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tv   Documentary  RT  November 23, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EST

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to india, before the butt of dish was the richest nation with the highest g d, b in the word. and why did the 100 years of british troops bring it to this little, some 50, interacting or late? so gets back to the they came to take our change, our tech style, our wrong material, even before making cannon a cannonball. they needed the search feature which came from india, india. and i just don't do property. they have no right to my property. my. i don't, my gods. we went to our public spaces. i was see, could spaces of tempers and really wine and keep pointed out these pieces.
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in fact, the word new also is like in the wood, which is now going into the english big city. so, quite telling me, even the him, the word news has been muted into the english lexicon. suppose you are enabled, big, important labels. i'm dismissed you as soon as i get from your home, what do you do the like if you take an example of a piece of jewelry, sometimes it may take that it's, it needs repair or it's totally broken. you may decide to break it up, rubles, suggest gemstones, and actually manage the goals and re cost, and it might be even bright to and better than what it was before the war. the of
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the is the do one. good. good. good, good, good, good, good, good company to do. i need time to do shortly. i see them on a village, 2 minutes before it is my sons. i just saw the rest, all the parts i've just been off. that's quite b would do manually. well, you'd see a modern manufacturing unit in glasgow. i know cartoons in manchester. it was all roast, which was also our misfortune. because had we been a poor country, i don't think they would have come here. can you tell me why that guys do more than the platforms about you know what the next step would be? all the people i guess i've taken glitching. something like on the black to me through the sink into the light to it is not that good. this is a punishment,
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not harmony. you'll be what i've been doing for centuries, but don't ready to the east india company. he's here to save you from the oppressive social events and get the future. they propagated falsely. that india is a land of saint john. most elephants, cocoa dies, and we have to see relate these higgins and peasants. so we have to convert them to question. if you is to solve this functions going on in the name of knowledge dentist, you're going to be shown is good thursday. this is a problem, someone on the, one of the main reasons for the success of the cdn comes to me was the does unity among indians, lots of provinces and a guy jobs and might as well funds simply fighting with each other the or
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it could be begin before in hastings with any aggressive imperialist who was able to break up the confederacy of the various states who realize the danger of a brochure, which was beginning in 1776. so they taught the british, we'll just get down on the player. the probably did not foresee the initial effect that these people who are bringing in that it was not just economics, you know, a clean relation that they were looking at. they were looking at political subjugation, which was undermined or not talk through well enough by the local indian p as well. the said, the economic structure of window was such nice, destroyed because india at the time of input a shuttle home is a 6th which is country and the was, it had the volume of trade was 16 of the world, the feeling really and in between when the british came here. the
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story begins and 17. 621930 did use. what does it use when the indian, our defense sort of stolen from indian temples, houses balances are sent this data to printer, schmoozing, di, british museum just filled with stolen items. the nearly on the night outside of it is boozy and trust me it's gorgeous. from the outside latch on the inside. it's as quite controversial as some people might want to call it. so let's head inside and see what are some of the artifacts taken from
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india that this idea is i'm on head, i live in new delhi and i'm just recently graduated from nations and meant that it was in school in london. so i was about to move out from london, come back to india. and when i got this opportunity i taught that was the best way for me to spend my last days in london by going and going and looking at these museums that had artifacts. and those 2 pieces of belonging to my own country to you see this entire section is filled with solid, asian loaded artifacts. and all the things i saw that kind of the line did my, my love for history. and i was literally experiencing history in front of me and it was of a bit of mix of emotions that i felt it was it was, it was it. there was
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a sense of sadness. there was a sense of pride decides, just like any of these of furniture that belongs to somebody's house, belongs to that house and should not be lo day to buy some tow the body and be put on display. and some other houses are in some other country um and especially made it to a sticker to action out of it and monetized. so there are 2 ways of thinking that when neutral, these artifacts monuments, which were lying in ruins, perhaps if they had to remain they would have gone become rulings broken close as you see, and roman for him. perhaps by going to the british museum. they are present flushed but posterity. the obvious item,
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the service or easily means sending stolen items and stored in goods we are right in front of and in the heart of fluid was out of the right now in delhi. and it is a miniature version of what i saw in london in producing z and read all the stolen visors and onto the bags. i've been to get to the movie of so many such stuff is solely are to us indians. so yeah, the size of the yeah, these watches and i community neglect them, belong facility. somebody the to look at this, this looks like, obviously, or see the camera would be like it lives in the mall or something. the
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community is an absolutely perfect and ology about what british museums to the the do if i, under the at origin book uh, the signing date date is uh, biology the call him a date of birth, the biologic reincarnation. the exactly do not remember the exact date started the sport. somebody in july or late morning we got a call from the family member here, the called us and said the temple has been looked at brother the model more
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days or the date is the 5 most easiest for you at all? it is because for us it isn't on the item. it is the swami items that they deems. the guardian says standing there for us. there's like, good trade in good conduct. you'll see the new smaller chain gets kidnapped products in the lemming. a group called in the upgrade project. yeah. but a product is a project when they are trying to locate all these other, the edited icons, the date, these or the car images or stuff choose or load up, do that or did you imagine that being some of the different parts of this country and the name and a pause, so some phrase to see that not only are those and so such images have been smothered from this country.
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the environmental dog. 60 now cool founded of the nearby project which has an organization to make the case that history belongs to. it's joe beautifully. so what we know is make the case for artifacts and heritage looted from india to be brought back to a british, the colonizer say, they saved items. the items were safe for centuries before they came. the items are not safe because they broke them down and sold them away. right? so for somebody to say that the item, i mean, why does, why does museum to do it? if i were to collect the value of these items, because they stayed safe for centuries and, and they are centuries ordered when a destroyer believes that he's the he's the savior. when the villain believes he's the heat on the
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moon the same wrong, just don't you have to shape how's the courtesy after kids and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground,
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the as soon as 2060 numerous monuments, the soviet soldiers in poland, ukraine and the baltic states have been destroyed or vandalized fish, their stuff by pharmacy to be deposited on the unless or even some others could ask if i'm in the field, that's the most on whether it's expressed room was the 3 of the police government denies the rule of soviet sonya is in the victory of a naziism and is it raising historical memories of world war 2 is the 40 piece from your store. although it did seem to not see regimes, the trustees would remain thinks in people's consciousness forever. but as long as russell phobia is profitable and brings dividends, you are willing to have a to rewrite the cost. yes. yeah. you got the, i'll provide i need to see thing because looks like so i need to
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know the to, to do that. we've done yesterday is called the shots are put you busy right? ancient ceremony. and this is not an idolize ation of a physical weapon. it is rather an appeal for lights to defeat darkness for goodness, to defeat people for right to defeat wrong, energetic cases, very interesting of their family and what's her modern day of what we call the punjab? now, you know the sort amongst many other objects for taking that sort as
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a meaningful because it is the bod, off bunk, west site's business stance. was that the family uh, engaged and then delightfully, you know, the edge of the family should have a light to it. my name is in charge opera. i'm an international lawyer about training being a half indian 10 and a half british. of course, these are powerful forces that when i was growing up, i had to learn how to reconcile. but in reconciling them, i understand very well both sides of this equation. lifetime has been on both sides of this equation. we have to go back a 17576 years actually in which the east india company had reached the punjab. what it was in the punjab at the time was the 2nd part of the founder of that empire. my raja runs, you'd say
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a died in 1839. and as a result of that, that empire was breaking up into different kingdoms, least in the company had managed to create a compromising side of relations with the northern half of the punjab. and that left one kingdom in the southern half of the punjab, which is where my ancestors were ruling at that time it was inevitable that there would be a conflict between the east india company and the british forces. and this last remaining kingdom, the last part of india to be conquered. and this was the fuse that's let's the 2nd diagnostic war. but it was an extremely powerful fortress. in no time. it took an enormous amount of material and troops and artillery to be brought to milton for the siege. and so as the british advanced, uh, they came up to so they came through the city, came up to the fortress, and then communicated with mirage to say it's time to surrender. ultimately,
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it came to the day of surrender, and this was the 26 and of january 1849. mirage was brought to the commanders 10th who is general william wish and the translator in the attempt to consort and gave it to william uh, as an active surrender. so mirage would be my 3 greats. great, great, great grandfather. then the generations passed, and as the generations passed, um, there was a search for this particular stored. there was no evidence of it anywhere for the various fun and be forwarded to them even the e flat bed. the far more repeat that the me
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in the door is a quiet though for me this does in my father, my daughter. wonder love it is and meaningless. listen at school i idea name is the life lessons. we just thought that appointed you your head for the summer sun, the starbucks up golf course are the only this portal the opportunity to go on. the 3rd off or for fathers the, the business education system in india. before that, the education system was very localized, the great education institutions,
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right from 5500 years the, the ed motive schools and the largest member of the things people in the work. i will advise you to 5 more than 90 percent before the british the the team and introduce this public schools. the system of education are the mission or the schools kind of an education. but anybody set foot under one rules and they have to learn signs and the loan mats and defends that. they have to be developing the rational mind and the scientific mind, and they does give the indians, but i think you get a very backward superstitious minor the
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education, the constant, k said on higher education, they've been to establish street presidency colleges, universities, and the bengal or presidency in, boca time, adjust, and in bombay who was that you're pressing on the brought it's not an invitation him if you'll give them credit for say they wanted for, for to indians. young indians in the main stream of education. so they wonder if it somehow impose that scientific education with what happened in the process was that many of the children cannot relate to that. before that the education was ready to relate to them to put something concern with their own set, all next,
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which they could feel which stick would sense which they could smell of pick or relate to it, of course, but it really shows the easy going life. the by the also providing jobs and also by giving them the easy way of address bracket. the says i'm the lifestyle. so all school was on colleges on the education programs were on the news change, including the indians, well, painting on the floors on their homes. the declaration you see that created was really beautiful effects, those which were exported. beautiful soft materials interest to the point of costs
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. and all of that changed during the colonial is a lot of craft. it stopped costs that people didn't know existed before. fixing leaks have stopped because industrialization of machinery and things that have replaced the traditional form. so all of these things made it feel for so slowly come in from the traditional practices that they have. so that's how the values are been slowly decreased. this is uh they do operate memphis in the hybrid about you. why is a g and integrated they did the academic then the research in ours very descriptors is done. we are not to depriving the storing sierra in getting that regular academia via the students focus on the the time
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with tested vedic the scriptures this targeted them for the sake of 2 things. one is to know the ancient ethnics of the lifestyle, the mysterious to word as a how it is fond my below or do, but i my dad his we had better for me to send down them 3 times a day morning. why? the sun is raised the evening. one sun is setting an as dental fence on these and then make the you know, be had this famous even seamless throughout the minutes of load mccully who said the main objective of english education in india is to create
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a last set of interpreters, not someone who would, who knows, it would just seem to put it does between them the rulers, in the millions of big dublin, well, indian in the black and is getting color with the english in their opinions and their motors in their intellect. as i said earlier, the cool is it says the education system that they introduced in india somehow has a big, a very low self esteem among indians. it stops with the school. it starts with childhood. so people are always thinking, i'm repeating the sentence, but people are, indians are always thinking, the grass is green on the other side. so that's how i even clicked. it was introduced into india along with the other education curriculum. the
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ticket is popular. moving on on this only the sleeves play this game. our games would have been more energizing, like football, soccer for hockey. couple of d. a coke sakes, beaver, beaver utilizing these games. uh, but uh, like english language ticket is also a mock, a signature off ice color need mindset and sleep the
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more expensive and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different. listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the
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early 1880 brands decided to subjugate madagascar. however, the mother got the king that refused to submit in 1883. during the 1st franco mail, i guess they wars the friend sent a punitive expedition. divorce submission on the island. the aggressors ships brutally bombarded the coastal settlement. the invaders managed to forcefully impose control over a man a gas car is external affairs, but the french wanted more. a few years later, they started a full scale village. airy invasion ended. 18. 95 captured the capital to not reveal the commonest exiled queen. run of all on the 3rd, under prime minister, grinding a letter of une abroad. then the invaders began to clear the island from the malcontents, with an iron and blood in 18. $96.00 france declared a protector at over man, a gas guard, and in $1897.00, annex the island. the suppression of the liberation movement erupted the merciless
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massacre. the capture of madagascar are led to tragic consequences. natural resources were in the hands of french corporations. all local schools were closed and the french language was imposed on the population. the care lasted 15 years and resulted in the death of at least 100000 mile against the people. the colonial regime left an open wound in the history of man a gas car, but violence was never able to suppress the malagasy striving for freedom, the germans. so i'll just stay with the, with the one with taking the picture. they were proud of the massacre to the waiter going. yeah, i'm of the 2nd week of my girlfriends and i know that he got cutting away. well, i actually was who i see on google. okay. and we intend almost a week ago and we'll get the bundle, the, the genocide to us love to the screen. but this,
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this indeed reality. last has never been to the did you purchase a tie? did you please give us a time to time prize size and call you to do this to yourself if it's your stats i see gives and and so this is a very vote decision by the gym and government to even stop because he is when the agreement was reached, gena, they did more divisions and more and got more questions and more of those they are using to pay us. what they are giving us is go to the position congress and now we have not been so fortunate calls. what has been happening here. it will open the ponder as books,
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the next thing it will be them for then also have to pay the the idea of this last night is not to sleep. we had a very large toys, noise coming from the east as a result of the ongoing bottom between i d. f. soldiers and vehicles trying to enter and unit a relentless idea of a soul thing. jobs after is real silly. you sound agreed upon for date fruits with some of that such katara nights. as the exact timing of the limited cease far will be revealed, locals in the n type se, there's skeptical cold water. the cease fire feels like a drain cooler. mockery is in their benefits. not ours will continue to survive on the bare essentials and even if those went out will in june.


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