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tv   Documentary  RT  November 10, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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and again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the civilians. in garza city is the biggest hospital are reportedly understood. instead of hiding between israel on her mazda in circles, the facility also have the israel bomb 3 hospitals. in northern does it worth thousands of civilians were seeking shelter, filling at least 20 and in the south of the enclave. thank god right now. there are no casualties. it's been, this is required to get in this house. however, as you can see,
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things often busy out on t r t c for seats for 10 to the dire conditions inside. garza is the 2nd biggest hospital and saudi arabia welcomes african later to summit dedicated to the pole and economic cooperation with officials repeating calls for a ceasefire. invest. when the team we condemned was the gaz distribute spacing from meal true sold charging of civilians to violations of international law by these real that based on the storage district, the need to stop working on the 4th displays mental health scene in the you're watching r t international, i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. at least 7 palestinians have reported they've been killed in a recent is really our strike on our residential area in northern ties up with the outskirts of el cheapo hospital and al shante refugee camp. also coming under fire,
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according to palestinian media. the aisle shape is guys of cities biggest hospital reports say it's currently caught in the middle of fighting between is really forces and how moss and stopping stuff from evacuating the building. the facility is taking in thousands of civilians with many living in tens nearby. we heard from a gaza base, the journalist who brought us the latest developments over the past few hours. the situation in garza is getting ready to go with his really army tanks, have being reportedly open to heavy fire around the chief hospital of the guys a city which is well, has previously warned against to what that is. really officials say the to mass is hiding that she falls because with total disregard to caused by the
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international community as appeals to adverse to human casualties as al chief office because where hundreds or maybe so if you're thousands of people injured and others, patients are being treated under very intense situation in critical situation with electricity cut off and power outages actually fuel lacking because supplies lacking an, as well as the presence of many thousands of people displaced from the gods as neighborhoods. those hours report hospital, the situation is getting very tense for the moment. and the guys as dred as, as well as i said, the advancing gets, tax rolling, gets tags on to the visit to vicinity of 2 hospitals, me or 2 out of chief office battelle. the not service but so the atlanta tc
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hospital which are about 1000 meters away from us. you powers without it. so in the house, if the guys a city of this comes after the yard of the l schafer, hospital was hit by and as rarely strikes thursday nights. the following graphic footage, which you may find distressing shows the shocking scenes from the makeshift lobby of the hospital after the strike of the many display palestinian families of children were sheltering there. at the moment of the attack, the hospital has been bombed 5 times since thursday night. according to the enclave is health ministry, probably or the idea of ordering people to evacuate the area. but medics decided to stay saying it's impossible to relocate all the patients. meanwhile, is rarely security forces claim they have taken over t,
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how much positions and killed around $150.00 militant fighters are. the outposts was reported, they used as an arms production site and missile launched ation. the idea is also said to have uncovered and destroyed an underground network used by hamas to target israel. a troops of thousands of palestinians fled garza city on friday. officials say the palestinian battle has now surpassed 11000 with over 27000 wounded. thousands of trying to escape se, nowhere is safe in the home so that we have been under bombardment for 35 days with shows and tanks from the land. seeing there everything you can imagine we are civilians sitting in our homes. we wake up to the sounds of the shells exploding above our heads. israel said to go to the states centers. we went to the u. n. shelters. they fired shows that us 10 people were killed, including my nephew, and the end of across the valley, instead of a say,
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we set for a while and then waltz. but the heat us was f sixteens. they were body parts and wounded. everyone lives on the rock. i was seated by shop now in the side. our porter homes echelon managed to move his family to relative safety and southern gaza. after days of being in the epicenter of the indiscriminate bombardment of the northern part of the enclave. this is what he went through of the situation and can you and this is completely different uh from the north as can you in this situation? uh, as quite uh, come on. uh there is no is were $80.00 in the sky and there is no uh she lives. uh huh. and uh, and can you in this, in the south? of course it happens uh once a while, but it's uh quite over here and i can feel safe and uh, talking about uh, my situation in the north yesterday. uh, it was uh,
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terrible footage and uh, uh, uh, this guy was uh, lighting up. and i was uh, very scary and i was caught caught my, uh, these are one of the, are these uh, shootings, the tech to the north end of this trip right now. it's very heavy. everywhere. this
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mills, rockets. it's dangerous the, as you can hear, the children in the neighborhood are crying. news is not. this is the genocide. oh my god. it was very dangerous. unfair and god, i move from there and i talk my family with me. it was a terrible, it's something i never witnessed and i would never forget. we walk and i couldn't even stand on my leg work now. i was holding uh, having my backed back and having my clothes in a plastic bag. unfortunately,
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my father and seeing my mom a locator working but she's struggling while she's working and it's it's, it's actually breaking my heart. and when i remember what happened, it's something i would never forget. we have to rest and then they throw bombs the last. and this is crazy. we find another car and we keep them in different fishes. we got more details on the situation in southern guys that from canadian palestinian journalist months, or schuman in the gulf, there was an air strike in the flesh killing aids civilians. and the engineering dozens, thousands continue to migrate from the north to the south to a very, very dangerous route. um right now the capacity here in, in, had inside eunice in northside hospital,
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i think has at least doubled from 101215002 at least 253-0000 have given the number of people have come here, fling away for the, for the life for what is happening right now? the main news from the city like now is as you heard, the strikes on the hospital. the is really a defense forces are recognizing these symbolic targets that if they take over, they can consider that because you have some kind of symbolic victoria. hence they are continuously targeting them. i'm trying to reach them earlier today. is there any defense forces also announced the killing of the highest prank of a set appear to know the leader of the attack on because the city he is a couple minutes together with his secretary that this isn't. this is, this is editing, but the 4th is happening right now. and we just had our colleague here. we are hitting dozens of stories like is it is hard, it's making,
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it seems we ought to be thinking, what's happened. the 19481967. earlier today we visited no sort of hospital he had in con eunice self was the uh, to get some more information to provide the audience some details about what is going on there. and the refugee status and how things are working is all you see you, we are here today 35 days into the war against the filming from san eunice south of the split. as you can see here, we are in the sort of hospital. it is the 2nd largest medical complex in the fit and the center and hospital for the midland. and so the agent here that will go inside and have a look at the activities here. thank god, right now there are no casualties. it's been actively quieted in the south. however,
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as you can see, things i've been busy, i don't hear people here at all working 247 sleeping in the hospital trying to keep up with the number of patients that keeps coming in. please remember that they are not all the 3 things the even of can you in this order of the 3 thing. also one over 1000000 people who have been displaced from the north was come here. we are now in the 2nd floor of the and also the hospice. and normally this is an area that is accepting in patients. if there's an area where the x ray is done, it is an area where the treatments are done. it's also waiting area for people. however, now it has over 15000 refugees. sadie wright is come. prince mohammed been solomon has also called for an end to the war and gaza and the quote force displacement of palestinians. he made the statement during the saudi africa summit in riyadh. when
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is nadine, we condemn with the gather struby space and from meal true sold charging of civilians, the violations of international law by these really impatient authorities. we stress the need to stop this war and the force displacement of palestinians. so do you agreed? yes, says that to be a victim of spring and summer and gather because of this, we could is indeed to drive towards peaceful resolution of to be conflicted as others. and the other hand said that's what they are looking at. what need is, will propose this to quickly bringing in to, to be unfolding to me to read and protests, to feed in the guys that including those the applicant beat. as of that, a scene fitting for to in the saudi arabia invites the african continent to each table. it is the opening of the saudi. as we can submit into yard several african presidents, i take 2 quads. and once again, as the cops has become a competing, the re not the middle east as audio rebates friends,
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but it's focused to the continent, developing ties with a number of african states. and both that you kind of make add um security level was that you saw the advocacy summit is expected to deal with development issues. the key among those issues is of course, education, health, investments, to many tearing assistance and economy development. what into the african continent? the ask because saudi arabia, summit starting today, has been maintained to enable area to promote its agenda for the african continent . and when some of those african deed is over. but apart from the summit, visit emergency meeting held by the hour of need and exploit, say that to the back to back meetings and gatherings that's taking place this weekend. good signal. the start of a higher profile. diplomatic push the, what saudi arabia taking advantage of each position as the champion in the middle east or full dependency that people, in fact, let's, yeah. what did the arabic has to say a hold of this to many tutoring choices are not at the core of the arrow position
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for the arrow position to man as a complete ceasefire submitted to the interest has an idea that some people talk about to try to deal with the deteriorating submitted children situation due to the war and is really aggression. the arrow position is clearly and explicitly based on an immediate cease fire. indeed to those to be 10 is expected to demand a ceasefire. it is expected to go to the table, a lot of things the for the african continent as well, especially as africans as out of countries. it's still altering to supply the appeal as well to the united states, to press that as well. to implement an immediate cease by guys that will risk a separate charge and the secrete to off the entire middle east. of course, the most of those 2 eclipse will include the african countries of applicants, new design, and will be standing by to bring you move on goods. a flagrant violation of international law and humanitarian catastrophe. that's the statement from russia's ambassador to the un during a u. n. s the meeting on the israeli,
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palestinian conflict on friday night to the those categories strikes against you. then all the checks are flagrant violation of international humanitarian loan. you anywhere has rules and any violent action against civilians is categorically unacceptable. are really communitarian catastrophes in a folding in the palestinian employee attracted you a couple proportions to get an excuse for that meeting. so i hated blame game between the palestinian and israeli representatives. yours are corresponding kellum open with more the 1st representative to speak before the un security council meeting was the amboy of the palestinian authority. you spoke about the attacks on hospitals, the civilian casualties that are adding up and why he felt the international community should be stepping out to restrain israel's activities. here's what we've heard from the palestinian representative. they mom and mom and mom's civilians, children and civilian infrastructure. they deprive
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a lot of people over the objects essential for they have said, why then? but don't you dare accuse them of 4 strands fit. forget about the memo by the is the ministry of intelligence that says they want to displace us out of gaza. forget about the, the statement of the for the minutes the, about the 5 guys would shrink after or forget about the map that nothing yahoo headed in the general assembly with guys and the westbank, including east jerusalem and the golan heights, as a visitor. and forget about the confession of nothing yahoo that they intend to retain security control over guys, us forget the chance of their soldiers. forget the speeches of their
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leaders. the only options they have ever given us submit leave or die, or international legal ends up outside ethnic cleansing, or genocide. how these rarely representative who addressed the un security council meeting of harshly the mon, what he perceived as a bias and the statements of the international community toward israel. the argue that the palestinian organization, how mosse was using civilians as human shields. and that they had a right to strike against those who collaborate with come us. now, he suggested the videos of mazda attacks should be shown before the un security council. here's what the representative of the israel had to say before the 15 member body. that leads the united nations from us rules, all of the guys that we've been, i run faced, and some us also rules all of the information coming out of district. it's just because briefings are written on official un documents. it doesn't change the fact
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that the content was based on the information supplied by from us from us knows that this council, in just their points in this fall. so this is part of their script, their very own terror operatives give liabilities information, which cannot be sadly verified by anyone other than come us to you and by these. this information is passed on to you, i know officially. and then this information is used to be few the you and has completely lost its moral compass. so this cannot be tolerated. mister president is rarely fighting a war for a very future and existence. we are combating a genocide, the nazi like terror organization. how much has publicly declared that they will carry out further atrocities if they are given the chance. the only way,
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the only way to ensure that these horrors are never repeated again, is by illuminating combust capabilities. and this is the realization of our collective oath of never again. now, when the countries represented on the security council spoke, there was a universal concern for civilian life that was express. however, who is to blame for the conflict is where the parties disagree. the united states blames the convicts squarely on her moss while many other countries spoke about how israel's activities go far beyond what does accept a law in terms of the country maintaining its security. there was a call for a cease fire from a number of different countries. however, the united states and its allies continue to blame the prices squarely on the a mos terrace on say, that's a mazda is responsible for the entire situation. so clear differences in the international community, but there was a universal expression of concern for human life. and it's worth noting that the meeting itself began with
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a moment of silence to commemorate all those who lost their lives. and is really a m p. 's says, a journalist who recorded the october 7th attack should face the same consequences as the homeless militants who carried them out. of these rules, internal security agency announced that they will eliminate all participants of the x over the 7th massacre. the photo journalist who took part in recording the sold will be added to that least. israel is alleging that journalist from reuters a p, c and, and, and the new york times had ties to a mosque and accused of being in the service of home us. in fact, the prime minister's office went as far as to say that they were complicit in crimes against humanity. now for contacts, this all began when the is really media watched. i was honest reporting accused of a freelance journalist of the reporters. i were working with these outlets of actually having had prior knowledge of how mazda is
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a tap on october 7th. this has led to many questioning israel's motives and the public didn't seem to buy israel's accusation. so to listen, killing journalist, why is he's real trying to hide something? every tyran playbook has been quoted. the 1st is of like they say, i never imagined witnessing an explicit threat against the lives of photo journalist. any other country would be considered a terrorist if they said something similar. so the public didn't react timely to the statements because it makes as real look as if they're targeting journalist for political reasons. and it doesn't make them look in a positive way, especially since they are receiving many accusations from other reporters as well as the activist has to be done in any reaction from the media outlets themselves. i mean, these are highly respected media outlets as much as any of or the right. right. so he, as he mentioned, this is mainstream media outlets r t has reached out to the new york times, reuters and the committee to protect journalists and has not received
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a response on this particular tweet from dan. and earlier these outlets did clarify and did deny all the claims of having any sort of ties or prior knowledge to the october 7th come off the top part. there is categorically denies that it had prior knowledge of the attack. reuters acquired photographs from to gaza based freelance photographers with whom it did not have a prior relationship. we're no longer working with hassan s y a who had been an occasional freelancer for 8 p and other international news organizations in gas of the advocacy group on this reporting has made vague allegations about several freelance photo journalist working. you guys are including yusef masoud sienna and the associated press. meanwhile, have also fired a freelance journalist that worked with them several times. his name was, has signed a sly and they fired him because he had covered the posting in a tap on israel, on october 7th. and israel claim that he was among the attackers on october 7th. so
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the reality is now this journalist has less protection uh for doing his reports. he doesn't really have the backing anymore. and in total, 6 other journalists are on israel, so called a hit list. and now would have less protection if they were to be fired as well. stars, it is perhaps the most dangerous place to be right now. and according to the un secretary general, actually, he said more journalists have been killed over a 4 week period in palestine. then in any conflict in the last 3 decades, and the committee to protect journalists also at those sentiments, saying that as of november 9th, at least 39 journalists have been filled. $34.00 of them being policy in 4 of them is really and one being lebanese. the question everybody is asking is, why was israel targeting journalist? what do they have to gain? are they afraid of these journalists? i'm covering something lately. we have seen the p. r. war shift a little bit in terms of not really favoring israel. we have seen mass protests all
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over the world in support of palestine. hundreds of thousands in dc, many more around europe and other parts of the west. and so now that there are more reports emerging on october 7th, many of these are claiming that israel's narrative has a lot of holes in it. we don't know as of yet, but uh some are accusing israel of committing more crimes. we will see what happens when the smoke clears, but for now these opinions do not appear to be going in israel's favor human rights attorney dan, cuz i like says it's becoming increasingly difficult for journalist to cover the conflict in gaza. it obviously means that they are targets, they are considered military targets, and their families have been killed. by the way, a number of families of journalists have been targeted by israel and seemingly because they were the family of journals. i know one journalist who's lost 20 members of his family in gods. so this, i mean it is a very dangerous thing to be
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a journalist in gods. i don't see the leadership in israel ride out as being reasonable or rational. they are lashing out in a way again that, that we've never seen, certainly in my lifetime. sadly, they're able to do it because countries like the united states are giving the car watch to do it. but they are not thinking like rational actors and it is hurting that, and it is, it is really tearing the part is really society's. well, the, the end of the financial lifeline for ukraine may be inside as washington has admitted it has burned through almost all the funding for to yeah, of the total funds that have been provided to ukraine since the beginning of the war, which is an excess of $60000000000.00 and that's not just security assistance, that's economic and financial assistance. you monitoring systems, we've gone through about 96 percent of what's left and greater than 90 percent of
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the security assistants were punishments, funds have been expanded. now, she is trying to downplay the looming financial cut off president vladimir zalinski and says, says troops will keep up their assault on russian positions into the next year. however, his top military commander, valerie, is illusion. you recently admitted that the print in counter offensive has completely ground to a halt that someone's get refuses to throw in the towel and wants to borrow even more money from the west. a. steve, there is a question through society of the united states about merely 3 and about something else. ok, let's go produce it. it will be when we and if you can give us gum us some binary. so simple. okay. okay, please give us a credit and we will give you back money after the war. my colleague nick here and discuss the prospects of funding for ukraine with
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a journalist on trailer to the 8 here in the studio. we don't the information about the possibility for ukraine to return back this morning after after the work . there is a big problem in the us about the findings. the moderates for uh, i think ukraine, they needs a new role for a new budget or assisting ukraine because without us assistance, the ukrainian economy companies simply this time, maybe they, the people don't want to container with this work because a lot of them. all right, so the conclusion that the, the west simple financing ukraine to send a welcome policy without the set from the west as the landscape needs make a face agreement with it. the international spotlight is, of course, on the situation between is well and, and gaza. right now,
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leaving miss hilton to no attention in the mainstream media or within governments to talk about the situation and ukraine. just, how worries do think lensky is about this change of focus? i think it's a little worried about it because uh, uh, the aside from the, from media and from the people in the west, the east west on for us that landscape for his popularity for justify his policy in the country. so he can say, and you can, so we have a lot of support from the west. we can continue on with that. are the line to not speak with that are for about a piece about us is 5. and now, if all the worth it's looking to fall is fine, she can lose this influence. and this can be a problem for his own power in the counter. all right,
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that's all for me for now, but this thing was us, my colleague, mike of what you use in the next by the, on the auto body. i'm or 2 inches. i've been doing news for 30 years now. 2 languages all over the world. here in the us, interviewed for us, presidents worked for us, major television networks. i don't like what they do by the way. see, i think news should be honest and direct and impactful. this is direct impact. the i want to start.


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