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tv   The 360 View  RT  October 31, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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or that seem as lice, as washington propose to send military age to both ukraine on the israel. the speaker of the us house of representatives makes it clear that america's enemies are wrong. russia and china around is directly tied to all this. these are a mazda and has full r proxies over ram, and they're tied in now with russia in china. i mean, it is a new axis of evil. that's how we see it. it's an axis of evil, is not new for us. politicians that president george w bush initially used it to refer to iran, iraq, and north korea, as washington's enemies. as a coax p american public to accept he's quoted, will on terra, the us went on to invade iraq and ties have least functions. iran and north korea, but almost 2 decades later present in trump out of china as rushed to to the pronounced list of us adversaries. we spoke with a panel of guests who said the us needs to have enemies to maintain his military positions. in these 3 countries has been identified as
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threats to the pursuit of and maintenance of us to germany around the world, the 3 most capable and actively resisting the rules based world order. we make the rules, we issue the orders that the you to ass feels slipping. from their grasp and this type of weaponized jewel, political discourse, is meant to inform the american people who they should hate and fear. because it's not immediately obvious to them neither rush, china, nor e, ron threatening, america goes or, or america itself. but they do threaten us, had gemini, the, you know, it's control. busy all. 1 of global flows of trade in politics and so forth. i think it just shows exactly how some of the american politicians and the top of your shows,
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like this reflects that perception that they do need an anybody to survive. and this is totally wrong actually in today's well, what about, i mean, russia, china and iran, all countries that are not really happy with what is going all around the world. and these other countries that are bold enough to voice out that disagreements, most of these outcry or light bleeding countries like china, russia, an event that wrong to get a a. what is the main motive or object to behind all the is this really a call for more funding for the military industrial complex. as trying to do that again, you don't want to be a badge of honor. i was with for any kind of free to be part of an actress of us who each viking part of this thing. again, it's that patient, monique,
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which doesn't exist anymore, actually do that or to begin my american to dry it, trying to see why that would need you to count what other countries guys do on. gosh, that china on me. i do just want to respect one other thing. they don't want to invite you then they don't want, they just wants to be done. so just to be independent and respecting dependence of other country. so what they would do is to cooperate with one another to uh, to find that new charlie says, nicole is probation, we want to know that it would be by latch on the or month to month, and that's strongly. that's what we do require out there. and to a sort of a tank and them in their own a case, a capabilities and and also in the partnership the other day, you're in the re, in each region that they are in. so they would actually be with that and in the future that would actually be more fruit and the americans have no other choice, but to accept the reality that,
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that the other companies have their own power. a manufactured company here on the seat international, especially now to use how's the latest episode of the 360 view up next on all the international and way back to the top of the i with morning the i am started now. he's in on this edition of 360 view, we're going to look at the qualifications for being considered a racist country. and is there really an objective measurement or their political motives behind such labels? let's get started. the racism has jumped to the top of the social issues internationally. now,
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according to what world population review, these are the top 10 most racist countries in the world. the study claims. the reason for the findings is these countries have a high population of native born residents and a relatively few immigrants and international residents. but the united everett's and united states have some of the highest populations of immigrants and refugees in the world. now sadly, we often only hear those in leadership discuss a racism following either a tragedy or when is politically convenient and a needed distraction. just like with other politically charged issues like climate change, immigration gun rights and women's rights. racism is only brought up as a motivation for hatred, but rarely do we find it realistic and honest solutions. in fact, the term racism has become so electrically charged once since the label is thrown out there. the other factors which might be involved,
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become quickly dismissed for fear the damping label will be applied to one's self. therefore, i feel it's rare for the powerful to have a real discussion about the cause and prevention of racism. the label has become a too easy and powerful of a weapon to use against one's adversaries. plus, as we have found, in the case of black lives matter to profitable an organization which was founded in the wake of the george floyd protest to the term chanted legitimately by protesters and made it into a 90 $1000000.00 business center 1st year. sadly, recent headlines of the organization have not been about the work of black lives matter of the fight racism rather about the corruption and the lavish lifestyles of its founders and its leaders. joining me now to discuss the current state of a racism around the world, just like a commentator and in the west as well as a writer for african stream, clinton dissolved. thank you so much for joining us. thank you. thank you. when
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you're in east africa in kenya, but originally from zambia, west or off there for our viewers. tell us about racial tensions broadly if you can about what's going on in africa. i know it's a very complex issue because in the north you have air majorities that is sub saharan advocate. many people actually identify by religious group, linguistic group, and especial travel grouping. so tell us a, broadly about what racism means in the context of africa and oppose to the discourse in western nations. yeah, so i think festival, yeah, probably a lot of africans off for medium with stress is going to because probably of the history that we have country is that there for medical lives by sitting versus powers. so most of us we are young people who never leapt to oh, under such unfortunate conditions by the legacy of rescued him. i think it's something that's us. or somehow we was passed on to us by our grandfathers and people who live under that still. but instead in, i've got to confront feeds,
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we still see pockets of refusing and sit in places. the, especially if it is, you'll find it in a box where the dominant dominated by the probably sit and rest is and then black spell. and then after the rest of, because usually of course, yet not likely to be disconnected by your skin color initially, or mostly it's because of people who you are, you're not really plus towards to leave you to such an area. so by default, this area of the production team occupied by property listed expect rates or even local wild people. if you look at a region or people, or in depth origin or leaving this country. so you'll find that at when people ask, you know, african freight truck says such places, there's usually a little fidgety, it's like, provide security to be heavy to about let you in, cause they fear to say you don't live there, you don't belong there. so they might think that's probably
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a safe and even like sometimes even if they know that you look at, see if they just do it to say, probably it would cause, i mean, convenience to they really didn't sleep there. and then unfortunately, most of these things you would, you guys will still give them access in such places. also blocks by they do the bidding for the people who live with the people who are most likely to europe, the ends or to the indians or do before from them. it is for your fellow advocates might stuff your from access insights places because if you look to see that during that job and that job is to make sure that those you up here for those. and you have to leave insights. places have as much as many more inconveniences by africans . i think after guns going there just waiting for the news, the residents who need their so. but i think of cause a or fan if starts, that is, it is cannot be compared to the resume that actually can face when the out them as yeah, i'm african. but it sounds to, to spend
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a couple of years in latin america and tablets and other parts of the, of, for the in other parts. so, yeah, they have to go to the north africa. i be the immediate east. so i not to say that freak means that dr. guns, that's when the trouble there is not as bad. i mean, the small is with then if you put ketchup isn't that for you might just while leaving such a hot on african countries, then also it calculates. so that's a couple of the, that's one country, is such a hot enough to come. we had received these 2 immunizations because when you go to the dns, like he kept down and kept on me so that he can pull up these. the last colonial it's outposts of the continent, even if it's like, kept telling me, look up or tell you to say as a young black this i'm looking for an apartment to rent is very difficult because a number of loans often now asked to, i'm willing to do a quick glance what black and leasing in south africa, black, my george country,
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but because of the economic garden and it's, you'll find that most of the people who own properties one apartments i went recently. a video showed a huge stadium of members of a political party in south africa, and they were all shouting kill the board. the western media has largely denied that the chance was racist in any meaningful manner. and there has even been some who have turned around and claimed that the boers and by extension other white people deserve this treatment. given the history of colonialism, what do you make of this and tell us more if you can't about south africa's racial tensions and dynamics. say some more about people. read g, identify the system that is represented unfortunately, then bishop beneficiary from that system because i thought they told me that the political system it was on requirements is excluded. lucky with a bunch of videos to do this,
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and that because of that generational exclusion that the 5th most of black people to do as student prevented while those people who were on the other side of the pins, they immensely benefitted from the quarterly fruits up at the close the take on and we're very saving about 10 percent of that population. so series on why the world is to 40 sold by majority, white people on this much black to politically leads to the i'm got lots of applicants show the, i'm not, i'm good at those individualized people, but it didn't affiliate as a system which has enabled instead of i don't they put p this talk too much so much leaving nothing for the people. but when they see, i guess the boy to the board in the system, the, the 100 is a system that, that's something that you said the reason why there's no way to go some to day. so that the guy who's born, if the, if someone goes to philadelphia to dallas, is that, i think last week, white people living just the way it pull up the, they're leaving frontier is a go the living when the funds the about the wait list is that it restaurants,
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drinking that way and don't do, but no, none of them fuels to that. and yes, if the to be they. ready never, it's a wide so that's got to do most of the if that tech industry, it's not because that way, as much as they say, much visit ethic. they're going to be a tech because they'll have to use it as a 2nd. excuse me, high levels of right. and then unfortunately if you're white screen goes much less seem to say you're good, valuable to that the kids do from you. so of course, if that the speech is not because many more attempted a cute of less, i'm going to send you by the, just because it's a society we've not finished you, but you should spend a lot of black people west. you kind of, they have no formula that excludes them from the economy today. but because of the study, they say balances most of them and they're still going to be kind of different vendors. and these are people who might with dental clinic to craig. so most likely feel like that's what needs to be. so that could be that much like to be dropped by black people. not because black be found so much in that getting a slice people, but most likely the people that it doesn't least what, what's
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a good blank. unless it doesn't please like clean gives you the crate. and when they take it to people, every couldn't ideas. they don't want to go at tech, it goes on and they find that you put nothing. you book it, they hope to say when they lifted target, you to take it to the find the phone your pocket, they'll find it while it's in your pocket. so most likely, just like to make you to be targeted because they're going to find something or, you know, because they have to get some white people. so i think to say this off to the board is and then step is political rhetoric. so that's the guys in the election civil avon tries to bring attention to themselves even facebook page themselves. i have to say now that bunk beds that are going to dirty, but you kind of need to feed them to them. but most of the majority to black messages. so i think if, when you spend a into, they've got an even one to 2 i to get people's attention to that. maybe they took him by the music. so i think what my, the, my did just politically no one is very intent on getting what so how come i think most why not like so have you can why they want to do you find the ridiculous
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because i'm existing where everyone, what leads to be able to get something to sustain, to give them such a decent life. probably a roof over the head in new, in the stomach. i to be able to send that to the school. i seen. that's like, nobody says i forgot to do you suppose you paid with nobody else? i forgot to day goes to bed to hook to thinking about how they're going to 2 wise people. so i think it was just that the, a few people lives on a non issue. so the tension that isn't so that the guy did not definite to be vivid fill about but base. so it just that the kinetic despite it is between these 2 meetings and that's so i'm country that live under the same sky. i was driving this dition. thank you. clinton is all a after the break, we're going to look at whether racism is being manipulated by politicians for their own political just
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the, the most people don't understand the global financial system and how financial resources are distributed. or the dominant financial group, of course or, or the united states and the u. k. bikes. their objective is they're hit too many. controlling the world's money flows grants the power to wipe into nations of the face of the globe. moving to save this to put in 3, in global anything. so that's with the blue coke space. think of, and i mean pretty for the rest of the produce through some business. when we lived on a guy the clear, the good looking the glorious new book or you out,
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pull that or to present the apple store any clear or seek us at the feed folk. let me see. oh, the the all new to these old 3 read off the you're watching 360 view. i'm a study now hughes. we're back with our desk political commentator and analyst as well as a writer for african stream clinton gonzales quin. now quit. now do you define the term racism and who exactly does this, how do you interpret the scores around racism that is happening in the west, specifically in europe and the united states? so i seems um, oh, do you find this is the my don't think i can, i don't know if the academic definition, but i think that the moment you treat an individual you for based on the asking
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color or maybe the origin. that's the starting point. that's the typical, the entry level risk isn't, but then the fit in place is now from that stage where justin someone different to jo and defeat. that's 11 pm. if you react differently when you see your white mind working towards you, to how you react to a black man, then of course that's what i said. and then i said, and then yeah, this isn't becomes institutionalize. and these are the kind of what i thought the science of africa weight became disapproval. deland, with it in a way or black people were not allowed to leave in certain parts of the country. they're not allowed to get certain kind of jobs. the got is where they had the intellectual capacity for those jobs that becomes institutionalized, go through them, and i think that's it kind of assuming that was provided, dismounted and that's the use of the u. v. a form of that system to fight because it can just pass legislation to say, or,
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or black people last week he had to leave you and whatever. but like i said, the basic form over this is in website and people, they might be uncomfortable. you're sitting next to a person with different student color. they might be uncomfortable taking to that should be interesting way i submitted by people that say to embrace then let's say the most difficult for us is because you cannot pass certain laws to say, nor did they to 1st. what's your directors? other things for gen ed, like i said, the in one who feels different that you'll be interacting with an individual before you found out the politics and their own viewpoint on the look of what issues. if you're going to jackson or treat them differently or react to different because of the skin color, then that's what i seem to know. broadly speaking, what role do you think politics plays in fostering racism around the world? is it a way to boost once political power base, or are there people who feel that they are genuinely defending the interest of their ethnic or their racial group?
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so unfortunately, the politics plays. it'd be girl in flitting up let's just, and the turns on or this was because the thing is that, um, a lot of people have found out that the easiest way to mobilize political support is when you tend people entry to them just of us. so unfortunately, if you're to say, if you find that your racial group to say yeah, the one who is good that you just attach the most likely to gun with support. i'm this is chip support. where do i need to go to complex theories? i bought tell you i'm going to insure a point on the growth. however, decrypts jobs. however, linkage, less security simply when you i was just a way to protect your interest. me and you. we looked like you, we looked at sim, so you just accept with me a lot of people. unfortunately, they're likely to jump on your bundle and it's not on the race or new scene division. part of the news like that's when you come to africa ethnic. it's in the
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city has been used so that we have sit in individuals, we use the ethnic groups to say, i'll look up to your interest. and yeah, so unfortunately the gene, yes, politics have page in major image at all in flaming the suspicion. but they even want to say in our pockets of africa, there was one day for quotes like give them we sleep, i mean black things. so i thought they'd beautifully decent. oh is it still the fee in the white population? see when the sub digits like the flats with the tickle, but they're going to get to do the killing people in the streets. i went to the repeal, we mean, or these for the use the and so it works on votes deputy. and unfortunately, even though it's still being used, we're sitting where they, they think to see because they, they put themselves as the bunk beds of a particular race or ethnic group to see they're looking for the interesting well that group i'm most do. but unfortunately, i can do much quicker than that,
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going to jump on that but, but so if that's the way i'm in. ready a probably if what if foot is most likely to identify both with a rich this an old, the ethnic groups then with another what this like over the different ethnic groups? no, no, i have to say add to that interest. i like, well that's what this i'm from, one of the ethnic groups because they're going to see me. that's telling me that if it comes to this for the own needs, they send me that solution. but unfortunately, that most likely to align with at least if it's different from it and that's an equal with the interest so that she gets an effect like different from the policy doesn't from another group. so you said it's simplicity and quite started way of looking at the world, but unfortunately, the audit is what it is. we want one things to be different, but i also sometimes we have to point out to how the idea of it do you think racism
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happens more in countries with diverse, ethnic and racial groups within their boundaries or within nations that are more homogenous, ethnically, for example, how do we compare places like china are hungry for that matter with nations that have taken large groups of other races, like united states, france and england? is it easier to not have a racial problem and countries when everyone looks the same? so, so here's the thing. so i think countries like friends or the us where they are more diverse compared to go to that, which is, i think that's a each might be less the most captive. but sparked up is that there's a lot of friction points that little fiction place because you've got these groups that are leading side by side. so it is just a chance to say one moment, the different types of whatever they're going to cross. i'm just going to spark something that and show the racial. oh, i did on that under the sunset. then i think in countries where the to the probably
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did i say eastern europe or a come to at least the like very few blacks are very minimal number of blacks. it means that the chances of having citizens it is that being publicity, there is data. so give me lots of like easy, minimal. so as a result, looks like these notices in their budget, different sides is just like, no matter how calm is you've, i might look that quick. what else i was lucky in the background. so i, so to say it's very difficult to say, yeah, when you don't feel revealed blacklight some others move into in hungary, you doesn't mean to say just notices in there. but providing, just to the extent that one that better feel fixing points, then to probably the black population in those top disclose that way without knowing by decimal, that's receiving a test on risk to move the legs to the just start teaching cause they make it say the tactics of them will be life and then going on this piece that very minimal such as the i think to say those countries where they have to have plots they
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received. it is much more. do you think there are any successful models around the world of nation to effectively and peacefully have incorporated large groups of racial minorities, united states, russia, or anywhere else? well, it would be nice to say this some, but i'd seem to say most of the items have actually felt obliged filled for like i mentioned it to see if g chanel liars received in is easier to find the school. you can just buses, installation you can just bus and also say you can say leasing public. you can say this, you have to put the city level students in university is to improve day visiting the wait list. those are the ones which i use a box to change people's attitudes. it cannot be done by point of difference. so like i say, the only way you can change that is what to say is normally susan is assigned to whatever you do have to be late by the visuals by 5 medias. once,
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if funding is i looked for just in the risk, if i mean, does that look producing to get ahold of done another addresses, then it means within the next generation or so, probably the initial mentality, the charlatans will be good because i mean they will no longer be able to be sustained the sunset, but as long as the process is new, lights come down approached where this is going 1st by the government. this has been forced by politicians. well, developments that goes to the video from now for the year from now, they all have to still be having the same compositions, having fax it to say, unfortunately that no success stories. because that plus the process has been led by politician. i live from the top, so i think they need to look around the to say the 2nd brothers and that should be studied. that same thing that it just shows you the values for social farm. it is that some homes. yeah. that's the only way we might probably get get effects as if monday. but as i look at a lot of data that there are a few more that was yeah, the country's web to say, you know, quick move me control of my grandson. that is,
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but still when you look at the micro level of how people do data or whatever, they end up going through those societies, it shows to say, we still have a long genet to go and different it to that kind of model well on the car in for to have a vehicle we are eating is very list likely to get us there. so it could be a decent, well mixed, just of slides unforced if spock what's thank you. clinton is all a political commentator analyst and writer for the african st. as i said, i use and this has been that your 360 view of the news affecting you i so the, the story models are and you spoke scrambling. nikoto is and output miscellaneous mode that old what came showed knitter button. you still at the origin of course
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little dark. we hadn't read it. so it actually suits and of course with us. and he had it for it and it was doing in house and i'm in your smart, someone like we shift some of the mental needs to probably spend a lot. so there's to some of the kids to move. so sort of in the doors you, i'm interested in, you'll see a check number 7 glass, you'll just see more solid waste a tool in us. it will gladly cause you, you'll be blacked dyslexia dice 7. what i towards engine loud enough where you'll be protective. that you're not on. don is not set. i would just do the $290.00. she's going to learn a swing, which in kindergarten, the slip of data to the the old squire is maxwell, but i swear these for the,
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for the,
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the refugee camp in northern guns. res hate fine, is really as twice reportedly resulting in some full 100 casualties. the idea of southern has conducted a decisive attack on the area. kayla is celia, and that's also a job that has become a great job for children. it's a living hell for everyone else, unit to express his grave concern for children in gone so as the palestinian desktops, the cost is $8312.00 in house of which online for every grain of sand here in the sign i, we egypt, sions are ready to sacrifice millions of lives. egypt reacts to pressure for me as well when.


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