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tv   [untitled]    October 9, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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right, the, the rail strikes causes great amadi mall. this idea of forces take a toll on palestinians throughout the night. around the sun, many civilians have failed to be trapped in the rumble. the gunfire rings out in jerusalem as how about spiders clashed with his ready forces in that city. america, receiving towards the conflict, sending a fleet of war, ship station off the coast of israel in a mood promising fine girl across the arab, well as an american senate to instructions to expand the conflict. suggesting now that america should fall, may ronnie an oil refineries. if, as bernard joins the fight against israel,
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the boy it is monday just when you think the world can't get any crazy yet. it does don't use knots right now. we're not to you tonight. so today does mock the 3rd day of what israel is cooling. of all the fighting has already claimed the lives of at least $700.00 is riley's and $400.00 palestinians with the numbers rising by the hour of the amount of weight on both sides is estimated to be in the balance are the ready forces. if i leave to another devastating attack on guys overnight taking a but i said he's great amadi mos. there's no official information on casualties yet. however, civilians are reportedly trapped in the temporary local se medical rescue. teams have been struggling to reach the side of the attack and the conflict continued all
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night long. we can show you a video of our guys are being bombed. sportage also shows what is reported to be is really ad defend systems repelling rocket attacks. the we have the night sky and gaza just lit up by these explosions. a refugee camp has reportedly been one of the targets of the idea of the calls that have to run into a full blown wall following the hamas attack that kicked off over the saturday morning. israel says the events are unprecedented. hundreds of it's civilians killed and taken hostage by militants, which of course has come to israel is response. the video is that circulating online repeatedly showing attacks on civilian infrastructure. people are trying to rescue victims from the rubble and take the wounded to hospital in total over 2000 having wounded in the stripes on garza and all this come soft. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu promised, quote, sylvia retaliation?
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well, that's the cost of life right now. to gossip local based drawing a son, i'll come out joining us now. what about 8 o'clock is that am here in moscow and where you are as well in gaza. so now the great most, because i understand the great amarion most has been target etiquette, can you give us any details that you know you've, you've got through the night so far? what do we learn this morning? a. d, a asked you this direction and has been out of mind on those dns here that we're living under the heavy, intensifying. is it a and it is dry, so on it is the btn facility. nothing. there is no, but there is not any really good inside the where that site is the only, but that, that's weird affective where civilians most on the look at on public good street to which the, which you lead to. it could be the data on that because you did that. and so for a 100, the under $56.00 a including with
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a $91.00 of children on the $61.00 of the woman as a, to be honest with you, it is here today to receive on this. they did a bore as a to be, i mean up in the whole both to do that to you with the, to be with you, be the price about the i can see that he just said to disobedience, who are on, on people, a feel free to pay the prize and the people they hear all the time it, they thinking that may be the distance to be killed by did the right. now we can hear the word is the plan and do they honor it? like i said, so the, the got the so i would say close to the women and maybe the woman had distributed to the stairs on the time. maybe the would be at the at the end of the, at this into the italy. i would say of this harding to accomplish between i or
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exchange, but between med is i the army on the sunset as. 7 the borders of basically yeah, yeah. and if it goes to your neighborhood, yeah, also a big shot. so be this up to the side as good as some people there to try to be at houses. let's say they cannot dispose of the heaviest. if i'm going to use it, i do so now if i, if i, if i, if i heard you correctly just to confirm you were talking about the fatalities when the overnight bombings have cost that you said 91 children. and 61 women, is that, is that correct? yeah, yeah, no, we have 91 children and 63 woman they, you will come by the, is that i don't. all right, i mean it's, it's been, it's been a allowed to overnight bombing campaign against cause. or as i understand, we've been seeing a lot of pictures from morgue. so funerals as well. obviously,
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obviously, palestinians have a lot of support in the arab world. but what is the, what's the sense and the way you are right now among every day civilians? how are you feeling now? it's dave 3 of what and y'all, it was courting a full blown wall. yeah, we have 2 sites. actually sometimes the civilians here a day of the answers why we took the the victims all defines. but when in the world some these on the ever tested on the that, that out of the out of atlanta, it's in mainly like in egypt and covered and then as well as the end of the law and given on sometime today. if it is, that may be a rational also, so for being in a human and at least saying that it's okay now they are not alone on the something like at optimism that they came to them that the was not to be late. and if the and
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on the go to places talks, yeah, it could even on the stage a of the end because it is the and then the other is i maybe told you that is that n as in jump any many times in god. that's a part of the only be attends on people who will chose to joining the 3 days. oh and i thinking does a lot and 90 probably open the icbm and do they with an inside that house and they just told they've done it and say, i've got their houses over their heads on the lights now and maybe they have the time for them to move into that it's, it's it on involved but as it on and so the answer to the law, i've loved from them and it will be in both the conflict with them, with the gaza, if they do like you to. so when so far is i type does that exactly with enough the
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last time that would be make a little bit buttons between a big pile or and between like and i yours. yeah, i don't have any choice as well as i'm out of the auditors. we know that the, the lebanese branch of hezbollah a is already supporting her mouse in the fight against israel does a, an iraq, the power many treat group as asking permission from baghdad. but it can come and join her mouth in the fight against israel. you've also got the taliban in afghanistan who evolved iran to help the time about to get to the middle east to help calm us again in this war. it does seem that the potential for an increased intensification of the escalation could be in the works. i don't know, i'm not where you are now. what do you think is going to be today? i, jenny, i'm not the, i'm not the knowing the looking for information about the,
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the military and committed the, the thinking of the outcome as or any other of the functions about the as i see and as a over the a what's happening get now and does all, i can confirm it to you that it was not for how months only. and then that is a is not finding how much the inside guns a it's a is a, was line to point time month. it should be fine. it's fine to those who are older, the now and is there any cities on sounds they can come through and become certified to it then and box it now in got to i'm talking about in got the center of does. i'm in the center of the cities of that is know how much the insurance ones are going. you cannot see any. i don't want to get them, but you can only see a lot of damages. i do, but they think destruction. it does say 10 in the does the upside down near with between only between the bike on the other day. so i did 3 ends. you to just one on
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to some one to support them and then it belongs to. is there any, could him, in other words, does the comb or take the phone my things now against them and go the economy bonds as well? law it on any other, any other? it said that would like to support how much is the issue is not to do to be an issue. but if it's a giddeons hearing guns, are they just one another and may be polar and strong slower. that was a challenge and a confront is that i knew that pressure was appreciate it. so it's worked against civilians and human rights organizations in guns on say that the is a known as comma dang, game we're crimes against civilians who are living inside did. did a bunch of help. all right, joining us at 10 past 8 in the morning on monday. live from god local john, was that so not come at all. thank you very much for your time. will speak to you soon. i a yard. let's shift now and check out the events on
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folding in israel. the more for the dresser thing online are reportedly showing public speaking and 5 is engaging in a shoot out with the idea on the outskirts of jerusalem gunshots could be heard in the background. is there any media reports that the color on the check point was 5 or phone so far? i know can find reports of any injuries, but let's show you the night sky over the city of ash cologne, near the gauze, or border of video film. and in the southern israel, showing incoming rockets from gaza, basically being intercepted by israel as a defense system, known as the iron, the police and the evidence cruise converge on the scene in the off the mouth of the strike, a deal with the wounded and clear the area, the city of ashburn has been a while among some of the most affected by. i'm us a times. how mass has released the video that fights and storming aboard a check point and entering is ready to retrieve. the record live showing taking is
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ready hostages during the encounter, and they forced their way through several blockades to engage, to shoot out. and there are reports of numerous and dead in these ready city of debt or near the gallons. a board is ready, forces have increased the presence by which is just full kilometers from casa, of course, they are engaging. how about the militants in that area of bodies of some of those present to the policy and southern israel border in gaza were found by volunteers. this, according to his reading media, the road to the open at ground is a strewn with abandoned cars and bodies. off to home us militants took over the day before have asked to send it on the so called a nature party, electronic music festival. some of the participants were killed, others captured, others escaped at the site. is there any media saying, emergency surfaces collected 260 bodies. and one idea of spokesperson said that israel has never had that many casualties ever in a single day before. it is the by saw this, the, the was the,
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it is really the history never before have so many is really is being killed by one single. see, let alone engineer, give it to you one day. if you're americans want to compare this to something in american history, and this would be a $911.00, the pearl harbor wrapped into one. so i'd have to get some more details here causing lots of bodies. murray, if an ocean or that she is, i'm or a good morning to you, one of the latest updates with the israeli military option. well, good morning to you is ro continues to try gaza as part of his ira, the swords operation here. and there were so then we here are 5 inches and helicopters flying towards this 3 ball was known, stopped, and last night was before us has to retaliation by these really on me. the idea of now reports that at least $500.00 targets in the gaza strip has been heat,
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including personal residence has all come off and probably stayed in as long as jihad leaders and also military training. science and storage is of course, but as gaza is a very densely populated and very densely built area, remember, this is what struck me the most when i visited this 3 earlier in may and in july for us, rose mosques, hospitals, even in residential buildings, are also affected by the air raised our colleagues from the ground, se news traits was left on damaged. and this is actually what these rarely leadership earlier promised on sunday is really officially declare the declared a stage of a more claim. and one of his goals is to completely and raised a massive infrastructure. but the thing is that it is hard to separated from any of them. it's a civilian infrastructure as it's we into the lives of our interest civilians. and
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so they turn out to be affected drastically, of course, because of the air raise over the on not the target. all these really are me. israel also were in the thousands to leave their houses, and that is not an easy thing to do for an slave. on the readings, the with closed boulders at this time, the idea of also now reports that they continued to clear the southern towns all from us. milton, who had managed to infiltrate israel. the remember, earlier in the army, a report says that they just cover it at least 29 breaches in defense. a separate racing is relative, garza and sir is off. that's the militants are still using these holes to go back and forth. and also the idea of suspects that's on the ground tunnels could be used by as in the middle, it tends to enter these really territory. and this information is now being investigated. we hear from the army service and parts of age really remains very
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tense and not secure at least 80 other off 7 locations where the red clashes between these really are me and her mouth militants. this is what's the idea of spokesperson has to say, you have a mass around a 100000 reserve troops for courtesy in southern islam for terry to execute the task that these really governments, as does it need to be audio to do. our job is to make sure that the details of this more from us no longer have any military capabilities. bethany is really meanwhile, the das toll continues to rise from both sides. israel says that it almost reached to the number of casualties in the 1967 more. one of the death is in these riley history back to you. yeah, maria, we just had
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a guest joining us live from gaza just a few moments ago. and she could hear as i could hear as well, what seemed to be as ready will planes are flying over gauze that just a few moments ago your into jerusalem is nearly 20 past 8 on monday morning. what are you hearing that? what is the situation now? early on monday morning. the light, as i said, is ro continues its arrows trice. and here in jerusalem, what we can hear is helicopters and find the address line in the skies, but also the ross and incidents on the ground. i have to say a one of those things, it is power institute is open fire at these really military escalade, to check points between jerusalem and romano, the capital of palestine. these really military fires back no casualties have been reported. and also later on sunday, these really police arrested to palestinians. here a rosalie, my whole carriage,
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i keep pop. star dev is mattress, is a nice and the suspicion is that they were planning an attack in one of the synagogues here in jerusalem. and also clashes have been registered in a short part neighborhood, which is actually a seeing all the classes between the local population and these really voted police . and also they were classes between palestinians and these really military in the towns of hebron and novelist in the north of his house, a seat in administration. so the situation remains very tenants here on the ground, the forest as part from gaza and the regions bolt during this trip. all right, maria, thanks for that. i will speak to you soon. i meanwhile, countries across the middle east have seen people rallying in support of palestine and the ongoing conflict. a jordan, for example, of mass of protest as conversion in front of the israeli embassy. and i'm on there
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boldly, calls on the government to to pull the is randy ambassador and, and old political relations with the jewish state into iraq unpack, is done with protests to tip the streets and set fire to his railey, and american flags and marches continued in a show of solidarity with palestinians with the thousands joining in but with the middle eastern countries. while iran has also expressed its support for the attack against israel, a correspondent has more internal. it is one of the long standing policies of these lockers all the time. wrong just firstly on encore, the player you take the sight of palestine, a conflict between palestinians. it is rarely somebody signed to the one who supported the attack against israel on like washington. javan does not regard as the initiator of the conflict. rather, it looks like the attack as a legitimate, actual defense i guess the use of oppression exercise bike as well. i guess the people palestine is this word and statement on sunday president abraham rise. you
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read it well, support for how much i'm going be escalation on. so the design is to is even if supporters are responsible for jeopardizing the security of the region and must be held accountable. muslim government should join the as lovick nation in supporting the palestinian nation. iran invites the whole world to observe the fact that the oppression and injustice of the oppressed palestinian nation will be faced with resistance. is also going to come awesome result strikes as an achievement for palestine and assigned to the house. the in the bushes are getting stronger and to face always ready forces. the morning is along with many other muslim nations, flocked to this race on saturday just for the hamas where you saying that it was a president. and in terms of scale and this talk to you most of how senior started out by off throwing stones are these ready soldiers and today they are firing missiles, initials haven't recent years repeated this statement time it again,
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debbie error rise over at is wells atrocities will not go on answers. design is through seems to know that the game has changed. war mongering is not aligned with their interests and the nation of palestine will win in this situation. so such as that was sent back in 1979 before the power was fine. as the 1st and foremost issue was the mall and has been trying to yeah, with ice international support for that house. the cost. so clearly you want does not believe it. any of the fees finish it as proposed by the west to setup a dispute between palestine and israel saying resistance remains the only way for palestinians to enter the cage long, complex for a while. but us as the biggest donor of military aid to israel republican senator lindsey graham is apparently looking to bring it in the conflict. he has said that he would take direct a at iran and its energy infrastructure. if hes blah joins the fight,
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i would tell a ron that it has flaw. attacks is rule. we're going to come after you the radiance and have a coordinated effort between united states and israel. to put our, our, uh, the oil business side as storing the refineries. there are 4 major refineries enter on their vicks targets. it has a lot of taxes. oh, i wouldn't make a wrong there. heavy price. these are empty threats. the u. s. has been off much more than it can to the united states is in trouble in europe. it's in trouble with china, and it's in no position to start. can you conflict in west asia? if the united states are really does try to strike a ron? then the retaliation will be very hard hitting and it will drive oil and energy prices through the roof and that will destroy the us economy. so united
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states political establishment is highly erases. it is very hostile towards the palestinian people and it shows that by supporting apartheid ethnic cleansing and the concept murder palestinians, literally every day and usually teenagers find, is raising, raising. so the nice easy way in no position to accuse iran or anything when they apply to the policy mean people only gets worse due to the fact that the united states gives this way. we regime full support and iran, as well as its regional allies on not are and is not and will not be intimidated by the united states. and they are like just a bit of support or as close as middle east. i. america, his sending now heavily on the aircraft carrier, and it's supporting fleet of warships to a station of the coast of israel. however,
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depending on chief lloyd often hasn't naturally disclosed any specific objective for that appointment. a response to this, how mazda attack on israel and following detailed discussions with president biden . i have directed several steps to strengthen department of defense posture in the region to bolster regional deterrence efforts. i have directed the movement of the us, us, gerald, our ford carrier strike. group to the eastern mediterranean. well, the striking group try that was mentioned that is on its way, consists of an aircraft carrier that is capable of launching guided missiles and is accompanied by several other warships. it has a deck of war, plains, 5000 sailors as part of the striking group as well. now it appears that the possible in taps, i'm sending the stripe group on this aircraft carrier to the region would be to block the delivery of any additional weapons to the mos forces,
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as well as to conduct surveillance. here is some more of what we heard from lloyd austin, us maintains, ready forces globally to further reinforces the turns pastor if required. in addition to the united states, government will be rapidly providing the israel defense forces with additional equipment and resources, including munitions, us present, joe. by announcing that they planned to increase the amount of aid they are giving to israel to offer more is a support to israel at this time. however, it's important to note that an ominous warning has been issued by how's ball law to the united states. here's what we've heard. palestine is not ukraine. if the us directly intervenes and what is happening in order to stabilize the collapsing regime, all the places of american presence in the region will become legitimate targets for the resistance. and we'll face our attacks on that day. no red line will remain . do you think it is that we'll see american weapons on the ground and they as well
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. mobile house, evening, gaza? well, the interesting thing about that is apparently there already are. so a, a video, a seems the surface now it's on verify showing some of the weapons that is really forces have recaptured from the ma spiders and it appears. these are us made weapons that that last forces have been utilizing congresswoman marjorie taylor green had this to say after the on verified video began to circulate we need to work with israel destruct serial numbers of any us weapons use, but how much against israel did they come from of denison, did they come from ukraine? highly likely balance is both. now at this point with the united states deploying the aircraft carrier strike group, it appears that this is more than a regional conflict. we still have to see how intensely this develops. uh, what comes out of this, but this is certainly a dramatic move from the white house. you have
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a good reaction to the whole idea of, of basically us weapons being sent and arriving, and starting hotspots around the world. though we were talking with john list and political analyst, john, for reality, you know, this is about nato happens to ukraine, says 31 countries. and these 30, what countries do not have the systems in place to track these weapons and where they end up all the cranes could be selling those weapons to 3rd parties. i mean, that's highly probable to us. of course just doesn't really even care because the us just wants to flood weapons or floods. ukraine with weapons. and it's, it's even strategic goals in the region. it really doesn't care about accountability and finding out, you know, really, where are these weapons going? unfortunately, you know, the us military is one of the least with the least transparent institutions in the world. you know, we as americans, we have very,
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very little idea of what's happening in the pentagon. what's happening to us military. there's almost no civilian oversight, whatever civilian oversight there is. it's usually a joke is just the facade, it's of, it has really very little credibility and very little leverage, little effectiveness. congress doesn't congress only exercise a superficial kind of built superficial supervisor to a supervisory functions over the military. and unfortunately, depending on his, the state within the state is little a kind of good, little bit little accountability to the american people. the rising conflict in the middle, latest pro, the international community to a voice has concerns with many advocating to finally result. a long standing crisis with some kind of peaceful supplement. as our correspondent not avoid conflicts may as changes between e sign and pad, a scene continues to increase the opportunity and has expressed office concern of the latest offering coincide is saying that it has grave consequences for the lives of civilians and post ability. the overall middle eastern region, the shapers,
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involved the african commission, most of funky, my, how much i said in a statement that denial of the fundamental runs off the tennessee people, particularly independent and suffering states. the main course off the tensions that are currently taking place. so i think i said that to the middle east is in desperate need of a critical piece process. and he's furnishing the full size of seized the opportunity for peace as opposed to violence. russia, as well as quote, for both the worthy sizes to set up a negotiating process aimed at to stablish a comprehensive, sustainable, and long awaited peace plan. with the home of the international community. this conflict which has been dragging no one for 75 years. he's no military solution and can be settled exclusively by political and diplomatic means through the stablish ment of a full scale negotiation process. on
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a well known international legal basis. china has come out to say that to the only way out of the conflict lines in the establishment, often independent palestinian state of the retiring conflicts between palestine and israel. full of demonstrate that the long term stick nation of the peace process is unsustainable. the fundamental way out to quell the posting in is rarely conflicts, is to implemented the 2 state solution and establish and independence bellas, city and state. so these statements, somebody this, they can take into fonts and canada, repeating the lines that east has the right to defend itself. the width says it is standing with is swap by all means i need to have equal see to run for the next american presidential election says upstate shouldn't hold for the ceasefire, but continue and quote, stand against evil. first, we have to make sure israel secured that's borders. the 2nd thing is we need to call on all the air countries and ask them where they stand on this. and they can't
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