tv News RT November 8, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EST
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it doesn't, and is this theory is that her name is a little bit of symbolizing the international situation where you, where it goes. so we copyright, you're in economy as well in this conversation is quite exactly what our trade and economic ties are growing at a good trade with him and degree in stone. and we are slowly reaching the goals that we have. sadly, for this casual re copper reed on the international lab for platforms and international organizations, 1st of all in the united nations organization, to remind new dilemma. and we pay even a lot of attention to the regional platforms as well as a parent that are getting more and more when we come back to the new global nature . and speaking about john high cooperation organization and breaks it to the starting. the next here, if we get the brakes will be chaired by russia and we really hold this that's along with our chinese friends junior. we will just promote the agenda
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label is that we believe is the most promising one into this. and it will be in the interest of all the member states. so please organization in the and of scores of similar importance to the growing importance. and that's just that is our copper ration, our contexts in the military and military technical fields. we've asked for the middle tre, technical concentration a did we missed the real quick just in a short, able to look at this. forefront is our incorporation in you, in the advanced technology field. i mean, cost was completely down within the space, exploration. hi, orbital drove things. somebody, me in there and the state of the art could be there a little time. so weapon, very promising weapons were you that are going to insure it was strategic, safe, see boats for russia and people for example,
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to help china. and we can see some of the towns by certain countries, sooner to x, than the zone of their influence. here i'd like to scale you and the north atlantic treaty organization from almost like substance as odd as it might seem in violation of their own dock trains. you might, but they are now making peace attempts to spread due to list outside english or the seniors are as borders exist on the united states are dragging the lines, members lights more and more into trading tens situation against them in the pacific asian region. most of the lower the r, little trying to establish new military, political alliances that would include the regional accounts raise. first of all, they are substituting thinking about their own schedule. but i'm trying to explain that to me. be frank, no interest that they only care about are their own is to and we can
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see this all. and along with our friends, 1st of all, with the people's republic of china, we ition reacts calmly blame. so in a balance manner, we strengthen our, the defense capability is, remember the scheme was listening which by holding the joins to equally out on that some of the navy and army exercises stay and the level of our corporation is growing still. who are sure, cuz we don't see video water sewage system. i don't want to see sky, i'm sure that your consultations and talks with the defense ministry of the russian federation are going to be useful. but it's the best hopes and are going to doing what needs help us to solve the 5, our, a corporation at these in this vital area. welcome to engine, to put things on your excellency. mr. presidency was always hand drawn by susan handles. thank you very much. for finding time to
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meet me, 1st of all, allow me to pass the word them attorney's regard from president children team will follow surely on social adults. i'm quite sure that today we have a chance to meet twice in the in the free trial. last time 2017. so now 6 years later, it's a great honor to me to meet you again with you from the russian federation, under your leadership, your e and the good faces, the fisher to them of western sanctions. but it shows that no difficulty is going to break on you or rock trim and china is willing to express louis risk back for the days we came to implement into the agreements that you have raised you with the presidency, the opportunity to speak about the military and technical incorporation into solely defined to strengthen the corporation between our countries. in this area,
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there is 10, an aussie international, the russian president day with the jango is you see, ah, that's the vice chairman of a china is central military commission there making some live comments right there . and i'll just run down a couple of them for you. well that that fee does seem to be cut off for other prematurely that we were hoping for a few more comments from it. mister hughes? yeah. the russian plus a president was out of my food and basically saying that russia and china ties are at an historic level of trade. and all the economies as searching is that's becoming increasingly into twine these days. put in saying that the bricks will be chad by russia next year, and he's optimistic for increased in a trade and strategic partnerships within the brits. finally, mister bowden did say that we see some countries these days trying to expand the zone of that influence. who is he referring to the well, then he suddenly nails it and refers to nato. he says, nato seems to be violating his own doctrine. it is supposed to be only a defensive organization. who did say that nato does seem to be provoking tension in the far east was trying to set up new military bases in asia. if at night nice,
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i was planning to set up a miniature based on japan these days. a more information on that meeting by day with the russian president on his, a chinese official that eventually jane use the other chairman of china, central miniature commission, more details online at all to you don't. so now we're on the program. let's get to some of the very latest developments with gaza. as the is ready, navy has launched, strikes from the mediterranean, reportedly targeting hamas militants, and the enclaves largest city. showing started early on wednesday morning and follows. i've been reminded and y'all was his statement, the israel will take control of responsibility for security across the palestinian territory in definitely the idea is also announced its forces are engaged in ground fighting inside gallons of 16 low who show now for the 1st time in decades the adf is fighting in the very haunts of guns in the very hearts of terra. this is a complex and difficult full, and unfortunately it comes to the price because sure. and that's the idea of
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a surround. scott is a city from land to sea, effectively dividing the territories north and south. is there any prime minister netanyahu has a state of the israel will assume security responsibilities because of following the operation. despite the fact that the united states has repeatedly said the israel has no intention of taking control of those who don't want to continue the way of come us. it certainly is not that i think is what a little before. and then definitely period will have the overall security responsibility because we've seen what happens when we don't have it when we don't have that security responsibility while we have is the rupturing of a must or on a scale that we couldn't imagine. israel cannot resume control and responsibility for god. and it's important to note that israel has made clear it has no intention or desire to do that or so within those parameters we
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are and we'll continue to have discussions with partners throughout the region and well beyond about what should follow once a mouse is defeated, yeah, let's talk about the pieces right now with all these are shot to do basically joining us here this afternoon. live on ology international. great to have you back in the studio, charlotte. wow. you know, i mean, i might, i might even close to being corrected. it, it does seem to me there's a touch of dissension in the ranks between israel and the united states. is there any? what do you think about that? absolutely. i think it's clear from what you've heard, that, that the 2 sides a talking hops, they talking on different levels because what israel has just said now is exactly what the us to said it won't do. we heard from benjamin netanyahu that after many, many weeks of known clarity in the situation. what is, what wants to do in garza, that is well now is looking at taking the overall security of the entire set.
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the, the us a said it was not going to do that and yet is one of the thing that is exactly what we're going to do. now, this is going to pose so many questions because you cannot get around this any longer. if is well, is taking over the total security of the gaza strip, it will be occupying that land. there's no legal or wait space, it's that it will absolutely be occupying the lines. i'm not going to post. so many problems protect the for the us who said it is against this over over the us. of course, israel's store interest ally it's, it's no longer satellites being that with it. since the very beginning, we heard again from on to me blinking the secretary state just on wednesday after that announcement from benjamin netanyahu. and this is what he had to say. worry you guys it cannot be, can continue to be run by a moss. that simply invites repetition of october 7th. it's
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also clear that israel cannot occupied also, there may be a need for some transition period at the end of the conflict. but it is imperative that positing people be central to, to governance in, in gaza. and in the west bank as well, and that again, we don't see a re occupation. and what i've heard from is really leaders is that they have no intent to we occupied houses and re take control of guys. right now it doesn't take any body language expert to see, but he's not sure of himself. there's a making this. all right, it's very different from the anthony blinking. we normally see. and this gives you a sense of how uncomfortable patsy feels about the situation. and the fact that the us is clearly not being told by israel not being kept in the loop as exactly what is happening. and it's also clear that the us just put it in clear with his own strategy is now going to be considering its tied itself so completely is well space
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. yeah, i mean, you talked about strategy and what exactly is it going to be here? we all know in the 2nd month of the devastation of gaza, i'm. is it possible to sing shawn it that we're actually sing perhaps a small shift in us policy towards as well? yes, we all, i think what we've seen in the last couple of days in particular is this frustration that's emerging in washington with a bounce because they know for a fee to, as well as plans with adults because the reports are true. that is, well, it's kind of ignoring us just saying it behind to was i mentioned this before with the say it again because it's so important. the us is a she allied is well, it's always been a t ally without the us as well. would not be able to survive the last few decades . now, we sold bite and tying his administration to the school in gauze. he's saying we stand with israel, we've seen on to me blinking back and forth in the middle east. and yet here we are
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again, a situation of the us not seeming to know what's going on. and it's not just a concern in the us. this concern about general souring or low, but i'm not concerned is coming from is well as well. we've heard from one former is wally prime minister. this is eric barack, who said that, you know, israel does not have very long just the situation out because the types of timing, as you can see, the window is closing is clear. we're heading towards friction with the americans about the offensive america cannot dictate to israel what to do, but we cannot ignore them. we will have to come to terms with the american demands within the next 2 or 3 weeks, probably less listen to the public tone and behind doors. it is a little bit more explicit. we are losing public opinion in europe, and then a week or 2. we'll start to lose governments in europe, and after another week the friction with the americans will emerge as well. it's all really shaky grounds. hey, we're a,
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we've already seen it being accused of committing crimes. when it comes to garza, we have been seeing being accused of genocide. we're talking more than 10000 individuals who've been killed in the last 2 months alone. many of those and i mean spouses of those children and young children that, that i think the you and the other day just white gauze that as being a child's graveyard. it really is a huge problem. and as well as becoming an international pride as a result of it, not only have those relationships that tried to foster for many decades with arab states, to pursue some sort of piece with some adult fooling upon the rain taxes. we're also seeing countries in south america moving there on bassett. this one is well in pro chest as to what's happening really doesn't have very long before. maybe that global opinion could entirely sour against it and it is, well, there are not close netanyahu. just spec done because many people are pointing the
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finger of blame squarely attempt for this child to do been ski. thank what we heard from a political commentator and contributor for the i want to use the analysis side to all the risky with joining us. and he said that a gap is wide and in between israel's plan for gaza and what washington is willing to accept. i think clearly we're beginning to see some divergence between di is riley, is on the americans regarding the campaign or the war against us. uh uh, as you said, the united states does not um, does not want to to or is not very encouraging is against a occuptation of goes out by somebody that clearly from the early days actually not on the whole i think is seeking to you know, score some points with his domestic base by saying this, or at least he's trying to give the impression that he has a plan for an in game. and i think that's,
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that's why it's he made this suggestion about these ready control of him. definitely have to control that in reality. i don't think again that there is a senior and game. i think that basically what we're seeing that the is that the use right is blinded by fury and, and, and what they doing is pulling out revenge without having a clear cut strategy for what happens next to uh you have to remember that despite, however, the, by virgin, so the beginning size of divergence between the americans and the is ready is that the americans declare they all have supported with white and visited color, beef just days into the world. today there's been some media report saying that to us continues to support the goal of destroying. how may i speak with the mass as a terrorist organization. so as i said, despite this liability, and so you may see when it comes to the more general goals or i think that the waste is still becky israel to one large degree. and i think that israel knows that
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it's still enjoys is american backing. and that's why you're seeing the intensity of the bombing this continues, like israel says it's advancing according to plan and the number of, of what it called terrorists have been killed. that science guides or officials claim is riley strikes. one choose a killed and wounded, a large number of civilians and the cities of con eunice on the above. oh, wow. the because of that is from the alaska, where the children taken from the scene of one box and the exact number of fatalities not yet noted. reports suggesting thousands were killed with others kept under the rubble, according to our local health officials or the war which has now entered its 2nd month for seen 10. 6 1000 lives lost in guns with over a 3rd of the dead. being jo, elegance of south origin region residents had hoped,
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would not have been targeted off the israel or the people from the north to evacuate. that. the idea of also hit several locations of an item. the city of con eunice adult for in a local hospital was on duty when he discovered tragic news about his i learned of the death of both of my children. what is the fault of these children? what crime did they commit in order to receive thousands of bombs, dropping their hats in order to receive tons of explosive funder hats in order to have booms full on their houses. and on the hands of those who leave the industry to raise it, that it happened yesterday. i lost my mother. i lost my 2 brothers, and i also lost my sister and her 2 children. i lost both of my beloved children. i'm to run them on. he was 7 years old and in the 1st grade, and more 5 years old, who was in kindergarten. like in 80 and kind of thing, enjoying this months or show one full trust through some of the other developments
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from southern god. it's been a very, very busy night in the most south of the split, a sub a likes happened in the alpha uh inside unit. so we had to have several of the people to enjoy the overnights. uh, the air strikes focused on the east of crime, eunice and colorado, which is the town, a town on the outskirts office and in the mead mentioned the reason of the city, which is also supposedly supposed to be a safe. these over 7 degrades, happens. there's no way shape on that as well, but the airstrikes continues to come on if things automatically replenish the medicine and its basic items. fluid, water, uh electricity is about that all day and the food is not allowed. and then things slowly are now. and once these will attended on out, there will be careful on the streets and it's, it's,
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it's terrible. uh there's no, there's nothing else that we need to say. the people here are calling for the seas fight immediately. opening all the board that is guessing. and all the hundreds of trucks that have a towards the better as the defense. and yeah, i mean it's, it's just, it's just tough. so indonesia, it has rejected israel's claims. it has hospital and gaza, sits on top of how much tunnels and is used by the militant the information of a hospital and guys, it's a facility built by the indonesian people entirely for humanitarian purposes and to serve the medical needs of the palestinian people in gaza. off the israel that made the allegations are there. on monday, the idea struck near the indonesian hospital on tuesday, the n g o, the sponsors, the institution, denied the accusation, saying that the as riley military is using them to justify them on the bottom and
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of the medical center. well, that's not across live to the founder of international and networking, full humanitarian mohammed who's saying now joining us get life from god's a very well welcome to shoot to you today. so i just want to get straight to it. if i may, israel alleges the entities and hospital is above, how much tunnels as you and your monetary organization were involved in the building of the hospital in question, did you ever see any evidence to support such claim? yeah, 1st of all i have to tell you that i was one of the team that built this hospital i . we built the hospital in 2011 of 2014. so we just provide a few things every single day. we were in the sites of this a hospital and i can tell you exactly. there are, there are no, and if you did that part, this claim was interesting. you say that because the,
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the n g o, that is the funding, the indonesian hospital says that israel is accusations of just an excuse yet the military and your the yeah. continue. yeah, yeah, yeah. i mean i, i, you need to split also that be, be before i, i, uh, i found this uh and your i was with man of the key in yours. that bill this uh hospital in the not nothing. uh, got the 3. all right. all right. what about uh, the southern part of the gaza strip because its already strikes have been targeting the know if is you know, given y'all was told many palestinians to evacuate south. but that's where our schools and the hospitals as we understand. i mean, also being used as a bomb shelters, we understand a lot of them. i've also been damaged in the southern part of gaza. i wanted to ask you, mr. who's saying, are there any issue, monetary and zones less the people can seek refuge?
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no, no, no, the are the the, there isn't such a you, you called it is a human story and don't know if there is not safe place at all. we are in, in gathering if we area and gather meaning. uh yeah. or wrong. not to the south. i am in the south or not now that before few minutes ago i can hear the fairly big exploding. uh, near uh, from my house. you know, uh uh, decided that after from of, uh, not the guys that came to saw the number of the kidding in the southeast. it's fairly, very much black dirt then, then not some area. so i can tell you i can tell you to complete that. there is no, it was not in garza and we are now just waiting for our children to be killed and
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to be the next victim. well, that's just an awful thing to say mister hussein and i hope you're going to be wrong and i hope you'll go to stay safe in that region. as you say, you said there are no safety issue, monetary and zones left anymore. i saw a report earlier today and confirm, but i saw a report saying 18 hospitals across garza. oh no, no longer functioning or rest in ruin. over the past weekend and mr. who said, we have seen unprecedented protests all around the world, from latin america, to europe, to africa, even all the way to indonesia, with a huge protest happening there as well. people are supporting the palestinians. they are protesting. while the un has cold is riley will primes. why is it that so much of the world seems to be talking in a united voice, but one very small part of the world is the united states and israel don't seem to
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be hearing the course. yeah it's, i think it's very clear because this will this go from one of the what is define it defines to be a part of this a commission. we know that it's not that more, it's no more a secret that uh united. uh, you know, uh you end unit nation. it's also part of this petition america with his vehicle also, but it does provision so we don't have to be in the field we. we don't have to feel trent rarely, when you find this a reality that no country can do but what they want. because uh, actually you can say that god, that is the only area that's free from this the commission, every is concert in the world are acquired by a male reach out by, by is right here, but in it except the that's why the people cannot do,
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cannot punish uh this uh this, uh that it isn't. and they cannot do. they cannot talk this bomb being because it's right. it may be, feel that the, uh he, they are above everything on non can touch me. oh, so all i can do what i want, the end of the, sorry to hear that, but that is the fact today i would have to, i just wanted to just bring your up on that. now. i appreciate you saying that mr. who signed? because that's a very strong comment to say on international television, but we're very grateful to have you here. spending a, spending your time with us. and i wanted to ask you, you know, if you go, if you go online right now to some of the american press and some of the british press, you know, they do, they post pictures of gaza in ruin. and then they have a headlines saying, is riley's suffering? will they post a picture of palestinians digging their loved ones out of the rubble of destroyed
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buildings? and it says, is railways rescuing that loved one? i don't understand why that's showing a picture of devastated palestine and then with the headline is riley is a suffering why? wherever is objective? john? listen today, mr. who's saying why are the european and american press sources agencies playing this kind of game with a narrative? yeah, i think it's the same. is you just what i told you before everything is designed to be it's a spark this commission when i, when i told you that everything is decided to include made. yeah. you know, because we know, well, that is a profession already. uh you know, uh, take control most of the world. so then yeah, uh so they, they pay the hm. and they use them to spread this propaganda and they to
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try to mislead every it's of us in this. what with this, you know, classic a narrative, plastic for the class as a title. and i can tell you the, the, the, it's not, it's not, you don't have to be a few threads, but all of the, this is the, again, this is a bit their rule. this is a lot, but not, but today. but we have citizen, the where everyone can, can see the i, everyone can say what they think if everyone can control the media by they hand. so i think this pop up paper, our, a try a, i'll start to, to, you know, control this made yet despite a do's, amid the, to, uh, are ruled by, by west or a country. meantime, meantime,
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numerous rolling blackouts across cause or no internet connections as well. across many areas on a daily basis, so it's difficult to get the information out as to exactly what is happening. so the people don't have to just trust the main stream narrative, a founder of international networking for humanitarian mohammed who's saying, what's an enlightening conversation very refreshing. thank you for joining us. yeah, you're welcome. so a lot south africa is that foreign minister has a denounced quote, is really war crimes and gaza drawing a direct comparison with the history of a pods high and high nation. today i believe all of us joining the world in expressing hara at the war crimes being committed in palestine through the targeting of civil is civilian infrastructure, you and premises and other vulnerable top. it's these actions remind us of our experiences as black south africans living on the pot date. but collective
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punishment that is rarely the exact same on, or palestinian people is in the front that has gone on for too long. the world as express caught up at these are friends, but has not acted effectively to save palestinian lots. sadly. even yeah, you know, own country. there are many good choose to turn a blind eye to these atrocities while addressing the national assembly on this concept. now lady bundle outlined a 7 point piece fund for gaza, some of the main points that including the implementation, all of an immediate cease fire, for example. also the opening of humanitarian, colorado. so the release of civilian hostages and also calls for you and rapid deployment force to be sent to palestinian areas. that's a big number of points in that list. speaking to watch a miss pandora shared her take is what on the international criminal court. she
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says, the organizations judgements, full short of balance we need to address is other conflicts in the world. have a listen for yourself. the hi minister of israel benjamin netanyahu as really being the person that has been fueled. the silence we see being perpetrated against innocent palestinians. we have said that the i c. c, which was very quick to act when the territory of ukraine was occupied by russia. but now silent at this time because it has palestinian people. we regard this as a double standard and we do call as the palestinian authority has done on the i c. c to declare itself on this method and recognize with crime and home. that has been quite well the world continues to watch exactly what's happening in gauze. and now we're into the 2nd month of this war with all posted element correspondents across the region with more guests on an hour.
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