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tv   Cross Talk  RT  October 22, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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of direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the hello and welcome to the ground stuff where all things are considered, i'm capable of, of defense minister go on says israel will wash its hands of guys that once it is completed its ground military operation and vanquished a mouse defied ministration is given israel, the green light to conduct its military operation as it pleases. the goal, of course, is to completely erase palestine and its people from the map the
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to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, martin j america. she's an award winning journalist and commentator. and in budapest we cross the george samuel we. he is a pod cast, read the gamble, which can be found on youtube and locals. right, gentlemen, cross up rules and effect. that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate it. but it's going to george in budapest, um we have the commander in chief, the president, the united states, joe biden, given address from the oval office like none other in the history of the american presidency. it was deranged. it was a special pleading. it was full of the bearers assumptions, prejudices of, i've given enough batch attempts. george, what's your thoughts this good? probably like a be more accurate. they observed, i can't think a lot of them. it was absolutely disgraceful speech. it filled with hatred and completely one sided,
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a branch it as bigoted. view of, uh, what's going on in the middle east. and it's all of a piece with everything that he has done since. um october, the 7th, which is that it hasn't stopped the yapping about what happened to his room. he hasn't said anything, it's all about what's been going on and goes, he hasn't said anything about the siege of gauzy. ever said anything about the, the mass a soul to taking basing? gaza, he, he managed very quickly to say, oh, this really wasn't responsible for the attack on the hospital. he got got back in the right on time. and um, and then much of the speech didn't even have anything to do with the middle east, which was supposed to this the this or if it got back on the jewish people, which itself is of course a lot. um, but it was about about ukraine about how are you know, the terrible things that have been done through your brain and how it so it's so absolutely urgent that we do something for you crime. and of course it is, well,
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absolutely dishonest, because if he really wants to come up with money for israel or come up with money that you buy and he has it is the he doesn't, the congress, he has emergency funds at his disposal. he can always the us presence of what was done that george w bush did that. he doesn't need congressional appropriation. so this is all, again, a political stance a to present somehow that the horrible mean republicans, you know, on the, on board 1st these great, the noble goals that the, the bite and the has in mind. you know, you know, mark, now 3 of us can remember all of the camp, david's meetings with arrow to the all these really leaders the now to multiple administrations. but this administration, they, their, per simon, the brother name of error muslim world right now. i mean, the, the president biden was snubbed, which is very rare. okay. it with what's called what nominal allies. ok. i mean,
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it's really quite extraordinary. and it's george said, you know, as much as he wanted to emphasize israel. he was looking for money for ukraine, and i agree with george here, but he wants congress to be comfortable in all of these things. it's me because he wants to make sure that no one is absolved is you know, good, you passed it, you voted for your be your be matching my politics. this is what it, this is what this is all about. okay? and it's, it's interesting home didn't, you know, who did exactly the same thing with multiple western leaders. ok. so everybody, no one can say, you know, that you weren't curved martin? i think a little bit, it's about as legacy as well. you know, he's obviously thinking about every election. i mean, i see sleepy general anymore. i don't know. go ahead. well, i said the phone your program. i written miles it goes, but i do wonder how he'll make it to the next re election. but the end of 2024 with this is a mental states of deterioration all the time. he gave
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a speech just recently and i don't know where he spoke to the person actually called his microphone, actually watches up, you know, that's how bad it is when. when joe starts debris and he's got people to jump in very quickly and drop the levels on the makes the case as they started playing jazz music. okay, so betsy's q 2 big right now. let's not talk about jazz music and by the unblinking playing the blues, i'm in a, it's, there's a really also meant going around on the internet of the opening can playing the some, some blues music and somebody is edited in all these opponents. you know, um, seems of goes up behind to it, but it's on judge. unfortunately it said it's the way that we were living in the unprecedented times. we've never seen anything any say like, what's going on now and goes and you talking about terabytes of speech. i have to apologize to the page. i didn't see it. i didn't wish it this much. but you know,
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the, the book is very, very confused on policy is never been this thing and he's just messing up on a glorious level. i mean, there must be people in the white house that are running around, you know, in a panic because with the situation now where you have this, the real story for me. and because a is this day to day negotiation, this horse trading between the board, the ministration, and this new who is the dog, and who is the town, who's actually running this entire operation. you know, we, we have completely whitewashed air brushed out the entire subject of 50 is what the patient that doesn't exist. that's not popping up on any of the photos. that's not, that's not even published narrative, you know, it's, it's no, it's worse. that's a to come us talking point, that's what it gets down to it, you know, towards, you know, i talked about this a lot. i mean, when we look at the situation in ukraine, we look at the situation, but gaza and israel. these are all craven choices. these are choices people make.
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okay. and you know, we've had to meaningful attempts that britain, having some kind of peace process and you've crane detailed by the west, by the americans. we, we haven't even heard from this white house, you know, restraint, negotiations. we haven't even heard those words and then you have the european union running around like it's, if i could check in with it's getting cut off. ok. you know, in support of israel, i mean, why it's never really explained. these are craving choices. george? exactly right. they are, and i think the biden is who he has always been. i me, yes, he's the more demented uh, big in now. and his office is suffering severely from dementia, but he has always been a neo con. i mean, right from the style of his career, you know, 19 seventies and eighties. he has always been an avid intervention is an avid spokesman on behalf of the us phone policy making your lead. and, and he is,
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this is what he is about, you know, big game back in the ninety's. he was the most rabid, good advocate for bombing the subs. and so it isn't surprising that in his approach the lease, he kind of made it focused on where, you know, where, where is the, the foreign policy media and military industrial complex position. this is it, any, any sites i'm not going to even make the slightest pretense as previous presidents have done all being even the hand, it is right away. just think complete the identify themselves with israel and the n, as i said, she hasn't stopped tool. okay. another one thing which was the attack on october, the 7th, nothing. it's all about anything that's happened since then. and again, it blinking, it goes to is wireless. as i come here as a june, i mean if you scroll up for a secretary of state, again, normally the united states as bill, supposedly the owners broker,
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the mediator of naples, he doesn't do it now on the question of ukraine. it's a game he is. this you, this policy very single mindedly, which is the side without any and all attempts to come to some sort of a settlement. so it's just been an interview. bob, based with former chancellor gerhard schroeder, was a he to, at been involved in the early days of mediating something between ross and your brain. he to, and he's explicit about, it was rebuffed by the united states. that's who he is and nothing is that he has said since october, the 7th would indicate any american interest in any of them for some sort of. uh, yeah, but when, when makes this really, you know, sense of cole and even really dangerous. martin is that, you know, when you look at the correlation of forces around israel, this is map 20 years ago 25 years ago. we have um hezbollah, which is a very potent political for in political and military boards. and um, instead of,
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you know, taking the, taking a step from the away from the of this is there actually encouraging aiming to the point where do you think the biochemistry, she really wants a, a total out because they want total victory. so you're gonna have to make a total commitment, go ahead marble, and that's where the that's where the dilemma risk will apply to any wants to. it wants to support as well as much that kind of mentioned, you know, who is nice dream, but he hasn't got the bills. he hasn't got the class really hasn't got the, the a, the money in the bank to go. this was 9, you know, it's, which is what i think it was a huge mistake to send the site before 5 to store is on the coast. because i, i know i can understand the logic behind that. he was showing support to these rarely to say i'm the, if you need me, but you can't do the was just a token because when you do that, the hesper uranium, joe, you're really playing russian roulette, you know, with not one bullet in the 6 round chamber but 3 bullets you know, you know, spinning the barrel and, you know, who knows what will come out of it. the real worry for me is by them is out of his
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depths. doesn't really understand the implications of jordan has split way around, inter regional these really is no, they comp site, a war on 2 fronts. it's just too big. it's 2 extreme and the americans have never ever support and with such a venture. so what do we got left with go a lot of the paper tigers in the room pretending to to be powerful netflix and their muscles. but at the end of it it's just a narrative and lies. i'm an installation one, that's a meal. heavens. do it is he's squeezing, but he's got him by the throat and he's saying, look, i can easily exterminate only a 1000 gallons of people tomorrow. they can drop dead like flyers. how you're going to handle that politically in your country with the press. you know, he's going to that type and that's what this hold to monetary, of so called project isn't what about learning 20 trunk st. 20 trucks? the extending your argument here and i'm of name this program,
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the rate racing palestine because that's what it's all about. okay. and it's about me made now for you. there may not be another opportunity coming in that, you know, get, you know, every time there's a crisis, it's turned into an opportunity for these people here. and that's what, that's what i'm netanyahu's government wants they want. they want to me, they want to be able to commit an atrocity and get away with that george, like mike dropped ideas of what i think so, but i think it's a doomed thing. sure. to erase, and i mean these are, it has tried that before with not any great success. i mean, it's problem is that, you know, yeah, we're going to erase by and so i'm going to invest, we're going to do that. and the other bed you actually have to do it. you have to go in there and do the job. and israel, as shown, is up in the boss to be on willing to do that, that job because it was in type of, sustain, didn't know, most casualty, is it so, and he doesn't want to do it well, you know, we have to talk about, you know,
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tens of thousands of but that is rated and is rarely shown, and then it's not willing to do it. so at the moment, i mean, it's all bloss there. i mean, you know, weeks go by and i haven't done anything. you know where we're about to go and we're about to go and maybe they will. but from everything that we know of israel in the boss, they don't actually like the getting the hand to hand combat like an polarized. they can style, they can deny medical treatment and so on and you know and threaten, but they don't like sending in their infantry a lot of traffic chance. i'd be happy to have a hard break here. and after that hard break, we'll talk about the possibility of israel's land war against gouter. stay with r t the
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the, the a. welcome back across stock were all things are considered in peter a little this is the home addition to remind you. we're discussing some relevance the
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let's go back to my, let's talk about the possibility of a land war here. over the last few days, pep talks from the defense minister got go onto the troops. you know, next, you can see guns over there soon. you will see you guys have room with in him the all the some you know, psych ops you know for the, for the media and all of that. but realistically, i think it's weeks is george, as already mentioned in the 1st part of the brother. it's very, very problematic, but the problem is, is it, mark me, the israel's calling card in the region is been deterrence. now that deterrence was undermined on october 7 in a major way. and it's only the turns in fear that keeps is real safe within what, what it doesn't even define its borders. but what would it be when it calls itself the state of israel, but it needs to get that deterrence back. or else some,
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there is a whole world of bad things are going to happen here one way or another martin? yeah. the main bad thing is that the possibility of deterioration or a complete collapse of israel as we notice, i don't think that's an exaggeration. i think that's what the stakes all i mean, and that's and you know, who knows that seats, he's got some of the political pressure on him to pull a rabbit out of the mothers is really explained to filter with a sense um, but i don't think most is really, is up behind him with this idea of uh, a new slot, a new campaign on the guy that was 11 to 7 years i've come, which is around a lot. and i can tell you one of the list or best kept secrets in the middle east, is how pull these really is when we talk about infantry. because are the tank single grace investigated with an to cover their force. but the infantry infantry man on the ground boots on the go, is what is known as all that good when they and when that was proved, when they took on the hezbollah 2006, that was the i reported on it, you know,
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and that's the big worry from this and you can send in time divisions into cause some of those times we blown up some might be captured, you know, when the real flashing, if he's gonna take on has, has blood. so i'm just gonna take on. so it how much in, in the, in guns that will be on the ground, it will be soldiers and how many, what's the, what's the magic figure out? how many can you afford to lose? and how many can you know afford to lose? i would say 100, so i wouldn't go with judges figurative thousands. i would say when it goes to $56700.00 idea of soldiers slow to me. it's good. they. but the dilemma it takes to me afford not to go in george. you know, that's it. kenny, i forgot to go in, what do you need? he has options, i mean, he can basically take a time to buy them and, and off by doing really well, why don't you tell me not to do this once it's only pay you bought it? i'll do is you buy the, we don't, we don't want a, a, a blood by some, right? well if you say so i'm not going to do it. so that's
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a way to get out of it. just as while i couldn't do anything because the americans, you know, stayed my hand and, and i, we've gone for that with the americans. so that is a way that he can get out of this. so, i mean, i mean i, i don't disagree with the mobility you made. it may be hundreds. i mean, it may, may be thousands, but the fact is it is the way it has lost hundreds in the past. and bullying was and you know that and they bench to overcome them because victory. it's a, is, was a successful at the end of the road. totally. they lost about a 1000 people in the ninety's 67 war. but nonetheless, they continued in a breaking out of a champagne for years subsequently. um, but in this case, it's small to see what this victory would look like, a little bit to destroy it. how about so, i mean, how much is, you know, it's all about it and then not just going to go in and the big, the mouth house, the house that is a very, very messy operation. not just house that house that have to go to the tunnels and everything that's, that's all gonna be an easy task in regards to all the tunnels. so, you know,
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you know, they just like they lose even, you know, several 100 ext, uh, several 1000 without any successful outcome of the and, well then that will have been a failure of the been negotiated. you know what, how far with israel go, and that's an interesting question. how far is israel willing to escalate is, is a willing to use nuclear weapons and what else do you say that? no, no, no, of course not. i don't know is that you can say the same thing about israel. oh, i think it's very much on the table here because the stakes are so high because market we've just heard over the last what 2 weeks is that, you know, we don't negotiate with terrorists. the is really government doesn't want the big o'shea with a mouse over hostages guitar is doing that. you know, other a n g o's and whatnot, l o. and then you do a reverse in decide, we're going to leave a standing after everything that's been said in the words matter works matter a lot. and he, you can, um, you know,
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the words were bells who kept on ring the ok. and this is the dilemma again, i keep stressing this was, these are all been choices and no reality is sitting in here and, and again, like i said, martin is that it's the charts they've lost that. go ahead. oh yeah, they listen to turn some i think if, if, if much time policy is nothing you know, who will lose the credibility of being this great will top is great. need to choose me. i think he's already tubs that mean that the whatever resolution there is, he's out the door. i would i to be as a plane on the tarmac, the old up go ahead to get to go back to george's point. the um, i think is right. i spent, i think the time the so now in the most luxury center is that he doesn't launch a huge ground offensive. and he doesn't need to be what i believe very strongly. and i've been lost it on the internet for saying this. i think they're looking at a policy of repeating the holocaust. i think they want to stop hundreds of
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thousands of dollars and you know, they don't need to send the soldiers in, but how much, you know, the, the effect that i would have on own own, unless it would possibly might break the will of a lot of young man or you know, with that that's the way these ways are thinking and if button is not strong, this button is not so you know, we, we will see a west, a consistent west that is some lives to, to these are realities that are looking at and they will just close their eyes and pretend that this is really happening on both sides. we'll be talking americans these raise. are we talking about a political conundrum? you know, we would just tell me we can't quite decide what to do. but in the meantime, another 100000 people just dropped dead light flights. you know, i think that's possibly the main things that mission, yahoo is, is lucky to gentlemen if there isn't a land in encouraging a land invasion then with martin is just said there is the policy is and, and um, from what i can tell, i obviously do not watch cnn, but i,
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i've been told in the last few hours that they do all of their reporting from comfortable places and tell a be been jerusalem. they don't any images, any images of gaza at all. okay, i just talked to people on board the unfortunate people that have their loved ones, like the captivity in and the gaza strip, but that's about it. so my point, george is the reinforce. what we've just been said here is just go report on it just as the population is cold. it's a cali george. yes, it is a thing that i'm going to see just guys. a we'll continue with is obviously the objective in mind, or just simply kidding office population. but even of cnn, those are important. even if the less than a public won't know very much about the people in the mid least will know about it . and again, it will have, israel will have different so this avoiding a wide scale wor, um,
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because the people, you know, his father will know about this. i will know that you are basically just starving a population to death. and that would still is, or it will still have that problem on his hands, which is that his bottle will get in. i mean, they'll be able to someone, i mean, start tomorrow. and i think that's an excellent point here. so if we, if we set a, we agree that the land invasion is just type in will be in, in, in lieu of another policy. but basically, the ethnic cleansing, do you think hezbollah would stand by and in the, in watch? because that's the theory of the case right now is that israel is hesitant to have a lining basement because it will, uh will be. it will see a testable intro the of the conflict on the side of the palestinians. but even if the policy is just starving, the mouth calling, do you think has beloved would intervene even under those circumstances? at some point? yeah, i mean, it has brought me wrong just in a country to what ms. west,
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none of this might like to see it has been running around playing very, very cool, cause keeping very cool ads and watching the day to day um, situation development. i think if we get that point where we're looking at what is clear, that is the policy, then i think you'll see at least a certain amount of destruction. destructive attacks from has been the scuffles across buddha exchanges that govern heights exchange about to read that will be the end of the glitch. and then they'll see how is real in a place that the big worry here, the religious but you know, a little while right now, but this is going to escalate originally. and i wonder if that's now who was thinking of the know them both a and another war with a, with his blood as a, as account to wage to what he's not doing and done so, you know, he might think there okay, victories to the americans. now, the hezbollah has approximately a 100000 rockets, which are quite sophisticated. and our program as we speak,
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targeted to cumulative installations, power stations for government buildings, you know, and there's, there's no way that they're gonna, america is going to allow that to happen. but the worry is miscalculation and the worry is that we are being treated by netanyahu and a certain point he will create a full flag attack between hezbollah and those american ships. and that's my work. that's what i think the, you know, huge. it is excellent. and our suspect, george, why is the united states supporting israel the way it does mean? what is the strategic interest security interest? this is what the photos me is confuse me all my life. one question. yeah, yeah, no i, i don't know what's answerable, i'm putting george on the spot as i easily do, but he does. it usually comes back with a good one. go ahead or. yeah, i don't know if i can come up with a good one because i don't think it's a very good on simple this. never has israel done anything at all for the united
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states, the strengthened the united states as position of the united states as formulated its foreign policy. and what was the beginning from the time that the state of israel was created, which was solving the refugee problem adhering to resolution to, for, to withdrawal from the occupied territories, no settlements. and eventually a 2 state solution. all of these positions of the, the american government has of head to this royal, this just basically defied the united states. we also know about all these things like the of the back on the us as deliberately which was never explain, you know, the family, you know, go on and on is or it has never done anything. it's all like nights the states. but yet the united states is continually showering gifts on israel and also getting nothing in return. and you know, it's really interesting getting me up and down this point here, but going back to bite and speech jesus. uh, absolutely, to, to the,
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to the hilt supporting 2 s no fanatical regimes, one in israel, and one in ukraine. where are those rules space to order the most base order? gentleman, i don't know, or a gentleman that's all the time. we have one to think, my guess americans and in budapest i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. and next time, remember a girl samples the when i would show they just don't have to shape house because after kids and engagement trails, when so many find themselves world support. we choose to look for common ground, the
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the, the press one now. and yet the children here, i'm telling you that have died because of the united states government's funding of this since less more. somebody baby stars, the bill of the. so we're currently being shown here in a civilian populated area versus people the are you, how are you?
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i'm great, thank you. how are you was, you know, what am i feeling now? uh, i'm ready to get into there and tell the american citizens what's truly happening. whereas one now, and yet, am i scared now? now maybe when we get there, we'll see how everything changes. how did you post uh, an appraisal about uh, america, and if something were to happen to me while i am in the zone, then of course it would be because of american in western supplied was very everything. and right. my name is to serious maximus crane. i'm 45 from the united states. so before it became
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independent journalist though, as medical professional medical management, worked and laboratories, i used to make a videos for different news platforms. and then i was the platform because i feel that was my government is doing is corrupt. my family came from brussel to america over a 100 years ago. so was always in my heart to come home. i would say coming home was that it was a priority as well why we stop touring, the warm.


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