tv Direct Impact RT December 2, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EST
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impact the so here's what i want to start with when the moment finally arrived at the brick summit. right, announcing that it would admit iran and saudi arabia and egypt and argentina, ethiopia, and the united arab emirates. few around the world were really surprised. at least not in the astute geo political route. we have decided to invite the teen republic the outer up republic of egypt. the fed, the democratic republic of if your po, the, is law, make republic of theatre on the kingdom of saudi arabia. and the united arab emirates is a,
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for most of the world. this is no longer news because it was expected. do you know what the real news is going to be? i'm gonna tell you the well news is going to be what happens next. as there's already talk of the future of breaks or breaks that could incorporate 2030 something or even saying some 40 countries into there are future summits. i ask yourself home one of them action. but nowadays, it would be show many countries competing for an invitation to the breaks meeting. think about that, an organization that began with brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa join forces to try and balance western dominance. and now some believe that in the not so distant future, right breaks could be as powerful or maybe even more. so then the g 7 or nato even of what is most interesting is it?
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well, all of this is going on and the. busy world is recognizing bricks and sees it as an essential group. in the united states, they hardly even know what it is here in america. most people don't even know anything about preexisting. if it doesn't even exist, most americans have never even heard of bricks. and if they have heard of bricks, they probably think it's a factory somewhere that makes concrete blocks or something. it's like, it may be, by the way, that because of that, i don't know what else to call it, but a mirror and so on. our part, briggs could sunday, compete or even surpassed the rest of the world when it comes to the global economy, and perhaps even the military round. it's argued that the as the west sleeves through this briggs will continue to expand into a more powerful force, advancing and technology as we see within the a for example,
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and an artificial intelligence where it's clear that we in the united states have a lot to catch up to with china for example, we're in china right now as we speak the. busy a 9 year olds that are already learning how to program computers using a i did or 2 of you, you me, you know, but i, you, me a, but this and bill it is up to measure. but if you are associated for i thought i would get, he was able to make sure to let you know. so what we're controlling it is the door to door over x. but the important had that's it from you guys for from the 1st day we'll see what is the, what's it wouldn't be 72 percent to the point at which bricks could cause the most damage to the united states though is when it comes to currency and there is no doubt that that day is nearing, right? in fact, the movement towards a bricks,
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currency has gained even more momentum and more speed and the last 12 months. why? well, let me take you through this. a lot of people are saying and believe it's because of the war and ukraine. how are they connected? well, here you see, even before the war, there were a lot of countries all over the world that are already concluded. that western countries, especially the united states, which is using economic war like tactics against them until people that us sanction fever is brazen and aggressive attempts to force others on how to behave, deprived them with this over to you and force them into submission. you put you need, there is nothing unusual about dogs. you which know that with them, you know, this policy has been used by the westport decades there is little doubt that our politicians message of superior already. and of almost at least the way it's taken as belittling and or sanctioning. any country that disagrees with
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them has manifested itself in as, as, as really the true origin of a brakes right. lot. how strong the reason. but in the case of ukraine, it reached an unprecedented level. why? there are 3 types of reactions from countries all over the world to the situation in your grand right. and let me take you through those. are those who blame russia and say there are fault. there are those who believe nato and the united states are responsible for bulking the situation and making it happen. and then there are, those are just, you know, don't care. they're just, they're there. they're neither on one side or the other. but when the united states rose wash those assets and accounts and impose sanctions on their exports and tried to deny a lot of countries the right to establish or maintain relations with russia. opposite of what the united states expected actually happens. so feeling we economic threat and thinking that, hey, if they can do it to russia,
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maybe they can do it to us to a lot of countries including china, india, and uh, and many of the african nations. they grew closer to russia not farther away during the crisis, and at the same time, they're also growing closer to brakes. and joining us now all the way from johannesburg is coffee colacho. he is a, a analyst who specializes in both africa and china to say that those are 2 hop zones would be an understatement. thank you so much for joining us, sir. thanks for having me, rick. i am really surprised, i must admit, by the popularity of brooks. it's almost like country see it as getting a score in a world cup ticket or a ticket of a super bowl. why does suddenly everybody want in?
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well, rick, this is really simple. you have the status cool. and then you have something that's hot slick chilly salsa. you know, everybody's looking at finding a different way to taste a new world, which many people call in emerging worlds. and what it is, is it's sort of the, the opposite of what's called a non western world, and that excites people at $22.00 point, very, to baffle drivers. first is the jewel politics. and 2nd is that you can ox interesting. you're in africa. so i want to start with africa. let's talk about africa. let's talk about why it is it suddenly, africa seems to be more interested in a lining itself with non western unions. why been africans have so much trouble with the former colonizers? mainly the west anglo saxon world, which is really, you know,
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kept it unders boots for so many centuries. and it should have snapping its, sucking it out, sucking everything that's possible, especially resources, natural resources, and africans are not getting anything out of it. if you've been following what's going on in the chair? what cannot. plus when modeling in central african republic, africa is about natural resources, and there is a set up a set up, an emerging what's called a resource nationalist people and say, hey, o, resources must benefit us 1st before benefiting anybody else. and everybody's feeling that as split but, but if, but if the, if countries in africa and by the way, in latin america and other places that have all also been under the boot, as you say, to steal your words and feel that way. what, what one can't help but wonder if they still shouldn't go with the best available sooner. and if that sooner happens to be, you know, the u. k or the united states and the united states. and you can't complain and say,
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i know we did a horrible things in your country and then you're confident in the past. but, you know, let's just let bygones be bygones and let's, let's look toward the future. could they, could they still muster some kind of appeal if they did that, or is the problem that they don't do that? well, they're not doing it. and one of the things that's exciting is in fact uppercase, having a contrarian word of looking at what's called you know, dealing with the devil. you know, the one you don't know. and they're saying we taking a different way. we can a try to help trying to do moves to find something else. we want different choices . we want to experiment, then let that experiment that lets us try something new, alternative partnership with russia, china, any other countries that are showing that even turkey? and i think that's what it's not just, it's exciting, but the ability to have the agency that choice to try something new. it's really
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raising up the hope of africans. when you say, try something new, you mean, don't look necessarily toward the west, right. look to india, look to china, look to around, look, a saudi arabia, look to russia and look to these countries who in the past have not been the bell of the boss. right. and we would hope african would hope that something will be different there, as a chinese quoted when we, you know, but we also a very cautious for study 8 going to be when, when, but wait a minute. when these people become so powerful, we may not have that. we may have the same old stuff coming from the section, but still list right. or yeah, yeah, that's not to say that china is not going to lend you a lot of money. and then at the end, squeeze you with interest rates that you can handle just like western countries have done to a lot of developing countries as well. but we'll leave that for the future. let me ask you this. so i'm wondering, i've been watching how briggs has become unbelievably attractive to most
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countries, especially like within the last year and a half. and it just so happens that in that same year and a half, we've been watching, what's going on in ukraine, where the united states, as really, to use your term again, put the boot on russia. i mean, done, things that, you know, from an economic standpoint almost seems more like i can help. but one, by the way, countries in africa and around the world have a line themselves with russia. some argue because of that. so emotional wondering then if those same countries who've aligned themselves with russia, because they've seen the victimization, or what they perceived as the victimization, abrupt russia on the part of the west, are also now say, you know what? and to boat, we're going to joint brit. yes indeed. in fact the ukraine price is a product a lot, especially the reaction to the ukraine prices from the g 7. a sent a shiver into people's funding. so my goodness, if we dealing with this people, they're going to grab of money. they call it freezing assets, but we'll notice the soul and assets, you know,
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freezing more than $380000000000.00 of russian money. the chinese are watching bill . so under assumption. and then other good to you, right? and you know, the list goes on and on and say, well, do we have a choice, you what kind of different choices and opportunities we're going to have. and that being said, we've seen that the bricks meeting the bridge summit because it brings people of an eclectic nature. you don't have to bow to a sort of model. the sick for one more money, union latrell, person or group or country. they said we have an opportunity, you have a choice, look at it. and the bridge side is overshadowed. the prices in ukraine even getting back. now people are struggling to figure out because a brick stomach was so powerful, both a narrative and a new countries are coming and people it is this traveling to even describe with the old analysis. what kind of countries that is they don't get together, nothing really clicks, right? that is a challenge of tomorrow. you know,
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there's another example on the horizon that i can think of and being from latin america. as you know, i've always looked at the world through the perception of what has happened historically and latin america and, and there's been a lot of horrible things that have happened a lot about it because you know, in columbia and, and pat them on something. i mean go and um, you know, really even more recently some of the things that have happened in venezuela, you don't live or nor dislike chavez and venezuela. and we couldn't have arguments about whether it's a good government or they made mistakes. one thing is for sure when the united states goes in there and freezes, but as well as assets in the u. k, no less. and then shuts down their main corporation sitko. you can't help but ask yourself even if you hate venezuela, do we have a right to do this to somebody? it's right. it's right, and that kind of the pain is felt across the globe now and today it's easier. so we have shows like yours that are now sending out the narrative,
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the truth about what's happening around the world. and people are not buying to it . the media and set as being one of the most important driving forces in the image . the new image of the bridge, and i have yet to see a show that really looks at the brits and the media google me. yes, it has to be reported and was seen for example, that western media mentioned media habits. i mean, having watching the problem is the financial times the past 2 weeks of buying them to where is the cover. thank you, coffee. it don't go away. i have more questions for you. so by the way, i wanna continue this conversation with you as well, cuz we can have this conversation on twitter where you can reach me at rick sanchez tv. that's rick sanchez, tv. okay. when we come back. so what is the us media saying about breakfast particular cnn? yeah, it's always fun to check and see what my old colleague's over there are up to stay
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right there will be right back. the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present? it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground can the, [000:00:00;00]
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a little surprised when i saw this headline that seemed to give china some credit for the expansion of bricks. i mean a, here's the headline right here. i'll read it to you. bricks, expansion is a big win for china is cnn. but then at the same time, they ask in the same settings, will china. but can it really work as a counterweight to the west? and so implying they don't think that china is going to have the ability to muster the right competition against the united states. it's fascinating. edward joined once again by a coffee colacho. he is a special analyst on china and africa, who knows all things brakes as attended and is very familiar with the organization . he's joining us from johannesburg. uh, you mentioned something about the unique position that israel lately finds itself in. i ventured to think that what they're doing is playing both sides of the fence
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. is that what you were referring to or what do you think the role is? yes, i mean, i must say, i've been doing some research and touching base. i mean, i can give you my sources, but israel has been doing an incredible balancing exercise to try to figure out how this works, both to the united states and it would china. and that, that has tremendous jobs, especially under that. and you know, was visiting china already red carpets there and they've given tons of business. the chinese, the chinese are managing, i think 2 ports up in israel. i think the port of high fos. and then another one i forgot the name. and not only that, also doing business directly with tech to companies in china and tech companies also in each room. and this kind of very quiet opportunity that's really under the read hasn't been talked about much for many people. in fact, um, one of the that's it is of china was from did in his office when he arrived about
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a week or a month. and there were some kind of speculation, but we didn't know what happened. but in any case, what is important to these ro, quietly is developing some relationship with, with the, with china and you know, the relationship variable relationship between the jews of israel. and then of course china, they're using china and unbelievable story to know. i think it's still developing and how big can break scat? do you think? i mean, you've heard you probably read the same stories that i've been reading lately. people are saying it's gonna go to 20. maybe go to 30, could even go to 40. 0 hey, are we talking about, i mean, i imagine more countries in latin america and more countries in africa. what else believes? yes. i think he's tried to use it every with you. more countries in africa because africa, the chinese have made it clear, is the future as well as the french say, the same thing. but the chinese have little bit more serious. they have a 50 year plan and they're looking at 2049 as you know, the key dates,
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the time horizon, whether i think the communist party comes somewhere around a 100 years or something of that sort. but any case, what is important on the bridge is going to go already. so right. i according to the numbers i have 56 trillion. i mean in d b, that's huge. i mean, it goes beyond the 13 know, 14 safety training in the united states. and they're going to keep growing. however, i do say to somebody that multilateralism is not for ccs. right? because the road to multilateralism is going to be rocky rough into some of them. in fact, i can see the bricks potentially in the long run, split into small groups, and this is a kind of world we're going to have. they're going to be big for a while, if the board and i the membership, right? and they have the right criteria to help them get together and focus on what really matches at this stage, it seems like the against the g 7, but they need to refine it
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a little bit more to what and go to what and um is bricks and my, my, my guess i don't want to lead you, but i'm thinking at 1st, if nothing else, it has to all be about currency. it has to be about, uh, what i hear coming out of breaks and what i hear coming out of other groups around the world, which is the concern for the dollar and a push towards the dollar is ation, is that the ultimate goal is going to be one of them, but that's a very small part of it's for sure at this stage, it's not just being against the us dollars. us going to account for the future. the brakes went to get a couple of things. the 1st one is the a b, the idea, but also the ideal of multilateralism. having a poly centers of power, people have agency, but important thing is the monetary suffering. when people can decide why know a 70 using the money,
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the currency that the one people have been using the term local currency, i feel comfortable using the term level. i like the term national currencies, it makes more, it's more reflective. and so that's one thing, but sovereignty in general, economic security, of course, monitors sovereignty in other and let me try and put a. so let me try and put an attitude on what you're saying. i think what i hear you saying is if i were a country, rick sanchez, is a country rick sanchez doesn't think that someone has a right to come and tell me who i can trade with, who i can do business with where i can put my money or where i can put my money and that has been the, if not the fear the reality of what's been going on, is that pretty much what your says the big deal. but i mean, rick flint, all of us have studied economics. so we looked at the markets and relations, which in the country a country beach of trade,
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we want to trade in on money. it doesn't make sense to trade with the 3rd party money. i mean, clearly what in the world is the under the sense of with 1970 to a 70 wants. it's an excellent thing. yeah. but people are not say what i mean. why don't we bring, i mean, the present and the present brazil, rulers asked this question at this. somebody inside africa. why would training with the american dollar was a tough question? well, what, what? well, yeah, well, yeah. interestingly enough, this is a fascinating conversation. i, i love where you're going with this so, so the south africa have its own currency does and it uses it for its purposes. does your no, no, maybe i have its own does. uh, but does you okay, does that does little of the silver? i have the same in brazil, or as i heard little of the silver say when i, when i last heard him speaking, his a assembly in latin american leaders. they're thinking about having a latin american currency and an african courtesy and an eastern pacific grim
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currency, etc. etc, regional currencies. would that work? well, it might work, but it's a bit complicated because what they're looking at as a basket of currencies. so that when they have this basket of currencies, people can trade in those currencies. they don't have to worry about the us dollar with the, the, the, the fits a consistent, you know, treasury raising up interest rate and making it difficult for everybody. let's say, yeah, that's one of the reason they use the term local, but i am more comfortable with national. so if we trade in our money, we don't have to do to get the route to somebody else and giving us a hard time. sanctions, you know, complicated deals. the us have more than $20000.00 sections against countries around the world. this is in say, and it doesn't help you, it because it's killing, go to trade it in and what are the 2 elements are really important with this branch is to say, we want to do global trade with less restriction and less anxious. and the 2nd word,
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we want to keep our sovereignty so that nobody tells us how to be thanks kofi, that really was a fascinating conversation. you're really good at this. so, all right, before we go, i want to remind you of something. it's a mission for us and it's really pretty simple. we want to be silo the world. you know, i mean, everybody's in their separate caps. we've got to stop living in these little boxes . i mean, the truths don't live in boxes. truth is everywhere. that's all we see it. i'm rec, sanchez, and i'll be looking for you again right here where i hope to provide some direct impact the a fun. just goose,
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the the eastern russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best most i'll send send up the, in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia cruising and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say from stephen twist,
12:00 pm
the of a $100.00 palestinians are reportedly killed in a single strike on the job. aliya refugee comes to us as the idea resumed just bombardments of gaza. after we close these fight ended this friday. the wall is about to send you an health ministry says the dest soley garza has the past 15200. df also strikes the south of the enclaves. political journalist brings as the light is on the ground in its vicinity. what i'm out, lots of us, but then how does the gloves fly signs? and it says having stopped pronouncing back and forth. people of scott sitting in the k of not knowing where to go and not knowing where to sleep going where to us. israel withdrawals is negotiating team from tom saying that the folks on another
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