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tv   Cross Talk  RT  November 10, 2023 5:30am-6:01am EST

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can cite russia over there, and we don't have to cite russia here when you spend 5 percent of your annual panic on budget supporting ukraine. and they have degraded 50 percent of the russian military hardware. that that's a pretty good investment. such a good investment, the board jump thing was dispatched back in the day to stop any talk of peace, but to keep that money top flowing, 20 months on the right, things on the war. the functions were passed. nato didn't step down the russians on ukrainian summit trees also bought flowing. i suppose the landscape well like us allies of the poss, he's being hung out to dry, but that probably wouldn't stop the bite and then po, from feasting a few cranes quotes. it may be your credit is twice whether they allow the p r c to be part of the construction ever. but it's our choice with regard to us since benefiting beijing. do you think we should condition us age, prevent us tax dollars from supporting p r. c. owned or controlled entities from
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providing the reconstruction of senator we do. that's why it's so important to have the supplemental so that we remain in the game and can set the conditions that make it impossible for a pick illegitimate contractors like the chinese to enter. so washington withdrawal to condemn ukrainians to life among ruins and deprived them of aid. also that the chinese will get through the gates. how tab by using tap slides on tests and dispatch, that's washington's domain. and from black rubble ready as grand plans of his own. i know p o c official is granted to night. it's billions. in the meantime, even with people dying daily, the us just caught tickets habit as the united states follows, he demonic and militaristic policies throughout the country. some more than 240 years of history, only 16 years were without war. for you as president jimmy carter, candidly referred to the united states as the most war like nation in the history
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of the world. southern tests and despite has become so institutional in america that it brings you a metal, not a court martial. the biggest problem with our political media culture is that there is no accountability. those are the people standing up and saying, anyone opposed to our wars are unpatriotic, they're on the other side. and none of those people ever paid a price for what they did. why in the country and to the weren't a rock destroying a country of 26000000 people that gave rise to ice as they in fact all got promoted to the last golf and the baby to the last ukrainian soldier. hundreds of thousands of people stripped over future because woman going politicians and businessmen continents the way still want to get a bit more bang for that box on some day. maybe a promotion too. and that's the all the best time nikia brown will be in next desktop on the hour. i am michael fletcher by the
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hello and welcome across ok. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he and vision sitting designate is rarely occupation of cause after the war, as if it belongs ending blockade is not an occupation. this goal tells us a lot about the war being waged on gaza. it's a war of displacement and ethnic, cleansing the
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prospecting palestine. i'm joined by my guess, eve angler, in montreal, he's a canadian foreign policy institute fellow, a journalist and author, and in lisbon. we crossed to alexander guerrero. he is international legal analyst . all right to them in cross lock rules and effects, that means he can jump any time you want, and i always appreciated it. let me go to you 1st here. let's just talk about the recent events here. we had a anthony blink in the us secretary of state, i suppose, trying to imitate henry kissinger with his shuttle diplomacy. but all he did was humiliate himself and his president joe biden. why in the world, with any of his interlocutors in the middle east and the region at large be want to become a come completion to be in join in and being involved in the ethnic cleansing of the palestinian people. i mean, they don't want this, they, you know, they have a lot of problems. they don't want to go down in history is a helping is really not in the states but destroyed the gaza strip eve. yeah,
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and that's what they told the lincoln. burton gone and turkey didn't even bother showing up for the, for the meeting. do you know, do you know who did show up the, the deputy mayor of this then bowl game that was the person that greeted them. i'm sorry, the rep keep going. and so i mean, they understand exactly what the us is doing, which the us, which is completely supporting israel's, a slaughter and guys of that's, you know, around $5000.00 children have been killed. and basically, what lincoln wants to do is to get as much acquiescence to this in the region as possible. i don't think he believe that it was, he would get them the different leaders. do you know of a salute? his is his diplomatic of backing those of israel, but he wants to at least minimize the criticism and you know, i don't think it was successful. i think that clearly the governments in the region to see what's happening and,
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and they realize that their populations in their country are absolutely appalled by while we are all seeing coming out of guys up. and so they only, you know, as much as they are under the some of washington like the country like jordan they at some point they have to listen to their population to a certain extent. but it really is just absolutely direct us complicity in all of the horrors that israel's is causing. you know, this announcement just yesterday is another $320000000.00 in us weapons. we're going to be sent to, uh, to israel, to use against the population in guys a, obviously this $14000000000.00 of a, a, a package that's been uh, that's out there. um and, and you know, all the different products, squarely blinking has now made 3 different trips to israel, in, in, in, under a month to completely endorse this just just on slot against the
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against positive. was it, you know, they use the word humiliation? i mean, yeah, you were standing basically side by side and blinking his call, calling for some kind of a humanitarian pause, you know, more aide and then right next to him, the prime minister base of it. nope, there's not going to be any of that. i mean, just insulting your guest. okay. and, and blinking just stood there and took it. let me shift over to how exactly or if we had been yahoo said again blatantly contradicting the secretary of state blink and saying that, um uh, israel will control the security a reoccupied gaza after the conflict in the us administration and said that's not what they're angling for but the israelis don't care sewing again, another humiliation the united states is not leading. okay. if it was leading, it would do it. it always did. and go back in history and look at it every single time they said there has to be a ceasefire, not this time. alexander,
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they are father, actually from leading any kind of political solution worldwide. we can see this and you can reason to say for example, from the situation in ukraine, we started, we witnessing that and also now read the situation. he needs right now. what we are in fact, witnessing presently is yes. and your receipt went on the global, new new order, the new global order making a new realignments that showing highlights the interest and better powers. and broad and finding out of the, the usual form of a circle of power that we are used to. it is, for example, united states and the you, they have absolutely no need for us whatsoever in the situation in the me, the lease. so what we see these, for example, to get doing this nation that you already mentioned, but not only to get also the arab states, for example. the fragility of the united states find policies in my opinion,
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quite heavy then from the fact that not only blink and went to the middle east, we nothing to walk her. but she also returned home with nothing to deliver to july . the 1st she tried to find the way actually to bring about the seas buying these are out with these railings pay and secondly, he also wanted to find a long term plan solutions in the region. but the other countries denied the support of this, and there was no effort to respect the rights to self determination of the policy and people. and finally, she claimed 2 ways to prevent the spread of the conflict to the entire region. but she did not attend any of broke, still either on or to hezbollah in the lab, and on, or even the windows 10, whether the slot tax would be through mental lives in the future. she's meeting, we'd love that box, for example. it was quite embarrassing because yeah, we would love to find one single point when both were to green ways and my mom was advising the fact that i were actually kind of a bad that's the blinking was right to use and to make,
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in order to have at least an actor that's good, a friend who lives more and more how much. and she still failed. so indiana, i believe that it cannot help, but to conclude that blinking that dance were a sailor and they actually show them to expose the complete lack of a blurry lack objectivity. that is not exactly a policy, rather, there is an attempt to protect these real interest at all costs and to pretend that such interests are actually the main goal of the regional solution. yep. well, anthony, blinking and his father actually, or i are deeply steeped in the design, is cause inside the united states. so hence when, when blinking arrived the 1st time he said i come here is a jew, which tells us a lot because we know, well who is interest? are you representing here? okay, was very odd thing for a secretary state to say, you know, he, one of the interesting things also is that the entire region, you know,
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and we can fault the so many of the air states. we're not being more outspoken about the palestinian cause over the decades, but they make, well, they made it very clear to the united states. is you created this with this real, you should solve it. why are you, why are you wanting us to solve a problem that you made? you shut out here to all other players. you basically neutered the p, the palestinian authority. it's your problem. why should anyone helped him out, steve? yeah, well i think that what they should do is they should resist us pressure to, to normalize with israel, so long as it's not even a motor come of justice for, for the policies. this isn't just the us problem with your member. of course, most people and as a, are refugees that refugees from design is ethnic cleansing, and $194748.00, which comes right out of the un partition plan, which is very unjust. a plan of basically pushed on palestinian so. so the
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root of this is actually goes back to the british imperialism in the region and the balfour declaration and ethnic cleansing of the 4748. but certainly, you know, in recent decades the us government with government like my, my own, the canadian government have, have been basically, is supporting this highly corrupt wordpress of pasadena already. but that is, is not easy with basically acquiescing to israel's ongoing settlement expansion in the west bank. and i, i consider the fact that a boss net was blinking. that's a real estate on a boss. i mean, this is a joe, this idea of a 2 state solution that the us is now going to now they start talking about, you know, the, they, they weren't, weren't talking about it at all. uh before october 7, because now if you're talking about it, but they talked about it as a way to sort of like, oh, you know, what is us doing the 10000 word. it's going to be much more than $10000.00,
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but the already $10000.00 killed. and you know, there's going to be sort of a silver lining at the end. and that would be a 2 state solution. and you know, the p a was, will be able to take control of, of, of gaza. and this business they're talking to. we are actually a canadian special forces on the ground and is more and more stories including from the lead, the national coast, national paper here saying that communicating forces should be part of a post is really going on. so i don't get as, oh my god, i did. did anybody in canada? well, that anyone in canada have a chance to vote on something like that, but it's just the sanity, let me, we were actually coming to the break here. i'll alexander basically this at the same questionnaire is because, you know, but yeah, you, anthony blanket is saying, who should rule in gaza? well, what about self determination? i mean, you know, it's really, i mean, and that us supported the election back and back in 2007, 2006, and the, and,
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and how most got elected the u. s. government actually paid for that election. now they want to reset the table and decide who's going to rule and gods alexander. well, they are actually making the exactly the same mistakes as 0. israel did in the 1980 is when they tried to legitimize how much, you know, the differential lies. and that'd be good and was more powerful organization in palestine. so now they are trying to choose another actor on who they wish to invest all that not believe their money, but also they're at a diplomatic efforts. and at the same time, they are expecting that the palestinians will only accept any kind of solution that comes from washington. so they are repeating over and over and exactly the same mistakes. and they are absolutely both thing in jeopardy, the risk, the chance of having the 2 state solution, they don't believe, you know, it's just a solution because when, what kind of solution will they chose by, by and by knowing the pressure? i believe that the 2 state solution would only be possible if united states were
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interested in force, insulating israel, and forcing the country's government, whether the lab by benjamin that's on you or my any other leader to retreat. well, alexandra, all i can say is don't hold your breath thumbs out one. okay. alright gentlemen, we have it. we're approaching a hard break. and after that break, we'll continue our discussion on power side. stay with our team, the, the, the,
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the welcome back to across stock were all things are considered. i'm peter roosevelt. true mind you were discussing palestine, the okay, let's go back to even in montreal as we approach the break. alexander was talking about the prospect of a 2 state solution when those words passed through them, blinking smiles. and i just thought you've got to be kidding me. you've got to be joking because the u. s. has backed up israel's a very right wing government for the last 10 years to make any kind of accommodation. impossible is matter fact. that's one of the reasons why it and shame on the world's shame on all of us. i would say they'd let the palestinian issue fade away into it blew up again in october of this year. so i mean,
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if they're really serious about it and there's no indication that his release of ever including the current prime minister has ever been interested in that blinking it's just blowing smoke. i mean, he's buying time. i don't know what he's doing. he i think he's providing cover for, you know, genocide on policies being waged against us. it ends in gaza and we also know not just in guys, i mean is a 160 i think policy has been killed in the west bank over the past month. as well so, so there is increasing is really violence and settler bivens in the west bank that, you know, as further ensuring that, that uh, issue any sort of policy states is, uh, is less than less of a possibility. um this is, this is a diplomatic cover. this is uh, you know, there's the, the national security advisor provided who, who published the piece and foreign affairs that came out 2 days before october 7th
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was all about how, you know, the middle east is quiet. yeah. yeah. and it is not, not a mention of the 2 state solution that it's amazing. take sullivan still has, has a job, i mean talk about failing upward. sorry. again, i interrupted, you keep going. know, but every, that's the, that's exactly it is that they have forced the what i'm asked it, whatever you want to say about that it has forced, at least the rhetorical shift from the us government. now i, i don't believe it's serious and i clearly don't believe that the, the current is really government and even those sitting in the opposition are, are, are, are serious, serious about a 2 state solution. the only way this would happen is if there's a, would you related push a throughout the air of world that there's the international solidarity campaigns in europe, in north america. and, and that the us government starts ending this incredible level of financial diplomatic contribution to israel. and that's the only way that you can
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come to a motor come of, of, of justice reprocess. but what we're actually see is that discussion being mostly a cover for a genocidal policies. you know, alexandra before we started our program here we were talking and i pointed out to you that it's no surprise that the g 7 foreign ministers meeting in tokyo, completely back the american position, talked about the humanitarian pause, whatever that means that it means nothing to me certainly doesn't mean anything to people in gaza and that they were against the ceasefire. but it's really interesting that the g 7, the, the pinnacle of the neo liberal world is juxtaposed to just about everybody else. what does that tell you? and by the way, why don't you throw in the ukraine angle if you can? well, actually, what this means is the, i'm going to repeat what i mentioned. that's part of what i said at 1st, which was we are, that's one of the reasons why why we are witnessing to
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a new re shaping off the global order. we are starting to watch a new and new emergence of new points of power. our sense of power, for example, if we think of the keys position, if we also think of the out of position, we see for example, that at other countries as are given to despise blankets containing the region. and we see also this united states find policy continues, it's bad all these great thing among not only out of the countries, but also among other voices from both from continental and regional powers that are raised more and more against the united states. and not even united nations secretary general and funny, but there's, we've always but steve at the, regarding give drawings abuses where he was able to avoid taking the 1st half on, i guess, easily also indian, what we actually watch is that we have several actors that don't have any kind of foreign policy agenda towards the, the global community as
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a whole. they just want to follow the footsteps of united states. and when we think about the power and it was by then was able to achieve, we built this and conditional support. look. busy tweezer a on but also to your brain. we say for example, new can you and you and we also live on that lion supporting all the same rule and all the same points that by the defense. but one of the consequences is that we haven't cost a lot of in the banners of the united states, suffering bodies as at least the idea remains. the most of the congress and the president of the united states are totally don't mean. busy aided by not only are these political and economic entities, but also for example, what do you think of the international criminal court which sexually revealed was and for all this, if it works like a proxy off the united states. and at the same time, you're viewing union against other focuses and other actors empowers that do not
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abide with your they're smash and then set up by the by washington. what we see is the total complicity with what's happening in the fall this time at the same time, we don't get thrust of this happening in your brain and they don't have a way out. not only to leave your brain, at least on the clean exit, but also concerning the bell to stand up. for example, the recent declarations of the bedroom units on the out come on and saying that he will stay and that we will witness to any indefinite documentation. and someone, or must, must talk about the elephant on the room and saying that this is, inc dash, actually any fashion of the fact that the rhetorical expansion of the bins, i mean, it's on, you know, and the same happens concerning your grain. because even towards the policy of the great, everybody was completed with the landscape, no one there to say, you'll have to start these thoughts with the russia. so if you don't want to lose
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your entire country and even to lose our own respect, and could you mail it to you? yeah, well that's when you hook your wagon to the, to the west like that. this is what you get here. you know, eve, you know, this administration in washington, they really love, you know, the rules based order and all that, you know, and it's already been pointed out here a nano 2nd after the complex started a new crane, the i, c. c went into action. but where are they for a guys? ok, they do have jurisdiction of the palestinian territories, but it shows that kind of rank of popular see here. and it's very obvious. i mean, when blinking talks about human rights abuses in what every country that he is opposed to, it's going to be hard to take him seriously. by friday it's always been hard to take him seriously. it just got a whole lot worse if for. yeah, for, for uh, brain kids from ukraine to russia that was led to charges icbc, killing $5000.00 children and guys, uh about. oh, home from the i see see. um so,
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so the, you know, the hypocrisy of that is clear. uh. and its been clear for a long time, but this is exposing it and the whole world knows this, right. and it should actually say it's not just the whole world of global so, but it's actually increasing proportions of the population with in canada, the us. yep. and i think probably european countries that also see just how, obviously hypocritical they are. i mean, the international law discussion on, on ukraine, they were of, they pumped up of that about a lot. but the cities have international law on his side. that's very clear. i also want, what i mentioned is about the g 7 the, the canadian foreign minister, g 7. you know, she put out a treat last night where she talks about, you know, we're all in favor of israel destroying guys. um we're, we're all united with ukraine and then, and it was like, we're all pushing for peace and in the pacific region, of course, a code word for actually we're all trying to yeah, stuck
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a war with china uh over taiwan or potentially. so i was trying to see, and this is where this is where they are. i mean, this is what, like the canadian foreign ministers going along with this. this is a, this is totally insane. a geo political kind of a project of, you know, we'll, we'll just hope for war everywhere. and this is, this is where it is. the leadership of, of the g 7, the nato, and obviously led by, like, by washington. uh are, you know, uh, alexandra, one of the more incipient elements of what's going on. and i'm glad he brought up about how public spiel and the west about that criminal. you know, you know, everybody knows i'm a conservative. so conservatives in america, i'm saying free speech, free speech. it's always they liberals that are always frustrating, crazy. now now, on this issue, they are across a free too much speech. if you're, if you're pro palestinian your pro. hum us what. okay, this is what they're doing. so this issue not only complicates and,
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and goes against international law. it goes against basic principles like freedom of speech. go ahead, alexander. yes. and if you want to speak about international law and violation of international law, well let's, let's start with the direct is something that, that i'm a nation and by don't cheer. absolutely no one in the west, not only in united states, but also in your in union. for example, mentioning the right yourself with every nation of the most you need be fully. it's and it has been violated for at least a century after the ball court exploration. it has been over and over being repeatedly violated, but not only that, but also if we think about the sacraments policy that's actually being pursued by not only presently, but for decades by these riley power, with the complicity of the western powers. we watched basically and presently that for example, nathaniel's goal is to follow exactly the same policy that these rail already has for the west bank with the logistics position and spread of several months. and
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social cont. busy for the territory that slowly asserts itself, actually being israel and, and not just sign of this is are the efforts not only to push the palestinian population into egypt, but also the clear policy. what the goal here for an example of tony in portugal booking several, either viewers in countries. this is a policy all flip things together. street that is being pursued in order to eliminate any kind of joseph, like in subsystem there. so i have alexander, let me jump in here, let me give you the last 30 seconds. we're running out of time. go ahead. the last 30 seconds. no. on sunday, in calgary, a organizer for the demonstration was arrested for leading a chad from the river, tennessee. palestine will be a, there is just push that even make the policy and slay a hate symbol. some of these right wing are a national post call. this whole push to suppress
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a discussion. and that's because they know full well. the people are doing something they see the images of children being being slaughtered in gaza and they're not ok with it. and that, and that's the right human response. and so, so there's a real effort to suppress. uh, well i, i really like i said, that's the right human response. and that's why we have to be, we have to be a moral compass. the let that come out naturally gentlemen, that's all the time we have. i want to thank my g as in montreal and elizabeth and course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at archie. so you next time remember prospect the you know probably maybe some,
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some good news i see the week monday or is cisco web shows or some of them are used to work with the weight and i've emailed you about your ssl set up for general. but the most that is of the tools and most of at least the windows of both employees if you need, because usually the media is looking as well. edu tells me when would you be the most popular, but not least seattle plus the,
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the big images from northern gone. so it is around problem 3. hospitals with thousands of civilians was taking shelter, healing at least 20. we have from an aussie report to on the grounds who witnessed one of the attacks the .


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