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tv   Cross Talk  RT  November 13, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm EST

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the, the, to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess in merrill cash. we have martin jay, he's an award winning journalist and commentator. and in budapest we cross the george samuel. we use a pod cast to read the goggle, which can be found on youtube and locals. right, gentlemen, cross top roles. in fact, that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate it. head start out with george in budapest. so george explained to our audience, how criticism is a israel is anti semitism because i don't see it that way. this has been an argument that's going on since i was a teenager. i remember there was the united nations security. what is it? it was a, a general assembly vote, and equating design isn't with racism. and of course everyone's hair in the political elite was on fire. go ahead, george. the west coast criticism of israel is an alta and disseminate there is another post. everybody knows this, but it is
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a very useful way of changing the subject. because lo and behold, more than one months as a lapse and say october, the 7th attacks and then israel's, it's savage response to it. and instead of talking about that, instead of talking about the humanitarian prices in garza, well, what are we talking about? especially in the united states? well that the students in the uh, the most comfortable uh, pleasant uh, campuses of the united states uh, feeding on the thread because they are jews. and it goes when you look into it, if i that they are in the under any thread whatsoever. what they are on the thread is hearing views, but they don't blame. so, and of course the universities have responded by caving and why have a case because universities of vulnerable to money, money concerns. and that's what they care about. that's what they're in the
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business of, you know, that's what the university system is. it's all about the crazy about it. yeah. and so what's happened is, well see joe, asian donors of gone to the university's assess of the if you allow these pro palestinian groups to operates on your campus, we're going to pull off funding. and then the atl and the anti defamation league, the side of that will hold on the oh, we got to pull the funding. we are going to pressure the government to withhold contracts from the universe that there's a many universes depend entirely. they may be private, but they depend on government contracts. and so it gives the dis threatened by this all. now, banning all the sued organizations that are advocates on behalf of 5 as soon as, even though the names of the universe is the bill. these organization, like julie students or palestine says, but that is if it can be on the submit that you put but the o, glad to have your band as of it. so is, but why is the,
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this is these are effective because suddenly we're talking about this and when not the bad guys are very, very skillful change of narrative. yeah. and don't they get the docs in your future prospects of either of you? university graduates could be a threatened data when they're put on this list. i think in harvard they have like a, some kind of moving van with the images of students with their names and all about just a very intimidating what martin this is, george is absolutely right. this is, you know, shifting the, the topic you know, don't, you know, don't talk about the babies dying and incubators in and gaza. let's talk about some of the most comfortable university students in the world are under so called threat . okay. but it, it, for me, it's an, it's a much of large, a, in addition and much larger thing. what could we have had with co, but you cannot say certain things, okay? if you support trump, you're approved and apologise, you know,
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a creating all these speak buying aries. obviously it's not only fake news, but it's vague binary. and it's proscribed. proscribed speech. what you must say. it's not what you can say. it's what you must say. go ahead, mark. hi, or there's something that i've witnessed in my, such a year plus career that you know, from missouri or the days when you called prior to the binary of the new scene of how news can only be presented to now into groups black and white. the can not be any notes in the middle because that takes up an awful lot of time and attention from those who want to shut down debate. so we go over the black and white model, which i so you know, very, very clearly in the mid ninety's when we were approaching home, you saw the same thing, you know, you are either with or against most of it. and if you are with them, or you gotta see 70 st relatively intelligent, so new and, you know, people, it seems you being and try to, i'm you, council. but this, i mean, judge says it reflects and reflects the debate away from say your example. and
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babies dying and how he felt of the hospital she the hospital trying to transfer you to upstate 100. you know, they looked into by just being switched off. you know, we should be talking about that, but you thought we're talking about, you know, and title spoiled brats on university campuses, you know, who just couldn't cope with, you know too much fast on the meat or in the crazy, you know, i mean, as professor snowflake generation now, you know, doesn't really notice think it has to be controlled by must media and by the leads . and they, and they welcome it. they welcome it. it. but what worries me is the this, this and to symmetric ultimate, you know, which these are the elite and, and, and, and tell them hasn't been pumping out since the day of the creation of the, of the, of the state. if we can corner of the state, you know, is a great deflection, some great way of shopping, they were done very, very effective with europeans in particular. because excuse me, the moment, but you question the design is entity and what they're doing. you know,
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somebody says, oh, you're going to submit it and then immediately that is the code was full color cost . remember the holocaust. right. and so then your opinions particularly definitely in your opinions, you know, just sort of that point under the same as the more and what has happened. you know, the combination of the good of that 70 is on, is the israel, is because become the new sasha states of the will and is become the new head to the newtown, many of the 19 so to use and those, those taken everything from the, the or putting his presence of a holocaust angle, that fascist regime and re and permits it to create a new state of its own working. what worries me about the west is it when we hit that anti semitic time and goes beyond just shutting down universities, it actually goes to political leads themselves itself. and we've seen in burton, i think, was 2008, seen ken livingstone, a lady, politician. i'm not particular finals have to resign because he's civically reciting. i'm factual history that hitler did actually was in
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cahoots with the german jews, designers at that time in germany marching so that he's 93 and he's selling a deal with them because both the jews and family that time hits the volunteer design mistake there can't listen was folks and reported a saying that hitler support hit sign isn't just wrong to say that tool was destroyed. if you were destroyed, i mean the media just late in swim and within hours you have to resign from have you know the legal policy and pay your loved man. so it gets to sold and it becomes a tool. and for this information becomes a tool for manipulate single people doing anything but having that horrible words that everyone wants to ignore, debate, julio, but that is just the whole point of georgia being, it's the denial of debate that is um criminalizing defend. but it, it's a tool by me, this is any lead project be, you know,
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russia gave was an a lead project, the, the, the, you ukraine or isn't it lead project? and now we have another lead project. i mean, it's a, the, the, it, we focus on the message, but really what's behind it is the power to enforce george. that's exactly right. that is, it's very interesting what you said the about in the lead project. the yesterday we saw those massive demonstrations in london in particular is up to 300000 maybe more . but who attended is basically in support of the palestinians in gaza. and i was thinking, well, amazing how they were never any demonstrations like this about ukraine. if you said no one's great about wrong, go through skis out, you know, you know, you know, and so, so is that just so it's a reflection of just, this is something that people really feel strongly about ukraine, that was something just all sort of on the line and you also have burrell and the rest of them felt strongly about because this anticipating the charge
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and the montana opposing brings up can living some of those even a more notable example this now um yeah, jeremy called and so it was destroyed and it was kicked out of the label but they, i mean it's just an extraordinary thing of this man who has been, you know, brahman and figured within leave of politics, but decades. and i was an adjective to tony ben suddenly. oh, you know, he's out and now goes uh labor is fine. this up what what, what position are we going to take because they don't have a voice any longer. but this is another angle to this and this is the the charge event. the semitism has now become a regular trove of the domestic politics in the united states, and obviously is in the united kingdom, which is the, this is how you get out of your political opponents. so here now in the us versus donald trump, who is nothing, if not all the we pro is really, i mean, and,
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and it is door to, you know, the narrative that you can brother to judah is a, if you remember, during his presidency, he was a regularly shots with anti semitism, when there was that when there was a shooting, i think was in the pittsburgh, the synagogue of some point in the presence like he was charged with it. oh, it's old trunk. trump is a generating anti semitism in the united states. i mean whatever quite so the logic of it without trump trump is behind this. it just like of the people who criticized your star. if jo, surface featured throughout the well for very good reason of including israel is room. very good point including israel. oh, that's anti semitism. give you can bring up joke. sorry. so, you know, you obviously being at this when it's a way of transposing a domestic cultural politics onto a completely different situation, come in, there's nothing to do with anything, but what goes on it is really well it, it's really interesting on the domestic political discourse, not a martin i, i didn't watch it because i, i don't want to waste my,
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my waning years of life and watching the republican debate. okay. but i didn't see the eclipse of it. i mean, here's a country that is very serious economic, structural problems. okay. much higher unemployment that is being reported in for high inflation, involved in um 2 major military complex right now. and now a very little was actually said about domestic politics. again, it's a leak project and the republican party is all in i probably suppose lin uh, but i think uh the same time the democrats, so real going to really go to the problem without just i'm just a bigger one. think time, you know, so where are we? we're going with this i, i tend to stay, i believe, was that both houses. both parties are actually now, conveniently located in the crisis. and garza as in leaks and convenient exit from
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craig. and i think that's probably, well, it's going to happen over a period of time. certainly. but the scaling a, you know, also funding of landscaping. zalinski is already been whining about this. well, basically not wanting banking, especially going to internet to bake to watch these, say please, if you call getting this money lender or below 6 or 7 to get a bus to it. you know, that's like, uh, you know, uh somebody who has been it, been a, a, a bankruptcy bankrupt the 10 times of the going to the high street bank. there's always like the same bank. when free does that, can you give me a loan to pay off my, my, my investors. i mean it's, it's absurd by settling here. i'm happy to jump in here and we're going to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on anti semitism, same with our to the
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after the end of world war 2 great britain decided to make up for his losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies. the plundering of the occupied territories. 8 malaya, devastated as a result of decades long fighting, extremely hard changing group. and in 1948, the colonial administration was forced to declare us state of emergency in response patriots. united to use of the malay in people's liberation army and began a guerrilla war, london decided to suppress resistance, georgia and mass, the port agents executions of civilians and spraying of chemicals, scale being and cutting off heads. these were the barbaric methods the british used trying to keep my la within their empire. the massacre in the village of baton
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gully committed by the scots guards against the arm expenses because that particular stir, the entire male population became victims. trying to surprise the gorilla movement, the occupiers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps for roses through the board its fruits. the patriots were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent. the british army losses in low le, where the largest since the end of world war 2. in 1957, the british empire was forced to recognize malay in independence. the resilience of the malay people put an end to the history of british colonialism in southeast asia . the welcome act across stock were all things are considered non peter,
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although this is the home addition to remind you, we're discussing anti semitism. the . let's go back to george in budapest, in my introduction, i talked about criticism of israel and of zionism, and i have to admit the, the israel lobby is done a remarkable job over the last 75 years of saying, you know, there's no difference between israel, judaism in zion is which of course, they are very different. go ahead, george. that's closer and the, and that's been a very, very skillful way. so essentially, uh, demonizing, the use of opponents of israel. because even when you know you'd be, look at the, the facts on, on the ground and you see the, see how your, what, what is it, is there a, is the, the, the, the house getting his drinking the project, which is the taking over all the pretty much all of the mandatory power stein then,
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well, you know, what, what, how, how else can you argue about this, other than to de, legitimize the criticism of this. and this has been utilized very skillfully accomplish. but why it's so a session up. so the argument is that the most provenance critics of design is and have been american jews. i mean i feel he don't know, don't chomsky was one of the earliest the critics of israel. he himself was a young man, had spent time like it books and you know, he had seen uh 1st hand exactly what this in the israel was about. and we have to remember that's the wild. it has become more acceptable to criticize a israel. i do think it listens the rise of late the far right in israel, but you've been here really. it actually began with the minot him, big in,
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was elected the prime minister. so it's become more step of what we can, you know, criticize this way here. and there, but the, the big, the leave about it was a whole, the last, the liberal left of israel have themselves been impressed. the implicated in the plan to essentially, you know, drive the palestinians, offsets era trip to the 1st of the settlements to expropriate funds. and to essentially pursue greater israel, it began on the is ready to leave, but the, so the good israel, the soul of the story is that all these a, that turned the deserts into an oasis, or was that was completely fraudulent because it was based on the expropriation of land, but you know, the but that was bought of the mythology of israel is on how this is a wonderful place. it was level one to look at the scores based on the expropriation and it was done by people whom the liberal left in the west, a duel and all the sort of the golden a is in motion. diane, so it goes,
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they've been bangor and they pull that. so it's like it's convenient to do a tag begun on that's on the yahoo, that the project that whole crate or israel project expropriation project saw that long before them. yeah, because a martin, you know, they, they talk about the design is a mom. i think most people have no idea actually what that really means. that if you criticize that, you're somehow an anti semite, which is again neither here nor there. but you know, you have the new, the new liberal agenda over the last 50 years is a nationalism is a bad thing. okay. well, is realism ultra national? is country ultra and is going further and further to the right. and the left is essentially collapse. but it zine is a, it's very convenient to say zine is a, but if you said the ultra nationalist of israel, people say what they say. again, this is a, a communications gimmick martin, i think about some other point us it because the government model of this for at
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all is actually based on the, the, to the hitler period in germany. you know, i mean if you look at, if you look at the similarities as quite kidding, you know, what in hitler 30 shut down your position, the control of the media. you know, he creates and then gets hose and then ultimately concentration camps. that's what this one is introduced on in, in particular the last few years, i really up scale the, the dehumanization of about us 10 years. but does a, is a concentration camp, you know, um they, they, they think they publish them as a single avenue, right. the rights have been slowly eroded and the road in the road. did you know a lot of big things about this argument about i just, i'm just being confused with um and to your site is something is that nice? very, very easy for people are on the delivery of this. not too much thought. the middle east or on the public. so history was real to just say, oh, you're racist you unto symmetric because you're criticizing the criticizing of, you know, the, is there any lead,
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always had this caught blown for so long to not have any criticism. we hope it was a tiny, tiny pockets, a tiny mama to the european union. a short history were in 2016. the new e phone policy chief, natalia, and socialist um suggested that um, goods from israel, which came from the supplement areas, should have a special stick on them to say this actually come from a settlement area and we don't support that as a you can never go anywhere never goes to page, you know, that's the best as problems with gold in the, in europe to actually criticize this entity and look and look at the results. you know, okay, you go some kids and universities were a bit scared about the rise of anti semitism again and you're but it's so much you focusing so much you're focusing on the subject and what's really happening, which we don't want to look up isn't rise. all these the, you know, in europe you have many, is millions and millions of, of refugees from syria,
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from asking us to, um, from a run from an agent for these places. you know, they've come to you for a better life than what you've been to humanize themselves. they don't get jobs. the living of state handout checks every week to buy the food and pay the rent. you know, this is really the issue of a handful pursuit of this slow and it, it is a saw. and george mentioned it was something these, throw it people because you know, it converts from back, you know, you know, trump is anti semitic scenarios. i've seen there instead of is many things. we can sort of many things of trump. we're going to create a whole show on what to spend about drum, but you told me to call him and submit it, you know, but this, this was already been re system. yeah, no good. these things stick. i'm so paranoid ultimate is to, you know, you said very recently to produce a trap. so how does you know when you have these demonstrations, you know, in a full go so that, you know, this is really against, this is related to, you know, to check. i'm and, and then he all can you said there's always started in germany. you know,
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you have this demonstration simply as a very fine line between democratic principles and free speech and you know anti semitism. i think they get confused, conveniently too often. and a lot of it is the focus, the, the biggest, the biggest level of focusing, which is starting, is the health of the support that you find in europe and america full of the so called zine estate for, for, for jose, people and their rights to do whatever they want against the people of palestine to give them a free or you know, a comfortable showing human rights abuse. people who support that are actually those who don't want the state to fail. because if a state of israel failed to be collapses, their thinking, oh my god, that's millions of jews telling of the heat so rippled sounds. a lot of people could say no anti semitism, which goes well like the days that mean they have pocket pocket. so he's even greater george because, i mean, over the last 2 years, the diminished the, the, the, the payment is ation of russians. russo phobia, i'm backing a,
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a resume in care of that. it has obvious, a fascist stick, neo nazi characteristics. it's been well reported in the mainstream press dot com and just from us. okay. but that's acceptable. thanks. acceptable. you know, so you can, you can take on a, a, a races you against russians. okay. and it promote the racism of, of elements within ukraine against russians. but you can't say anything about israel and it's behavior for 75 years about displacement of palestinians. it's a, you know, it when you and you look at it from 30000 feet, it looks very bizarre. george is, there's a very bizarre and that's why it's so extraordinary. this is something that you get these kind of liberal media outlets such as the new york times. that might be the sense that they have to any suggestion, anywhere that some of which could be interpreted as a and this submit to and he has when he comes to ukraine, they just simply,
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you know, they just go low to say, well, you know, the, the swastika yeah, but that's you know, that's an ancient in the lower g we we did the podcast. um that we did a pod cast. um this and i remember in the 1st paragraph, you know, they were 3 instances of, of nazi regatta. oh yeah. and all that, and by the time we had forensically to go through the bill because it was, well, it's ubiquitous. it went from 3 to ubiquitous charge. that's right. i. but however, well, when it, when it comes to a trunk, you know, trying to give those and, you know, denounce the something you know, like big money as of, oh well, you know, but donald trump was using an old um anti semitic probe when he uh denounced the big money and wall street and the influence of big money. so, so that, you know, there's a hypoth since they were you looking says something and right away or this is, you know, food was clearly giving it and you're not empty. so they take a signal, so if this is what i mean it's, it's always part of the same kind of the,
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the cultural of basketball. you know, the, you know, these are your political enemies. so you denounce? no, i mean it's always, this is out be played out on the ride, where there are some people on the right who are anxious to revive the soul of the, the kind of civilizational struggle. yeah. the, the, the, the body is of off the $911.00. so like i say, well, this is randy between the judeo christian well and the well the, the, as long as so basically israel and the, the west old tyler was saved. you do christian civilization. and if i do it, but you know, judge, you know what, that's, it's a very, you know, one of the reasons why they do that is because it is a short circuits international law. no, it's a civilizational try to lot of international humanitarian legal problem that's that's, it's a very interesting way. they can shut down that avenue as well. martin, but i didn't know that that had market work. so the company, i think,
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i think this thing about the and the anti semitic slow, but what would be the most, i suppose is that what i've seen on television in the last few days, you know, we've, we sent a number of hospitals and goals are shutting down electricity being cut and more children dying. and this isn't reported as a whole causes voted as many claims and no, why do you think this is just reported by british journalists who do life links of evening on the periphery of golf? so they don't go in because it's it afraid to come in, you know, you wouldn't actually report inside cause that because you might have to get out some facts. don't we don't, we definitely don't want facts, you know. but then what is reported, and i'm hearing it more or more. is it justification now from this general this, but you know, this is acceptable. we should be that, you know, these, raising the idea of a have to be doing this. you know, this collective punishment is acceptable and we saw it in the 2nd level and, you know, unfortunately, but you know, this argument, but the idea from the british journalist friends come out with is that, you know,
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when we belong to the hospital, it was, you know, we, we, um we, we don't see any of the things i'm most flights is pulled out the rubble, you know, and, and um, i think this is a fluid i, i argument which suits the, the x rays and the photo over and over again. it, it shows the dental, actually bombing, as well as, but it's essentially george to the real quickly. i mean, we, it, but they're there, but it is necessary to bomb them for peace. george. 15 seconds. that's why it's a, they are actually just inflicting a mass tara, in order to really induce fear. so, well, you know, this is this, this. so you try this again, and we're going to do this even worse. that's all that they're already doing. and that sort of thing, they're going to stop as a what we've now killed so many people would as well. i'm going to have to wait for that moment and then we will discuss it as we move forward. that's all the time we have one. i think my guess americas and in budapest and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here are dc and next time. remember,
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cross lock rules. the take a fresh look around, there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power type vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the russian
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states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the rushes per day and split the r t. suppose next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say a request which is the
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a sufficing between the idea and how much militants intensifies in gaza? is where the defense minister says that the house has already lost control of the territory. hospitals in gaza, sit down over to the fuel and mets and to show it to just admitted sense these various shutting. one doctor says the health care system is on the verge of color. the hospital is full of displaced people. the health care system is dilapidated infection. control measures are almost nonexistent. here on something, cisco cleared the streets of homeless people and drug addicts, a soul ahead of the chinese. they just using things upcoming visit to the apex. how many.


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