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tv   News  RT  December 1, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the, the, the, and the grieving in golf does, as is really bombardments returned to the enclave telling at least 170 people according to palestinian authorities. israel says it's ready for the wars next stage. as the idea of the accused. it's a most of violating the week long spruce, as bombs rained down on dog at his minutes after the agreement is expired. and somalia things russia for its 1st delivery of 25000 tons of free grain saying the assistance has arrived at
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a crucial moment. the live from the resident capital, i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international. recovering the top new stories from around the world of layers are lighting up the guys. the skyline, as the israelite defends forces around pop hostilities. the southern city of con eunice and jamalia. a refugee camp in the north have both reported. they come under shell like the idea of released footage of the air strikes to the army says it is targeting him, us infrastructure and putting underground sites and operational command center. and the military compound suspected of launching anti tank missiles few areas in gaza. our say from the assault as is really showing hits both north and south regions. attacks have intensified in northern bait, her noon and jamalia as well as rafa. and con eunice in the south for many palestinians have attempted to flee the violence
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the in shock and filled with anger relative. it's more on their loved ones as all a hospital and gaza city is really strikes, killed 170 people this friday, including street journalists. according to the palestinian health ministry. local was rushed to help the injured, buried under the rubble from an idea attack on a roof of building emergency services are overloaded all over southern gaza. well, many are hope to be rescued alive. the gruesome reality of those killed are seen under the debris. the multiple children were among those injured in the latest attack. they're now being treated as an aster. medical complex locals were called the terrifying moment of the strain. the we were at home to listen to the news when the bowman started home was destroyed. this is the 2nd time we've lost our house to bowman. this is the nature of these. were they
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all mean? what more can i say? i was asleep when i heard the sound of folding stones. after that i heard my students voices. then i heard people starting to dig the head comfortable us out. we were sleeping at home. i don't know what happened to my sons and daughters. i rushed out into the street without even putting on my clothes, the entire area where we live has been completely wiped out. after 7 days, all throughs and gaza. media says we didn't get to manage to extend this very human say, and ceasefire since early morning, 7, the ones, the twos. i the start of the information from the north and the south in the middle of the evening. and most of the far away from the hospital from spain, most of the hospitals here through air strikes,
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explosions was very low. and we have seen the smoke house with it was across the gaza. so they're working now and they activating the emergency plan. now we start hearing again, is there any drones? we start seeing thousands of casualties arriving to the emergency section. thousands, hundreds of injuries arriving to the hospitals right here to the hospitals, across the gauze and the north. in the south. we were across the street. it's very nice to say to mention that there is thousands of people should start using 5 a mazda hoffman. their buildings are some steps and they say in a very difficult situation, especially winter is very close. meanwhile, is really as well says 136 hostages are still being held by hamas,
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including 17 women and 2 children. 5 hostages died while in captivity, according to the idea of spokesperson, who says the army had to ramp up the offensive. that'll see this, your book of these royal defense forces has, was you fighting in the goal is a strict interest and is prepared for the next stages of the war. the mass violated the truce by not implementing the plan. so the release of the, of the teeth and by firing rockets into the territory of the state of israel, i must say we attacked over 200 targets and a precise attack based on quality intelligence from the land and sea. and the goal is to strip along its length and breadth of to him, even though we attacked and destroyed him. us targets the most terrorists found inside terrorist headquarters areas with explosives, tunnels, launch sites, and real kids. values that i'm, i know on the last day of the stays fire, 30 palestinians were released from is rarely prisons are 2, spoke to the oldest woman released as part of the swap deal. she told us for
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a story, a denise cumming, you someone you on august 8th is riley soldier, storing my house, destroyed everything and confiscated my car. they beat up my youngest son and arrested him. they didn't arrest me at that time. on september 4th, when i was sleeping, they broke and again, all my sons had been arrested by the time i woke up to see these rarely soldiers above my head. they took me under arrest. i was sick that day, but they never cared about it. they also didn't care though my grandchildren were there. they cost my hands and took me to jail. there was no invitation. they told me i should get a lawyer in for prison. they beat me up and i later they contacted my lawyer. the next day they transferred me to demo prison where i was held for one month and 3 days before the 7th of october. sophie
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had coverage as of october before october, 7th, and prison. one would have no rights. we wouldn't be allowed to see family and we have to ask for permission for every action, including eating and sleeping. at any moment it could be taken for interrogation, in case or sick. they would only give you one tablet of part of system on the console. after the mass attack, the situation became far worse. they took everything from us, including our clothes, bed covers, radio cooking device, even the food that we bought with their own money. the bad is from buying anything from the can seen. even the drinking water was confiscated, we had to drink from the toilet tops and were allowed to take a shower once in 2 weeks. they were torturing us. all the new girls brought to the prison were forced to take the humiliating naked inspection. they were abused and threatened with rates and when we were beat to not dropped and sometimes they fly
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to your gas and us. some of my domains sold at some point that they will die now in waterloo, and again, a still so new prisoners would tell us about the resistance actions and directions . they said we might be released soon, that humans of the resistance was giving us hope and joy as these really torches, where scaling up. we understood that the resistance was hitting them hard. unfortunately, until the moment we were released, they were humiliating us. the international risk, pressing workers for on the bus with us after our release. so how bad we had suffered and how stopped we were to the scenes of the gaza. destruction gave us much pain. our only happiness was to see that the resistance wants cold. the owner of useless rockets has stood against the all me there was believe to be deceitful. we're not going to know how to say yeah, name is not many. let's see, doctors, it is we didn't expect that the resistance is so powerful and we would be able to release
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a so soon i didn't know i was going home until the moment the buses arrived and the college came to the yard. so they told us they didn't want to hear any joy from us for those who would be released when i was the last one to be cold. they told me to take my hands of the sound or then cost me and said i would be freed up other than as of july. and unfortunately, the world has only now started to realize what palestine and his issues are. it's only now that they have gotten an understanding of the terrible conditions we're letting on to any people in the world, existing auto renew, occupation have the right to resist those stating the land. we have the right to resist. and this is some of us resist with words. some are supporting our cause, and some are like a resistance groups and gaza like custom. other groups who resist with weapons.
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there is someone to be called a terrorist. then it has to be the occupation forces their own histories for the crimes of killing each other to push people to emigrate to palestine, former israeli prime minister, golden. why herself kind of test that before the war, she was a palestinian. this is clear evidence of protest on his for palestinians, and pa, this time can not be divided. it is our a ride to resist. i'm bring our land back. we are not to have a risk. if not, we will continue our resistance. torre last breath and spend everything to release prisoners and free our quotes and our holy places. all free people around the world had exposed ease, row, and the ease riley fates have become key. for now, for some positive developments in africa, the russian partnership with 25000 tons of grain has arrived in the symbolic
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capital, mogadishu, russia's ambassador to the country visited the c port for the official handed over uh, the grandest, smallest interior minister. the cargo is part of the humanitarian aid package following this months, flooding in the east african country, which has killed more than 100 people. and the displaced over amelia in moscow says the 2nd batch of grain will be sent to somalia. before the end of the year, somalia expressed in gratitude for the assistant saying it will help thousands of its citizens in their time of need. we are thankful for the delivery of 25000 tons of grain which will greatly benefit the thousands of some other people texted by the car and slots resulting from el nino. this assistance arrives at a crucial moment and once more would come on board show for it, substantial support and labor and commitment to helping some all the overcome this challenge and period us and as more grain is expected to arrive to several other african countries likes in bob blay,
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we spoke to journalist keith baptist from zimbabwe. timothy you'll be as a local journalist from nigeria and archie correspondent and oliver you to day on africa's continuing food security issues. the west to double standards on the matter in russia's fulfillment of its promises. since above, we, like many of the african nations foot secuity remains of pressing concern, a combination of factors including political instability, climate change, and a global foot crisis, has left 1000000 fund or both to hung up. but in july 2023, russia place to the next, 50000 tons of green to peace of the 6 african countries, including zimbabwe. this move comes as a response to the global food crisis. a call which many as in bob wins across the country, have work them with open arms on other significant gain change so that the russia africa summit addressed is the issue of what security is involved with. in particular, the severe shortage of federalized due to the global supply chain of disruptions and rising costs,
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many farm husbands and bob we were unable to access the fed lies that they need to produce efficient meals. but there was, and there is now a renewed sense of hope after the news that russia has sent and delivered 25000 tons of weeks to somalia. and bob wins are now waiting in the hopes that the french lies in green will increase the landlord country before the planting season spots the more by russia to deliver free grain and fertilizer is a testament of the countries unwavering support of the african country. that dates back to the 1970s. what can you tell us about this deal is how much grain does west have time to send to africa. as soon as signature, russia has indeed fulfilled his promises and has already begun delivering the green check for the 2 countries. that as the problem is the vice president, florida. me put you in the model. yeah. and put, you know, false. so at the 1st cute after 2 countries to benefit from the donation is that
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the 1st time ships carrying $25000.00 times each ship bound for somebody and 15 as possible. i've already touched on on the african continent. and since the stock to assist me in a way too small of drivers, because it was said to be asked to be in the, of november the beginning of december. now the whole no fast, because the one of those beach is most vulnerable to climate change because this is a great move that is seen as one that could help and live the, to the situation for many of these african countries. because it's for the put time um this yeah, somalia was pushed just to do top of the international rescue coming to the emergency watch listed as a devastating drought. coupled with the effects of the 3 decades of conflict and created a catastrophic food crisis on that day. in the off the continents 10 months before president put to the made this decision. somalia found itself was in the midst of it but,
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but couldn't dig to failed to rainy season. and by mid 2023. this. yeah. over a 1000000 people, which is really off of the population with live being through crisis levels of, of food, you security as a country. let's face things and impending simons and well discussions what take you places at all to be blacks. the green deal grand forms a very important part of the component of africa and express the somalia is rectitude. as we have heard that the minister of international i mean information culture and towards them alongside the minutes talking to me. i was acknowledge the russian government and president, but i, to me a push it would be a sub porch saying that to this donation, you said it is the largest they've recently received so cases that's a russian government, a deep understanding of the prices. so monday's basic because as well, no, not having enough re brings the of the rates of was tongue,
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died politically submitted to you in places like somalia, olivia, thank you, let's cross over to timothy and now some of the african states security. what was an integral issue and the fail greenville negotiations between kevin mosca? just how significant then all these russian grand shipments when it comes to type play this immense problem. now it's $200000.00 tons of brain. scott is what russia search be was going to sign some operator by uh, brushing price implied me, put in dar in the rush hour because somebody sometime in july and out and there are 6 topic on base on that you must go said are the most in need of these green is that will be received into brains on we understand from the a rush, just ricardo minister that, you know, walgreens are on the way to these african countries including reach are, as in bob way, bali and the central african republic. now this is happening october for our shop
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called out of, you know, the blacks, the green deals that was brought broker. i try to keep it in 2022. the idea behind the deal is to enable ukraine to exports. uh, you know, great pains to market around the world, including to african countries, up to 4 countries and band. but then along the way, russia actually use the western countries. i'm continuing to make it difficult for them to explore fluid and fertilize a despite russia gc to their own. and um, bargain products. and they go to paradoxical picture, emerges on the one hand western countries are obstructing the supply of all green and fertilizers. and on the other hand, i will say frankly, there are people critically blaming as for the current crisis situation in the global food market. the surprise was especially clearly demonstrated during the
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implementation of the so called green deal. and i believe allowed me put in a garage here to deliver a these, um, uh, shipment for you guys raised to africa only goes to show it was that last year is i'm trying to strengthen its bond with the continent. and this comes at a time when there was a glowing on west sentiments, inter continental speaking up against, on the west, on pain. so i have been staying in the african continent. so this is, it just goes to show that russia is trying to pull itself as some, you know, dependable upon these fabric of nations. and yes, these greens will go a long way to be able to address someone big issues around for the security in africa as well. i'm president nicholas madura said truck is, does not recognize the international court of justice is jurisdiction. and is this the as to keep all regions borders should be decided and the quote sovereign way? well,
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that's after the i c j award krokus to refrain from action on the territory disputed by venezuela and to be on us as venezuelans prepare for a referendum on the territory on sunday the court and did not specifically band venezuela from holding the referendum as deanna had requested the vote calls into question in 1899 decision by an arbitration tribunal that fixed the borders of the former colony of both britain and the netherlands. the oil rich, as the keyboard region has been gearing up in crude exploration since 2015 working with companies such as us oil giant exxon mobile. a significant new discovery found an estimated resource of 10000000000 barrels. a co director of the midwestern marks institute know a credit you back and haiti, liberty editor of him. i would say this dispute stems from british colonial rule and has transformed into a quest for profit by western oil giants. the new dionte is government. this
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is totally us lackey. and this is not to be surprising. this area has always been in contention and especially now since the vast mineral wealth of the keyboard has been discovered, oil, natural gas, cobalt goals, etc. uh. this is really up to the game of the us in particular through exxon mobil, which is a angling to get its hands on all but well then we on us, has unilaterally unilateral in this area is in dispute. as i say for, for over a century. they've unilaterally started to give it to, to give licenses to x on mobile and perhaps other oil companies. and this is where been,
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as well as starting to see this has gone too far. we have to remember the all the stems from the british of players colonies in south america. do the sons of liberty in the us continually to the proverbial curve in the 18th century. the british for intends on forming a new colonial section south of the in order to maintain dominance in the region. that's where bruce p. r a even comes from in the 1st slips known 18 for. ready unilaterally annex is the entire region in question, the oil cartels into it. so many excuses and a couch, what they're doing, and sell prices legalese. but the bottom line is always, always the bottom line, so to speak. but it's deeper than you even think. if we look at who's pushing this with indiana, is that some low impact on mobile employees. and we look at paying the legal fees for the honors legal though. right now, again, is exxon mobile and that's on mobile, doesn't care about some realty, right?
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all right, excellent. mobile cares about prophets. the us and u. k. military contractors created a sweeping plan for global censorship in 2018. that's according to documents. so whistleblower has recently made public. they expose a censorship industrial complex that allegedly emerged following breaks and trumps election ortiz, my shock has the detail freedom of thought and speech are cornerstones of western society or so we're told about how much impulse been through government agencies really have in shaping public narrative and you leave the so called city i l files shows reality behind the scenes. i'm like the twits of files which detail mostly defensive activity, like censorship and the amplification. the cta files show members instructed in a wide array of offensive operations including infiltration creation of site
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persona is use of the phones, one more. the seats, the aisle or cyber threat intelligence league is a supposedly volunteer group with no government affiliations who fight against on line misinformation. but it turns out that's far from the truth. a whistle blower has expose the scale of collusion between the group and us and u. k government agencies that goes back years, a large strove of new documents including strategist documents, training videos, presentations and internal mask that just reveal that in 2019 us. and you can military unintelligence contract or a sled by a form or your k defense research or sorry jamie develop the sweeping censorship framework. this contract or as cool web s t i l, which partnered with c. i s a in the spring of 2020. not only were multiple us security agencies involved in shaping the work of the city aisle,
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even attending weekly meetings the was the blower also reveals that as many as 20 of the books members directly worked for the f b i or the cyber security and infrastructure security agencies or c, i s a s d i else ultimate goal was to become part of the federal government in our weekly meetings. they made it clear that they were building these organizations within the federal government. and if you build this 1st iteration, we could secure a job for you. so while officials from these agencies preached about protecting the 1st amendment, the group engaging covered activities to influence public opinion and sense or inconvenience narratives on social media. and with the co, with 19th and demick of 2020 c. i a say director of chris crab. even raise the city aisle, predicted a fruitful future relationship. malicious actors are trying to take advantage of
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coven 19 through targeted cyber attacks on businesses, governments, and individuals. see i as a government as working with partners to stop this through efforts like the newly established coven 19 cyber threat intelligence lead. it's no wonder the c, i a say claim to 2020 presidential elections, was the most secure in american history. but mainstream media will still have you believe the city i league was just a group of volunteer experts in cyber security. looking out for the nation. articles about the group were published on bloomberg and the washington post and the city i lead members discuss weather actions. the potentially violated the 1st amendment, they did not the easiest ones that if we get away with it, it's legal and there were no 1st amendment concerns because we have a public private partnership. that's the one they used to these guys, those concerns. private people can do things public service can do,
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and public service can provide the leadership and coordination. these latest mix paint a vivid image of the was n, u k. government's highly coordinated and we find efforts to develop social media censorship programs. but it seems if those actions push the desired narrative and protect the right interest, any tactics become fair game. sunstone a political analyst and filmmaker says do as censorship goes beyond countering this information, it silences alternative points of view. it is becoming more, more clear how government the us government has been involved in trying to control what they call, you know, is information. but it's much more nefarious then simply saying we are trying to create a narrative to counter another narrative issuing statements, for example, right? is one thing, if the, if, if you have a writer who says that i'm going to write an article to,
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to disagree with your point, right? that's one thing. what's concerning about what's going on here is this idea of literally censoring conversation, literally censoring what's called you know, what they label as this information. and so it's a very different concept. it's one thing to make an argument. if you make an argument and i disagree with you, then you know i can, i can state my why my argument, i think is stronger and i can give you my points. but if i just sense or your statement and treat you as though you don't, you don't exist. right? or i tried to negate your statement by claiming it's this information. it's, this is a weapon ization, right? this is essentially what the nice thing um the, the ability for fries be a to, to, to communicate in
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a free society. it's well the nice thing and speech the global consulting powerhouse mckenzie and company has taken on the african climate agenda . it's growing influence on the content as policy is, has been exposed in leagues documents from anonymous sources. mackenzie's deepening foothold on africa's climate agenda is during up concerns, especially following the role and opinion clement summit in september. as according to the lead documents of firms close size with sustainable energy companies, allows it to push carpet markets on the continents african government sources comply and the consulting group doesn't approach climate issues from the position of the country. we spoke with rita in a high ceo of april barter, who said africa needs a local specialist to deal with these challenges. not for one. yeah, one of the leading, you know, consulting agency that before, and it's no wonder why. so niger applicant governments, um, from caveat to be all of the governments go to them. breast slow comes out soon, right?
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because the government is going through them to do design programs to design concepts and how we respond to the changing playmates. right. the if you sent me another influence on how advocates respondents assignment, despite the fact that you did not have this kind of information on regarding information and how climate change is affected after you can. so we need to look over the local, some solutions to local problems. we need to give local talents. we need to lovely can local understanding the code in order to address, you know, kind may change and ask because, and also because you know, for the free tens rides, the operations, the processes of organizations like my teams, it is not transparent enough for us to even trust the process, so i think that these are the major challenges easily and um i think im domains leveraging on mckenzie to need our response to climate change. us. all right, just stay with us up next on going on the ground. how the west moral high ground has collapse,
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efforts back in of israel's and mass killings in dasa. bye for now the, [000:00:00;00] the i'm action or 10 say welcome back to going underground. broadcasting will around the world from golf 28 host do by the week of the raise national day, celebrating the unification of the amber. it's and the fight for independence from britain, with costing a shadow over the u. a is called the 28 sentra world attention, and likewise saudi arabia for this week being awarded


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