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tv   Documentary  RT  November 29, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EST

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a lot should be there, go the 20 of these, the, the, the the, the the
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the, the the, the, the, she just the, with the knowledge right now is good too, but i do need to do some research for 0 with the shuttle. one of the storage, see what the results of the items you're looking at was the one you said with the pollution both. so tom and then you for the each to be sure to put it i really can afford to just move the class that it was shared from that used to. so spoken to a on the list as all we do from virginia. but i see that he was
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the 1st you supposedly and is this the most do i suppose that you let us always tell us what about this on this thing and be what i need is because it can be what i mean. we really need a platoon i need because each cause more. if i don't with the door to the, the big the big deal, you have one this and i want a community, but i do need to see that i was up with this. but why do you just use the video? shows nutrition about it, the board, you know, the, uh, the photo,
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some categories. and you might say, and that was the, you know, because i'm in the postal chest digital. is this the someone you would just have that was this the most of today, we're just going to put that in whatever it is the both them go to the but the boy, well the zuba will see you the little delta you do not through the other words this to the sales force is with the let's get easy do you before or what the, some was wonderful was through. does that sound good? that the most of you, but other than you fill out the both consillio was a pretty good the
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subset of the that i use to put some more full boys that those see to use it. i think you know, most, any of that in the system we use that they may be able to some, but absolute piece of love even though you built the leading yeah. school that's to be the so that would fit the safe for them. if you think about it was with the city but good, but i think of like as low as a silver bone at the level goes to, but we will avoid you might be some issue. so just give it a minute to go to. so i'm assuming you diamond to do with will. who will not? it was that a saw the
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shop with a new one at the front in the company. right. and the company, the noise push through it. it's glass cove, cuz colors just get that up tomorrow and i see that the photos of the technician visit, especially i think one of the ladies folger, could think of the result, concluded that the image in the internet to the almost uh joyce's bodies in april. no problem, did you with me for so good. yeah, i'm good. yeah. presenter
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group is the one that's on your script and the 1st is a step in the is that correct for folks from special video smart deal? can any of us here wanted to go to the what is it, ask you to do them or do you like jewish good, you know, have you spoken with new york? how to get it about is that the most of the move start with bushel? i think i would just do it. so what was the, what was the label was either proceed anyway. so that's the, that's the what was it? so it takes the point in the budget, the,
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this was the bring it up in blairsville by the store. so the students will disclose, needs to, to make sure that you provide the most indeed good. it's a little before, but very good. can you provide me enough any being able to, to know which one of the orders that you sent was lots and stuff and the number that you made. and then you just got a so about the equitable someone with the most affordable business one of some of
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the stuff that the bottles visited store stuff because you're going to use that as well as in your group to assure that the we sure you don't see that you're supposed to reduce my final solution. what do you want here though? what's the increase to what comes you should have it usually decide you want to see it must be on the same. i do see just mean services. you sort of just on things i'm of the police. yeah. and you'll probably be more of the by just the condition of best buy um, but i showed you to give me a little to see. mean, think up the steve, just want the stick those up sit in your to someone with the why not getting the best off the printer for yesterday, which was huge discussion, i'm sorry, i missed a couple of others. we would have seen it pretty day with this number with the
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model, and then you could accuse loose show seamlessly as the most. but that's the filter . the cords are further how strong moments are fluids. reason what they're not the other. is there any customer bonus for your business? the company can do the same, minus 2 is the best and you can even with the 2nd chance of the 4th time this plus
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the on the visa on the side of the one which says but it's just just by the theater is on your fedex and it's real quick theater of the stand, that was a here with faculty and mean yes. go on, sickly and chest. i've last part of the policy that iris has most and the mission of his wilson especially the can still in the to, to go to google for bush that was loose letters zip code. to put that in. yeah. and that was issued in both busy. this was the click click of it that to you to put the imperial chase put to the seizure agreement. but as you and you're putting it back to me a little bit about this because see if it's the legislation. yeah. so what do you mean the head of both the district allows us through the federal court, but almost a little boy, my nipples, and as a judge or not the whatever is called the official transist jeanette of human. and
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always nice to me. i think we're just going to be doing the 2 of us just shown the or grown up gonna be a good. this is the food stamp thing. was the phone or on the internet was if we didn't know it, you guys this, what do you know? it took me so it took me off a little fuzzy, illinois. how cool it just shows, okay, what i mean was, i mean there was all the social media as a whole, whole trans. glad to to look different but love us a call. let us go there for real stuff the uh, once you do the keys, good. what was it? just like they don't have the services that we have instead of course being today, i'm just, it's a promise of i'm not from the the 20th century. if that's kind of for sure, but it was the present or the one that i became more associates the storage look
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forward to to do. i feel like what's going to hogwarts on the line as well, but deal but useful because most of my previous gift for someone to personally wouldn't come up so as well. so let me see what's the story here, then what do i as, as a customer support system of the product, but still come to us, the technical issue when low. that's the ask them over to sales agent. so that's kind of going to go the
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other way, not to me, right. so see comfortable with the product. put what was that was correct there. so sounds good. just so basically of course we need the last name was needed. read it was can, will be used for
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the election we have support for someone who is this, we would show new people to the the, the, the what did you want, but did you want the, we'll do it on both x guides and applause. sort of settlement, bruce, i didn't do to scroll up into the shop. a lot of the project. yeah.
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the phone number for the red ship video, but the news is i wasn't the was still boys in bottom. a from 3 is because it is to use them other devices to pop up above us, the mama sugar way to do that. well, there's just as of the, don't know if you still pull it as beautiful as seo is 5 minutes long. the
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beauty of talk over good deal. so there's a box with, you know, we're supposed to be no deductible to the inspect for the positive. so somebody for the moment or something, you know, they're going to know the way of the advisor to go to the ladies and looking at a good block because i'm not sure what the shooting was, that you're to get your models. but there's a group of and we don't want you to be there otherwise to shut off it. okay. so what is the, is the, the so i think we'll just see what was the goal of, i mean, obviously the reason why i need that, you see
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a show me the quote, best way to know if i do not the world, which was more than just the refrigerator so when you, when you have the most of you, you have to show what the, what i want you to one, where's the blush us, is there another question for this one? the other one, the rest of the problem? the for somebody to mind, the shoot shop space a what's up 3 days and what all fixed, something tonight to see. but the, the doctor isn't gonna be charged for the video. was it bad for people who forget it all that and some of the but the question on
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or most of the, both of us box wireless new box which we have all the time the should video, the display live tv with us. let me look here. the list is nibble the dining room is that it was? it was on the golf
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now. all right, well we'll just do both of those part here for the default . well the the last night, but you can either fax, new dr. full gray and send you a driveway the
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the past several opinion and to the sides of my mind works much stuff. so yeah. and you have to meet for the kids that are new ups, you know, but i know the
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purpose of the check is committed, but the issue is because i understand it's given that it's kind of sort of though anything more that the interest of us the last part is this listed, elizabeth, the less the dispute a little less, but i'm going to send a slow today just to give you a list of yeah, good luck with that gives you the most certainly good. so what's that about? the initial was originally, but the more stuff i do it is yeah. most likely, i mean of the unit here.
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you're just getting simple for the genetic stuff, for sure. whether it works out of who's with the deposits. are you saying in the budget so, so we don't want to buy you and use those items here. you know, where is office the brian? i got the 1st 20 minutes and probably not for the last month from one another and 70. so now that of the 1st 4th month, even though i mean i'm looking, i switch to this point in finance or the this is the, the center of the body of just thrown was arrested officer check for the government. but if the system is
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not working, some of them could i have to go up. i did said juliet the level doing that was really nurture to play much of video. there was no problem here, but i've talked to you about the last city. it's not with miss, but was me think are part of the wireless thing going last, a technician to come talk to the other screen. look for some of the minutes or show smith was going to across the street from him, which doesn't mean to someone's listener or the defense because to us complex. simply because because one of those 2 but someone comes to read it, it's enough that the you just like a nice for the
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show for both and i should try to get a little digits. okay, so i'm going to just provides what does that have been showing your show underneath? just for the example. nice buick. i was done the 1st time. yeah. sarah is on the tree. it says that i lost the machines with the bus. they should go evaluation the and you said this plan that let's teach you it did it together is actually seemed to deal with especially the ability this because that beautiful has anybody yeah. student done the rooms for me. yes, i do see a number created to put that it was in the media supervisory model. most of those are what you're sure the use the mostly that was
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a spouse. it it doesn't. yeah. but it you'll see in this interest. so, but virtually livonia is a veteran suspended, but it is in the deals of others as well as with streaming. now. so phillips that started was h. navy and yep. this michigan. back till now. i'm glad it's not. i was on the list . do you sell them as a person, but some of the facts and that's probably
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a good number to that's what i'm paying for the people sitting in the last interview. but the use of deluxe that that's the thing is nice of the, the way i mean that it was, i mean the very difficult, the good, but there was something that happened once we get this event, the, the project that is the goal. of course, of course, and the burden of these, this is the jostling little schedule. this is
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a chance for 0 go to sleep. it is the there presented by so this are be for today. well, just going to so the, just as much as it sounds like that's part of it to get to me. so the median look at gordon with leveled with like, you mean a lot of them what do you want me to see? sure. so what we've, what we're thinking though, i think that's really yeah. right. yeah. but i'm source i get those ideas dropped. he's letting him we're doing, we're doing, we're doing finish shop now. yes,
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i'm not doing so we'll just keep doing it for you know, low levels of need. it is so, so nobody let know. plus the someone you know, doing and says aren't those that you use them in your thoughts about what's going on to is there is really the, the, the, the, the, the
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mortgage to search as well as for the toronto, see comfortable with the product. when it was around there, so sounds good. just so basically of course we need, the last thing was these really, those can, will be used to be too much and we have some more for someone who is this, we would show new people to the, the, the, the,
7:00 am
the, the table palestinians are released by is well in exchange for 12 people held by her. not a human rights lawyer ledges the idea that's been saving most civilians. i'll find a doctor in order to use them. this darkening shift they've taken about a 130 more hostages in the west bank. and let's remember from boston, not in the west indian prime minister an arrangement mode. he talks to work cuz westgate from a collab tunnel off to 17 days of correspondence. he went to the end of the ordeal to fully understand the hospital suite. it was most as bowman thoughts, not just for the box for the entire country. pennsylvania to 17, wrong these to get.


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