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tv   News  RT  December 3, 2023 1:00am-1:30am EST

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the, the the is really palms reduce us rolling housing complex, so rubble in southern guns, that was the area in jersey multiple strikes since the truth broke down on friday. a local reporter as a medical facilities are in the direct line of fire. there is a fee it amongst the few g, z and loss of hospital. the loss of hospital would be then you uh, ship a hospital the, you know, all distressing images from central gals that were refugee camps of also being struck by the id. uh, without the least 15 people reported they killed overnight. many children are among
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the par as police say, the suspect in a deadly stopping until i can hear the i sold tower on saturday claims. he wasn't motivated by the depth of muslims in the palestinian territories. and up against them. but as the warring downs are rages on protest sweep across europe with follows and showing solidarity with the color of the month thing. and in 2 armed shipments the gaza conflict is yet another place. our german government is supplying weapons to it mustn't happen. even our foreign minister says that she is against the supply weapons, the welcome to the news our in our changing national i,
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you know neil with this sunday under which recap of the stories making headlines across the globe. we begin with the war in gal, said israel, rump soft. it's so fence of few places in the end, tape, remain safe for siblings. a housing complex in the southern city of con, eunice has become the target of multiple rocket attacks. the palms have reduced much if that could tar a funded project to rubble. those as really are a strikes range on, on the neighborhood, a local journalist and seems really hard to imagine while you're at work witnessed her how it's being destroyed while she was reporting life. i mean ahead the and the medina who loves it then be so kind what we other than to be the i n s t n kelly. she was called the get the say on the home
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for palestinian authority say at least 240 people helping kill since the end of a ceasefire on friday. canadian palestinian journalist munster schumann to this how the situation is currently on folding and southern cancer. just a few seconds ago, another air strikes the vicinity off loss of hospitals. here and fun. eunice there is um, how do you and his last night didn't sleep. the, the uh, the, the war ships in the c kept hitting it about a june kind eunice tanks kept trying to advance from the east and ad strikes, having stopped hitting since, since the last 48 hours. and as you can hear, as well as the above ingle, despite drones, has not stopped. there is a fee it amongst the refugees here and also the hospital,
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the loss of hospital the wouldn't be the new uh ship a hospital would be the new ship falls with them. uh and uh, yeah, the strikes are in stopping and it has a little bit to 10. so right now and people around us are very anxious about the situation. and balances have been working at all the clock and honestly casualties until now on noon. but every few minutes, we can see a new dead body being carried into the mode and then out of the motor to the cemetery. when the latest attacks also hit the cherry trees, largest city, and generally a refugee camp in the north, while in central accounts that the city of darrow bella has come under, severe selling to with the idea of strikes reportedly killing at least 15 people in the new serat encompass the,
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the cries of children and parents in despair selling the car door. so locks a hospital. the facility has been receiving patients from all across the central gallons, a large number of the wounded. our miners. c while the northern goes and more than a 100 or less than eons, were reportedly killed in a single strike on the jump out of the refuge account. residential buildings, flattened and volunteers are desperately searching for survivors under the rubble. it comes as israel safe. it's launching all our top ration is against come us, end of eliminating the military because it actually doesn't seem to show in order for us to win the sacred war and bring back all our hostages and destroy him us and make sure guys and never poses a threat to israel, you know, there must be no element that teaches its kids to terrorize that supports and funds
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. so are the zip codes for the destruction of israel? power forces had been trained for these during the ceasefire, and it's to achieve a full victory over from us. and the entire neighborhood in kansas city was left essentially destroyed, buying. this really are a strike to emergency services are assisting through the rubble, hoping to rescue the injured in time. your system know both the scribe, the attacks. my children were heading back to collect their belongings, who had been displaced in the morning and they had forgotten some things. so they went back, my son was struck there and the other 3 went to rescue him. but then all 4 of them were bombarded. now me the rest in peace of our bluest suits in peacefully at home . when 3 buildings weigh events went due a few to children and women be having surrendered here. yeah, there is nothing related to resistance in our home. no one year is part of the resistance. i urge bad of countries to reboot. i audition price to the info. cc too
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big auction abuse, a king abdullah of jordan. what or do minds would i have them? do you mind doing the most in word to see what we are going through and the number of deaths and gals that has risen to over 15000 according to the palestinian health ministry. 70 percent of them are women and children, dallas and officials claim the idea of has deliberately targeted 113 medical facilities with the attacks leading to 20 hospitals. going out of service is religious. a number of those signed for being used by from us to launch rockets, accusations, medical officials, deny, but limits the destruction. the senior adviser to these really prime minister explained civilians and gals. being repeatedly informed of where they can find safety and shelter to reject the comments that they're on the safe places. and the goal is to strip precisely because we have specifically designated these places the map. so there people can see where they are and where people can go to these rather as being and they're giving the information to the people of guys are not in one
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way. but in, in numerous ways we drop leaflets. as you know, it's on it's online, through phone calls, as through broadcasts, a radio and television and so forth. so the people of guys, i believe, do know exactly where they need to go to be safe. and we have at the those farming are being sent. but nonetheless, i just would like to reboot that even though older read interaction minute, you know, even if you a drop leaf, let's do the free course. we measures the signal, but relation remains predicted to the hospital remains predicted that some people kind of just move, they don't have any other choice than to stay. some of those uh, mazda stay is when low, but those people, the hospital, the critical infrastructure, needs to be protected. that's why today we saw this by me uh, the number of people, the students, the but you know, uh the guys that shape is a very small area. and for some people it's difficult to move. and some of them to
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just would like to remain in the home as well. so i think it is important that despite the warnings, i don't, i think it's important that you do remind the sense that see the appropriate ation remains predicted. hospital remains protecting irrespective of the measures that can be taken. this remained probably the 12, the what about times the director general of the gals as hospital states is realist putting the most vulnerable at risk essays. palestinian cancer. patients have lost access to essential keyma therapy equipment outing, that the insights only cancer treatment center was forced to close due to israel, blocking fuel and 8 shipments. relatives are sending the alarm as their loved ones suffer. and this is my mother. she's been suffering from gastro intestinal tense. if the 2 years she suffers the specific types of cancer. so she needs special treatment to get these pills. we must get approval from these really occupations.
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she went to to reach them several times to get the treatment. she had some trouble to again, on october the 8th, but so far she has not received it on her condition is deteriorating, the disease is spreading inside her body. she reached the stage where she could neither eat nor drink and that's it. i hope they will get her out of here as soon as possible because of the shelling daughters here at the turkish palestinian friendship hospital country and these patients some the rooms and also the rookie fragments couldn't reach them. it hurts any more money from what it was just mentioned there, the turkish palestinian friendship hospital for cancer patients in jobs that has been severely damaged, biased released by the sites for those being counted long before october 7th as well. uh, since 2007, israel has from vital medical equipment in ports to go. so the director of the hospital stays infrastructure there can no longer provide live saving treatment from the city. it was set to us. we had to forcibly evacuate the turkish bell,
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seen a friendship hospital, which is the only center that treats more than 10000 cancer patients in guys that we simply ran out of fuel to power. the electric generators that control all the operations, not to mention the threats and casualties because of the shelling we had to evacuate to less than just places to the south. for the infrastructure of hospital there can not provide needed treatment to cancer patients. some departments are not ready. there are simply no necessary devices. i mean, mathis. meanwhile, these really prime minister is reportedly trying to whip off more support in his own la crude party meeting with several key figures over the past week to ensure their continued backend. that's as benjamin netanyahu is, ruling party is experiencing a sharp drop in popularity, seemingly, in no small part over its failure to return to old hostages from gal. so ortiz, middle east bureau chief research that has more it's failed to earlier, but to yeah, to everyone is thinking about it and making plans. what will happen to guys and
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when the war is over, what will come, how's the 2 state solution? will these really bombardment of guys a drive out a mass and pay the way to a palestinian state or will hopes for a free palestine be buried under the rubble together with thousands of thousands. it seems these rarely prime minister has already decided what comes next. i am the only one who will preventive palestinian states and goss i am the westbank officer of the war. yes, on yahoo has made no secret of his opposition to a 2 state solution. but this is perhaps the 1st time that these rarely prime minister made his intentions so abundantly clear that experts say there was a very good reason. he knows nothing, you know, knows. but unfortunately, runs over to the easel and they suppose for less the mid state. and the he tries to say, i'm the best thing preventing these brought us the minutes to 8. and you should
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support to me because actually right now on the is very always percent. they don't know if it's 7280, or 90 percent of the people in is the want them to go home to design. so this is the lucky price to, to, to do in order to be popular near his position as completely at odds with washington as a pro 10, just hours after these really prime minister made his statement president by didn't came out and said exactly the opposite. the 2 state solution is the only way to guarantee the long term security of both these really and the police team and people to make sure either alias and police dean and so like leave an equal measure of freedom and dignity. we will not give up on working towards the end goal. so what might possess these rarely governments to end? are they key ally and friend? again, this might just serve the same purpose, even when he speaks english to see it and or bbc or the english
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tongue is they'll do it says he based in detroit freedom. and these 3 dog because he wants to put the key to show of the 2 most best deal. good. any of the time is a sofa. so for the americans and the america, so they keep everybody in the center. so if you want somebody to buy tool for a, you bought the it was the americans. if you want somebody to tell the americans fancy, say thank you for what you're saying. but it decent dot everything. i'm not going to tell me what to do. i have the best best of 2 products and faxed it on. yeah. himself has made no secret of these either. i have known the us presidential bought in for more than 40 years and know how to speak to the american public. well, the burden question today is about what the future holds for guys are and it's people, the chances for palestinian statehood module depends on the relations between israel and america. and what will happen to newton, yahoo!
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when the dust settles, the prime minister's ratings have dropped 10 days. rarely public is demanding to know how the events of the 7th of october it would happen. voices that blamed antonia hopeful miscalculating the danger, grow louder, driven by his defiance over the creation of a palestinian state. these really prime minister has for years only strengthened him as who view israel as an existential frat. it's like a the how i should say the so i think law you'll need, you'll call to us. that's in there for you. is this like, let me put this beautiful mid thieves, but now this slide will not talk to you in the most of the diesel in the paper, it must suck the 3. the new it is the week of the conflict between these. listen on the speaker, and so if you want to present to pull us the this day, uh you should, you should the feet come home bit the way to prevent the instead of being
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an enemy, the fees way was to the speed of the the way more violently, well, we're the con, the so we understand that they understand and they may never forget or forgave. and while, and it's one. yeah, who tries to convince both these rarely public and the countries politically leads that he is the man that is real now needs the do rate is still out marie from ocean on our t. the french police save a suspect in some of these deadly attacking park. this was on the security watch list and had been previously sentence for planning, quote, violent action. the 26 year old french citizen was quickly arrested after he reportedly killed one person and wounded 2 more near the eiffel tower. with more heres power spaced archie contributor, richmond marston of all this went down just after 9 p. m. on saturday night in
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a really super busy tourist area of the downtown core, really close to the actual tower. authorities say that a 26 year old man had done to fight in the french process as small as ad pool from young throughout the allegedly attacked. and killed a tourist with a knife and a hammer. a german citizen of filipino origin was the victim. then he apparently started attacking another couple with a hammer as he fled police. and they would have been on the sea rather quickly, given their ubiquitous presence in this particular journey towards the area of the city. now those 2 victims that were injured, they ended up surviving, but one of them he, he was a, an english tourist. so we have to tour as involved in this incident. police neutralize the suspect by tazer after he tried playing b. i have explosives under my coat card. so who exactly is the legend attacker? well, here's what the french interior minister had to say. couldn't you just so he says
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he was known to do show authorities and had been sentenced to 4 years in prison. in 2016, he had been preparing to take my little actions and was detained in time by the internal intelligence service, which has been monitored in teams since as a person with severe mental problems. so what we know is that the suspect is a frenchman of iranian origin, born in the extremely wealthy suburb of paris called near you, seal, said, and reportedly he now lives with his parents in the southern region suburb of s son . and that's the case ever since a previous and related conviction. he was well known to authorities already having been visited by the french domestic intelligence service, the digit se, whose job these days seems to largely now consist of washing and following these. do you have this like francis? just one big g hoggard do at least until they actually get around to doing something stupid, which this guy did twice now. apparently, back in 2016,
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he was sentenced to 4 years prison. not sure how much actual time he served. usually 1st defense. they don't do much. all that for planning a similar attack with a knife in perez's business district of law. they false, but obviously that particular incident wasn't enough of a deterrence that prison time he did. however much it was because he was back out again, nearly subjected to psychiatric, in neurological treatment. obviously that is totally work for him because he dressed himself up in the universal sign of sanity and anti coated mask, and then recorded and posted a 2 minute online video before this new attack, which happened to be unders by the french press since the attacks occurred and in this video, he pleasure. so we just size this and to a particular caliphate of why levels having been loggins outside of mentors. i do
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half. now, this is a group, it's particularly active in molly, no particular mentioned a palace died or a mazda or does, in that particular video. by the way, he does refer to his support of isis jihadists in all of their zones of operations, which is kind of watching this video. it's like watching an ad for blockbuster video rentals in the age of online streaming, like who even talks about isis anymore. well, here's the french interior minister explaining what the suspect said to police. this is that something he told the police officers had just arrest a team that he simply couldn't stand it any longer. the fact that most names are dying and that's kind of started in palestine. this is what he told the police a few moments after he's arrest. there's a debate happening right now in france, among public officials, over the extent to which jihadist loose cannons like this guy should simply be
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followed around while they run around the country, like toddlers, with sharp objects in this case actually lives back in october, the french government decided that it now wants to expedite expulsion, so deep rotations of known radicalized foreigners, particularly after there was a bunch of other attacks that had taken place on french soil since the events of october 7th in israel and gazda. but the problem is that of the over 5000 potential terrorists currently being surveilled most are french citizens. so not sure where you're going to spell them too, unless it's to some french overseas island territory, many of which are actually pretty nice. so i'm not sure how much of a punishment that would be. there's also the fact that in some cases the attackers are miners, like some of the migrant kids, arrested for killing a or allegedly killing a 16 year old french boy and injuring 8 others at the village hall dance party in south eastern france. just
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a few days ago. so whatever the french government is going to try to do now in order to put the genie back in the bottle, so to speak. and it really does risk being a day late and a euro sort. rachel marston made these really assaults on galilee with home grits, reportedly killed since the truce broke down on friday. europe has wrapped it in renewed protest dollars instead of being on the streets this weekend across the continents biggest cities expressing their condemnation of israel's actions. in par us, protestors let flourish in the colors of the policy and in flight many broad portraits of the us and french president, calling them complicit in. similar accusations were hurled up the government in germany for crowds demanded for the install, sending weapons to israel. and on the right of your screen, that's malone hundreds, march through the streets waving palestinian flags and jumping. so all the protesters united with one message, the blood shed and goes,
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and most of them on the side of the juices, ended in the genocide continues from when this stuff people, when there's no more warranty or function hospitals in together street, it's a genocide when they bomb and destroy houses in schools. it's a genocide, anything that is what we are fighting against. the steps are still occurring on the pal seen inside. many people have lost their lives that has to stop. that's why politicians have to do something to achieve peace and human justice. yeah. yeah. the guys that conflict is yet another place. our german government is supplying weapons to. it mustn't happen. even our foreign minister says that she is against the supply of weapons for peace, bloodshed must stop immediately and every conflict. earlier this week, the right wing leader, sweden 2nd largest political parties, part talked rage after he called for some months in the north country to be destroyed. the vault we need to start confiscating and tearing down mosques were
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anti democratic. anti swedish homophobic anti semitic propaganda for general, this information is being spread. the swedish government was quick to condemn jimmy atkinson for his controversial statement. the leader of the sweden democrats. the party responded that he is, quote, targeting islam is an, an is the missed a level of muslims when it follows a recent series of per run burnings in sweden. that's protests approved by local authorities. the ac spark, furious backlash from muslims across the globe. europe has been seeing a rise of 90 miles immigration sent them it, but populous leader here to builders, the latest figure to win elections in the netherlands. last month we got reaction to the incident in sweden from local, must elected some uncle, not to, or is the bar key, which is the basically the 2nd biggest sparky here in sweden and, and coalition with the routing faulty right now. it's not the 1st time they are, they are making such a statements every time the pushing the lines and trying to,
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to meet them, the same with lennox, logical, ridiculous statements. and so it's for us, as the most of the men over to here is again, we're a flight worried actually we are, we start to, to freak out about these kind of statements. we don't know exactly what we do. uh we trying to to speak also trying to reach out to uh to a political representative. but um, but we uh we were twice in shopping when, when, when a government spray retreat. um, i mean they are good thoughts of the doors leading to each of which established a government unit. so sweet is making such as statements and they're trying to, uh uh, to push this on to make a slight, to here, to be honest. i want to explain this, but what,
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what do you mean by making these statements is this is not only a making us or making the mental to feeling secure, but also damaging sweetie. and uh, i mean, around the world suite is very sweet and interesting around the world. so i don't think no one is doing a from such statements. and finally, this news, our fluid brake has flared up across several chinese provinces, mostly affecting children with the alarming news coming on. the 4th of the grocery of a cobit 19 pace being 1st reported. the country's national health commission has been quick to the night, claims that a new pun, demik is coming. will continue to insults, according to monitoring results. the current stock you to aspire to diseases are all caused by known pathogens. they already have tested treatment methods known you infectious diseases, caused by unknown viruses or but tyria having identified she or our colleagues at the beijing base c g t, n. use network sent us this report on the rising number of influenza cases across
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china. the traffic in front of these 2 children's hospitals and aging is much busier than normal. watching parents rushing in crowds with truly caring childrens of all ages is hard ranging. since october, 2023 influenza and michael plasma pneumonia infections in china have gradually intensified regions have seen an increase in the number of patients in hospital emergency departments, particularly with respiratory infections and lawn children. the pediatric outpatient volume in beijing has been operating at a high level for over a month to my child's task resolves to show pulse. to same bos mycoplasma pneumonia an inc, friends that a, i think her eunice as much as the re some previous years. i can with her dad is now like not,
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but in hospital he told us there was 2 more 200 patients before was according to the drawing, prevention and control mechanism. upstate council, it is expected that influenza will rich a nation wide peak during the winter and spring seasons, and michael plasma pneumonia infections will continue to be high in some areas in the near future. experts explain the children are susceptible to michael plasma for a period of roughly 3 to 5 years. for adults is twice as long as that is home and being turned all the way onto. however, from a clinical perspective now there's no significant difference between this disease and the michael plasma pneumonia we have seen before. the severity of the illness also shows no particular changes compared to the past treatment. it follows conventional methods and the vast majority are effective in that general diet. experts say the predominant strain of the influenza in the north region is still influenza a, especially it's 3 in 2,
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and it is similar to the springs from previous years are the terminal. so here you want me to sure, yeah. druck sensitivity experiments show that this strains are sensitive to commonly used antiviral medications. therefore it's just that they are more cases this year. but from the perspective of the virus itself, there has been no mutation of being monitoring shows, respirator infections, diseases, primarily influenza has been on. the rise analysis suggests that the recent increased in acute respiratory diseases in china is related to the overlapping presence of various respirators. at the former indiana biosphere to russia is today's guest. and we're also talking what had been the she's the principal of western foreign policy for decades. they either your, against this or with this philosophy does it still holds true today on how our countries in the global sites with something that pressure comfortable. busy built
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into by the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, you're welcome to was


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