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tv   News  RT  November 9, 2023 1:00am-1:30am EST

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the, the dog, those were supposedly killed by is really a supply company to bali, our refugee camp in golden gas. i have breeding the product again, desktops, and more than $10500.00 us easels ground invasion on phones. the ivy assets troops are now targeting beyond the ground tunnels. the terror of these by hand. as we investigate the shady stories of missionary groups that have switched to working with youth role after feeding, defined fame and fortune on the front lines, the crate of law says you in baset, a slammed be trained the latest device on the do nashville public that and that's
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at least 3 dead and $23.00 would actually obtain some blame on cubes, west and back as the 3. as soon as when you booted responsibility for them will be borne by 5 d. t. every jeep and the executive orders from the washington, which is accustomed to using this tab to cover up its own crimes testicle. such tragedies, collateral damage the drive from the middle east to europe and around the globe. we're bringing you updates of the latest happenings from around the world. welcome to our international with michael port you now we start with a bottled gas uh where dozens of reports that have been killed overnight has been jump aaliyah refugee camp in the north of the enclave. has targeted targeted by the idea that policy in depth low now the past 10500 of the. c c
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the emotional footage from the scene shows some children and incense being pulled from the rubble, the dep aaliyah campus, one of the most densely populated areas in gather it has been bombed by as well, several times. more than $200.00 policy unions have reported to being killed there in total was maybe more wounded. some victims are still trapped on the collapse buildings as local rescue as don't have enough equipment to clear the rubble of crossing guys us 30, be all shots. the camp was also bones by the idea of multiple other strikes have been reported across the city, including the sub broad district. israel says it's forces i have for the engaged in ground bottles in the heart of the guys and capital r t. a rabbit correspondents mohammed nasa, brings us this report on the situation in the city. you have that with most of the,
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these really rates of safe are concentrated on the eastern parts of guys are sitting in the solver district, locals with no one, but the area would be fired upon which led to a large number of casualties. this is really rates and military operations continue in the summer as a tune that now should julia areas, amid the shedding of a large number of residential districts in eastern garza city, they continued to be talking to by direct tax and asterix with military equipment deployed along the eastern part of gaza, we now hear planes bombing, the city, especially the northwest impulse, where there's been a serious escalation. and the rates have not stopped in western guns, which is also being bombarded by his rated gun books, which are intensely hitting civilian homes to expand the operation from the shot to come to the ocean out the area. these ratings are facing fish resistance in the palestinian groups, especially the elk assembly gates. you confirmed that they were able to inflict heavy losses on the equipment and personnel. it'd be as radio patient on me and were able to destroy many of the assault vehicles that we're trying to move forward . but of now stopped in light of these classes. the elk assembler gates also say
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operations are expanding elsewhere. for example, in the northeastern region, such as based on even where his reading military equipment has tried to advance the face piece resistance from the palestinian forces for fighting back. israel says it's forces on now in the middle of a search and destroy mission targeting the sprawling network on the ground tunnels in gas that have the idea of claims. a 130 such shafts have been destroyed so far. and that's really some footage of the ongoing operation. both those as of being used to dig out the tunnels before explosives are designated inside to a solvent gather has also been coming on. the 1st is really as twice in the city of can units. several mosques have been destroyed, the nearby area where hospitals are located was also outside. at least $59.00 mosques have been completely obliterated,
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with hundreds of other damaged in gas since the war erupt of more than a month ago. now let's trust to a canadian policy and john list of my social money. joining us from 7 guys. it's nice to have you join me right now. i'm on. so now, what else can you tell us about these various twice on can you this the why is the idea of targeting mosques that long? thank you for having the mike that's a good question. because we don't know why the most, it's not being thought of getting some of these mosques, some of these 59 most, but you're talking about not only all day. uh no, cuz this is the worship for hundreds of thousands of people. it was going to apply funds to date. they have also cultural sentence, social sentence, a place where children and youth meet and mingle and then lane and, and you don't have have,
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have to have frustrated with the school system collapsing. um, we honestly the people he had dropped did not have an answer for that except that it's fine. look in the philippines for 1000000 population here by ensuring that them to be scared of staying in the homes. and luckily, and try to put the pressure on the front of senior services to seeds, plus he's fired without any, without giving in and any of the terms that they are requesting from the. is there any idea? all right, that we're hearing that some nearby hospitals are also in the line of fire. what are the details of those strikes? yes. so one of the spikes that hit tiny on this yesterday, it hits the, the, the, the wall right besides the last out of hospital where i am out of town or 5 pm yesterday, and very geology department in the hospital here. the last portion of the damage
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due to that strike. and now the f, one of the take you x rays for fee per watt and just have severely that these it's given the damage the cost of that building. now how i rescue was coping with the aftermath of the bombing of can you and this is vera nelson staffing equipment, a p, a, the rubble that what are you observing? and i, we, i believe that is, there is, there is more than enough people even volunteered squad, willing to help us to feed from, from under the board winning. so how does the i've done balances, but for them know, perhaps any accessible. the problem is that there is an article fuel, there is a lot. busy of the parts to, to fix the vehicles that they use. and there is an offer for splits and beds and medicine industries. yeah. equipment to perform operations. and as you're aware of
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dozens of hospitals and clinics on drugs are on right now. not funding at all, or running as very low capacity use the double bond and that they sell parts and due to a lack of fuel term that it has other agents. or are we have to be here now? jump list of mazda or so mind reporting from southern gas, and thank you very much for speaking with us. thank you for having about both sides of a war. i'm blaming each other for this staggering numbers of civilian casualties. task, part of our special coverage of the conflict, we strip away the rhetoric over the innocent lives court. in the crossfire the we are calling the civilians to leave the guys that goes out. some us wants to keep them. there is a human shield. this is innocent.
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civilians are going to be hard to sign on. i see all the civilians and one of the the the based on a wide range of intelligence from the intelligence i. richard in the i say we have located from us as headquarters underneath the shufa hospital comes on the we have more than 8 tons and tons of investors who are committed to our host with us. it is by our capt bescedy the vehicle. bunch of it is $150.00 beds,
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send this over all the invasion departments and even the images of departments. and even though the departments are over ones with a huge number of vision, the and it's i'm and that we receive very difficult and even hopeless patients. these really occupier is deliberately fire, children, women, and civilians. we have lost a lot of children. the situation is tragic, the leg instead of able to cuz when it happens that we have to perform surgery in the core doors with the lowest doses of anesthetic, it means patients are awake throughout all intensive care words that the, all she for the medical complex are full, they're a lot of patients. we work with very limited capabilities and our patients shortage
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of equipment and medicine. the us military savvy has carried out the so called self defense dry kind of weapons. devil in eastern syria that was allegedly used by you runs is lumping revolutionary. god, cool and affiliated groups. washington says it's the latest response to grow and then a rock of attacks on american basis in the region. according to a pentagon, chief, lloyd austin, that's being at least $58.00 such strikes on us sides inside the rack and syria. washington maintains an illegal ministry, a presidency of syria which has been condemned by damascus or the warring guys, attracting an increasing number of attacks against diesel and its american allies from militant groups across the region. while these riley
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military has hired some foreign troops for its war against guys that one spanish missionary says that he previously for the long side new nazis in ukraine. he told the spanish media that he's now being paid well to target the policy unions. so i can fully cover me from money to pay very well. the overall good equipment on the walk is come is $4187.00 per week. complimentary emissions side, some imaginary groups uh, previously made an appearance on the front lines and ukraine of also switch trucks and moving to use weather and such a fresh prophet as are these english donald reports, as we are in the zipper, was your region. ukrainian positions just a couple of the 3 lines down that way. and here the ukranian come on, they went to lindsey, put all the chips on them and hit during the summer campaign. and at the same time, this place, this region became the prime destination for, for in the us,
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in areas and namely for american soldiers of fortune. but come home, come november, and russian soldiers on the ground telling me it's been a while since they had 4 in speech in the intercepted radio chatter. and indeed some groups who had to see accurately announced the presence in ukraine have been resurfacing elsewhere. like this p m c full would observe ations group. the 1st image didn't key of bringing that hard as nails attitude along with them. it wasn't long until they found out that might have been a premature move on the left, on the training centers of the crating armed forces and the started you into your work ski military training grounds were struck with long range of precision weapons up to $184.00 and mercenaries, and the large depot of 4 un weapons have been destroyed. reports suggest forwards of ations group members was stationed there as well. later. the pmc itself
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confirmed losses during their so to you to ukraine. we're going to and from i mentioned that last several days and saw some very sad news. some of our friends, ex teachers and just acquaintances died in this more these animals will on. so for every life will these people with a thousands of their lives rest in peace brought us with the israel palestine conflict to erupt him from slumber ukraine began. it's down for from the major spotlights. and the full wood elves of ations group was leaving alone with the high train to israel. i don't know the accurate number. i believe even more. and they actually exceed 200 over a 100 civilians were killed in this game. and maybe even even a 100, my estimation is over 300. we noted 7 about 7 to soldier for suspicious soldiers. felt special forces was dead in this keyboards full of the unit only for form
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that the 13 this russian special forces come on to tells me he hasn't really come across us mercenaries and come back over the almost 2 years that they weren't looking for a fight but rather chased social media content. americans can they only can american, non american or any other medicine really did not take direct spot in the ukranian counter offensive. they did not advance ahead of the battle formations. perhaps i just wanted to advertise themselves and somehow reap the benefits of victory that they didn't know if the chief of any victory. and that's why we haven't seen them. indeed much is a huge part of the forward drops of ations group. pick any online markets, it will likely be listed there. the group has repeatedly faced flack online. they will cooled out as a fluid accused of scamming people. now they're in israel. the force that's against them is
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a bunch of guerrilla fighters who have no jets or the motors are basically water pipes welded together in the level way and much friendly environment for spilling tough guy energy onto the instagram page. like there's done of reporting from is upper rogia artsy, the, the us house of representatives has formerly condemned the democratic congresswoman rest you that 5 overhead criticism of ease, roles, assault on gas, a slide made on the motion of response to how fellow congress, members of the move to essential. ha, i'm the only policy in the american survey and congress, mr. chair and my perspective is needed here. now more than ever trying to bully or censor me won't work because this movement for a ceasefire is much bigger than one person. it's growing every single day. the idea that criticizing the government of israel is anti semitic. so it's a very dangerous precedent,
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and it's been used to silence diverse voices speaking up for human rights across our nation. do you realize what it's like mr. chair, for the people outside the chamber right now, listening in agony to their own government, dehumanizing them. i can't believe i have to say this, but palestinian people are not disposable. we are human beings. just like anyone else. my 50. my grandmother. like all palestinians just was delivered her life with freedom and human dignity. we all deserve sweet enough to save lives. mister cheer, no matter, stay no matter as mister. they should not be controversial in this chamber. the
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cries of the palestinians to palestinian and is rarely children's style. no different to me why? what i don't understand is why the cries of palestinian sound different to you. all the best sense of old against live is one of the most of the forms of punishment in congress. the resolution was put forward by republicans following the law makers, criticism off these really actions against gazda and the washington support for these, where the government and that's the spot beside the lie. you had to condense him, us over its uh, atrocities against these are all a month ago. the debate over high sense of course, the split, the mon fellow congress members with some cooling, the move an attack on freedom of speech. at this moment when democracy is under siege all over the world, america must stand tall for the constitution of the united states. and this resolution is about one thing. and one thing only the punishment of speech
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representative to leave is repeatedly made across the statements against our ally as well in support of moss a terrace group responsible for the largest mass care of jews. since the whole cost rep to leave has levied unbelievable fall. so it's about our greatest ally is real and the attack on october 7th, congresswomen receded to me, but it's an important member of our democratic caucus in our michigan delegation. her voice matters. she is the only palestinian american in the congress, and this is a representative body congresswoman to leaves, words and actions are important and beneath her office today republicans are again attacking a democratic colleagues just because they don't like what she has to say. the deliberate and set the core of crimes. that's how it rushes un ambassador has described the trains. deadly repeated strides on the next republic. during the
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latest un security, the council meeting on the conflict to this duke just refer to the terrors. practice of delivering repeated strikes on the same place is firmly entrenched to the arsenal of the crating on forces. knowing full well that 1st responders risk is don't displace and journalists will soon arrive at the scene of the strike emergency services the subjected to repeat it strikes during that what preventing the evacuation of the wounded and dead. these are deliberate and cynical crimes that have no statute limitations of this comes after, at least 3 locals were killed and over $21.00 dead body. you train in shelling of thing. yes, said he, on tuesday, several buildings where everything used to rumble, leaving some people trapped on the other. really, you creams, repeated spikes have been preventing the effect. you ration, the victims from the attack side are these. caleb mauppin has more about the latest un security council meeting on the conference and emergency meeting of the united
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nations security council was convened to discuss the recent strikes that took place in the people. ready public of done ask and how civilians were killed and it is parents that ukraine. the prophecy of the united states armed by the united states is breaking international law, conducting war crimes and killing civilians. the gory details of how many civilians were killed and what was clearly a striking, targeted, and aimed at civilians were gone over by the russian ambassador. and eventually, when he spoke before the 15 member body that leads to the united nations, the piercing was unable to use responsibility for them will be borne by, by the key of regime and the executives about orders and by the western countries flooding ukraine with their weapons which as we know also i coordinate the goals, the strike, and the washington, which is accustomed to using this time to cover up its own crimes and the crimes of its allies in yugoslavia. afghanistan and the middle east desk to coal such
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tragedies, collateral damage, even during the iraq war in 2003. the united states made repeated attacks during the work of emergency and other services, part of its military tactics. the crating on forces a diligent students. now and eventually also pointed out that it seemed like some of the western countries saw this meeting about what is an apparent violation of international law on a crime against civilians as simply an opportunity to rehash their bashing of russia and their blaming of russia for the entire situation and the entire conflict in ukraine. he pointed out that if countries are indeed objective and if they do indeed value human life and they should not be selective. in doing so and they should not see an emergency meeting called for the purpose of discussing what was apparently a crime against humanity, a crime against civilians just as an opportunity to push their anti rush in narrative rushes war against you. crane has undermined international peace and
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security from it seemed to say, but rattling and procurement of arms in violation of un security council resolutions. it is russia whose actions have left the world less safe unless secure russia alone is responsible for prolonging this war. and the resulting loss of life . now we do hear from other countries as well. china emphasize the need to investigate the situation and dig into the facts about what exactly happened with these recent strikes in. don ask and we heard other countries express their concerns about the flight of civilians in the new russian republics. now, after the meeting, we heard the band z a speak from the stake out addressing the press outside of the united nations security council. and his remarks the emphasize the hypocrisy, the western countries that seem to be getting a green light to israel, to carry out its atrocities against the palestinians. the united states seems to be
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blocking resolutions, calling for a ceasefire, but yet they stray from no opportunity to console level on proven claims about russia and its activities and ukraine. they also emphasize that there was dialogue going on behind closed doors among the un security council. countries about moving ahead with some kind of resolution to bring a humanitarian pause or some kind of resent resolution or some kind of forward motion regarding the situation in god. however, he could not make public statements about such activities and such behind closed doors. discussions at this time, the hungary standing against the cranes potential last session to the u. s. boot at best as the qu, bring war to the block, and as also listed all the issues key of showed resolve 1st nations amanda, in which ukraine is violating the most fundamental rights of the on the issue of national minority advise is particularly egregious. and since,
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according to the you assessments, ukraine has not met the conditions for membership. we do not consider any further progress on the issue of succession negotiations with ukraine. s timely ukraine is in the state of war. so we can see that neither freedom of speech nor freedom of expression is respected. the and the elections are not held either. it will be obviously absurd for you, my boss states to take a position on how you clean functions in such conditions. so for all flaw institutions, but you your commission backs to defy that the group has recommend that they initiation of a session tool. so you create in the mold of as well as offering georgia candidate status file, given the countries no time lines. here's archie, contribute to the reach of marsden with hard to take on the story. well, there's a very technical term for whether you is doing here. it's called string. someone along ukraine and other countries like mando vend, georgia, walk into the block,
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but the, you can barely afford to run the surface that it has now, particularly with german and french economy, struggling from the eaves on anti russian sanctions blow back on their industry. so forget committing a right to having any new clown act. so instead of marriage or even engagement cleaners was royal commission, is now issuing proclamations of sorts like this report card that was issued saying that you crane has next 4 of the 7 preconditions, not for joining the block, but for just opening negotiations and saying that kids still needs to be corrupt, to be in line with the rest of the use corruption level, which let's face it is a pretty low bar. and also it needs to be all like archives because hey, you're, i'm only has one green, mr. and also they need to do more about and already, right. so you create needs to basically go away and work on itself according to this very tumbling. it's not me, it's definitely you report card near talks of ascension could begin on december
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12th. maybe that's just the whole family of $27.00 countries gives it's blessing. sounds like the worst potential future, even though i've ever constantly staring kids up and down cleaners. so it says that quote, the past and arguments have shown the enormous benefits, both for the essentially countries and the you we all, when. but in reality it's still better for the you, it leads to keep these chance or countries on the hook. never really sealing the deal while exploiting whatever resources they have. getting the proverbial milk without buying the cows so to speak, so still no actual engagement data anywhere on the horizon. meanwhile, ukrainian officials are going all fatal attraction on brussels, talking about how hard they're trying always assign a very healthy relationship and how much brussels really a desperately needs key as national the from us. our country must be in the european union ukrainians. these are both for the defense of the values and for the
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fact that even in the time of a full scale who we keep our war and develops that institutions all the necessary decisions are being conducted. because of the why the should do not forget that the commission report is not just about ukraine. of course, ukraine is a driving force, and i can say frankly, that has brought the european union out of a more than 10 year comma, in which it refused to expand. now the mood has completely changed, thanks to us countries in the western balconies. and most of i've got a chance to move towards membership. so it's important to keep in mind that this report card comes from queen ursula. enter illustrious battalion of desk jockeys and doesn't represent you now need many within the whole block, some opposition figures here in france for example. see you in large read as a sort of eventually consolation prize for your brain, for when washington eventually loses interest and fails on leaving the you with the burden of continuing to fun. it's fighting against russia because obviously
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washington has bigger problems. take you already right now with closer allies in the middle east, like israel. there's also the problem of ukraine's e u neighbors having unresolved disputes with key f, like pollings, demand that ukraine exuding the graves and ethnic poles mass occurred by you premium nazis involved in in the 1940s petitioner. and i will express our position in my opinion without solving this issue. many equations realizes that ukraine can only dream about e accession. so we will absolutely stress that without solving this issue, there will not be a long term reconciliation with ukraine. so with all this stumbling blocks for kids on route to the alter, there's also the risk that poland and others may ultimately want some kind of a case off, or at least some kind of constellations from brussels. in order that to not be that guy who stands up at the wedding and objects to the union. the alternative for john,
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the party alone make a re not a roof for us has mentioned numerous hovels for dreams, accession to the block. it's hard to imagine that the country in a position like ukraine will overtake those wisdom valid 10 countries by acceding to the european union. given all the problems, giving the non results to military conflict, we have to distinguish between wishful thinking in terms of the 2 political aspirations of the you to further expand into the eastern senior. but it's a chief political risk which is entailed here. and it's also of course risk in, in financial terms because as we heard before, the german economy is dwindling. we are in the recession phase and dram.


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