tv [untitled] October 6, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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on the th by russia is expected to change the face of both of these. if i knew this welcoming the 1st deliveries of uranium fuel from russia, rid of the steps to get its 1st have a nuclear power plant off and run the u. s. claims it shoots down a tow stripe droned, approaching his forces in syria, but an official, an incorrect. so if you, if he was not even being controlled by that. so it gives military america's colossal, that grows by a reco. it's $275000000000.00 in a single day for nearly equals of rushes and tie. a yearly budget for spending and fronts announces it is starting to withdrawal of its forces from the chair of
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this week. it is a move welton by the local stat who's simply say powers con, get out quickly enough. notice that we're firmly waiving the withdrawal. the deadline is short. we are really in a hurry for them to leave and leave us our national territory. the live on worldwide from moscow, with a ton of your stories and updates ready to go. this is salty and the russian president vladimir putin has marked the initial arrival and delivery of russian fuel to buying collect the ashes. first of a nuclear power plant at the enormous scrolling complex is being built with the help of moscow and new delhi or keep us grades. i would like to congratulate everyone here on the new important step of the construction of the 1st nuclear
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power plant in the republic of bangladesh. it contributes to a further deepening of mutually beneficial cooperation and of course, makes a real significant contribution to developing the economy and strengthening the energy security of the republic. long the dish has long been plead would doubtless, sending some crippling public gods that have recently been exacerbated by the worse heat. we've eaten decades leave. it gets population or 170000000 hanging in a precarious state. but a solution be very well be insight. as lachelle saved from nuclear company, you're all set to is set to open a new nuclear power plant. if construction began 5 years ago, it spread across a 1000 acres of land, 150 kilometers from the capital city, dock off a project of for $20000000000.00. this nuclear power plant built by russia is expected to change the face of bung lovelace the firm. uranium fuel comes
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less than a month off to the wizard by law shells for minnesota. so the loud rolled to talk off. level guns we've agreed to deepen by laughter. died. now the do for nuclear power plant, dep, fuel bongo. these are set to become the 33rd nuclear power using countries in the world. up until now don love dish is largely been dependent on natural gas and cold to produce. it said it would cheat the prospect to complete the production withdrawal shells. assistance was met with open arms by the bundle of the she prime minister. she casino, i'm especially, i personally think the russian federation president vladimir putin for this project . today we are stepping into the nuclear rage our trusted and tested friend, the russian federation, and the president puts an has honored bundle of dash and all of us by addressing us here today. aside from meeting the countries growing electrical needs,
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the newport youtube of applause has and thought jobs to both of these audits, vba, india, which is given both nations and economy post. okay, and then on the above, i've come here to work for means in many others have come to work like me this project, which is essentially a project that in my, the last year to see the, the siding is not just last year and model of this citizen participation of india also informal 5 or bullying dogs. so and these full stuck just has become an almost an emblem of reporting to get about blood west and sanction the north even sped the route for nuclear power plant project. remember, last december, a russian ship carrying confidence for the plant was stopped from being unloaded. we square to the said bought for the long wait and project companies will split the y w. of course, there's direct pressure sometimes turning into intimidation of both the administrative and business lead of our partner countries. this is happening in
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bangladesh as well as for the project in bangladesh. we took on large logistics work plus we carry out in port substitution of supplies from 3rd countries. therefore we combine our efforts both at home and, and partner countries, especially in terms of electrical products, metallurgy and construction works. and in this sense, it has a serious anti sanction effect. so the project becomes combined international and it becomes more difficult to put pressure on projects because of the insurance system that to deal with the delivery of the 1st batch of fuel. the country will soon joined the in the glove of countries using assets for peaceful purposes, goods and sharma all the fall in love dish. well that's a crippling headache. the powers these days as friends has now confirmed that it will begin with drawing his troops from new jet. but the announcement has been welcomed by locals. that many of them saying the french con,
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leave soon enough to do something. if we get the lease of the can to fight against terrorism, terrorism continue to flare. we are firmly awaiting the withdrawal and see the deadline is short. we are really in a hurry for them to leave and leave us our national territory now most incredible. and then, 1st of all, is very good to use when we know that since july, the 26th, with being in the fight against french imperialism. and in particular for the departure of the french occupation troops from these. yet the announcement of the withdrawal means the parts of the fight is done, but no of the less defied will continue. ladies are not 5 years young. the new chair does not need the presence of french troops on the status because their presence has not brought any change to me share because french troops never intervene. india attacks perpetrated in the shared by the bandits and jihad is still their presence has no advantage of this country. is that that the science trips will finally begin to drawn from new j. this will understatement earlier
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today the front on both is met a jack for says so good country again this engage and i go braces this week. we're going to, they show this isn't the jury, and this will do a probably to frankie and to i'm going to so how region from is you, john? so it's to go home. on july 26 has been demanded for french forces to leave the country on demonstrations has been taken place outside the mamma phase. this development times, just as the presidential press one or more from i do age of the demands or 5 of john to and then i'll be with 1005 since the troops f 150 cd. francis decided to bring back in some bassett, or in the next few hours. our in baset are and several other diplomats will return to france. we're ending our military cooperation of, you know, i saw the french soldiers. i really miss yates, of successful countries outside. i mean is you how does the region need to do also
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brush it as mama doesn't say they do not run on the saw him and then they can manage. what are the challenges comes in ways imperialist and neil colonialist forces are no longer welcome on our national territory. a new era of cooperation, based on mutual respect and sovereignty is already under way. it was really low. roger, it's tom just after limited turn. so i got the station about frances and boss, so that's a new shape. that's late september. so i pressed print, ignoring, you know, the request and the district attorney page says, send for him to the embassy with thousands, raleigh, and across the top. it's all to the mazda in salem or french troops. so given is of a surprise, you have the president of france amount on my phone and knows that about $1500.00 trips or nearly j by the end of the year, beginning with 4 once extra this week. now process week, there is no longer a font so freaking. we do not intervene when there was a crew in africa like president mccord has also said french troops across africa
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will remain. but we've reduced the price of the country all next into a freight. and besides the cost of the african continent, that's what we were speaking with the full not presidential official from the sharon he says that from this is losing its grip on africa because of what he diplomatically cold, irresponsible behavior by the french leadership for disease. first, they said they would not leave me here. now they have announced that they are losing, it's perfect. they have to leave frances losing africa because of its irresponsible behavior of its core leaders could take applicants for service, i would take them for their slaves. this is what creates tension between them and africa. i don't think there was any immediate possibility of where unification with france. africans have decided to take their calling destiny into their own hands. they are fighting for the monetary sovereignty, an economic sovereignty of africa. this is the difference between france and the
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growing political class in africa. francis losing its influence in the sahara regions because of its arrogance. frances not take into account the social and cultural realities of african countries. france wants to impose its vision on africans. it lives off african wealth and is arrogant towards them. the citizens of these year know that the sanctions imposed by equal was the in fargo for formulas of borders. it was france that dictated them to some heads of states of equal was it was the believe to be the 1st time ever washington has shot down the croft of a ne, tow ally. the u. s. has confirmed that american forces in syria shot down a truck issue strike dry a drive and approaching one washington calls itself a regional zone in this area of anchor river culturally said the you, if he was not being operated by its own military. while the us on 40 a, of course,
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our allies in the nato blog that's stones on the confident syria has seen a wide risk of bro. between them we can learn more. right now with that for responding is yes and defensive on issue a statement on thursday and sliding as more information about the advantages that took place on thursday with intel name of a chart. guess your own, the drone, all the it was what the noise did not necessarily target us troops, and this is for the statements, but are moving on. and this also coincides with military operations, which on so read declared with target's candidates, the few lead to goods winds in the region. that's the wrong as syria and more so the y p g and it's a fee rates off for a out of the northeast. so let's take a closer listen to what the pencil going have to say at approximately 1130 local time, a turkey issue, a be a re entered, the rosie on the heading toward where us forces were located. us commanders assessed that the u. a b, which was now less than a half of kilometers from us forces to be
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a potential threat. and us up 16 fighters subsequently shut down the u. a. b in self defense, approximately 1140 local time. as much as that provides information about the evidence. there's also a statement from hunker, which really emphasizes the importance of the military operation, was conducting in the northeast of syria. and these statements specifically refers to 3rd parties, encouraging them to lead serial. recently, specific operational zones within the countries or things lead 3rd party in which bunker was refer it to be and did not name. so united states does refer to the america and american forces all as well. so as we looked at statements coming out as the advance on the ground, it's clear to say that these 2 nato allies are budding pets. america is national debt spiraling out of control. you're going to believe these numbers. it's grown by $275000000000.00 in a single day. that's according to the countries treasury department. give you a bit of context here. figure out exceeds the total russian debt and is nearly as
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big as rush as a yearly spending budget. will i be discussing this here in the future with all to contribute to present the story is like this. when somebody says to me, rory, you know, how big is the universe? i don't know. i, i, you know, how big is us that i can't get my head around this either the, the numbers with talking, the nearly inconceivable. you're absolutely right, roy, the extortion at that actually i'm $500.00 the mobile using a big lead the united, the if you look at the actual figures, the us that is over $33.00 trillion dollars. now i need the numbers the each, you just could never imagine how a country could ever get to a point where essentially in my opinion, money is, was this right? i mean, you know, as, as we had just at the beginning of that kit that we looked at comparing this to other countries. so comparing it to russia, if we look at the us, that settings we trillion 275000000000 in one day being added to that balance sheet and compare that again to the russian budget, right? this is the entire annual budget of the russian federation. is $290000000000.00.
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this one. yeah. even less worry if we take that say a country which is etc. i think it's such a rep as be china, right? we was talking about china now and the grades of china. the us that right, the piece of that per month is a trillion dollars. if we look at it, if it to this day, let's say that again chris, what did you just say? i was like jack one more time please. i guess the debt price of the entire us economy per month now is $1.00 at trillion dollars coming in just yeah. really. yeah. right. the entire budget for the entire chinese economy, the entire country. i the money that china actually spends on its economy every year is full trillion dollars. so the us, i mean, how do they keep up the questions or a really, how is the, what's going to keep up in this ever try and doing multi, probably the walls where they just think the printing money is the way to get out of it. how did us that snow bowl to such an avalon? there's a few different things. i think the 1st thing is this on funded spending that happened during the coven 19 pandemic. now the us tried to distinguish the cataract,
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but it wasn't, it felt very tiring now. so the people living on the bread live, the time they said, let's french a lot of money that borrowed lots of money. just give this away to people without funding exactly what would happen. i'd say like a stimulus is a good thing. however, it was an awful thing for so many people in effect and suddenly lies for just giving away essentially free money. most of that money ready went into the, the us public market, into us corporate company and also then forwarded on top of that. so it's just like a sliding scale of policy that it's a bit like if you and i went out with all credit cards right now decide who, who are just going to run them off, but had no idea how we could ever pay them by and just don't think about it, that's essentially what b u. s. government did with the entire economy on the way that us businesses just like in 2009 with the financial crash, the hif, they just sold the policy of this free money. took it. and now that we think the consequent having, so just kicking the can down the road, chris, i mean, i know you've always put your finger on the pulse of oval the global finance is
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notified. oh, isn't this that and the other, but it looks, i mean, legitimately, it looks really concerning what the future of the us dollar is going to be. because you know, if the dollar has a crash, none of us are going to, we're skype and sky, you know, it's a global reserve currency. and what do you think the future holds for the don't worry. it's really, it's really hard to see. i think we're going to continue to see the shift away from the us dollar being this was libraries as currency here we just put up china, the boat of russia. we india, all of these bricks nations we've offensive, already looking at other markets to invest in. is that to be honest, you don't want to buy monopoly money. you wants to buy something. this wes, something on an economy which you see is being fiscally prudent and a great place to pump to money and invested in we aren't seeing that right now. we're just seeing a, a, quite frankly, a. 3 fishkill on, on, on and on all the us market. right before we do another guest here on our t, i think us dollars set to physically disappear in iraq at the start of next year.
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however, the head of the countries are central buying says that people will still have the opportunity to keep the american green back, but it will be in digital phone. or do you want to transfer transfer? do you want to card in dollars? if you go, we can use the card inside the rack at the official rate, or if you want the withdrawal cash, you can definitely show right in the nice. but don't talk to me about cash doors anymore. well, being a part of what's reported as a broad move to the dollar rise, the reality economy and prevent the misuse of currency reserves full financial crimes. however, behind the headlines, the rocky central buying says it's annual in board of us dollars is about $10000000000.00 in about about a 50 percent of that will be kept in the cash that is out lowering for public use of the metro is high volume. good local business is the representative of exchange companies took to the streets and condemned some restrictions that are now in place
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. they say it's on the mining the businesses they've called on officials to review . the bad people today are exchange companies are facing mass shutdowns, which of course disrupt the train, the economy and the movement of people got. travelers today are gathering in front of exchange come products. this includes pilgrim people traveling for medical treatment students into us $1.00. but there are no dollars available, offer exchange companies need to a game that role which helped maintain balance in the market was in the recent measures by the central bank who misguided the policies within the central bank trying to end the operations of this group of exchange companies, we know that all of the private sectors have been affected by that. so trying to sort this out here on the program crossing live now to independent politician from baghdad. saw the i looked at libby joining us here on, on the international a very well welcome to today. so forgive me, i think there's a small delay, you know, a transmission, but can you just tell me 1st and foremost, what does this bond on the usage of caution dollars?
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what does it mean for the local everyday person? a miss. thank you very much and well it is a very negative has a very negative impact on the local economy because a rock basically they the, the trade does require between $30.00 to $50000000.00 a day for every days import food stuff at low tech goods. and these goods and foot stuff usually comes from neighboring countries. i iran, techie, syria, and this where they probably use the cheapest and trade is always look for a and most economical products to make maximum profit. so soon as they conte imports with official us dollars from the central bank,
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they have to go to the black markets which has inflated the black market for the f for far as dollars to unprecedented to amount. and that is create and be from the days of outcry now within iraq, for the government to find another safe currency and move away from the dollars. now holding a hold of miss them with the i do apologize for dropping it, but that there are a number of countries right now around the world, whether it's brick. so a be a, see a, there's some people called a donor eyes ation coalition. if iraq is looking to get to move away from the dollar, which currency are you referring to? the bad that might lean towards. as i've seen the dog, the euro, there is a general understanding that the euro could be a safe haven for the moment until there is
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a better studies of 5 national studies on economic studies that will minimize the impact on the rocky calling on me. i'm the relationship with their i to states as you know, iraq, oil sales, the, the, the funds for the, as the money that comes out of the sales go to be, to go to america and go to the states and therefore the americans now have a monopoly on the supply of dollars to a baghdad. so the people asking that sell the oil with different currencies and that's it opens an you'd shop to complete the in the, in the relationship with united states and in opic itself. so there is a serious problem, but the public outcry of the moment is severe and people do not want the iraq and government to contribute on this fall off at using the dollars as the safe
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haven and or using the dollars as the official color. the see for the trade to national trade within the look at the the government is facing a problem. now. the black market to a dollar has risen tremendously as the government cannot supply dollars to the people directly. because the americans withholding the dollars to the rocky government. so we're having, uh, we do have that crisis of the moment. so this a financial device or something, or i'll tell anybody that is, this is something this washington can hold this over you as you was saying that the dollars have to come from dc. and if you cross the wrong line with a bite and white house, then you might lose access to these dollars that mr. l. i'm with the you mentioned something a few moments ago. a very interesting, you mentioned the, the inclusion and the increased usage of a local currency. this is something the, a china and russia are promoting in many parts of this poly centric,
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multi polar world. we're living in today. i want to ask you just quickly what, what about the rocky dean or what, what's the future if that is it? so the value now that the d not is no good i'm, it would be wonderful if we could use the local currencies. but international trade, as you very well know, you need a common, a value off color. see, so that's will be of understanding of the pricing of the goods. so we need a color and see if that is acceptable to traders for importers and exports is to determine the price of the goods and to determine the price of oil, for example. so it's usually now we use dollars as a, as a courtesy, but we do need to move away from dollars because dollars is proving that the americans are not. can not be uh,
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reliable partner. because now as we speak, they're holding a billions of dollars from iraq and wouldn't not allow it to come to a bank that for government use and for paying the, the obligations that the government has. and i to companies and to, to, to other states. yeah. yeah. this is, this is something that's been said by a number of leaders all around the world, particularly, but these are increasing conferences and summits in the asia pacific region as well . countries are openly saying we're worried about the continued use of a dollar because it sets us up to be sunroof. and if we cross over somebody's red line of sod, i'll know that libya independent politician joining us from a very beautiful day in baghdad. thanks very much for your time. we look forward to seeing you soon. i, i think what china says it's keeping calling touch with washington on potential meetings and consultations, whatever that really means. the stipend comes and made media reports on possible
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bilateral tolts between the 2 countries. leaders of this at the age of pacific economic forum coming up in november. but let me think, maybe i'll find it as washington is now claiming the beijing has been spending billions of dollars to spread lies in this information to shake the opinions of the world community. washington claims those efforts could create a global bias in favor of china. well, badging responded take off the gloves to beijing called america, quote, the empire of lies the us state department report is in itself. this information as it miss represents fax interest. in fact, it is the us that invented the weapon, icing of the global information space from operation mocking, but with bribes and manipulated news media for the propaganda purposes. and the cold war era to a volume of white powder in a stage video of the white helmet, cited as evidence. the wage was of aggression in iraq and syria, early of the century. and then to the norm is line made up. this marriage,
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china is changing policy impacts of proven time, and again that the u. s. as in the empire of lives through and through. yeah, we, so i hope professor of the powers with the technology and business that mr. benjamin chow. and he says that washington is losing control of the narrative. with an association of, of global information space is a, is a cost of savings. and that's it for us to insights conference in the countries, especially a fortress is bet to brooklyn from within the us. it's very skillful in insight and conflicts among ethnic groups in any countries for the us right now. it is risking losing what they seem to think is so to have a screws have control over the global information space. but it really has the control, the cobra information space exclusively. although it has some sort of success in
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many things. public opinions enablers, incidents such as using fake, massive, destructive weapons to invade a box, such as a seller, expensive us editors to europe, and divert attention as to who has from the north seem to at the same time through us as opposed to getting quite a bit of challenges from the rise of the thought of the countries such as china, india, as well as the rise of social media. well, the situation, i think it's getting to a tipping point because information is the information reality is reality. focused on the plan to lower the text free income. a threshold is to be met with strong criticism from his country's citizens. so they say the state action and favors the class leaving the but not those with very little left us plus the budget, the code that they are supporting the leads and introducing more taxes for the poor . what is needed to be done in this country?
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more taxes for the high salary class and good relief for the poor. fidel my go to go after this new dictation will end up putting our jobs incident at home and then we will sell our children to survive. there will be no other option. the commodity what is being deposited in the government wanted to fill out the big valley and so they can make this country has been it doesn't matter if we die of hunger, somebody all government is collect and a huge amount through indirect taxes like our electricity bills, you will not see such a huge process for the user to anywhere else. yeah, big crowds and a big reaction is the proposed measure of tax reforms kicked off in mass protests in the area of kashmir. control by practice, done demonstrate is tiring flags, and according to unity in opposing the governance plan. and one of the main concerns in the region is rising power bills and food prices. but really the critical part of is the real bone of contention. now the root of all of this
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reforms demanded by the world bank, which says the pocket stones tax collection is not sufficient to meet its financial needs. the organization called on the country to increase tax revenue in key areas like agriculture, retail, and real estate. and we spoke directly with holly, who says that the international financial institution does not fully comprehend packet stones economic situation. the declaration is, aren't they shouldn't bucks on it as the expenditure side, which would be managed. we see lots of expenditures which are potentially not giving their terms even if you look at the public sector development program, it is not given that economic mark people live agent shouldn't because there are fundamental problems the way the projects are shutting down. so why do focus on the policies which are further going to box on the comic activity? we can think of making up all the headings certain that the essentially show again lives with us. we need to have a home growing policy on which if we book and we can bet it out or the problems by
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august says no toner is waiting to bring any change in box on all the changes which are going to happen has to happen. vision box on bed, the local, local scholars local taking because local in production. and it's all going to bring in those good policy proposals for to, to have the political event as well, because they're going to be homegrown and based on those and then does the economy and the country can process the cost from shipping from the outside? did i really don't understand our economic problems? that's why have we basically come to that the standing, the. busy now we're asking them for loans, which are technically a kind of for desperate the voice for loans. it's not economic loans from that sense. it is something that the i'm a full of bank is well known full to often countries, many of whom have suffered raging chain, just suddenly full spread huge loans from the i, maxwell bank so big with such high interest rates. the money can never be.
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