tv [untitled] October 6, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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much more than you would expect. so what are they capable of and what makes contract as volcanoes stand out, the cause canada, as deputy pm accuses rushes, president of quote weapon. now using a scandal in which the canadian parliament hosted an ss nutsy veteran blocking their booting stays, the incident demonstrates the less publishing lot to come. the mental unions might, if he, the speaker of the canadian parliament doesn't know that hitler and his henchmen fought against russia during the war. he's an idiot. a warning, disturbing images a head syria is in morning after more than 100. people are killed and hundreds more wounded in an apartment throwing strength on the military college. the incident occurred during a crowded graduation serve on the front phase. it will begin withdrawing its military forces from these europe this we can move long,
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sought by the west african government. i'm local resident unit today. we're firmly waiving the withdrawal. the deadline is short. we are really in a hurry for them to leave and leave us our national territory. you commission president, our state of underlying research, the europe support for your brain will never cease. that's in striking contrast to what some european states have setup of the scale of assistance to keep the mid day and sa, paulo, midnight, and young, young and 6 in the evening right here in moscow. welcome to the news. our on our to cabinet is deputy prime minister, has been accused of using russia as a scape goat softer stating vladimir putin. quote, weaponized the mistake it made by hosting an s s. nazi veteran in the canadian
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parliament. the russian president was among many to criticize the incident, but they'll also a house called and people to choose involved. we can't change the fact that he made the mistake. we can though all of us decide how effective latimer pigeon is a better. no, i think that mistake, and i would really urge all of us to understand the russian propaganda is real and we need to push back very, very hard against every single vladimir putin says. and does freelance as it puts in is weaponized. they their screw up. but actually, every time i put in or anyone else brings up this issue, it just effectively reduces for governing liberal parties chances of re election. so here's what president said that breeland bind. so problem matter, you quick solution you can shoot, i don't want to hurt the feelings of canadian people in any way. as in spite of everything, we treat canada and its citizens with respect. if he,
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the speaker of the canadian parliament doesn't know that hitler and his henchmen fought against russia during the war, he's an idiot. so basically what do you say there is really nothing more than what the average thinking canadian has already been wondering. where was the due diligence for a critical thought among all these jokers? why didn't no one in parliament clue in, even in the moment that home who was introduced and just refrain from applause. it wouldn't be the 1st time that someone in this government failed to do basic deal is it may be a defense official training, neo nazi as all fighters and ukraine were apparently also surprised to come across not see tattoos among their trainees. instead of just ending the mission, they cross their fingers hoping that the press wouldn't find out about it. well say that neo nazis and ukraine was just rustic propaganda. so in the wake of the whole incident, there's been a call here in canada to do more to address canada is apparent and not the issue.
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and be forthright about how many not the fighters actually came to canada in the wake of world war 2. which 2 knows apparently considering in potentially releasing their names. but why confronted with that proposition? pre lindsey's own grandfather was the editor of a nazi newspaper in ukraine. looked like a teenager after a secret weekend house party being questioned by our parents about why all their food was gone. well, but here put in, must have taken it. of course, let me just start by reiterating and i don't think it can be said too many times a how hurtful for so many people in canada and around the world. what happens? it was and has been and continues to be quick reminder that freeland wirelessly confronted about her ukrainian grandfather's nazi past,
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also said that that was russian. this information so that pretty much is already established that white canadian officials use the term, it's really just attacked it to the platform. it can be faxed and having to answer to their own citizens. here's justin to go. and yeah, another example, because all the people carpet talk, you know, i know you're, you're either way to manage your partner. we're getting charged for what we do, what we're doing is offering no, we're putting a price on pollution right, and we're returning it. so you're talking it over to you, right, right. oh no. yeah. ever that you sent over to the guy that you are the lot or does all you've been listening to the the, to, to, to your proper dad. a non profit. dad is a pc or mac, the yeah, the homeless shelter. we come to the point now where western leaders like to become
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so comfortable both the pretend and the tax rebate, any responsibility for their screw ups, that it's become 2nd nature. the problem for them is that in this place, a case of attempted deflection, even the most slack canadian can see that it was, is who to who sent home to educate in part of it, or forced canadian law makers to plan for him. like the bottom line, seals, syria is morning, the depths of nearly 100 people and 300 more wounded during a military officer, a graduation ceremony in the city of homes. according to the syrian health ministry, those figures report say the terrace strike was tied by chrome. the syrian defense minister was present to the ceremony, but not at the time of the strike. a warning, the following footage contains disturbing imagery the a while among based fatalities where soldiers and civilians including women and
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children. this video circulating on line reportedly shows the aftermath of the attack. dozens of people are seeing scattered across the springs. your side people in homes describe what the some of these trans continental tell arisen. well neither do tourist nor we can. our nations result to achieve complete victory in the restore security and reconstruct using an unmanned aerial vehicle, caring explosives, victims and their families were targeted during a graduation ceremony at the military academy. is this what freedom looks like? is this justice, they carried out a terrorist operation against students from the military academy who would come to celebrate with their families. and everyone knows that the majority of those present 4 civilians. yes, this is terrorism. as members of the people's council, we received the news and it was extremely painful. as you can see, members of the counselor present here now. these terrace stacks,
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which no country condemns. even the united nations security council does not condemn them, despite doing so for other operations. they claim there is no terrorism in syria, and that is manufactured terrorism by the americans and turks. some of my relatives were present at the events inside the academy, and they recounted that as they were joyfully celebrating and capturing memorable moments with photographs, explosions suddenly surrounded them from explosions. suddenly surrounded them from all directions. everyone found themselves on the ground admits the injured martyrs, and fear the scene was extremely horrifying. and all of it unfolded abruptly. when i met with some eye witnesses among the local residents, including a woman who came covered in blood as a result of her relatives, injury people were in the midst of celebrating and congratulating each other when suddenly massive explosions occurred from the drones. the dropped munitions on the beast, not to the marcher dumps,
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an injured have significant number of individuals from the very 1st moments ambulance vehicles swiftly initiated the rescue efforts for the victims present at the scene. and they were all transported to hospitals and body. well, the syrian government has pin the blame squarely firmly. foreign powers that have supported on opposition. in continuation the brutal terrorist attacks carried out by terrorist organizations supported by the american occupation and other international parties who cooperate with them in shedding the blood of syrians and destabilizing the security and stability of the searing, the error of republican terrorist organizations this thursday afternoon, october 5th, 2023, attacked a graduation ceremony for military college officers in the syrian city of homes. the syrian error republic calls on the united nations and the security council to condemn this cowardly act of terrorism. hold state sponsors of terrorism,
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accountable for their crimes, against the syrian people, and insure compliance with relevant security council resolutions. well, serbia has promised to respondents with full force and our reports are emerging at in a blood province that they have been heavily shelves with retaliatory fired, big opposition hub there. as of yet no official comment has been made by government officials. well, we spoke to steven at saline, who's a 3 and journalist on commentator. he says, attempts by damascus to point out the militants, direct links with opposition forces are likely to be ignored in the west. as long as the united nation headquarters is in the united states and the united and the united nations is taken hostage by the american state department. the united nation is just a building and a name and the people of the world. don't believe it and don't trust it anymore because it gave them nothing and it did not stand was the truth. and this so this
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it can, you send describes, it was done by the americans, most seniors on the ground. so it's not to their benefit and it doesn't benefit the american state department or the white house, or the well joe biden in his presidential campaign. so that's why he will not uh, they will not cover this site and describe answers they always covered. this are also called. busy crime and massacre that the dera mercenaries did against the young men, and some of the front cells confirmed about it will begin withdrawing its troops from new jersey. this week the knights been helping welcome by locals and save. the move has been a long time in coming. you somebody please continue to listen to came to fight against terrorism. terrorism continue to fire. um, we are firmly awaiting the withdrawal. the deadline is short. we are really in a hurry for them to leave and leave us our national territory level as the input.
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one vend, 1st of all, is very good to use when we know that since july, the 26th, we've been in the fight against french imperialism. and in particular, for the partial differential occupation troops from these yeah, the announcements of that withdrawal means that part of the fight is done. but no, the less the flight will continue. it is in that 5 years young, the new share does not need the presence of french troops on that status or because their presence has not brought any change to me. share because french troops never intervene. india attacks perpetrated in the shared by the bandits and jihad is still their presence has no advantage from this country that uh, i'm sorry strip. so finally begin withdrawn from new j. this will other statements earlier today they found on forces. little jack portez so good country. okay. we in dropbox especially impressed with the put and it's currently addressing the
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media folding thoughts with us who's back tucker part in moscow. let's listen to this. he's basically the president of the russian federation, vladimir bolton, and the president of the republic of his biggest i'm. so i've got married so you, if you knew of anybody and you have taken a choice statement on the expansion. but he said he was interest of all and confessing strategic partnership relationship. this little one, which was you from the city that us as a present the village. what about the image group? corrales? let's get you to click the default. and we can also about looking at that are stores like a personal by, i don't know, one from the municipal drugs, but that i can just give you that. so you decided, you know, the minister of transport of the russian federation to tell this of if and a minister of transport them of the republican with the city. so gordon was biggest on his home. i come of signed an agreement is between gross and the direction that his biggest on the, on the supply of all protest smile, railroads. the deposit is on the summit. you must him some that i still see that assistance, but the positive you finally get another each. so if you, any of you have to must sort of should which of
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the, the menus, the minister of energy of the russian federation. sort of, you know, nichol, i shall get no seats from the minister of energy or what i'm like. but it was because something doesn't look for the job back and i was, i must, motor company signed an agreement, that's in the russian federation. these will be used in the government's perspective, some interest on extending corporation in the supplies before it gets go positive sort of big to simple up. i'm gonna assist you with each other beauty. so if i stood within the, unless i let me use the minister of foreign affairs, of the russian federation, certainly love roses, and he's been in the minister of foreign affairs publicly eatable. but it was like this time and sick to your ideas. if you get a signed an agreement that's in the russian federation and the government of the republic of the biggest on the, on the stablish about seeing the general concepts of the russian federation in the city of summer, tons and signs of program
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a corporation between the minister of foreign affairs and the russian federation, administrative foreign affairs of the republic was because stopped on this for years. frontier 24 and 2025 from the city that says bestest of all the city of east to meet you overall. some of the funds just for the standing boss, coastal front us know what your store so i can get them from the space out of other things that are with us. they get the key and they come go to the total numbers of them or would even like spell the issue that they have some nice still a good idea to the next elizabeth, texting head of the federal custom services. it says the menus that i set up, i don't, you can also piece will be can deputy, to administer economics of the finances, which i'm sure that you kind of find the signed an agreement between the federal custom service and the customs committee probably covers like a summary on mutual recognition of relevance institutions over most of it. so the a positive jump sheet on what it was was photo. i'm looking at all, what's one of them, what the, what am i supposed to know about speech? a budget was sort of fun, but it's huge. that'd be the. so the, the,
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the east of the letter that the only source that could be done, most of the menus that are good. let me just go to the to it. i see. see that. so you might see him getting that image reducing, think of the season is the minister of economic development of the rest insurrection, like summer, suddenly comfortable. like you might be to good shape and then serve as much as tom junction because i have signed an agreement between the minister of economic development of the russian federation and the ministry of investments industry. republicans make a stand on corporation expertise on organizing kinds of lead railway, transportations i'm sure the documents project, but us, if you that us as of so data was on the deposit of my some cannot even ship because i can express your possible that as well. sounds like it depends on my son. let me pick the against the to the minus the baby to slow each, but in of you mean use, but i'm not going to do it as well because because then booked toyota dealer. which side of put this on it and you might on the do you, my name is if you're under my given agreement and member on that has been signed. a mutual understanding of what frustrating with the committee of international relationships in front of the tires of the republic on this was based on the
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positive bustos, you would say the, from the military started, would just use it or like you to lead us. what are you going to use this leverage? but you know, we let them know some of the letter. would you like to show me more on them? not much than that. but you see the inputs and nobody's available. the president of the national research center with the court shut off institutes, who are, you will call to the zillow and the minister of higher education, science and innovation of the republic, almost because found one of the girls came up there, one of the name of signed an agreement between the court chapter of institute, we need to have somebody so in the industry. and my website is what we do is because done and which number of the higher education science and innovation on each i don't fund the research and development corporation in oklahoma. come back or just leave it in me. it's just me give you some totally clueless like it'd be some numbers of the, a minister in the us, the minister of science and higher education of the russian federation by larry fall cove and the minister of education because higher education and innovation chapter, one of abraham other off model have signed an agreement. what it is that sees the
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gland action that was plan what was already an okey initial actions in the sphere of higher education. and it seems to be science and innovations between the russian federation and administer of higher education. and innovation, so the republic bank is done for years to interest interest rates of interest on see fall, who which each of the, one of the us if you did us as fun. well, only talking about the validate ukuleles for of electronic it literally just a moment. sure. let me double what i'm going to be see the other side this within the official visit, the end of the thirty's, international forum and into original cooperation. a number of the other side of actual documents was signed with the science at all full and cooperation in different areas to get signed up again. each the most with just letting is all and then when he gets by that's the money is the, the for that equipment. it isn't junk monthly. it's super easy because every money is over. now we're moving on to statements by president of the russian federation. let important and the president of the republic office because some of the gentle just got married to you. if you was big song that is still because a president this, i've got the modem on which and what is your,
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what us if he did us us to present the colors? what's the name on my, the affordable i think that ocean by on off the portion of it was the english teacher president. i'm one of the, is there mr. ramirez, are you, is there friends, ladies and gentlemen and ladies, you? but it's against the official visit until the president of the republic always book has done to the russian federation, who is taking place in a friendly and business like environmental issue. a situation fully coincides with the character at all, and professing carol carol sergio corporation between the countries. the visit starts with yesterday with mister. and there's a us visiting us on where they had an opportunity to take a look every day. and really, really social and economic achievement, some of the origin. and today we had said clearly even phone and foot sold. struggle was so much of negotiations with you. my colleagues, my counterparts agrees with this. i see a 31st. we had the meeting involving youths with ministers and prime ministers and
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other colleagues putting it the in charge of different areas of our new actions group. but we took a joint statement from enhancing place for fidget corporation and partnership between russia and there's like a sometimes it's boosting our work and political economic investments. when you cultural humanitarian areas in a sphere of security, including biological and information security equipment, the conflict of is it also resulted in the package of documents and contracts signed by institutions and companies by 2 of the 2 countries, both during the visits and then we discussed in detail, the economic corporation to the one that's in our countries and go through them and showed mutual readiness before it's further expansion and diversification looks like the distort i see. besides, i should note here that russia and does like us down here the year up to year, consistently from the world to grow their mutual trades. last year he trades turn over,
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grew by almost 25 percent. to him was russia. they was like his townsend biggest trade forecast and this year and the growth of export and import operations. but in the 2 countries, this would have kept a growing business growing by nearly 15 percent over the 1st 7 months of this year . the new, besides the deal we've been talking, this is not the limits. we have great prospects in this area on the 9th and we, let's see it. and if we deliver on everything, and this is what we're going to do in our joint efforts, this growth is going to be far more significant. or is it the blue sheet? you know, the country is also the leading investor in those biggest ones that are going to make it would have to $46.00 over 3, hundreds russian businesses working in the market. so it was like, as somebody we said it was in general, the russian investment investments have exceeded certain millions of dollars not truly knows that it is the policies are currently working that so when you're on over a 100 joint economic projects, media for
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a total of over $28000000000.00 russian and his book is done. it's a meant to be able to finance what was the amount of us with lee was today we're switching to national tolerances and their mutual settlements. establishing. yeah, and it's consistent channels of the economic corporations share of approval in economic settlements. but let's see, i have reached full to 7.5 percent and is growing right now. 17 bank someone's book is done. so if you are connected to the financial message, to deliver a system of the bank of russia, all this and other economic issues and it uses the mindset of dealt with by the joint commission, is on the level of the heads of governments. this the 3rd session of addition of which took place in moscow in mid september school. so to there is also an economic commission on economic cooperation headed by vice prime ministers of the 2 countries to give it to the republic has been moved to it. the observer hoops with
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you are sick for several years. no, it's good. you know, to go to that us medical. so that's about 2 weeks of up. it was one of the key issues to the german, our negotiations was that of energy corporation. and by the way, because they found the customers that us and i and the president of the guys like something is such a kind of force that we will take place. and the ceremony of the launching deliveries of russian guests to it was like his son to students, which is the 1st time and need to transfer some issues to me in the history of these transport systems. never before it has russia since it's natural gas to central asia, lability to sit with them. so if it's not, i'm going to, i'm just going to be shipping those up as soon as you have an irish to an agreement on this several months ago. so in record breaking times, we just um, you know, because of that gets on and rush out and cause like some work together to create
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conditions for such deliveries. he was because done much better with super. so russian and guess you can choose spell is expense will go to las vegas done through because i've done with some wires and they also, i guess lake pleaseland specimens. go into it as i've done as well. just keep this up with this project is a and it's ensuring energy security. you see what was biggest on context um and the entire central asian region don't do that. i will do to make you cool communities, many major russian businesses, energy companies. i've been working in those biggest on this local works and cut them and gets our oil deposits. they also build gas processing plans. so this is making some robust enough to does oil processing to pretty well, you can look into all deliveries in his book hispanic, as well as increasing productivity of oil deposits. just as we say great prospects in developing cooperation and hydro energy and in peaceful nuclear energy,
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which is pretty good except that i give it a course to in our negotiations with touch to come into the matters of developing biological cooperation. that the president of his book has done paid special attention to that usually. and rightfully so, because the russian policy upholds and supports these issues that are propositions . because this is very important for our joint development. especially in this fear of high technologies because it needs to have correspond, touched upon other issues. the skills with the rush us helps give you the task and mental foundry was built in his back his tongue. because like we have the capacity of high 500000 tons of metal, skin skis and your zip codes, industrial techno, usually technical parks and tests can't. and just because gun it so might be the air is, was just break to splitting computer one. the template commodities are kind of like contemplating the production of tom elect, the electric motor by electric vehicles,
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completely developed and russia, which were also expanding our corporation and the energy spear railways in passenger transportation. and i bought the weeds of police move, but i get on with the process. i know where it came on the complex program to develop the railway transport system and the infrastructure and his biggest on the upper step because he's really, we're also looking at the deliveries of the russian railway machinery and localize and localize agency maturity to their manufacturing. and inspect this time to speak to a co, 16 great perspectives are opening in this regards to a good note and developing such a corporate doors as the small southcourt door to it. but from russia and fellow rushed out to the indian ocean shores a b. s. f, as the one of its branches goes through it was, but just on when, when you, when deciding our corporations discussing our corporation in the cultural spear, we focused on education. and so usually we stated that the joint
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initiative class initiative aimed at increasing the quality of teaching russian language in his back. his time has been a success because he's russians and the teachers are being sent to schools and those back is done. so that's end is biggest on those big teachers are being trained in russia. i see screwed up on proposition of the president office focused on tools to keep doing it. russian policy as reasserted its commitments to providing opportunities for those bikes. for young people from us biggest onto the gain, higher education in russia. actually. right now, 63000. it was big students studying the goodness in russian university's u. d. students, they see of chick fil them. since you had a huge branch is a full team of russian universities are already working in his biggest on and with thankful people. the leadership of his book is done for supporting the
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international project russian seasons in those bakers done when they did in the voyage. so numerous master classes and educational efforts, movie screenings and c o to our shows that they actually see if there's been a young american glad us for the original. but the issues he was because the, for you, of them really the positions of russia in his book has done many issues and very close and coincides coincide. in many cases, all the countries coordinate the efforts by key international platforms, including the u. n. of course, which is some good into corporations, with the platforms off c i s, and it is, but it just be just on the i c o. and in conclusion, i would like to express my gratitude to mr. or mrs. you, for productive joint work. i know that he personally pays a lot of attention to deepening to our and enhancing our relationships. and i'm sure that today's negotiations see what will serve to further enhance the entire
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spectrum, global, actual cooperation for the benefits of our 2 nations. and i would like to thank our colleagues on both policies from was biggest on and from russia for their work, and we do it for us. and i'm going to this whole weeks changed our notes. you'll have done great work. thank you for that. and i'm sure that will see the results of our joint work soon. thank you to okay, we just mean listening there to the russian president vladimir, put in a dressing at the media after talks with his boost back at hunter part just to briefly go through some of what was at i line there. it started at with a hunting over sir, i'm only saying that a comes to the russian console. it had been established in the historic silk and road city of summer camps at that is not happening. and also vladimir putin at
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speaking the tree. that was the, that the big focus of the meeting that it was going to be boosted in big ways between the 2 nations. the big line though, of course being that it's the 1st time natural gas will be sent from russia to central asia to the spec, as done by a cause, expand cause expand, we'll also get some of the gas that happening for the 1st time. so big implications of thought, what that will mean at for energy cooperation between the 2 at nations. also some lines that trade will be done in local currencies, bilateral trade between the 2 nations, as well, increasing the at the dollar eyes ation between those nations, both in the russian on whose back currencies are focused on increasing the russian at language study in this back is done as well. okay, but that is where we leave the news rock for now this friday i'll be back up at.
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