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tv   [untitled]    October 6, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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or the shower and the bone, the soldier monument was erected in 1947 in the estonian capital, mazda associates authorities, origin. any bells above the burial site of troops remains. it's the memorials of the soldiers who gave their lives in world war 2 was the risk of the department service give waiting for the familiar transition. in 2007, the associated government decided to relocate the monument from the city center for the year on the printer for me to a to where in the frustrating to move divided the population. the stony is large of russian speaking community strongly opposed it. an intense rising broke out in town,
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and these have since become the as the problems night drives people across the the hello and welcome to cross software. all things are considered non peter roosevelt . the western world. ukraine project is facing some stark and probably insurmountable obstacles here is failing badly on the battlefield. western aid is reaching limits and there is never been popular support for this. a leak driven
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project. the biggest loser does the crating, the press ok. in kansas dilemma, i'm joined by my guess. prime robeteck and bang khaki is a geo political analysts and a former us marine in lisbon. we have alexander guerrero. he has international law analyst, and here in moscow we have sonya of london. and then she is an independent journalist . all right, across side girls that are in effect, that means you can jump anytime you want. i always appreciate, let me go to 1st to brian brian, we have talked many times about your ukraine, this conflict and more or less. i think you and i been in agreement and i think you, we, the trajectory that we saw for this conflict is playing out because we're seeing the, the, a, the, the, the room for maneuver narrowing very, very much way we have have this got a budget issue in the united states, which is divided the republican party and soon will divide the entire western world
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. the good interesting thing about the budget crisis in the united states and the election in slovakia, which is the the, the winter there is questioning the entire ukraine project. the important thing that's happened just recently is that you can talk about what is wrong with this policy. debate is beginning to happen 20 months in, but maybe now you can actually in polite society debate this go ahead, brian. oh i, i think it's the veneer falling off of this entire project, just like every other us, more of aggression or proxy more. it's always accompanied by huge amounts of propaganda. and that propaganda can only sustain itself for so long before the reality is on the ground. start to break through, people start to wake up to it and when people begin waking up to it, they cannot go back to sleep to these lives. since we haven't. i mean, we have talked about the short supply weapons and ammunition and how this proxy war
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was unsustainable, how russia is ramping up its own military industrial production. all of this has made this unsustainable. the lies are not working anymore, and there's nowhere else to, to hide what is really happening. so now they have to confront the end. that's where things become very ugly. alexandria our guest in lisbon. i've been watching, they've been different narratives from the beginning. the democracy versus a talk recently, ukrainian sovereignty. this is all about china, you know, they keep changing their rhetoric. but the most recent one last few days is we need a preg maddox solution. i don't know what that means, but there was, there was a pragmatic approach to this before the complex started and it was addressing the wrongs of the men's process and rush. it presented its own blueprint and it was ignored. that was pragmatic. go ahead, alexander. yes, yes indeed. well,
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actually the european union, even this week he took a are thinking about taking increasingly both steps because they feel that the best is going wrong. and support is beginning to fail due to the exhaustion and lack of capacity to be dressed yet due to 50. this is why they wanted to get together in keys and even the speech is used absolutely bold and disconnected from reality varies the widespread perception that people beginning to, to, to realize that we lose coming. and this is a clear sign that the west is far from the right side of the story because the domain of discourse continues to be characterized more by the interested in masses by the rooster phobia rather than piece, for example. so is thinking about you being union for all these, but blue guys is just another desperate attempt to create that gets you message that through the resume we received. yes indeed, them encourage looking got to this, they took advantage of charles,
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some of the gold message, all for you to be an economic area from least the urals or the need to need to hear this message. awfully expensive love you buy stock, go strictly speeches that favorite anerio beast and friendship. and certainly we seem to be in union making a speech demand, english and last. they no longer able to discuss that through guidance. did you great and they want this piece control by the you and the, the, what i see only is that burrell what she described. this being a garden, like, you know, is getting close and it goes to the beginning, the jungle. yeah, well it, so anyway, i of this whole statement about lisbon to look at. and so that was um, and the lead about a box, and i just don't think she knows very much about geography. so i think it's more, it's do pity, then a policy a but what sonya, one of the most important thing that's happened, we had this little locked in election. and we had the electorate there reject the use policy nato. his policy when it comes to ukraine,
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probably joining hungry. there's a lot of rumblings in poland, but that could be for different reasons because of the upcoming election here. but you can't talk about european unity anymore. i don't believe it was ever there because nobody ever voted on it. sonya, you know, the drive and also uh, yesterday it was a huge demonstration and uh, the day before. so how about we unification? date, the 3rd to cover this. there was a huge demonstration in berlin because unity cation of germany, in 1991. but after that, because they said around $3000.00 plus people, okay. and now today it was known that uh schultz is not going to send the powers of its to, to print so many a gets a little bit frightened as well. and as you mentioned, yeah, it is. the time she is soto, she even thinks the $565.00 days of the year. i think so. but i think the unification in europe is it's gone. and recently there was also an interview with
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an ukrainian levy. and she said on sky use that, okay, i don't thing well according to them, but they only have gains one percent of land in the account. so that's it. and she also, so the weapons from euro, the flow now is stop. so now, so the mice will come from see until spring next year. so i mean, this is clearly a sign and the signs in the european union, the we've coming winter people will rise on more. as we can see in the, in germany now, even empties in germany are targeted. they are, the wall is in hospital. and the well at least by a little she, i think she went to my, your car or something. but there's a lot of things going on and unification for your brain. i think it's slowly, but surely it's gone. well, now the only western part,
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it was never there so well put here, you know brian, we had um zalinski and he's and he does mostly p r work. i don't know what else it means to be president of, of ukraine. but he, i think it was a tally and media, he said, he admits a quote that or is fatigue. and of course, he's looking at the money dross and the spirit cup from the, from the west, which is in question i, i don't think you know, that that's over yet. i think there's the, the, the differences in the united states in the us congress will be resolved one way or another. and there will be more appropriations made. probably not as much, but they will continue because the, the, the democrats can admit defeat on this. they want this war to continue. that's it. they're not. they don't want peace. they've never wanted peace. and they've only wanted a damaged russia, which america i'm not getting. so they're just going to continue what they're doing . brian, a, unfortunately only a small handful of people in the us congress actually do one piece. a lot of people
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who are opposed to project ukraine are only opposed to it because it's not working out anymore. it's prospects look very dim and they want to pivot toward china and then repeat this whole process with a nation with an even larger population of larger military or larger industrial base. and they want to start the process all over again. i think the money issue will be a result just as you say. i think the, the west is going to run out of arms and ammunition that they can send and at least and sufficient amounts to ukraine long before they run out of money into us. prints money out of thin air, although this whole proxy war and the sanctions that accompanied its targeting russia. this has put in danger of the unit power system. all of its financial mechanisms that as a sort, as a catalyst to spring multi polar is a forward and help put another foot in the grave for unipolar ism yeah, alexander, that,
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that's what i get. i guess one of the most mystifying things for me during this entire process is the position of europe. i mean, all it does is damage europe's economy. it's prospects and, and it's standing in the world and i don't see it recovering. i mean, we have on this program, i referred to him as sergeant schultz when he addressed the united nations. nobody listened to him. nobody wants to hear with the europeans, have to say in the global south, alexander this. and that's typically the situation even in europe being union. for example, if we take their money as a, as an example, an entire branch of the german economy, the category industry, which provide jobs to market and also $1000000.00 people. he's on the verge of glass. this is just one clear sign of what's happening to europe. no one believes any more on the european union's leadership and you're being union member states leaders. why? because you don't have, you have no longer people like showing people like, uh, the multi dishes from the, from the sixties and from the seventy's to really those,
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you don't even have a new market at that said what do you have only presently, each one of these people who wants to be the greatest variation on your a, b s, but they, they lack the knowledge. they like the korea's math and they know nothing about strategy. and that's why people are not showing signs of separation. bowls reveal a growing weakening of you to be support for your brain. and now we are beginning to see grass opening up in the logs for unity in the last few days. for example, we have seen a political changes like you, that political change was strongly to us, but the situation and you bring even the situation in united states when i read the declarations by the republican house that grew from the house, i guess. so. speaker mccarty, he was thrown into one of the reasons expressly mentions was the system support for you right now we will see what happens on sunday in poland,
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but these look trust you are, we are beginning to see barclays without much expression appearing as part of the solution and they emerge as the possible solution because people are increasingly fed up with the data and the to which they have been pushed to this. is it presently the, the, the, the situation for example, the, even the financial situation into west large extent using color. oh, i'm sorry i have, i have to jump in here. we have to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on campbell dilemma. stay with our team. the
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hi. i'm receptive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department, c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want myself to stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best most i'll send send up the in the 6595 and speed. what else calls question about this?
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even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the welcome act across software, all things are considered. i'm funeral bell to remind you we're discussing kids dilemma the . let's go back to sonya here in moscow. over the last couple of days,
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i've come across some very interesting, fresh demographic. i'm research into, into ukraine, and by some estimates, not by all, but by some estimates. ukraine's a population is half. it was in 1991 and it is getting smaller. it is richie, it could reach the point of 20000000 people and had 50000000 and 1991. so this is all what western health is doing for ukraine is creating it, has ukraine is expiring, the, the adapt, a demographic catastrophe on like anywhere else in the world? sonya here in moscow. yes, of course, as a household population, the house is gone to europe. you know, the flat, i think about 4000000 are now in russia itself. i mean like the regions most console. but i mean, they do that and they have so many also so many people died. so when he sold us,
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we see over, you know, the on tell it brand new can see is clearly the new crime is losing beverly on the battlefield. so that's also a big part. so maybe this is actually what they want. they want to empty elizabeth to crime as we were told that i so much our members, maybe it's true or not. i cannot clarify it myself, but they want to have less in ukraine because you know, it's very short island. so the green comes from down. we all know that, but of course it's mainly from eastern part of that, but it's not russian. i so don't us. but it's very upset to see that all these people are gone. i mean, the majority, i think, will not go back to, to print or to a bunch of bullshit at all. they, they, they will stay, you know? so this is maybe the whole idea because, you know, colon has some aspirations for the western box of ukraine. that will be bowlens. they said they were wondering, busy with that. so i think your credit will not exist anymore. and maybe
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a few years or maybe so we don't know. well brian, i know this is something you and i have talked about from the very beginning. i think after everything is said and done, there will be some country called ukraine. but it's certainly not going to be what it was in 1991, 2014 or 2023. brian. absolutely, and i think this continues with the theme of who is the, the, the biggest victim here and who is creating and driving all of this from 2014 on where the us re shaped you. praying in to a battering ram to be used against russia. it provoked this more deliberately, there thing tank documents talk about deliberately provoking russia to extend it over, extend it. and now we see these terrible consequences playing out in ukraine for the ukrainian people. we also see the european economy taking a hit because of this, this the sanctions and then the united states itself essentially isolating itself
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on the global stage and sabotaging for all of these advantages that it's held economically financially. for decades. of all of this tells us who is, who is the real threats to the collect, the west. it is the united states that it's board policy, it is not in russia, and it is not china beyond that. and as far as the fates of ukraine, it's still very hard to tell. i think there, there could be some residents remains of what you used to be ukraine. but i think rush, i was going to continue pushing they, they obviously have the advantage. they have no reason to stop the west has not given them a reason. stop. so right now i think it's still hard to tell, but what will remain as is going to be very small. well, alexander, what ever does remain after everything is said and done, it will be d militarized. let me repeat that, it will be d militarized. ok?
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russia is not going to allow nato to, to do it the crane project to point. now they will not allowed all else at all. so stultz and berg last week you let the cat out of the bag. it was all about nato expansion. i mean, it's really quite incredible. you know, somebody has on the internet, a montage of 3 minutes a, you know, it's not about data, it's not about nato. and then, well, of course, it's all about nato. so at least the, the, you know, they've drawn the curtain back on that it's all about destroying russia. okay. but is that what people really want? ok, i don't think so. you know, actually what i hear and what i read here. and there it is not the same as what the shape of your bill. you'll be in union and nato. actually, i've tried to spread the out trying to inspire people in order to pay dress. yeah. and the most important thing is not to bring your brain to the level to the same level and bullet your flight that you, you don't have to be. but the main goal here is to find the feed drug should be
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able to see trust. yes. and then get the rest of the fluids in russia. this is the major message that they want to share. but yeah, what i would love to highlight is the fact that what you said, either east immunization not only off the brain, but presently russia, if he's the 1000000 rising nato itself. because nato countries are also losing their ability of their capacity even to protect it, to defend themselves from the forwarding threats. even days ago, there was on the news 70 saying that the, even these royalties had to help germany to keep the entropy fast systems. and the operational in order to allow that in case of emergency, they would have the means to protect themselves. so this is one of the most important lessons after you get from here is the merely zation from that going cell and losing the whole war on the golf link, that they are presently waging inside to wage against russia. however, there is
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a good watch you from the russian side. also, we see is that what do you mean 14 and the old. currently, they are not going after the publications that they're receiving from the west and said because the west was rushing to lose their minds and finally to get to bold on this coffee. and they are work moderately and patiently waiting for the union and they took them to the right thing. so yeah, i think, you know, that's, it's been a huge question all during the complex, what was the, the ice plan, the russian plan because, you know, historically they think of the red army is a steam roll are going across here, a pull that is not happened and it's a very different conflict then one would have expected sonya, you know, this militarization of here and i find it really interesting. first of all, i don't think voters want to pay for it. and i certainly don't think young men want to join up and fight russia. i just don't see it. i don't see with this younger generation at all. i there, they may be politicized,
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but not on this issue. sonya read, especially in the western countries like another let's do a many of those things i want to price for even for you real good. so to where i you know this. so this is, this is something was without, the leaves are plenty and you are the new new all the talk about it and you will not be, but i don't think it will get the ground. so how it, it will not happen and, and the devastation of, uh, i think it will happen. some nato, a lot spark because as we speak about it all the time, you're is losing bethany and these goals, like it's the, it's the us. i always go euro economy from the us, but let's hope that this will change. so how, because you know, you're is destroying itself and the weapons they have sent already the last one. i know how to use it. it's crazy. so they run out of the weapons also, you know, the north stream pipeline is gone. so germany is a big mess of the country or uh,
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more than that is, this is another for, they are the most uh, rush, hastings country, uh, the each. uh, because we have the billing at the age of 18. uh nissan. so they still try, you know, still trying. i'm saying because of the induced a promise to the f sixteens. but the people, the majority of the people, they don't, they don't believe unit anymore. if they asian believes is i don't think so, so i don't see it happening and i see it happening that the somehow the terrorist that's most likely will happen in the near future. you know, brian, what is it, you know you, you're a former us marine. i don't know what a part of the us marines you were in, but i mean is it over the last year and a half? i mean, in, during the 1st summer of the conflict, the cleaning army was decimated ends. and after that, they started rebuilding a nato, a army with ukrainian soldiers,
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but nato equipment. and from all the various countries, they haven't equate them, acquitted themselves very well. and particularly the american ones very expensive. they were particularly useless weapons here. and this is a great the embarrassment that's why i don't think they want to send f sixteens and stuff like that because they'll drop out of the sky like flies. and so they, they really acquitted themselves very badly. very expensive junk brian. yeah, absolutely there's, there's so many factors that go into this, the fact that they sent a whole variety of equipments to crated and just send one type events, cheap flight in vehicle or armored personnel, carrier, or tank or artillery. they send everything everyone has ever developed since the end of world war 2, they send to all of that to ukraine. each one of those pieces of equipment requires different types of training, maintenance, or some, in some cases, different types of ammunition and fuel. they have to coordinate all of this a mix,
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already complicated logistics, even more complicated, whole reason why militaries are standardized as to avoid this problem. and then you have the problem with training p. i don't think people appreciate how much training goes into creating even a basic infantry man or tank or, or tell, or even like to take up up to half a year to do. and they tried to not just transform con squared it few crating and con support ups. and to uh, basic infantry or, or other basic roles. they tried to create entire brigades with $4000.00 men each and created into a combined arms for this is something that would take years. they tried to do this in 2 or 3 months and the, the results are very predictable, absolute catastrophe on the battlefield. and yes, a lot of destroyed nato equipment. okay, alexander, i'll give you the last word. what's the next step, alexander elizabeth. the next step will be trying to get more radical speeches in order to bring down the rest of which will is highly unlikely to happen in this
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minute. i'm not going to say that these in parts of all of these highly unlikely. but what i see is that they don't have a weight back, they can't exit. they don't typically exit here in your opinion of the nato. so they really try to continue to bore, providing support for the brain as long as they're on the economies in their depressed systems, allow other water and then wait until day, some kind of point where they can reach out to russia and finally celebrate any kind of peace deal, but i'm a new without alexander what it will be. i, i've already predicted it does say, well the, we, we stopped the russians before they got into paris. we won. okay, we'll have some kind of crack pop line like that. anyway, folks, we have run out of time. oh, and i think my guessing band called lisbon and here in moscow. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. a next time. remember prospect the
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the the at the end of the 18th century, britain began to illegal opium, afraid in china. these hard drugs causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine, or businessman from the foggy l. b. on. however, the ruling chinese gene dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade which
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provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards severely armed and poorly drain chinese army was unable to provide adequate resistance. the ging empire was forced to hand hong gone over to england and open its boards for trading the leads of goods in 1856, france and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wells of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynasty and the do opium wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european state and started the age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on colossal proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of
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ordinary chinese, the entire body of rick sanchez. i've been to a news now for some 30 years to languages all over the world. here in the united states, i've interviewed for you as presidents and worked about 5 different us television stations. i believe, after all, about the new should be honest and direct and impactful. and this is direct impact . the i want to start with the word trends, which has become, interestingly enough, id ology, really a western ideology at that one that is going all over the world now. so i always used to do the.


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