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tv   News  RT  November 3, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, the but yet, she's the old uselessly. since you're the, you're the new york. you have a loose these missing school by my but it's a story k, i will do this and she will most that i need separate because the is liberal voice and i can sort of shit up with the adult and he's done. it's just a good idea. searching you validate the
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the refugee camps are flattened in central gas. i have 11 reported counting on these rarely striking the south side. the air force is advanced into the territories, saying these is not an option. sort of some of the concept of a ceasefire is not currently on the table at all. the idea is that for and is conducting a work to dismantle from us. as a policy in depth to top 9000 gallons of struggling to find the relatives among the survivors, we hear the story of the displaced civilian taking care of a wounded go, whose parents have not been found on these rarely as point kills by the student. john list and will how much i will have tab along with 10 of his family members. local media claims and wants to talk. it'll be
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a time that we spoke with mohammed kazi, to how much fault he didn't have any political leanings towards any party who was a human being who went to work and did return home the . this is all to international. welcome to the latest. somewhere around the world with mike watching reports are imagining that he's ready to strike, hit the, i'll shoot for hospital and gas, a city on a nearby council of red, crescent ambulances that were intended to evacuate when the people to egypt. and argue robbie correspondent was on the scene when the hospital was talking. he says that hundreds of people were killed and injured casualties have been continuing to arrive at the medical facilities. nearby residential buildings were also struck at the hospital is believed to have also been sheltering. tens of thousands of displaced policy in in central gas,
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or at least 6 people were killed and injured in. and he's really strike on the refugee camp. i've been strike left a giant crater in the center of the camp and flattened the several surrounding buildings. locals, such and rescue teams are coming. the slides in hopes of locating survive, us, or the idea of it either minds, these flags of pocket and how much commend centers and guidelines have already been to evacuate the northern area. i had an idea of spokes bus instead of gathers fits . he was surrounded by is ready for us in the northern territory. a barrage of rockets were detected over guys. i asked as space shortly after israel said the possibility of all of these 5 is not foreseeable for mates on idea of fighters have completed the encirclement of got the cd or to a center of the how much terrorist organization, michelle, and recent hours for our children the infantry forces in cooperation with the air
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force have been attacking bases headquarters and other infrastructure used by hamas . and it's, there is still the concept of a cease fire. he's not currently on the table at all. and the idea is that more and is conducting award to dismantle from us before it gets less cross. now to gather based john list most of the show, my mother was good to have you join me right now. we're seeing reports of an attack on a ship, a hospital, or what do we know about now? a product, and as you are aware, the crossing is open. so i know some of the engines agreed upon between is what i had on egypt to leave the board there. today, a group of ambulance is petty and some of the engine that was supposed to go to the hot water to get recent outside was bombed on the way there. then there were people injured in that strike. why that building is just the back to go
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back to our ship are they would hit again in on slaughter split in the city and then hit a 3rd time at the entrance of a ship hospital. so we have over 6 the feds and dozens in just as a result of these 3 strikes on supposedly, etc agreed upon. ambulances for the injured that i'm supposed to leave for on a ship are now these ready minutes for the previous, he said it wouldn't exclude a strike on b, l. c. if a hospital say you health him, i submitted tons a. could that be what we're seeing right now? what, what are they say on ground? that is and since 2011, they've been saying that many of the civilians, the facilities around but as uh are places where i'm asking boxes of patients from including i ship a hospital. however, separate in the n g organization separate
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a doctor from europe, from america, from russia on where to send us your class most and they denied. 6 saying that this is on, through an incident, has the provided any sort of evidence except a 3 d video which decreases on their laptops. a, as i said earlier, yes, a ship out was product gets it. however, the price was initially for the spring of businesses, which was for the agreed upon in certain which were supposed to be leave for them for that. so it is affordable. so nobody yet and was kind against you. monday to friday i said now is there a place in guys a very safe for civilians? can you give us an idea? uh honestly, no one is aware of any say any place that is safe. just have mid bombs want us.
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these have been bonds, associates 10 fed ex, outside gym, the market small. so i mean, honestly that that is will play safe, you know, that's why we have to living here. now guys are based on list of my social money. thank you so much for speaking with us at this time. thank you. about the conflict escalates by the day we have our correspondence and guests ready throughout the middle east to cover the latest development effects here is are these middle east view achieve might have some notion of and when israel declared in ways from us almost 4 weeks ago, it said it will be full until the end. okay, and that's what each look and see. it is a victory. and this is basically what we see now happen in israel is pursuing the goal of a smell to operation and gaza despite the casualties rising from both sides. and
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despite global concern over proportionality, all these really responds to have mass is offensive. earlier on friday, the idea of a full to the about he roys baffle all of its arm is a groups and troops inside the guys as 3 for they were ambushed and engaged in the combat with dozens of palestinian militants who were trying to throw grenades as these really forces fires and to time can be solved and even tried to climb these rarely, military vehicles. but as reported by the army at the end, were all killed, stay was no information about the location of these fighting fights, reports and statements earlier, were that so these really army has almost reached the guys of safety around $12000.00 targets have already been struck inside the guys us treat and the idea of says every day locates new targets including using ads, official mentality, ratings destroying how much control and come on centers and bombarding their
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weapons. storage is and the army also says as far as the several targets belonging to have masses naval forces including structures designed for planning and carry. now terry tasks earlier on thursday, the idea of announced the death of a senior officer on the facile filled and the guy who has 3 more than 300 israel and military lost their lives since the beginning of these really military operation in gaza that is painful but it will not stop a 0. this is what these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said, well, be with the troops. let's take a listen. we were at war, we have significant achievements. we are in the suburbs of gas, a city even further. we're making progress. we have losses, painful losses because every phone soldiers a whole world, our hearts are with their families. but i want to clarify one thing. the one of the
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fighters said, nothing will stop us. i call and the innocent citizens leave go south because we will not stop our actions to destroy how boss we will move forward. and when palestinians or so say the death toll from gaz aside is now nearing 10000 people, including the civilians, most of whom are my children and women are there. the idea of schools person said that israel is at tor with him as israel is not as for we civilians and the gather street, but unfortunately we see very often civilians dying on the ground in guys that do do these really areas try to re firing. they've become a significant collateral damage and they swore, meanwhile, the army says it will provide a significant human. it's hiring support and will strengthen. it's too many turbine efforts. and guys are bringing more turn more food and more madison and the army
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keeps calling on the ordinary civilians in the guys a street to move closer to the junction border to the southern parts of the in clay . but the biggest concern is that these really is tribes nav as talk these really early rejected human retiring throes, and it's really hard to evacuate down to the bottom. and then plus, we hear very often that the southern part of the gather street is also on the attack. so at the time when many actually manage to move the center of the fights and just as many of their stay as these really motor operation goes on, couches continue rising, but as a policy and as to the tops 9000. when did gallons, particularly children are struggling to receive critical aid with almost half of the hospital across gather now out of surface of the properties of many when the children that the hospitals are missing, he has a story of one girl who is being cared for by a displaced man,
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the 1st in a dilemma was displaced to i'll shoot for hospital because our home was shelves and people were injured. while we were at, i'll shoot a hospital. this child was also sent there with her parents have not been found. we have been asked to take care of her until she's better with pre for her quick recovery. the 2nd, so let me go to her last. so we are hoping to locate her family. so when they come and take her, she's here with us and we take care of her is if she were a daughter,
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we are all her parents, not only me, but all those around me here. 3 women here and wants to take care of the child. i live in because we are standing shoulder to shoulder in the lobby charter inquiry. that is why we are all her parents until we find her family. she's safe with us, and all our homes are open to her and to the children. as policy is wake up the heavy idea of shelling of the night diesel claims to have fully encircled gather city. we had from local john list and i'll come out who explains the situation from the policy in point of view. it is $29.00 days and not only is it a 80, what does it say intensive while you did the edit site attacking thing, going on bad as dental funding as well as tom military sites were then going to the it's going to come out as move mean and body wants to play things in because the employee focusing on the get the city as well as in the northern part of the cost on that in place. killing,
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it doesn't say of people and most of them where children and woman, according to the how much, what i'm headed to ministry here today and go the better thing in security sources and local i wouldn't, is said that that doesn't mean to of is it a out of 10, letty and military the highs and they have a separate this between the gods, a city and the northern part to as well as between in the south and part of the costa lane slave, according to the local and the weakness that one of the most of your land that might make the ongoing is it a, as tax mainly and tell in how they do in value, how i neighbors who as a tune as well. and then some neighborhoods in the north and, and parts which and get deeply affected. a bad sake only you call it states and mainly in the people who are now stuck inside
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a garza and they cannot even leave the, the guy that's sitting. and he didn't answer then it sounds kind of pause and so the claim all define claims all defined that it's been, it's probably thing come on and fighting, and the fighters of how much. but as we saw on the ground that most of the casualties all the civilians and others in the most of the casualties where children and woman as well as a godly people into the is it a ne, army forces have 40 instead of getting together see the last in line to and this means and that the dozens of was on. so who refused to leave it at houses and it's a place to, to 1005 of because settings live now, are his say, say called the, is it a 80 on me forces on the they are afraid of being subject to data mode or visit a mess tucker's against them according to look as also as well as telling me to call a told us is there are dozens of people were killed by it. is it in the army?
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nothing is due to the oddest bugs, but also some of them with deliberately at the, by the phone a day and showed a bill expired the film, the kennedy, and then is it a water plains for hi is riley spike has claimed the lives of us policy and john lives mohammed black top and 10 of his family members. he works for policy. an immediate claim that john lewis was a direct pocket to find these ready attack. at this point, that shows what remains of a house where mohammed apple had top lived with his salary, which on lease was reported the giving a live broadcast outside the local hospital and returned home just before the idea of strike. a hit be a building. 27 policy and john list are set to have been killed in gaz, a since october. the 7th. a relative of had tab that describes what happens to move . what is mohammed's fault?
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because he's a reporter for police to answer the questions, beating the truth. who's reporting on what is happening on the grounds? who transmits their crimes and scandals to the world? is this his crime? we need to understand if he was a fight or may be, but he was always known to be peaceful. he kept to himself. he didn't have any political leanings towards any party who was a human being who went to work and didn't return home. 3 of his brothers children just small babies, came out in pieces, caught up in pieces one by which was by what religion? they called themselves jews. but they don't know anything about judaism, because even judaism does not condone the killing of people in this way. all video agency abruptly captured mohammed will have tab, but what just days before the strike. here's a patch off his report. when gaz that was in the communication back out at the bottom of an honestly the interruption of communication. internet services and
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social media in the southern governor rates as quote great confusion from the press cruise, oregon the battlefield. and then this hospital is affected, their ability to obtain information, statistics and locations targeted by the israel is the forecasting of communication . and the internet services in the southern governor race has greatly tended to work of press cruise or trying to deal with this issue as journal is by finding thrilled, turn just to enable us deliver this important message about the ongoing status. tabs depth report, at least sparked outrage among his colleagues at the publishing and tv who said that to help me extend international laws cannot protect john list. working in guys had my uh the him, i the only i left lock while the house on the ship letter for me to have the the, the lack of use of kubat enough. um, would you like a shot off the hook up the yeah, that sounds familiar for the clock on the left left for me to hit a door. i went ahead and said he saw it on. 2
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no, no, the higher the how i don't know where to start the thousands of people world wide have radi. and so the diary 2 with palestine demanding a cease fire and gas as ease will continued its bombardments. here was for things from ghana in the west of africa. the, the large crowds of much through gamma is capital outcry, folding policy and flags. demonstrators have been charging 3 polish spine and freedom for gas. and joshua, you are a research i and jointly spoke about the government's position on the c spy. a across the country, particularly in the west, in the continent, has to be while the country is considered a country and all the time relations,
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including the laws that we have on file. that's all nations and commitments to protecting your my last commitment to protect in order to review my life health assistance with defense. amenities continues today in madison on the un security council and also policies on that. they also find ways to staple gun. it can actually be in addressing this particular issue because this development has been diverse positions on the staging. maybe keep in silence, open the class. what was the, the all the occupied. so between the police, the state and now to stop in asia where hundreds of park this tiny is gathered for a pro pilot stand body calling for a cease fire and accusing the us of cold backing the aggressor with head from some
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of the participants. the largest we will power supporting palestine to bring their health on the battle ground. so that the balance of fall when the world can be maintained. as in the, as long as one biggest dining movement is a life, there will be no harm to a single listing in those as long as religious schools and school are. so if is long or life is long, we keep spreading to every new component of the world. at least one message to old jew spend to the american poppet e 0 as the above input seen ends and all ok, so most can in most and try to occupy the all august. and most of my, i show you as long as we are here, you will never be successful in your goals. like other major cities of pakistan mess around is continuing. karachi participants are chanting and to us and, and to israel slogans. speakers here raise questions on the silence international institutions, including the when they demand that the un please proper role to stop aggressive us
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and is really policies against palestine. protesters said they will keep showing their solidarity and support for the listing. and most of the speakers from the stage also mentioned that is really attacks are not stopped focused on who propose a serious resolution in the when to engage friendly countries and to re support for our list and in brothers. and i was the middle east and eastern europe remain embroidered in conflict geo politics. and the regions appear to be treated differently by western media. and officials are the, is shallow dimansky, dell said to the story of the world according to the us is made up of those who are with them or against them. simple. that means what f a russia does is a heinous crime against humanity. on the flip side, whatever is well does, is it just fight for survival? according to the american news magazine, the atlantic for the will to be safe, russia must relinquish any buttons it has with full must suby countries cooling for
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d colonization. the rest must complete the project that began in $99.00 to $1.00 feed. my seek to fluid the call nice russia, but that's a news outlet has a completely opposite approach. when it comes to is, well i always wondered about the left is the intellectuals who supported styling, and those are socratic sympathizes and piece back. so we took the tooth, hitler, today's him as a poll just as a trusted to deny us with their robotic denunciations. upset le kaloni always belong to the same tradition, but worse just been late. just taking a whole line of bases differentiating, don't understand the history of the politics the more time for such and double standards on deeply embedded in international organizations to let's take sport on
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the international olympics committee. it's been pretty clear, right? it doesn't think that politics should see into sports. the i o. c is committed to the concept of individual responsibility emma, let's cannot be held responsible for the actions of their governments. if discriminatory behavior, biomass, sledge, or an official. because the i o c works with the national olympic committee and the international federation consent to ensure that swift action mistaken as during the olympic games. tokyo 2020. except those rules don't apply when it comes to russians. ashley, it's with the russian or belly russian. passport must compete only as individual neutral athletes. teams of athletes with a russian or bell or russian passport can not be considered. athletes who actively support the war cannot compete support personnel who actively support the war cannot be entered. athletes who are contract it to the russian or belly russian military or national security agencies cannot compete support personnel or contract
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it to the russian or bell or russian military or national security agencies cannot be entered. but when it comes to, whether it's really athlete to be able to compete on the country's flag at paris 2024. it's a different story. the measure sticking into recommendations of the i o. c. r. a consequence of a start of the minute. the reaction by the russian army, during the olympic and part of the big winter games invasion, 2022. this was a violation of the olympic truce and force at the time and a violation of the olympic child to it's all about the timing international communities. double standards have also been improved into question. countries like to key and iran, a pool for a regional conference to the the current mid lease crisis from exploding and they are asking out, right, what is the one's done that the crane and the nova palestine there to not be one
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standard for your grade. and another one for palestine. if we want to adjust the world, we must always act in a principled and consistent matter. we do not want the developments and guys have to turn into work that will affect the countries in the region. we call them the actors to promote lasting peace. these 2 different rule books used to determine the good from the 5 of finding themselves under scrutiny. one of the un summers senior officials, the head of the human rights commission to new office, has had enough in escaping resignation. he'd choose is well of committing genocide . you know, genocide is a very politicized term, often abused. but in this case, the hardest part of proving genocide has been proven for us with these very open statements of genocidal intent by israeli officials, including the prime minister and the president and senior cabinet ministers and military officials who in their public statements indicated very clearly uh their
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intention not to distinguish between civilians and combatants uh and to carry out the kinds of wholesale slaughter that we are witnessing in gaza. so they knew and was not just failing and it's easy to prevent that. but according to mccully, but the u. s. u. k. and much of europe was wholly complicit in the her risk assault. and he's not the only one in discussed at the west double standards. it's also being accused of reading, lighting, potential crime was by as well, which we have wilson today is one of the darkest hours of our times. we're watching genocide life. oh, those who have questioned the lack of pools feast biased by their own governments have been unceremoniously dumped. but perhaps it's hard for the west to seats own hypocrisy all through the u. s. was due to the idea of so called manifesto destiny
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. a kate stealing land from the native americans. the wealth of many european nations came from plundering countries across the world, shipping the people to be slaves. much of the troubles in the middle east can be pinpointed to the 1916 sykes pico agreements with false. i'm the u. k. drew a line in the map, the v and got the region to come on to the own influence. and in reality the wes attempts to wrap the woods by its throat. have never ended. abdul, it's still telling you what's right from roll. the people, scott this next with the latest at the top of the i have my golf course by not the
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the they're going to get a few number of the jump suit i didn't get it didn't go for us to be a problem to see what when you sleep, i'm going to us alone putting you into way away
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from the proceeds for that be. so when you get to the old and just put a couple of steps on those for you, the slides and, and perhaps the to, you know, me a vehicle or so same sort of for most products with a golden fremont. but the only thing is to obviously your the the stuff and if it's a budget.


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