tv News RT October 31, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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the, the refuge account, a northern gauze that is was supposedly hes fine. he is ready as swipe resulting his full 100 casualties as, according to the regions interior. minnesota also ahead java has become a great the show. it's a living hell for everyone else. you'd assess expressing his grave concern for children and dos as a palestinian desktops. the policy is $8300.00, which includes more than $4000.00 minus the ages. prime minister said he's willing to sacrifice millions of lives to find that his lunch just comes a day as well, puts pressure on the country to admit palestinian refugees for every
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grain of sand. here in the sine we egypt sins are ready to sacrifice millions of lives. the very will well continue is just to 8 pm. hey, in the russian capital, then you're watching all the international with the world news updates good to have you with us. on top of the story, this always starts in northern gone. so web report to the 400 people. it being either killed or wounded. and it is really swipe on a refugee camp. a local report has relatives who sold shelter in that facility. he's unable to contact them and he's struggling to reach the camp. he told us about the situation. and as a result of the misery, the error strikes on the valley, i come in the north, the progress trip. 400 people were killed, an injury over there. now abandoned agent hoss with them is
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receiving those skies with these injuries, thousands, thousands of injuries, thousands of casualties are arriving at a donation house with them on the new jewish hospital, the doctor says that they cannot have done this number of injuries, this number of casualties divided companies full of people. thousands of people were living there and they are living to be on the stand, the stand in their houses. the majority of these people and the majority of the injuries are casualties over there are civilians, children's women. as usual, we witnessed the receipt of videos from there. i went before 2 days ago to that area and i see there's thousands of people in that neighborhood specifically. i was there, i was driving over there and i witnessed that there's a lot of people over there and there's thousands of people they staying in that
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neighborhood. the majority of these people, these people are refugees. and they think uh, in this neighborhood, located in the north of gaza strip this morning. i was trying to get there my some of the are in the north and these things in the north, in my house. they are still there. um. so just wondering, i was, i tried many times to find a card for myself. i'm actually afraid my family over there on i'm afraid i lost my family. i really want to get there and i really want to get there because one of my friends, the members still there and the cannot even find to far to sleep very need to know where to go. and as i told you with them, the hospitals in the north causes trip next to the valley account that doctors
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of these hospitals released on says they couldn't handle this number of casualties out in june 1 time. now the mystery of health just before a few hours from now. busy electricity on a donation hospital trip. a husband said we'd be cut off tomorrow morning if you talking about the numbers of casualties, a number of injuries, how this hospital are giving to serve those injuries. i've talked to hondo's the number of all at this place. people inside for the hospital, basically there is more than 400 people were killed engine over there because this is just uh, the 1st column. now, we are waiting for the industry. the pills allows all says the numbers of
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victims over there. the amount of city and death toll has been rising up by the day with families. morning, the last of the loved ones. throughout the garza region and the south of gauze the civilians was seen pro, paying that last respects to their relatives who died. and even though it is really as planks the ones that children's wants more stock says the guns and region has basically become a massive graybill. the numbers are appalling, reportedly now more than 3450 children have been killed. staggering late is number rises significantly. every single die job has become a great job for children. it's a living hell for everyone else. and yet the threats to children go beyond bones and motors. i want to speak briefly now on, on 2 of those was a and trauma at the mold and 1000000 children of jobs a have
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a critical award across is the latest is really bombing severely damaged. the policy and red crescent warehouse has seen in this video shared by the organization of the last 3 weeks now ideas as frequently targeted humanitarian science in dogs, that resulting in numerous notes is among vest off this terms of the crisis and the region was and 5 of the day with severe food and water shortages nitty no electricity or feel. meanwhile, the united nations is cooling to be forced to displacement. the 1400000 palestinians a collective punishment. while many people seek refuge and shelter in schools on hospitals, basic, essential, sorry, limited supply. lots is only made was by, as well as demands to yvonne to wait the area of all the concepts from the palestine. but present societies. phase evacuation of hospital patients is the equivalent of a death penalty. oh gosh. we have received the survey research strongly starting
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the occupation forces. they are actually you run your threats. that sort occupation forces different codes hoffman with the evacuation or do you mind doing a review back to reason for the hospital because it's just going to be for this. we have an old 500 patients inside the house too. many of them are in the intensive care unit connected to light and so forth, and machines and oxygen. there will be no way. it is literally impossible to evacuate our patients as safely. you've actually reaching them means kennings them . not only us, even the w h o has announced that if actuation or there is, again, possibly are impossible to implement because because that's a, just an empty for patients. that's why we call on the international community to pressure is there as just stop the evacuation over there, i guess the hospital and the guess other houses and to ensure the protection of
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civilians and the year at 1st women as well as his curious as soon as he was at the hospital the idea as has released the video. all of these really forces entering garza with both those is on tax, is where the army has also announced that struck him off the outpost in northern gonzo and she's day force as opposed to detailed dozens of minutes since this book sells that launch on the tongue from miss sauls authorization posts according to the head of as well as national security council right now, northern garza is a priority, but central and southern regions will be tended to as well. so you color this is just the beginning. the beginning is in the north because the city of gaza is the center of gravity for homos. and that is where we choose to act to north right now we hope is clear to the extent possible of uninvolved civilians
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. that's the goal we set for ourselves. so we can cope primarily with terrorist and we don't hurt the uninvolved, but the turn of the south will arrive and the turn of the center will arrive everything and it's time because the mall had last has released the video showing to all of its militants entering is ready territory through a tunnel in northern. 1 as a they then clashed with these really forces using automatic rifles and anti on a weapons, is where the tags were seen taking positions inside garza behind the barrier. it is, well, it has been a pressure in egypt to taken palestinian refugees, but egypt has refused. the addiction prime minister has even said he's country will not give up any of its lands for that purpose and is ready to quote, sacrifice millions of lives to defend his territory, onto correspondent, yes, and i could have the dates on it appears. israel is lobbying to apply pressure on
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egypt to accept refugees from gaza. this is a matter of concern and particularly for the egyptians suggesting that doing so with liquidate the palestinian cause, as well as destroy any hopes or dreams. anyone may have regarding a 2 state solution between israel and the palestinians, which of course is a matter of concern for many in the region as well, but concerns from egypt to not ended there. over the past couple weeks, there had been a tax targeting egyptian soil. this of course is a matter of great concern. israel says about who the rebels in yemen carried out the tax in that israel, but landed in exemption territories, particularly in the north side by region. where the roof of border crossing between israel and egypt currently stands. but on sunday, october, the 22nd and the tech did come in targeting is, sorry, egyptian peacekeepers along the border. and the statement issued from tennessee suggested that it was an accident, but of course,
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egypt did not take this to kind of, they suggested that they are ready to die in the millions to protect even a grain of sand, of the sinai regions. essentially suggesting that egypt is ready to do anything and everything to protect its territory according to the forever grain of sand. here in the sign, we gibbons are ready to sacrifice millions of lives. the egyptian president of the thoughts of 60 said that's the egyptian forces will of course um essentially carry out their duties within the region. but it's also important to note that this message was stressed out of time when the conflict was re to reaching a new front, a new front to the point where the egyptian side suggests that if this conflict, the skills over to the region in countries, then many people essentially do anything and everything they can to take matters into their own house. as washington gets ready to send military a to bos ukraine on the as well. the speaker off the us house of representatives
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makes it clear that america's enemies are a wrong russia and china around is directly tied to all this. these are mazda and has full r proxies of a rab, and they're tied in now with russia in china. i mean, it is a new axis of evil. that's how we see it all the time. axis of evil is not new for us. politicians, preston, george w bush, initially used it to refer to iran, iraq, and north korea, as washington's enemies. as he coaxed the american public to accept his quote, war on terror, the us went along to invade iraq and as heavily sanctioned around the us north korea. then almost 2 decades later, president trump added china as marcia to the pronounced list of us as the series. let's cost lots well panel of guests now we joined by international affairs on security, on the list monks, lebeau, device, chime, and all the science. i sent that the impact on the international studies on val, do i club next? but nelson wong and secretary general of the asian mass for him. i mean, it was
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a gallons a day, many thanks to all 3 of you for joining us on the program. my 1st question to mister moxley bowed a please. what is behind such strong statements? can we expect them to lead to some specific accident claims against these particular countries being named the same? that is what we saw happen to a rock creek, for example, as well. these 3 countries have been identified as threats to the pursuit of and maintenance of us germany around the world, the 3 most capable and actively resisting the rules based world order. we make the rules, we issue the orders that the new ass feels slipping from their grass. and this type of weaponized jewel political discourse is meant to inform the american people who they should hate and fear. because it's not immediately obvious to them neither
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russia, china, nor e, ron threatening americans or, or america itself. but they do threaten us, had gemini, the, you know, it's control. busy all of global flows of trade and politics and so forth, so much like george orwell, in reference to we have always been at war with your asia. this is meant to inform america, who was there geo political enemies should be. now, i say next question to mr. wong, please. so the us, he's basically saying that it's a good one and china, russia and iran are the ones who are able the ones who should be fit. but meanwhile, the us is in a proxy conflict with each of those countries with roger new cray, with a rod in palestine and with china and taiwan purposely to get another world war as well. i think it just shows exactly how some of the american politicians and the top of the shows think this reflects that perception that they do need
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anybody to survive. and this is totally wrong actually in today's well, what about, i mean, russia, china and they're wrong. all countries that are not really happy, where is what is going all around the world. and these are the countries that are bold enough to voice out that disagreements. but it doesn't mean that these 3 countries are together. they're not lies with each other. unlike the u. s that is banned. why getting was every but a here and the in trying to divide the world into 2 competing cubs. this is a very bad rhetoric actually, and i think for a speaker how speaker mike jones to, to make this remark. it's quite just up to the rest of the world. i tell you too
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much to go on to the place. um, how does it feel to put it blankly? how's it feel to be the permanent member of the so called axis of evil? how, how so to us start to begin fluids, how you feel and, and to feel country, of course, that as part of it is the, again, you don't want, you would be just on the right track for any kind of, for you to be part of an access of the medical each hiking part of this thing again, occasionally we still don't exist anymore. that's what we did at or to begin my. the point is that that was mentioned by the other uh, get the, the american need them a nice other arrive as in page 2, actually 25 followed their impulses. and each route in the media trained us to accomplish that. these actually somehow we can say rudy, the only american system and they are a beach that's $25.00 and the wars and they need because every vote it the way
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to is found weapons and to actually as so these for them to, to actually like the lighting the a word into our a can't really there and that would be actually the reason behind that. so it would be under the white, the guy that owned the page and that method. and it says that everything should be in their own paper. it was, they gave it a nation, but they get it correctly that americans are dry and trying to you why they would need you to count one other frontier like the one gosh, that's fine. i me, i do just want to respect one other thing. they don't want to invite you, then they don't, they just want to be done. so just to be independent and respecting dependence of other countries. what's the memory can as soon as the bush at that i'm up, i backed up either at a man in 20 years ago. and mention this, we'd offer
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a game that, that i think that that's a binary point of view is coming to the americans. and we want you to be serving the americans and let me try and make upfront, probably before they are, and then in the game. so sees why the reason that americans are talking about experts, you will a naming country. and later in time, these, with that just to wind public opinion and to justify and the phones end up getting the new thing to come. thank you and the, coming back to mr. slow boat. if they use of a much, you know, well we never the time what information is frequently used as a tool. i found it fascinating that the us news and world report media outlets recently published a report on countries with the strongest militaries where they put rusher in 1st place. but you're in the us 2nd place and then china, how realistic all such reports and what does that mean? what a us media outlet for this country off the russia. but i think i look for probably
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need some qualifications because obviously in terms of power projection, naval and air force is the us is, is still obviously number one, but as a result of the proxy conflict with nato in ukraine. the russian army has become extremely formidable and battle experience in the evolution of its tactics. its command structures, uh and its weaponry, which is every 2 months. russia's weapons are essentially being upgraded. in this conflict does make russia extremely formidable. however, we have to be cautious of such are reports and the intention to lobby for more funds for u. s. military spending. but with, with regards to this axis of evil, i mean, all 3 countries now have just been recent years,
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a stablish strategic partnerships with each other. and russia and china have perhaps, you know, the relationship that knows no boundaries that it's leaders of said. and i think we should spank the united states or us because russia, china, any ron, all have 3 different political systems. they all have different interest. they have different cultures. but they have been brought together like would have been impossible without the american hubris and audiology of exceptionalism telling them that rather than divide and conquer they should try to take on all. busy 3 of the same time and indeed a u. s. strategic past year commission, just earlier this month, came out with a report saying the us needs to be able to fight russia and china simultaneously. me coming back to mr. wong, please let me know slide from scam. i'm going the us public teaching them which countries to fear. what are the impacts that might this happy to naming particular
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countries as evil? do you think is going to actually of both these particular countries to strengthen the military used to defend themselves as the you know, that they've been cold as such a terrible things where i think i would agree with the, the american expert who just said that uh, a most of these outcry or labeling countries like china, russia, an event that wrong to get, uh, uh, what is the main mo, to ball object to behind old. is this really a call for more funding for the military industrial complex of that's a big question. i'm talking about the a fee, it can make people irrational. and i think this is perhaps why they keep creating this fee along these people to, to,
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to make them feel better about china, fear about russia. but the whole thing about china, i think it is very fair to say that china has a defense industry and is spending money to a jordan sutton. it's defense power. and that's what show about that's do a defense industry where us countries like the u. s. they've seems to have a whole industry instead of the defense industry. and i think, you know, the facts speaks louder than words. look at how many military bases they have around the world and what they're doing it in different parts of the world. why supply weapons to ukraine, and now supporting israel and then sending what the selling weapons to taiwan. this is not, you know, defending america. this is for rating trouble around the world. i
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come and buy guns, final question to miss the columbus today. what do you think russia, iran and china, how, how's that they react to such as threatening language to of the things that they have been doing in recent decades. they are, as it was meant just mention they are thinking about and the same thing, their defense capability and to be independent in that regard. and they all know that this has them on using all of that. so they have one common problem that he's doing at this day. and as you, when you, when they uh, let's say have it. uh, because i do believe that that decision, i'm on the east stop in face any more. but the american at actually reduced to believe. so what they would do is to cooperate with one another to uh, to find a new charlie set and quote me, ok,
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can we find another it could be my life on the or much like a naturally at your work. you didn't read wire out there, and 2 story strengthened them in their own capabilities and attitude. and also in the apartment, she's the other day. you're in the re, each region that they are in. so they will actually be with that. and in the future, we'd actually pay more foods, and the americans have no other choice but to accept the reality as that the other countries have their own power. however, they are unfortunate se, uh, mainly and they say irrational, you know, to the stage and more support if it would be talking, god would make a very interesting some documents in industrial come but he, thanks for your answer that i appreciate your time. all of our guests this evening, international affairs and security on in and out of this moxley by device chairman
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of the sun high sense of, of impact on international studies. now some walk on secretary done, one of the asian mess for him and we to meet was a gloves a day. many thanks to all of your appreciation. i think it makes the incessant is really showing of gaza as well as prime minister netanyahu. stacy's military's taking precautions to avoid killing civilians while is doing everything to get palestinians civilians out of harm's way. how mazda is doing everything to keep ballasting civilians in harm's way is well burgess, palestinian civilians to leave the areas of armed conflict. while from us prevents those civilians from leaving those areas at gunpoint. less costly to join a less on social activist use if had died in tel aviv now. many thanks for joining us on. the program is good to see you as we have done this. and y'all who has announced the commencement of the 3rd phase of the military operation in gauze and
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mandatory evacuation will dispose thousands and pressure on egypt to accept palestinian refugees. what do you expect to happen in the coming days? you know, when the, when there is a war in the world somewhere in the world, in the world, the countries of the world, they open the gates to accept refugees from where the war is happening. it seems like there are more than 20 or countries and yet none of them is agreeing to accept any of refugee, including egypt. i will tell you that we are speaking with a lot of the people around the world. they themselves say's who wants them and they know that they will come and make trouble again, it's not me saying this is what i hear from egyptians. it's what i hear is also from some of your dns. this is the, the, the, the talk in the world. so what we're seeing is a sort of, uh festival, around the palace to be in case where they stay,
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they would stand with the opinions. but they would know that they would not accept any protest against to them as for the 3rd stage and what they mean that then, you know, the prime minister said, and specifically about the fact that we are not targeting civilians. this is not the 1st time the idea is do such things. i mean, we always, we always alert to the innocence to tell them to evacuate buildings before we start the buildings that we should say. that's how may i ask that there is the vision. how much use this to launch lockets, and also use it as a hit headquarters for the activities to launch? the 2 is rented to the, the if so if you liked it there. yeah. so we have seen this. what the idea is trying to do is to minimize cash at these from innocent people. so that's why we're requesting them to move towards self. in order for the is really a army. it to succeed in its mission and its mission is to destroy mass and bring the hostages. the ones that have met us getting up back home. so what we're seeing right now is an act of, uh, like every time you get an act for the,
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from the ideas in order to bring our kids, our women and men back home with minimal casualties from the innocent people. it. but as soon as people do about that, the 3rd still goes isn't how mass is using them as a human to you. and that's me all who was a quote as well as invasion. if those as a who the mission closing religious scripture, let's just take a listen to what he said. the cool um the entire people and the leadership of the people don't embrace them and believe in them. remember what looks good to you. we remember and we fight and we actually nation of alex was said to be an enemy of the israelites. here's extermination was commanded by god. does that mean the less and you all, he was quoting for the complete destruction of balsa, know, we're calling for the complete destruction of a terrorist organization. isis having a 100 percent, as where it has no intention of giving innocent people is what he's doing, venture to hon. innocent faith. but his thing is, in fact,
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if we would like to do that, we could have done it without even putting any soldier is at risk. we have enough bones enough airplanes to literally destroy all of garza in 50 minutes. but the fact is that we're not doing that is because we don't want that on further than that. the fact that we entered garza and we are doing absolutely everything to bring our hostages back is not to re control over garza again. what we're trying to do is, is to destroy him, us, and we are talking about between 324-0000 terrorists out of the 2000000 people who are living there. so the thought it is the 30240000 eyes this service, not the innocent people of guys. otherwise we wouldn't even ask the innocent people to remove, to move them towards the north. we could just going inside and whoever comes, you know, he's a target, but this is about the situation. so please, we have to focus on the fact that the main focus is the best organization isis
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habits is a big, big issue with this military operation. there isn't that because the if opponents nothing yahoo says wisconsin, the knowles of guys that we've missed the middle, much the south and is still a load of civilians. that's how the cities civilians who all is able to leave the country. because egypt went to accept, then the other side would accept them. then there's a big problem with the time. is that what it was going to happen? the must be a plan b a little. so 1st of all, you said that the, even egypt are not a accepting it, but just in, in, so what do you well, as opposed to and, and an obviously further than that, we would say is that not the only egyptian are not accepting it. them but even a mess, what they're trying to do is to try to keep them even in the. busy most of the gaza because they want to keep using them as human shields. actually there are a recordings between up and a staying within is what you do officer saying that how much is for giving them another.
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