tv The 360 View RT October 17, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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fortunately have suffered a lot, but whatever isn't hungry is capacity. we're doing that. we're interested in preserving this cooperation not only on the level of talks and meetings, but on the economic level as well. quotes the other meetings, for example, with the president the vietnam who also said the bushes. the relationship between now and russia is an incredibly important one for vietnam. that was of course, the family folks of the school. the visiting leaders were a rate for a filter problem. and of course, seeing that many of these critics, especially among western states, the opposite sex of these is it said the plan to isolate mush, i believe if you will, they, they must be very disappointed because it clearly shows the platinum, it has to be the isolated so they've set the, they have made it out to be who this is of course will happening on the sidelines
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of the both at road initiative course. many countries move with a 130 countries represented here either by tell me the ship or delegations will coming in seeing how they could move. so integrate themselves into this huge project for the as i say, today's date one, tomorrow they to of this, this huge for, for the a lot my colleague moran and i, me will be in next to take the stories for the i a michael porch. i have a great time ahead and by the
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there is one global business which is highly lucrative and rarely discriminate. sadly, is a business built on the evil trade of human lives and travelers prey on people of all nationalities, background in ages, sky now hughes. and on this edition of $360.00 view, we're going to look at why despite more funds committed to stopping the human trafficking business is generating more than a $150000000000.00. now legal profits across the globe. and why there is not more of a global push to stop the trade of our most vulnerable children. let's get started . the, the international labor organizations latest global estimates of modern slavery calculated 49600000 people at any time. are victims of forced marriage or forced
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labor. now additionally, 6300000 are forced into commercial sexual exportation. there is no region, country or continent which has a radically did the trafficking industry from its area that the asia pacific region has the highest number of victims of forced labor and marriage. accounting for more than half of the global total, $29300000.00. but the most prominent type of trafficking might depend on the part of the world. there are 3 main types of exploitation of victims, sexual, forced labor and other not wanna start in africa. now this is where force labor is the most common form of expectations. while here in the americas east, asia and the pacific victims are predominantly women who are being subjected to sexual expectations. however, in the pacific, in the east asia child trafficking is
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a higher prevalence than the americas and the americans, human trafficking victims are predominantly women subjected to sex or sexual exportation. the same is true of east asia and the pacific. however, there was a higher problems of a child trafficking then in the americans, which brings us to america, where the national center for missing and exploited children large more than $19000.00 child sex tracking cases in the united states alone. many of those through the southern border between mexico and united states. so why are countries having such a difficult time solving this crisis and well, many elected officials talk about it is stopping the human trafficking trade. really a priority for joining me now discussed as a senior rodriguez, who was the president of the elias for safe texas. and for nearly 2 years, she has made frequent visits to the texas border from the rio grande valley area,
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roma lodge jolla, laredo el paso. and she spent several months focusing on the del rio sector. were not at the border sheet. it can be found at the texas capital attempting to influence legislation to help $4.00 to $5.00, texas and the southern border. thanks for joining us, sheena. it is the world being given an accurate view of what the situation regarding the southern border of the united states. in regard to who is crossing many or crossing and what is happening to not only those who reside in texas, but also those who make it across. yes. so thank you. i appreciate that questions so very much unfortunately. no. um for, for whatever reason. um, most of the coverage of any border within the united states and the apprehensions that we're seeing is not being covered in just 3 years fiscal years alone. and actually, we're still, we still have a few more months left of this fiscal year 2023. we have seen over 6000000
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apprehensions in the united states, 6000000. that is more then the population of more than nearly 30 states, the worst that we are seeing encountered and not just the known, the known encounters. that's not including the known god of ways and the god of ways that are unknown. so the ones that are not apprehended or encounter cvp customs and border protection or otherwise known as border patrol. um so, so in unfortunately like we just had just earlier this week. um, just yesterday i believe it was that our governor, governor, governor greg abbott. just had a press conference down along the southern border inside here in texas, where i'm out in texas with representing nearly 25 governors, 25 governors of different states and demanding that border security is pushed to the top as
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a priority because of this massive influx that we are seeing, it's absolutely unprecedented. and yet the media was, for the most part, pretty quiet. this is unprecedented. the measures nearly half of the country are actually half of the country standing together and saying enough is enough. this is unsustainable. we cannot do. we cannot take this ar, resources are dwindling, we don't have anything left to guess. and yet there are caravans of thousands of more coming through the dairy and gap right now as we speak. and, and yet there's, there's no end in sight. and then from there, once they are apprehended along the border, they are then bust into or flown into transported into using united states taxpayer dollars into the interior. they're not just staying along the southern border where the northern border, their bus into the interior. i have met so many from, from various countries all over the world along my adventures and along the
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southern border. and yet the media remains silence. they, they may see when we have the uh, the haitian, the haitian, some call that the haitian invasion down in the del rio sector, or where the haitians were underneath the bridge and was about 14 to 20000 people. that, that, that got minimal coverage yet that is a snapshot of, of what occurs on a daily basis. so for whatever reason, unfortunately, no, the american people in the world is not being told the truth of what's occurring. many countries have issues with those legally crossing the border. why isn't the truth being shared? it's not like united states is the only one dealing with this issue. why are those who bring up the issue, demonized to another fantastic question. you are 100 percent, right? what we're encountering here in the united states is not exclusive, just to the united states, europe and all over the world is dealing with mass migration movements. and this is
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your regular migration. and the reason why we are seeing this honestly is because of the unit. and is because of the global compact of migration, where the powers that be on the global scale want open borders. they want this massive shift and there's various that they will cite climate change being the reason why the i, i forget their talking points to climate disasters. and that are occurring, these are events, hurricane storms of flooding. these are events that have always happened. right? but what is happening is that the united states is the number one funder, and that, that's how this is so tied to the united states, even though this is a global issue. but we're the number one vendor for the un. and then you have n g o's, non governmental organizations that operate on the international level, and threw out the various levels here in the united states and throughout the dairy
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and gap that are helping this mass migration, your regular mass, my ration movement that we're seeing across the world, so why when people people need to be asking themselves why i cannot tell you exactly why what their motivation is. i can tell you, however, that no one is winning. absolutely. what i have seen is, this is the mass expectation of human beings. on a global scale, no one is winning except for the criminal cartel organizations. the n g owes that are receiving billions upon billions, upon billions of dollars, to help to facilitate this. and the global leads that want to see this happen, and when you start to naturally get to the question of why and why then are those who are speaking out against this and pointing out how not humanitarian this is in the various issues that this causes. consequently, you are demonized. i have been called a trader. i am a spanish percent. he had been called
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a traitor of my own people. i am constantly just right here in my own state capital a texas where i try vigorously to, to try to fortify or state as much as legally and constitutionally possible. it is usually me and a handful of others up against. i kid you not boss loans that are brought in to that, that want to help open the borders more and fight against every thing that we push for us to try and, and secure or solver and border as much as possibly in our state legislator. and i have been demonized, i've been threatened and it's, it's outside of just a boiling it down to evolve motivations. i really cannot give you a, a same answer as to why this is allowed and why those who are honestly trying to do the right thing and to stop this mass expectation that that is absolutely, and it's unsustainable. i do not have another. another answer for you outside of
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just evil undertones. when traffic is discussed, we most often here referenced the move it from south america into the united states . but it's trafficking occurring just one way across the border. that's a very good question. so anyone who has ever been involved in anti trafficking knows that the border northern southern, along the, the, the, the seas and in the gulf has always been in a hub for trafficking in both directions. that's nothing new. again, what's new is the massive rate and the unprecedented measures that by which it's happening in occurring now currently, but a lot of overseas. so i do not have any statistics on it, on, on any truck measures that's going outside of our borders now, because obviously the book, this is the human trafficking and the human smuggling that's occurring going into the united states. however, uh, what i can tell you is that there is a growing number. one of the most common things,
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especially getting into mexico. is there trafficking and smuggling of drugs and guns and money? so while people are coming this way in drugs, they're coming into the united states, often what we're seeing going south or north or whichever border your as is the drugs in the money, the contraband things of that nature. and that is escalating and skyrocketing and once again, that is sitting who benefiting the criminal car to organizations and the trans national organizations that are operating, not just in mexico, but around the world. thank you, shana. now to the break, we're going to ask sheena to share with us what she personally has witnessed happening at the border. and why it seems no one is wanting to help. the children have been forced into traffic the
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the by most of the known. and we will pose what i mean, terms of got it in order for the lower authority community is the check i can be out. we will we, i drove you about that when i go to want to set up the temporary do me like what sort of issue being interviewed as utah. those are, you know, you guys want me to choose what is the idea and anybody seen in syria in the most, it won't be seen by easy. it's just what is it going to get? no, no, and i'm of course, it only opened was he got a gun that would allow us to send anyone at all. no, that's fine. the
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known in vietnam as the american war, the vietnam war lost its almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries. not any time right now and then you don't see it. now. what is all on the empty? hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to bank the south vietnamese on me. i got
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the american soldiers loaded resistors. most of us like the down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals and the li engine light up day bye. all right. did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the via the means? veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah, yeah. that's. that's a ways to go. yeah. welcome back. i'm scanning now hughes and you are watching the 360 view. we're going to continue our discussion with sheena rodriguez present. elias for safe texas. shita. what have you witnessed with your time at the border in regard to the
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children being brought over? um, well, i've witnessed, i kind of shared a little bit of some of those stories that i've seen. i think one of the startling things for me, i am a mother, i am 2 teenagers. one of the startling things that i witnessed also is, is, is the lies that they are being told they, these people are being incentivized to come. they're also being incentivized to send their children by the policies that are instituted within my country within the united states. and so with that being said, i think that there was one thing that has always stood out in my mind. there was one conversation. it was a, it was a mother or it was a woman with her to. she claimed that it was her 2 year old grandson that crossed over into south texas. um, watch them come over and we were, you know, having a conversation and i, when i asked her i, i tend to ask many of the same questions um, because it's triggering and, and there's a lot of them are very forthcoming with their responses and their experiences and
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when i asked her, why did you come? she had said that the reason why she came was because of installation that she, she made towards us back in guatemala and because of inflation, she can no longer make a profit in selling those tortillas. and in my head, i'm thinking more id and placed in here, see if in the united states all i'm your typical middle class american and my husband who works 2 jobs and i homeschool my daughter, we are struggling to put food in our table, right. so in my head, i'm like, well that's the why would you then still take this dangerous journey? most of them tell me, quite frankly, i knew that there was going to be dangers or upwards, you know, dangerous situations. i didn't know it was going to be this bad. and then she had explained to me that her grandson, that the, which is her daughter, that she had crossed over months before as an unaccompanied minor. and was living in, in the south western in the south western states. and she was hoping to rejoin with
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her. she had explained to me on how she was rob on how she was violently right on how her and her grandson an under were trying to dodge bullets from cartel that were fighting and the brush. and. and so then when i asked her will, would you come again? she had said that her daughter who crossed months before similar things that they were rate um, you know, is it stored in the entire week coming over? and then when i asked her, so what, what is your plan now? and she of course said that she was gonna meet up with her daughter that was living in the southwestern state. and then she said that she was going to save up money to send for her 14 year old daughter to come the same route and minds you. she had told me this as an unaccompanied minor, and she had told me this shortly after explaining to me when i ask them, would, would you do it again? would you do it again? so those who are coming here, what would you say to them? and she says, don't, don't do it, don't, don't do it, don't come. but then just moments later she was explaining to me that she intends
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to say about to bring her 14 year old daughter to take the same tractor as journey, knowing full well, what? the high, very high likelihood of, of the abuse and the rate that her daughter impossible death that her daughter may encounter along the route. um, so its mind blowing to me um that this has happened and people asked me all the time. she know what, why are people sending their children? and i know from many of the countries that i've seen coming over that many of them are not in moore's. you know, we've seen here in america, we saw with the afghanistan debacle people lifting their children and handing them to the united states soldiers overseas wire concertina, wire razor walker. and that is a very destitute situation. i'm in no place to judge. i can't even imagine what i do know is that most of more than 99 percent of the people that i've encountered, that i've spoken to by their own admissions are coming over for economic reasons. these aren't necessarily destitute situations. these are that they're looking for
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better economic economic opportunity. and it's hard for me to, to, to come to grass knowing that they are anticipating and expecting even some type of possibility of, of a dangerous situation. but even when they're coming over, they're not sending that message back home. they'll tell me and reporters or no, i don't, don't come, don't come. i women who are crying. i girls who have just been rate on the us side and in the no man's land, what they call them. no man's land is like an arizona, a friend of mine who's a reporter, had captured the moment where this woman walked across the, across the stabbing arm. because they were trying to, on the united states soil, these criminal cartel gang up. they know that this is no man's land, that there's really no jurisdiction. no law enforcement is there and they robbed them. they raised them, they were attempting to rape her. they, they,
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they had pushed her boyfriend who she was walking over a side. and because she thought back they stopped or, and by the grace of god, she was able to walk around. but then they're not sending those types of stories back home. instead, what the cartel are promoting is like this travel agency coming out of these, the routes that you can take. these are the deals that you can get and see how great it is they. they will literally show on social media the clusters of people and how easy it is for them to move them into the, the, the us southern border. it's quite, quite frightening and very, very disturbing. so i think i'm and to know that children are being put into these situations because of the policies is very disturbing. are all use being traffic for sexual reasons? or are there actual other purposes? right now with a labor trafficking that's going up a lot of these unaccompanied miners that are coming over, especially the older ones. 1617, you know, a 13 year old american teenagers are different in many cases and
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a 13 year old from guatemala interest rates. i'm so a lot of them are coming over possibly labor tracking. that's why we're seeing this massive spike in the labor drafting that's occurring. we didn't know if anyone that's familiar with the sex trafficking, not just giving united states, but around the world. anyone who's being honest, will say that the numbers, the know members of cases of sex traffic thing are far under under reported. it's nearly impossible to be able to get any accurate reporting on it. but this insistence of that is frightening. but then of course, you do have other situations where because our policies are incentivizing it, that they are sending them as unaccompanied minors or force families separations because they have a better chance of coming in. and then they hope to go and resettle cuz they have family in new york or in florida, or one of the middle uh, midwestern states or california. um and, and their, their hope it says incentive ization. the incentive is asians that are bringing in
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there. so to be able to stay that they're all being brought over for 6 trafficking just simply that there is no way to actually measure that. it could be because they are legitimately looking to be very unified for a better opportunity here in the united states. but their family that's living here or that is planning on coming up here at some point or but there is, of course that those clusters um that those percentages of those that are being forced into labor traffic thing. and then of course ex, trafficking. so it's kind of multi, very various different reasons as to where some of these children may be going or situations where these children may be going. in regards to tracking how our families and young people tricked into crossing borders from africa, asia or south america into the developed world. and do they ever escape and make it back home? there is such a thing as self deportation, right? and that's where, and we're seeing this i, i've spoken to people who have encountered individuals trying to go back into
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mexico. uh, they're like, you know what, this is not what we signed up for that. and that did happen under other administrations as well, where it's the incentive is ations are not there and they can not make it then they, they go back home under coat that as well. we saw a lot of that where they were going back to their home countries because many of them lived in rural areas and they thought that would, that would be better for them health wise. but with regards to look, i have seen along the southern border and the united states in texas and in arizona, i have encountered people from china, russia, who's becca, span tajikistan, georgia, several different african countries i, there's more than a 160 countries that are crossing over illegally and see the united states. and the reason i can attest to those who have told me by their own admission that they have said that the reason why they came was because they saw essentially like
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infomercials on programs like telemundo and central and south america. for example, saying this is the route to tech, this is what you'll get when you'll get there. this is no, i cannot substantiate those things, but i can only go by what they're saying and i have all of this documented. and again, it is a message that is being sent around the world. the united states is open and it's the same thing like over there in europe. if, if, if the elected officials are not willing to stand up to your local organizations and networks like the u. n and the n g owes that are helping to facilitate this, helping to financially assist in this. and this global, you know, add movements of a irregular migration for the various reasons. it's, it's, it's, it's, it's a wide open. we have nothing to stop it so that message gets sent across the world . and then there are, it's a whole network with these
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n g o is. that's where these angles are. the biggest is this whole network will. they will show them, tell them this is where you go. this is how you get there will help you get a plane. tickets i've met people from russia made it to, to yuma, arizona, and less than 72 hours because within 24 hours they were on a plane, you know, down to central america. and then from there they take other planes and buses. again, according to their claims, and i've seen documents where they have these different n g o, say this is where you go, this is where the conflicts are in these countries. this is how you, these are the different angles that you can go to for help in 8 and resources. this is all orchestrated. it's not like somebody just wakes up from africa and goes, you know, i want to make it to the united states and then it, and then they just magically appear. this is an orchestrated effort and i know that this is happening across the world. the same thing that we're speaking of is a clickable across the world. that's where these n g o is really come into play. is that they help an aid and assist in facilitating
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this a regular migration, and never once expressing the truth and the dangers that they're going to encounter . and then not just that the truth of the reality that whenever they get there, our research, we have no resources. like i said, we can't even take care of americans. so, and that's why you see the debacle. like in new york city and texas, but especially new york, massachusetts where just hundreds um are just littering the street because they have no where to go because the reality is we have no, we don't have any resources. so i hope that answers your question that it's, it's, it's very dire situations so, and i appreciate your questions. there were phenomenal. thank you. it's sheena rodriguez to talk about and global trafficking requires sustained and collaborative effort from multiple stakeholders. the action must come from a club ration between government, individuals, and organizations. only together,
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it will contribute to the larger goal of eradicating trafficking and the protection of human rights for all the guy. now he, using this has been it your 360 view of the news affecting you. thanks for watching the there's many problems in us society now the facing because of the, their model is again, it's not able to fulfill the expectations of people using growth in, in, in, in homeless mass us and growth in poverty. so there's a lot of traffic ations on the people who say so that they need to find a way to, to vote for, you know, solving their own problems and not trying to police the world. the
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discovery st. continue to rain down on the, on the west bank with the kind of thing in depth total. now solving 3000 wanting, you may want to pull the images, disturbing. the dozens are believed to be expensive. under the rubble of this select residential building as emergency work because i live who's the project, the big live deputy. let's divide the complete siege on guys that may not be considered as law for temporary evacuation and would therefore amounts to a 4th of.
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