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tv   Cross Talk  RT  November 21, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the truce agreement between israel and her last is within reach. according to the tar, which is mediating the tasks a prisoner swamp, is expected to be part of the upcoming deal, which was earlier confirmed by the gods and based militants, according to an r t. so i mean, the ongoing diplomatic efforts, the world health organization warns the humanitarian prices that does have hospitals remains a recipes for epidemic and marketing to 10 year anniversary of the you are my don to any plane was set the country down the path of conflict. we see today so those are the headlines we're following here on our to international next on cross top. peter levelland, lots of his guests about how the west gambled and long when it comes to the complex
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and awesome and do the hello and welcome across the top. were all things are considered on peter lavelle. ukraine is on a losing streak. i just can't get a break is counter offensive as an odor. catastrophe is reputation for gross mismanagement and corruption is on display. there is zalinski fatigue and now the gods. a war. the west gambled in last times to end this conflict, the pro sucking you create. i'm joined by my guess, larry johnson in tampa. he is a managing partner with burg associates,
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a former c i. the analysts and us state department counterterrorism official in miami. we have nicholas davies. he is co author of war and ukraine making sense of a sense was conflict. and here in moscow we crossed the dimitri bobbitt. she is a political analyst and editor at, you know, it's me internet media project or a gentleman cross type roles. and if that means you can jump anytime you want, i'll let me go to the larry 1st here. i mean, things are going pretty bad for you create, and i don't even know where to begin. i hinted towards it in my introduction. where would you begin? larry, when penny print skirt, the new newly appointed envoy by joe biden to handle the ukrainian affairs, shows up and basically tells the lensky uh so uh, can you get along without any money from us? that's a clear sign that the things are not going well. they're already starting to appear videos on kilogram with pension errors in ukraine. the yelling and being
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quite upset because they're not getting paid. so they're on, there's no single point of light for ukraine. and this is sort of ironic or it's, it's symbolic is uh, you know, that part of the world descends into winter and dark this. uh, ukraine is headed into great darkness. yeah. well nicholas, um, you know, i don't like to use the phrase i told you. so, but those of us that bit are serious about following this conflict. predicted this almost to the ti. i mean, this is the way it was going to work out. but the problem is, so many people have died in the process and ukraine as a functioning civil society is teetering right now. and you hear all of these kinds of voices in the background. no one wants to be the 1st to say, well, something has to be done about it. you know, you can go through, you know, even the mainstream media and their whispers and, and rumors and innuendo is about, you know,
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what needs to be done because everyone knows it's an older catastrophe and failure . nicholas and yes, and the catastrophe is, is, is really the direct result of the british and american decision in march and april. yep. up to $22.00, to kill the peace talks, kill the neutrality agreement. and while now we are hearing a lot of voices in the us and in the west, and who are ready to make territorial concessions. uh, what we're not hearing from uh, from leaders in the west is the recognition that a neutrality agreement is what is needed for ukraine. as zalinski said on march the 27th of last year, to as quickly as possible,
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restore peace in our native land. and that's of course, what bar as johnson went to kids and took them out of jobs. so, so the needs to be the recognition from west and lead us that, that new try to let the agreement it or some form of neutrality for ukraine is key to last thing, stable resolution of this conflict. and i don't see that happening yet. yeah. and nicholas to add onto it. let's remind our viewers. zelinski at the exact moment that you mentioned there. he was asking to give up what he did not even have. he didn't have cried me at it and he didn't have the down bass. now his last so much more so at that point he was, he was asked to give up something that he didn't have. that was not as hard as it seemed the most. let me read you some headlines here. top. so wednesday aid
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questions. ukraine survival, another one, ukraine must brace for the loss of us support. rene, this is coming out of to, i mean, these are not, we're a no republican saying they're going to cut off the funding. i mean, these are the, this is the client states saying, you know, you let us down this path. now, what demo uh, what was, yes. uh, basically we've had the is, uh, so ro, scans of us articles. uh, there was, uh, the handle. uh you agree and all the forces was what was the, what it is that what was the was said that the uranium forces and the russians was wondering, the dead more that there was no victory inside that people are just dying for nothing. then uh, there was a report uh from uh, simon schuster you know, which described the atmosphere around zillow desk. yes, very much that must be around. that will keep uh, in the, in here, the,
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during his last moms uh, in the imperial transfer rate, inches bunker. uh so basically you, well the western media are starting to raise the wall so the something is wrong that they expect it to victory you know uh from that so hold counter offensive thats mystery will never come and uh and then uh we've had these depressed and not to go from prison by them a few days ago about wasting the washington post. but actually there he was not a c. c did not write a single word about compromise. she kept comparing the roster to come us, which is absurd. and which is simply counter productive. and she kept saying that the invest in money, and i'm sorry, people, you know, the war in your brain and the, in the water and guys, i was i gloating voting investment. yeah, i mean, this is just terrible in south coast, and it's only,
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it's only strengthens the result over options between all these branch. so, you know, the basement of russian is, leads from that even be games the pregnancy base, you know, basically where they keep it, the whole dollar rolling gates, you know, the why the end of the organization. so saying they want to find his this, these woke up at school, so they're just uh, can basis the rest of them. there is no other way we must we because we even put rules where we're down. yeah. i mean, we will not be treated as human beings anymore. yeah. well, you know, larry, i don't think joe biden is knows the difference between a mouse and hummus, but that's not the topic of the program. larry, you know what? one of the most important misunderstandings and false narratives that we have had all about this conflict. it's about territory. it's not about territory at all. we go back to the very beginning, the not to vacation, that means the regime in care of and it's in its satellite figures must go. this is
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ultra nationalism must go. i mean, in the last new cycle we had an uh, you cleaning official saying, you know, russian, you know, russian isn't russians are not even in minority and they don't exist in ukraine. okay. that's very much like what we hear about the what, what the israelis have to say about palestinians. again, another topic, the 2nd one was demilitarization and that's what's happening. what is really remarkable, gentleman over the last couple of days or so we had officials in games that there was never a counter offense of what he talking about then you, it's still become, i mean this is, this is a kind of delusion that they're living in larry, and i have never seen this kind of disconnect from reality among people who are actually, you know, they're educated and experienced people, richard hawes and that good lord, he's, you know, he's been around for 40 years going back to the 1980s. he was sort of
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a protege of henry kissinger and he writes with charles cup chair and a piece of foreign affairs that is so out of touch with i. on the one hand, they admit what's going on, taking place on the ground in ukraine, that ukraine is losing, that ukraine hasn't made progress. and yet they didn't turn around and pretend that ukraine still has a chance. it doesn't. if it's gone, it's over, it's a, it's like that seen from the movie dumb and dumber where jim kerry is asking this woman who's already rejected it and said no other. yeah, basically no way i'm going out with you and he goes. so there's still a chance. yeah. there's no chance. oh yeah. and yeah, i really like the dumb dumb are because i think that really, yeah it's i, i always kind of look for those uh analogies, but it's perfect cuz i'm sorry, keep going larry. what, no, i just gonna say, in fact, the guy,
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some dumb and dumber are smarter than these policy makers that we see in the west. they continue, as you said, they focus on this notion that all right, so last territory. completely ignoring the fact that when russia withdrew its tank and columns from north of kia on april 1st started on april 1st. so we began that withdrawal that was always presented in the west as russian to feed them. but we now know that that was a goodwill. good faith gesture by putting in order to say ok, we're good. we're serious about this piece negotiation. and that the united states and nato were the and so full, sab, a tours in that process, and destroying that piece. process, nicholas, the problem is that the overarching problem is, is that the west nato world is never recognized that russia has any legitimate security interest. yeah, i mean, the, the,
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and this is why they are now starting to aim for a frozen conflict with, by, you know. busy going new lines on the maps are ukraine, but not actually resolving the underlying conflict. yeah. um, you know, they, they want to have another roll the dice, uh, at a later, later date. uh and so you know that will it, that willing to negotiate some sort of cease fire and, and some such as territorial settlement that the, like all these other frozen conflicts around the world. and of course, once again, back to palestine, is that the most terrific one we're seeing right now? um, but that's uh, so sit so yeah, when you look at the highest and comp chan which is who would say what they, the 2 of them have been saying all the long. um, essentially this is yeah that they,
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they are accepting. they are accepting the neo cons that can go over us foreign policy. they know that victoria newland and antennae blinking well that nicholas i moved up here because we have to go to our break. would they the way they phrase it? they always probably will get a find that will give the russians an offer, and that's how they do it. it's hilarious. okay, gentlemen, i have to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on you can stay with our to the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the the welcome act across ok, we're all things are considered on peter lavelle,
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german and you were discussing the situation in ukraine. the ok, let's go back to the team and here in moscow is the, these ridiculous narratives. the person there, there was no counter offensive. it's a stalemate. no, it's not a snail made by a this good. when it was these people say it, it just makes the round. so it really is very irritating here. but, but, but demons. what are the, what are the problems is here is that, um, why would rush should be in a rush because everybody says the putting this thinking this, the crime, one thing says they have no idea what they're thinking. i always find it appealing to who on the bbc? well, thing is thinking this, you know, i have no idea how they know these things. okay. well, the russians aren't in a rush for good reasons. daemon, yes. and uh, basically uh, the western media contradicts itself on the long term,
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the rise that the roster joules of the war of attrition. that basically ukraine is running all the resources unless we help. there is that sense of urgency. we need to help as soon as possible. otherwise the written in front will collapse and all the other crimes they say, oh, you do, it is not deliberate what he promised to deliver. sovereignly, they say that we're dealing with okay. some, some of the immediate say that which is we'll have to hardy out because he has elections before you just a few months ago and the old, easy as they said their connections and roger made no sense. so there's a lot of contradiction in what we hear from the west. uh, but the reality is indeed that the roster even the law is stronger and the there is absolutely no way or you can do 9 years old. so grey means old community and all that, and people are going to box all 3 media and all that. they will never,
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never agree to leave it be under the premium. got the ukranian troops. if they ever ever try to answer the standard, you will need real good, real resistance, not the kind of the real resistance. that's the most problem for us to us by the west, the media. and they've never realized, i mean, that you bring in on it turned out much stronger than the worst expected. but there was no real, a grassroots degree with movement which, which, which was processed by the west and media. and the d, the in terms of what his thoughts as solidly turned out that the world is not so much determined by the worst, that economists who come all the for them is you can sell oil. not only do they your be union and not on the uh to japan who can sell it to india. you can sell it to china. you know, uh, basically country is over uh, brakes uh,
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gauge and more and more of importance. van d d b is already exceeding the g d p. all that just uh, so uh there was a lot of things that the west did not include and it is going to go away since when the provo trasha into the small. and we can see right now that the we do indeed have an a and b and the certainly which is not thinking of what fiona hill and mr. compton expects him to do. you know the meds you've made them? so it's about a discussion glove who tried to speak to talk to them honestly, you know, i think she was very soon seeing it on us to talk to them for all us m. o and then you well support z, but that's not what is a good david, didn't you notice? but at those con pads that we, you know, when people in these journal us and so called analysts stand up, they're more interested in hearing their own voice in their own question. they never listen to the answer. okay. they're just there. that's way they're wired.
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larry, i, what i'm looking at a bit more carefully than all of this rubbish that is constantly being written that makes less and less sense as deem is pointed out. as all 3 of you pointed out, is it a political collapse within? yeah, i mean it's, it's so interesting when you see the economist been time magazine or, you know, other european above. okay. they're kind of like picking winners. have you noticed that lose name rone, are we getting that landscape? i mean, this is kind of inside baseball stuff. could be a lot of smoke, but it's kind of interesting larry, well, there's a little bit of psychological projection going on with the west in terms of protecting the collapse of putting because what we're seeing in the united states politically, it is a great division. and a lack of consensus that the one candidate that seems to have the most support, donald trump, is the ones. this is most of the bill of 5 by the establishment. yep. and that the thing i, you know,
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i hope that the russian listeners and the russian people understand one thing about what's going on in the united states right now. there is no body in any position of authority or influence that can stand up and talk about. we need to re establish normal relations with russia. we need to recognize the blood or mere prudence is a genuine leader and somebody we're going to have to deal with any, any politician that attempts that is immediately tarred as some cri, you know, pumping to put some uh cell out to the communists. i mean, there's still that there's still so many americans who can said, can you believe that russia today is the soviet union of yesterday. yeah, yeah, absolutely, no, well, you know, you know, larry, if, if you say something like that eventually eventually you'll be called an anti semite and a racist. okay. the, they close the default positions. okay. it's a no matter what you say, and the establishment disagrees with you. you're either an anti semite or
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a racist. okay. and of course, white donald trump so much he must be both even though is a daughter converted to day is but you know, those are details here. you know, nicholas, one of the things that you know, really bother me like from a responsible state craft and all of that, they know that very well funded places. you know, when you to still it all down, they all and they said it in the 1st week when after the complex started, but they, they won't use the term exactly. but what they want is minutes. 3, we need minutes. 3, that's what they think they think they just do it always down to that. well that is well if minutes one and $2.00 didn't work, why would minutes? 3 work the nicholas. yeah, it's we we, we surely have done past that. i mean, the basis of minutes to which did bring a relative piece uh, and an end to the worst fighting of 20142015 with the at least
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14000 people killed. but yes, ukraine completely failed to fulfill the political aspects of that agreement. and in other words, to grant or to me to little hands and don't. yeah it's and so now you have to do a hand getting done yet. aah! are gone. they are an independent into a part of russia. so, um, so yes, i don't think, i don't think that is a revival. but again, going back to march 2022, ukraine and russia were able to sit around to table in turkey and, and reach an agreement that they both could live with. and this is obviously what needs to happen again, but the needs to be a realism on all sides. and as long as the west is,
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is effectively um, uh, forming the strategy for ukraine. and ukraine is acting as a puppet of nato and the united states. and then they heat, they are still not going to be allowed to negotiate a viable, stable agreement. and so the, the shift, the needs to happen is the shift in the united states. and, you know, kind of, as larry is suggesting that the biden administration, under the grid of, of the, of the neo cons, let the united states into a dead end all over the world. since the 19 ninety's, the needs to be a returned to 2 serious diplomatic relations with every kind of weapons fighting, polluting,
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china and russia so that we can actually solve the real problems that we're all facing in this world. yeah, but yeah, i agree of a 100 percent nicholas, but that would compromise a gemini, that wouldn't compromise the supremacy of nato. they're not going to lead either one go diem. a supremacy nato's a nato's rid around the world now adds out of area ambitions. this is what happens, what has to happen is a catastrophe when and i don't say that lively because a catastrophe means a lot of people die, diem a well, that's true. and i completely agree with nico us. i, i thought what he does describe what was the wrong ready to go. i knew would be the i d o d o the more than the west needs to change. because this is a ready to go. i told you which rejects compromise which rejects any kind of diplomacy actually. well, i recently drove
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a magazine called the drum and forwarded me to stop the variable, the diploma attempt. so that the, it was it, or what a diploma it should be because what she is doing and what by that is, do you know that quoted respectively does a lot of accounting data solve as the doing before the boy sheets. sometimes you meet the often, any goal change, they reach the, you know, the test, the old rules to diplomacy, even the common decency you know that you don't insult your opponent, that you don't teach your opponent, you don't collect to see more her. this is the reason why the problem is always with ties and, and the dolls fuse, you know, they, they, they almost never wear uniforms. because the game is to make a distinction between the process as a function. we're not talking during the diplomatic adults. people are not talking
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about i d o n g. they don't teach in each of it the result of the program. yeah. because the west is not. i mean, let me, let me finish up with larry here. it's kind of like the, the, the state department coming out. we're not going to judge in israel. that's it. we're not going to be the judge jury and, and the execution or of, of if israel's breaking international law is some us, oh, of course they are okay. that's exactly what deem is debbie yet? that's it. exactly. what do you mean? because a, this inability to think differently. last 30 seconds. go ahead larry. the, the art of diplomacy is telling a mother that her child is ugly and she thinks you at the end. so being able to have that kind of scale, but what the united states has turned into our, our approach is either sanctions or war. we can't do both. well, that's something they have to wake up to. and then it guy said i didn't want to say it lightly, but this the way, the, the, the way the train is leaving going on course. the catastrophe is an impending, unfortunately for all of a gentleman, that's all the time we have. i want to thank my guest in tampa, miami,
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and here in moscow. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our dc and next time remember, prospect. the take a fresh look around is life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion. by tell us to do vision with no real opinions
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pictures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills and is it just because it shows you fractured images, present it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground can in the united states has been urging american citizens to leave middle eastern countries like living on a wrong and israel, and will blown americans some money to buy the ticket if needed. however, honestly do us as more than willing to give $75.00, a $1000000000.00 to crane $3000000000.00. israel and a $100000000.00 to palestine. sky. now he's in on this edition of $360.00 view, we're going to ask, is there something wrong about a country willing to find a war, but not find their own citizens escaping it?
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let's get started. the and it seems, there is not a major military conflict. presently united states as well as other western countries do not like on one end, we had a horrible event happen. one which no country wants, where there is a well organized mass attacked by another on its citizens, causing chaos, violence and death. however, while it seemed like israel was going to put the 6th stream, leave full court press back on god's in response and solely on their own. several weeks later, while there was a strong military operation happening, i feel like israel has backed down from the original. we are doing this our way and on our own strategy. it's almost like they started and looked back and realized they needed some allies. if what i'm reading is correct, maybe it's ro assessed whether or not there are allies like the united states, the kingdom, canada,
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the members of the issue were actually prepared with military support, including boots on the ground. and there was a lot of talk. but did you realize some of our allies might not be in as a strong of a position to support them as they once worked? or is this because western countries are finding their own population of citizens and elected officials split on who support they should be going to? well, let's ask our panel of educated guest females berg, conservative commentator and radio host, steve gil, political analyst and radio host. and finally, michael maloof national security contributor, former senior security policy analyst in the office of the secretary of defense. thank you, gentlemen, for joining me on this issue. very, very important. obviously, everythings changing by the day i want to actually get started off with you. michael maloof, have you noticed a shift or change?


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