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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  October 30, 2023 4:30pm-7:53pm EDT

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daytron season sustainable economy developments and health care in west africa, the latest intervention bring some jeremy supports to acquiesce in the last decades to nearly 500000000 zeros. the chancellor also said that continue to work with the block to address and security code of task infrastructure, a deficit social development, and electrification the shots of a strip to my dear. it seems odd stress in bilateral relations with the country, and it is his 1st visit since bought suitable assumed office in may. it is not clear what the shotzel and presidents, tunable, this costs for early advertisement said. german authorities are looking to my dear for natural gas. you said that was quote, much more corporation and investments with off it goes top power producer and full material has the biggest gas reserve in africa, accounting for nearly 33 percent of the continents gas reserves. germany has been
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important and large quantities of food are from nigeria, but no gas. the country is seeking to feel it's economy and dr. energy trends season sauce is expected to proceed to late us mondays, often and my dear in german business conference, and they're off to visit ghana, tennessee, abuse archie aboard nigeria. i believe we spoke to a down the god, the a full my nigerian presidential hopeful the state to the gym and he made a huge mistake. bi limits in russian gas and ports. so i think, i think it is. uh, let's see. so a couple of more trunk us, which is cheap uh, which 5 directly into the bottom in the extra info i made it kind of very pricey, very expensive. and um, i have been trying to just come on that double throw on a test, you know, need to grab me spending the ones to move for sure. if i need to come a very positive development for tonight. so decided to move forward. i did as
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a market, so in the winter to to play the content of missions to impress. i think the all the might be very but, you know, for, for the she can euro, but, you know, turning out to be would force. yeah. so eventually you become available to buy us guys and defend like i do that i just the mission whole that i've been there we go to come and do that. but i mean, if it was above just returning the 1st place, um let's do a one and then destroying the customer. brandon company, a country. let me find a company here and i'll see international coming up next minute. a child has the latest episode of modus operandi. we'll talk with more news with them the because you're going in being cut off from the world. israel continues to deny
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god's that everything needed to stay monitored line. in the meantime, the west, collectively terms of like died to the collective, punish palestinians, the the hello, i'm manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi. she's brash file now influential and very powerful among the circles of the elite of both parties here in washington, dc. no, i'm not talking about hillary clinton. i'm talking about victoria newland today. we'll examine just who this woman is and why she wheeled so much power, having never been an elected official. alright, let's get into the m o the she's got lots of nickname, the madam of my down. butcher, the north stream,
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siren officially so she's the unofficial number 2 at the state department makes sense. victoria and jane newland, the child of an eastern european jewish father who was a surgeon and a christian british mother. she was born in 1961. she went to the prestigious brown university, but not much else is no nor, or told about this so called career diplomat. she joined the foreign service back in 1984 and has since clod her way to the highest echelons of an elected power in the us. at one point, young victoria was a political officer at the us embassy in a new post soviet russia from 1991 to 1993 in 2005 under george w bush. she was the 1st female ambassador to nato. if her resume existed in
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a vacuum, it might sound quite impressive, but the reality of her career has had real life consequences for a great many people. so joining us to unpack this so called career diplomat, it is garlan nixon. he is a political analyst and co host of the critical our on radio. sputnik garland, thanks for joining us. so 1st your top line thoughts on ms. victoria new and what's her place in the us political elite class? i think victoria newland represents a particular audiology independent in the, in the elite class, a class. it is a very confrontational, expansionist, and in my opinion, i would argue a fascist ideology. one that believes in using brute force, while they pretend to be intellectuals, they pretend to be, you know, uh,
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you know, to use their thoughts and their education and their background to determine their future and determine the course of america in, in, in, in truth. these people are, i mean, and i hate to use this term, but i consider the knuckle draggers. these are the people who see the world through the lens of, you know, fangs and cause us are viable. if you have the biggest findings and the biggest clause, then you can rule the jungle. and they seem to believe that they have a right of that america and, and when i say america, i don't mean the united states. i mean the ideology that they, for us america is the dominant ideology and culture and should be dominant throughout the world. so i think they're a very dangerous group of people because of their fact the fastest nature of the ology, the authoritarian nature of their audiology. and most importantly, most importantly, their contempt an anger for anyone who disagrees with them at which,
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which enables me inevitably means this, that the anger and the brutality and the tactics that they use towards their adversaries outside of their sphere of influence. the rush is the china is the around, is it cetera will be turned inward. they do not differentiate in their anger between external adversaries and internal adversaries. that's why they talk. they've talked about using their tools from the war on terror at home. they use terms like the domestic terrorism, basically they see their adversaries internally or externally asked people who must be vanquished. they don't believe in democracy. you can look at her erstwhile conrad. tony blinking, who his the, who under blinking the state department does no democracy. and they simply do aggression. so i think that victoria knew, and we can talk about her as the individual, which is certainly
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a valid discussion to have because as an individual based on the results of her political actions and political with the nations, a lot of people have died and a lot of people at people's lives have been disrupted, but i think it's a very important to talk about her through the context of this vicious neil con ideology that she represents. yeah, she sounds lovely. so right now, speaking of the state department, she is temporarily spitting in as the number 2 at state. she's the acting deputy secretary of state, because when the sherman stepped out earlier this year, why hasn't joe biden ordered a confirmation hearing with congress for victorino? and i think that while the neo cons are unified in their, in their belief that military aggression and economic coersion are the most
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important tools of empire. i think he also, he joe biden, and his team also recognize that it can be quite off putting to the public. i think they also realize that there is a, an element in the republican party, a populist element, the mag a element that finds these neo cons very distasteful. i think they also recognize that while they can control of the, the main stream, part of the main stream, elements of the republican party, that there are some elements that they cannot contain. and that these people are likely to ask some questions and to present some things to the american people in the course of any hearings, confirmation hearings that would be extremely uncomfortable for video cards. and could in fact expose the bible machines, plants,
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and inner workings. when it comes to number one, ukraine, but even more importantly, i think at this point 0, tackling the word street. i think they are reticent to put one of the people on any stand in front of congress under threat of um you know, being held accountable for lying to congress. i think they're very, very wary of putting someone like that on the stand. because once the question started co coming in about the north stream attack, victoria newman would obviously have to shut down. she could not answer those questions because the truth is we all know the answer and the people would ask the questions already know the answers. so i think the biggest issue that divided ministration is facing when it comes to getting in front of congress right now is the north stream attack, and they cannot afford to put a blinking or a sullivan or a newland, or that inner circle of joe biden,
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who clearly was involved in the planning and execution of the attack. they can't put them on the stand. the other thing about victoria newland is that while she's evil, she's not very bright. it's as tens of tends to be the case with video cards. so in the uh, in after the north stream attack, tony blake and victoria newland. and some of the other neo kinds were going around, basically bragging about it, basically rubbing it into the face of the world. look what we've done. it's a great opportunity for us to go in and feel for every stinking dime in europe and leave the people in, in uh, you know, and horrible cold and disaster. but we'll make a lot of money and we'll still be in charge. there are free either number one that she'll be asked questions that will expose their involvement and then towards the theme attack and number 2, that she will not have the ability to hide her glee when it comes to that attack. and that she would likely say things that would expose them embarrass
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them, or in fact, expose them to some kind of a legal no jeopardy for their actions. yeah, definitely too much of her ugly history would emerge. now hang on to the north stream stuff. we will definitely address that later for sure. but for now, let's get personal on victoria new one. her husband is robert kagan, one of the architects of be a rock war, famed neal con birds of a feather. i guess, but no one claims to be a democrat, her actions would suggest otherwise, but here we have her sitting in yet another high profile roll under another democratic poetess. first, it was under obama now. biden, are we to believe that her politics or her world view are somehow different than that of her husband's? a couple of things, you know, i could call myself a democrat. i could call myself
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a libertarian. i could call them myself a cactus. it doesn't matter my, the ideology is what it is. my believes in how the world order should be either changed or maintained or what they are. so in america, we have been good weight into believing that the republicans and the democrats are at odds that they're having a knife. i went and turned they were having a pillow fight, entered in reality. they are not fighting over the particularly, they're not fighting over the issues of foreign policy. as i said, there is a small strain, a small element of populist in the republican party. while there are a lot of things that they believe that i don't agree with, they certainly have been pushing back into some of the again, some of these, these foreign policy. a debacles that the, that the, um, the democratic party has been leading this country into an of that the main stream
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. i'd say that again, i see the democratic party that the neo con establishment has been leading this, this nation into. so the idea, you know, read the history, if you look at history, the most 0 and the stream of neil kind in the democratic party and really in both parties. to be quite frank arose from a guy named henry scoop jackson, who was a democrat if you look at his assistant, all named to oh, richard, pearl and paul wolf with. if you go right now to london, the henry jackson society of the henry jackson institute. he is one of the, of the fathers of modern neil con neoconservatism. and i would argue international militaristic, fascism, right? they want to make the world safe for uh, for international oligarchy, encrypts and criminals and corporations. so the discussion of neoconservatism, it is one that doesn't lend itself to a specific party,
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but the 2 of the best friends, the best deal, conservative friends, you know, would be a minute. a senator menendez neoconservative and lindsey graham, neal conservative, a democrat and republican. so i would in bondage people from interpreting the party affiliation of any particular politician in the united states with their foreign policy due certainly she's a democrat, but it tomorrow she can show wake up tomorrow and become a republican if she needs to. it doesn't matter to them, they have an ideology and whatever label they need to use to execute their ideology they will use. i would argue that the democratic party, currently the democratic party of 2023 is a republican party of 2006. and they have a lot of the same supporters, the same people, the same funders. so it is what we're looking at is the, you know,
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the 4th iteration, or at least 3 and a half when it comes to the trump administration. the 3rd and a half iteration of the george w bush administration, and a lot of the same people. so democrat republican, i use the term that you feel about most comfortable or least comfortable with. but look at what they're doing, look at their actions, and that'll tell you who they are. yeah, 2 wings on the same bird, exactly. now or hold that thought about president obama. so coming up next, the mess that is ukraine began under brock obama when he set victoria new in there to spread democracy and cookies. we'll discuss it when we return with garland nixon sit tight, the m o will be right back. the
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the, the most people don't understand the global financial system and how financial resources are distributed. or the dominant financial group, of course or, or the united states and u. k bikes. their objective, is there a huge event? controlling the world's money flows, groans the pallet to wipe into nations of the face of the i'm going to be sending said this to the local in $3.00, in global, so upset the blue coke stays. think of that. i mean, pretty close to the national origin proficiency him dealing with some of those when we lived on a di, the player, the good thing, the go with the book, are you out
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a whole that were to present the apple store any 3 or so you can set the feed, me see, oh, the for the all new to this old 3. the welcome back to the m. o i manila chant. it's convenient to think that the conflict in ukraine began in 2022. but the reality is it goes back almost a decade before and victoria newland was there for it. a political analyst and co host of the critical our on radio split neck. garland nixon is back with us. thanks for sticking around. garland. so speaking of obama, it was under his watch that we saw the massacre at my down square ukraine. victoria newland was there, handing out cookies just days beforehand. then this happened. that would be great,
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i think to help glue this thing and how the u. n. help fluid and you know, the, you know, exactly, and i think we've got to do something to make it stick together because you can be pretty sure that if it does, if it does start to gain altitude the russians. ready will be working behind the scenes to try to torpedo at garland. later we just heard there, we heard, we all heard this infamous we audio per se f, the e u, as she went about running through names of who to a point into what would be ukraine's new government in 2014. what was happening in that audio. what were we hearing in real time? a couple of things were here. what we were hearing was u. s. foreign policy. in reality, us foreign policy is we have a right to over throw countries, and we have a right to insert a government as we choose. so, you know, we heard sausage being made basically the f,
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the u part. i think that's interesting because if we, if we look at new york, the new york on ideology as a rule, they have contempt for anyone who doesn't agree with them. again, they see adversaries, internal and external, right? so they see their adversaries, iran, china, north korea, russia, blah, blah, blah. okay. those are the externally adversaries. the internal adversaries include journalists such as you and myself, who say, i don't agree with you, and i'm going to present evidence to support my positions and any countries within their orbit, these facile countries of germany and france and blah, blah, blah. they are not friends. they are convenient tools, so any time these convenient tools are not going along with what they want, they get angry at them. how dare you have in the unmitigated gall to try to stand up against your masters. so basically she wasn't saying f v you to
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jeffery pipe because when jeffery piatt said, hey, the use not going to be happy with this. what he was implying is that we should have some concern with the user input what he was implying. what cause the issue is not a person, it is not an individual have. that's called the e u i. e o, how are you today? i'm busy right now. i'm having breakfast. that's not the way it works. this is the metaphorical person of the you. so he was implying a, we must have concern with the leaders of the you. they're not going to be happy with it. at that point, she came out with the truth. i'm a neo con, the, these people work for me. they are, these people are our food, these people, this is how we eat. this is how we survive. they do not have the authority just to . busy back to us, so if the you didn't really need the e u. s a cotton it, it meant f. the idea that we would allow these people do have some input
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into our policies. jeffery, in a way she was saying to buy that to jeffrey. but if you shut up, what are you doing implying that i should be listening to these people? they are nothing. once we get this pipeline blown up, we're going to steal all their money and they're going to be a proffers, why should i care? it ain't gonna work out well for the okay, there, part of the equation here, that's when it gets knocked into the ground. so why should i have any concern for people who i am going to rob blind as soon as i am able to enact my plan? that's the way i, i see it. yeah. so what, what does that audio, expos about democracy in the you are, or even ukraine? a? well, it exposes that there is no democracy in ukraine. there is no democracy in e u. these are vassal states. i've put it like this and i'll a, make it clear what i'm saying. the way i do ukraine is i view ukraine as
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a glove. and here's what i mean. when a criminal goes, you know, my background is in law enforcement. i was the investigator, i was commander of the investigations division, but it does take an investigator to figure this out. we've all watch movies when a criminal goes do in a movie they go to commit a crime. they go to commit a burglary, murder, whatever the case may be. what do they do? they put on a glove they put on a blackboard sort of lack of love. it is why is that to hide their fingerprints? they want to commit the crime. they want to execute the act, but they don't want to be held accountable for they what was, will that deniability were you in the area? yes or, but i don't have my fingerprint. i didn't commit the crime the but the murder. right. that's all ukraine is. ukraine. is a glove that the new kinds put on to hide their fingerprint, but not their fingerprints against russian. the neo cons. in fact, what the world to note, we took out russia, we destroyed this country, we wiped them out, we took them on, and we want, they want to be proud of that. so they can say to china, in iran and north korea,
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you better do what we said because look what we did to russia, so they don't need this black level of ukraine to hide what they want the world to know. but what they really want it for is to hide their fingerprints on the destruction of europe. what they're doing is they're reasserting their dominance over europe. if the europeans are able to get cheap energy from russia, their economy continues to build, they get stronger, and inevitably, the united states will lose some power over the cotton and as they become economically more self sufficient. the neo cons have to put a st. brittenback to a screeching halt, and they're using ukraine as that gloves so their fingerprints won't be on it. so they can then say, well, yes, did we push the sanctions that took you out? sure. did we blow your pipeline up? well, we're not going to tell you admit that we did that, but yeah, of course we did it, but it was rushed out because we had to do the sites and we had no choice, blah,
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blah, blah, blah, blah. anyway, you look at it, europe ends up destroyed, and the neo cons had on a glove which was york ukraine to hide their fingerprints, and to hide the reality that they are intentionally wiping out the european union. in fact, in john brooks, john boat, his book, he said that the neo cons basically, after china, they view europe as the great economic threat to them because it's an economic block. if it becomes powerful, they will listen to them anymore. in fact, emmanuel cronies said we should have our own harvey. he wants europe to be an alternative poll in the unit polar world. but, but a huge amount of can in colonial poll, none the less, but he wants it to be free or from the united states rule. and that's what that, you know, that's what, what, what this whole thing is about. it's about hiding. the us is in 10th and involvement in the economic destruction and the subjugation of the european cotton . yeah, excellent analogy with the glove. uh so lets fast forward to 2022. uh noon
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was on the stand, addressing the north stream to pipeline blast. but the lead up to that for months on multiple occasions, we heard victoria new and alluding to threats against russia even the pipeline itself. her remarks were actually backed by president biden's. either gaps or allusions. what do you think was her involvement there as it pertains to the pipeline? well, what we see now is it's, it's certainly based on the information that we've gotten from seymour hersh. if you choose to believe it. i based on seymour hersh is record. i certainly believe that it's far more likely than not that is, um there that his arguments are credible um that jake sullivan and joe biden is inner circle was involved in that they were the impetus behind this attack. this military attack on germany. um and uh clearly uh that you've
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got joe biden, victoria newly jape sullivan, tony blinking as that inner circle of neo cards. those are the people who are behind this machine who are running this thing or sit in the driver seat. and i'd be leads that it was, you know, a, put it like this. i love, i'm from maryland. i love steam. crabs, you don't have to say to me, garland, would you like some steam grab if steam crabs are there. you know, garlands gonna eat him because he loves seats and marilyn chesapeake bay thing. right. okay. so like the, the, the maryland food fee is being crabs. right? in the same way that regardless of whether victoria knew lynn was involved in the planning, which i suspect she was, they didn't have to ask. you don't have to say victoria moving, would you like, do you think it's a good idea? would you like to do it? no, because the ideology of victoria underwood aligns with the ideology of jake supplement,
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aligns with the always idea ology of tony blinking. so you don't have to ask that she was behind it 100 percent and do show that after the north stream pipeline blast, she came out as did tony blink. and as did the, one of the neo cons from poland, i forgot his name in an apple box husband. they came out and they couldn't help themselves. they had to celebrate. they had to do what we call and in here and american football there in the zone dance. you know, after some of these players score, they'll do all these dances in the end zone and celebrations. and that's what they were deal with. the new, the victoria newly and tony blinking and jake sullivan were doing, you know, back flips in the, in zone because they felt that they just score to touch them. so if she was involved, right, if she wasn't involved, which i think she was, it doesn't matter because that's the type of play that victoria knew any joys. and if she didn't do it, if she wasn't involved in it,
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she sure was involved in the end zone dance afterwards. a political analyst and co host of the critical hour on radio, splitting the garland mix. and thank you so much for waiting. and on this very important political figure. thank you very much. i certainly enjoyed the, the interview. all right, that is going to do it for this episode of motors operandi to show that dig deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host middle a chance. thanks for 2 and again, we'll see you again next time and figure out the m o the,
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the we know that there was supposed to be a cease fire and you were supposed to release that says you promised. however, we're suffering from your political security and military failure to last post a video of several is ready. hostages is a policy failures 5 carbon to submit to neil hoops, while the reason why that's still in service in palestine safe is waiting towards the baton. see if another hospital is gone, so that was already struggling to cope with wounded civilian, committed diet, short to chips. the time for this tolling dollars is the past, is a 1000 people. it is while intensive, fine, it is ground, and advertising with telecom blackouts, hindering local rescue effort also to see
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that instead of punishing terrorist and criminals. fortunately, israel began to take revenge on the principle of collective responsibility. as president person speak sounds against the bloodshed and then made at least in the case of the us inflaming tension to promote it. so the dresser, the very well welcome to the international with the late is world news aren't that is good to have you company. we started with the latest from the israel palestine conflict. the minutes include per mouse has released the video. it says is of several is where the hostages, they choose prime minister netanyahu of policy failures that have pets, them in cost services. if you need anything else to benjamin netanyahu. hello, we have been in her mos captivity for 23 days. yesterday there was a press conference for the families of the prisoners, and we know that there was supposed to be
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a ceasefire. and you were suppose to release that says you promised. however, we're suffering from your political security and military failure because of the failure that you caused on the 7th of october. because no soldier was present at the border and no one defended us. you're innocent, and now you've citizens, citizens who pay taxes to the state of israel. we are now in captivity under no conditions. you are killing us. do you want to kill us all? you want the army to kill us enough that you slaughtered every one, isn't it enough that is really citizens got killed. release us now released palestinians citizens and released prisoners. now release us release of every one we deserve to go back to our families. that's me all you know missing, you know, his office has rejected that video, a psychological propaganda and says it will do everything good time to for you. the hostages is around some of the, sorry, says it's managed to rescue a female soldier who has been abducted by him. us. she was given
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a medical examination as has been, we united with her family as well as military sites as invasion into the nova. all the drums a week it is going according to plan and will be expanded. minimum of over the past 24 hours. we have expanded our operations in the gaza strip with additional infantry tanks, combat engineering and artillery forces entering enjoyed the attacks by ground. and aaron garza, our soldiers, took out dozens of terrorists barricaded in buildings who were trying to attack our forces by of the palestinian dest toll from his radius. hawkes, us, the past 8000 people. the officials said he is ready. military recently attracted to okay, supported hospital that was already struggling with supply shortages and electrical blackouts. local journalist. so they'll come on. how's the story visit any on we infancy for you to edit site on the b c. coaster in place, causing a series of tutor among the locust. manley lewis who decided to not leave their
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houses and go to the city. and in the northern part of the hill, it's all over the last mice all but to see what the dozens of is that any fights are just but dissipated and the heavy it is tonight's on that there is already i look forward to speaking out in because the city as well as the source is supposed to be that the 1000 of the city, which is a long as is in freaking the conservation with a 55. is it a it a size day by day? this isn't all those going for love? mainly often 3 weeks of, of that the complex and i size it's all you tend to relocate in faults and the to the tardy according to the united nations release and was i just didn't and nothing i do see wrong that it was a warning sign calling for allowing did a you may tell you a little in regards to the, with the customer with us as is there any time cuz i've been rolling through the
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boulders of gauze, the one of them was supposed to don't video firing. it's a car on the bus. avoiding he may find the following images disturbing. the the username to use this a win as well, has rejected criticism about potentially attacking civilian vehicles. it's difficult to distinguish between militant suns, local residence, align witness that the targeted bus contained only civilian bus drove past us. we tried to one of the driver and shouted, there's a tank in front of you. you must leave. but he didn't hear us and the tank opened fire on it. the passengers were all civilians, even when they called the ambulance. they told us that they couldn't get there, as there was no coordination to reach the area. i have no idea what happened to
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them or whether or not they were never taken to the hospital. we have a pool which is across the middle east and in the conflicts and covering was spinning on folding by the hour, canadian, palestinian to oppose him on social men whose comedy in dogs, essays, as well as being trying to clumps down on press movements in the area, since the thoughts of, of the car into a soul by day is really a government and the gene invested millions yet adjusted it around 77 different jo, this is what attends a 7 of the time. these were also small, sort of in close blogs and people who work in the media even in just simply in social media platforms, mostly like jenna this off how to get this and they see it for their lives. every 2 days we see a post on one of the facebook page of the instagram 6, all 4 of them. uh, one of the of the social media platforms off. again,
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that is the same thing there for golden says, for another gentleman who died. and then we also have prize that just change during the this also dies a few days later. so this is like a fi, kansas, this continues and it's never ending. and it seems that there isn't any government on trying to decide on anyone that's trying to just the voice is out to the house or the words about what's happening in the girls. get them. does that? the author already say is ready as slice of damage, a palace to me in a warehouse. as the humanitarian situation gauze is worsening by the day. are you an agency task with assisting refugees? says there are critical shortages of food and water. this is a worrying sign that civil order is starting to break down after 3 weeks of work and to tight cj b, u and agencies as thousands of stopping palestinians have broken into containers of 8 supplies and a desperate attempt to take basic necessities such as flour,
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for bread stalls that base to less tom such a longer post on the situation on the ground before standing in a very long lines to get some bread for themselves trying to get some food to. busy find drinking water, the larger things, the people here, the past few days, the drinking salty water out of this situation becoming really worth waiting the international community to take a serious step to help them out of provide them with electricity, food and some clothes. people who are really suffering from what happening to them to these people, they lost their houses, their houses is completely destroyed and they actually sleeping inside, you know, what schools on the sleeping inside hospitals. as you can see here, the whole neighborhood is restored as completely destroyed and there is no other
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place to go. seems ready military has posted this video of its soldiers in gauze, though it says is that 4 signs, navy will provide assistance to the troops on the ground. all takes me at least bureau chief maria, for the ocean. i takes us through the latest developments. we're now in the city all just deal with that. the both of with a gas it from here we can see and hear the fight and folding just couple of kilometers away. i will ask now, my cameraman, to zoom in a little bit so that you can see those tall buildings. is the gas is $3.00, ready? we are these really 5 to just flying overhead. we also hear these really are tillery those boons right now. this is really artillery or came from that location towards the gas as tree pan from time to time her mazda also sends rockets towards these really southern communities. we hear rocket alerts, sounding all throughout the city from time to time. we think the case actually that
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the middleton's group is still capable of attacking, which he's this, to be honest, surprising given the magnitude of these really errors, tried israel, a shadow of all forms of communication. in the inquiry, there was no internet or phone connection of global criticism and condemnation of these really how peroration that already claimed thousands of lives, including innocent civilians, women children, and kind of families mount. but we can see that these really leadership tends to ignore and denies these concerns that we rarely even heard is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm saying that these really military is the most morally asked to co army in the world. but it is last night, additional ground forces and it goes to the goals, the best will a very clear. they all the destruction of how may i ask is military and governmental capabilities and bringing hostages. how the idea is the most, marty, ethical ami in the world. he does everything he can to avoid harming those
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uninvolved. his rallies, fighting not only its own will, but also war. if you manage the against barbarism, all allies in the western world, then all pond is in the arab world, all understand that if israel does not, when they will be the next in this conquest of the axis of evil. meanwhile, has mo, let it run back to military grove, in lebanon, continues exchanging firewood. these really are forces in the north of the country . so the situation is getting tens in the south where i am right now, and in the north of israel. and of course, questioned to many know, ask is whether the country will be able to afford that financially morales, physically, and actually strategically. what we're looking at right now is, of course, at least in terms of lebanon, is that there is, of course, sporadic clashes, but over the past few days we've seen different approach bye. these really army health course has beloved continues to carry out attacks. it does carry out
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artillery shows, as well as the ground to a or miss selves as well as actually used a guided missile on friday to take out the tank some certain positions along the border. and essentially the classes for the most part had been ongoing for one very strategic reason. and that is to destroy telecommunications, as well as surveillance capabilities along the border. this entry both from that has the law and the is where the army to blind one another. given that if either side decides to enter the war as well as a permanent so nothing you all have safety him also talk on october. the 7th was the, was the sofa and jewish people since the holocaust. he said it was caused by the quotes of deliberate murder of the innocence and the public lust. differentiate not from quotes, unintentional casualties in gaza. come us launches war by perpetrating the words. so would you are people have seen since the holocaust in fighting come us and the really and access of to is what it is fighting the enemies of civilization itself.
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victory over these enemies begins with more clarity. it means making a moral distinction between the deliberate murder of the innocent and the unintentional kind of casualties that accompany every legitimate war. even the most just for that's close to is where the scala and from at least expedite to motorcycle dominey. thanks for joining us. it's good to see you today, now posted it also ortiz, and they've gone to the region have said that they've since october the 7th. it's been over 8000 civilian deaths. and with nothing y'all, he's saying that this could be a protracted conflict. what does this will doing to prevent this grim dest toll civilian death toll from rising further, as well, i wonder what to be that this story is said, this is just like organization men come up with a top, russia and the king 1500. the sions like gosh,
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and goes and brought the bodies in order to hide the evidence. i would want the, how many tens of thousands of people like guys would be killed by the ocean army. and the believe me is that is much, much smaller in the number, which is i take the prize from the show will do. i'm coming back to the question, how is it as well going to prevent the civilian death toll from the rising? we want these people to move to the southern part of guys that you know, the to take care of the military infrastructure of home us wherever, listen to us and learn to this. the house is safe and sound why those will be failed. so any, there isn't to it, you know, there is
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a warning is the problem we gave the read the gave the warning enough time enough times in order for them to save their lives. they should do it. they should go to this out, and let is like, do with the info start your from us. as we intend to do this a video and people, then they might avoid having a bomb drops on that home if they moved to the south. but that wasn't saved them from the humanitarian situation was sitting on fold with the shortage of medicine at the shortage of fresh water. things like this. do you think that might be a better solution? it looks close. the better solution is that they get through the, from us by themselves. but since they cannot do this, all egypt doesn't do it. we have to do the job. and the, you know, the to, to stay alive. know eh, j, what type of known on october 7th is just like 15 times september 11 in the united
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states of america. it will definitely do september 11th was enough for the state for the united states of america just to destroy a forgotten is done totally. so how many people were killed them and how many people there are so skilled in i live pool 4 years ago when they had to take care of some jihad, this file found the side of them in i live. so this is what happens when do you, how does the isis like jihad is all taken care of? the face in the seat is like a level and goes up and the civilized world has to take care of them decisively. otherwise they would think again, the civilized world and, but we will remember the state that i scanned us. tom was left and off to the us, went and said that many thanks to speaking to isabel. i'd love to speak to him. oh, but i'm afraid we don't have any more time in the least experts,
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motorcycle dog. thank you very much. thank you so much. let me while tensions remain high in the west bank city option and off the sun premises were leveled. find his way the army full doza. several people are said to being killed in classes in the city center, which by what's due on the list mohammed the jeep, who's based in the region this morning for you spell as to who knows where killed engineering. and basically the numbers of that on their distance without a break over this floor. there's no down forces heavily cup down on that with bank . and in addition to that, that said loans. the jewish settlers, who are more than 650000, those banks need increased significantly, increase their aggression so they have a soul. so get us to about a student, a pro, but it is physically and that they're shooting them and they're destroyed. they're a little good actors, besset gloves also forms the switch for them to see you guys. and the unfortunates continue. it's just kind of convince across those friendship is. and all of these
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individuals faced by confrontation by the youth brought us to visit during the night. that's the thought of the the so that's it was the mirror does and that is i know you and use life. i munition that is located guys. those kind of getting is spelled out, but it's as before, they open fire out of they use the doors to bump houses. so the virus continuing, that was bank and the seas tuition on high tension by now. you as president joe biden say, is that palestinians must not be displaced from the gauls and region and to neighbor, engage it to make those comments off the speaking by phone with the egypt president . i spoke with president of delford, i'll see see, to share my appreciation for egypt, facilitating the delivery of humanitarian assistance to gaza. we reaffirmed our commitment to work together and discuss the importance of protecting civilian lives, respect for international humanitarian law, and ensuring the palestinians and gaza, or not displaced to egypt or any other nation. a major task repeatedly rejected
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proposals to allow palestinian refugees to flee into its territory even on a temporary basis of the arab countries, including jordan, which folders the palestinian westbank. i've also spoken also against harbouring refugees. those countries instead of emphasized as a potential solution, the recognition of an independent palestinian state of law on this topic that's cost life to the host of the conservative daddy podcast. that jo altman, many, thanks for joining us on the program. it's very nice to see you today. so how code's job? i done so, phil has pledged to make sure that palestinian civilians on forced to leave the homeland you know, he's actually straddle, he has one foot in israel, one foot and guys that he's trying to please both sides. and unfortunately, he's going to have to make some tough decisions and the things that he's doing now by having negotiations with israel and other countries, i don't believe that israel is going to allow them to stay inside of gaza. you know that the person that was just on that, that i don't know what his name was,
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that he's talking about how 911 we use as a precipice for americans and story abuse. and as a, as a reasoning for going into gaza and wiping and clean, i don't, i don't believe is a, is a, does a valid justification that and more importantly, saying that another way that you could get rid of or stop this is that people of the guys and people get literally get rid of a homeless themselves, but they have no weapons. they have no ability to stand up and most people on both sides, whether it's as rarely or on the gods aside or victims of terrible policy. decisions that have a major will for decades on both sides. let's not forget the healthy they go husbands, that were children as well they, they had the capability. why do you think so i find that is telling egypt that palestinians shouldn't be fleeing to that country. i don't think joe biden knows what he's saying. i think the joe biden is just talking just to talk you, so he's a mouthpiece. you know, it's pretty unfortunate that we have
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a person that you know, that has no cognitive ability to have a conversation of reason. and this is the leadership that he's represented in the united states. i don't believe that he has an answer and he's just looking to egypt to give him managers. well, just repeating rhetoric that they can't actually live up to its most it is. this is the same after radish that has caused harm and danger in israel for, for, for decades. and, and israel is unfortunately subject to the same policy decisions that has seen their government change 5 times over the last 4 years. so it's just chaos. it's absolute chaos. and you know egypt as, as well as jordan and love it all the said look, you're not, we're not taking any people from gaza. you guys got to figure it out. and the button has no idea and he definitely doesn't have any sort of a policy uh, strategies that he's working on. that's why he's over there meeting with them, hoping that somebody will give him an idea of what to do. yeah, it is very bizarre to me. i feel like the last president should be in austin,
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neighboring countries to accept the palestinians. instead, he's a sure engage of the palestinians. was the during that despite that tiny home loans being attacked and invaded by israel, a major us, i live and palestinian paperless of traps. okay, i'm so sorry. we're going to have to go straight to the un security council now. thank you for speaking to a stolen host of the conservative daddy podcasts. appreciate your time. thank you. i. the cool thing is by the names only occupied palestinian territory, the west bank of the jordan river. and because a strip, humanitarian catastrophe of biblical proportions is unfolding. according to incoming information, the number of people killed in the own place has exceeded 8000 off of which are children, women, and older persons. more than 2000 people are buried under the rubble, half of which also children. more than 21000 people have been wounded. the number of internally displaced persons in cause it has reached 1600000 people. in
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underwear comes alone. there are 640000 palestinians in the west bank. well, and the 100 people have been killed in 3000 have been injured. these shilling numbers are growing by the hour. we express our gratitude to all humanitarian workers on the ground that are working to exhaustion with a catastrophic lack of basic including medical supplies and also with an extremely high risk to their own lives. the scale of loss is from u. n. agencies as shocking, 63 stuff members have been killed. 22 have been injured and 42. and while objects have been destroyed and we pay tribute to the you and still have to continue to work in unimaginable conditions and to those that have paid for this with their lives. according to media reports during is really showing on the blue line to peace keepers from the furniture and from 4th 11 unhappy and wounded. the largest
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hospital in gaza or quits is under the threat of attack from the idea of the is really air force is launching strikes 50 meters from facilities recruit, demanding immediate evacuation. almost 640000 id peas have found refuge and 150 under was sites across the goal is a strip. as a result of the bombing 9 hospitals are into entirely unusable, under the remaining ones that are experiencing an acute lack of medicines. the real estate of the goal is this trip has essentially become total in the enclave. internet and mobile service has been switched off. it has been quite simply cut off from the rest of the world. nobody knows accurately what is exactly happening, that this sort of blockade not only is so in great a panic among the civilian population. it is directly undermining the work of medical and rescue services, which means it is leading to more civilian casualties. for this reason, it was not possible to agree on the 28th of october for the passage of another humanitarian convoy across the rafa crossing points. we categorically condemn these
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actions, particularly in a situation in which off to something else communications the most powerful strikes were launched on their own place since the beginning of this escalation in the conditions of active hostilities. these are military in response remains essentially no middle through the rough crossing points. the only points from egypt from the twins since the 21st of october. only 94 trucks have made it through and according to incoming information, as well as even stymied these make deliveries as a result in the cause. this trip there isn't a cute, a lack of everything. go to fuel food. medicines and people are frightened on top and driven to despair on the 28th of october, according to on the, on the decision of the ministry, political leadership of israel, the armed forces of our country, ignoring the position clearly expressed by the international community in the union general assembly resolution that up to the previous day began a ground operation in the cause of stripped off to extremely intensive as strikes. the is really on a began to enter the territory of the enclave. from several directions in the south
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. and there were rage and refugee camp, and con eunice and in the north, near bridge, come on its colleagues to is really authorities to have different ways of describing directions, expanding operations, or preparing a bridge head. but that's not the point. the point is that despite the unambiguous reaction around the world west, jerusalem has this pick on the practical implementation of its plants to clear the own place. and response, we have heard from the head of the is ready for a ministry saying that israel rejects outright the humans. despicable cool for us. these fire and court these comments did not go unnoticed as well. the comments from the permanent representative of israel saying that you in has lost it so legitimacy . they were stroking statements for a number of representatives in the can. i search that's i've been brought the 2nd agent in the media saying that i could, there was no symmetry and these really responds and that's, and i create the children of gods have brought this upon themselves and the court. unfortunately, this clearly shows that israel is demonstratively ignoring the opinion of the
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overwhelming majority of human members, including many western states regarding the need for an end to the violence of this pulling situation has also been brought about because due to the us position, the security council has essentially been paralyzed and still not been able to adopt the resolution with an immediate demand for us. these fire, we have twice made attempts to do so. both washington and west and jerusalem have entirely other plans to wipe out the population of gauze or to force the amounts of the gaza strip and to force the remaining published indian population to assimilate into israel service to resolve the published and, and problem that way. in the context of unprecedented, the unprecedented skein of the escalation of the palestinian israeli conflict. we also have to note the comment rise intentions on the syrian is rarely porter, which is linked to the active expo interference. coupled with the illegal military presence of the usa in the north and north east of assyrian, our republic on the 26th of october, us forces upon the instructions it present jury bite. and the one strikes on 2
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objects in the i will come out area in the east of syria. washington said that the attack was undertaken an exercise of the so called rights to self defense. american style send a, this is so the thousands of kilometers from us territory. these are legitimate and then no way just the reactions by washington. nothing other than a gross violation of serious sovereignty and the norms of international law. in the present circumstances, such a legitimate use of force could have extremely dangerous consequences because it could provoke an armed escalation encompassing the entire region. colleagues, the time for huff measures and hoff hearted live appeals is past. no humanitarian pauses will help. few monetary and assistance cannot be provided in the height of hostilities on the grounds. i hope that everyone here understands that the number of victims among these, your monetary and workers is running into the dozens ambulances have been bombed.
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and those that are left are unable to operate to, to us like a fuel. oh no, both humanitarian passages are of course important. but in and of themselves, they're not going to stop the war. the priority of the global community now is to stop the bloodshed, to minimize the homes of the civilian population and to move the situation into the political diplomatic sphere. there must be a consolidation of collective efforts aimed at re launching a fully fledged negotiating process between israelis and palestinians with the aim of a realizing did you run into those 2 state solution upon the basis of that, an independent palestinian state should be created in the 1967 borders with east jerusalem as, as its capital co existing and peace and security with israel. mister president's, i would like to ask the permanent representative of the usa a question. can you explain why you oppose us east? by a. does this mean that the usa, as a permanent member of the security council,
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supports the doctrine of a massive retaliation and goes, uh, wherever is your compassion for civilians that you so eloquently express at every security council meeting on ukraine. and that's even though the lives of civilians in ukraine fall from facing the same level of threat as palestinians in casa or is it that you only think about what's those who are in the european continent and that's published in lives don't serve any emotions in washington and i would like to put the same question to the other wisdom delegations in the council, who shamefully abstained on all of our draft resolutions cooling for a ceasefire. colleagues, you will double standards on more than evidence. as the populations of your own countries are now calling for an onset to that, where there are mass demonstrations in support of palestine. in this situation, the russian federation is making intensive efforts to de escalate the situation on the ground. and after rapidly resolving the crisis in all, we have set a clear signal to all of the parties involved that must immediately be an end to
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the fighting and the ensuring of your military and career doors. so the emergency provision of your military, this of assistance to all those who need it. and president putin has been extremely today, we categorically will not accept and condemn any terrorist attacks. we express condolences to all those who have lost a loved ones and israel and palestine and other countries, boston wall condemning terrorism and the taking of hostages and demanding the unconditional release. we categorically cannot agree that the threat of terrorism company responded to well violating the norms of international humanitarian law, including the industry that used to force on objects of civilian infrastructure where civilians are known to be located and the loan sides addressing the urgent tasks to end the current escalation of violence, we must immediately begin to agree on a strategy for collective actions for political supplements. the conflict in the post this was done by the quartet of international mediators. however, the usa has done everything to undermine this effective instruments. on the agenda
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is establishing a collective mediating mechanism with an active role with the states and the region . this is supported by the positive direct trends that before the previous uh, escalated to comment escalation and it goes with evidence in them. at least the saudi arabian normalization, the reintegration of syria and severely developed states. and they study improvement and interest a relations between syria and turkey. all of this proves untrue to you, excuse me. what if this proves that the countries in the region when they take the country, the situation in homes and are not subjected to pressure from outside the region, they can achieve a great deal to stabilize them at least given the growing escalation in the palestinian enclave on the on the thing could leave us a consequences for the civilian population which is cut off from outside supplies. we believe it is important to hold regular open briefings to such as the one today, the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip without any discrimination that must remain within the focus of our constant attention. as it takes place in the context
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of other crises to mr. president's some colleagues trying to shift the focus from the tragic events and surrounding the published and it is really conflict. touched upon the 29th of october. the incident in the hutch color airport and doug has done in russia. exhaustive comments on this have already being provided by the russian leadership and representatives of the regional authorities and he was the leadership assessing the actions will be provided by the investigator committee over russia, which has in this launched criminal cases into this disorder. dozens of people participating in the store to have already been arrested on questions. it's clear that any legal actions are unacceptable, however, attempts to paint and unsanctioned action in the airport as an outbreak of interest in a tick uh, feeling in russian society, particularly in the north caucuses, is unacceptable. this region has long been an example of the peaceful, unfriendly co existence of those from many different peoples in russian society.
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unlike western societies, the principles of the toner in some religious and racial grounds, a well rooted in our society. there was a co existence of the representatives of the main face. christianity is less than 2 days, and buddhism as is confirmed by data from the rest and security services. the events and much color, clearly seen as clearly shows signs of ex, though interference, including information it interference through social networks. and the traces of that is you will be not surprised at all. come from ukraine, some wish to abuse the situation and play on the feelings of muslims in russia by showing terrible pictures from because the strip showing the horrors that have taken place, the deaths of women told the peasants, children, and medical records. i would recommend that some of our colleagues do not try to shift the blame, but for all the that they pay attention to the situation in their own capital. as with the many, most of them demonstrations that
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a clear being brutally put down by the police. this is an example of western countries commitment to multiculturalism and freedom of expression. thank you. i think the feminine like i welcome by we've just been listening again to the un security council meeting, which was quoted before that the request of the you a, the russian and boss, the to the when invested in defends is speaking that on the scoring the absolute dire situation for civilians and dogs, and he said the rush of causing gar condemns to lack of access for humanitarian supplies through the refund check point. he said one recent a convoy was blocked. he said this route has described the us cool for us. these far as quotes despicable is well he said he's ignoring the overwhelming calls from the un for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. was saying between israel and palestine, he said russia has made to attend as a resolution which both have been vetoed by the us. and israel and the accused his colleagues of double standards,
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he said there must be collective efforts at reaching us the spot between as well and palestine. moving on now rush as president putin has condemned the killing of is really civilians, but bones that's taking an eye for an eye. and we're totally ation is also unjustifiable. the commercial systems we use the to comedies, the current rounds of the middle east crisis began with a terrorist attack against israeli civilians. we see that instead of punishing terrorist and criminals, unfortunately, israel began to take revenge on the principle of collective responsibility. terrible events are now taking place in the gaza strip. when you look at bloody dead children and how women and old people are suffering how doctors are dying and your fist clench and tears well up in your eyes. but we should not and cannot allow ourselves to be guided by emotions. we must clearly understand who in reality is behind the tragedy of the middle east and other regions of the world. at this recent meeting of the russian security council vladimir put and expressed his deep
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concern for the civilian casualties that we've been seeing on both sides of this most recent episode in the israel palestine conflict with the russian president also said that we can't really place the blame on one side or the other. it's really the united states that is the main instigator and beneficiary from this recent violence. it's a world power that's slowly losing its position is global hedge a month to be who organizes the deadly chaos who benefits from it. today, in my opinion, this has already become obvious and clear to everyone. the customer's act rudely and brazenly. it is the current ruling elite of the united states and their satellites that are the made beneficiaries of global instability. they extract their bloody wrench from it. their strategy is obvious, the united states, as a world superpower, everyone sees this, understands it even based on the trends in the world economy. it is weakening and
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losing his position. the american world with one hedge them on is collapsing gradually, but steadily becoming a thing of the past. rushed as president specifically pointed to the recent unrest and rushes. uh, southern republic of dag a stand where i had an airport a crowd and an anti is rarely crowd actually gathered for an i'm really protest during the arrival of a flight from tel aviv and the authorities there already determines that that was instigated actually by a telegram channel run from within ukraine. now, this channel has already been blocked, but it was run by a former russian deputy apparently which who also use this channel actually to spread pro you premium propaganda within russia and blood in our food. and also mentioned that the of the events mentioned here were actually also instigated by western intelligence agencies as well. so we do look which kelly of the events in my hutch colewell last night were inspired among other things, through social networks,
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not least from the territory of ukraine or the agents of western intelligent services. in this regard, i want to ask the question, is it possible to help palestine by trying to attack local jewish people in their families? we can only help palestine in the fight against those who are behind this tragedy. we are russia, we're fighting them within this network of the northern military district, both for yourself and for those who strive for true real freedom. so what these new revelations of western back the instability in russian territory. i mean, it really looks like the consequences of this israel palestine conflict. they're taking more of an international character kind of disappointment. is that true? the past reviews they just up and says if it's august on a ford, for a political job against russia, he said, hatred and all forms his quote unacceptable. of the scenes emerging from much colors airport in russia are deeply disturbing and to some of the ism is never acceptable hatred. in all its forms is unacceptable. we must spend together against
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it, wherever and whenever it occurs. well, that is just like this touchy situation in russia needs write down more justin true though, and is particularly uninformed brand a virtue signaling. so to those standing against anti semitism now, great. that's quite the you turned after he stood up and cheered for an actual nazi and canadian parliament just last month or in the chamber today. ukrainian canadians, ukrainian canadian world veteran from the 2nd world for whom fort ukrainian independents against the russians and continues to support the troops today. even at his age of $98.00, the . okay, to hear about a genuine nazi living. raleigh from the 2nd world war,
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who had to go on his feet like it was a taylor swift concert euro slug hunk got far enough the unit that pledge allegiance to hitler, the king kong of the same anti semitism that to go is now denouncing. now hunger wasn't even one of those knock off ukrainian as of neo nazis that counted as defense, department head trade to fight russia. nazis that looked like they've been ordered up on wish or a groupon app. no, hugo boss, brand ss uniforms, just huge nazi symbol tattoos which the canadian military noticed. i kept training them anyway. hey, there's always a possibility of playing more on card and claiming that you just had no idea. and that's exactly what you know did after images being around the entire world of hymns, standing alongside wagner's waves d as the crating and present this pump, ukrainian, nazi like he had just scored a touchdown. the speaker was solely responsible for the invitation and recognition
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of this man and his holy accepted that responsibility and stepped down. this was a mistake that has deeply embarrassed parliament and canada. all of us who were in this house on friday regret deeply. the fact that curio wasn't able to figure out even on the spot that someone introduced as how they fought russians in world war 2 was in fact also an enemy of then soviet allied canadians, poor, sent to die to fight nazi isn't suggest. as russian president vladimir put in has said that you're either an idiot or a bastard. so to do apparently opted to play the idiot cards, claiming that he had no clue and that it was the house speakers fault for inviting this guy ventured, oh, tried to say that anyone pointing out his video see, is just enabling for us and propaganda. so better just let through those to pick the slide if you want to stick it to russian president vladimir putin. and what
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better way for judo to shake his own anti semitism debacle then by bringing up anti semitism again. now. prime minister, true though you only the literal nazi in parliament. you are right. semitism is completely unacceptable. it is a shame this incident happened. and sir, the whole crimes being committed against the people have gone to the murder of thousands of children and your refusal to call for a ceasefire high justin's pay off comes team social media manager and then tons wants it like working for a liar and the hypocrite i imagine it's pretty unfulfilling, unfortunately for the prime minister, canada, whose own knowledge and recall of history might be bad. but the public's sure isn't for security when it comes to his screw ups. but maybe he knows more about gas and israel, and that whole fiasco that he does about ukraine. not the ignorance is ever an impediment to virtue sigmoid as tensions escalating dogs. a groundswell of
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international support is searching worldwide locked by mass protests denouncing the as well as the actions and the massive pro publicity in raleigh. and it's done voltage as president with jeff dwanda accused, as well as war crimes, as a thousands in favor send, which would put to the streets, protesting as well as cons. the offensive, meanwhile demonstrated in most se so best solas, already with palestinians demonic an immediate cease fire, and protested in pakistan accuse the west on the west, specifically of aggravating the conflict. the sea of humans here today sends a categorical message to the us and president biden, if you're standing with israel, we, the followers of prophet mohammed are standing with the muslims of gaza in there, the actor it to the 2nd phase, to extend operations on innocence, on on so the use of guns on the sentiments of anger limit using i'm
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one of the park is finding mostly 250000000 really is, is there, there to stuck in the heart of the muslim america nation? america always provokes it. stooges to start was by initiating bulls among the muslims, they present themselves as champions if humanity and tell stories about how they protect human rights. but look at the reason is really a tex, americans behind the scenes. you know, the, you, with a sale on its own won't even be able to proceed with this. that's why we need to sign a visa us government. i agree on it. we audio, defend them, domestic that we will stop. i'm building a knows the sci fi at home, or how many we should wage war against the united states and israel, while also protesting against them. in any case, if it's important, garza and other muslims might just allow me a power folded, right. we really just put it to go to the party. a flag is fine, has brought closer to help or support as including men and women and children at
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the us and pressing the up or down the smaller bar today. yesterday the support of the leaders. what are the state? we've turned into a 2nd for this. and about this time the workers had lost the me because we have a, do you mind doing really use of the are? as i said, what goes the president off? do my best, let me sit, i do like head was the government to face the consequences if we're at a stop, which has the gains to as well as the questions that took place in london was, demonstrates, has demonic, and it ends to attacks on garza, riley took place off with the grocer's government to abstain from focusing on a united nations resolution that would create a humanitarian truce. and dasa ought to use that shape both explores the case routes in this war and how the current crisis would flex on person in the middle east spirals towards wider conflict. there's been a lot of ongoing debate about how the conflict between israel and palestine originally came about. well,
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one thing the copy denied is the central role play. but the british, in the bloody uncontroversial establishment of the jewish states. and what you saw, i pulled back in the initial calls for a cease fire and gaza at a rose in full square behind israel. his scottish counterpart of the other had stepped up for palestine. how many more children have died before a ceasefire is called for recording for a cease fire. kindle understands the care storm is position. i kind of understand the prime ministers position and i asked them how many more children have to died before you join us and join many across the world, including the united nations and cool for that's the spot. the british alucard attitude towards the conflict in gaza was highlighted as recently as last name by the un when they pointed out the british to start the responsibility in the region was essentially being ignored with london failing to engage in the pursuit of a solution to a conflict, but as we'll see, they were deeply complicit in creating the responsibility on the case higher
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considering the historical legacy of the u. k. in the area, the u. k. doesn't seem to be active on this agenda such as compliance with international law. it is about time, there is a power dying change towards the question of palestine, the united kingdom by some moral and historical responsibility to what they put his team of people. it must be a positive plan in realizing the rights or the policing of people and fighting a political solution that meets that aspirations in order to understand the granular nature of british responsibility when it comes to today's bloody war. we need to look back to another period of global instability. the 1st world war, when british doable dealing during the car for with the ottoman empire, lead to the now infamous ball for a declaration which basically committed britain to the creation of a jewish state in palestine. a move which was to have a devastating consequence for the palestinian people for decades to come of his
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majesty's government due which favors the establishment in palestine of a national home for the jewish people. animal use their best endeavors to facilitate the shipment of this object. it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done. which might impressions, as the civil and religious rights of existing non jewish communities in palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by jews in any other country. on surprisingly, while making promises to the globally influential sinus about the creation of their state on arab lands, the british also still in the arabs along promising to also create a state for them. even assuring them that jewish immigration would also be controlled, suggesting the arabs would have ultimate control of how large any nation jewish state would be. the plan, of course, ultimately collapsed into violence and chaos. jewish immigration during the next 5 years will be out of rate, which is economic absorbed of capacity permits. will bring the jewish population up to approximately one 3rd of the total population of the country. after the period
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of 5 years. no further jewish immigration will be permitted unless the arabs of palestine are prepared to acquiesce in it. well, what began as a british plan to manipulate jews and arabs to their own g, a political and had become a seemingly intractable conflict whose architects finally accepted as a search in 1947 when they promptly dump the entire problem into the life of the united nations disorder, though it is in these circumstances that we have decided that we are unable to accept the scheme put forward either by the error or by the jews or to impose ourselves a solution of our own. we have therefore reached the conclusion that the only course now opened to us is to submit the problem to the judgment of the united nations. the resulting establishment of the is rarely stated. 1948 fled to the brutal displacement of hundreds of thousands of palestinians. the destruction of hundreds of their villages and the depth of thousands of innocent men, women, and shield for this event, is known as the next by or catastrophe,
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by the palestinians defined britain. the cynical failure in israel, palestine the well with the dna of the british empire. building deeply ingrained in the tragic conflict we see in gaza today, it seems unlikely the british would be taking any responsibility for the historical role. as far as they're concerned, paula science trouble history began on the 7th of october 2023. washington has called deliberately on the mind and destroyed the foundations of international
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security and as attempts to defeat russia strategically, as one russian defense minister. so guy show agree making a statement at the sun shone security form in china. of the boys to the united states has completely subjugated the western camp, focusing its military and political resources on the task of retaining its elusive global dominance by any means necessary for years. washington purposefully undermined the foundations of international security and stability in order to achieve overwhelming geo political and military strategic superior warranty. the white house persistently pursues the expansion of the nato block. it controls to the east. these aggressive actions forced us to take counter measures. now despite this has relationship between the us and beijing, the us did send a delegation to the for him, but the country's defense minister was noticeably absent. and a senior chinese military official did deliver veiled criticisms to the us and its allies accusing them of undermining their government regarding the ty. one issue.
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so show you has explains here that the west and the us, the southern interest in the asia pacific comes from the fact that russia was forced from uh, western pressure and sanctions to look to its eastern neighbors for relationships, uh, economic development and so on. and it seems to us as trying to further isolate rush and china, by bringing in 3rd party blocks into a dangerous situation. and the minister also condemned the increase of a potential conflict in the asia pacific with the new creation of the office block, which gives washington a free hand to develop a nuclear submarine station. which of course would be a violation of nuclear proliferation agreements. but again, despite this and washington's pressure on both china and russia, both are expanding its circle of allies and, and this is something that's good for the region. let's have
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a listen for the serial number of the moscow beijing model of interest. state relations can be described as exemplary. at the same time, it is becoming increase simply appealing to others, the circle of friends and like minded nations who refused to be drawn into the confrontational agenda, imposed by the collective west is constantly growing. so ultimately, shall i go emphasize that conflicts pushed by the west has affected the global geo political stage and that the west needs to respect the national sovereignty, the international security issues and take into account the opinions of both moscow and beijing in this area. the jim and john flow life shows us pledge significant investments and nigerian gas minerals on the infrastructure, doing it to nation visits, to sub saharan africa. all the correspondence in with the a, b, as it gives us more insights on the mazda. behind is the headquarters of the
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economy, communities of west african states. a course german chancellor laughed shows met with officials of a region of luck here. soon after meeting with my german prize, been blocked, suitable in the presidential village sunday. charles is on a 2 day visit to nigeria. sen off a meeting with the ankle, with the shots. so a spoke to journalist who said, germany pledged $81000000.00 euros to support peaceful and inclusive society, primate change energy, transfusion, sustainable economy development and health care in west africa, in nigeria, due to the natural resources, we know that there are much more resources, for instance, also in critical middle roads and there is a willingness to, to invest into this, especially the critic of men of the shots that are also said that continue to work with the block to address in security code of task infrastructure a deficit social development and electrification. chancello strip to my dear,
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it saves odds stress in bilateral relations with the countries. and it is his 1st visit since bought suitable assumed office in may, tennessee, abuse archie aboard. john nigeria, a charge in california has invalidate permanent monument to a russian orthodox saint. a joan of comstock, who was known as a miracle worker, the bronze sculpture was installed to the city of san diego, holes. the dogs clergy on peroration as a positive ceremony for the invading monuments, is one of 2 of the same presented by the russian governments. the other one was sent was set up in washington dc a few years ago when he, thanks for joining us, say on all the international went back in just a few minutes with more of the latest the
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the most people don't understand the global financial system. and how financial resources are distributed or the dominant financial group, of course or, or the united states and u. k bikes. their objective is their head gemini, controlling the world's money flows, groans the pallet to wipe into nations of the face of the globe. moving to see if this to put in 3 in global learning center, so upset the blue coke stays think longer and pretty for the rest of the produce the same business. when we lived on a guy the clear, the good looking, the goal is to integrate you out, pull that forward to present vehicle. so any k or seek us at that number?
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would it be local? me see? oh, the for the all new to these old creek read off the display model. those are useful scrambling. nikoto is and output miscellaneous mode,
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the told what came shell nectar button. you still at the georgia and it was little dark and read to the doctor still sitting across the gosh. some he had in for it and he was doing it now. so not meant your smart somewhat like we shift. so the name and ok, nice to full the we spent a lot so this to some of the kids to move. so instead of being the doors you, i'm interested in, you'll see it, you know, 7 o'clock in the same or starting place to bring us into loud because you're, you'll be blacked. dyslexia tested in what i thought section loud enough where you'll be protective that you're not on donnie. and i said, i would just do that. you know, you, she's gonna learn a swing, which in kindergarten, the slave forgot to do to, with the, the, the old squire is maxwell best way of these. but the, the,
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the, we know that there was supposed to be a cease fire and you were supposed to release that says you promised. however, we're suffering from your political security and military failure. and us posts, a video of several is ready. hostages, who say policy failures, 5 prime minister netanyahu all the reasons why that's still in service. how this time site is ready for the attack. she has another hospital in gauze, if it was a wedding stroke like to cope with wounded civilians, die actual to just the size of the desktop and gone to the top is a 1000 people. it these well intensified is grounded as hawks with telecom blackouts, hindering local rescue effort. also this out we see that
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instead of punishing terrorist and criminals of fortunately, israel began to take revenge on the principle of collective responsibility versus presidents who didn't speak south against the bloodshed in the middle east of accused us to your west 7th claiming pretensions to cause those, the very welcome, this is all the international with the latest. well, the thing is that they just get to happy with us. and we start with the latest from the israel palestine conflict. the minutes in group him us has released the video is sensitive separately as rarely hostages. they accuse a permanent significant yahoo, if policy failures that have kept them in captivity. do you mean anything else to benjamin netanyahu? hello. we have been in her most captivity for 23 days. yesterday there was a press conference for the families of the prisoners, and we know that there was supposed to be a cease fire and you are supposed to release us as you promised. however,
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we're suffering from your political security and military failure because of the failure that you caused on the 7th of october. because no soldier was present at the border and no one defended us. you're innocent, and now you've citizens, citizens who pay taxes to the state of israel. we are now in captivity under no conditions. you are killing us. do you want to kill us all? you want the army to kill us? isn't it enough that you slaughtered every one, isn't it enough? that is really citizens got killed? release us now released palestinians citizens and released prisoners. now release us release every one. we deserve to go back to our families. that's near his office has rejected that video with psychological propaganda. and so that will do everything accounting to free. the hostages, as well as military stuff, is managed to rescue a female soldier who would be an adult as by her boss. she was given
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a medical examination that has been re united with her family. to me mom is, was military said his invasion into the knowles of the gauze of agent is going according to plan, as will be expanded over the past 24 hours. we have expanded our operations in the gaza strip with additional infantry tanks, combat engineering, and artillery forces entering enjoyed the attacks by ground and air in gaza. our soldiers took out dozens of terrorists barricaded in buildings who were trying to attack our forces. what's the palestinian desktop for me is radia tax us the past 8000 people because the official said the is really military. recently i talked to to cash supported hospital that was already struggling with supply shortages and the electrical blackouts local journalist. so now come on, how's the story visit any? are we in things define the edit site on the b c. coaster in sleep, causing a series of tutor among the locust, manly boots were decided to not leave their houses and go to the city. and the
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northern part of the here towed over the last mice all but to see what the dozens of is that any fights or just but dissipated in the have the sites on that there is already alpha hospice on him because the city as well as the search is supposed to be that because of the city, which is along as is in freaking the conservation with a $65.00. is that a, it a size they by they, this is a all, there's a going love, mainly often 3 weeks of, of the complex on i side beside pain to locate in phones and due to the tardies. according to the 9th admissions release, i'm was, i just didn't and nothing that i do see wrong, that it was a warning sign. calling for allowing, did you make it in a fluid, into garza to the, with the conductive except us these ready time slipping, rolling through the boulders of gauze. one of them was spotted on video firing.
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it's a call as a bus, a warning d my, my friends, the following images disturbing. the, the username to use this isabel has rejected criticism about potentially it packing civilian vehicles. thing is difficult to distinguish between millison sons local residence. and i witnessed that the targeted box contained only civilian by the bus drove past us. we tried to warn the driver and shouted, there's a tank in front of you. you must leave. but he didn't hear us and the tank opened fire on it. the passengers were all civilians, even when they called the ambulance. they told us that they couldn't get there, as there was no coordination to reach the area. i have no idea what happened to them or whether or not they were ever taken to the hospital. we have
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a pool which is across the middle, a sound in the conflict zone covering well, it's been on folding by the hour, canadian, palestinian before him on social min, who's currently in gaza. so he's as well, has been trying to clump down on price movements in the area since the thoughts of, of the cutting to a sold 5 days, really a government's under the gene that invested millions yet. but i'll just put it around 77 different journalists. what attends the deaf ed and all the time. these were also small, try to impose blogs, the jet 100, people who work with the media. we have an interest in social media platforms, mostly like generative or targeted. and they see it for their lives every 2 days. we see a post on one of the facebook pages, the instagram, 6, all 4 of them, one of the other social media platforms off. again, that is the same thing that one. gordon says for another journalist who died. and
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then we also have fries that just st. georgia, this also dies a few days later. so this is like a 5 kansas. this continues and exhibit ending. and it seems that there isn't any government on trying to just finance anyone that's trying to adjust the voices out to the house or the words about what's happening. the other 2 on the grounds, getting the, this is ross prime minister. netanyahu size the her mazda talk on october 7th, was, was the cellphone, jewish people since the holocaust. you said it was close by the quotes, the zippers, most of the innocence and the public must, if differentiate that from quote, unintentional casualties in gaza. come us launches war by perpetrating the words. so would you have people have seen since the holocaust in fighting come us and the reading access of to is one is fighting the enemies of civilization itself. a victory over these enemies begins with moral clarity. it means making
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a moral distinction between the deliberate murder of the innocent and the unintentional kind of casualties that accompany every legitimate war. even the most just for a fight is not with the pallet standing in the height is with a terrorist entity that took over the palestinian area that we came out from in 2005. we won the best for the palestinian people. and that's why we left in 2005 in the hope that the palestinian leadership would take over. we've built a beautiful part of this region into a wonderful place. it could've been due by. instead they turned it into a root with the wrong. of course, of the big pop up mazda in this horrible, ugly game. i'm so we hope i'm the prey, the police, didn't people get the leadership they deserve, and not genocidal terrorist or corrupt politicians, which is what they have with the p a. in fact, we don't aim to kill civilians. war is ugly. sometimes there are in
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a sense casualties. but the difference is that we're trying to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure until the heads of the terrorist organization. i'm not any people use where the military has posted this video of its soldiers in garza, it says it's the force and navy will provide assistance to the troops on the ground on these middle east bureau chase, maria, from ocean. that takes us through the latest developments, as we know in the city all just did all the that the votes of with the guys are from here, we can see and hear the fighting and folding just couple of kilometers away. i will ask, now my camera meant to zoom in a little bit so that you can see those tall buildings. is the guy who has 3 polar ready, we are, these really fly to judge flying overhead. we also hear these really are tillery those boons right now. this is really artillery, working from that location towards the guys as tree by and from time to time her mazda also sends rockets towards these really southern communities. we hear rocket
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alerts, sounding all throughout the city from time to time. we think the case actually that the middleton's group is still capable of attacking, which he's this, to be honest, surprising given the magnitude of these really errors, tried israel, a shadow of all forms of communication. in the inquiry, there was no internet or phone connection of global criticism and condemnation of these really how peroration that already claimed thousands of lives, including innocent civilians, women children, and kind of families mount. but we can see that these really leadership tends to ignore and denies these concerns that we rarely even heard is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm saying that these really military is the most morally asked to co army in the world war, but it is last night traditional ground forces and it goes to the goals, the best will a very clear. they all the destruction of how math is military and governmental
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capabilities and bringing hostages. how the idea is the most marty, ethical army in the world? it does everything you can to avoid harming those uninvolved is, or at least fighting, not only its own will, but also war if you manage the against bob or as i'm all allies in the western world, then all pond is in the arab world. all understand that if israel does not, when they will be the next in this conquest of the axis of evil. meanwhile, has mo, let it run back to military grove and lab and on, continues exchanging firewood. these really are forces in the north of the country . so the situation is getting tens in the south where i am right now. and in the north of israel. and of course, questioned that many know, ask is whether the country will be able to afford that financially morales, physically, and actually strategically. what we're looking at right now is, of course, at least in terms of lebanon, is that there is, of course, sporadic clashes,
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but over the past few days we've seen different approach bye. these really army health course has beloved continues to carry out attacks. it does carry out artillery shows, as well as a ground to a or miss selves, as well as actually used a guided missile on friday to take out the tanks in certain positions along the border. and essentially the classes for the most part had been ongoing for one very strategic reason. and that is to destroy telecommunications, as well as surveillance capabilities along the border. this entry, both from that has the law and the is where the army to blind one another. given that if either side decides to enter the war. meanwhile, tensions remain high in the west bank city of sending off the sun premises with leveled fine is really on a boat. those several people have said to be killed in classes in the city center. we spoke with you on the list mohammed mcgee piece based in the region this morning for you spell as to who knows where killed engine mean. and basically,
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i think the numbers of that thought on their distance out of rake over this floor, there's around forces heavily cup down on that with bank. and in addition to that, that said loans. the jewish settlers, who are more than 650000, those banks need increased significantly, increase their aggression. so they have a sol, so get us to about a seam and approved, but it is physically and that they're shooting them. and the, the story, they're a little go doctors, but it was also photos every other place for them to see you guys. and that is right. and forces continue. it's just kind of convince across those faxes and all of these individuals faced by confrontation by the use, but as soon as the, during the night, that's the thought of the, the. so that's it was the mirror does. and that is, i know you and he was like, i munition that is located guys, most kind of getting is spelled out, but it's as before, they open fire out of they use the doors to bump houses. so the virus continuing those bank and she's tuition on high tension by now. well, if i were to say is really as trying some damage to the palestinian aid warehouses,
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the humanitarian such an a situation in dasa is, was named by the day. you run agency task with assisting refugees, it says the critical shortages of food and rosa, view, and agencies. these thousands of stopping palestinians have broken into containers of 8 supplies and a desperate attempts to take the basic necessities such as fly off the bread closet base to the less toms, which along the pool. it's on the situation on the ground. people standing in a very low line to uh get some bread for himself trying to get some food to. busy find drinking water, the larger teams, the people here, the past few days, the drinking salty water on this situation becoming really worth waiting the international community to dig a serious step to help them out and uh, provide them was uh, electricity. uh and uh, some clothes,
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people who are really suffering from what happening to them to these people. they lost their houses, their houses is completely destroyed. and they actually sleeping inside, you know, schools on the sleeping inside hospitals. as you can see here, the whole neighborhood was, is restored as completely destroyed and there is no other place to go. you in official says being reiterating the escalating agency, full relief efforts in gaza is the situation in the region rapidly. it's heavier rates, any time with this and he's being the human eyes. you have to trust it to so how much do not up so the state of the sweat from each of the guessing on the international. and you've been into no more than 400. 20 children are being killed or injured and gaza every day. a number that should shake each of us to our core. and their desperation. people have resorted to breaking into you and warehouses in search of food and water. the hydration is an increasing concern as
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a possibility of the spread of disease and other health concerns due to unsafe water and breakdown, and sewage treatment service that's crossed to all t correspondent caleb mall, put in new york. now caleb, good to see what else was said during this latest un security council meeting as well. speaker after speaker comes before the 15 member body that leads the united nation country after country being represented, talking about the dire humanitarian situation, taking place in gauze. now of course, there is universal condemnation of the events of october 7th and all acts of terrorism. but yet country after country makes clear that a ceasefire, it is necessary that people are dying around the clock of that civilians are in desperate conditions. and when the russian ambassador and the end of the trip to the floor of the meeting, he pointed out how absurd the u. s. position of blocking un efforts for
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a ceasefire is under these conditions. here's what the un ambassador represented. the russian federation had to say before the un security council meeting that's being watched by the world. and the, such as right of these really authorities call directions and expansion of the operation. your preparations for ground operation. but that's not the point. and the fact is that despite the on a big you with reaction in the world, western jerusalem has begun practical implementation of his plans for a clean up of the enclave. response we heard assessments from is really officials quote is real categorically rejects un ceasefire calls. and of quote, the constant comments from these really on which the un, the united nations has lost his legitimacy, have not gone unnoticed. the statement of a number of representatives, india is really parliament is also shocking, widely dispersed and the media, the quote, no symmetry is present and the is really response. and the palestinian children and gas are disturbing of its end of quote. unfortunately,
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it clearly follows from them the israel to finally ignores the changing and suppressing majority of the un. it will also includes many western states for calls of a cease fire is irregular situation was also caused by the fact that due to the us position, the security council actually turned out to be paralyzed. and so far has not been able to accept a resolution with an urgent demand for cease fire. we went out twice with a ceasefire plan, but in vain. western jerusalem and washington have completely different plans to squeeze out the population of gas or squeeze it out of the settlements. so it's now the russian ambassador also pointed out that it seems like all of the concerns that us leaders continue to raise around ukraine around the possibility of humanitarian, polite and civilian casualties, seem to suddenly been forgotten. as the usa protects the ability of israel to carry out the properties. in addition, uh, the russian and bassett are pointed out that there are pro palestine protest taking place across the western countries that are being very brutally repressed and
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suppressed. and that this points to another level of hip hop received from western leaders that continue to lecture the world about human rights, freedom of speech, etc. so it's quite a meeting. we are hearing unified uh, calls from the international community for the protection of civilians for a ceasefire. um, and in this moment uh, the russian ambassador had to point out that the united states is pretty isolated, standing alone in its efforts to protect israel's activities while also claiming to protect and be concerned about the lives of civilians. i want to have somebody thanks for putting this up speed that sol suite correspond caleb open in new york. you as president, joy 5 and say that palestinians must not be displaced from the gauze or region into neighboring egypt to make those comments also speaking by so with egypt, preston. i spoke with president of delford. i'll see, see, to share my appreciation for egypt,
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facilitating the delivery of humanitarian assistance to gaza. we reaffirmed our commitment to work together and discussed the importance of protecting civilian lives, respect for international humanitarian law, and ensuring the palestinians and gaza, or not displaced to egypt or any other nation. the age of times repeatedly rejected proposals to allow palestinian refugees into his territory even on a temporary basis of the arab countries, including jo. didn't have also spoken also gave us hovering refugees. those nations have emphasized the recognition of an independent palestinian state. we heard from us pundits and joe oakland, he stays bite and most to please all the sides of his conflicts, and that could eventually complicate washington's relations with a lot of them. i don't think joe biden knows what he's saying. i think the joe biden is just talking just to talk you, so he's a mouthpiece, you know, it's pretty unfortunate that we have a person that you know,
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that has no cognitive ability to have a conversation reason. and this is a leadership that is represented in the united states. he's actually straddle, he has one foot in israel, one foot, and guys, he's trying to please both sides. and unfortunately, he's going to have to make some tough decisions that's going to create strain. mean the strain of, of standing on both sides when you straddle a relationship and you're not willing to call which wrong wrong, and you're not willing to target and make sure that you take care of the problem. and in large part, we have to look at them off as an american made problem. israel, there's already enough tension on the relationship between israel and the us. just based on the weak us abide and, and as administration. and the fact that even most countries around the world see this, this election that we had in 2020, and largely in 2022 as fraudulent kabuki theater. and so he doesn't have a lot of, of, of respect or admiration from any country. and so now he's gotta make a decision on who he's going to fall and he's going to support. and frankly, he's gonna fall down and not support anyone. that's gonna, that's gonna create a whole lot of tension between the us and not just israel. the other countries
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around the world wash as president to a lot of my peers and condemns the killing of is really civilians, but was the taking a nice we're not. and retaliation is also unjustifiable. the commercial says we use the visual comedies, the current rounds of the middle east crisis began with a terrorist attack against israeli civilians. we see that instead of punishing terrorist and criminals, unfortunately, israel began to take revenge on the principle of collective responsibility. terrible events are now taking place in the gaza strip. when you look at bloody dead children, and how women and old people are suffering, how doctors are dying, and your fis clench, and tears well up in your eyes, what is what we should not and cannot allow ourselves to be guided by emotions. we must clearly understand who in reality is behind the tragedy of the middle east and other regions of the world. at this recent meeting of the russian security council vladimir put and expressed his deep concern for the civilian casualties that we've been seeing on both sides of this most recent episode in the israel palestine
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conflict with the russian president also said that we can't really place the blame on one side or the other. it's really the united states that is the main instigator and beneficiary from this recent violence. it's a world power that's slowly losing its position is global hedge a month to be who organizes the deadly chaos who benefits from it. today, in my opinion, this has already become obvious and clear to everyone. the customer's act rudely and brazenly. it is the current ruling elite of the united states and their satellites that are the made beneficiaries of global instability. they extract their bloody wrench from it. their strategy is obvious, the united states, as a world superpower, everyone sees this, understands it even based on the trends in the world economy. it is weakening and losing his position. the american world with one hedge him on is collapsing
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gradually, but steadily becoming a thing of the past. rushed as president specifically pointed to the recent unrest and rushes. uh, southern republic of dag a stand where i had an airport a crowd and an anti is rarely crowd actually gathered for an i'm really protest during the arrival of a flight from tel aviv and the authorities there already determines that that was instigated actually by a telegram channel run from within ukraine. now this channel has already been blocked, but it was run by a former russian deputy apparently which who also use this channel actually to spread pro ukrainian propaganda within russia and blood in our food. and also mentioned that the of the events mentioned here were actually also instigated by western intelligence agencies as well. so we do look which kelly of the events and much colewell last night were inspired among other things, through social networks, not least from the territory of ukraine or the agents of western intelligent services. in this regard, i want to ask a question,
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is it possible to help palestine by trying to attack local jewish people in their families? we can only help palestine in the fight against those who are behind this tragedy. we are russia, we're fighting them within this network of the northern military district, both for yourself and for those who strive for true real freedom. so what these new revelations of western back the instability in russian territory. i mean, it really looks like the consequences of this israel palestine conflict are taking more of an international character. what kind of his permanent stature does appears to have you used to visit disturbances that, that, that gets done yet for, for a political job against russia. he said, hey, to us, you know, phones is quotes unacceptable. of the scenes emerging from much colors airport in russia are deeply disturbing and to symbolism is never acceptable. hatred in all its forms is unacceptable. we must spend together against it wherever and whenever
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it occurs. well, that is just like this touchy situation in russia needs write down more justin through doe and is particularly uninformed brand a virtue signaling. so to those standing against anti semitism now, great, that's quite the you turned after he stood up and cheered for an actual nazi and canadian parliament just last month or in the chamber today. ukrainian canadians, ukrainian canadian world veteran from the 2nd world for whom fort ukrainian independence against the russians and continues to support the troops today. even that is age of 90. 8 the . okay, to hear about a genuine, not the only thing raleigh from the 2nd world war, who had to go on his feet like it was a taylor swift concert. you're
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a smart home. got far enough the unit that pledge allegiance to hitler, the king kong of the same anti semitism that to go is now denouncing. now hunger wasn't even one of those knock off ukrainian as of neo nazis that counted as defense, department head trade to fight russia. nazis that looked like they've been ordered up on wish or a groupon app. no, hugo boss, brand ss uniforms, just huge nazi symbol tattoos, which the canadian military noticed. i kept training them anyway. hey, there's always a possibility of playing more on card and claiming that you just had no idea. and that's exactly what you know did after images being around the entire world of hymns, standing alongside wagner's waves d as the crating and present this pump, ukrainian, nazi like he had just scored a touched out the speaker was solely responsible for the invitation and recognition
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of this man and his holy accepted that responsibility and stepped down. this was a mistake that has deeply embarrassed parliament and canada. all of us who were in this house on friday regret, deeply. the fact that curio wasn't able to figure out even on the spot that someone introduced as have a far russians in world war 2 was in fact also an enemy of then soviet allied canadians, $0.04 a diet to fight nazi isn't suggest. as russian president vladimir put in has said that you're either an idiot or a bastard. so to do apparently opted to play the idiot cards, claiming that he had no clue and that it was the house speakers fault for inviting the sky ventured, oh, tried to say that anyone pointing out his video see, is just enabling for us and propaganda. so better just let through those to put the slide if you want to stick it to russian president vladimir putin. and what better
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way for judo to shake his own anti semitism debacle then by bringing up anti semitism again. now. prime minister, true though you only the literal nazi in parliament. you are right. semitism is completely unacceptable. it is a shameless incident happened. and sir, the whole crimes being committed against the people have gone to the murder of thousands of children and your refusal to call for a ceasefire. high, justin's payoff comes team social media manager and then tons. what's it like working for a liar and the hypocrite? i imagine it's pretty unfulfilling, unfortunately for the prime minister, canada, whose own knowledge and recall of history might be bad. but the public's sure isn't for security when it comes to his screw ups. but maybe he knows more about guys and israel, and that whole fiasco that he does about ukraine. not the ignorance is ever an impediment to virtue signally. well, many thanks for joining us. say on the international company is always appreciate
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it does get to take our website all t dot com for all the very latest the god's ears back after going dark and being cut off from the world. israel continues to deny god's that everything needed to stay monitored line. in the meantime, the west collectively turns apply died to the collective, punish palestinians, the the, the by mouth sooner tense and welcome back to going underground broadcast to go around
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the world from a west asia transformed by war on gaza. they do a nation circle, mainstream media, it might make you think violence and palestine again 23 days ago in october, the 7th. but the legit genocide is repeated since the 1947. you in general assembly vote to create a jewish sector in palestine. fake news used by the powerful to go to war in the middle east is a specialty of british historian salons friedman. he was on the u. k. public inquiry exposing secrets that led to the nature of nation war on the rock. so lawrence friedman emeritus professor was studies of kings college london, author of come on to the politics of military operations from korea to ukraine, joins me from the british capital. i thank you so much, sir. so lawrence for coming on. i did mention that that it goes to the future, me least will invite tony blay, you wrote, that will help right, is in from is 1999 speech in chicago on the doctrine of the international community. i mean, i'm going to ask you 1st your take on what do you and secretary general antonio
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gutierrez schools play a violations of international law by and he's re local, supported by britain, the united states, european union nations. i should say britain did abstain with russia on one resolution on gaza. what was the deal and actually general actually condemn both sides to violations of international law, not just as true. and it did so because car wash places, weapons rotates that and starting into israel. in the middle of stability in areas which is real crime. so no, no side comes up with a fairly well well, is rarely mediately said that he has to resign. these really i'm passive as a well, he's not going through. the initial is for the i'm not the spokesman for these. right? no, no i, i just wonder what your view was off. the fact that you in security council of secretary, you're the un secretary general. the said this and i should yeah, sure that israel said immediately he should resign, which i never heard of
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a he's not, he's not feeling he's not going to resign him. and he has got a job to do balancing lots of different views and perspective. of course, i think is the israel is very sensitive to the fact that it feels it was the aggrieved case in the here that whenever there is a sort of a distance between the aggressor and the aggrieved. now you will get this sort of response. obviously, you remember a time, i mean, you've been observing this for decades, where a country is not only said you and zachary generals to resign, but that they will no longer allow any un personnel visas to enter the country. of those is there have actually been instances where people who are pretty close with you and secretary general gutierrez is actually quite an outspoken secretary general. many of them keep a much low profile. these be more outspoken on russia,
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ukraine, the secretary general's mind to beat and russia has some particular you like that. so he's out to him for i think these ready to reaction is over done and i suspect will resolve from that. eventually. i mean, i suppose what i'm getting at is it, it took you 7 years for you and your fellow print, i'm us launched a sack on israel, which killed killed large numbers of civilians and welcome us. is in charge of causes a fear it will happen again. so we are trying to remove them if they have a c 5 that will incompetent to sleep. i don't think what by doing is going to see from us removed a i'm not going to have to look for of the method of achieving the objective. but that's why they're not accepting a seesaw and carried the issue with this problem. it is whether we can find a way to reduce an outcome that is good for the post. indeed,
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still pretty good for how must necessarily be good for the palestinians and produces stability where there has been constant instability for many decades. but so you still think this might what the secretary general sad about influence be that those attacks that you're referring to did not occur in a vacuum, something. i'm sure most people would agree with you. you would say that israel as sets up by britain is, i mean, is it a tenable state has just been acting in the region for so many years. i mean, i know there was normalization tool. so ideas of the most states in the region now accept the existence of the state of destroy understandable 9000000 people. the mouse mice kind of does because it once the 1967, the board is the pro, i mean the doesn't. let's go back to this equity general statement. the difficulty um, it seems to be obvious. the old conflicts have a history by ref. we'll have a context. and this one which is absolutely positive context of the in this
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case it emerges out of the belief a manufacturing young government. but they should put charter in the westbound in the belief that actually they have some sort of understanding with robust, which is why they were taken so much by spice. surprise. so there's the question of the need to figure out the history of this part of the world which goes back well before the balancing decoration is was constant tension and conflict between the and the cost of jews, especially in israel. long before 1947, a to this goes back a long time. so then all going away and this is back home. the question is, under what conditions does this ro continue to exist? and as it has been up to now fries the economy in society without the same time making life miserable and depressing from the published
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a new population. yeah. now i'm ok noticing any, want you to go go home. as i said homeless, recognize 1967 as a much the most is the most just a very different things towards enjoying its existing. okay. and what it, what it stands is rejection. just the one point you did accept it took about the 967, the boundaries, but it is basic stance is rejection, as we suits it. that's an yeah, this was so sad. a tragic about this sort of thing, but you have the hotline and so on both sides feeding off each other. yeah, because use suggested a medium term solution to boosting the palestinian authority. i know you did recognize the problem so that maybe explain the problems you recognize in that because don't they just have a cleaning for democratic legitimacy? how may i ask, who was elected be a, was elective of the elections who years ago? yeah, i think the total is the democratic legitimacy,
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the reasons we understand the power steering the 40 does not have a good reputation. it's um, uh, i bosses a cloud now. uh, this is being corrupt. it has to be particularly effective and it's been consistently undermined by the, by the israeli government. so it has not a great time. i think most people looking at solutions now, which is where i think it's most useful to know of talking about the policy and of all sort of the plus you, you, you need the other arab states in the region closely involved, i think, and i'm trying to work out what you do about the developing legit listeners tech to governance in garza. and we because there is this is in the west pockets of territorial issue about the cohort territory. that's not
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the issue with the gaza strip. it's about the conditions in which the trade and people can move in and out and so on. which key is not possible at this moment? so i think this, you're looking for the future. you're going to be looking for the palestinian authority, but with a much bigger, wider arab and international engagement. just simply because of the resources are going to be necessary to go to put the go straight back on its feet. and is that without the united states, because obviously nothing we're watching of the horrors inflicted on guys that could be happening without the arming of israel by the united states, by britain and european union nations. this one is riley general, being quoted in these rarely pressing, you know, whatever we do, we take our own is defacto now as to what's happening from what actually if you
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look at what she was saying, when he said that what he was saying, what they just remind us what he said, because the americans of asked us to make sure that we were to get the humanitarian relief into drugs. and that's what he was saying. instead of the american talking illness instruments on his real good, anybody who's watched the history of us israel relations and us policy. and us attempts to engage in the region knows the, the, the ability of, of the united states to get any, is ready to give them to do exactly what it wants and pretty limited. because some say there's growing feeling within israel. obviously there's a huge of a opposition before october 7th through netanyahu, who feel actually, what the united states has done over all these decades is used israel as a proxy there in the middle east. and the north allowed israel to be created as a, as a normal state in the region, making allowances and links to regional higher powers. it's being used in the
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region now, and i'll send it has to be making links. we lose a large number of our countries it was about to do so with, with saudi arabia. i don't see in the states on used as proxies in this, where they're all their own, have agency, everybody's got agency and the look this nobody's as a activity, just it. somebody else is the has israel went through a period in the early ninety's. it went to period in the, in, in the sixty's when it, when it was possible to imagine a different sort of israel. so to, to, to the want to develop a different sort of voters. they have the oslo process as well as those of us who remember what happened to the also prosystems as it was going on from us as regularly mounting boma tax. and so in, within the israel to the relevant process we actually, we spoke to the home or is there any foreign minister and on the previous going
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home to grow? who said the also was the echoed swear of failure and he then became chief negotiator position of women. i mean, but without getting to into the, the information about all those different, failed the piece processes. let's just get to w, m d. i mean in the iraq inquiry you slammed at my 6 blaming it for a rock w m d claims of israel has w m d. and i'm not the image chemical weapons of course. uh, then it'd be in use white phosphorus. uh is that, but uh, of course, nuclear weapons. how can, how, how does the current, uh, sort of, uh, uh, in the context of his rare letting nuclear weapons change things. and there was in the initial, often massive october 7th, it was talk about how about us capturing over or getting to demona and be very surprised to go to the loan. and uh, israel is being
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a non declared nuclear power for number of decades. now. it is, was an employee has to be as an important factor as a reminder of why we're in that region of the when to move between states around in israel, for example, it would be potentially very catastrophic. it was raised as a potential issue during the 1973 war and actually seen it raised to something that could be used as well as any particular relevance to this case. so once friedman, i'll stop you the more from the merits, as professor was studies and king scholars london, known as the dean of bridget strategic studies after this break the
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lease. indeed these guys i'm doing was vision insight. they say the community, you don't want to be up to 7. ok all day. not. and i think i may, may be quite important. i'd be, i'd be looking as to the body can disagree out as a country to comply very important parts of the diplomacy. mean, judging by the horror at the un security council in, in new york, as people discussed, was israel to doing, to the heart of the masters, which, you know, which you keep from feeling i'm, i'm, i'm not saying, and i'm just like, it's still happening a lot let me say things to happen in the back. you may have that they also is a response to this will quite to pulling up by some muscle is, you know, most countries as managed to be a, to, to express that concern in both sets of suffering. want just one. yeah, no,
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i mean i'm just talking about the situation. i'm surprised. i mean, as you know, there, the palestinians consider that there are thousands of hostages of palestinian hostages kept for decades in behind bars in the, in israel. i think that what i mean is that, of course, while the old countries have condemned the taking of hostages by a resistance movement, so i come us on october 7th. they also showed hora as i'm sure who we will feel when we see the pictures. i don't know if this sense it in britain, i know britain sense has a lot of journalism and the bbc ivy suspended some journalist. but certainly here in this region, the vast majority of people are seeing the horrors of what's coming out. but, but you are an expert on war and i'm wondering whether people are looking at what the russians did in the ukraine, had not flattening kia, for instance. uh versus, uh, what israel does to gaza,
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what the united states and britain did to baghdad. you actually look to what russian did to marion pulled together. i'm talking about the thousands and thousands and thousands of civilian casualties. systematic attacks, so on ukrainian infrastructure. the, the cussing offsets the cost of electricity and water is ro cuz it's given them the amount of warnings. israel a dropped is they really want to just kill civilians. i shared an awful lot more. would it be killed, unable, ready, being killed by trying to attack targets, been attacking targets, instability, americans about lead store goes i. e, go again. you can go next. but on boy is obviously a besieged cherry tree with off of the $2300000.00 heart children. and i mean, obviously if you drop that many bombs on an open area to use it proportionately, you know, you believe it's probably proportionate if you were deliberately. this is rose
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deliberate, please to just to kill civilians. and that was the only objective of the end of this and a lot more with this guy. the problem is, as you say, the if your mounting do feel versions of any suit in the territory in which large numbers of civilians live on that. as the secretary general of the un noted military installations of being placed amongst those civilians. then alaska new aggregate. the problem in russia attacked a, using some of the justifications, a civilian there is because they sadly was bought. but we look to assess the thing to do so. little russian russian denies are home, see mushrooms was denied that but, but no, i, i'm sorry to bother you, but you think it's good portions? are you really, if it is proportional, it is rarely doing the gaza. proportionality is, is, i mean, the, as i say now is written, this is
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a really lovely limits to what is ro can achieve by military option a i, they've got themselves some strategic mast to be honest. and i think, raise it proportion. i don't believe. let me explain the algorithm, sentences october, led them to set in motion a number of things which are not the uh, the see checks me talking to cj asked strikes. i'm pulling up large numbers of people for a little freak issue which hasn't yet happened. proportionality as a legal concept is extraordinarily difficult, but it's not just the who's told most people, it's about the concept and delivery necessity, uh, or it just simple in an intention to kill. so it is united, strictly speaking, it wouldn't argue that is relative just some people into butcher palestinians
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in similar ways to get away from us, but should, is riley's is. so it doesn't, it doesn't really help you if you want to say, thoughts of the sort of the lawrence of the numbers are so different. well, anyway, just finally then, i mean, clearly the united states and it's the you proxies a lost in the enough dentist on, in iraq, in syria, let alone as you write in your book, vietnam allow cambodia so many other places. would iran when the war against the united states, with its allies in the region that loan defact as a board from the new bricks countries young i cooperation, organization. and would the united states and european union countries backing israel? would they lose? no, i don't think they would, but i would suggest with issues with, with a rock issue, whether it's good for
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a around. just thought it depends on the right one doesn't get the impression that most direct needs to be desperately keen on the idea. or, i don't know, of course, no one wants to. i mean the, the, with the game lose would make just under the united states. the reason of the united states and his allies 5 so badly in iraq and of damage done it. and yet now the full docking so serious is because they, they, they tried to impose government, some places where they were welcoming whether government didn't have a sufficient legitimacy and authority to survive. the reason why russia has so much trouble in your brain is not welcome in you. great. i to the israel was in gaza. it left out because it was a black garza in 2005 because it wasn't welcomed there and it won't be welcome. if it tries to go back in the wow, if i have trouble again, that's why you lose what was bought by trying to impose your will on places we to
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we sure. don't want you to be there. and, you know, the, you can find examples for many countries where whereabouts as being the case of the major, a straightforward regular wolf between iran and his allies, such as they are. i don't think they get married. 5, many people rushing to join in the united states and its allies, as long as it was a conventional was no doubt you would with a it would be the west, but i don't see it. yeah, i mean, i think many people will uh, looking at that based on the rack or doubt that i've tried to explain what is the united states has not lost convention, was what is lost as insurgencies. um you find very few examples when the americans get beat uh, when its just regular forces against regular forces. they get beat because of a very hungry they try to defeat the local indigenous
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salons. friedman, thank you. and that's it for the show and condolences from the whole team here and going underground to those bereaved by the ongoing violence here in the middle east . we'll be back with a brand new episode on saturday until then keep in touch viral social media. it's not sensitive in your country and had to have channel going on the grand tv on rumble. don't come to us new and old episodes of going underground to set the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, we know that there was supposed to be a ceasefire and you were supposed to release that says you promised. however, we're suffering from your political security and military failure. and us post for video of several is really hostages is they've policy failed is 5 prime minister netanyahu all the reasons why that's still in competition. how design site is ready forces of attack. she has another hospital in gauze, if it was a wedding stroke like to cope with wounded civilians, die i shall take just to side. since the deaths tolling dogs is the cost is a 1000 feet when it is well intensified as ground it as tugs with tyler called blackouts, hindering local rescue assets. also this out we see that instead of punishing terrace in criminals. unfortunately, israel began to take revenge on the principle of collective responsibility versus
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presidents who didn't speak styles against the bloodshed in the middle east of accused us to your west 7th claiming pretensions to put the it's the very welcome. this is all the international with the latest. well, the thing is that the date is good to have you with us. and we start with the latest one, the israel palestine conflict. the minutes in group i'm us has what do use the video is said as of separate list, where the hostages, they accuse permanent significantly all who with policy status that have kept them in captivity. if you need anything else to benjamin netanyahu, hello, we have been in her mos captivity for 23 days. yesterday there was a press conference for the families of the prisoners, and we know that there was supposed to be a cease fire and you were supposed to release says you promised. however, we're suffering from your political security and military failure because of the
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failure that you caused on the 7th of october. because no soldier was present at the border and no one defended us. you're innocent, and now you've citizens, citizens who pay taxes to the state of israel. we are now in captivity under no conditions. you are killing us. do you want to kill us all? you want the army to kill us enough that you slaughtered every one, isn't it enough? that is really citizens got killed. release us now. release palestinians citizens and released prisoners. now release us release every one. we deserve to go back to our families. and that's near his office has rejected that video with psychological propaganda. and so that will do everything accounting to free. the hostages, as well as military says, it's managed to rescue a female soldier who would be an adult as by her boss. she was given a medical examination that has been reunited with her family. me mom is was military say this invasion into the north of the gauze of wages going according to
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plan as will be expanded. moment over the past 24 hours. we have expanded our operations in the gaza strip with additional infantry tanks, combat engineering and artillery forces entering enjoyed the attacks by ground. and aaron garza, our soldiers took out dozens of terrorists barricaded in buildings who were trying to attack our forces to hold the palestinian desktops. them is radia tax us the past $8000.00 people. does the official said the is really military recently i talked to to cuz she supported hospital that was already struggling with supply shortages on the electrical blackouts. local journalist. so now come all has the story. visit early on, we increase it by the edit site on the east coast and sleep causing a series of tutor. among the locust, manly boots were decided to not leave their houses in the city and the northern part of the sold over the last mice. all going to see what the dozens of is that
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any fights or just but dissipated in the heavy edit site on the did. it's already alpha supposed to be done in because the city as well as the search is supposed to be that the 1000 of the c p, which is a long as is increasing the conservation with a 55 is the inside they by they, this isn't all of those, they fall in love, many options, 3 weeks of, of the complex. on our side we saw you seem to locate in phones and due to the tardies, according to the 9th admissions release and was, i just didn't have nothing that i didn't say wrong. that it was a warning sign calling for allowing you may tell you a little into garza to deal with the cost of extinguish these ready tanks have been rolling through the boulders of gauze, and one of them was spotted on video firing as a call as a bus a warning
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d my my find the following images to 7 the the username to the as well has rejected criticism about potentially attacking civilian vehicles. thing is difficult to distinguish between millison sons local residents. and i witnessed that the targeted box contained only civilian by the bus drove past us. we tried to warn the driver and shouted, there's a tank in front of you. you must leave. but he didn't hear us and the tank opened fire on it. the passengers were all civilians, even when they called the ambulance. they told us that they couldn't get there, as there was no coordination to reach the area. i have no idea what happened to them or whether or not they were never taken to the hospital. we have report is across them, at least on the, in the conflicts and covering what's been on folding by the hour canadian,
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palestinian before them on. so showman, who's currently in gaza. so he's as well, has been trying to clump down on press movements in the area since the thoughts of, of the cutting to a full 5 days, really a government and the gene that invested millions here on the, on 77 different journalists. what attends the deaf ed and all the time. and these were also smoked out of enclosed lots. the judgment of people who work in the media even in just symphony social media platforms, mostly my goodness are targeted and they see it for their lives every 2 days. we see a post on one of the facebook pages, the instagram, 6, all 4 of them, one of the other social media platforms off. again, that is the same thing that one gordon says for another during the resides. and then we also have prize that just st. joseph, this also dies a few days later. so this is like a fly,
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kansas just continues and exhibit ending. and it seems that there isn't any government on trying to just finance anyone that's trying to adjust the voices out to the house or the words about what's happening in the grounds. get them does that . it is around 5 minutes or less, and yahoo stays the hum. mazda talk on october 7th was, was the cellphone, jewish people since the holocaust is that it was close by the quotes, the zippers, most of the innocence and the public must is to differentiate that from quote, unintentional casualties and goss come us launches for bucks, perpetrating the words, so would you have people have seen since the holocaust and funding come us and the venue access of to is one is fighting the enemies of civilization itself. a victory over these enemies begins with more clarity. it means making a moral distinction between the deliberate murder of the innocent and the unintentional kind of casualties that accompany every legitimate war. even the most
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just for a fight is not with a pallet standing in the height is with a terrace entity that took over the palestinian area that we came out from in 2005 . we won the best for the posting and people, and that's why we left in 2005 in the hope that the palestinian leadership would take over. we've built a beautiful part of this region into a wonderful place. it could've been due by. instead, they turned it into a root with the wrong, of course, of the big pop up mazda in this horrible ugly game. and so we hope, and we pray, the police and people get the leadership they deserve. and not genocidal. terrorist or corrupt politicians, which is what they have with the p a. in fact, we don't aim to kill civilians. war is ugly. sometimes there are in a sense casualties. but the difference is that we're trying to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure until the heads of the terrorist organization. i'm not any
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people. he's really military has posted this video of its soldiers in gone. so it says it's the force and navy will provide assistance to the troops on the ground on these middle east bureau chief maria, from ocean. that takes us through the latest developments to we're now in the city all just did all with that. the both of with the guys that from here we can see and hear the fight and folding just couple of kilometers away. i will ask, now my camera meant to zoom in a little bit so that you can see those tall buildings is the gas is 3 point, one, ready? we hear these really fight to drugs flying overhead. we also hear these really are tillery those boons right now. this is really artillery, working from that location towards the gas as tree pad from time to time. her mazda also sends rockets towards these really southern communities. we hear rocket alerts, sounding all throughout the city from time to time. which means the case actually
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that the middleton's group is still capable of attacking, which he's this, to be honest, surprising, given the magnitude of these really errors, tribes, israel, a shadow of all forms of communication. in the, in clay, there was no internet or phone connection. the global criticism and condemnation of these really hall peroration that already claimed thousands of lives, including innocent civilians, women children, and kind of families mount. but we can see that these really leadership tends to ignore and denies these concerns that we rarely even heard is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm saying that these really military is the most morally asked to co army in the world war, but it is last night traditional ground forces and it goes to the goals, the best will a very clear. they all the destruction of how math is military and governmental capabilities and bringing hostages. how the idea is the most marty, ethical army in the world?
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it does everything you can to avoid harming those uninvolved. he's riley's fighting, not only its own will, but also war if you manage the against bob or is i'm oh, i lives in the west and well then upon is in the our will understand that if israel does not, when they will be the next in this coming quest of the axis of evil. meanwhile, has mo, let it run back to military grove in lebanon, continues exchanging firewood. these really are forces in the north of the country . so the situation is getting tens in the south where i am right now. and in the north of israel, and of course, questioned that so many now ask is whether the country will be able to afford that financially morales, physically, and actually strategically. what we're looking at right now is, of course, at least in terms of lebanon, is that there is, of course, sporadic clashes, but over the past few days we've seen different approach by these really armies. of course, as blog continues to carry out attacks, it does carry out artillery shows,
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as well as a ground to a air missiles, as well as actually used a guided missile on friday to take out the tank some certain positions along the border and essentially the classes for the most part had been ongoing for one very strategic reason, and that is to destroy telecommunications, as well as the surveillance capabilities along the border. this entry both from that has the law and the is where the army to blind one another. given that if either side decides to enter the war. meanwhile, tensions remain high in the west bank city of sending off the sun premises with level find is really only both. those a several people have said to be killed in classes in the city sensor we spoke with do on the list mohammed mid jeep who's based in the region this morning for you as well as to who knows where children do need the disability. i know most of the thoughts on their distance without a break over this floor. there's no down forces heavily cup down on that with bank . and in addition to that, that said loans. the jewish settlers,
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who are more than 650000, those banks need increased significantly, increase their aggression. is there a sol? so get us to about a few minutes ago, but it is physically and that they're shooting them. and the, the story they're a little bit doctor's visit was also photos. the fits for them to see you guys. and that is the unfortunate to continue. it's just, it can been across that respect to this. and all of these individuals faced by confrontation by the us about us thing is a during the night. that's the thought of the the so that's it was the mirror does . and the is i know you and use life. i munition there is lucky to get as much time to get it is not about what it is before they open fire out of they use the doors to bump houses. so the virus continuing, that was bank and she's tuition on high tension by now. all she say is really as trying some damage to a palestinian aid warehouses, the humanitarian such an a situation in gauntlet as was named by the day. and you
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n agency task with assisting refugees. it says the critical shortages of food and rosa, view, and agencies. these thousands of solving palestinians have broken into containers of 8 supplies and a desperate attempts to take basic necessities, such as flour for fred closet, base to the less townsend sholandra posts on the situation on the ground. people standing in a very long lines to get some bread for themselves. they tried to get some food to. busy find drinking water, the larger things, the people here, the past few days, the drinking salty water out of this situation becoming really worth waiting the international community to dig a serious step to help them out and uh, provide them the electricity. uh and uh, some clothes. people who are really suffering from what happening to them, larger to these people, they lost their houses,
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their houses is completely destroyed and they actually sleeping inside, you know, schools and they sleeping inside hospitals. as you can see here, the whole neighborhood is restored as completely destroyed and there is no other place to go. you want officials as being reiterating the escalating hudgens. the full relief efforts in gaza is the situation in the region rapidly. it's heavier rates. any time we do some of these being the midnight you have 1216. so how much do not up. so the state of the sweat from each of the guessing on the international. and you've been into no more than 400. 20 children are being killed or injured and gaza every day. a number that should shake each of us to our core. and their desperation. people have resorted to breaking into you and warehouses in search of food and water. the hydration is an increasing concern as a possibility of the spread of disease and other health concerns due to unsafe
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water and breakdown, and sewage treatment service that's across to all t correspondent caleb more put in new york. now caleb, good to see what else was said during this latest un security council meeting as well. speaker after speaker comes before the 15 member body that leads to the united nation country after country being represented, talking about the dire humanitarian situation. taken place in gauze. now of course, there is universal condemnation of the events of october 7th and all acts of terrorism. but yet country after country makes clear that a ceasefire, it is necessary that people are dying around the clock of it. civilians are in desperate conditions, and when the russian ambassador and the dentist took to the floor of the meeting, he pointed out how absurd the u. s. position of blocking un efforts versus the spire is under these conditions. here's what the un ambassador representing the
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russian federation had to say before the un security council meeting that's being watched by the world in and the such as right of these really authorities called directions and expansion of the operation or preparations for ground operation. but that's not the point. and the fact is that despite the on a big us reaction in the world, western jerusalem has begun practical implementation of his plans for clean up of the enclave. response we heard assessments from is really officials quote is real categorically rejects un ceasefire calls. and of quote, the constance comments from these really unfair to the un that the united nations has lost his legitimacy have not gone unnoticed. the statement of a number of representatives in these really parliament is also shocking, widely dispersed in the media, the quote no symmetry is present and the is rarely response, and the palestinian children and gas are disturbing of its end of quote. unfortunately, it clearly follows from them, the israel defiantly ignores the changing and suppressing majority of the un. it will also includes many western states for calls of
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a cease fire is irregular situation was also caused by the fact that due to the us position, the security council actually turned out to be paralyzed. and so far has not been able to accept a resolution with an urgent demand for cease fire. we went out twice with a cease fire plan. but in vain. western jerusalem and washington have completely different plans to squeeze out the population of gas or squeeze it out of the settlements. so it's now the russian ambassador also pointed out that it seems like all of the concerns that us leaders continue to raise around ukraine around the possibility of humanitarian. a flight and civilian casualties seemed to suddenly been forgotten. as the usa protects the ability of israel to carry out the properties. in addition, uh the russian and bassett are pointed out that there are pro palestine pro test taking place across the western countries that are being very brutally repressed and suppressed. and that this points to another level of good thought received from western leaders that continue to lecture the world about human rights,
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freedom of speech, etc. so it's quite a meeting. we aren't hearing unified uh, calls from the international community for the protection of civilians for a ceasefire. um and in this moment, uh, the russian ambassador had to point out that the united states is pretty isolate. ready standing alone in its efforts to protect israel's activities while also claiming to protect and be concerned about the lives of civilians. i want that so many things to because of speed that sol suite correspondent caleb open in new york . you as president joe biden say, is that palestinians must not be displaced from the gauze or region into neighboring egypt to make those comments off of speaking by phone with egypt. preston. i spoke with the president of delford, i'll see see, to share my appreciation for egypt, facilitating the delivery of humanitarian assistance to gaza. we reaffirmed our commitment to work together and discuss the importance of protecting civilian lives,
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respect for international humanitarian law, and ensuring the palestinians and gaza are not displaced to egypt or any other nation. the age of times repeatedly rejected proposals to allow palestinian refugees into his territory even on a temporary basis of the arab countries, including jo. didn't have also spoken, also gains topper and refugees. those nations have emphasized the recognition of an independent palestinian stage. we heard from us pundits and joe oakland, he says, bided most to please all the sides of his conflicts, and that could eventually complicate washington's relations with a lot of them. i don't think joe biden knows what he's saying. i think the joe biden is just talking just to talk you, so he's a mouthpiece, you know, it's pretty unfortunate that we have a person that you know, that has no cognitive ability to have a conversation of reason. and this is a leadership that is represented in the united states. he's actually straddle, he has one foot in israel, one foot and god,
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and he's trying to please both sides. and unfortunately, he's going to have to make some tough decisions. that's gonna create strain. i mean the strain of, of standing on both sides when you straddle a relationship and you're not willing to call which wrong wrong, and you're not willing to target and make sure that you take care of the problem. and in large part, we have to look at them off as an american made problem. israel, there's already enough tension on the relationship between israel and the us just based on the weak, us abiding and as administration. and the fact that even most countries around the world see this, this election that we had in 2020, and largely in 2022 as fraudulent kabuki theater. and so he doesn't have a lot of fear of, of respect or admiration from any country. and so now he's gotta make a decision on who he's going to fall and he's gonna support. and frankly, he's gonna fall down and not support anyone. that's gonna, that's gonna create a whole lot of tension between the us and not just israel, but other countries around the world wash as president at platinum at pace and condemns the killing of his rating civilians. but was that taking an eye for an eye
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and retaliation is also unjustifiable. the commercial says we use the visual comedies. the current round of the middle east crisis began with a terrorist attack against israeli civilians. we see that instead of punishing terrorist and criminals, unfortunately, israel began to take revenge on the principle of collective responsibility. terrible events are now taking place in the gaza strip. when you look at bloody dead children, and how women and old people are suffering, how doctors are dying, and your fis clench, and tears well up in your eyes, what we should not and cannot allow ourselves to be guided by emotions, we must clearly understand who in reality is behind the tragedy of the middle east and other regions of the world. at this recent meeting of the russian security council vladimir put and expressed his deep concern for the civilian casualties that we've been seeing on both sides of this most recent episode in the israel palestine conflict with the russian president also said that we can't really place
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the blame on one side or the other. it's really the united states that is the main instigator and beneficiary from this recent violence. it's a world power that's slowly losing its position is global hedge a month to be who organizes the deadly chaos who benefits from it. today, in my opinion, this has already become obvious and clear to everyone, the customer's act rudely and brazenly. it is the current ruling elite of the united states and their satellites that are the main beneficiaries of global instability. they extract their bloody wrench from it. their strategy is obvious, the united states, as a world superpower, everyone sees this, understands it even based on the trends in the world economy. it is weakening and losing his position. the american world with one hedge him on is collapsing gradually, but steadily becoming a thing of the past. rushed as president specifically pointed to the recent unrest
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in russia's southern republic of dag a stand where at an airport a crowd, an anti is rarely crowd actually gathered for an unruly protest during the arrival of a flight from tel aviv. and the authorities there already determines that that was instigated actually by a telegram channel run from within ukraine. now this channel has already been blocked, but it was run by a former russian deputy apparently which who also use this channel actually to spread pro you premium propaganda within russia and blood in our food. and also mentioned that the of the events mentioned here were actually also instigated by western intelligence agencies as well. so we do look which gives you the events and much colewell last night. we're inspired among other things, through social networks, not least from the territory of ukraine, but the agents of western intelligent services. in this regard, i want to ask a question, is it possible to help palestine by trying to attack local jewish people in their families?
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we can only help palestine in the fight against those who are behind this tragedy. we are russia, we're fighting them within this network of the northern military district, both for yourself and for those who strive for true real freedom. so what these new revelations of western back the instability in russian territory. i mean, it really looks like the consequences of this israel palestine conflict. they're taking more of an international character. what kind of is permanent statute appears to have you used to this, the disturbances of the dentist on the airport for a political job against russia. he said, hey, to us, you know, phones is quote, unacceptable. of the scenes emerging from much colors, airport and russia, are deeply disturbing and disseminated them is never acceptable hatred in all its forms is unacceptable. we must spend together against it wherever and whenever it occurs. well, that is just like this touchy situation in russia needs right now more justin true though, and is particularly uninformed brand
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a virtue signaling. so to those savvy against anti semitism now, great, that's quite the you turn after he stood up and cheered for an actual nazi and canadian parliament just last month or in the chamber today. ukrainian canadians, ukrainian canadian world veteran from the 2nd world for who fought ukrainian independence against the russians and continues to support the troops today. even at his age of 98, the year i bought a genuine nazi living raleigh from the 2nd world war who had to go on his feet like it was a taylor swift concert. you're still at home. got far enough the unit that pledge allegiance to hitler,
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the king kong of the same anti semitism that to go is now denouncing. now hunger wasn't even one of those knock off ukrainian as of neo nazis that counted as defense, department head trade to fight russia. nazis that looked like they've been ordered up on wish. busy or a groupon app? no, hugo boss, brand ss uniforms, just huge nazi symbol tattoos, which a canadian military noticed. i kept training them anyway. hey, there's always a possibility of playing more on card and claiming that you just had no idea. and that's exactly what you know did after images being around the entire world of hymns. standing alongside blenders was d as the crating and present this pump, ukrainian nazi light, he had just scored a touchdown. the speaker was solely responsible for the invitation and recognition of this man and his holy accepted that responsibility and stepped down. this was
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a mistake that his deeply embarrassed parliament and canada all of us who were in this house on friday, regret deeply. the fact that curio wasn't able to figure out even on the spot that someone introduced as how they fought russians in world war 2 was in fact also an enemy of then soviet allied canadians, $0.04 a diet to fight naziism suggest as russian president vladimir putin has said that you're either an idiot or bastard for so true though, apparently opted to play the idiot cards, claiming that he had no clue and that it was the house speakers fall for inviting the sky ventured oh, tried to say that anyone pointing out his idiocy is just enabling for us and propaganda. so better just let through those to pick the slide if you want to stick it to russian president vladimir putin. and what better way for judo to shake his own anti semitism debacle then by bringing up as high so doesn't forget now prime
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minister true to you only to literal not see in parliament. you will write semitism is completely unacceptable and it is a shame this incident happened. and sir, the whole crimes being committed against the people have gone to the murder of thousands of children and your refusal to call for a cease fire. high justin's pay off comes team social media manager and intends what's it like working for a liar and the hypocrite? i imagine it's pretty unfulfilling. unfortunately for the prime minister, canada, whose own knowledge and recall of history might be bad, but the public's sure isn't for security when it comes to his screw ups. but maybe he knows more about gas and israel, and that whole fiasco that he does about ukraine. not the ignorance is ever an impediment to virtue, say, like, well, many thanks for joining us. hey, auntie international group company is always appreciate, it does get to take all website all
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t dot com for all the very latest. the indeed probably be because i'm there wasn't any confusion inside this really community. you don't want to be up to 7. ok. the unit, the government, the government, but this would be part of what they want this from this side. nobody is they would be finishing with come us because you know, i'm us. gosh the to the. ready ready ready ready ready
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the former said the option of aspects of players is larger, and if the board outside to the lot probably gonna least what are the other and then on saturdays coming up on the spectrum, you know, that's 15 minutes of the nice leisure. and also some of this, but the cfo them going to be for the guides to the last place yet that the, such as the investigators have bought out. so. okay, but also the boy, assuming there's that it's likely that you know, these are the last 2 of these just always less than 4 minutes of the start over to those to them. it seemed to boy gardner, the really cool. these were sitting out by the is the option is that i've been so started and i said i would have just the, the $290.00. she is going to learn the same question. i go to the slave for battery to be able to squeeze muscle,
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but obviously it is. so the need for the 9 in the function nature is rushed to not, but the dice may a trip on the fish and use or do not appear to me to let us. but that's a girl. missed that on the see. last that on a stand last you through it, the army of you ever with to circle up with got over the new model especially to think of nothing new silly. this really no, not what i thought. so. got that done. prescribed the girl? no. so i always the girls and you're seeing fox, they're literally them. yes. me quotes i q and you buy me out. midland, that's giving it got the future just sort of categories lead you to drive me up cuz always talking about a quote, the price for the lovely young and the size $9.00. yeah. most of the month. so then yeah, so it'd been me so, i mean, definitely this is sierra but with that that many of them will let her slow to just ask if she doesn't really do it, the floor that we would come up with that it's in every animal. well, no, again,
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i think number as you're leaving your, my name is really so i said to me, can you go north and not be with someone really the your, this, the, if they go to the frame or a role, am i going to assign the, let not put, put new z and they get, remember peter bonnie, which is obviously she on this last left not 40 of jihad cell phones still got voice boot. you pick a saturday and by the way, you get on the beach and say, i'm not wishing by the unit, i'm lucky boston got that. that's a good thing with the vehicle, isn't it? pre a project that the the some of the board much does not. you will probably not simply resolve the interest it's posting go chevy. i'll tell you to be some way nation food, a jihad with the some of the pre owned vehicle that the chief got to put in was the gas via for chase. i got the video josh anniversaries with what they're doing simply avenue and
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a colleague so found like most of the labels. some of them could always to naples, not to phone for the son of eyes at $14.00, oh, $4.00, waiting for them and not for a my do any of the of what do you do also be presented to us from bill to one. normally it's a is a fund facilities that us know bless you for. to be wasted on a danny. the reason for me it was not with like with the food but of a panic, a by his phone deal pretty much. i will talk to him, get those to how you like, what you'll see it will appear to me, the charlotte, and the case product with luck with them. they will, doesn't the cache and stuff by him. and it gives me an idea of what's cool. you guys will just won't be on the side and google the listing is the cool. a lot of things being slowed in mind. they get the sudden they're supposed to got you for them. you know, to make a note on not chelsea, not most of the, probably supposed to have cannot see you, but you know, into the national and i'll be is gonna push the surface of my. fortunately for will
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god see for the one that both the doing this i'm yes, a lot for photos to brock daily or some touch base or tabula certification it or national call it or not be a so i always tell us to dealing with remind me is there any bullets i'm below. sorry. 5th of my actually a there so that it is simple. ok. that's a motor slot. oh my goodness ain't a call. now another pause followed. the main story, blot knows what i'm doing. i can swear to god to grace squared. my seminar to the door is this the carpet? i'm over the north and to see if it goes to me. your name on my porch. it don't thought the name a nice. i think it in the lrc what you all got to side. i've owed you a bill versus a fast dentist is wrong. but on the court side icon it goes, i'm on a deck. oh, i'm sorry, it's a lead within the media and we're gonna need to deal with this just so yeah, i could do it for sending it or send me
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a bill or something or some some be on the 1st the montgomery academic. oh awesome . and my lead or did on some to a full time and it was an interest in that bill and then is a map. there are some start called l r. questions. so could in what you that was i'm was it with i it doesn't, i won't be in my boss the 30 day goes to a call. so it gets all the traffic for the stuff on the support time it'd be, oh, that's a deal. i'm gonna throw something up yourself. i know all i really de democrats on those lot. i'm trying to, nobody's even to go through the 1st the creators. who did you have a huge decatur. we do normal on told to see the outside i will need is even though she called that some doors like nickel, little work c, s a monitor. so how do to so i thought since it was more focusing on godsa immortal with its customers, suppose the go to the business any more? yeah,
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you did it the demo idea to 1st they to be already subscribed. there's already a new some also some mass i last. so to then you should added to the speech and now for so hard to say one bill i buy the car is just an email going from a more with it? yes. the simple show us, the south of the boat is up to him. useful look almost all that sort of thing. plus the most on put from stuff. oh so so those are 2022. they're supposed to sort of bobby, of which custom, difficult as a thief next you the supposed to sort of buckley associated with them, the able to store numbers up not your boat is below 20 soak above them. it's uh, but feel sort of still coming up with a positive one else as if it is on is as you know, those options are the center of the show some up. and then we looked at some fabulous tubes in the so as a pro, based on human as us. and if you out of the only way nice one,
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it says only when he says that the april, the missiles and stuffing to, to meet with the 3. so if it's on its way, so the, then what i will to me is those and stuff. pardon me, just review for sale a share, the smoke talk stream, toys. hello. often. did you a little while without the codes, auto puts it into set? the thought, oh, nice for you. my little, just my scrambling. it goes and up a miscellaneous mode. that's all what's called the shared method of understood the order and of course little, what goes on this though, bye miles 3. look at a mazda 3. still you leave you 50, you know these photo maci a quite a show crozier, laselle. not only joshua al told was my sister in law. so more school sylvia bokor for the show, told, was billed to talk to you. well, she lost the asset. i have a residence,
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come out to the building and put in the username and school bush. that's the deal. so give me a recent dental on all as a more or dental get out. that's that i watched any questions other i just you, you all i deal. how did you i bill birth control, voice k e velocity. the care wasn't a that's a going well, all i all be a lot of grace and i was able you feel square footage of that on the line. yeah. bruce or the option is a it as a, was it the well, it will be a good yeah. i was lose you the, you have the ability boy, a set of bubbles all day. as i told her, it's most of us as a political says, i'm starting the so by us, that's a thought. it's a window. suppose openness him loud, the whole of the bill. bill bill bill,
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as i told him, and the service of suicide is a little thing and from dealing display of tennessee and equipped, possess sense thoughts of the uh, log it all examples of people 20 bucks to somebody a probably about rock illnesses. i like we have to say, oh does this, does that quick? a 5th wheel stands? not that a mistake would say stuff may have pulled up and push killed that he wouldn't blame me so that that's pulling me up. thought about because remember you're telling me is just the stuff dogs. i know stuff full of the 5th of a patrol, so susceptible and put through the books and you feel to go and i put 2 miles from mama just in a simple to 3 of the you know, see the best, the best stuff to play over the new phones as long as gonna cause a oh, i missed the 1st of the 10 most with it before the 25th post. the flip $0.02 on his, i told them to be a nice velocity is up to the company, is mo,
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most they feel so good. so i'm assuming i'm president. i spoke to that's a beautiful day, folks, as well as the got to physically of those to easy. it sits on the the, my, my better to know get i made some of the, most of the, most of us seem to have done most i myself. so i'm a counselor for loud enough, but it's somebody a mentor scale rather than the old. the cell discovery is not a premium if you still use less search next on, stella, appreciate the travelers to study for you that just took the status of that. but just decided i did is it cut the black cheese taste. let me use click that it will have what they choose up. cool in there. how am i searching it? i knew i'm actually a bottom invoice. then just to guide me to where i should contact the fact fast, my god, no, i shall be on what i have done that in terms now ask a voice was on
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a me a buzz back up to now i and z. like in for 71, the dock is large in the us on the customer with a lot of my so my kind of be off. yeah. the and the check engine of the like i said my mostly most company guys i can coordinate on. on jan. it's in the in the past what an animal dock you put on the 9th or the tiny, the little boy that's so glad. i mean, he's unexcused him. i got quite simple enough that i mean, because i now do me a boss may have someone else most valuable since he was to mom. i know some always a big luggage, but that's me. leave that persons can with some on a yeah. that co, the lloyd see yes. will be able to pull more troy. nice me. so i'll be by you club, pomona. we have them through was me, is to the lake was not trying. yeah. i thought it was still probably the most
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demonic course to go now. we probably use probably not matching a slob that they're trying to go to or for the see cool yet. oh yeah, it's bigger. it's though they have these comple create. so anyways, so if he's coming ok to cancel that you asked me and as a rama, what else name but a minima in that time step and thoughts? yes. or the saw will see must cool be a pretty question. the 0 do both as to google. so let's see something here. move it's a visa or this is no input. the thoughts a slot are quite a set. cost. see something on a one bedroom is lama k. i a b of police with no boss make. that's a good nice. they're going to measure what are the commoners, the monument, b rallies and village square. you know, there is supposed to them this, that they're going to be out of you or your thumbs with their tried out to look,
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we're in cause or die. practice on pressure of them and mute i spoke with you in the dollars in for them and them you know, use question. what is the view of the machine learning center? what is a weird noise when he was younger the most he month about to just leave a truck with there's every day he must go quickly. the only the code that one is the books really the mean? uh oh. like the 1st thing, the weather is getting barely the window the domain and see what squared. sure. anyway, i would say mostly it, i think that it is on square footage, which is going to be in the, by the middle of the 19th century. practically the whole of india had been under
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the rule of the british and by the colonial authorities that impose that heavy depth, bringing the people into poverty exporting natural resources. and moreover, these authorities absolutely had no consideration for the physicians of the local population, treating them like 2nd class citizens. the british were showing signs of disrespect even to those and cooperated with them. the facts of ignoring the religious beliefs of the hindus led to them, you need the voice. mercenary soldiers serving under the british brown. 3000000000 began on the 10th of may 1857 in the garrison town of may river, north of india in the form of abuse. the rebels quickly took over daily that he rode resistance of the indian people lasted for one and a half years. however, the forces were not equal for the colonial authorities dealt with the rebels, cruel, late fee and slaves. the boys were tied to the mouth of the cannon and were shot
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right through their bodies for the amusement of the public. these type of execution was called the devils with the obliteration of the mutiny resulted in the death of 800000 inhabitants of indians. however, the british empire never broke the free spirit of the indians and their will will resist the i'm not sure most of the, hey, it's a good name for the obvious and met the upton capital daughter that national media was a 2 year old is farm scheme fanatics, you might come because i'm, i definitely see my she of the whole from the see the bill. last the task, the dark we're in read to
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the national system of course, or gosh, or nice all night us mode. it's a pretty good or is a book with 2 news on i said most this obviously you have done your stuff. number on you say the amounts of money to theater on i do it minutes. i'm out on the do my mouth tag. it's rodrigo and nevada. and aspects that are due on as now if at all peoria on the on, i'd also still to be on the roof with garden road and it was, it was down to, you know, it was more style. your photograph it. i agree or someone knock who did well or hi, esmeralda what a ditch and there was a single, you know, the kind of wanted to most successful. and if you know some of the people in the know the 0, so most of them yellow squares and i'm able kilometer on that one. so. so you have a lot of interest as of school on the not,
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which is good at the moment before you left the assessment for september. there is no way for as i said, that we have them. so pretty much zillow and it's still not valid. i'm calling before you know, once you realize when you're solving to emulate why i'm like, what's the source of them on a 1000007 since they were done, you know, single to oklahoma city, oklahoma to unlock cell. i'm one of the so the police are totally cool, kill them at that. are those you my cell and those are probably selling up on the, assess the, me a little something on 0 the, the to, to finish the same. but i, so me will really on saw him, but i mean nice when he pulled it up, i don't know what the cost will be the most amount of money for the semester. so what's the, somewhat the question? so the image, ocr needs to probably spend a lot, so it's a strongly to, to move. so it'll decrease my to do the assessing late at night just on gosh to
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dawn if. but the only part, you know, to block one of these i to bush of one unity especially for magic only. so usually when im yaki was eats too much, the only simple color color. oh yeah. usually you might need to be a problem. most of these will basically, what are the only places, but actually endorsement on osh, if you wouldn't last, you know, to those i studies of crush my cheap once it's on a lot of it flush like especially able to get up to it the same correct genetics but as just some of that stuff appear that this measure area i'm or so for the orient sounds of questions that they've got at this time. and this one is miss selling. you matters young man. he's made your last name, your mission of the most the line and english set of a that would die to at least one of natalie and the as the little round table. that's what my so for me is that of an event dental booked. they asked
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a bridge on the 7 versus you at the federal longer for you to miss them that the 3 this is a good the now is that i the name i asked the and outside the and has done everything. but for the most that so great, i actually have from the sound of cuz i totally forgot to talk to some rugs men. is that the above level? what the total bill po, sun number when it goes on. so, but what does the, one of the weights on notes? i don't think it's it's, it's totally ambulance. it's such a tough. so it was the material below which is good for some stuff in the military . and that's the expect you to see if they put things down on i called twice. see, it's stuck with all the dentist said the last ball and the ball on my bet on are busy most. i'll post a fisma citizen. i'm moving the pallet that transports me thought that i may be looked as important as volunteer. nice. i'm over to talk to does the likeness that
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will make and model a pull out the, the money, the level of de type pinellas fill up. so in that bullet that also be level drops them. ok, is that to the bone in the soft costs of what they may be able to even ask students to assist us on a plus symbol. it's a full code to him and is upgraded. so it'd be on the level of plymouth or the valley today, that'd be like another $30.00 to $3.00 points. i would then us, it's just east and that's what most i'm about to put towards the put the commercials for that is a pretty cluster. so you have to feel upon us, send me an update about seeing what updates when you have a supercilious, it's impossible to, to stay myself with all your thoughts as you have done on us couple julian, day of them see plenty of them should i have to test successfully, i want to book it because here then that'd be a give name of his own doesn't i can tell you to put some books to little business him of the one of the 1st. but you also belittle play model program of the if
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you're focused on patrol most kind of as one in stock, i finally realized that you would you not want let me slow to study. most of somebody, a bus feel comfortable about sits at the point on most of the us sleep or close like searching you know, stuff, feel comfortable, useful enough to associates or sort of, you know, clean up. oh, so to concepts and that's on sunday as well for the plus fun. yeah. nobody, i'm a tucker dog. if it's only a play, i want to talk to, you end up putting it on that place, but now's the listing on zillow sent the most unfair to some of the bill. ali from either of you to the book on you. ok, you do it by the colder than which i hate to call you would just open up a new one, the holes which are the so i don't my cheat which i have the chase to be. see it have the you know, the a name. oh, not you've reduced by so slowly the vice
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w to my, uh, this is pretty good. the normal amount of the $53.00 see uh, which seat was which it will be. and this would be a static se, uh covey. got shylie. she around got povlovich wesley. quite some. uh dr. look said, what do the subscribe bought? see what we bought a bad deal up at the southeast around. i'd be stuck with the stuff in the those comes through months. convince us out to the middle. custody is what you've done when you have the music style. the number of a pull up would so focused on these thoughts, the view of the level, but then it switches to where you met. and we'll talk to people in the c, c, b, your studies. those people are gonna need a policy to be has to be dollars with the import it to promote g. and for that domain, most of those yo names for these look to not clear and matching the sheet that was
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so we get both of these set to go to ne, a pretty much in about the come the got, could you have the top substitute to put some name, at least of him and the zip on top of the c p u i. c p thought focus is to who is the v vi to go to want somebody to go literally. that's the lease of duty chop a damien nipples not to sell your lunch. these are things like beauty is finally told me. stoney coming. cool. here with similar galactic is similar. jumped only super being some a slow us not be so you left each the all the new mode. what would it that it was not the typo sample. not to be like that. the said thing, but you should get a little probably from every, not that users to stick it by says i see it totally on i've it all the initial the
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name and it goes up by supervisor just because she's done awesome. so far so some others have not been able to manage. all right, sounds good for them. under some of the doctors to the been on it will get me putting it on a phone call mosquitos, getting them for you at the start with the last hour and so and, and for you daniel is doing it now. so not many smart dresses originally on the estimation, but i'm just focused on my son and myself to be done on the acting a man, a guard on 988 donald mill. apparently there were some savings. i'm at 2, honestly it's but i do a customer to go, i would totally suckle read to you. i know fred much. the draws really 0 of hours the,
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the whole innocent hours. obviously a safe fair was friday for the sale. and all that done us was for me stuff on the same bus that says and say as i saw last thing will be based on is still a good chunk of glitch, county course. they will be out and going to stay with them. and if the system already done us me, so 1st i usually have never done this. i've never dealt with them for the in the clear that you always speak. we so request that the 3, so 7 and sort of a sudden inputted any of this and all figured out 7 say
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a message to tell you what the particular this is. ok. although i don't know you're saying that it is a basically to the negative enough to some of the for the ellipse dawson, not a bomb. my 2nd, give them a south korea on likely 40 and we're seeing a system not of them as an employer. and then keep pace just focusing on what's on there. the most the most can always get with quite a little bit of property enough for people who can still put on with the most competitive lease and be able to tell the size. there could be some assistance for them. isn't a list of folks moving don't you still want us to lease a few of the here's sort of uh so uh really quick. so screwed up a vehicle. okay. so opening here, sort of both on the for being a cv, lot of people think a sales besides a he bought us that was gonna pull the truck for
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life as a don sonata subsea. oh, but i don't see him the honesty on this deal and she does have some evidence that will be a good nathan us failed to 1000 that those on get us. what's the most cust august mail else? the not, but from necessarily in, you know, i mean most of the story and nursing not of the day ups, not the story helps me, but that's uh, well the address listed on this issue is dealing with us for, they're not a say go much up to kill them at the plant or failed killed only such people killed them instead of suck. wait on lots of use that on us data. you just said what it said needs to. so i forgot to put a box level so sudden folks above. yeah. was sort of be a book sally. it was this. not that i'm aware of it that sort of oddly enough for me in diapers. no, but that's not what thoughts they see. that is because this is probably a god's in it, but i also know you're going to see the us and then the customer cannot. so now let's do the talk without plugging, but you know,
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the pedestrians visits every need. so it's really not the best i've just caught on this of pots and not the beat the plot. see so nice, but i still got miss. you have no more options. you know, i would have for the 6 for somebody to present on him. but as the god's ears back after going dark, being cut off from the world, israel continues to deny god's that everything needed. they monitored line. in the meantime, the west collectively turns a blind died to the collective punish palestinians. the,
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the we know that there was supposed to be a cease fire and you were supposed to release that says you promised. however, we're suffering from your political security and military failure. last post video of several is ready. hostages who's a policy phase 5 prime minister netanyahu, all the reasons why that's still in service. how this time site is ready for the attack. she has another hospital in gauze, if it was a wedding struggling to cope with wounded civilians. die actual to just the size of the desk. tony and gone to the top is a 1000 feet when it is well intensified is grounded as hawks with tyler called


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