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tv   Documentary  RT  December 3, 2023 3:30pm-7:00pm EST

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that somebody could find a single source that i would stare solution. so stobel video visually doesn't want us. uh they have to boost the flat board. it's for the loan, your initial would you like yeah, ms style bond that comes with blush. remodel. who's here? who you, anybody who will dispute the course is good on the way we want them, which are slow. so you will see, you know, to use 2 of us to show us where you put this thunder. well, the starting. all right, for the, to anybody in the up to speed we need, you might look for those going to probably in your, in the you do you mean you mean let's do a name of cookies moody law for when the stuff stuff because she wants to put you guys
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so somebody was good. so you guys know you have this little, this little lady for record yet. he's going to those in front of them, but by 10th and um, natural sound comes through. so you know, nobody, it's it. and so if it is kind of, it was get jim the best way of doing this thing. this means i know, but here's what, tim, what's your size most? nothing about something with the the cable just want you to kind of suicide for the screen was more than i did. so i there it's, i forget about i'm a smart guy dealer. so the number one lab, but i need to nobody got to do to go about the one that i asked to go to again
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lowball game. so nice here. well, that's the plan you. yeah, yes i, it's almost like give me a 30 minute friday. this is all doable. yeah. so what did you say? oh, so you know with what you've about, but it's virginia flush slip. you've got a list with them, but it's fairly near. but you know, those that are near me 3. i think this was the pardon, some was a little boy up on this is emily. dia stuck waiting look good. so i'm gonna go to look at the more people leslie's layer, which looks like when i pulled, it looks like you did. look at the loans because he's for the cost of function. does anybody of interest or be able to get this person ask any of the 9 or my mind, but they will persist just to go to some stuff and left settlement very
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the the yeah. the, the show my focus for some of that is it, in most places to sort of the grades stuck with you to the original condition and putting it on the
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photos and frankly division and putting it on the splash. so sure it is a thought that it was to go look up all says you mean on the phone with us. so would you believe it was the most collision spoke with all of us monday to goes to the deal with you at this point? supposedly the new position was closed and i put them in some of them, there was no humans issue. it says, put in the seamless it. so it's true and it shows the initial session that is supposed to
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bring a sort of confusion and it's suitable. i mean, the selection though, as a door, if you the, the quote that's in the video that we're doing is also from google there to the, the, the, the, the on site. and then from the mindset, i'm not for you. it's a little but the good news as an a. so tell me to try to remember that i use news phone deal to get the best and the
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high school component regina. i am the both of the ones that seem i must get all the parents. i talk to the school, that's a very good the other of the attribute side is a true to believe i gives you thought is you remove this one the still the supersedes from and introduce because what i just if i did it shows it is the
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february budget to good news here, the dream we're going to get the 4 digits we're doing it. so we put the digit of the the, what service the said, the request, the tribute of deals plus the current to to change the, the, the phone to the north of the center
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of the priest for the position on the email that you know for grace is extreme escalade in the mood, or was it pretty weak with fox in the measures? did you know that? of course of the
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the yeah you just what you have with the me yeah, i would just have to do this for you. yeah. no, those are the $2.00 oh $42.00. to continue the dispute for surgery sooner. so sniping your post office by the bus stop to stop by the police at the side of the just on the bush and throwing up the us. missed them that my nora will. so whenever you're supposed to apply to the
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boss, he's pushing wisdom. i'm not going to force you to death for that. i'm with a side for the summer as long as not more. it's not, but i don't want them to to invite you to create to tell me why. months ago, they have any of the you set up the new, so hold on, hold on one second for the new which is the truth to look us, 40 petite excursion facility historical and what,
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what about that plan of ocean? and so he's just on the most, at this level. could you please just go in the head of for says the shoot for them . not too many subject provision around. no, i saw the details unless they're going to go to the left suspicion that both a little show me the concept. it's good to go see the
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in 1492 this evening, christopher columbus read to the bahamas and discovers the new world for europe. the wealth of america and its fast territories cosby envy of the europeans, especially the spaniards and the portuguese. they sought, after taking over these lands. however, there lived indigenous peoples with a high culture and their own nation, who was there to barbaric colonization of america, which went down in history under the name of con deece. that lasted for more than 100 years. in 1521 care design, cortez is kind of due to the doors captured and destroyed the capital of the aztec empire. daniels practically massacring the local population. following them, francisco pizarro is gone. keeps the doors destroyed, the inc and fire. as
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a result of spanish aggression, the ancient maya civilization collapse, suppressing the resistance of the indians. the invaders carried out mass executions . the horrendous genocide was aggravated by the diseases that the europeans had brought to america. the number of the indigenous population decreased at 16 times from 251 and a half 1000000 people from keystone became one of the largest demographic disaster fees of mankind. and remains an indelible bloody stains in the history of the european colonial empires. a bolt for to finish the douglas to get to destroy the interest of joke that they would have to do with putting it in boot and some of which were suppose you need to participate for, talk to them. you know,
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if you could just look at it as what the fitness meeting is to the point is sure not to assist you at the deal to deal with that can said there was still a place to live tv. who was that was the, is the videos. so when you pretty good advertising, come on to show me some of the she looked at ok. let's see me level just laid out. the mean time she misses new of all names of extra thank you. drop off the, the, the, the dishes with the so that the many useful and when you to choose to be in the side of this. but i'm do you remember the way the gave me credit until you came on it the
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1st time as well as i said, for sure that everything was good. so, so what i just need you just saying that i was able to do anything else. so when you're ready to do you agree with the credit? the other thing is that what they might just introducing people is deleting and just to bring in all the links and should see. so this thing, and that was the, so my goal, my budget is no so, so it's a somewhere along there. so that's just the way they want to just get rid of the ones who is the same to what's the as long as i spoke with you on monday of the different smoke surveys,
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you know, go to the brooklyn for just really, why do you go to the village easily lose the pressure unless it's more than likely due to the crowds, which means is around the libraries are good. they're not like super good shock one that you see to see to see you though. otherwise the product you have to find. so this is my personal for sure, for sure. which was about being able to gilbert and see what used to be so i'm wondering about on which one of your book points still, but about the local yeah. yeah. yeah. like like all the stuff. i think it was. yeah . let's do i some way with the got the noise, the report you got pretty know. did you want me to? i'm just very of i'm separately in your mind. yeah. cuz you just get them. okay. on
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the right there's no, that's the deal with the guns. they do that for supporting the and what's the loss of the, of the bunch of companies either, but it is all black as close or do you want to send
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it to, to the address the good of shape or form don't sell it because this is a file for you. as a boston, you bought the you just go where you and the one simple pick your own as one you and hit the man this just to the sold the products, the 1st one right there, just for users to boost the rest of the service. but they would put a soaker, but if i put a little bit of a funder look over those,
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i knew you did not know what to do with it. as you know, so through malware, no, no total for detroit or 3 months. but certainly the reason for that carpet, it's too much to see. i used to use the smart tv you to the store to put the form is like you just google cause solve a store and we'll see what we should do is there is a go look like it was the by 3 of you. the
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floss spot is yeah, yeah. with, with the choose to see the 2 to yep, 3, i think you with just so forth. you, you did that was more than this by some people for the 3 of us that sounds like your phone number because that, that they do this instead of keeping them as well. the problem is a bunch of stuff from which i put it in, put my some additional layers. so when you will actually part of
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the, [000:00:00;00] the you said there's only 4. that's a logo, 3 or nothing for the both of those produces the no bus that goes that. so i got it mostly in between middle fighters that some of the ones google res. so this is what it was. what i see was already sent the send me that is always good. it was so $700.00,
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i see it to the was the service. if you go to court orders, it will send you over the 70, the loading, the photos, the internet services for the especially the loaner. so we just need it today to set in. uh, i'm not sure what to do before. was there anything else i can do with it within the physically pizza? it doesn't. there's a pedantic that's good to go into the hospital. and there's some type of incident 7 ish and what type of standard good is it because it was nice for them to uh was the one caught up. oh, i took you to that place like pay it. but i do to them, see is not that which is certainly no score as it was no more. so we cut off from
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the america some percentage. but but the latest you certainly don't before it's going to be. so emily? well, this fellow bush amish. the really special of this and they did do spanish, can we get to the bush, the edge move so due to shop is usually the best of that i will know which the rest of live maybe the students so that's perfect. so the sooner to point me to i could do that, but this is just sort of simple into the so many tools to extensively. that's good
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. we've got supporters, we're going to do the jobs. so it's a lot, especially with the mileage with this issue of stuff, but i have to put it to the i'm, i'm going to push a button for each of the people that will it just to display it. this will fit just them. that's the sound your phone to the beginning of the day of the it said
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the the the, the full wait, another more money, the, the cdc, etc. and the flood said wait for me to do
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the, the, the make it look like,
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forget it. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the only one main thing is important for not as an internationally speaking is that is of nations because that's, are allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the mind, the nation. so as a slave, americans rock obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. the international law exist as long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, that doesn't exist by turning those russians into this dangerous boy, a man that wants to take over the world. that was the cartridge strategy. so some of the vehicle in your industry, i'm a b, i not finished. it's often zuba and tablet block. nato said it's ours. we move east . the reason us, hey jim,
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it is dangerous. is it the by the sovereignty of the countries, the exceptionalism that america uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. of nature, what is founded shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in large arms companies would lose millions and millions or is business businesses good? and that is the reality of what, what we're facing, which is fashion. the historically and bill has never been a model of any military alliance auto political on the lines. that is the fundamental difference between india and many of the other countries. so this comes with the total price because as you said, the alliances and countries which want you to be a part of them. and if you're not, then you looked upon with suspicion. belinda,
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as one of us showed all these black and white divisions of the the over 60 palestinians report to the killed and a 2nd. od yes. try come to town of call. you need in southern goddard, 2 days of this row, promises to intensify operations in the area where they told locals to sleep. also at the well distressing images from central jobs or wherever f u. d comes, have also been struck by the idea that these 15 people reports in the kills overnights and the children are met with the casualties, the
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and the mayor of king of blossoms. but the length of his performance on the policies of the blame game begins against you for any liter pulling countries or fails counselor funds. the with adults just took tube into monday. hey, we both go mondays, be just gotten his how the world is looking as a new week gets into way of a 60 posting in separate bullets really being killed. and then these really strikes on the town of con, eunice instilled in gaza. the aftermath of the idea of a tax on the area left local, searching for their belongings. and more victims trumps. under the rubble, the lights is attacked is another and a series of strikes on the area and resume dr. a week long. the ceasefire. most of the day local residential complex was of
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the bombing raids, many of the buildings. so robles has various sikes, rain down the residents who witness the strikes say they've got no, it's a go and don't intensively the hopes. oh no, we don't know where to go. you can see what is happening here. people are fleeing without any shelter. we don't know where to run it. this fund was though i have a wife with 9 children, all homes with bones and destroyed. but who will mostly guys were not the ones who should leave is the ease really, tyrants who have killed the women and children driving the naked out of their homes . while the idea has said that the south of garza where officials told palestinians to feed, so we'll face the same level of attacks as the know we felt strongly and steadfastly in northern garza. and now we're doing the same in the south as we also continue to
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protect our gains in the north. but i do have my colleague, nicky. i really got the latest on the situation in con, you nice from canadian, the palestinian journalist, mental schuman. it seems that the 2nd phase of the water here is going to be focused on the south of the district. the area where they is there any forces said was supposed to be a safe zone for the $1500000.00 display civilians coming from the north. what you heard about the killing of 60 people came from city, different areas. one is the city of how about that sense on the west. another is in got out on the, on the west side of side of hon. eunice, and another to strike hits here beside us beside moscow. eunice, kidding. several people not taught us because as you can see, seeing an influx all for refugees, thinking that this is supposed to be a safe area from that home is hid them hun unit b, but i'll also try to leave to it off off in the south. however, for loss of deeds,
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the road, the main road has been hit several times by is in the air strikes and several called a bodies lie there waiting for someone to evacuate. the last days it was a may just trying to residential complex that what, what do you know about the us? i'm a city is a relatively new residential complex. that was, that was the bill to, with the assistance of the government, the fund. it contains the hundreds of small apartments, hundreds of thrown up officers complexes on saturday, 7 of these buildings with hits directly by airstrikes and they want them now demolished and likes hits, how much city again today. and like i said, the belief is that they want to repeat what they did in the north by advancing from the east and the west of hide eunice from the west. it was thought little how much the city and the for the input,
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how much city the belief is that they want to turn it into robin. similar to what they did to the beach come in the city before trying to enter it and going. so she fell off to be the briefest syiaa. how or how does that time with those buildings affects the publish. it needs to billions, where you want to people, knowledge to seek out safety, to stuck up on a central's. was that for spies? useful for people that a lot of people try to find the try to go back to that homes in different parts of the split. so in the 1st 2 or 3 days of the ceasefire, the northside hospital and the surrounding areas where the relatively empty people's fault that they can go back to. they've done it on a lives. however, once the warranty started, again, in addition they, they brought back all the belongings and more than able to holds have been effected together with the leaflets dropped on them by the is really setting the con eunice and it's vicinities is a water zone has can feed into coming into more, what are they going through the safe areas like and also the hospital people are
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basically tough. we are trapped. we don't know where to go. that is we'll play safe here in regards to the latest attacks. also hit garza city, the largest in the unclaimed in the north. while in central garza city of the l. a ball that came under intense shilling as well without the strikes, impulsively killing at least 15 people in the local incumbent. the price of children and parents in dispatch selling the car dose of all august the hospital facility has been receiving patients from all across the central garza, a large number of the wounded among the. c a well inside neighborhood and god's city was left essentially destroyed by is rarely as tries to emergency services are assisting through the rubble hoping to
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rescue the injured in time is how some locals described the of my children were heading back to collect their belongings, who hadn't been displaced in the morning and they had forgotten some things. so they went back, my son was struck there and the other 3 went to rescue him. but then all 4 of them were bombarded. now me the rest in peace blew a suit and peacefully to win 3 buildings where he fed point do a few to to do and then women be evans. so under the here, there is lots and related to resistance in our home, no one year as part of do existence. i urge bar of countries to reboot. i urge edition presidents, i'll cc too big auction abuse a king abdullah of jordan. what or do mines would i have them? do you mind and do most in word to see what we are going through for distressing. seen, some guys are sitting on web pages, show the hot break as loved ones say good bye to a young child. killed in a strike, the seeds of place outside the house to
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a body box lined the streets as dozens have gathered to pray over the dead. before they all buried. printouts of the number of deaths in garza has risen to over 15000 according to the policy and you'd health ministry. 70 percent of them are reported to be women and children and goes to the official say. the idea has deliberately targets it a 130 medical facilities. the insides leading to 20 hospitals going out of service . this village is a number of those sites we've been used by have mazda 2 launch rockets, accusations that medical officials deny. this. was the situation in gaza did say rates and mid ongoing strikes, locals are finding it increasingly difficult to get the goods they need to us empty shells, local shops, watts locals, come across local jealous remedy on the gallery has more national as radio risk drive, sunset,
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gaza thread have continued over nights and daily this morning and have it various parts of the gaza thread, including nosing gaza thread, gaza city, the city and the other. other side of this, this situation adds more marches to the population. it's the lack of the goods as committed to is already and the territory. since the beginning of the war in october are 7 known with rock loads, commands jealous of commercial goods and committed as fives. and to that god, those threats dropped to loads of the human and jerry and assistance reading aloud and the service array for the displace people for the need you one. and the thread by 4 are generally people who are the customized off of the supermarket. they are no longer able to get some of their needs right here. as
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a supermarket, you might see just to behind to be only if the leaders are leading materials are the lowest available goods at this largest supermarket, which is one of the key support markets. few piece of our markets and then the se ross refugee camp, which is, which is a home for more than $150000.00 palestinians in the middle area. and now adding to almost 100000 others of those displays from gaza and know the gaza strip. the water is not i would like to buy some necessities, including sugar sold and spaghetti. but if you might see a found none of those except some cleaning items. baby diapers and shampoos center . we're seeing one of the fed. i'm shopping for some goods including come food. some cheap is as well as some clean materials and tissue paper. so i have not found any trees or can boots. also i've been looking for some beans and some other stuff,
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but they are unavailable unfortunately. meanwhile, israel says it's receiving calls authoration against tomas, seeking to wipe out the minutes and group is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that is very false, is we're trying to achieve a full victory over her mouse during the ceasefire. recently 6 ball hostages, released from captivity arrived. israel is a cheering crowds exchange with the to publish the new business. since the october, the 7th. it's like a 104 count tips have been released by more than a 100, remained in the hands of the militant group. one mother who was terminal cancer, the quoted, a hot breaking message to her daughter who was kidnapped during the music back to the sound like a to the know i want to tell you. if i don't get to see you, please know that i love you very much. please know we did everything we could to get you released. the whole world loves you that we heard from young adult son, a friend of noah kamani,
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who told us about what the loved ones of the hostages are experiencing. the video was made to the whole world to see the situation of, you know, as the mother of the euro issues and really bad situation. and the whole family actually is heartbroken that noise is not with us. she has to be the, the center of the family. does it have to do with the entry to no mother with the disease and they're helping everybody around. and now just though she's gone and have a captive, and the whole list is just broken. a mouse. okay, anything that any sold to is in for my soul just now remaining captivity, not women and children. so do you have any idea why noah has still not be released as she did her service as the every one of us and we supposed to, we have to go to the army and like in many other countries and but now she doesn't survey the idea of she doesn't have nothing, nothing to do with the,
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with an idea as she was just a student. if you could send a message to know and i was holding her hostage, what would you say? first of all, i would like to one to say to know that i love her, as we always are so much she has missed among friends and family as she is a seriously, she has to be like the center of all our friends and, and then the family and then she has to organize all of our student groups and parties and she was really messed. and we don't think we can smile again. uh without her home. and i, we sure the 1st of all to be strong, stay strong to wait for us and i'm 100 percent. sure that our government is doing everything they can add to release or, and the, the she will be released soon enough and, and i'm sending her my, my love and energy for her to be strong. i'm to be optimistic. so she will be there
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really soon. my community of their civilians has been uh, last week as well aside from its own going assaults on gaza. israel has also to get a global and with this plan is to allocate large phones for mol, settlements, and the outside westbank is see steve sweeney whitmore as well, has come on the 5 of ponds to expand its illegal settlement program in the occupied, westbound in the middle of its bombardments of garza on choose a to will cabinet, approve the controversial $1300000000.00 will budget. it's includes money for new settlements. i move the fall right policies in the coverage and government and moving forward in the face of state. false position is why the finance minister, best law, smart rich, denied the budget will be used for expanding settlements. he insisted the funds would be used for necessary security measures. there are 2000000 nothise in judy and somebody who hate us exactly as do the analysis of how much isis and gaza in the budget that's being approved to date. there is no funding for new construction engineer and some area there's funding for security needs. the move to
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a shot for being from the european union, which often christmas always is as well as expansion is policies yet takes missile concrete action to stop them. the blocks foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, said that he was approved at the funds. i am a poll to learn that in the middle of a war, these really government is poor is to commit new funds to build more legal settlements . this is not self defense and will not make israel safer. the settlements are a grave, international humanitarian law preach and they are israel's greatest security liability. they don't get pod. westbank is having to be 3000000 palestinians are these thing is crucial to the future. apollo, city, and state. it was captured by as well in the 19676 day war, along with goals are in east jerusalem as well as construction and the settlement program in the westbound is deemed to legal and upbringing to the geneva convention
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. i keep these with the occupation states plans from the beginning, israel once the land without the people that for it expands pens. we must defend people in our sacred sites so that we can achieve our dream, the palestinian national projects, at least the 2nd stage of the project is to have an independent state of palestine with his capital in jerusalem on the return of the refugees were forced to leave all ends, the matter is clear to us, there is the oppressor and the oppressors, the occupation of the people of the oppressed, and certainly the occupation state does not want us to rejoice. but we rejoice notes as a response to the occupation. but because our prisoners have been freed and god willing, all the lands will be liberated from this nightmare. some 450000 is right. the settlers leaving the westbound with an additional $220000.00 jewish settlers in the story slim this year has been the worse for sac lavonne is against palestinians, with a spike seen in the westbank since october. the 7th. i can't tell you, see, i couldn't have all these things. definitely have facts, bull studios,
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because they're concrete and they're constantly being harassed because of this. the danger is still present because settlers from the streets and attack any posting on the seat, they're filled with hatred. undoubtedly, they are very dangerous and violent towards us. and all this, of course, is in a packed every day full of seniors have their rights violated the dian software here. and no one cares about us. neither the international community nor anyone else from outside the vonage was even condemned by us secretary of state. and he blinked and who met pablo, sidney and president. luckily the boss and ramada on thursday. the secretary condemned extremist violence against pals, student civilians in the west bank and said he would continue to insist on full accountability for those responsible seconds are blinking and present. a bus also spoke about the urgent need for measures to improve security and freedom for palestinians in the west bank. the palestinians are not surprised by the policies of what is seen as the most right wing government,
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as well as history on the ice. right? how cool is there any we live with an extreme right wing israeli government. so when you say nothing, yahoo, small stretch and buttons that are in government, there's no surprise. the supplement issue in this government is being taken further than we could have imagined. but as palestinians, arabs and muslims, we refer to the un resolution stating that the supplement. so inactive will we consider that as governments are right. wing extremist government undermines any potential piece, processing the regions. what i have a lovely, probably warning is why the settlers box on surprisingly, seems to move is necessary. so it is part of the war, and that has to be done. and in order for it to be victorious in the war, we will have to of course, also to make sure that we stay under as rarely sovereignty in gaza to return those margins. and to have from the river to the sea is rarely sovereignty. god gave the
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jewish people a small and wonderful country and i think, i mean, it's obvious that part of the war is to settle to, to live in the country. it's kind of, it's, it's, it's just part of the war. aside from the fact that i have full faith in the government now government today, and i'm sure that that they're doing the right thing anyway. and, but of course, you need to support the building of israel, the, the settling of our dear little country, a vote by the wall cabinet to approve. the funds has proved divisive many guns who many sent you as a potential arrival with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was among those who voted against the will budgets walking out. soon afterwards, i spoke 1st and full, published a new president. my mood of boss said more money going to was settlements in the occupied west fund, as is well, continues to bump. garza would have dangerous repercussions. one is on the massacre
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. run the way. garza is right. the settlers hoping to use a situation to combine more land actions that will ultimately move the region further away from peace. the number of vessels in the red sea have been attacked by iran bytes pieces and yep, and that's according to the pentagon. and israel as opposed to the deployed warships under submarines. the area to monitor runs activities onto corresponding use to do a lot of things as well. of the sea waters are really getting stared up as shipping further. we drive has increasingly been disrupted by m as how these, how sunday the offset and american worship, and multiple commercial ships came under attack in the red sea. british maritime secure resources also said that a ball carrier ship had been hit by please 2 drugs while sailing in the website. another british container ship had reported we suffered damage from troy,
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attack about 63 miles northwest of the northern unity port. out of the for data. yes. so these later claimed responsibility for attacks on to shares, the described as being linked to as well. well, they did not enroll in targeting a u. s. navy vessel, the repetitive maritime. is it as calm as these really, how much more is snowball and get to a wider regional kothwood wager or in november the who the sees a vehicle transport ship also linked to as well in the red sea? all the costs of piano still holes that vessel near the port studio. i for the last week as well said missiles landed near another us for sure. after this, as the vessel went to it as well that had briefly been seized by done that over the course of these rail. i'm off the top of the one back to the so frequently issue warnings that if israel did not stop, it's a sauce and over they would take retaliatory actions to quote, support their press. brothers in gaza says the group has launch several rolls of rockets against this row,
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only to be intercepted by us worships by the comp istation attacks. i guess these where the main ships have turned into a serious or crisis of the movies control this for the department of trade for approximately 10 percent of all global freight passes tweets waters. last week, these were the army announced the requirements of war ships and the red sea region as part of what is called strengthening defense efforts in the area as well believes that we'll see measures, farms, iran saying the country supports and funds the farms, the groups this is why why has to be rejected the quinn said neither the who these, nor any other forces of the resistance axes, t corners from different but with or without it wants support for now the who these are drawn to accomplish 1300 miles away from the service center in gover, and this is nothing but a regional spill over and over to you. k. now, with the influence you may have key of hasn't told you any punches, and his criticism of the president involved him is the landscape as head of the
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states approval ratings. did, according to an international republican institute survey study place co says that lensky only has himself to blame correspondence, a bose dictate before us as a winter set spin along the vast ukrainian front lines. there's a chill wind blowing through key. if we're in a bottle, vladimir zalinski is facing a winter of discontent. fail counts are offensive dwindling western support and then advancing. we'll see an army all bowed body with the biggest threat to the bible act. our current politician maybe from within his own administration. but as the storm clouds gathers, the landscape refuses to see the whiting on the wall. we're finding the 2nd best army in the world, and we didn't get all the weapons we wanted. i can't say i'm satisfied, but i can't really complain either. and was the landscape looks to apportion blame
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for his catalogue of was on of ukraine, wherever you west, so much close to the home i know directly challenging zelinski so sorry. and complicates open criticism that would have been a think about a month ago isn't how common place was this competitor smell? the blood in the water. people see who's an effective leader and who was not they had and still have many expectations. zalinski is paying for the mistakes he made to have high profile marabou potty, courage go! didn't stop there. he opened the box. the landscape is increasingly ostracized. army chief val, areas a losing for declaring that the conflict had reached a stalemate. savanski is now painted the army chief as a defeated for basically telling the truth about you claims collapse offensive. and as we know, telling the truth and to yes can be a very dangerous pastime, is illusion. a told the truth, sometimes people don't want to hear it, but ultimately he is responsible. he has explained and justified to the current
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situation. of course we can do for equally lie to our people and our partners, but you can't do that forever. some of our politicians have wrongly criticize the illusion. a for his honesty, i stand with him, but of course the landscaping was don't, and there with growing street protests from soldiers, families increase. think as versions and mounting casualties all know, reflecting the mass of human toilet the conflict and ukraine. a cost that according to russian defense chief surg showing grew, has led to the depths of over a $125000.00. you claim the troops during the field counter offensive alone with the store. the may will break the camel's back. could be the confirmation that this could have all ended peacefully. soon after it started, when we return from miss timble forest, johnson came to kia of and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting. so as the landscape options went out, it seems the vultures are circling over to us. and rather than stepping it to save the mind they had build as a modern day churchill is. western packers will most likely look the other way and
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let nature take its course. remember, winston churchill ended up on the winning side and that may be where the similarities with the landscape again and. and let me while the head of nate, so made this statements and mid questions over future width and supplies to ukraine . we have to be prepared for bed news, worst move in phases, but we must stand by ukraine and good and bad times a like you claims internal problems have been causing speculation in western media and floating the possibility that present zalinski could cite keys come monday and she's also a political unless nicolette may have coverage, says that he's telling that some wisdom media is changing his tune onto lensky. there is period campaign. i think part of this is a orchestrated by by the west. i mean, if you read wisdom newspapers, new york times, washington washington post the guardians spiegel. and we've got many articles these
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past weeks, which are starting to throw that on, stay under the bus, saying that the counter offensive is not working. we've got interviews within his own way from ukrainian coast to him, alexia, rest of which we assessed his personal counsellors, said that a couple of days ago that designs can you has a, is it acting as, as a dictator? that he was alone? we've got now of course go with the mayor of kit to say more or less the same thing . so i say more or less internally an outside. uh there is uh the, the, the people getting fed up with us getting the west sees that he's not the man of the situation. and internally, of course, as the korean ukrainian army is starting to lose on the front, 9 of this much announced counter offensive has backfired. and actually, the russian army is getting to right. i think that they're going to be looking in the west and also within ukraine. for scape goat and so as ski is the perfect man for that's it for that for that position. then finally,
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the us military is reportedly planning to deploy a longer range. ground based missed 1000 the endo pacific region for the 1st time since the cold war. and the economic officials cited by japanese media says the move, expect the top in next year is aimed at did serving china with both of us and rob phillips didn't specify where exactly the missiles would be deployed. and the pets getting has numerous bases in the region, including anti one to upon the philippines on guam or we've been finding range of the chinese mainland. us claims it seems to media rage besides designs, accounts evasions. deployments of such weapons on his own side and be some years. so i'm going to be back in all this mentioned by the us. special is the tell the whole christmas. all nice capable of carrying nuclear warheads. i can hit targets thousands of columbus as a way another miss out system. the s m 6 is also expected to be deployed that is designed to us on the weapon boats can also be used to hit ground unable targets, opiates, with
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a much shorter range. the tomahawk will know so long. who's the vice chairman of the strong, high sense of old, been packing into national studies. we said the actions of us prove it has no intention of taking into account into account the interests of other nations. this actually shows that to them the us is due considering itself to be the world policeman that they do believe that they you know, they control the whole world. they have the right to do whatever they like. even outside of china's folder. last thing they, they start deploying, consider to deployed nuclear weapons that, i mean, i think protection is now something that is really something that needs to be changed in the us, particularly in this multi potable world because the world is no longer what it was before. and, and i think it's,
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it's something that the us leadership and the politicians need to really understand what's going long in the world today and going forward. so it's still a metro perception. but for more on any of those stories, as well as all the latest updates or websites, all t dot com is your place to go. i'd be to scouts on the button. we more is 30 minutes.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to was a part of your event with us or against us. for decades, this has been the chief principle of west or foreign policy taken to its highest peach with the start of fresh restoration in ukraine. due to his size and influence, india was among the most sold after players portraits, enjoying the proverbial right side of history, but it's up to to charge its own course. hasn't paid all well to discuss it. i'm now joined by some cars around india's former deputy national security adviser and former ambassador to russian investor. it's a great one, a great pleasure to talk to thank you very much for your time. thank you so much for inviting me. it's a pleasure. thank you very much. now you wrote the recently that over the past year or so, india has gone from being a balancing world power it to be a leading power. what's the difference? it does a lot of defense. i think the balancing is
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a negative connotation. leading as a positive congregation in the sense that it cannot create a self confidence in the country in your ability to take decisions on the merits and to advance and extra interest, as well as to contribute to the global order in terms of it's based on stability so uh, i think uh we are to transition phase in india laws the also on account of much greater political stability in india. and then i've been a few recent examples where we have been able to actually take positions which have been difficult but which have resonated across the board. and you know, so it's a whole package. well, let's, let's try to unpack this package, because uh, as you know, with a great power comes great responsibility, including responsibility to inherit the wealth,
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as it is with its complex troubles and the responsibility to offer solutions for crisis of north your own making. what count, india offer here if you go back to the boston, but it is coming from a, as a colonial as the quality of the british for 200 years. we had a long, we spent a long time trying to read, discover our sense. and i think that moment does that. i and today we do not want to be uh on the port dues of any uh, fall, or any site or any alliance. i think there is a desire in india to take these are found on most decisions and that is basically driving the way we approached the work done. as you said, there are many things which we cannot control and may not be able to control because he had not yet a great power. unlike be starting to scrape us. but we do feel that he can actually contribute, even if it's subject to, to uh, helping bring some new shoes to, to,
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for helping to reduce tension us and helping to contribute to, let's say the global commons think we live in such an interesting moment when the influence of great powers is diminishing and sometimes consciously. so i think russia trains, if it was to project, so it in power, but it's very mindful about most projecting too much power because again, it's, it could be a liability. but we also see many regional powers into including coming to the for and offering that own distinctive perspective. what is so special about a new dell is position of what's going to offer to the world that nobody else can offer. you know, firstly to be, we are the largest country in the world, but population 1400000 people. so what happens inside india and how india governs its own, large population is a global good. because if you can manage to improve the lives of such a large humanity, then you are contributing in a sense to the global quote number one, number 2 in there is an order to the lives ation,
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5000 years old. there was an interruption because of invasions because of colonialism. but today that is, that does revive them off that sense of indian history, where we said that we have solutions to global issues. we have our own thoughts to pursue historically, and there has never been a part of any military alliance or political in the lines. that is the fundamental difference between india and many of the other countries. so this comes with its own price because as you said, that uh, alliances and countries which want you to be a part of them. and if you're not, then you looked upon with the suspicion. but india has kind of as to what all these uh, black and white divisions of the word and what they're saying is they may be developing, but we are democracy. so we have basically showing that you can be a democracy, even if you're a poor country, that's the 1st thing. secondly,
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the fact that you can balance your relationships, whether it's with united states. so with europe or with russia, all the china to the few years ago is also an evidence of how you are able to conduct these multi dimensional relationships. now you mentioned democracy and that it is such a low that concept these days because uh, the west acts as if it has these sort of different corporate rights. you uh, democratic ideas. and when you talk about democracy in india, there's something very practical material in it. as a for you, democracy is something that has to be believed out rather than preached as a high concept which is done by the west. today. can you talk more about this intersection of practicality or a sort of material democracy and how it translates into the actual lives of the
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people? you know, that's a excellent question. and you know, all the version of democracy is very native. it's very indian in the sense that it is rooted in our culture. it is essential to preserve the indian federation of 30 states, very different diverse cultures, languages, it's in the cities. so you need that same book where you can arrange these for john sort of follow often every few years since 1947, a full 5 and 75 years. except for a brief introduction, them of 2 trios are record, is that we've actually been able to hold these elections. we've been able to ensure piece for transport up all from one party to another, from one government to another, both and deli, i'm in the states. and this requires a lot of majority and a lot of conviction and commitment to the principles of democracy. because there is
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actually no other way in which india can live, except through allowing its people to watch the views and opinions and then on bringing governments 12 governments. but you do not preach, we do not export democracy to other countries. what we tell them is, this is an example of a large country which is able to live like this, a very diverse country. and we think it's a great way to live. now the system of governance and how it's applied in international decision making. because in international decision making, you also tried to take into account various factors rather than plead pledging allegiance to just one. i think all of that was put to the test when the stars of the alteration russian operation in ukraine. and i know that you recognize that the conflict has been bring for many years prior to that. but uh, early last year in there was put under
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a lot of pressure to join the western camp. and it didn't. why didn't was that i would agree with you was a very difficult time for indian foreign policy. and we took a step back to uh, to try and understand what was the trigger to the conflict. uh and um, that is how we approached our the, how we formulated our policy. uh yes, there was pressure to take a 2nd position, but to explain to everyone that we are not in favor of the conflict. we want a peaceful solution. but we also want that the security concerns and the, you know, a comprehensive approach to what led to the conflict is necessary because at the end of the day, as far as we can understand that sitting in your daily europe has to live with
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these for that so, i mean, that actually was the, the whole outcome of the end of the cord was and the dissolution of the soviet union in 1991 i think taking that position that india took also required a degree of self respect believing that you yourself can make decisions about what's good and what's bad, and how to balance all the negatives and all the positives. do you think the choices that were made at that time in your daily, are they going to be contained to the ukrainian crisis, or do you see them influencing the indian stance internationally beyond what's happening in the ukraine? do you, seeing the consequence of the ukrainian decision making will be more lasting than the con, the concert itself? you know, you know, the approach that india top is actually met, funnily enough, consistent with the kind of approach. and that has taken since 1947. i mean,
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if you remember during the cornwall india and refused to be a part of any alliance, and of course it was not popular with either of the 2 sites. so if we could do that at that time, in the 1st quarter of all this time at all, it was easier because in the slightly more uh, has greater capacity. it's richard countries, relatively speaking. it has more capability, more experience about international politics. at that time you were young just newly independent. so it was easier at this time. but yes, the consequences will go beyond ukraine. i mean, in the sense that they constitute a certain approach to the international, a balance of power, which is unique, which uh, great balls are not familiar with. because as i said, they like to see the word in blocks and cams, india does not. and this position that india took on ukraine will actually constitute the kind of positions endeavor to take on many, many issues. it's not a question or trying to balance anything. it's
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a question of taking decisions which are in your self interest, which advance in the us national interest, but also contribute to global besides stability. so it's a mix of books and it, these, and this is not an easy box to choose because the easiest part is to say, okay, you know, i'll adopt, uh, i, i, you know, beyond one corner to the other corner. but i'm just sorry you say that it wasn't the easy but at the same time being the opposite decision of what i would have come with certain costs and continue your partnership with russia. a for the india, a lot of economic opportunities. i mean, you are receiving russian oil and gas, it affordable process. it allows your industry to go and for some reason, i encourage your politics if somehow shameful to you know, think about your own immediate concerns. do you think perhaps india can also show
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an example to all the nations that it's actually ok to live your own national interest in a comprehensive way. that doesn't mean that you're selling out of your and i don't know you'll collect to sold to the devil, but it's actually prudent to be mindful of how your own people leave and also, you know, looking at the broad picture international. yeah, absolutely. i mean, everyone is doing good, in fact, or major ball isn't great because i'm looking at the national interest. i mean, the united states, while the united states, that has the, they are the defenders of humanity of such that they're actually protecting universal interest in ukraine. what they would do for we've got this done that was largely on account of their domestic pressures. it was a consequence of their own natural interest, the way they perceived it. so every country is doing are the, is actually pursuing policies which are related to your national interest. so you mentioned on the question of oil. yes. a lot of questions that last from india
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a by a west on strategic experts, western governments. and we told them that if you're not telling anyone to buy russian white and you're getting people to buy the cheapest store and i know that happens to be russian, that's fine because the companies are digging commercial decisions. and after all, for 50 years, you gotta pins, we're doing the same thing. so it's not as if india was being opportunistic. it was just, you know, playing the market. an indian companies, uh, what are the sourcing. and of course we need the cheap energy because 85 percent of all the energies and bought it. okay, well i, i have to be
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a fortunate stick. i see nothing wrong with that. that at the moment we have to take a short break, but we will be back in just a few moments state you and the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to wells, of course with of course they're on in just former deputy national security and it's wiser and foreman baset or to a restaurant investigator before the break,
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we were talking about the ukrainian crisis. and i, i wanna delve into its origin is a little bit, because uh, you wrote that uh, windows following the shadow boxing between the western russia since the mid to thousands. the conflicts in ukraine was a textbook example of war being the pursuit of political objectives. by other means . first of all, i want to ask you why just being the boxing went on in the shadows for so long for several decades. and why do you think it burst into the open? yeah, you know what i've told a lot about this, and you know, the fact is that i think if use j. stevens back to let us say, even president, put in speech at the manic entity conference in 2007, a in the context of need to expansionism to the east. i think at that time he because from 2000, the 1st few years of his presidency was a time when the restaurant became
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a member of the g 7. that was good engagement. it was a dialogue box. now, with natal, things were going well divided was that these, we saw the fruits of the collapse of the soviet union or the to the end of the quarter war in front of us. but, and in those initial years, we also saw a need to expansionism taking place and the russian leadership trying to convey to the europeans on the americans that europe. this is a problem for us because it is going to complicate russia, security environment. and i think that from then til the events and ukraine in 201314 and the med on and everything as that actually seems to have been let us see the tenant of the rich and from then on roads from 2014 uh, you know, you had all the agreements,
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the minutes go cards and everything else. uh, nothings really booked. you've also argued that the conflict and ukraine has once again posed the question of whether the east and the west can coexist. the question we saw was sold at the end of the cold war. and you also wrote that the contradictions we believed had been settled by the end of the cold war. have resurfaced once again. are you sure that they are the same old contradictions because of the kind of the cold war during the cold war? the west was very careful about not expanding its military infrastructure to the east. there was very icy cold, but the stringent etiquette between the adverse series on how to deal with one another and how not not to create dangerous provocative situations for one another . all of that seems to have changed. i. we really dealing with the old contradictions, old grievances, are totally new ones. and yeah, i mean that's, that's
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a good point. but i think uh it this time around or the instruments or the tools are fun to see are different in the sense that they're not the classical. it start ideological. firstly, it's not a traditional military water conflict. at that time. it was more of a hybrid nature of contestation and mutual suspicion. and all of this actually made the whole issue much more complex as you're suggesting and different from the 1st quarter of war. because uh that that was more organized. if one can use that word, and this was more uh, unpredictable, uh, most up to date in it wasn't really in evidence. and this kind of, you know, went from one stage to another the phone,
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the political inability to find solutions. and the whole thing seemed to come to rest with you. okay. not any other part of let's say the russian border. of course we had georgia and other, the old chemist on the same uh, sort of saying that the west assumes the power to control or impose its own solutions regardless of the, you know, situation on the ground or what the adversaries of the west uh, thinking about yeah, i mean uh, you know, it's, i think it's a failure off of the european security architecture. i mean, some people argue that they actually was no architecture at that time, but i think there was a certain form and a certain consensus on how the eastern rest can live together. i mean, there was a lot of integration happening between russia and europe, whether it was energy or trade or investment. you know, things are happening,
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which everyone wanted to see me. and everyone was happy with. can i ask actually ask about this? because uh, as far as preparing for this interview, this comparison between india and here, and i found it very curious because like india, europe has enjoyed decades so far, reliable beneficial trade with russia. europe has a major stake in the preserving security on the continent. i'm here with the bu, both prior to the breakout of violence in ukraine and says that it has taken a very passive position that suited all the decision making to washington. how to explain it. why do you think your position was more like india is? you know, minding, you know, finding its own story is way not necessarily joining with russia, but finding its own middle ground. instead, you're seemed to have
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a just evaporated from the scene. you know, um the europe is living uh, in different sub regions of going up. i mean, initially, my impression is that the order you are so close france, germany, italy, span netherlands. i mean, they actually were in the forefront of european security, european foreign policy. but in the last few years, we found, let's say, the bought it takes eastern europeans, poland, and some other countries which had become much more assertive. and so within europe, i think there is, there are differences on what the europe, in policy towards russia or even china should be the, the johnson lender lions actually have become more relaxed if you remember during president trump stime, he basically told me to go to fans you have to pitch in more your to for, you know, raise your defense budget. you take care of yourselves. but i think it over the last few years and fonts and germany actually with the coal getting doesn't a sense of the minutes go 3 months on the minutes go quarter. and they actually
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played a key role. there was good communication between the leaderships, of those countries with the russians who to show some of it was only communication . it wasn't translated into the actual policy. i mean, when they came to the test of putting those agreements into practice, again, it was not worth the paper that it was. so it was a, it was a, as i said, it was, i think, a diplomatic figure. it was affiliated with political will. and it was all heading in the wrong direction and that's what happened last year when you went from this kind of a, let's a, he didn't have conflict on test ation to an open, traditional conflict. and uh, and europe was more relaxed in the sense that you know, that the defense budgets are low. they will not really putting in that much money into their defense structures or institutions. so all the sides are changed now. i mean,
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i would say both sides become moments or devised and the new to trans atlantic alliance, def i, despite all the internal differences is um, is more robust yet that our voices in europe today, which do not see i do, i have with the, with the washington on how to live with russia and how to, how to reorder the european architecture, as i'm sure you know, at the beginning of this conflict, the indian foreign minister jason car made headlines when she was pressed on. india stands on the cranium conflicts you said that your a pass to grow out of the mindset that the herbs problems are the world's problems . and the world's problems are not your problems. how much time do you give to europe, to realize that it actually has problems because up until this point, and they seem to be under the impression that they're in this big fight against the archetype of evil. but one, do you think this practicality of reality? you know, the shortage of money, of the shortage of resources, the shortens the ability to develop
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a that own industry. when do you think it will dawn on the refuses to change the course of action and to make them more rooted in, in their own interest. you know what i unfortunately, i'm not very optimistic because i take the views of harden on both sides. i think that is probably it's true to say a certain degree of collapse off dialogue that is happening in europe is also suffering badly, as you said, because of energy inflation almost low or 0 brought a much less consumption because consumer demand. uh and uh, and you know, social problems related to migration from your plan from africa. so they are and facing multiple challenges, how long they will take, i really don't. well, i think,
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i hope you all can accept the fact that there is no other way except to find some modest ravendie with russia. and similarly, russia also has to step out and make moves because, you know, look to hold what it is watching, what's going on and the horn, but it is also softening and getting infected, whether it's for energy, fertilize, or anything else. so the sticks a high i just at the moment today, there is not much costs for optimism because of that, given the mode is not good, but we can just hold on, keep our fingers crossed, that beautiful. the biography conditions wind down. that reader turn to the dialogue good table and both sides show some degree of political been the find a solution. can i ask you are somebody who knows this country are very well and i,
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i want to be fair to the receiving side as well because you written the most because unlikely to uh, give back the church or is that it has seized by now. but how far do you think uh, it would be willing to go at how far it's wise to go, because it's pretty obvious that you know, part of your printing forever will remain close style to russia so. so in this very delicate balance bits in, uh, lets say political objectives and political responsibilities. why would you draw the line as a, as somebody who knows this country well, yeah i, you know, this with a lot of loss of life. lots of infrastructure on both sides. lot of blood has been spent. i mean for what i mean, the question is, at the end of the day, i don't see a situation with russia when
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a withdrawal. and you know, this is somehow, it will say good bye to all the kind of advances and they have made. but when you sit on the table and negotiate with your adversity over the other side, or, you know, both sides have to compromise. and if you want to solution now, this business of territory is one issue. the question of guarantees, enjoying the security of the other and getting back to peaceful coexistence with another issue. how much of pedagogy i go to treat for peace. that on demands on both sides, which are obviously maximum list. i mean the ukraine and the other pins and needles is not an inch of your dream. the russians are saying we have serious concerns. so i see a difficult negotiation. i hit some kind of an ominous dice or a fact, but there should be
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a difficult sucker to square it. really challenge traditional notions of sovereignty of that adult and integrity of the rule of law. i don't know how it's going to happen. it's not going to be easy, but unless you are the fries, the conflict for you continue this for several years in that kind of a low grade. the whole situation. so i don't know which way to go all invested or we have to leave it there. thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with us. thank you so much for having a wonderful. thank you. and thank you for watching hope the syria again, 100 was a part of
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the 60 public opinions are reportedly killed and the 2nd odd. yes, strike on the town of canyon, eastern southern godsa in 2 days as well. promises to intensify operations in the
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area where they told locals to sleep. also, i had the distressing images from central jobs that were refugee camps. have also been struck by the idea that at least 15 people reports and they killed overnights. and the children are more of the cause of the the printing and counseling offensive is failing of the president's approval ratings dipping sauce. while kids may accuse the countries leader of the policy mistakes the system. 1 am on monday, henry must go. this is odd students in nashville with all the very latest world news. thank you for joining us. over 60 palestinians of reports and they've been killed and then he's really strike on the child of con. you nice in southern gaza, the aftermath of the idea of it. sikes on the left local searching for the
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belongings on any move date seems trumps. under the rubble, the light is it's like is another one and a series of strikes from the area which resumed after a week long ceasefire on such a date. but local residential complaints was hit. the full bombing rates reduced many of the buildings to ruble. as these various strikes, rained down, residents who witnessed the strikes say they have no, it's a go and do not intend to free the homes. oh no, we don't know where to go. you can see what is happening, fewer people are fleeing without any shelter. we don't know where to run it. this out. i find who i go. i have a wife with 9 children, all homes with bones and destroyed. but we will mostly guys are, we're not the ones who should leave is the ease really tyrants who have killed the
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women and children driving the naked out of the homes. meanwhile, the idea of how said the south of garza where officials told police that needs to feed to will face the same level of attacks as the know we felt strongly and steadfastly in northern garza, and now we're doing the same in the south. we also continue to protect our gains in the north when my colleague and nicky are in the late faced on the situation and con units from canadian, palestinian to list month. so schuman, it seems that the 2nd phase of the water here is going to be focused on the south of the district. the area where they is there any forces, said, was supposed to be a safe zone. for the 1500000 display civilians coming from the north to what you heard about the killing of 60 people came from 3 different areas. one is the city of how about that sense on the west. another is in got out on the, on the west side of hon, eunice,
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and another to strike hits here beside us beside moscow. eunice, killing silver and people not from us. because as you can see, seeing an influx all for refugees. thinking that this is supposed to be a safe area from that home is hidden, hun eunice beep, and i'll also try to leave it off in the south. however, for loss of deans at all, the main road has been hit several times. why is it in the air strikes and says, what are called a bodies? lie there waiting for someone to evacuate? the last days it was a may just trying to residential complex. so what, what do you know about the us? i'm a city is a relatively new residential complex. that was, that was the bill to, with the assistance of the government, the fund. it contains the hundreds of small apartments, hundreds of thrown up officers complexes on saturdays. 7 of these buildings would hits directly by airstrikes and they want them now demolished
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at airstrikes, hits habits, city again today. and like i said, the belief is that they want to repeat what they did in the north by advancing from the east and the west of kind eunice from the west. it was thought total, how much the city and the for the input, how much city the belief is that they want to turn it into robin. similar to what they did to the beach come in the city before trying to enter it and going. so she fell off of the debris c syiaa. how or how does that time with those buildings affect the product? it needs to billions, where you want the people knowledge to seek out safety to stuck up on a sensors. was that response, useful for people that a lot of people tried to find the try to go back to their homes in different parts of the split. so in the 1st 2 or 3 days of the ceasefire, the northside hospital and the surrounding areas where the relatively empty people's fault that they can go back to. they've done it on a lives. however, once the warranty started, again, in addition they, they brought back all the belongings and more than able to hold have been effected
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together with the leaflets dropped on them by the is really setting the con eunice . and it's vicinities is a water zone has can feed into coming into more. what are they going through the safe areas? like most of the hospital people are basically tough. we are trapped. we don't know where to go. that is, we'll play safe here in a crumb else. satari who's a journalist from con you nice. so he told us that he's really struggling across the territory as left people with know where to go. as a matter of fact, now 1800000 palestinians have no options whatsoever, except for the ones that were proposed on offered to them by the commission process through us to move to the very south of the guys. and with that comes a great rest of them being bombarded and the examples about that kind of thing is we'll move from the gods on north area. and gods i city towards the since on guys
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and southern gaza, some of them. i know that a large number of them working in different incidents in different areas of the gaza, centered area and goes us out now is asking them to leave their homes and sleep to devise out while they are uncertain about the future and what the future holds for them, because they are aware that is a was one by the even the areas that were described as safe areas. and who my daddy and jones was the latest attacks. also hit garza city, which is the largest indian clayvon. it's in the north. what is central gas or the city of the old ball that came on the incense shutting as well without the strikes, reportedly killing at least 15 people in the local in comment the cries of children and parents in this, the feeling the corridors of all likes,
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the hospital facility has been receiving patients. i'm all across central garza, a large number of the wounded, a minus the inside neighborhood. and god, the city was left essentially destroyed by is really strikes as well. emergency services all sifting through the robo, hoping to rescue the incident. time is how some locals described the attack. my children were heading back to collect their belongings, who had been displaced in the morning, and they had forgotten some things. so they went back, my son was struck there and the other 3 went to rescue him, but then all 4 of them were bombarded. now me the rest in peace. lower bluish seats in peacefully at home. when 3 buildings weigh events went there a few to children and women be having surrender the here. there is nothing related to resistance in our home. no one year is part of the resistance. hi,
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coach by of countries to reboot. i audition presidents. i'll cc too big auction appeal to king abdullah of jordan. what or do minds would i have him? do you mind and do most in word to see what we are going through. so distressing themes from gaza searching now webpage just show the hall break as loved ones say good bye to a young child killed in a recent strike. the scene took place outside the hospital. web $40.00 lined the streets as dozens of gather to pray over the dead. before that buried the number of destin guys that has risen to over 15000 according to the palestinian health industry. 70 percent of them are reported to be women and children. does an official say that the idea of has deliberately targeted a 130 medical facilities with the attacks leading to 20 hospitals going out of service? is there a lot just
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a number of those sites are being used by have mosse to launch rockets, those accusations of medical officials denying let's just you monetary situation in gaza continues to deteriorate to mid ongoing strikes. locals are finding, it's almost impossible to get goods. they need an identity shelves in local shops, local journalists around mail, mcgarry has more as radio risk flagstones, that gaza thread have continued overnight and daily this morning and have it various parts of the garza thread, including nosing garza thread garza city, the city and the other other side, during this, this situation adds more marches to the population, is the lack of goods as committed to is already and the territory. since the beginning of the war in october are 7 known with rock loads of commands, jealous of commercial goods and commented as fives entered. that gauze threat
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dropped to loads of the human to jerry and assistance reading aloud. and the service array for this place people was a need you one. and the goal is, is read by force. generally people who are exhaustive off of the supermarket, they are no longer able to get some of their needs right here. as a supermarket, you might see just to behind to be only its leaders are leading materials are the most available goods at this large supermarket, which is one of the key supermarket fuel piece of our markets. and under say right, refugee camp, which is, which is a home for more than $150000.00 palestinians in the middle area. and now adding to almost 100000 others of those displays from gaza and know the gaza strip. water is not i would like to buy some necessities,
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including sugar sold and spaghetti. but as you might see, a phone, none of those except some cleaning items, baby diapers and shampoos center. we are seeing one of the fed. i'm shopping for some goods, including canned food, some cheese, as well as some clean materials and tissue papers. i have not found that the trees are kind of goose. also, i've been looking for some beans and some other stuff, but they are unavailable. unfortunately. staying in the region depends a good and says a u. s. war ship on 3 commercial vessels have come a defy in the red sea. us as humans, a run by 2 teeth, claim responsibility for the attack on the merchant ships send that link to israel . a t correspondence you sent you a lot of these things as well in the story of the waters are really getting stared up as shipping further. we try and has increasingly been disrupted by m as
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o fees on sunday. that offset and american worship as multiple commercial ships, came under attack in the red sea. british maritime secure resources also said that a ball carrier ship had been hit by please 2 drugs. while sailing in the website and the other british container ship had reported the suffered damage from troy attack about 63 miles north west of the northern unity port, out of the for data. yes. so these later claimed responsibility for attacks on to shares. the described as being linked to as well. well, they did not a good role in targeting a u. s. navy vessel, the repetitive maritime. is it as calm as these really, how much more is snowball and get to a wider regional conflagration? earlier in november the who the sees a vehicle transport ship also linked to as well in the red sea, all the coastal piano still holes that vessel near the port studio as for data last week as well said missiles landed near another us for sure. after this, as to the vessel, went to it as well that had briefly been seized by done that over the course of these royal how last offered the one back to these have frequently issued warnings
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that if israel did not stop, it's a saw send over. they would take retaliatory actions to quote, support their press. brothers in gaza says the group as well as the civil drawings . the rockets against this row, only to be intercepted by us, worships by the confiscation attacks against these, where the main ships have turned into a serious little crisis of the movies. control this for the department of trade, for approximately 10 percent of all global trade passes. sweeps waters last week these where the army announced that employment of war ships and the red sea region as part of what is called strengthening defense efforts in the area as well believes that we'll see measures, farms. iran saying the country supports and funds the farms. douglas, this is why why has to be rejected. the quinn said neither the who these,
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nor any other forces of the resistance axes, t corners from different, but with or without it wants support for now that will be served to accomplish 1300 miles away from the service center in garza. and this is nothing but a regional spill over. meanwhile, israel has reportedly deployed warships on a submarine, so the area to monitor iran side services of this find the, i guess most persons denials of the ships of science west somehow linked to israel . meanwhile, the country says it's resuming all outs operations against from us, seeking to wipe out the minutes in group these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that these really forces were trying to achieve a full victory over her mouth during the ceasefire. recently 6 more hostages released from us cab tibbetts. he arrived in israel to cheering crowds in exchange for 30 plus the new business. since the october 7th, it's like a 100 and full cap tips have been released for more than a 100 still remain in the hands of the minutes in creep. well mother, he wants to know cancer recorded
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a hot breaking message to her daughter who was kidnapped during the music festival . last name, the sound like you know, i want to tell you if i don't get to see you, please know that i love you very much. please know we just every thing we could to get you released. the whole world loves you area. we heard from a young girl jolts on the a friend of noah on demonte, who told us about what the loved ones of the hostages, a going straight. the video was made to the whole world to see the situation of, you know, as mother of the, your issues and really bad situation. and the whole family actually is heartbroken that noise is not with us. she has to be the, the center of the family. does it have to do with the entry to no mother with the disease and they're helping everybody around. and now that though she's gone and have a captive, the whole live is just broken. a mouse attaining that it needs sold to is and
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fullness. so just now remaining captivity, not women and children. so did you have any idea why noah has still not be released as she did her service as the every one of us and we supposed to, we have to go to the army. and like in many other countries and but now she doesn't survey the idea of, she doesn't have nothing, nothing to do with the, with an idea as she was just a student. if you could send a message to know and i was holding her hostage, what would you say? first of all of i want to say to know that i love her, as we always are so much she has missed among friends and family as she is a seriously. she has to be like the center of all our friends and, and then the family. and then she has to organize all of our student groups and the parties. and she was really messed. we don't think we can smile again. uh without her home. and i, we sure the 1st of all to be strong,
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stay strong to wait for us and i'm 100 percent. sure that our government is doing everything they can add to release or, and the, the, she will be released soon enough and, and i'm sending her my, my love and energy for her to be strong. i'm to be optimistic. so she will be there really soon. mccrae and the other civilians has been uh, last week. as well aside for his own go, your thoughts on garza, israel's also to get the global and go with these plans to allocates lodge funding for most supplements and the occupied westbank. is caesar steve sweeney whitmore as well, has come on to 5 of ponds to expand its illegal settlement program in the occupied west fund. in the middle of its bombardments of garza on tuesday, the wall cabinet approve that controversial $1300000000.00 will budget. it's includes money for new settlements. i moves the fall right, policies in the competition. government low being for in the face of state. false position is why the finance minister best at law smart rich,
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denied the budget will be used for expanding settlements. he insisted the funds will be used for the necessary security measures. there are 2000000 nothise in judea and samaria, who hate us exactly as do the analysis of how much isis in gaza in the budget that is being approved to date. there is no funding for new construction engineer and some area there is funding for security needs. the move to a shop forbid from the european union, which often criticizes as well as expansion is policies yet takes missile concrete action to stop them. the blocks foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, said that he was a pulled at the funds. i am a poll to learn that in the middle of a war, these really government is poor is to commit new funds to build more legal settlements . this is not self defense and will not make israel safer. the settlements are a grave, international humanitarian law breach,
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and they are israel's greatest security liability. they don't get pod. westbank is having to be 3000000 palestinians are these thing is crucial to the future. apollo, city, and state. it was captured by as well in the 19676 day war, along with goals are in east jerusalem as well as construction. and the settlement program in the westbound is deemed to legal on a bring to the geneva convention. keep these with the occupation states funds from the beginning. israel wants to land without the people that for it expands pens. we must defend people in our sacred sites so that we can achieve our dream, the palestinian national projects, at least the 2nd stage of the project is to have an independent state of palestine with his capital in jerusalem on the return of the refugees were forced to leave all ends, the matter is clear to us, there is the oppressor and the oppressors, the occupation of the people of the oppressed, and certainly the occupation state does not want us to rejoice. but we rejoice notes as a response to the occupation. but because our prisoners have been freed and god willing, all the lands will be liberated from this night, ma'am,
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some 450000 is right except those leaving the westbound with an additional 220000 jewish that goes in the story slim. this year has been the worse for sac lavonne is against palestinians with a spike seen in the westbound since october. the 7th. i can't tell you see, i couldn't have all these things. definitely have facts, both studios because they're concrete and they're constantly being harassed because of this. the danger is still present because settlers from the street from an attack amy posting in the sea, they're filled with hatred. undoubtedly, they are very dangerous and violent towards us. and all this, of course, is the name packed every day. full of seniors have their rights violated the dian software here. and no one cares about us. neither the international community nor anyone else from outside the vonage was even condemned by us secretary of state. and he blinked and who met pablo, sidney and president. luckily the boss and ramada on thursday. the secretary
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condemned extremist violence against pals, student civilians in the west bank and said he would continue to insist on full accountability for those responsible secretary blinking and present abbas also spoke about the urgent need for measures to improve security and freedom for palestinians in the west bank palestinians are not surprised by the policies of both the same as the most right when government and as well as history on an ice. right. how cool is it? we live with an extreme right wing israeli government. so when you say nothing, yahoo, small stretch and button there are in government, there's no surprise the supplement issue in this government is being taken further than we could have imagined. but as palestinians arabs and muslims, we refer to the un resolution stating that the supplement. so inactive will we consider that as governments are right, wing extremist government, the undermines any potential piece,
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processing the regions. the priority is why the settlers box on surprisingly, seems to move is necessary. so it is part of the war and that has to be done. and in order for it to be victorious in the war, we will have to of course, also to make sure that we stay under as rarely sovereignty in gaza to return those margins. and to have from the river to the sea is rarely sovereignty. god gave the jewish people a small and wonderful country and i think, i mean, it's obvious that part of the war is to settle to, to live in the country. it's kind of, it's, it's, it's just part of the war. aside from the fact that i have full faith in the government and now government today, and i'm sure that that they're doing the right thing anyway. and, but of course, you need to support the building of israel, the, the settling of our dear little country vote by the war cabinet to approve. the funds has proved divisive, many guns. who many said you as
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a potential arrival with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was among those who voted against the will budgets walking out. soon afterwards, i spoke 1st and full, published in the president mckinley. the boss said more money going to was settlements in the occupied west fund, as is well, continues to pump gauze. a would have dangerous repercussions. one is on the massacre, run the way. garza is right. the settlers hoping to use a situation to combine more land actions that will ultimately move the region further away from piece one over to ukraine. now where the info and she'll never of kia of isn't pulling any punches in his criticism of the pony president followed him. is a landscape as, as the head of states approval ratings did. according to an international republican institute survey, we started quench coast as designs killing himself to blame, as all the corresponding shaped bows explains as
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a winter set speed along the vast ukrainian front lines. there's a chill wind blowing from key if we're in a bottle. vladimir zalinski is facing a winter of discontent. fail counts are offensive. dwindling western support and advancing. we'll see an army all bowed. bobby, with the biggest, with to the bible actor turned politician maybe from within his own administration . but as the storm clouds gathers, the landscape refuses to see the whiting on the wall. we're finding the 2nd best army in the world, and we didn't get all the weapons we wanted. i can't say i'm satisfied, but i can't really complain either. and was the landscape looks to apportion blame for his catalogue of was on of ukraine, wherever you west, so much close to the home, i know directly challenging zelinski so sorry, i'm compet this open criticism that would've been i'll think about a month ago isn't how common place was this competitor smell the blood in the water? people see who's an effective leader and who was not they had and still have many expectations. zalinski is paying for the mistakes he made to have high profile mer
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to todd eclipse. go didn't stop there. he opened the box, the landscape is increasingly ostracized. army chief, well there is a losing, for declaring that the conflict had reached a stalemate. savanski is now painted the army chief as a defeated for basically telling the truth about your claims collapse offensive. and as we know, telling the truth and to yes can be a very dangerous pastime. zillow usually told the truth. sometimes people don't want to hear it, but ultimately he is responsible. he has explained and justified to the current situation. of course we can do for equally lie to our people and our partners, but you can't do that forever. some of our politicians have wrongly criticize the illusion. a for his honesty, i stand with him, but of course the landscaping was don't, and there with growing street protests from soldiers, families increase, think is urgent and mounting casualties, all know, reflecting the mass of human toilet. the conflict and ukraine accosted,
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according to russian defense chief surg showing grew, has led to the depths of over a $125000.00. you claim the troops during the fields counter offensive alone with the straw that may well break the camel's back. could be the confirmation that this could have all ended peacefully. soon after it started. when we return from miss timble forest, johnson came to keith and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting. so as the landscape options went out, it seems the vultures are circling over to us. and rather than stepping it to save the mind, they had bill as a modern day, churchill is. western packers will most likely look the other way and let nature take its course. remember, winston churchill ended up on the winning side. and that may be where the similarities with the landscape again and, and the moving on it now, the us military is reportedly planning to deploy a longer range ground based miss styles in the, in the pacific region for the 1st time since the cold war and american army officials cited by japanese medius as the lead that he's like spite the top and
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next year, and he's named it the tearing china supposed best enrolled. philips didn't specify where exactly the missiles would be deployed. defense of getting husband human spaces in the region including and so i want to find the philippines on guam or within firing range of the chinese mainland. us claims in some media. arrangements solves the designs, accounts of beijing's deployments of such weapons on its own photo in beacon. yes. i'm only the american homes mentioned by the us. official is the tomahawk cruise missile, which is capable of carrying nuclear warheads and hits august thousands of columbus is a way the missile system this i'm 6, is also expected to be deployed. that is designed as a nancy weapon, but can also be used to hit ground unable targets, old bits with a much shorter range from the tomahawk us. and us as long as the vice chairman of
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the shanghai sense of old impact and international studies. so that the actions of the u. s. b, which has no intention of taking into account the interest of other nations. this actually shows that to them the us is due considering itself to be the world policeman that they still believes that they live. you know, they control the whole world, they have the right to do whatever they like. uh, even outside of china's folder, last thing they, they start deploying, consider to deploy nuclear weapons. i mean, i think for sex is now something that is really something that needs to be changed in the us, particularly in this multi paula world because the world is no longer what it was before and, and i think it's, it's something that the us leadership and the politicians need to really understand
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what's going long in the world today and going forward. so it's still a mentor of perception just before it goes to news coming in from the east of the russian capital, where a fire has engulfed a qualified tree incense plains on sick black smoke are rising up from a section of the factory that covers over 2000 square meters, emergency services, all sides working to control the place and traffic in the neighborhood has been blocked off. there aren't any reports on the cause or any casualties so far will keep you updated on that of many songs. the company, hey, on the it's a national you can find of the minutes updates on our website, r t dot com a. so for me, for today, but mike, a quartet will be hit with another one down the headlines at the top of the hour. thanks very much for watching
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the acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different. i listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you in january 2023, a balance of am, the ukrainian adults church was submitted to you. by spring 2022,
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a ukrainian activists were calling. so can you picture that slow road to be recognized as ukraine's main catholic church? which is the role of events occurring in the russian ukrainian conflict and the ongoing confrontation between russia and the west. the city, navy, guns, operating scholarship, funding at closing and priming just patients name the most. and if the company going is going, you know, the slow i to what the, by typical, by, on this kindly to cheat upset could you both of them are not in the streets of a pistol about the subject, not too good. not the solution. i have liked to possibly continue exactly neil up soon, but so if not all the facets at the pool hutton douglas gross. luckily senior glendale
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ability just because we are unable to come from the new trust that does it covers the chest by definitely cooperating these couple with senior to con or somebody to of sawyer of pneumonia structure of the may 2023 and the city of francis received id immunization landscape. the ukranian presidents had been requesting the summit for 3 years. the amazing last is less than an hour. early and sky left visibly annoyed. he dismissed the vatican's peace initiatives. ukraine doesn't need mediators. the agreements, the ukraine and leda had hoped for would not reached the pub, is repeatedly express support for the people of ukraine. a 20 for an end to the conflict between most go and keys on the lane, down the bombs. but there's also spoken of russia's interest. disposition on this
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complex seems highly contradictory. so won't go, is the vatican pursuing, and there's confrontation between russia and the west. the late march 2023. the ukrainian capital also to express some change goes, trying to protect, keep the chances lover, then mainshine, the it with categories of skill was when i was calling to, it's a measure to us to get the uh, well up up. we got it to post on the circuit, coach porter must glee or to escape at wells how necessary to have multiple scrub bucket upfront amongst where injected from key for chance. lara. on the ukranian authorities orders. historically the monastery came under the most good country unsecured as dixon, the
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c. let's see here on the them. see to see change. c, b m, in the most. i'm notice we have to put us on the to mine the similar my am what the motion here would be for the animal in december 2022. is it in sky proclaimed that should be no religious communities affiliated with russia, and ukraine, deputies in the ukrainian parliament immediately draw through the balance of band the u. c. outright charges were seized, and congregation members of the t. a gas was sprayed inside 2 inches. icons was set on fire. 3 square, arrested. any symphony minus a stone? you might be, it's easy to watch. so that's a shame is, but that upsets have to know. can you still look at the most of the social is 2 or 2 or the new york city is they must have an exemption pain in the aging. it took
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a couple of us, let us win yet. it says which bus. so to deal with the, you know, good, it could potentially just good to go to stella. but clearly, let me check because that interest, you know, kind of those, and then ballistics public will not be going to turn it because it pretty much slip in february 2022. does actually go in and keep negotiate at a special agreement core to conclude that which gives catholics unprecedented rights. the deal involves the restoration of old catholic cathedrals in ukraine at the states. expense of catholic schools will also be financed from the budget. a catholic church wedding certificate will carry the same weight as a secular one. the chaplaincy will be handled by a military bishop, a vatican appointee. where will this lead, you, crane? and historically also adults country. what support is the pope offering in exchange for the country renouncing his traditional face blown to get a national affairs, much eastern and its own and global for heroes. she could manage his christine, me,
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that i get there, particularly if someone center with economy plus to me and there's just the p at the illinois i will by shooting event, fortune. so i've got this from a couple of the i just talk. it's a look sorta clip blasting and won't look nice. candle deals can be of some basic for me to go some way from fastpitch escape there. since she's living in the old and the family has lived in authentic and for over a century pietro, any manual? his father works for the holy c and the paypal residence, or on the is it the full how it is if unique, fasick and citizenship? there are only $800.00 citizens enjoying this ages, which is why emanuel is disappearance is regarded as an exceptional case. could have been too good, you know me to go to the way the casa of the sort. a lot of that he got the more weight of that going, tod, do they put up with onto a scenario, a good to remember to soon? okay, well i'm on the symbols that have gone through mean around like, you know,
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being a, could you go to most of buddies, shane to feed my you file. now let me close that they similar to the hold on. do you need you and i need them. so maybe she moved for us to go out to a service suna literally on so you can shoot me the condo. yeah. my gosh. it can you put me silver k to be able to print me so to judy add some sort of reload. i couldn't find the object, assess feed either the manual or never returned home. the old and the family finds a police report, but it wasn't registered. neither on the day she went missing nor a week later. and as soon as you validate the level,
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you'd see i got to be noticed. usually what else under the judo, one level those to the company as a bundled $200.00, it will be a lawyer just dropped it on jewels. so please a following up a little bit. amount of weight on the city volunteer discipline side, who makes a lot of just every single gate runway. so that'd be, that's the slides or the by spelling, put on yeah. going, what was it going? the window and we had so 3 on finally put on the other stuff down with them. that's what i would say. there's only valid or no shift or just the value of the media. you have as soon as it goes, that goodness will be this infiniti. i mean, if i boss think would be odds of was input attractive. it really, it doesn't, buddy got to be some of these. bob, i stopped doing that. i got seen, i should tell you what they're gonna put and let them know that comes off, finish a copy of it to be available. now they'll give it as soon daugherty. how do you either shrink when we'll do it? to dave on a boy discharge a little, i don't remember one way like either one of those comes you. when are the apps are
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locked into a little bit above it? at least it could add all these cows. i live a little more in the media. liftgate mm zip allows them to the left instead of 5 of them into the southern together looked into the problem. john kish national, may submit the job was serving on live sentence and in his town in prison. in 1981, he fired a pope, john paul, the 2nd wounding him in the stomach pack jugs. numerous testimonies claimed he'd been hired by the soviet secret service to eliminate the pope. the motive being the pontiff. and to comment as rhetoric, collaboration with police trade unions and undermining soviet police relations. fortunately, surely what your kind of business loan that you are, the it's a good that it just could to play against a web shift that on the who me on it. oh boy, you know, they should be a piece cup of that the shift dish. so shit,
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your call at the middle of the minutes a business little boy just gotten the space bits, but it's debbie today. if there's a volume, i don't see no set order which are kind of interest to you, have a learners sent that to me as we have to tentatively dusta this. richard davids up, which means you set them what other porsha video, by getting that promotion you get better solutions for michelle bush to submit it to just the vision. you told me molly should have been able to move by being in. but you can reach me by the 20th since that i know about and has been hard to pin down is the a weiss between ronald reagan, the polish pope, john paul, the 2nd as solidarity and the efforts to change the government in poland at the time. the c, i a, a national endowment for democracy, finald funds from the united states through the vatican,
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and into poland. e as increase their using religious organizations, their to kennel money to solidarity. it was the polish people themselves, especially the religious leaders. through the aid of the polish pope, but i do me to kind of blew up the bucket. i, she and i bought that as an inch to be just for almost a whole different things. i looked at the starting a little bit of a new interest. i just want to switch a candle on the coin with me to to, to show us let's get started to move this around loosely by any but the doors and the close. i should do to just do that. does the catholic church carry on this? well, today, that's the thing, and we need to stop by someone, it'll stay me because any minus easily, my gosh, origin business got the phone up, dinah said kind of saw some of which a gun you show for us. that's great. name me. see sweets of the prepaying of allies to pop up and i should talk motion and pollution that what the dawson on the with the chief but then you just put him manama dish to bring it honestly accomplishment up on that. they'll come along. but from the what's the paycheck?
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you come always, but it's very to the bushes to not often i think they lost touch points. you should come up with francisco be, are we by jason? easily? is that suicide over to con? the always brand new model to the district did not start voicing mesa. so do i give them my done know crane? and even though i thought about a good thing, each many of us pushed nice to meet the smaller ceiling because it took them 3 of them are still below us, deals of, of, and then like done a solution that interest you the solution. i think you list the buddy. lemme put a zip code to a state and you know, so let's do it today, but it was specific to me as opposed to the most difficult. is it any business? maybe just the feel for the, you know, just to play me over you ever saves plays or what have you, but a piece come over, but it really loves to book today. and that's it
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a little bit so much to do that. and then you just go for the rest of them that's up to, you know, get organized to publish them. that's my next you gave would be just comments that it just somebody to suggest that then you know, just one student. but that is, but i to chris them for the meals don't just as i'm done with the the, what our solution is when you have the theme and the issue given us that we need to might done for you for the children. that's the article will build, you know, the transmission becomes a year when you have a bus that idea of what you to look at that gauge and just you can reach the body of the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people a robot must obey the orders given by human beings,
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except we're so charters at conflict with the 1st law show your mind. and just in case we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. and the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence,
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we have so many of the payment the a robot must protect this phone existence was alexis, the the, the angel a 20. so it seems the 10s of a calculate showered so you can reach us, appeared on my done, they know 70 offered food and medical aid to the protest as, but also gave lectures. you can gather what these folks are about from this leaflets. the proud book of a revolution rate. the leaflets handed out on my dad stated old messages here in a blast by the vatican. the police report on the farm on the roof against him and yet will not be able to pull you. in december 2013 vatican envoy, cardinal ocean bone,
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arrived in cave. his 1st stop was my done. the mission, the pope was interesting to me is assigned if his unity with the ukrainian people ukrainian states, and people are very close to the folks out the space in the close of those who suffer. my mission is to show that this food least is the case called an ocean bone . discussed the main purpose of his visit with ukraine's authorities behind closed doors. a few weeks later keepers main square was flooded with students from great catholic the keys. he asked to go institutions, they were addressed by, well known ukrainian politicians by cities shall boone and say, listen to most of and i am one of whom onto only regarded as most the minds behind the my done protests. but we're also faculty members of the ukrainian catholic university. the
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figured that what you've done will try to use a subject, but almost attending so. so i'd be surely would you call me when you see if it's possible, i'm not. no, great, it's my challenge is, come on, you skip the sites up on my be me. i will see you soon. you ask it, see through it, but you knew more about your thoughts case. i'm thinking which across the slide 2016, some ukrainian region started floating the idea of moving the christmas celebrations from january, the 7th to the catholic date of december. the 25th, according to oppose by the ukraine's resonant call center. between 20132020. great catholics in the country had grown by 6 percent. like why have the ukranian authorities says how to cancel all of the size, the country this choose some of them got don't. okay, and it, but let's coordinate can. but so in the process log that said custom crate in the 1st in the port and it's like save it, but that's what i show frozen repeatedly put in the president. press going to get bullshit of that, you follow me some wisdom to get to create
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a brush and come by difficult and of instead of going the bottom portion of scroll up to those eyes, people the differences in asking in an opinion on that should they started saving they've grown my psychological drama, the commercial came from a flooding. ok and then they would, i think that's good. then each is going to push leading that the vatican authorities would find emmanuel. so pietro orlando, took the investigation into his own hands request. i mean, i mean i've gone through all the, all the employees that us come 1st serve you one way. not only somebody who are the see why don't give a young decisive chest. so someone who just anybody got it usually sounds robertson, every single box number was known. so here's a quick shop for a while. the legal sent in this is a pro bill of 10000 anomaly. separate all the time i work it, but the way to send me the data that i meant this combos don't get any most that will be definitely go down because i'm gonna look it up for similes as they are now . could i? we still have video cd,
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i did send it out loud for them. they towed it totally enjoying the list of these facts. one, could you or let me run back to about it, the president and then go another, otherwise you've got to get uh name what's new to the castillo, alada ended up, etc. so like, i think everybody got a lot of the same for you, margaret, even son to get somebody says that it was a fucking know he's on off because he wasn't able to visually investigate that. and so fees are 2 of them with us, with all that i wish to joe, not a me fucked, a crystal say, say a vision, you know, maybe that you're not in the body shop mediation with stuff. as you uncomfortable, we specify that people as well that and this boss, your level of what i mean by the god on the media c. c. offices couple of this will finish what i mean, that in a long little you move your didn't feel free to do, you know, part a lot of people in this room, but audio coverage. okay. pull it up instead of the to the bus that will of course, the flight and on the way of them
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a new york can be the addition you'd have. i mean, to get a little idea of i know who noticed on somebody that took a look at it because it was a 1997. the minute of the case was closed for the 1st time. the version associated with k g b agents found a pot with a new version of the goals disappear and soon appeared due to the initiated to a new official investigation following the publication. but why was no assistance given to the investigators by the vatican? in the early 19 ninety's revelations of catholic praise, sexual crimes began to surface all over the world. in the early 2000 this italian journalist emiliano fidget holidays, conducted his own investigation. he concluded a minute while i had been abducted and taken to england,
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where she had been forcibly held prisoner for 14 years. as proof, he cited bills for keeping the girl in the institute of sent boss and nina, in homestead. payments were made from 1983 to 1997 cardinal lorenzo antoinette e. signature is on the documents. there was also an entry concerning the final procedures that is the funeral. the vatican says the documents with psych this is father gabriel animals, the vatican. his chief eggs closest in 2012. he claimed a menu of the or the end is disappearance. was a sex truly motivated crime. however, the vatican called his russian mystical, i mean through your stuff, it ends at a super limited eliano. we're not going to be sooner, but let me tell you in case those of us come 1st serve you by the way to can you tell me the voltage if you mind what i guess would be the most of the video don't, don't have it as somebody download $3.00 to a quote. cool. no idea when we did it, the woman dodge a little bit. so try. so we got to get funny there. got a lot of different, you know,
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i mean the most of the story on a leg where you all know if word for several years and the vatican's all kinds of libraries. in 1986, he was commission to recreate an ancient mosaic. the one a brazil was catholic churches collaborated with a vatican, this chief artist, mancha rupe nick, also some grapple show slouch even up. we'll see it the most like a couple of them. i guess a virus you more, but i bought the dish and i still board in a row x, which is the newest here. the remember with the kind of what our cost always to schedule sure to reimburse your shoulders to the key for $600.00 plus the beginning of solution cuz she was trying to figure out what's a good district for making a pretty big snag into the one that you just mentioned that you ask different are used for smartgate, so most gets invisible. i've used what the process might be nice. you use your actual sort of what should, let's use risk just just the 3 drawers very for, from
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a goodness, not us to show us to obtain the proper friends. please give us a book when the show symposium shall secrete costs, which is you and your company will forward you to contribute to your gesture. wps was 1000 in 2009 in the diocese of dump it in some 50 pres, with suspected of child molestation. 10 was convicted in 2011 in the mental and it came to light. the breeze of a dutch catholic church could abuse thousands of children. moreover, some of the crimes being committed back in the middle of the 20th century 2018 in the us state of pennsylvania. detectives launched a huge investigation into the molestation of thousands of children by more than 300 catholic priests. pennsylvania's chief prosecutor john shapiro said the poking self of tried to hide this crimes. a series of accusations of sexual abuse seriously undermined the vatican's authority of 6 or less gonzales. but the next good said good bye to chase a couple of i can't go any could. i need to ask the stan leverits instead of you up
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and down on some of the machine. you go go, but this option, but as of right and then i will have shift to a spring. i chose to become a 6. so i know cock this to go. so that's the case. jess, can you put your thought by snail truck authority? he off name for tonight? i'm a 6. we also have the right to be on a family that the children have gone to have that right. no one should be excluded . what we must do is pass a little on civil unions. fearful homosexuals will have legal protection because of that, by phone says that it was less, you know, at that point. so, but i suppose that sounds good, but i pushed the most of the 6 of these if that's and that's like the let it doesn't increase postal side. ok most you're listening to test the most and you know that's good at that video. so it's giving me the roommate what it's, it is probable, what is a bullet,
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the shape we have a whole number that each score pair of associated with the punch. if it's made similar statements before, here's what he said on a visit to brazil and 20. so that's a one, and one is there is repeatedly receive letters from people as a homosexual orientation to save that society, cruelty, hudson. these people constantly feel the churches condemnation though i believe that should not be so current. pope has made some sensible staples, but at the same time we send remarkably stupid things like promoting the are they all g d p to? yeah. no harm them. let them do is what they want behind closed doors, but don't make a part of a situation which i or anybody else would have to accept and embrace their way of doing things, collusion, or legal at each door as nothing like fringe. you would that fairly but i came up was to ship conclude english is up in that you download it at the institute. see me
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since i've been spending a commercial excel and but i'm stuck in a boiler, new friendly institute product to show it to come from, but also as well. so what do i do? so, and they send this to me, take them so they deals a model. how do you of the source talk is to ensure on this, at the east of the dates on the ball, go to attribute it to come them know, just leisure loses. cuz ultimately i think success, i'm not sure i'm almost you according mind you see to this new p 1st. it's a leaky toner phones too. so now for us to best buy the fluids, when you close to the city of k to, you know you until you to goes 9 to the sun and onto the next on the 10. let's do extension night just by the end of magically at the, the end of the class at the wash. so populating is cute. i also have like a bush. i suggested at the end this up with nan flash, meaning it's from people's lives. people each and i'm needing approaches,
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so stuff like that. first time with frontier secure the price of life. a big team of the property is going to fort us by the us to us up of the one that you want compared to the other side of nice to turn you if they want and you won't wash for financing with you. you don't have to pick one particular wise, much estimates. and here are those po from says, promise to pray for the the, there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for. so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me
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living on that. we have very close propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask a better. the answer is will be the all the, the types just open the door and you pull some of the different products and must have less than like i said, us, we'll probably that's up to my been in the school. just do it in
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the polls and use them in my own way. this to i'm a licensed football shy, right. only conflict of interest to students pursuing issue even though you pretty much don't you this is this the, [000:00:00;00] the, the over 60 palestinians are reportedly killed in a 2nd idea of slice on the town of cum units in south and gathering 2 days. i think
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these are all promises to be best 5 patients in areas where they tend to locals to seek shelter, the distress to get me just from central gas or wherever refugee cans of also been strong by the idea of what at least 15 people would it be killed over now i many children are among the casualties. the also ahead, the pentagon said to us worship, in 3 commercial vessels. come on the fire in the red sea, and that's us movies, claim responsibility for our attachment to the ships. they say where leg street as
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well as the crate in terms of offensive as failing of the president's approval rating. last thinking while p as may a doesn't pull any punches. accusing the head of state of paula some mistakes ascertained with all the international always. and that's the headline, this hour will bring you more updates habits, some of the out next is possible on this episode, focusing on the kissing just legacies, the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered on peter lavelle. the quintessential foreign policy genius, or one of the greatest mass murderers in history, kissinger might have been bo, and much more. his death was not untimely, but his legacy still haunts us. in many ways, he initiated some of the worst aspects of american foreign policy the to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, george w. l e in budapest is a pod cast or at the goggle,
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which can be found on youtube and locals. and, and their cash we have martin j e. as an award winning journalist and commentator or a gentleman cross socrates in effect. that means you can jump me anytime you want. and i always appreciate it. all right, george, let's start out with you. in budapest, as i said in my interaction, it wasn't untimely. he did make it to 100 years. i think the is last major trip was last year to beijing, so he was he had a vote, a very up of filled life to the very, very end. but he also has a legacy. it's an under stipend to say it's mixed. but i would contend that it's not much different than a lot of other secretaries of state sense,
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but we'll get into that. go ahead. george, as well is the no question. it's a m a mix legacy. however, i think if one thinks about kissinger's, he is in power as opposed to his stick of band take up sequins, he is out of power, but most of his life is really out of power. draw all the leading and carrying favors. little, well, the 50 years, but during his, he is in power. either those will years of diplomatic accomplishments. some of those we years of major arms control treaties signed is in which the united states managed to extricate itself from the war in vietnam. and they look for awhile as of the united states would not be able to ever accomplish that. um, but it was with a use of a, a healthy productive relationship with the soviet union, a game which seemed unlikely in the decades before, during the 19 fifties and early $96.00 is. and then of course it, you know, disappeared. you know, within a few years of the end of the mix,
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some kissinger. yes. so when you contrast that with the accomplishments of his successes, i think it specs up quite favorably. um, you know, it's hard to think of the last couple of decades. what diplomatic accomplishments the united states has a cheese? no, i mean i will come think of any major treaties of the united states, assign any major diplomatic initiatives that the come for a i mean what the recent years of being characterized by the forever was, was that just go on and on forever and no one can actually even explain what they're about with a garage, syria, libby a, i've got a style and then you know, you can just go through the list. what are they about and know the president will separate? just a seems intense. i'm bringing any of them to an end. martin it's, it's very interesting is that when you look at the obituaries and even before he
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died, obviously, i mean they had 50 years stuck about his legacy as a well. i was in power, a mass murderer, a gross, a violator of international human rights laws, etc, etc. madeline albright, when asked about iraqi children, you know, she said it was something worth the, you know, but they accepted. i mean, but my point is, you can, you can say a lot of things about henry kissinger, but, you know, a, he didn't take the job because he was a st. okay. he was a, a very talented and geopolitical thinker. now we can disagree with some of the things that he did, but to put him in mass murder category like that without and being standing alone. come on. go ahead, mark. yeah, i think i think joe was quite hold on him. i don't think he necessary it. did the growling so good? i mean, i can't think of any states from them is since the end of the 2nd level that still held the importance on the credos on the, on the under gravitas that he had. i'm used to visiting all sorts of the world leaders. you know that in the last time it's in martin. he worked very hard at it.
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okay. i mean, it is. what does it was interesting things that he called debated the the midst of about himself. no, but better than any one else. go ahead the okay, let me put it in different way. can you imagine i just need the income of to isn't it ministration is over in a tour in the world for decades later on. so that will lead to is, you know, quoting his opinion, you know, he was an extraordinary car to, he's hated because of the was because of a number of, um, uh, interventions some which were carried out more directory hands on others web by america just stood by it and gave them the link michigan's yeah. yeah. like a strong use for bangladesh. you know? oh, he's team or you know,
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so we're living in different times and not only will see an enormous car so incredibly car was about to it was also an intellect which was something that makes some pretty badly needs. it's oh, my free time. time out all the time out. i'm sorry you, you hit a red line and the door to the yard. well, now one of the things well, and i feel very adamant about this. so much of the focus on henry kissinger for the success is the george mentioned. it's given the kissinger never given to nixon, and that's on purpose. george. knowing the question, i think peter, you and i have discussed this many times before. it's um, it's a completely a dis, almost exercise that was practice during the next 10 years because much of the media and the tests nicks always had it. and when they saw all these uh diplomatic accomplishments, they were not able to credit mix simple them. so they have to cultivate the made, but it was kissinger, those brilean, german jewish professor who was have all these fantastic ideas and in a mix of those, just simple wow, you know, do you,
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you go ahead and do what you want, henry, but it was simply it wasn't true and you can see from the, the transcripts of the conversation, we've all been publish it, which is next. and that who is the guiding force of a foreign policy? kissinger was a man who implements that. there was a mix of who came up with the idea of the opening to china. it was nixon who actually saw it to bring the war to an end by trying to get the soviet union to influence north vietnam, maybe a diesel nickelodeon policy objectives. but simply to media, then all the way up to now of never a given the next to the quarter. so either way, in the midst of kissinger is a kind of a, you know, the other side of the point was they could continue disparagement of a mix up was i think one of the, one of the clever as the most boss,
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like the presidents, or maybe in us history. yeah. because martin almost all the histories of written the nixon, arrow written by liberals. so what would you expect? go ahead martin. all right, well i still incorrect to the i n s. um i, i was believed that some kissinger was a, i'm in a normal state, charismatic current to my point i was trying to make before you cut me off. that was the little knowledge, apologies. i just haven't had to be speaking as joy as george pointed out, it just something that we have talked about so many times. so i apologize. gotta give back the floor to you. all right, i'm talking about characters. that was my point, the characters. so you know how, how many characters can you, can you think of it a lot us 506070 years ago, the past thought i'd that gravitas, that kissinger hobby was able to quote, gender so well, newton's talk so perfectly about it will do so this, i wasn't aware that it was nixon who was behind the very spot moves in the seventy's to, to bring china in from the cold and to, to side loud. russia. but he,
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he also did a huge so it was one of these great leaders, great statesman, the boot. that was a great believer in the other. jenny folks never change their mind because in 2019 he advised trump to do exactly this. the same thing to was to get close to russia to a met china. but i think, um, i think the point is that we haven't had anybody like him, and that's why he's so hated and loved this way. so i polemic so controversial. i don't think he's ever really going to ever get over the legacy, the reputation of the carpet bombing for years in cambodia with mood estimates for vary between 80400000 tests. and also the, the input result of that, which is to actually, you know, simple, it's a, can i originally from the photos and get some more supporters. and originally, i think, i think that was one of his greatest blunders possibly ever. and um, you know, i think that's, that's, that's, that's how he's, he's written his legacy. but, you know, moving towards food into today. you know,
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um, i can't help feeling that we really badly need somebody, highly articulate and really raised a shop with an intellect in the white house. now as a result of some of these huge um, instructional problems that america and the west has brought upon itself. you know, ukraine and as well, for example, because of, you know, what i wonder if um, if, if, if somebody like kissinger, what about the edge would have had the, the, the impact on this decision making to cut off what button come put off. i think the contrast is in the old days and the days of kissinger where america was extremely bold. it was the soup about, it had to come out. you know, america was judge by very much what it did. in fact, it was today, you know, where we're living in a completely different well it in a, in a monkey by the world. way. americans let alone with the suit that we tend to judge america by what it doesn't do, but more. and that's what it says,
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and if the contrast is, you know, today we have an american president who can only cool for us, he's fraud and gaza. and that's really only can do. and you know, and hope to the rest of our listeners and, and he's, but of course that's not the case until and george, it is. i think it's a remarkable leadership in the west right now is it's a, it's an outcome of an id. ology that really produces itself. i mean, you know, a anthony blinking is no accident and he is representative of the professional managerial class. but there are no nothings there, just accredited george? yes, i think so. um. there's also other aspect of it. i think that, um, in the case of um, the mix and kissinger, the world in which the united states have to accommodate itself to a serious rival power. and that tends to focus american minds. yep. and they have
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to move towards the making piece because they, the, the, the possibility of the destruction and the american defeat was that it was something that was real palpable. so we're going to what happens is the unit pull a moment, just the victory of the be a business the united states, interpretation of the cold? well, we want, well the of the top dog. no one can arrive of us as are the. and i said you can do whatever it wants and that's why so there's, there's no measure. there's no check on anything that the united states, as i said, it can just sent you the dispute policies of destruction, destruction because them hate. this is a, is a scales. we're going to just dump everything on. somebody else on does not have to pay for it. you know, we do libya. okay, well, we have with real good. i said, okay, well we go to mess with a, not our problem that the europeans deal with the war in, uh, syria. okay, no, no problem. let me look here at the 2020 years in afghanistan, not the exact,
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it's when he is, i mean, people, we had talked about vietnam, but i mean, the united states was enough, goes down the longer than it was uh, in pain in vietnam. i mean, she just got from the moment of john, lyndon johnson's escalation might be a 65. it's basically a is. and as good as i was 20 is iraq unless it's just billing there. and then when was it doing? it's just basically preventing any other power emerging on the desktop, or do i say, i have to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on the legacy of henry kissinger. stay with our to the historically. and there's never been a model of any military alliance auto political on the lines. that is the fundamental difference between india and many of the other countries. so this comes
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with the total price, because as you said, the alliances and countries which want you to be a part of them. and if you're not, then you looked upon with a suspicion. but it does kind of as to what all these black and white divisions of the the welcome back across stock were all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. this is a home addition to remind you. we're discussing the legacy of henry kissinger. the let's go back to martin america has already brought up the subject and isn't the the, what's going on right now is we speak of thinking about the legacy of henry kissinger . and let me the, the shuttle diplomacy that he conducted and a during the night after the 1970 the 73 war. it's very interesting. you have
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people like blinking the want to repeat it. and henry kissinger pulled something up, blinking never will cause no one takes them seriously. doesn't take the, the administration seriously much the detriment, or the reputation of the united states. it's but eat what else go can make the claim. and i think maybe it's open debate, but it was under the kitchen just tenure, a secretary of state where the united states started, the tilt no longer is some kind of a mediator. but on the, on the became a israel's international lawyer. and that is a trend, obviously that has continued much to the detriment of palestinians. and in dallas, of the westbank man, the reputation of the united states. and actually the security of israel. you of the, i think you can make the argument a lot of that. but then that the significant trend started under kissinger, a, it pre dates, kissinger and the relationship of israel, but the intensity of it. and it has remained to the present thoughts. i suppose. i mean, the idea at that particular time in that particular juncture was that we need israel
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more vanessa. you know, israel needs to be a partner in the middle east. what is that was there in the cold that was during the cold war? yeah, essentially that mixed up with us pledge of this. what do you, what do we get out of the special relationship with as well? and he said is, well, we didn't know no, really that much. i mean, is it the reason why we have that relationship is, is re, largely because of a hold of course, which is an extraordinary thing to say. i wonder if, if um, if, if, because it was in the room when you said that, you know, but, but i think we were living in different types. and, um, we, we either the, we don't have that. the america doesn't have that cloud. and even though the edge anymore to, to the leverage that it was hard when during kissinger days. and i made the point full of that, you know, in the, in the old days of kissinger, america, foreign policy, did it actually impact it? but now we're living in a period of american following storm policy being very much something of
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a narrative narrative which isn't really taking that seriously. and the, you know, the consequences is the way very confused about what our role is now in the west. and what we should be doing around the world. interestingly, you talked about, i've got a son country, very close to my heart. you know, when america pulled out, i think a general as ask isn't just about what went wrong. and you said, look, the simply this, you know, we, we had no real clear idea, but what we're trying to achieve in this kind of stuff, you know, and i think um, but the, that, that was quite to a person and, and poignant moment. you know, for a lot of people to, to, to, to, to heat the point that probably the west shouldn't be meddling in things. it doesn't understand him. do we really understand the complexities of the middle east and what the israelis are trying to do? it is rep, probably not, you know, but a and a is argument. i actually was interesting because by contrast, america did have a very clear policy that it is policy very, very obviously it was to make sure that no one country in the region ever followed suit and became an exec on to like kind of what the name was trying to do to, to be
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a no telling us what was the most common estate. it was just opposed to me. you know that there was a paranoia by kissinger nixon and others are that times that, you know, the countries has done up to us and just say, we don't need to trade. we don't need a new idea. energy just leave us alone. that was enough to spot extrude her a reaction of paranoid which really led to them to fit and i'm more it was all about you know, stumping out this one example is one country that stood up to have it, but it was also within the context of the rivalry with the soviet union and, and, and the address of it was one of the main drivers. george, um, you know, again, you know, you, you can take the henry kissinger stamp on the middle least i think it gets indelible. and, you know, i, you know, i don't know what he said in the last years of his life, about american foreign policy, visa be israel. but just that it was martin is mentioned, i mean,
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what does the us get out of it? because in many ways, i mean if you live in, henry kissinger wrote many books. he wrote a book called diplomacy, which i'm a very sharp critic of guessing germany ways. but it's an absolutely brilliant book . it's a premier for geo politics. and but you know, he wasn't always a geo political thinker as he was a neo con, that we would say probably today. thoughts on that? i think so. yeah. i think if, if one thinks about the, um, the middle east, um and you know, that was clearly a rivalry within the uh, the nixon administration between the, the state department led by uh, william rogers and then, and henry kissinger and the state department still maintains the um, what more traditional at that time us approach to the middle is which was even handedness. um the arabs, uh, friends. it was,
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i mean the united states have been involved in the arab world since. and i think said when to damascus, for goodness, say exactly next on went to damascus and they just didn't really have that view. um, a good guess since it was much more pro is right. and you're absolutely right. i mean, you did begin to see that the, the role of the united states, us to act as a kind of a, a diplomatic, a representative of the united states. but that was the, the pressure of the soviet union. there was a fear um, within the next administration, that if this goes on, if this conflict goes on, then the soviet union will get a beach in the, in the middle to use the arrows. is it going to turn to, to the soviet union? the say, hey, you know, we, we need your help, you know, with the arrow. so we're going to deal with this problem is, right? so there was a pressure on washington to bring these conflicts to an end. and that's why there's, this pressure is now gone. i mean, the motor just don't care. and i think this is really the problem with these forever was because there it is just don't care. there isn't a sufficient pressure on the only united states to do anything to bring these
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conflicts done in. so if you imagine what's going on now, israel and gaza, you know, the buys and people say, well, you really have to be careful about the civilian casualties. we, i just, just, you know, we don't, we're, when we're not happy, but you'll killing so many children. and that's it, but nothing else. the more i think you've had this been the in taking place in the mix and kissinger you or are they able to do much better. there was much tougher pressure on this. uh this ronald reagan kind of, um, uh, called the bank and, and said knock it off. it was there and left it on there. knock it off. exact happened. exactly. advise me to do it by the absolutely do it any, those are the, this has been the glue case. was it the reason presidents, you know, they could easily bring it over here easily pressure as well to uh, to come to a conference stable and work something out smell an insoluble problem. but they've been reluctant to do it. no more. and it's, it's really interesting when we think about the kissinger's relationship with,
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with it israel and us relationship with israel. he was no scientist though. okay. and i think it's, it's, they have to couch it in terms of what, what george just said. i mean, he thought about it as a j, a political again, but, and, and the problem to solve these would be the cold war. he put all those pieces together . that's what made him quite brilliant in his own way. but ever since then, you know, we, we had that we have that history of from 1973 to the present with israel. but it's much more in a couch than design just a terminology in paradigm because we just certainly wasn't the. it wasn't particularly sympathetic to jews and the soviet union, a body put together a number of piece plans for the israelis and the palestinians. so we shouldn't forget that, but again, i come up some other point different times a very different times. you know, when you look at what you get scanned on this and causing just paranoia of one
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individual journal, this public opinion then, i think was probably even more important than it is now. i mean, it was certainly a different attitude towards press, international media. both nixon and kissinger took the press very, very seriously. and i wonder if that would be the same case if nixon was in a position today. no uh, looks um cuz i'm just, i do think you wrote it. one of his books are part of which one, but he's, i'm paraphrasing you said the foreign policy is very much something about how you have to have the power behind the policies. i think he was basically saying the on 1st and the on gloves is really what dr. american foreign policy to. so it's not the case today now, you know, and i need the contrast to the is the role of acetic statement that i'm a made in 2015, you know, backing away from the red lines, threat to syria and against us. do you know where, you know, we have this thing which probably kissinger finds out to repulsive cold soft policy, you know, which is a sort of you for this and for we no longer in pal, you know,
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we're not going to show us. so different, very, very different days for kissing joe. but just pick up joe, just point, i think probably, kissinger nick, some would have been more sense. some said sensible. i'm thinking of the french was sort since people are sensitive to the outcry from people via the press then this, today's administration, i mean, and, and i think it would have acted on it. so i think under kissinger we may well, lot of cease for coming to the seats for enforced and that's the key will influence every se, every time we had something like this, an american president would demand a ceasefire. this is not happened now rapidly run out of time. judge what we um. we have to give kissinger credit for, for his out of office years. he had the kissinger associates became a very wealthy man. he remained very relevant and germane international politics. tony blair is imitated him. everybody else h. kissinger created
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a paradigm. and every one of many, many people fall into this footsteps. george? absolutely. it is a power that i mean he did at the moment he's using office ended. he moved to new york, set himself up in a lavish um apartment and began cultivating a very wealthy people. the also cultivated a close, also socialized, see the, the, the dinner party is that, and this became the, you know, only a very important ingredient on his life. and he flatted the full after the all kinds of lead is in or wherever it is. you know, he was, he was what he liked to be flattered to any loved to be for the 2. and that's why he continued to get invitations. you know, the people that listen to all his great great states. well, i mean that's where he put his energies into and i think he abused it because i think he could have used these. he is much more productively. he could have been a good advice of 2 presidents as a, in the instead,
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he wanted to go on being invited to the wi fi though i get the question. i have a question to both of you right before we end here. but at the end of the day, george, for as he was sick, he wanted to be he wanted to represent the quintessential consensus. yes or no?
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absolutely. that's. that's what we was martin. yes, i think so. i'm thinking josh will change that ended really quick. so we've got 20, the different studies that can cause the thing that goes to his personality gene. never, never wanted to be outside of the main street of a conventional opinion. okay, gentleman, that's all the time we have a want to think on george and martin. i want to thank our viewers for watching us here. are to see you next time. remember cross stuck rules. the the, this is katrina wife of the as of regimen. come on to denise bruck. a bank one has
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social media pay. she rides openly about sympathies for nazi ideology. another girl who met with the pontiff, beauty of fit a sealed, spouted onto a ride use during my down 2013. she organized trips for ukrainian children to military training comes, did over on, says not know who we was talking to and to whom to, to hardly see offer help desk store. but when you've been away, but the, so with this give a lot system. but the pleasure of they both are both concept the vice president. so just letting you know about the b s, then that's the lowest during that visit i made. could have seen that the payment to but you can look up during that says the special publish, the business was fine. you are that young, but again, tonight that'll get blocked us later than this. the latino gave me an e mail to escape is to take care of this because otherwise it means that even though which accounts can because by the time you have could leads to peace interest. and so at least in the draft, you know,
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50 facebook pick up as early as 14, and the accounts gets split up. so if you don't want to come and go to go up there to not physically, if i should just put you with all the best of all we get to it because these up to additional money plus the product, scroll down. the below is that us government in the literally because of a safe place to clean a decision because there was no means a whole, a cost to do many, many a need. but my goal is be that because i knew the pressure is confused with justice and i know it's a congregational, it's a 3 chance of conflict and i see it. okay. and there was defiance not done yet. and that's this collision of keen, lemon august sunlight list. and yeah, but because of which is a 1000000 buck pretend to boy, even the bulk of the officials committed a shame over to con is down to so that the shift this should new. so lots of data,
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i think i do being it, them sending the public, the ideas, people send it to la times case lashania. but then you should stop. it all is glochelle. so talent and go to the dentist and lady meeting which accomplish able to go to school today of operating system that you'll see, he will civilian, will send me this little choose some more sleep by just click authentic, just click so quick a pop up the disk of box is a good while it goes off and i just can't answer this night just gave her no getting there so speak. you to go right out to uh with the economy on your boss. it is not the same exercise will cause that off of the kitchen and use option of suitable just because it's part of the store most lenient was a quinoa blessing. and i'll just say live in goose investments produce, notice less than that to, to, to do with, to over to come 1st quarter. so they've been abusing any thunder. i'm certainly upscale people that not 3 to 4 months by the gym class called the name of the
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product keeps giving you said colin mcneese, here's those clips have finished with this next this semester it takes design, it's what us to compute. i'm also giving you a quick question, ready to close to that? are you suggesting this switch? can you cut it up? but it's not to this, this thing is a supposed to put people into the difficult book for these to push the stuff in e mail to discretion. in 2020 the vatike indeed classified parts of its archives. stuff with the holocaust museum in washington for the 1st to study them while going through boxes containing of a full $100000.00 documents they found and that's it. address to the pontiff in autumn, 1942. from the us president's personal representative in the vatican. he describes the nazis of trustees in the wall. so gets a more than 100000 jews was slaughtered. old jews are taken out of the ghetto in groups and showing their bodies are used to liquefy fence and their bones are used
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to produce fertilizers from us shootings. take place notes and we'll also itself but in specially prepared camps, one of which is individual building. so the good to be non aware of the nazis crimes destiny stove, the category items used to, but could they reach to start to say the least skipped but a chair. but let me send you an article. so i'll look at the good states, boost stillness, and see if i put you to the, to switch from new bill. know which one is guessing the real subject. but i send you a couple of some clarity on that to accept. but if you don't then to do it in most, yes, but now it's each of these rice administer the interior. heinrich shimla declared in the early ninety's, such is as a nation need, is a new religion, which would be based on believes in ancient, dramatic gods that i'm not sure i'd like you to before. question on you would go to increase. you can, you know, usually just keep thinking that's what i can easily should do, but if i'm sure it and then you maybe the that is good. so can i get different folk last 2 weeks?
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so tell you and your booty, food very, pretty easy. blue. just because that is the that is considered a separate server to ours, so it doesn't deluxe just to get away. so between you and your precious. nope, i don't. so i really need you to do business to buy, to do what you wish me to do. this is that you would just suggest this because i just uh, as company do, which is it gives you the goals which are going up next to me or see if maybe as of october. i need to bring him a shot and we were expecting vehicle just for nobody else. to say it's not name is michelle or anybody. they can use it. she 3 more discovery. and that's just a minute here. they decided not to exercise old us money or both the bigger lady to switch it to some of the allow them to come in to fix dealership machine and get you on a screen. you might even check on that. and just placing a bolcom caught that the distinguishing up with cosign if there's to do it. so it's
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pretty to him go to menu. so should make it really doesn't. it doesn't look a horse by 10. so it's not so scared of him to flash. your son though, on a pretty simple disease towards becky, slower speed in bold them pacific yvonne, give them cleaners being of sign a piece by me like you guys must get them off more a whole iga so that then you can get you can use of the show 83 save of machine, you could they need to fix that. not a problem doing a little gross and maybe you should send them over to kind of see what was the deal because not really used to the window but for college to fuck the door. love shift to the level in yeah. especially sky phase room of oh but then it just keeps on. like you've talked to you earlier, this plan you gentlemen, you usually get an idea of the depth of fuel standings for you most just to really engine because the electrical you the email that it just started flushes give me
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enough to give me a clue. would you be doing this of budgeting? i need it, you could do it as this to could us papa themes key will play d g and give it to kind of of the 2 questions just as it was recently because the cost now of conclude it's similar to the $1.00 concluded almost a 100 years ago, this being activity discussed by the vatican and ukraine effect. so i just go to a google map us to create a property and scroll target that uh when you ask us if, if i could give you some more because this was the precious couple. so nobody's there much. no kidding. yeah, just let me get to them now. nicely chest. what? go on this your, my system. okay. yeah. and you, when you buy it to more on on you've had that's a zillow to it is yours. know why new years they'll play even then i see kind of that what you can do to get it. uh they got more on uh do you know if i just uh or near to them. so solution. so i like the goal was 80 and skills property and skip upside with the little boy was warm. it started in the room. so for you
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guys, if you guys can pretty gentle guy unit that you'll see a photo us long enough that you want to watch a little trouble. what's the property of the game is just estimate doesn't level of that. so the pistol lovely. i said we 10 meter, i'm over much done, i should say, lucky to have a bunk with a gun of toys to invoice or deal with me on the scale of or it's a clear for the appointment of the patient is not being worked the class and the someone doing it between which is to expand each consecutive i'd like to discuss that idea of senior with some bullshit to me that they took me out of pocket with the guns that are blocked away. the killing voice pushing it care people, would you call these monk? because it was a boy for 8 the basically the for a little bit digital is unit to assist you to do as you because putting you produce the volume it hopefully it was produced as much as you was here. i don't know which of this one could you or let's go and talk a lot, use a scene need for us and also for
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a single scene of clothing each year. uh because it was originally, originally enough of water. he was able to switch credit this over to the board. you split the one more to any mean your tone when you were used to get to do so you just have it in a few were was great on top of what it and what insurance. when you wish it wasn't working. yes. you mean it was just get the but it wasn't global scale. so it just took me during the fever, thumbs up and then you've looked at these numbers here when you go. so we're seeing the vehicle in a showing you what is most of our dish and the futile just got the cs. fasick and property is often associated with the freemasons and shows you with orders. but they don't keep that considerable savings. the, even those they directly serve the vatican to this, according to alexander, to him on of means only one thing. we can add another 1000000000 euros to the huge was of, of the well largest financial structure monkwood you come closer to them is 9 close popaleski items to which you come
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on, which are like the garage permission i think that's pushing into the ocean. so you know, you're also frank low binding me when you move in with us me or if you can just please typically don't fall into the show us more both on the dish and use lesson. what would you put them some over to sleep, a full dice and you've got a felt like a battle, some positive things lose your gym shot. somebody loves extension for that. so that's so you go give it to con. shanrice. have a feeling that the government is through but, and click on the political sort of short of civil video at all. so it's just not story. erica dynamics that i need is just a probation, valid grown case, gun dollar opinion based changing it. so it's more time to sit down and go to sleep by via phone. and if i ask, what can i assist that are better than the kaiser. you wish one of the violent bunk
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kid them costs, but the bulk of k as to waste taylor should as bob click on the car to get about jane, get danielle screen watching that scene loss. so i've got, i mean though, from the last you must be or is it a stylus? the best way for me? 11 cleared up and i don't really know the investigation unexpectedly link this story to a manual, a orlando this case. 19 years after the goes disappearance, a member of the bundle that i'm actually on a matthew a group, antonio mancini testified to the place, his gang invested $24000000.00 through the van. as it goes bank and the collapse financial terminates. msd said that the menu i lo was abducted by the compass and re code to pay it is in order to force the vatican to return the money and re code it. pit is system fee of loss of the band, a debt. i'm actually on
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a plan. he's associated with the finance here, roberto county loan during huge sums of money to pay. this was also known for his radical methods of doing business. so his connection to emanuel is disappear and seem plausible. the brother, pietro orlando, was struck by another detail if it is, was shot dead and the criminal showed down and then buried in
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a famous basilica in rome. we need the right to dispute all those who render serious services to the people quote out on it in this manner the, the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense i'm up the, in the system to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin move. yep. mission. the state on the rush of coding and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request, which is the, the telephone? i don't, i don't even,
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i don't have that as me so that easy. you only have 20 the odd. yeah, that'd be still. so what are you happy to go? so i suggest i'm going to run that updated just of those able to get a bunch of cds. i've already sent a couple united take the so 2 symbols to we're still going to be not very good if it is this coming quickly. so that means as soon as so that it gets so dollars. victoria, we were somebody the, the existing us. so that's a good, a mazda elder is the guy the noodle, but it doesn't mean instead of the damage. perhaps his sister's body was also buried. the end, the sort to have the grave opens the appeal to vatican authorities, italian coolants, and organized rallies, but exclamation and excavations of the holy basilica. a pretty impetus depends. i'll do me that we need to shut. do we gotta do is you have good. i don't know, but even though we still don't box is do we gotta do is you go quit somebody for sex, you own it, be no, no somebody take a logic with somebody, just the about a billing call and throw visit about the one that is going into the program at florida, i believe that we still don't box the case so much. i'm only logistical the. they
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don't different setting and nobody i'm going to assume that it was the calls that you do. so that's today. that's the one way up inside of you know what i don't want us to go so you don't care about the think about the equivalent to the same band. if you've got your stuff, i would avoid a wouldn't be the way that you, that it will always do it one way and it, this little that will just post viewed. and if i she go to find a way to do, she's only normally get quite a bit of sony to put it in. but i will do not is full. somebody that's closer chairs, they don't know who to the the bus if you don't want to go to a bid or see me, they get the one i'm good as plus i'll be the be gone. coming to invent that. even a sort of wondering if i did divided by the way, that's the one where i was, could find out that i will talk about some of them. i can see the guy wouldn't quit his post, that'd be that. the prosecutor's office got its way. exclamation wasn't carried out
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at the hoody basilica, but the pegasus remains were removed from the catholics trying to be a 10 years later. more than they hoped until the end that they would find some evidence related to assist of the. but it was not to be the 3rd version of the manual. i owe them these abduction fell apart on the case of language in the vatican archives which concealed even the biggest secrets that sounds really which occur that when you currently, usually and, you know, i'm not sure if it is of suspicion that you couldn't, you know, you're not that the he'd use now uh, out of been use upset, cuz she's someone that sent that to you before the moment. it's a couple of days so, but i like the point of view. i'm senior shriek, studies confront him, was this way of harsh. you, simon, wishes the dissolution was music which economies see if disclose the meal as the now so, so it took on them. so through each that was nice, see you created to put the most of the, blair to cuba to con, continue up the book in the movie store, your goods in the diploma to pick the professional. the sure thing is not the
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radical is the well smallest states, but it has its own power structure. military diplomat, alexander, has a mono of considered as vatican intelligence. to be the most influential in the world. its intelligence network is launch, isn't that of a c, i a m, i 6, and most of the blinds is a peaceful, religious state need its own intelligence service used to do this through to kind of further, especially when the junior associates got to finish. but for the ginger with a double the speed interval, sushi cube this was the prostate yourself, see it that i mean those issues for which you kind of visit you more. so if there's a chance or i need to defeat the research team here at the dealership square, which was clear and go to the process of providing you with a forklift to load up a program with a 1000 each, you know, again. so again, piece very when we assume you and yours, these are the seal products,
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which one would use the lowest cost versus what was going on with this machine. you could just give it to them, which would shrink it when you, when you look to build up and it will post $11950.00 to local security agencies, utilize the large scale vatike and aspiring and crank out. it was led by far the use of the lead to woodcock, most of pig assistance. we created a militant nationalist group under stablished contact with the c. i a intelligence center in unix from where they received instructions for carry out espionage and sabotage emissions in poland. the headquarters used to still cover the sea in width, and this was the local bishop of the crack house residents. every day, dozens of reports from freeze came in. they need to transmit to the intelligence to the vatican. the goal was to not post on out of this slightly at law generally, but i need seeing that. so we're to kind of see on a, b, c had to be a 1000000000. so only of us. well, only individual thoughts on this for you. and you could, i see the culture. and so then you try to westport, business talk should say cool, sounds good, but i have the list of options ahead of what the ship to. i see it'll be to loss
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the sound music him could reach. it seems to me as a clump, i mean, you know, meanwhile, i need mean shifting has been cut off, trim is doing the payment is to move it out. you'll see of a provide that for the sheriff's attempts to kind of combat each. okay. the other well 20 by the mission does that, did the metal at the moment that was to ship and he was through it again. it fits you out of this way to do a lot of a wiley, d n a new is g to kind of out of control which has to do with getting that speed control. it was today really close. look at it. i could totally say that wireless, but i would say no idea, but i'm good to see a book. see, would you be interested in interesting, you know, do you live in the document showing that each to the new barrel clips club williams give often a to is a tackling you get some of your in 1999. most of us to see it from serbia. the us
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on the steel military base was established the germany and the vatican with the 1st to recognize the republics independence, the static and is i'm data. lee and institution developed dependent on many countries. they have 1300000000 roman catholics around the world. and as they say in america, follow the money that it can get most of its money from pro western countries. that was a lot of the nato countries, spain, italy, england, germany, as well as mexico and the united states. so it is dependent, and the pope is under tremendous pressure to about the wishes of the, of the west and the condemned russian book. which a gun at a spring, it's for you yellow again, just giving you it's a got to fits me at the price quote, this was was a bit of progress moving it was production as someone pressed officially is just get your thoughts, success, gushing school buses, your to display want to get the better is up and they sure. so strip the phone you but i guess the truth good just to see what decision your city are moving next or near are you trips the police with the both of this occurred on yours putting,
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you know you to those 2 showed us for the full in there you do a huge because the study issue, but i use we ship shows up and those that appears just and when we took her from the capital to some pizza square, pietro or lundy has been holding riley is in the honda the vatican for the past 12 years know familiar, i'm going to respects you and jim, can we go to college or like you say about dividing money? no money is that sooner go to above. most of us that goes to w, i saw that it should be out of it. so could i be of adult me see the thought of can you me liberty sooner. yeah. i know you the judo gig one, they're just the ones that don't charge you not even going to have a garden. yeah. let you in think it's selling piazza getting a chance that i will, i'm ready for such as you'll need to keep it going. you have to go into the system with the e d g. the wage or no? not. you're not coming in quite at the beginning of the report. if i'll do the i'm on the way that it will delete, assess the work goes on your object date. if you're going to see what they're going
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to do, you got it by anybody got it. they want me to put attribute which stuff i'm giving to. again, that's a separate question for you and i've got a good s o w gotten me the, the 2023 magic and authorities loan. she has another investigation into a manual as abduction. that promotion simpler, so the one in autumn, if you do show your phone, do you have already got it? let me see what's going on. so what did you say? you mean pacific? just have you mean to pick one to mean you ought to double check the most of it can be out of the positive. and now the into the know i'm, i will need to get a video for 2nd video. and obviously there's been somebody that worked at them, probably i the movie that i did those on most of the diesel that you'll send a veto sicilian sky green lodge at the seas. you unplugged rooms of all the adults churches of the most co petri ok. and so many and ukraine believe differently between has a countries face the concern for the significant. and i don't know if i need to do what to insure time with the what was it is covered at the doctors appointment. mm
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hm. uh. north of pittsburgh. well, button it up one couple are you able to use? will you send me things that way? put things on the come off. i just don't, uh, i have posted i just don't know how, but anyways, i just wanted to let you know was no, i mean, fact no, cisco in the city, you know, tell me what the uh, bustle. uh, but it's on your pretty one. cuz when we're moving manufacturing, it will probably be somebody's able to get so cuz it sounds like when you're still just putting out these paperless capital, can you wish to reserve it for me? but if you need a 2nd, customer boxes will need to go with it. but they'll send you these with the, we'll put the one up in the uh, godaddy. we don't know, 2 or 3 of them, he'd be able to do 0 to 9 me out. what are you, the president, the bicycle? i just bought them for political will guys are due to the capital, give you a couple of more than that. could i meet a few goal issues starting starting this looking up in there? so you have the confidence, just be the boy you make sure the, you know, the city, which is what i'm going to just have to do for you. what was your that's when, what else to shut the price quoted uh, what came up needs put him over. so i said he was so you know,
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video score was so petite and was who was up. i didn't take up a lot of things. i wanted to let you know, i knew the other thing you mentioned, but you know, it was kind of, you still don't know. maybe it was supposed to mean somebody both, even assuming i needed to is in the city and you get a complete dining. smoky boils, unless you can use your mind and let's go to something you owe them for and see if they've done just helped me to know me to come some go the inside of bracelets as the decision. you know, that's the position with the hearing it. those are really, i didn't know, took a still move, we would it be should i should use a for who their results back. what when you said you were you interested in? yeah. did you buy something and you i promise why there at that little thing you know you, which doesn't you add as retailers or dumpster tricks and 3 adults, 2 children. well here's the was yeah. but it was to a vehicle and i see. yeah, no some, yeah, it's a post a chest. is that the car? so the little trick we used to my to exec control settled tree. so the control to how you feel good with it. what does that, what about just getting started? so you go by kind of said you able to and also states and i'm doesn't use the goals
6:55 pm
and you still get the jimmy, you're still complaining. i was open up with you with the which protocol. so i think i've got kind of got the sound good to somebody if, if to me know, so i'm get it pretty much solid by full of ship some, but for video it's almost done. ah no, but it isn't duncan with don't you see that's what i was. oh no go, let's go with own y'all's. go with that. there was a way now what i would do is complete. you purchased the beauty style and i'm not so good that you called when you asked though, is the t v as buying the vehicle or the visible is the surface away shortly. and if you will usually have stores, they need it for. so problem you will put on a flyer of 3 the oh yeah, unless they pick it up and up. okay. we'll do the which to, to send you a couple of items. mm hm. by the one you'll get all of a slide by then we'll know and you will be ready to start also. so here's what i was little break and i will post on your phone, ship them to show up. see if this is, if we ever use people, so what do you need? so when you ask a separate customer, put you know my property and buy it, are you more on something to deal with?
6:56 pm
3 more of these more to keep track of that because i probably go through the process of assignment when, you know, if you put it easy, it is deal it's, uh, it's crystal where side sealy forms your general order gives to sit for a while. so i'm just, when you're in june 2020 ukraine's foreign policy research institute wrote on this website above the ground received from the european union, the money it was for conducting a social survey among ukrainians. it's topic was the unification of the o. c. u. orthodox, schismatic. with a greek catholic church, ukraine was being prepared for the 2 religions much. i think that people sort of covered. i'll stick. ok. i mean you have to deal with rich new i knew it was a little scheme. okay. but if you do it for sure. if i could see it as soon as that, i know you have something already as long as you know. but i mean,
6:57 pm
you must have somebody on their assessment that what are you looking at? you have to jump process the famous american political scientist, joseph night, rhodes, a theory of the west, so cool, a soft power. it isn't about nuclear intimidation or military minds. rosa it concerns influencing mines with various brands. imagine re pleasures. and a company like constructed marketing says stuff like each step so low that but small, the way it was. so i am like a dollar for people to go away and we're doing it as a building that if there's a stablish conduct phase, and you might have said some of the bundle facing that besides the tap isn't on it, which was not put in the near on plus the lights and, but you know, minus thought which see, which has pretty much held for switching system. i wish to test it. you will with the result that they split the yes for this illinois. it's a, maybe she's going to be that competitors outputs. and that's what i'm saying, and that's just putting it within the last of, of putting skeleton for us to do. i didn't know a person that at that age old was up in the near once,
6:58 pm
but somebody really. yeah. it's not blessing it. it needs what else? this is up with me. would it be a cost close enough gas design games? they used literally the stores that the on was that this was what, what can i just get said, would you like you just said, are you problem with the choice that song star, then there's nothing to need someone for any comment. find good especially that in your project. gotta see what the front desk has changed and then we'll go at him. but i touched on us. we just included only shane. dell alone can got the allusion that all georgia. yeah. and this afternoon to edition please of always of scott sort of stuck noticing that she chose the position with music on civil again. that chase that i need to cooperate. he escape. cool. really? i certainly for you to, it said i need to find some of those that go to chicago. so the cobra is pro store
6:59 pm
and it's white. it's kind of generally minimal to show you face to face. so we took all kinds of was still going to choose which accounts payable, which has to stay with the dish planes it is easily is it would be and that will that cause no grain issue to swing a so a soap stomach gosh, that close study at the online to the take a fresh around this life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground,
7:00 pm
can you started clean deal has never been a model of any military alliance auto political, the lines that is the fundamental difference between india and many of the other countries. so this comes with the total price, because as you said, the alliances and countries which want you to be a part of them. and if you're not and you looked upon with a suspicion, but it does kind of as to what all these uh, black and white divisions of the overs picks the policy is, are reportedly killed in the 2nd idea of swipe on the towel con units in 1000


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