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tv   News  RT  November 9, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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is going underground, can the 13th the north and god's trip right now. it's very happened. it does have a journal as tom, so salon comes under is rarely ever strikes in the territories north. the and is really attacked till 12 people in moons dozens more in central dogs that according to the palestinian interior ministry. israel agrees to start daily for our humanitarian pauses, to allow aid into parts of northern dasa and the evacuation of civilians.
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and western condemnation of israel to actions in gaza, gro was with the belgian official calling for sanctions on the country. for those of the headlines were following this, our here on our tea up next. the cost of everything looks at the costs of medical tourism. the when we think of tourism, we usually think of vacation, sunny beaches and exploring new places. and traditionally that was a standard of the tourism industry when you can get a nice little package filled with things to do on your vacation. but today, the medical tours in space is increasingly becoming more popular as people spend their off days getting procedures done in a foreign country. the global medical tourism market was valued at $9700000000.20 and is expected to continue to grow another 25 percent this year. as many people
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and develop nations are seeking service in developing countries or prices are cheaper. i'm christy. i and you're watching and the cost of everything we're today . we're going to take a closer look at the cost of medical tourism every year, millions of people travel from country to country in search of specialized medical care, ranging from cosmetic surgery to dental work to orthopedic procedures. the rise of health care medical costs and the west has led to a rise and medical tourism market. or over 14000000 people travel to other countries in search of medical care. some procedures and developed countries like the u. s. and the u. k. costs up to 6 figures, forcing people to look elsewhere with the exact same procedure costs as little as 4 figures. people are increasingly leaving the us to places like malaysia, thailand, costa rica, and other countries for dental plastic surgery and even cancer treatments that can
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cost up to 60 percent less health care costs are up to 80 percent lower in malaysia and up to 70 percent lower and mexico compared to the us. and according to the medical and health tourism congress, medical treatment is cheaper in most agent countries than a private hospital in the us. for example, a heart 5 has surgery and thailand costs nearly $9.00 times less. at $13000.00, compared to a $113000.00 in the us hip replacements in thailand costs $7800.00 compared to $50000.00 in the us. medical tourist can expect to save 25 to 75 percent on various procedures and treatment options. and the top medical tourism destination in the world is malaysia who sees well over half a 1000000 medical tourists a year due to its developed infrastructure and lower costs. a malaysia has built
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medical facilities that rival single pores, but at a much lower price point. and it has also set of agencies to attract thousands of medical tours for procedures for anything from burns to heart conditions. and even more malaysian hospitals offer services like ideas at a fist, the price of western facilities. and this is followed by singapore, while expensive singapore has one of the most. so fish dictated hospital systems in the world specializing in cancer. while it is more expensive, in places like thailand or malaysia, it is still cheaper than most western hospitals. meanwhile, in latin america, costa rica was the top destination for medical tourism in 2020, followed by mexico and argentina. mexico is most known for its dental and cosmetic work for americans who decide to cross the border in order to save money and pick up medications at favorable prices. it 2020 research found that the mexican health
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care services are the same or better quality compared with those in the us for 50 to 70 percent of the cost. the dominican republic, columbia, and brazil are also emerging as trusted health market places where you are saving between 40 to 65 percent compared to getting the same procedure done in the us. the medical tourism market in latin america was over $7000000000.00 in 2022 and is expected to surpass the $17000000000.00 mark by 2027. and now we are joined by facial plastic surgeon specialized in hair restoration. dr. william lindsey. so i think certainly on a pleasure has reading me what, of course, it's a pleasure having your doctor. so now the medical tourism for cosmetic surgery has become increasingly popular. can you discuss the motivations behind individuals
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traveling abroad for cosmetic procedures and which countries are the most sought after destinations? well, i think you can send a free things. people want to save some money. they like to have some privacy and, and not have people know what's going on. and it's nice to get out of town. and if you can accomplish 2 birds with one stone, meaning have a procedure done and recover in a nice area and get you to have a vacation. it's a win win scenario. as far as to which countries in the here restoration industry, turkey 5 by large is good to go to destination for her trans plus and actually to the mid east last year. and there billboards, airports, full of people walking around with band amazon and fresh out of a hair transplant. as far as visual work, we see people that come in from brazil and some in central america. i don't do
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breast augmentation, some things like that. but i'd say turkey for here and south america, or maybe central america for facial procedures. that's really interesting. and what are the potential advantages or disadvantages of seeking, cosmetic surgery, abroad in terms of cost, the quality of care and even safety cost is almost certainly going to be an advantage. it is the safety and quality, i mean, really the own. this is upon the consumer or the potential patient to figure that you can get a great hair transplant in united states. and you can get a great hair transplant in turkey and probably many other countries. and you can get a really crappy here transplant in virginia. and you can get a really grab your transplant in turkey and many other places and, and it is the same thing with face gloves. i've seen plenty of people who had botched jobs here in the us and plenty that have come in from overseas. and i
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think it's that the individual shopping, whether it's for here or overseas is often a willing to buy into what sounds too good to be true. really honest is upon the consumer to do that research before had looked at plenty of pictures of the doctor, maybe check reviews, all the reviews can be skewed. and, and best of all is to actually talk to, or see by zoom or, or based on a couple of patients that the doctor going to where there's me here in virginia or somebody else overseas as well. that the doctor stuff, that's your best way of seeing what you're going to get. absolutely, and i guess you have to balance that cost savings. want to save money, but you don't want to go too cheap either. so right, any country but you get, i don't think it's the money. i think it's mainly you can get a crappy cosmetic surgery paying full price, or you get a crappy cosmetics or king cheap breast. it's just how much research are you the
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potential patient going to do before you sign up and certain that there are good plastic surgeons that charge an expensive rates all over the world. but there's bad ones that charge the expense of race and full price. and you have to look into it before you sign up. absolutely. and many countries have actually gained the reputation as the go to the destination for specific surgeries. so what factors contribute to the popularity of specific regions for these procedures and how do they need teen the high standards of care as well the, the high stands taken care of this ties. this was my answer was last time that the us has lots of regulations and boards that does not prevent patients from getting bad surgery. the honest is upon the consumer to look into that before they go as to the go to destination. i mean, definitely result for face stuff for body stuff to to some extent i get,
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i don't see that those patients but in turkey for hair. and again you can get a really good air transplant in turkey and you can get a really good air transplant. and virginian, you can get a really bad air transplant and turkey and you get a really bad address. i'm virginia. i don't think the country has anything to do with it. it is dr. specific, you know, you have to know what the doctor plans to do and see a track record. absolutely. and why is the medical system in the us so much more expensive than the rest of the world for the exact same procedure? i guess that's a good question for uh, for some of it, it's going to be, you know, cost of over it. you get, we get employees that get paid more here than that i do. and others you have to provide for benefits. rents costs more here. doctors want to make more money here because they want to buy things that are more expensive here than other places. and some of it is going to be that, that depending on where you are located,
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patients expect to pay a certain amount. you know, uh if you go to new york city and your downtown and you have a choice of getting say, a facelift for 15 or $20000.00 and you go to rome, north carolina, and get exactly the same bracelet for $5000.00. there's definitely a psychological aspect of why they paid so much it's, it's got to be a better procedure. that's not always the case. absolutely. and beyond the cost savings, are there any other key motivations for patients seeking surgical procedures abroad? and how do these motivations vary depending on the type of surgery? i think one of the patient is privacy and pulling this off without a lot of people knowing what your business is. certainly with your transplants. if you're going to turkey, which is known as the place to get air transplants, and you're standing in the airport before your procedure and you're seeing a 100 other man that have just got through it,
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you feel pretty confident whether you're gonna, whether you pick the right guy or not, if you feel like you're in good hands and you're in a supportive environment. similarly, if you go to latin america or we're still and you see many shapely people that are walking out with bandages on, you feel like you're in the right spot to get a job. that may or may not be the case, but it's certainly supportive to the potential patient that, that their they've made or a correct decision whether they have or have it. it makes it feel the right way to go. absolutely, thank you so much dr. lindsey, but please stick around. a doctor, william lindsey will stay with us right after the break. and when we come back, you might think that the us is addicted to plastic surgery, but you're actually going to be surprised. we'll have more after the break. the,
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with the rise of social media and photoshop, the cosmetic surgery industry is experiencing a boom as people everywhere looked enhancer features and get the perfect instagram body. in 2023. the most popular plastic surgery, trans included breast implants, brazilian butler and rhino plus b. a recent survey found that demand for cosmetic surgery was driven by women. after the pandemic, with 30 percent, a surgeons reporting that their business had doubled. there are variety of reasons behind this increase in demand, but the ability to work from home and not spending money on travel allowed patients to invest in themselves. instead, millennials are increasingly driving this trend of plastic surgery is no longer taboo. they are related all an accessible and with the increased amount of time that people spend on zoom staring at themselves, they become much more aware of their appearance. and for a lot of people, this makes them recognize they want
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a change. while the us is often viewed as the land of plastic surgery, thanks to hollywood, that is actually a mist. south korea is actually the country with the highest percentage of plastic surgeries in the world, followed by greece, italy, brazil, and columbia. the us comes in 6 place and because of the various standards of beauty in different countries, every country specializes in a different form of cosmetic surgery. for example, in south korea and most of asia. so double island is a desire to be trait along with a small upturn. nose with no sharp jetting cheap votes. as a result, reino, plastic, and left for a plastic where the 2 most popular surgeries requested in 2023. in korea, it is estimated that one in 5 women have undergone some sort of procedure in the country. south korea is also famous for having some of the best cosmetic surgeons
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in the world who are up on the best cutting edge advancements in the field. and the other best part is it's only a fraction of what it would cost in america. meanwhile, in greece, brazil and the u. s. breast implants for the most popular in brazil, it is even considered a status symbol for those that get liposuction or have breast implants. plastic surgery is also exempt from tax, so citizens on the middle class can also access it at an affordable price. and this has contributed to a boom and medical tourism in brazil as individuals travel to take advantage of the fairly affordable prices. and over in columbia, liposuction reigns supreme as the most popular plastic surgery procedure in the country. other countries that are specialized in plastic surgery include mexico, thailand and turkey. so for this in more or less bringing again, doctor william lindsey, facial plastic surgeon,
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specializing in hair restoration. so dr. one factor is should patients consider when choosing a location for surgery such as the reputation of the health care facilities? probably just the ex or postop care. i think the biggest thing is to find out how good the doctor, the clinic you're going to is make sure you do plenty of research look at before and after pictures. ideally, you talk to some patients that the, that clinic is helped. we put, put me videos, we've got 500 youtube videos up, but the youtube is an easy way for a doctor to publicize his results. and i would, i would imagine that many clinics have youtube videos or for an actors on social media that would allow you to at least do some background checking. but the biggest issue would be to find that the quality of pleasure going next would be the logistics. is it one flight? you know, i would think that if you were going some place and you knew you were going to be
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sore when you were flying, all minimum buys the discomfort, you know, make a direct flight. you know, so what if there was numbers, you want to be able to get home quickly or have somebody come and help you quickly . and then speaking of emergencies, we know not everything goes according to plan, and occasionally a family member or somebody that's traveling when somebody gets sick and needs to be taken care of. and so not just the facility that is going to provide the, the cosmetic procedure. the local and regional health net health system is still going to be competent to take care of a family member that maybe comes with you that gets a heart attack or, or something more serious and get them stabilized back to the us. those will be things that would be thinking about absolutely a lot of planning that goes into it. as medical tourism continues to evolve, what emerging trends to you for see in the industry, both in terms of the types of surgeries, offer and destinations that will become popular in the coming years? i think the quality of medical care across the us across the world isn't through me
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. and so i would imagine that medical tourism is, is a growth industry. and you know, things that i learned in the 1990s as cutting edge are now old hats and things that a little learning. now that our cutting edge will soon be just normal procedures and everybody will know how to do them. and the more people that learn and practice these can open clinics and really become accomplished experts. so i think that as long as the consumer does good research, that really the quality of medical care and cosmetic surgery care across the world, it really will improve and allow this to be an ever increasing option for patients who want to get away and get something taken care of now, how often and how serious are complications that arise from medical tourism and do
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patients have any rights to sue their doctors internationally? i don't know, but the incidence is let's take a 2 procedures that i perform. i, i've done about 4000 and face lifts and 4000 air transplants and, and that's over the course of 28 years. we haven't had much trouble. but occasionally after a facelift, somebody has a, a, a bleeding the 1st night, and we have to come back in and take care of it. and i would guess that happens about once per year. and so if, if the clinic that you're going to is reputable to have a doctor on call know a support staff and be able to take care of you here. transplants, jerry, the problems come from not taking care of it, not being told how to keep things clean or really what to do in the 1st week or so . and so they're generally not emergency problems or problems that happen after the person returns to us. and i just happen to look over my, my regular computer here,
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and i see the 14 examples of people coming back from here. transplants all overseas, not from one particular area with i won't say disasters but certainly big problems by and large from not cleaning or, or saying they weren't told how to take care of it. and having superficial infections or loss of some tissue. and that's a, it's not an emergent problem, but that's a problem that occurs in the post office long after the person's return to their home country that to us or wherever they came from. and how do you get ahold of the doctor to get things taken care of? it's not like they can do a zoom thing about and, and the doctor can take out a stitch or, or move some tissue. then you're stuck trying to find somebody to help you and that happens. so i've got 14 of them on my computer, me and we are always willing to help had trouble. but it becomes an issue and they
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are quite upset when they come in here that they maybe got duped by making a poor decision. i can tell you that the 14 that i see here on my desktop from overseas, i've seen a 150 or 200 from people that were done locally. that just didn't wanna go back to the doctor. so it's not the complications happen too much. any one place, it's just the need to have her work for with your health care provider and access to get back to that provider to take care of any problems that that would arise. and that will be easier if it's one flight where you do it locally. and in your personal experience, have you turned away, repeating patients where money is no object, but in your professional experience, they've had enough work done definitely be. i like to have a natural result and there are increasing numbers of young women and middle
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age. and as i get older, it really seems younger who have had too much stuff done, and they're just chasing the latest brand on tick tock or people magazine. and i, i turn them away and try to discourage them from continuing to do things that would make them look less natural. i don't think that unsuccessful and can change anybody's mind. but when we do work, whether it's a face lift or her dress, it wouldn't be a product. i want to not have somebody say, oh, that's a great here. transsmart red face that i want somebody say, well, that patient look good or that person looks, they're not ball and they, they look normal, they're not looking at the airline and see what is wrong or they're not looking at a scar or too much cold. we just want some, it looks natural. so when people come in and they either have real estate unrealistic expectations or expectations that i don't think will wind up looking natural. yeah, we do turn them away and,
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and it can be discouraging for the patient who's driven or flown here to see me a but once you operate and somebody really had a relationship, you're going to have a relationship with them for the rest of their lots. you need to do what's ethically right. mm hm. and is language barrier when it comes to medical tourism and then your experience has language stopped. a potential customer for doing surgery. language can be a barrier. we've had patients fly into our office from 52 countries to have us do a procedure. so it is kind of the opposite of river stores and you will come to the us and get something done and spend a week or 2 here since sites in dc, you are going to florida and taking the kids to disney world while they're recovering from what we do, the language has not been an issue in our office. we have a multi lingual group of technicians. and, you know, honestly, in the times i've traveled abroad and the people that come here,
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most people do speak enough english to get by now the going through the informed consent could be an issue. and so we've occasionally used an online on translation device. but by and large and language has not been a problem in our office. and when i've talked to people that have gone overseas, for example, this 14 heads i'm looking at that have had trouble elsewhere. but none of them have said that they didn't understand what they were getting themselves into. so i don't know whether the offices had translators or whether they spoke enough english, but nobody has told me they've had trouble understanding what they were going to get done elsewhere. mm. hm, and have you seen a change in patients behavior post cove, it pandemic, or are the levels of surgery and medical tourism around the same cupboard was an anomaly. we were backed up 7 months in doing surgery 7 days a week. and it was only because people had time off and they could sit at home on
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zoom and turn the camera off if they recover. and my few friends to do cosmetic procedure said exactly the same thing. unfortunately everybody's got to go back to work. and so it's back to what it was in 2019 and, and, and before for the 5 to plan a few weeks off so that they can recover and pull whatever procedure that they're doing off with that everybody asking too many questions. so i think we're back to the norm, the normal uh, covered was and apparently me. well thank you so much dr. lindsey, for all your time today or thank you. despite the rapid upward trend of aesthetic procedures globally essential reconstructive plastic survey needs for conditions, including clutch, lip, and pallet are not being met in many low and middle income countries. more than 95 percent of the population in south asia and central eastern and western sub saharan africa do not have access to safe,
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affordable surgical and anesthesia care. and worldwide burns are responsible for a significant portion of a fire deformities requiring plastic reconstructive care. so it is ironic that plastic surgery, a specialty that originally evolved from reconstruction of dramatic injury, sustained during war, is now favoring elective surgeries over a central surgery. i'm christy, i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything the russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community invest in most all sense and up the in the 65 with the keys
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195 and speed you what else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say stephen twist, which is the oh, what else seemed wrong? just to save house because the application
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and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the on december, the sixteen's 2021. the ukrainian parliament approved law number 58. 31 the stipulates ukrainians, including children, can become organ donors, postuma state, without the notarized consent and without relatives consent. the organs can be sold a special database exists, the covariance with foreign clinics. the
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on april of 142022. the ukranian parliament tossed another little number 56108 exams. organ transplantation from v a t. the road to exposing ukrainian organs abroad was clear, the, there will be no down, you might give them a le mostly. and those will be possible that some of these days could he may not be forced to look. we must say diagnosis because i didn't say about the quote on that so many of each knows how circled black mocking transplants surgeons operated in his home country. and then they will not though for you to be able to come to the level. yeah, the best left on a thump that in will have done postal postal albany,


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