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tv   News  RT  November 19, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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the yes, the 12 or 13 premier troll babies are evacuated from the l chief. a hospital in northern gaza. best off to the w h o to monetary admission gained access to the facility. also, i had the god, yes, intensifies its deadly strikes on targets in schools on hospitals, across garza to these rails prime minister and hales. what he calls the high moral standards of his military. and the crowds of protest has been this theory. these rarely governments incentives of to benjamin netanyahu rejects a prisoner swept deals with from us to relatives of the hostages play the defense
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minister, the settings of pre the gal. i'm just not coming here. he's talking with the families all the time, making some background noise. what he's doing now is shattering the families again . the assist on that one minute past midnight's on monday in the restaurant capital moneys pizza. scott and his other vote is looking as a new weekends during such a walnut kind of show babies have been evacuated from the l chief a hospital in northern garza, by the way, they chose humanitarian mission a 2nd to you and on palestinian red crescent mission. also rescued family members and medical stuff, the director general of gauze hospitals, photos, lots of trauma. the babies have gone through a severe mind after weeks of suffering in days of an incense each on i'll shoot for hospital the world health organization long with unicef, and revolved as successful concluded their coordination efforts. these babies have
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suffered greatly during their stay at i'll ship a hospital due to the suspension of all health services. in the complex scenario, we found that even the water use where the formula was contaminated and that they were not properly sterilized due to the severe lack of resources. the world health organization called the hospital a death. so the mission has also discovered a mass grave containing 80 bodies of c. 5 is the largest medical facility in the policy and, and claim the idea of has been targeting. i'll shoot that because it claims i'm a speech cute is that when we don't through central doesn't know why one palestinian family has been living in the ruins of the home of to heavy is ready bombing reduced to house to revel. the point i know was yours, my husband, my son and i were at home when the shelling happened, 6 blocks my call the house and i couldn't see my husband. i didn't know where my son was. i called and tried to track his voice to find him. it was very dark. i turned on the flashlight on my phone and began searching for my son. then i saw
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that his mouth was bleeding while he was buried under the rubble. he was injured in his chest and hand. i'd have to have his mouth stitched. my leg was badly, but alas, the hospital is already over crowded with this place, people from across guys, up. as you can see, the entire place was destroyed and life has become incredibly difficult to the doors to go to join me. my daughters were afraid to return home, so only my wife and son returned and we entered the house and i sat on the couch and now my blood is still there. as soon as my wife went to the kitchen to take her medicine, the rocket attack happened, and i woke up and now likes the hospital. my son and neighbors told me, i was pulled from the rubble. they thought i had been killed. i spent a week trying to find a place to live, but i couldn't find one. so i returned to my destroyed house, which is i'm fit for living even for animals. we will never leave our homes,
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even if these released to risk to pieces. where could we possibly go? must we become refugees again to another refugee camp has been bombed by the idea in the central parts of the palestinian enclave claiming a number of lives, including 2 gentlest israel submit a treat. claims the sides was hobbling service. so could you tell me all the garbage sensors, this reports on this desk behind the one of them they just just raises, drags on the guys as the threat. we are here as the guy just very close to the most for the grand most of the guy the. that is to be 50 views. oh it's. this is one of the nicest is right on the roof. we are now in the latest range of the my gods, or if he can wear just behind me. as we located the rubble of the mcgasey becca,
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re the soul and the guy the back. a rate that has been completely completely destroyed by and is ready the i b is really dry during a during this as well, either war on the threats rate. what we see here is an initiative by the local residence of this population operate cheese. my god, 0, the g can these people rece locos, have sold of helping the people around then until themselves as well. they have those of making this very, very traditional. i'm very small victory of their own as this is store of their own . none of them. but there is no single piece of bread either in mcgasey or any other place. israel has exploded the war to turn the gas population in just often people had the idea has been increasingly welcome to widely in the college seats.
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actually the people now have no bread and there is no another way but this way to chicago in a female. yeah. and i have 5 children for the buston is become no good, a piece of bread. my children, have the gun get to the safe. i swear by god, do we have? no, it does involve because of the lack of bread, not a people as to why those to get the bread or to get some ways to make the bread for the children. but they are, you know, long ago they were all the able to buy these this way for the children. because of the fact of the lady, the price is a weight because of the closures and the scarcity of these items that cause that goes us threats from united way, hiring our team, and they do gaza strip around to southern gaza. now wed dozens of palestinians were both of the killed by israeli stripes on the city of con, units on site. today. the
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most honorable intent, metix of sifting through the ruins in search of survivors is really mandatory. it has been selling civilians fucked away from the city ahead of him and being a sold. now that despite its previously claiming the southern gaza was safe for refugees who fled from the audience invasion of the north canadian published indian generalist months of human voltage. this report temperature is dropping very fast to single digits right now. as you can see at all me old, earlier, there was very heavy people with temporary housing, people who constructed some tense, who put some editors afford that it's been offline on the lives of simple. you know, unfortunately with that in its own house damage and on through people, many people that are fuji's in schools in halls present here on the streets are now shivering in the cold due to the don positions that they are in right now. we are
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afraid that as the ones that approaches things will get much worse, especially from that too many sites at the end we'll see you dot com in the midst of the region of us up. and is there any expedite hit that if you do so instead of getting 15 civilians and enjoying dozens taking, taking them to an upside market as well because their inventory, the idea of announced that one of the reasons that is able to accomplish that objective is that disability and helping nation and the whole 75 percent of july the are for example, have decided to stay where they are if they didn't move. so hence, it is very difficult for the way it is to maneuver enhanced the video, heidi civilian due to the aspects happening there. unfortunately, after $4.00 to $4.00 days, that sort of remains the same. there is no safe place here in the middle in the south to bit and on the north. unfortunately,
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it did it. that is where the defense forces did not leave any building any open area to be safe. every day you hear about children playing in the playground, getting hits by asked like, being brought here as that or in just today earlier, i was also in the morning here and lost with all space. and you can see dozens of awful bodies that people are not able to identify due to the severity of the bombing here. you also heard the news about hospitals being bombs, churches, more schools. but if you do sensitive medical stuff, jordan, this of, for tennessee, that is gonna play safe and rosa, but people here continue to be set fast. despite the challenges to stay on that, on the search for survivors cups under the rule continues with emergency services working non stop to treat the injured many are children and hey, we can see one of the youngest victims. all these latest is very upside,
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being close to nothing else. so any time you need, the bodies of those killed are being wrapped in blankets on the streets or if they want. so they've got some of those are still operational with the rest, no longer functioning due to fuel filters. that costs spokesman sold us. the civilians are paying a heavy price for the disregard opens national by both sides of the conflict. this is a very heretic scenario. what you're witnessing in gaza estimation of civilians and you know the so the, the last 24 hours only that the health ministry, your 4th easy part even goes is $1000.00. that's the highest sense this. the banker has started the silver spoon. um the, the, the nation, so we did the red cross has been born from such tragic events. where am i going to billions are those who only paid it useful? it's unacceptable to witness, you know,
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as full sales with and turning the display as people who are helpless central are left with nothing to help them move on. in these very di here to turn situation. the are protested under the measurements out a lot. we have sold for immediate, an acid as protection of the civilians. and as there's nothing that a law instructor and we have the urging fox concert to build their legal obligations. but more of a model imperative. now, absolutely. tell these organizations we are close to ministering situation and you guys have check, given old concerns on the human. it's our installation and the con, the, the facilities. and we convey our very great concerns, both parties when it comes to civilian losses and also there's another, another main and, and very serious focus on what's ongoing and ship a hospital, the largest or kind of hospitality, gaza strip, which is,
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which used to have thousands of casualties bashed in patients as the last thousands and thousands of intelligences blake, families. and we remind both parties that when there's the military operations on golf engineer or inside hospitals, we remind them that there is a presence of civilians. medical there's no patients and casualties, and these enjoy special protection that makes some nation battalion law and the must respect their obligations when they conduct facilities in these areas. a miss really newspaper has quoted, an anonymous police soul saying this idea of false is responsible for a number of civilian deaths, the supernova, music festival on october. the 7th. according to the obstacle, the od. yes, con dot com. that's how they called to killed some of the festival participants waltz targeting hamas minutes. since it said that, say police pro also revealed the debt. so rising to 364 people, these are the minutes you previously said that 260 is released were killed at the
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festival by how much the militants odyssey requested the comments from the is where the police on the story. contrary to the publication, the police investigation does not refer to the activity of the idea of forces and therefore no indication was given of any harm to civilians caused by any aerial activity at the sight must plus live now to jackson hang corpuscle on the list on host of the dive with jackson. hank, a great time you with us, a bit of an old one head habits, quotes and named police souls saying it's an idea of how they called a hit civilians dot com said, is there any police an issue, a statements and their report does not refer to the idea of axel and there's no indication this up and what do you think is going on these are affordable? well, i think what's really clear is the israeli government is lied about every thing that took place on october 7th. and they're using those lies to justify the
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genocide and the systemic bombing campaign against civilians and gods are right now . they told us initially that nearly 2000 civilians died on october 7th in the looks of flood. we then come to learned out that it was only 1400 individuals who died, didn't they revise? the numbers again is real, said only 1200 individuals died. then they published the names of the individuals who died, half of whom were military personnel. we've seen the videos of the apache attack helicopters, firing on positions which appear, but we can't be for certain they appear to be civilians and hostages, and homos fighters all running about. we know that is really forces cold air strikes on their own positions in israel that were being over run by a most fighters on october 7. and i think we have to give credit where credit is due to these really media outlet reps for getting this source on record to say hey look, we can confirm even though might not be made public in the official report because
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government never liked to admit their war crimes, especially word problems against their own civilians. but we can confirm that it was an apache attack helicopter that was responsible for some of those that's on october 7th. the is really does. we all know how those most biters came over. they came over on pared lighters with rifles and homemade or p, jeez, they did not flame throwers, they didn't have the tags in that helicopter. so what other reason could there be for how those individuals died and were burned to death? if this had of happens what solely to become a more widely in depressed and would see more evidence of this incident that music fest, we selected incidents a while. there are actually individuals on scene who reported having seen a helicopter attacking positions on that very day. some media outlets are claiming otherwise, but i've seen a caress, for example site, this very fact. so we know that there was helicopters that were called in by is
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really positions and in the air bases. we know that this helicopter, that her read sided came from the remote david air base. and we know that again, how much could not have burned homes, burn cars, burn bodies to appraise with rifles in our p, jeez. they don't have that sort of heavy weapon release in the all lots of floods they didn't on october 7th. and that leads me to believe that it was israel who was responsible. oh josh and hank helped us got a list on host of the dive with jackson hankle. thanks so much for your take on that report in. all right, thank you. maybe don't now crowd so he's ready, protest as how being gathering outside benjamin netanyahu, his residence. they won the prime minister to step down over his failure to secure the release of more than $200.00 hostages. held by how much the
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saudi this week. thousands of pods and a 5 day march from celebrates of teresa then attempting to pressure these really comments which has reject to the present assault deal with the concept based on minutes in group 241, people were taken hostage by him. us stories must have sold on israel last month. only 5 of those captives have been released sofa hello football. since all of the thought is more about that valley, right, they stay behind me here and next to the uh, the army, the chief building of these riley army. it headboard. there's that you can place these riley sand, especially dad, those to dad relatives and where he's not too bad this 3 day, the menus riley government to do more days. people think that the jelly government doesn't want to meet them and to explain to what is the strategy and what they're going to do to release those people. in order to rescue the hostages,
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we need to stop the fighting. i'm only saying this should be a temporary cease by to bring back old girls and boys gallant is not coming here. touring with the families all the time, making some background noise. what he's doing now is shattering the families again . it is impossible to pretend we have moved tactics that will be knows victory unless the hostages for time also signed. so you can be moved to tell governments that we need to may just do as we are a nation. the bodies life. this revenge means all soldiers dying because of the seek some sort of tactical victories. my family is not convinced that such tactics and the tracking of feet will actually bring the top tips. how well it juice people . we know what there's a selection. i plead that they're really not to be in the selection and everybody will come home and well in holly cox. no, we feel like we don't have air to breathe when we think about what,
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what they must be going through in gaza. most of the people agreeing that they need to destroy it, how much and bring back postage is that there's a big box. there's 2 targets are going through the 5th because you called the guy. and he to say, going inside is all the 4th of these rarely are me probably, or maybe some of that has to be bad because of that. and this is a big divide. even in between the families of the house, it throws that sort of cries the roland process. so say somebody's riley to fill a b a r ups and use for work to selling for seasons tours this far. but yeah, and the other room for that is rarely to really, really angry at do that there's, there's police that was being done, the try to pull down not the time to speak about space unfortunately. now is the
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time for zora that the families of the hostages are in the big dilemma. it says that very, i would say nobody really knows how to end this game. and what is the end game of all of beach. so us the must as well conflict stretches into the 2nd month tensions arising on the lebanese border. whereas the law and the idea of regularly exchanged fire. the idea of a result of suspicious objects crossing the space from lebanon on something of alerts and israel's know of the defensive, successful needs of its been set to the real kits. and there were no injuries reported. the idea responded. biologics strikes against targets and lebanese territory, but here we spoke with a 110 net and say you an interim force in lebanon spokesperson, who says that the situation could lead to a very serious misunderstanding in this situation has been very attends for the last 6 weeks. right now, and of course the situation is
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a concerning. we have been seeing the daily as changes of fire along the line between 11. our niece relatives has never stopped to uh, what's important also to emphasize that the conflict to along the line has been very much localized to so far uh, for 5 kilometers say united side will see the line. few sporadic showings uh, been live with outside the, at a local ration, but very much localize along the line. so even in our conversation with the, with the partisans, even if at least the only organization at the moment they can keep an ongoing dialogue with lebanese and warranties and id ask, the threes is about the wheel to keep a note to the, to escalate the tension but of course, up to 6 weeks, a, me, speculation is always a around the corner where we cannot predict. so as i mention is a me speculation because uh after 6 fix
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a conflict to add daily exchanges of fires and could potentially lead to a miscalculation to have never to it mistake. and that could definitely bring this conflict to a more regional company. that's our concern. and that's why we're trying to do our utmost with everyone. and of course, even with the international community to try to de escalate to detention and bring back what's a south of lebanon. it enjoyed the deal a month ago. 17 and still stability that uh that that what we had since 2006 the south african trade union is calling for these very prime minister benjamin netanyahu to be jailed for the calls, the genocide and war crimes carry doubts against the palestinian people of the national union of metal workers of south africa continues to be shocked by the burg genocidal attacks unleashed by design. a state of israel on the listings and gaza were witnessing and gauze is not a war design. is israel's ethnic cleansing of the list indians from their historic
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lands and genocide, an engineer who in his cabinet a 4 criminals, have taken a conscious decision to exterminate the listing in people and finalize the theft of their lands through these extremely violent processes. this is why no supports the calls made by the minister of international relations and cooperation, elated pond or that needs on the home has been charged with more crimes. inside the destination of israel as an a bought of dave, dave is fading on our struggle an hour softer on the end i bought of dave stains that existed for more than 40 years. and it was a racist system with black people were denied equal rights on the basis of their race, which is precisely what's happening to palestinians, palestinians, they are being denied equal rights on the basis of the user as kind of thing. and besides the system that they've been denied, more time busy denied, and the substitute they me denied just you know,
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basic basic just before you cross to me i was listening to the horrendous report is coming out of god about the status of the health care system. about the suffering of posting some children. i mean, it is homework with this thing this. so what it is is it's on steroids. it's, it's, it's much worse than when the people under the national government of south africa is what the messages and who were denied the same kind of thing into the chimneys, you know, was, was, was, was not to the extent of what we see now on the tv screens every day. so why is south africa has an important role to play is because because of our history, it means that when you take a position on this, the world, you know, sort of takes it quite seriously. it's moving on. now, earlier this week,
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san francisco residence was surprised to find the downtown area, certainly free of homeless and comments that of march the us west coast city for decades. of the kind of claim ahead of joe bought his meeting. but the chinese premier shooting thing is that all these kill him off in with more. the finally happens with a lot of fanfare, anticipation vine. and finally, mat rescission, ping. cynthia agreements were rates so we can all go home, happy, holiday victory for world peace. well, not without joe biden opening his mouth. such rhetoric is extremely wrong and a responsible political manipulation chain with firmly it poses this. oh, that's not the only aspect of the meeting that didn't really measure. i heard
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a lot for see about the issue of taiwan. taiwan is pretty vital for china if things are going to improve between the united states and beijing. however, what was that divide about the issue of the island of taiwan seems to have gone in one ear and out the other day when relations act. we are committed to doing what's necessary to help by one acquired the means to defend itself. i don't think that anything that both leader discussed today would cost that to move in a different direction. a month before the tops, the usa published the documents fairmont or ring about china's nuclear arsenal. the size and composition of the nuclear force must account for the possibility of combined regression from russia and china. us strategy should no longer through china as nuclear forces, as the less include the threats. the united states needs a new, clear post child capable of civil tenuously determining both countries. the findings of this by part of some reports, detailed the gravity of the situation we face and emphasize that the current
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trajectory of the us strategic forces is in sufficient to deter looming, chinese and russian threats. the report is also a stark reminder of the significant work needed to expand our nuclear submarine, industrial base to increase production and reduce repair time. the details of this report should serve as a wake up call for our armed forces and the national security community as a whole. so what has been accomplished? well, the chinese military and the u. s. military are now directly talking to each other, and that's pretty important with both countries having a lot of forces in the pacific ocean. and there's been an agreement for dialogue around the issue of drugs. but other than that, some of the china is key red lines seem to be getting ignored. somebody took a rather on diplomatic swipe ad before and later while he was in town. meanwhile, conservatives are still pounding the podium, calling biden's soft on china and blaming china for all of the americas was. so what has really been accomplished here at a pac?
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well, only time we'll tell table mauppin are to san francisco. and just before we go, most goes defense forces have repelled a drone attack on the outskirts of the capital. that's according to the cities man . according to initial reports, the was no damage or casualties in that's incidence. that's all for now to be sure to check out all t. com for the latest breaking news and updates. we'll see you right back here at the top of the the the
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the whole. welcome to world support. the wash board board is ro, and by ukraine seem to have a little in common beyond the american military support, but that they may be driven by very similar collective ethers of victims and title and rule. just in the course of the 2nd world war, in both cases and national identities have been derived from, i'm forced and by this sense of and i was this done show, fred is a reconciliation with neighbors even possible within such a world view. we'll discuss it. i'm now joined by eoc of wrapped in emeritus
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professor of history at the university of monk charles. professor duncan is great to talk to thank you very much for being available. my pleasure. now, you've written several books on the interplay of religious and political narrative and the history of modern israel. and one of the most interesting discoveries for me personally, was how crucial the jews from the russian empire and later on from the soviet union were to the rise of design is ideal. and you, especially because they weren't particularly religious and he had, they happen to be one of the still on just supporters of the idea of the holy or promised land. how do you explain this unusual synergy? well, you have to realize that no boost founders of the state of israel. and before that design, just project empower. stein came from.


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