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tv   Going Underground  RT  October 30, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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an aussie international company is always appreciate, it does get to take all websites, all the dot com for all the very late the the i would like to start with the ross at africa summit which took place this summer. it's been a couple of months already. so we would like to see and hear if there's been any progress of the kinds of deals that was signed between the 2 countries. what can you tell us about that? about the pilot bilateral cooperation and what was agreed upon during that form in
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the summer. indeed, the 2nd rush advocate some it was an important out in for the russian for the nation. it provided for i shall have the opportunity to show a case. it's constructive can gauge men in international relations and particularly to demonstrate its commitment to engage constructively with african countries. i'm about 17 hits of cit attended some of the vice presidential level as a department is that level. so, um they let me do this way. i really very engaging for us, we discussed the number of issues. we identified the priority issues that vice president discussed with, with populace in, in the russia. one important issue that a vice president put forward was the to explore possibility of in gauge
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and interested parties to assist nigeria to the substitute the a jack with as to complex, which has that have been motor button for about 40 years ago. um, in the 1st summer um, it was agreed between that julia, russia that the suspicion of the still complex was going to be then a government took up on the government to government agreement on the basis of government. a government agreement within the 2 or 3 years that pass, we wouldn't be able to achieve that goal for several reasons. my principal, among them west the co navators pandemic, which could not allow us to engage. and secondly, it was to be cut it out through a type of type agreement involving the legit in on the russian government. on the
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one side the russian export who russian exports council as well as the ex im bank. so that was midco, polluted sub for us. a vice president really explored the possibility of getting the cooperation of russia to come and had a source of to distill company it complex. the biggest, i can see in africa, which was almost 96 percent completed several years ago, but still remains money. but because of the little pipe that has to be that we're seeing that roger has a competitive advantage because there was a company to approve export that constructed. that complex has the template and they come with this a part of the ocean government. we believe that they can assist that data to the
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source of this and launch that data into the industry and work with respect to a game is which you as, um, we did not sign any new agreements that were already previous. i agree with is that way assigned, which we have following up on them. the most important thing is to see how we could increase a trade volume between that data and the russia. how we could increase educational, scientific, and technical cooperation. so that we can different with as trenton and the pin, our cooperation for the motel benefit of both countries where looking for possibilities of companies as the russia has promised during the summer that russian companies are willing to come to africa. and i do that is the largest economy in africa. it has the largest population of that for it has the largest market. it has, i'm pull up a communities for investment. what portion companies need to do is to understand
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that you cannot assess and it kind of make it rather than from alpha. we need to come on the ground to i says, dr. face, what is that uh for you to take advantage of. so, um on the put on joe, put it because it was in that a lot of posters with respect to the trip tub is important. where and kind of didn't flip between our 2 countries. but beyond that, we need to look at concrete investment. meaning that, that we should them decision localization of production of goods and services because of the distance between the julia and russia and because of the obstacles and in, in trade in activities, the logistics as i've been affected. i think the best option is localization of production. so we wish that the russian companies were close to that, that as a possibility. and they have the most benefits to today from that,
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if they're taking that option. as you know, we have the advert gun, continental trip agreement area that was site which provides the show too much it and into $54.00 countries of africa a legit it is the good way to get to all the african mike, it's getting all the sickness with that is in manifesto in a way that is in industrial development, still, etc, etc. there was a representative from nigeria again at the ross africa summit. and they mentioned about acquiring russian technologies in particular that were interested in that when it comes to the oil and gas sector. is there any progress in that aspect? the potentials we haven't many, we have given them choose until as what do you want us to do. that meant for the coming up the discussion. you see that nothing happens. as he stated during the summer that i'm putting up with teenagers in the area, of course, i guess,
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as you know, legina is one of the legislative produces in africa i'm, we have more gas it as, as than petroleum plan. so there are good potentials for cooperation between nadia and russia and russian companies need to explore this possibility. the 2nd area of the important cooperation isn't the area of mine, and although to share has a minute us and i did it in particular, how started you notice that kind of hit? what do we need in this sick? those is pick them knowledge. a kid we need i that to, to as far the technology or to bring technology in such a way that it comes to boost our minimum exploration on the x partition. the top important area is the area of agriculture. you know, that would, over 250000000 people, we need to produce food to feed lss. alicia is one of the largest would produce as they have use technology to do so. we want to live with its own,
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their own experience and technology in this area so that we can improve agreed codes that to increase foot production to sustain our population. as you will know, that it is very, very important. think alone for peace and stability to there's also some would argue risks involved for nigeria for talk about anti russian sanctions imposed by the wes. does that affect the trade between the 2 countries in any way? so from what you've noticed in the last couple of years and moving forward in the future, the front of the sun shows is that it's a double. it's what it affects everybody. is it a 6? the person imposing the socials, as well as the president on whom differentials is composed, as well as the cannot develop them as on those that socials are not impose. let me give you an example, would be cut off in logistics chains. we come and move goods from russia to,
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to africa, with the cutoff, from the swift system. we can close the business, which it, financial transactions cannot be cutting out. i'm that i'm going to, or that things that have posted this relationship. we hope that the situation would improve sooner than later, so that we can normalize our initials to, to maximize the benefits of international trip. if we can go back a little bit and talk about agriculture a little bit more when it comes to grading supplies. we know that russian niger, i have made progress when it comes to that. can you give us more details regarding supplies from russia to nigeria when it comes to great? well, i don't have the actual statistics of of no, but i know that in the past that did i used to import from wait for them, but i show an important a with for what i said does not mean that it was not. that was the only so snow. we
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also used to import weed from other countries. i'm overs and we have introduced a new i'm going to coach and a policy that encourages looking for adoption of width of the i can quote you on a product. you may recall that in the past it is, my did i close its board is i'm in color to look at the production of food. and that is why it'd be good and i didn't know the look colorize is mobile provider any important race that i or the areas of local in the visuals that we have introduced. that is helping to boost the economy in particular, the agricultural sector. as of us have consignments the director of the russian of federal service for military technical cooperation. uh said that nigeria is interested in acquiring brush and 5 digits, including i'm not sure if you're aware, including the 5th generation checkmates. and i would like to ask you hide, how do you sing corporation in terms of military uh, technological uh,
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corporation can happen between russia and nigeria. well, i didn't know where he got the information regarding this specific type of where that is of crap. but i know that we have a subs listing military taking the color cooperation agreement with the russian for the nation, which we sign in august 2010 to what we, how watching out the mortality is for the implementation of that agreement. because that agreement is to assist as in many areas not only in hardware, but also in the area of printing. so this is something that is ongoing and is on the table. and the way i promote to put in terms of concrete, we order this amounts of fighter draft. so you don't have information on that. we don't have to go to the newspaper to tell you whether we have for that go good type budgets or not. and we're the 5 pages, how are you going to give us? no, a lot in terms of how the bull they've been deliver it is when there's a will,
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there's a way, yes. okay. all right, absolutely. is there a well that is i will certainly do that. was no way we can not sign. i agree with that. you say very strong willed archer. i'm this at things that i've been negotiated between uh, military security to your daughter. just let's talk a little bit about nigeria has internal affairs is uh, for example, the united states has accused nigeria of severe violations when it comes to religious freedom. there was an annual report that they released the annual reports of the us commission on international religious freedom. it was published this april 2023. what is your assessment and i and then i during governments assessment of america is points of view on nigeria is internal affairs when it comes to religious freedom. for example, we know that the united states, they like to have an opinion on what happens in other countries. how do you view
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this opinion? the issue of human rights abuses has been on the table for long. imagine it has actively been involved. i do not, the admission was level in promoting genuine human rights. so for another country to say, this is what appears in that julia. i have to see the report before i can see where that is true or not with respect to this specific issue of america. i have nothing to comment about america does. this is, this is the policy i'm talking about legit as policy and i can always talk about that as policy that you that is one of the yes. so scientists into work. but in terms of what i've just practices in terms of media practices, it was as open as this white paper. you, i hold it, we have a human rights commission that produces an unloaded report regarding human rights infringement. imagine i'm due to put is presented to the problem and presented to
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the public and everybody can see my opinion is to my own is to give you the correct perspective of what up turns. in that julia, we have a significant policy or strategy autonomy as far as we are close on we, we have an independent policy with a man on a line. but we've done this engage with it configured that we can benefit how easy or difficult is it these days to being on the lines? you know, i'm so everyone is dragging, trying to drag every country to their side. i seem to know that is beauty is strategy or telling me the beauty and start judging or telling me is that they will come back from the site and black from the site. so you can maximize your own benefits, identify your specific measurement of interest. there was that it can give you uh, implants from dealing with him. it was the beacon give you 5, why know,
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do you know what to do? that is, what do we, what i mean by strategic autonomy, the foreign policy or objectives of measure. i'm not even a clear, i'm the based on a specific measurement of interest, which is to promote that is to come to me, social and political interest in the world. i'm to deepen an instant in international peace and security to collaboration with other countries. i'm thinking back to patients when it comes to a piece of security. is there a way that russia can help again, going back to militarily speaking? it all depends. you see, i have to do that be the military technical cooperation agreement has different components. is not, does the equipment we are talking about? it involves advisory services. it involves also the extent of, uh, cnn capacity built in, based on meats. when, if i measured at the time means that it's meats can be made by russia. and i did,
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i will approach it will show within the framework of that agreement, that is the purpose of that i agree with, but other id plans of the moments and the discussions regarding that corporation as far as we close. and we know that we have a picnic elementary to cooperation that we're working, do mortality for implementation based on one interest, what we went to actually if we heard that nigeria and senator made a proposal to bring all of luxurious for an exchange reserves that were deposited in western banks back into the country so that so all nigeria is foreign exchange reserves were brought back into the country. is that a popular opinion of popular salts and nigeria or no? this is the only country that manages for it is as able to come to the house is for the reserves. what few specific weren't aware that as of admin, what could i see if he was, i am not aware, but as a matter of fact, we're keeping out exams where the, how do we feel safe,
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wherever we will try to be on our as, as based on how i look at a production and trade corporation with other countries and what, what's the main priority right now when it comes to nigeria is find policy? would you say? now the new administration in nigeria has a number. it is a foreign policy that will be guided by for these. these are the key components, the tools that will be achieved that that will be used in achieving our foreign policy. of the 1st one is democracy's legit as sees himself as a modem. democracy, which tablets, democracy for over 2 tickets now. we have said such as fund, that's that we can vouch that is we have a model for democracy. i'm one of the priorities of the president is to protect and
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promote democracy in that data. anyway, in the well, the 2nd for the other 2 is development, where i'm looking for ways i means by which we can improve our development cooperation with all countries of the world. i'm to see how our developmental objectives can be complimentary. i'm helpful to have the african countries and that is way, way important, but less in doing that in the implementation of the elected mission, sustainable development goals, the hub component of the d, which i talk to about is demographic by demographic. i have to do that, and i do that has the largest population in africa, and you'll see that yours have excelled the hold. is my project because it shows all of them either one. so we have promoted them with respect to our demo, glassy a set of gender equality. and then that was why given it come up with an interest for everybody. and we want to make use of our vice population to
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achieve good potentials in foreign policy. the last tune in our foreign policy is the last a huge number of legit as ended as far as you know, we have it installed. yes for the organization in russia. i'm beacon judge close structurally with the russian timber of come was with the most coach. i have come up with all businesses in russia. i'm to give out with the embassy sha, where it went to organize a mission in november, 2002 and to one to nigeria. so this is the useful lives of a desk for that population. so you may be, here is something called a need to russia, new dollars. that is, that did and does put a organization in russia. i'm yeah, cool. put in that would be original body of need to and you know, what do we divide from this? we did, our 1st from dealing with us is the make but cool. it helps to boost the economy
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of the technology because some of them scored abroad, including here in russia, they met 1st class and technology and sciences. and we had missing desk. choose to bring in a vision to nigeria. i also have been good with those of them who have been successful in businesses where encouraging them to invest back at home so that the front of me can be boosted so that development can be in house. so basically, our foreign policy objective is based on the welfare and well being of an idea. it has, as well as promote, in international peace and stability here in russia. i'm sure you've heard that as of the september. there are certain public schools as not to teach in african languages. how do you see that relations between russia,
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nigeria have evolved in the last couple of years? have you noticed any changes? i'm sure, for example, you couldn't imagine 5 years ago that public schools in russia would be teaching in africa language like english. this is a welcome development. and the, aside from that, i have not as start to strategic. uh uh, so you can, if it goes in the number of scholarships or 5 to legit as to come on study, you know, when this programs fight to do it in the soviet union, we will have a less than 50 students coming up. i know, but this yeah, especially at the duration or to or just have increasing unaware of touching within the range of $100.00 to a $150.00. i know i've zimmerman, we have more than 485. and i did a student studying on letter by letter of scholarship goodman. i know we have about
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a total of 2000 met, you know, students studying in various universities. listen. so what i did do in the quiet, in technology because the involved in medical engineer in that particular logic of sciences, which will help in our development 2 years ago, we introduce an apps project where we exhibit, then i did them out to the version of properly and this has been a welcome, we did that also during the 2nd summit in st. petersburg and many of those shows visited and they commended the initiative of introducing this is basically exchange of co job at which is an important substitute for diplomacy. if you have to single out a primary focus moving forward, let's imagine the world would do a political issues are resolved. yes. so we don't have those challenges there. what
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was, what should be the main primary focus when it comes to trade relations in particular between the 2 countries, we're bringing consumable and room materials into, into, into the ocean for the nation. where russia is exporting finish and industrial goods. we kind of continue at this level at the moment, but why do we need to compliment that is taking the logical extensions. we need it on file of technology. we need to as file skews so that we kind of view, look a domestic capacity to be able to process low materials into finished goods loaded . we can try to address on or the countries uncompetitive basis. is there something you can get from russia that you can get from other countries? i know that russia has a lot of, uh, products that i needed in that data. and we went to encourage them to show them to that. and or the african. my kids ask them because you were saying how you made technologies and you weren't specifying of course,
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i was just wondering maybe these technologies, someone else could offer you those technologies instead of russia. that, of course, has to come into a competitive market. we have wisdom technologies or did you imagine as you know, because we have long term relationship with the west. so the technology of the west is there. so erosion, companies come into that area. they have the ability to compete with doors, something knowledge. and people can choose between anyone, whether the ocean technology or there was something called. but any of the 10 russian technologies competes with west, from technologies they have to physically go is only one who does the ground that you test the d test. whether you are doing that, you know, the capacity way that you can do it. on the former president introduced the law, got enabled states to build the railway lines. and this was before the preserve of
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the national government. and now from what i understand that this can improve logistical connectivity between countries and of it. but to what extent can this help us as well? this is one important step in opening of the 19 in economy is not fully in the area over any way. i can tell you that is one additional legislation with respect to power, you know, before the law assign. and janet is shown as a supplier of indexes. history where they put it a good deal of the for the government now and no has been put in place. that splits can also generated to private popular as you add in german. so this is the opening of the legit economy coming back to the issue on when we come in, which is an important thing that nigeria is focused on developing. i'm before the, uh, the for my present as you indicated before, she left the was the project that was initiated to, to have
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a little with from nigeria up to a neighboring country in the general public debt project still ongoing. how do you know that? apart from that, we also have gas projects putting a close hip in all the countries, especially on the echo as we have what we call the west african power pool. in other words, we can generate electricity essentially and distribute it to all, most of all it costs countries to envision a bright future where the growth in nigeria is economy can be as fast as china's, for example, i can not compare it with china, but i'm very of domestic, that with the new policy agenda of the last i'm a black universe administration. we are very upset and listing that in the next one to 2 years. he wasn't to mend just improvement. and then after that kind of me, he has a number at it, and it's plan at the end of that prioritizes economy in all the way i do it.
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i'm, he, the, the administration is engaging constructively with or button us in the world to make sure that the economy of nigeria is improve the economy of an idea that is put on it. but this them, that can compete with how that economists into what the government jim on the very difficult circumstances. and the government has taken the most difficult as it shows it, but it might do to one of which was to withdraw it before the subsidy, which was an obstacle to menacing. the government also had to take a very drastic decision to how much was the foreign exchange market such that now we have one single exchange that all of these policies uh, created some backlash, which is normal for any policy in any country. but the government is the quote to the task is developing
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a shock absorber measures in order to mitigate the backlash that may be created for allies. and from the implementation of this policy is hopefully the president mentioned 2 days ago that to achieve it one really on the let it come to me, imagine it is possible. how does these drastic changes come a balance? i'm one to the why is that? and then the previous governments will work on this. no, the previous government did. it's this. and as i can tell you, is not the previous government didn't well, i does with a 5 due to the ease of doing business initiative of the previous government. this or the government is for december i p, and is building on the active list of the previous government. and is it a spending to the needs of the international community? what the economy of the war was 4 years ago is not the same to the what the prior to something that didn't government was 4 years ago may have change or so. so is
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based on the position of priorities. and that is why the get put an agenda of the president is focused on 2 issues. key areas, this economy. i get it because the security and the promotion is the wellbeing of ideas in general. and from what i understand right now, your, uh niger is very careful, magic friendly, pretty much with everyone. i would say, writes on the international on the international arena and hoping to keep it that way. we are absolutely friendly with every country we operate within the chapter over the internet admissions. we've corporate, but i left the multilaterally. we are actively members of the united nations that gina is an important driver in the operate organization. i imagine it is a lead in the country of the african union as well as because the
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name of the which will allow us to flooded a there's a lot of this that that'd be a tough time deal. so says one year, a bully most is i'm stem a tool for them. a 3 is a, a $36.00 would you mind? is that somewhat of a symbol issue? that's just as i put the left and the question is audio, not the smallest. one of these is that came up to what is the somebody still put the developer. he ends up to this to turn a simple, unless it plumley physics key of talk was letting you left dealer, so they'll be 234. so what that this level of federal is it a lots it to us, you know in but it does a pretty poor.


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