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tv   News  RT  November 30, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EST

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useless license as this done by the breaking news and r t. at least 2 civilians are killed and several others wounded in a shooting attack in jerusalem. 2 gunmen shot the day after seeing, according to the attack columns as israel and come off confirm an extension of their temporary truce saving the way for another prisoners swap were rest, buy for the bundle of gulls. and plus the end of an era of henry kissinger, the icon that us diplomats who orchestrated the light in some international complex, tight age the
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welcome to our, to international. my name's you to know neil of 30 minutes of use and use starts now and we begin with distressing images emerging from jerusalem or 2 civilians. how big confirm kills police? 7 others wounded in a mass shooting local police. say 2 gunmen were shot dead of the scene. let us false to journalist robbie berman in tel aviv. robbie, what more is known about this thursday morning at tuck in jerusalem a? so it's a very sad day here in israel. we woke up to find out that to palestinian terrace from east jerusalem went to the northern interest of the city known as remote too much old area. and they opened fire on a bus stop which a few minutes before they got there was just cheating with people. but with the time they got there, they're only a few dozen. luckily, 2 people are killed. a 73 year old man and a 26 year old woman 7 are seriously injured. are now in charge that a hospital,
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they found inside their car, hundreds and hundreds of boats. they used a hand gun and the name 60. this is very disturbing for most of the people in jerusalem because a lot of the terrorist, the palette sitting in tears that are being released from prison in the, for the hostage exchange off from east jerusalem. and they are people who are not expressed regret for trying to kill jews. so there was a case where i went to a woman's house who was sat by her next door neighbor's daughter, a 14 year old girl old stature tried to kill her. he stabbed her 4 times in the back. she was arrested. she had her final 7 saying a few weeks before the war started and the judge turns her and said, young lady, you're now 16 years old. you've had 2 years to sit in jail to think about your what you did before i said, since you do, i'm asking you, do you regret what you did? and a 16 year old girl said, no, i'm a sentence or 212 years in prison. and she's on the list of people who are going to
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be released and if she's released the mos in across the street from the woman that you stabbed. so is there no heightened security? i'm on surgery? is the most already quite high in terms of that, but is it know tighten down even more significantly after this? well, let's not forget that before the war started every month or a $1000.00 citizens per month requesting for a private gun license after the war. there's been over 300000 people who've requested done licenses, and with the far right, security mat, security minister, it's in my bank via or he's loosened up the requirements. it seems that most of those people will get it. let's not forget the people who killed those 2 pallets of the terrace today after they shot and killed 2 as well, using wounded 7 more. one of them was a civilian, though, took out his private pistol and shot and killed with terror. so i think you're going to see more more israel, he's taking control of their own destiny,
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not waiting for the army to show up. okay. well telling us the details there from another district in jerusalem journalist robi firm and further north in tell of if thanks robin the weather, stay in the cycle of violence roll through the west bank where a health authorities reported that to children being killed. and this really rates on the janine refugee camp in the 2nd consecutive day of id f incursions a warning you may find the following images as well. disturbing st. camera footage here demonstrating is really soldiers after putting to shoots on 8 year old boy in the head while another boy here tries to drag him to safety in your car . and another video circulating on the line, a group of boys and reportedly see a raid biased really trips on fire opens and one of the boys trying to escape. and the bullet hits the 15 at year old boy that you can just about to see at the bottom
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of the screen in the chest, he repeatedly died from his wound. id f representatives. have commented on the incidence so far well, the cease fire deal between come off and israel has officially been extended as confirmed by both sides. it will for an hour last an additional 24 hours. some of us brokerage near minutes before the end of the previous 6 day interest. i discussed developments with a number of regional journalist, a model. sure. as you had been telling us, there was a type of like a desire to about the size of gas that was going to follow in the same way as what was happening in the north. has this give the people there are some risk spite that this association of hostilities is, is going to continue for some time, an indefinite period. there was an uncertainty about the ceasefire to hold or
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not your will, but it again and the people in the south kept asking each other, kept asking the press what is going on? what is going on? what should we do right now? we stay here. we go back to our homes. so it has been confirmed a few minutes ago. i jump in to see me and said that the via the zip sion negotiations and my pressure by the us another the one day of ceasefire has been confirmed with prison notice would be exchanged and more aid will come in. however, we didn't receive more detail. so there is a lot of pressure on the is it in the government, the water cabinets on the 10, yahoo to ensure the cx 5 does hold because of what's happened in terms of humanitarian crisis here. and it was the world doesn't want to see this anymore. the u. s. it seems on putting pressure on this really is to stop the hostages family. so please throw pressing on these rarely government to do whatever you can
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to return all of the loved ones. and that's why ease row will continue as long as the postage is coming back. it said was of the war and probably after that it will be maybe too much time to launch in your invasion. 2 guys and the probably the sellers have done. they will not be the same as it was in the north, probably as ro the event will return to and what it does, it will be just the special ed for separation. some more surgical center reports of it's really forces surrounding a hospital in the west spike that had been the theme, even though the truth. what's happening? there were further assaults on the west bank right the week. what's the latest on this? i called into the origin of the club. it's 168, but i've seen as well as the beauty of essex. they over the truth and it was bank
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of the i if we can, those it said they did. you need your discount and union city, and then both uh as a clue, plausible, as long as it can be. so which discounts i can afford, but it still goes to auto, where the commander is. one of the union battalion of 2 children and the division of the area's supposed to continue. yes, that's a nice way to live on a few as we're waiting to receive the last batch of the 3. but i'm still in prison on the i'm a law. the collections and i'm in between here and the thoughts of also committed to the gym. what is the prophecy? again? it is 20 still on the photo and, and just so that is why they are on forces operation and that was spent continues to envision system use this morning. it wasn't pulled, cut him added. so if you scale and based on the bus, on the, the intention of that, i mean, the idea would have been to the, for the leasing deals over a month and also according to evidence you have a decrease on. so the situation on it should have been here, add onto the diplomatic powerhouse and controversal nobel
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peace prize winner henry kissinger has passed away at the age of 100. the german born american shape washington's foreign policy for decades during the cold war and remained a prominent voice on the political scene up until a step or 2 correspondent steps. we need talk me through kissinger's long career. a lot of calls henry kissinger was a cameras not to get controversial, a cabinet to that would be barely a country or continent across the world. how's that beat affected somehow by um, by his role as the architect of us, of foreign policy. now, he's a former harvard university academic, he shot components where he is the national security advisor and secretary of state . i'm the president, richard nixon in general. out for the this was a to motor, was period in world politics. of course it was the heights of the cold war, but he where he, i guess um, made his mouth during the vietnam or controversial of course, a conflict which so
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a to meet in vietnam. he's killed and thousands of young americans were to any human body by to the cause. issues on the t war protest movement on the streets of the united states, and indeed across the world. now, he extended that war, of course, into neighboring come buddha, without the approval of congress. these were neutral countries, and he advocated bombing, anything that moves. now, controversially, perhaps he was awarded the nobel peace prize for bringing about an end to the vietnam war. this was a moment that was mocked by comedian told me later, who said that satire is dead now. moving across to the middle east. he was sent to really to the come david, the codes. this was the 1st piece that was struck between as well. and egypt, the 1st arab nation really to recognize the, the state of israel. now this is a country these 2 companies were, of course, we'll just use
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a game as part of that. kissinger data. also ensure that the us didn't have any kind of diplomatic relations with the palestine liberation organization. most famous, the a gave me lots in america, and central america, kissinger was the, one of the main boxes, very of operation condo. this was whether you select support to all sorts haven regimes and dictatorship, stating that parts of the world origin. tina, for example, with thousands of dissidence and left is disappeared on the day. most famously in chinney, kissinger was bazzi over throw the democratic the elected president. so i would really end day, of course, a self declared monks, as he said, he saw him as opposed to us, interested in tens of thousands. again, the people were massacred under the, the subsequent dictatorship. the regime of o. gusto finished an old dot, under the guise was that of smashing communism. this is what the headline lot.
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exactly. of course, kissinger was really a cold war. worry a that was, that was really his. yes. his stomp on. well, politics of the time you can take a whole range of, of, of countries. you could look into an easier way. he bought the so on to a government in its invasion and occupation of each table. of course, the indonesian army must have good uh, quarter of the median table. these people bought a guy and he kind of didn't guide you this real politics. so going back to 1971, he made a secret trip, a secret visit to china, which really paved away, laid the groundwork for nixon's famous visit the just a few years later on this story of relations between the united states on china. something he commented on, val recently with the rock choosing up of tensions and hostilities between the 2 nations. and he said, well this trajectory must change we call and have 2 superpowers got into. was he favored like a diplomatic resolution to that?
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someone say he also brought industrialization nor speed it up in china as well. absolutely. no. yeah, of course. i mean his legacy is touched every part of the globe. that's not so sure . yeah. and can we talk? yeah, but this part of the world as well, because kissinger had a long history of diplomatic ties and with russia, steve dating back to the cold war here. so cap those efforts at through to the very last year of his long life making some controversial, others would say inciteful statements on the ukraine conflict. yes, of course. now he did say initially that he was absolutely fine with ukraine's membership of the european union. he's to him, this made perfect sense, but what, what he different from the us official policy was that he initially said that it would be a grave mistake for a key of to join a night. so, and he said that russia going back to 2021. he said that russell, well, they did have legitimate concerns over the expansion of nato. and he said that
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these were ignored by washington, but they could have been those security concerns that were raised by a rush. it could have been the ground what full a piece told him that he did, even at one point he was suggesting that uh ukraine should see some type of entry uh to russia. he was talking mainly about crime may have of course, for his efforts. he was then added to this piece make this notorious ukrainian co list as an on to ukranian propagandist. but he said issues with all to that. so i will listen to what you said. there has to be some understanding of it is specially ukraine's. it started relationship with the director in midland. considered as a, that evolution that i have personally argued, or that it would be better for you to become a member of europe than to become a member of nato. that the official position of the united states government,
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that the strong position that the united states government isn't save of nato membership. i personally do that to that view. now of course, he did shift on this slide that he changed it to you earlier this year when he said that ukraine should be allowed to join 90. so he viewed this in terms of the, the covenant conflicts that kind of pressure and criticism over the last time as well. what's in there for saying anything vaguely balanced about the russia at the impact on what was happening there? exactly. and kissinger was uh, as, especially in these last 2 years. he's old, the diplomatic lou as, as crew showing was, you know, he viewed things as, as a senior state. so i'm a senior politician in wheel politic tubs. and he shifted his position from his coal worry, and he said, well, with the rise of countries including india, that the united states and russia should not be opponents. but they should be strategic problem is that say, well each of them uh, i think obviously they have some disagreements on the number of issues,
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a rash as to it. but just to a totally new situation. we have to deal with putting probably said it on a different basis and we did during the cold war because now that many other places like india, for example, a china of and that didn't exactly the same road during the cold war. but i do not believe that the united states and rush of that would be strategic opponents on the country. i think they will be strategic partners. and that's it. next, steve sweeney talking me through that while i also heard from legal on media unless line of who told me the late us state secretary was machiavellian in his approach. and it will be remembered in many different ways. he's being called many things.
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peace may occur a war monger among them. what is your take on where henry kissinger will go down in history? a fascinating usually got war criminal. uh, ladies man, in one unofficial poll years ago, it is reported that a number of playboy bunnies is 72, voted him the man they wanted to date the most. i mean, this guy covers everything. uh, let me just say a couple of things. you gotta ask yourself, do you want a little kid? yeah, kissinger at the man, the diplomat or the american. because everything that he did, i think ultimately was in his mind to benefit america. he was in some respects the ultimate patriot for him then to win the nobel prize piece prize. after cambodia, people are horrified by that. so when you look at him,
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people were saying he was a war criminal and they, but they were talking about years ago, abusing the, the penal shay example as an, as an excuse for either removing immunity. and this was the subject of, of, of right, not just for cases you like other people. and as developments occur around the world, you're going to be hearing more about war crimes word tribunals, itc. that was something that he really made. people look at what he did with the, with the vietnam war, with cambodia is incredible. she didn't care what you said. he was some people say it looks petal kissed up. he. he was rate in my respect, but complicated an evil yes. perhaps maybe mac, you believe? yes, labyrinthine, yes. but there is no body even we know lee, similar or close to what he was and history will look at him. depending upon who
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you are, there is a take that will meet your particular appraisal of all the while henry kissinger century has come to a close, his influence continues to cast a shadow of global politics for more and how he shape than europe international relations. by august, straight and complex and think some wars are t dot com as you cover the western media outlets. so find a new reason to get all frenzied up y'all's they pump speculation that russia is using the is real cause a conflict to aggravate tensions in other parts of the world. ortiz. if you're a isabel dealt into the latest rhonda for many or calling the fake news war, a rinse and repeat a recognizable strategy from the west. well, here we go again as washing to the media points, the finger at russia, claiming putting is hijacking the is for a post,
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i more to feel tensions in the west. the live spread by moscow's digital propagandists now include claims that how much terrorists are using nate, the weapons to attack israel, the evidence, a claim that russia said how moss is using nato weapons. the problem is that the claim actually originated from ukraine in intelligence. who of course, also blamed russia and with concerns raised on western weapons for ukraine could ended up in the wrong hands. even if this were true, ukraine would be a more likely cold for it. other apparent evidence includes the fact that the entire world is focused on israel power side and are paying attention to well, the news in the 7 week since how most fighters attacked israel. russian facebook accounts have posted 44000 times compared to mere 14000 posts in the 7 weeks before the conflict began, according to data compiled by the alliance for secure in democracy. so russians pay
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attention to the news from all around the world. maybe the west should take notes and half of the everyone been talking about israel palestine with waited opinions, not just russia. taking attention off ukraine is only a good thing for russia. the more the western public is focused on israel and him, us, the less they're paying attention to the fact that congress is about to not fund ukraine's war effort. okay, let's be clear here. it's not rush is fault that ukraine is no longer washington's priority. now that israel is at the top of the list for u. s. military funding, but who exactly are the so called a lions for securing democracy? the ac is an advocacy group, chaired and run by former senior us intelligence and state department of specials will previously read a social media censorship projects pushing to shut down the towns accused of being russian bots yet political had no problems, citing them as
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a legitimate source but their actual research failed to provide any examples of misinformation, only non nato approved opinions, they se also put this out. all the en espanol correspondent feel rather, isabel was even move it to real like cooling israel and its support as genocide will sewing capacity and posting videos that she plane show these raise. you are in a thing on palestinian cope's is i've never been a corresponded for our 2 spanish, which kind of shows you the quality of their own research. and the video was not proven to be fake either. but most vitally, my opinions are my own, not reflective of r, t or russia. in fact, moscow has been clear and calling for an end to the violence, the establishment of a palestinian state, and example maddox solution to secure a lasting peace. russia has both jewish and muslim populations and faith its own issues in the region of doug a stand in october with local, stormy, and airport,
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suspecting is really, is, would be present on a plane from tel aviv moscow later. so the incident was a probably cation by a former russian m. p, who fled to ukraine, 52, all these properties were louder cards united through our telegram channel. good morning. thank you. style. the fam, or m p is also a no guess of several d. c. think tags, but there is one thing political actually got right. such digital propaganda can have real world effects, like the false statements for a president biden, who claim to have seen images of the headed is really children, which the white house had to admit. didn't actually happen, the president based his comments about the alleged atrocities on the claims from netanyahu's spokesman and media reports from israel and who to downplay the civilian, just stole in gaza, essentially sighting collateral damage. what did i say to me is i have no notion zip. how soon is it tell me the truth about how many people are killed,
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i'm sure and since have been killed. and it's the price of waging war and mere hours after political publish the article, which of course failed to mention any of joe biden's dubious claims, $3.00 palestinian students were shot in america. and then the parents hate crime. talked about the real world effects of propaganda. the us has imposed a new round of sanctions all around targeting its financial networks which washington the ledges focus groups that come us and hezbollah. something to run the nice ortiz use of july early is in the uranium capital with more. and it seems that it's all about it was support for the resistance and the ongoing israel. how mosque off? but since the us treasury department says it's new sanctions on the wrong target from the companies that quote financed it was the stabilizing regional activities, a support of multiple regional proxy groups including come off, which as a designated
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a terrorist organization by the us and european union as well as hezbollah or fox, as the best target ended work of people and companies based anyone as was in hong kong, pending united arab emirates, which facilitate it, was oil sales and earn the country billions of dollars over assets. quote, the illicit activities ultimately benefits it was ministry of defense, an armed forces, logistics, the all forces, general staff, and these long competition. gord, box pores, what's force, the sanctions blog access, the was property and bank accounts and prevents the targeted people and companies from doing business with americans or facts of the united states remains committed to expose the elements of the around in military and is complicit partners abroad to disrupt this source of funds, you want to, you have to comment on the measure. but since 4 decades ago, the country has been living with sanctions as a new normally fact, even video hawkish, anti you want figures in the was,
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are opposed to america sanctions policy against the wind because they say the restriction, as i've talked, you want to be self sufficient, especially in the military sector, but this last move is a bit different than it as it comes in, in the united states. ongoing military support for as well. and it's war on how us since the start of the complex october 7th. oh, frank has a post several rounds of sanctions on how miles and what it describes as the financial facilitators based in different countries. as part of quotes do. tenuous efforts by the united states to who now come off as sources of revenue in the west bank and gaza, i'd across is that we don't. we cannot tell how the sanctions might affect the course of these. well, how much more with a move easily he reveals that as well. it's not facing an easy enemy in gaza and the war is stuff enough to prom, the us government, to resort to sanctions on the so called access of resistance decided to military support for each route. so right on the pacing you say about this where we leave it
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for now, i'll be back at the top with all the big developments. do hope you can join me then . this is our teachers the the,
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