tv Documentary RT November 15, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EST
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as it sees fitz, i've often said this, the president for this or not, and is there a way that it is the best $3000000000.00 investment we make whether or not it is real the united states of america would have to invent and israel that and the international community, turning a blind guy to be issue, lead to what we're witnessing today and most civilian losses across garza which the u. n. chief notes is becoming a graveyard for children. last year, mahmoud abbas stated that the crucial step towards peace is recognition of the inalienable rights of palestinian citizens. implemented by diplomatic and legal means. we have gained the recognition of 140 states and have enabled the transformation of the declaration of independence in the international recognized state whose existence could not be denied with the assistance of the you when russia and other states israel and palestine have held various negotiations,
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some of which made history. however, it all begs the question, why do the us and its allies stand against a ceasefire even now? well, let's, we're called juliet's tom, just words. the goal is not a successful war. the goal is an endless war, as well as a new use. this time you can visit archie dot com for more details on the stories of following this time. i'll see you again the i usually, i mean the, like say it, i'm kind of like the ones who doesn't from the view and he's got to be a good on getting a so there are no, by them all and tell it advocate to see that seem to see, you know, kind of getting on the, not on the me look at it just like go here and i go to this,
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going to find you online. yeah. and go have i do the house on the music, on the mini malls and deal going live almost a vendor. but i thought i was what people have. and so now how do i have, i know that seem verified owned by as a media enters and then we do the import of can i do some bm? you get out of them. would you see what the thoughts could? i think the government fucking were chasing my casa a guess. what an ear headphones. how do you, i mean, for that is for the game. whenever either of them, us and, and one of the final love, you know, the best. so not even if i forget nothing which are you want to see me plus i had a week and 4 and her and then the all and i will only so what i said. so do you see the extent that my sent out and do worse? no, the for the wednesday, i mean what's the minutes for them? 3 will not in myrtle geometric ational for safe side, all we do is you'll get okay, and that will be a non duty uh for a minute video outcome. they will come for a key better look at my site,
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you see something you're going to be and you see what i'm in throughout. and it'll compliment all available in the center of the city or equal to the dim for e. like with me that you'll get okay. what do you have the, the, the higher the natural getting in the middle meet on, via email sits on cody and the sad part is heavy at the scene on the face, the, the being argument, the seo and i want to kind of what i'm being maybe seen that they kind of see and this isn't 0 english on resume the service. you have bicycles, almost every c o, maybe close as it is, as you go wrong. they say that i know it will be looked at the 2nd hand through to zillow and all, but for the kids to see that i feel like kind of go to the, to me,
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the 30th. if that, like i in little places in full value, a month of financing your model, and that is, it's able to assume though i can, you can, i put, you know, part of the, what is emily's, they got input from right. i mean thing up inside can level for me because some except seo and don't really use i literally that is really be so nobody is whenever you think of them pallet perfect. i'm in pennsylvania, the i can send that. can you walk through that us from beta mazda, mazda 80140 a little bit high, but so like a k noble as i leave for my page. and when we sell city, i recognize that it will only come in there, but i will spell not think goose of going up as simple as that goes to be. so if, even if you go get a new b as in satellite, as you get a feel of this ago,
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one of the 2nd bro give me one of us on a given that a would be a mighty fema satellite. and you can see this week on notes. i did give you the one . so say last set, oh no, no. to verify. the me see me, let's see. name is if that is in the mean is the units available and lovely supposedly wonderful can okay. anyone else in the you i see in the middle based on the city of the world and i do you do not a lot of the that is it gets always on the you know, made it finding. i do want to, i don't, i don't, i'm into the so any sense for them. i made the persona, get them into one in model. they born hazel, somebody in the set of course, the money that he said, and then i then was the serial and got me to say, you know, that conceiving it as i get myself out of that whole. i don't know who i didn't
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know, but honestly it's not even us in i live. i mean, i was on equal, or you know, for the money to the team down here, the scene said, i mean to get a ok for the side of the opponent for a little guy and we'll see on it because on the fever and we'll see on it and so be able to see and will say that because you have on them being in c, i a to b k. ok. meaning that i'll give you a little bit about some note on that so that again, let me see. so it'll get howard odom, i'm assuming this thing went on. yeah, they'll know about it so far out in colorado to buy several, colorado and ms. diesel only agreeing goes on to say any that i will get those documents in as soon as possible. if you want to send them without any but as soon as they need it for to the receiving end date, i live in any case by a level,
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but then she and then what do you mean? that is especially a are called form of idea of the road is a key for a system i guess think out of if it was flooded, florida got body force out of out of can seen as me said, the single single thing for some you know, some of the big data from the a got an e and cause a you, i sent the titles to me you and is a what a so called but i have bass points yet. i feel that the best i feel is being though they don't want them to say we need that up. i didn't, they meant that, but i was split up as so, and i could get them to sleep out of this on my, you don't know if you ever got this set up in symptom for them. you mean those that people do a bidding bevin feel? nobody's gonna say i'd go so the other cents on my thing is that id like uh, when i look for somebody, can somebody see my name? is it sort of myself, in my name is that i go to the specific one for me, your name, my name is the name from the base and see that ends in the corner from there. you
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know, the thing that i'm the son of the other woman's okay was as he had told him, i said when we had a bug, i would love to get a one i guess on we'll see on audi lessons on audi. any about it. but when will see, i guess what i'm saying, i don't know the handles. i know the significant. what else can you see go get on the heavy. i know it plugged in a useful little bit, but all you can see i last year. i know like a little packet that i need to build on that. ready and i'm going to go into unless you're not getting set up, i'm getting this all the same. we're gonna need, i don't know. the need to meet on the, on the need would be most of you know, anything come into more. i'm in to get something you'd see on it. like i'm gonna hold on to a little bit busy to get i had decided after looking to bring them onto boards
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blowing. there is a good place a little bit in it. i, you know, the rest of it using to the size of the annual identity, or get ahold of somebody that somebody had thought you let me know when the youngest said, bradley, my leave an easier to accept the a focus on the different media people homeless. i gave you the audio only for so like a size and made it up and that was really never again, it was enough and i started the column means this of this unit, that's what to do to me. but fun. i can say that or i $33.00 and i said i, i guess it depends on what and they would show me what the field is. you need us. i mean, what is that, you mean is in need of a the, some personal care in about that say, i guess what support since i'm, i'm a deficit. i mean, what do we do offer, but at the end it goes, so we, so again, it was, it was, i bought it and does it for getting, this is what the sample for. but i did focus. so i need somebody getting pulled up
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and i think that is what it all could have been. like i said in the unlikely event that this book is nominated easily for the sample of all of them will get the when a messy on your motto, it goes, it will say that the same. what the, what is in the summer kid. i don't see. so mind, maybe angry as i had always time you a from the sun, i'm not always feeling what the they, they asked me if that means in a given cause that's a lot for the same or it doesn't say if the be made a payment to us for last, what about the dresser, the the size get my living we sent, i'm able to, i can tell you for like what is the vehicle on the 11th the final austin with the letter that left us on meet on vicki. yeah. and id for the whole purpose of here in oklahoma, but as what the point is, so what she likes. so we, i give us people in the given and see what needs to get. it needs to get a moment for so normally the category of non duty f,
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one moment cd said he didn't have the end to get by say get that to me also got me . no, no, get. i mean, you know, getting this, that id isn't get any problems if i mean i had to get this will find it if way of so we had a model so, but a month so, so, i mean, it does say that it has like a single method save method, seem to feel in uh, seem to see like a due date. again, nobody cited the lion for much on some of the giga and is that one city or more than what we thought would be more or less, it will be one your little ones. it is a seasonal in a going into a girl that doesn't really mean don't get all that much. those in the field. the single 2nd, if i don't been getting into the numbers on i need on the muscle does mean being that i living the that as need to somehow pursue moment the ego and the same thing with the message. and also said that they face, it seemed so when the people in flexion, if that makes sense,
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i mean the people they need to have a sort of need on the person that need and thinking you gotta run it by groceries in a little while is let me the so that little, some of us that other comments on as a see, and this is the, the be a have for the how to make. i may miss any of us, which is impossible for me anymore. and be honest about about the role that i received. i need those i pressed on and still find your level. a lot of them is that essentially the cable and the amount of money that you have with us at us on extension for. and i will say this the best one i can commit to any focus on in fema able to present a lesson. okay. yeah, let me get on the list. i'm gonna begin. look at em, us or you know police, i lease the saddle all sort of model corners to forget he's coming to the need us to meet on sunday. and the other monday night is when i read them and instead of the one the form of the month, the i'm in dental to buy this like i'm a getting all getting,
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i mean for the event the bus will be model. guess the for them i v that have been side all of a little here and the driver for you to see if somebody can be shown up or personally bland. my, let's see on this one and this one is at the bottom and i've seen them this one in front of the insured. and i guess a hand at a video because he's vincent the but i said to be the elephant that it says i've on . so long either several, you'll associate has or not the back of the u. k himself, or get a totally up you name a me and associated us on the left. and we need to see if we're going to use, i get, get you standing on the, on the left are really supplements or the i'm in the and i can come instead of going to be in one leaving unless you own that up for you to is a lot of for my life actually to for media a so that i sent that in most of the get the key to one of the people also the most
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. you got a lot of little c s o a. so you would have been a little bit out of i was only meant to get any of you can only i'm going here, but in the, in the summer. so you'll get in the, in the, in the, in the morning. and there's one can on the line, 30 gardner bits, and natalie, natalie, hey, take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can
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there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for. so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so let me, let me on mag, you have a very good propaganda. you know a price here in your i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask a better. the answer is, will be sad. you can kind of ideas on uses of them that actually go and also a lot that big deal. a lot of the heavy i logged onto it. so the several, you'll see an awfully goes on the see that was a little someone here for the gun on the see if i'm going i have for the go on the most of the, for, let's see on the like the by you surface, you know,
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in the that you have the gum wayne, but event they've been so within that i have and so i don't see. and then you have to give problem. and most of us, whether, whether if you need do you want me to complete those? i don't see any of them. i haven't had a problem. i think 75, i'm not going to the not do that either in the seen that book. definitely gonna know like to use some weird, but i only 30 on the use of and the single the same time you have an idea of who we are and is we just had, are we when you and i get so you want to get on us see of it, are you wanting to tell me you're going to die like one on the go after and on the book says another policy on it. now you'll get on this was any other way they added that kind of for the, you know, so long as i hadn't seen of them being promoted by any of those. and you guys, i'm going to be able to get some seal people in. are you uh this summer? yeah, probably saves acknowledge other software. yes. is a your yeah, this, how are you? i'm not going to so the,
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the, this, i wanna get it from being the positive, costa gain condition and all the money to get the loans. the 11th is always getting us and let them be okay because it was at the end of the nursing at the end of august. and as always, as you can get into the classroom a little bit about some of the e file kid and, but it's getting a little out. it is, oh boy. and now my legs missing a little bit. i'm going to somebody say, present vessel gas invested. they a get back to the premium on a while and also wanting to if i'm not at the end, they can sit under that. i'm the if i knew only kind of get done in his own. yeah. mean, so no problem in the i, but when he, that was the last, you know, you know, order style, you know, you know, to be i, as is stories. when i push the on that those, because again, the for the most not, we're still in the dollars to go for the audio. both of you and i'm to, i'm a because i got up on an order showing up for have you been doing this though?
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is just to get that goal for them. if we, if i see the inside of the middle and they will not in our own i'm, i'm not, yeah. and can you be in the see now that they look at my side, not big on the i can dig into something will be the most of any, the setup initial impulses. you'll get to get the media line, think of them in and then on sales, and then they can be a how to get there. i mean, debbie ended up on a site and looking at my son know the level, but again, i read it again a little study uh, sending that to this with data. and we'll still get that. and i guess you'll see some of what i think i will forget to do it. i'll call you shouldn't get thing. well again, that's fine. yeah. you know, make it that way. i can use that. yeah, i am sending out a form. if i media the, is it you said the owner? so here's the thing that are gonna view me. your name, you need any me to find because i'm not from that i can get into some. he knows
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that the scenario owns that i'm, since i knew that it's a lot of the, my name is of the thing. i'm not going to put on a plastic level, even in memphis. i lived in that i'm going to get them almost have a little i got a feeling the rest of the gentleman. imagine assessor the name of the scene on the level of use of the beam seen share during the as i have seen it on, i goes to the point of the scene, the forgive my let them 100 minus a 100. the thing of it you only live at all or that i get, i'm gonna have one out of 200 out of the for my vision, but i gave the movie up on it. i did a different 0 from deal going view. he will. yeah. you live with simple saying is associated with the get them with the jeffrey amendments and minuses and he never thing else either have it as of yet. i think all ok how it was and see i can see much less a little bit more for you in our last, almost the last time of my check on this one, i can send you the most automated email. okay. you that of the for me to will. that is so much. so get it monday for you. i'm gonna leave it at that link. that's the
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landline. good idea. if it is and then we'll have him. i came to the office and the machine, is it? it says the name of the go? no. is it a 1000000 units able to bond? is that a problem? this is this thing that i thought i said was the solver, as long as the answer companion of it isn't available, everybody has to another. he's already a list of some of the one is sitting in about out of this on the phone that i can just kind of be some is what i'd be like if someone would, you know that some of the us she says the not on level here in, in a moment, so you are in all of your social for me not, i mean look into some level here face one of this one you see on. yes, another be your editor from them is that you might have ways that still city a fit and think we've had in victory. so would you possibly look into that? there are no, i'm off. i'm good. as the one going to see and your last name, click on it and go to save. you know, so what i'm about, i can pick it up well, history, let me hard on the failed. fatal. good. ok. see they didn't. he didn't want to do something to see that live in the world that your bullied up and getting a lot of them won't let you forget that, but he doesn't get a lot of them and i will get his i think i've got to best because we have some kind
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of people, jennifer sally, for them be so i will get you a solution. i'll put the very easy for the ultimate, of course, and that's what i like for going to be. so we've got a lot of people who will be lucky because he's going to go a little bit, but as a and then it goes. yeah. and just it's the fun. no, but it's a nice keep that i'm of use of really good fun. but of that, another question i need to do, i need a hassle to get by the ticket because it should be in the that it doesn't mean it added interest in the form like a simple formulas, low cost me and that are those that are within the of the services and i gave them the
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by the gave i'm hung up my data. anybody said no, no, i had not my data. enjoy them both in a god you know somebody and that i would, i guess is no say it does. is anybody anybody them any say i do ba, bye, me get out of all and then dollars save you sad us, you know, i think it, i gave a call. i mean, how many of us have you any of those in the system? but i mean, yeah, mom, i'm even going to dial. i live in vegas. i see you were sending way through the
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state. you're saying we have that. anybody, you mean by the way, maybe, uh, way through streaming instead of waiting on someone to get in best buy and then download your bible. so instead of going to say no to mine, i will edit. i mean, i won't come, you know, see if i've, you know, know, and if the error is saying you already send me that. i think i may not be able to bubble up. my dad, i do gotta be in if muscle to get to the it would be sort of level headed up on, but i can be in that in that email by them in the same way. no. yeah, that would it be slid. oh, just throw in the l. a slow leak. your to the, the soon to come look me up with the google kitty of the mean world
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the hi, acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted or opinions that he won't get anywhere else? what could i please or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you think . the,
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[000:00:00;00] the in the 2nd half of the 1940, the powerful european armies were losing their colors. one of the 1st to start collaborating. what's the dutch empire? on august 17, 1945. the declaration of independence of indonesia, a former judge, colony was proclaimed the liberation movement 1st led by the national hero of the in denice of people to carnis. however, amsterdam had his own plan,
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which was to defeat the revolution. moreover, they were supported by great britain. the colonial troops setup control over the main cities in the country, but the countryside remained in the hands of the rebels. and the resistance continued growing. in 1946, the british left indonesia, whereas the dutch did not want to lose power. and switch to the tactics of total terror. in december 1947, the royal troops committed a massacre of the inhabitants in the village of robert got a 431 civilians were killed. all in all the lives of 100000 indian agents were on the conscience of the dutch colonialists and their allies, mass executions, and regular bombing did not help the netherlands. their troops got blocked in the cities, the world community demanded to put an end to violence and the flyers started in negotiations. in 1949, the head round table conference was held and the kingdom of the netherlands was
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forced to recognize the independence of indonesia. a sovereign muslim state appeared on the world map and became one of the most powerful countries in the islamic world. the as bombs once again, rain down around northern gathers, i'll ship a hospital ease while it assists. it's helping to keep the facility going with why draw supplies. the doctors at the hospital say there is a race against time to save the most vulnerable, demanding newborn babies. move to safety, washington does with the ones you sort of sense. the reason i believe that the washington goes on this stuff the way we choose a real doesn't play russia stop develop my takes aim at the washington telling our
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