially it's people. but if she really didn't know that hitler was
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fighting against russia during that horse, and he's an idiot, the, well, perhaps he didn't go to school at 12 and he didn't have any knowledge is. and if she did know that this person was fighting on the seat was side and still calls him a hero of ukraine and the here of canada. he's a boston unit, i believe, one way or another. it's either one way or another. what's the cumulative mean? them between so these are the people that we have to deal with with the good window . sure. i find me and these are our opponents today. you can finish up with me in certain western countries swearingen that way. but here's what with this picture is also important. another good concerning the speaker of the problem, and that's kind of a saying he fought with russian say point and he continues to support. i'm quoting,
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he's still continues to support you training and troops actually support that are fighting against the russian. so basically here is, he's saying that people are a sales collaboration is and i'm skiing as fast as the troops that are similar to the troops that are now fighting against russia. he is comparing them. he's making them a cloak, which is only reaffirming our ceiling. no kidding, a statement that's one of our goals in ukraine is the den. that's if i it's in the ukraine. he cuts it. so then they acknowledge that you. it exists as they are. it's our common goal. i believe it is. it is our company called incentives to find frame, you know, try to to, and it's absolutely disgusting to upload you it. upload you to see that everyone was applauding to the right now to especially the president of ukraine to show it
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to you because who has jews you lot in his veins who is a jew like butyllithium that sees app nicole ethnically and he's standing there applauding to nap see you to of the wall. lower us all been nancy. i even julia totally flame you not just the person so fond pronounce his but an accomplice to all of that. who with his own hands killed, you must you the various population he did that personally because german is nancy . they as stablish, they is it on the when seen glitch in the division to kill civilians. first of all, that was their job. and the, during the money tribunal rulings and sounds exactly bad. they are held responsible for genocide of the jews of the holes. balloons, some 150000 powers, raquel gun much the russians, roma people. no one has given count to them because no trip. verizon did not consider them duty humans on the no great one, lilian's, which is for
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a killed in ukraine, testing. think about these vigor, nibbling it, haven't not happened. right. and this isn't to see these bad that no one knows that everyone is aware of that has all the costs never happened. the integrated and when the president of ukraine is applauding to a person who killed jews and ukraine with his own hands, collect, lost and able. what is his strength? is he trying to say that holocaust never happened? isn't that these gasping all the means to, but when you buy the car goods, just to use this means against russia, as long as they are against russia, they are good. if these means for use to fight for russia stated, see, they're still used to the person you pay them. but i can't imagine that there is you and a boy, a big, strong desire to believe ross on the battlefield, to move deals, strategic, zip feet to russia. but can one do a batch at this price?
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pays this price usually is typically i think this is not. yeah. which and i shoot through another template. it's costing uh and i really hope you told me to do. so. it was comparable. not that, not only of here go it involved, a cooperate, going to speak about that in this narrow search hold. and that i can use that. i hope that some public organizations only shows who do care about the future of mankind by you to avoid them. they will make their position known clearly regarding what happened and they would come down. what happens even if it's overboard. thank you. i saw a guy, but his tier got better still be able to get the results just material. i saw him somewhere. it was in there and i lost him. oh, here you are. a double series of angry coverage, theater hungry, 100 presidents. the 3rd president's 5th of the us and able to this time,
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i'm not going to ask you what will happen to advance even though given though in hungry. a lot of people are asking about the how the neighboring country will be coaching. but of course let us was pressure because last time you ask a question about the desa, the new person scale. okay, please go on. i'm sorry for interrupting you just for the president, me start president. we know that you just are interested. so you took the just, you know, it's a big interest in the history. so in your, i would like to speak about the current realities from the historical point a year ago, buddies to be story in this. and as we speak about history and you'll see it and we know how significant both fox store be or to the fact that peter, that the great old yeah, it would be able to open this window to europe. how significant areas are ross happens each must see 8 national see just launched open the european identity of russia. yes. now europe is going through dire times
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b lot. it's on the decline and it does everything for russia to dislike it as best as new spots to me as a european and just really all pulled through here are statements and that certain european normally say this should be one budget or palmed, with nuclear who funds you have, oh, you know, does do things sometimes in europe. they hear that. yeah. even robust my child, what does europe mean to rush right now? and that's because these glass and there's also about the problems i see is supposed to when you have a chance, let us see if we have. so what does europe mean to rush in and now we'll rush. it's turn away completely from europe, will do me. and so you're saying that the a deal of the sheep clay, it wouldn't be a mistake to go, but he might be story. he started the shot, this window to a post as though you close this window, novia seascape tribute keys, and then you russian history, tax books and yours, me with the school. see cause
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a lot of discussion in hungry system. got lines about 1956 that describe what happens there is some kind of color revolution. just a piece, a shift to go. do you think to that $956.00 was not a genuine revolution? and do you agree ordering with another? can you get henry virtual feeling that these tax books, asthma you've that we'd throwing troops from central europe, even those in $9.00 to $99.00 to $90.00? 1 was a mistake. it was not i remember and 9 now didn't. lottie bhaskar, you sad that quote, ship could be loss, entering the tang, sending tags, it was a mistake. she starts about school and we 9 and 68 and the 9 didn't put the same zip code. but if that was a mistake tucked it to me is what do you think of the voice, get them about with throwing troops? was that the mistake either was we should say just do it of approach. so you can
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see it or the basic question i'm going to send you the said. so one has to write of please. it's about these kind of thing to answer that regardless, then you're going to use that you and this, i would not talk about the death of with you mansion for a death the last time of this i did not answer it, but now i can say that the desk is a russian cd, well, tiny bit jewish slate into just a minute, but life's not a sort that she used to think about that now we're in the police. do you want us to think about different topic? no more. well, ask for the window to europe. this was they to just what's going to you go to live . you know, your, some of the colleagues have been saying that the world is changing. can just only going through the window and back and forth. the, there's probably not going to use the turning up your pants. that's not very
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convenient way. why do you want to use the window? if there is a door? i see that just circle with them personally. and secondly, russia, without any doubt on the quote that i see the civilizational towed to us in the russian and same as in europe. it is based on christianity. and that's something that brings us closer. but we are not going to pose ourselves on europe, that they don't want to the who we are not with refusing. we are not easy reading, closing this window, if you are asking, if we regret about that or not, we are not the ones we're closing this door for the finally have whole communication. europe is doing that. they are putting down these iron curtain. we are not the ones who are doing that, europeans are doing that to their own detriment to their own damage. you're always a good lady on the stage. and i've already said that, and i can say that again. you're gonna make a schedule. i'm assuming that the, for example,
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the united states economy is growing to point 4 percent. and over the sort of pin economy is in the recession, it has already gone there. and you need to do your and certain officials in europe pushing the solution in the, you know, throwing the electric and the doors to the got the who do not think. but i really do have things being friendly, cordial, each of our a country. sure. and that they make the ride forecasts there are well for was based on the china as market and cheap energy from russia. the prosperity of yours was based on these things with jazz. obviously, high technology review with advanced technology and hard working united states of land through cloud population. we more occurs talented people, and that's all true. but there is some fundamental factors somewhere you put a cassette through europe is refusing to have you with some in my speech, i mentioned the sovereignty and you know, why do you do you need?
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the thing is sovereignty or the families meeting, it is a multi dimensional thing, multi event sort of thing, assuming the rotors to what i see anymore. that's why am i kidding? why do i keep saying that restaurants are switch? i will stop existing. it's not doing solve it, and it's not only about matters of the military security or other types of security . there are other components to that. so what has happened to europe, for example, many european leaders to, to can you have in your opinion and enough to start, i don't want to be a to use later that little, but let me show you. i am trying to attack sound one of the beads or the we get like thinking about someone in these like it was the way many europeans are saying that the europe has lost solver and to see it and the drying for it's economically driving for as you play the germany and you have a good leader to, to, to use the force of leading politicians. and they said that oper 9 in 45, but germany has.


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