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tv   News  RT  December 3, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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the, the at least $700.00 palestinians killed in just 24 hours that these will expand its attack on solving gazda with thousands of civilians to seek shelter. we felt strongly, i'm steadfastly in northern garza, and now we're doing the same in the south as we also continue to protect our games and, and all the idea of flight just need call us from there. a tax on salvage gas that has these road out conduct operations in every part of the gang claim, leaving almost nowhere a safe haven. where do we go? no, the school is no home so safe. where should we go?
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this is everywhere. also it had the type of gun says the us worship, and 3 commercial vessels are attacked. and the red sea that's who these claim responsibility for flying on to the ships that they say relates to the driver. and then you create the uncomfortable temp service failing. have the president's approval ratings by taking a while keeps narr, doesn't pull any punches, accusing the head of state of all of the mistakes the or our could to do the coverage of the conflict in the middle east. welcome to our team to national i a mike or fletcher. 700 people had been killed in the last 24 hours as the easel has wrapped up it's offensive in southern gather about bestbuy urging palestinians to evacuate south after declaring the region, the safe zone. and reset the tasks targeted the cities of rafa. and with some
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eunice, it's a one day palestinians arrive. that's how nasa hospital, nissan, eunice. many of the patients are children who suffer most in the bombardment medical facilities that are overwhelmed and barely able to treat the injured the these ready strikes also hit the residential building, and rafa is holding in multiple debts. locals rushed to pull the wounded out of the rumble throughout trying to save us maybe lives as possible. while the idea is announced that solving tax will intensified to levels previously seen in the knolls . even the officials earlier claim civilians will define safe, also find safety that we felt strongly on steadfastly in northern garza. and now we're doing the same in the south as we also continue to protect our gains in the north. how much claims east oil has pursued
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a deliberative strategy to little guys in the south in order to trap and kill them by calling the care of on. got the latest on the situation. income units from canadian policy and john list month, social 9. it seems that the 2nd phase of the water here is going to be focused on the south of the split, the area where these really forces said was supposed to be a safe zone. for the 1500000 display civilians coming from the north to what you heard about the killing of 60 people came from 3 different areas. one is the city of how about that sense on the west. another is in got out on the, on the west side of side, pulse con eunice. another to strike hits here beside us beside moscow. eunice, kidding, silver and people, lots and lots which as you can see, seeing an influx all for refugees. thinking that this is supposed to be a safe area from that home is hidden,
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hun eunice beep and i'll also try to leave to it off off in the south. however, for loss of dean road, the main road has been hit several times. why is it in the air strikes and servitor cards and bodies lie there waiting for someone to evacuate? the last days there was a, me just trying to residential complex that what, what do you know about that? i'm a city is a relatively new residential complex. that was, that was the bill to with the assistance of the government, the funds, it contains the hundreds of small and apartments under the phone of opposite complexes on saturdays 7 of these buildings. what hits directly by air strikes and they want them now demolished at air strikes, hits habits, city again today. and like i said, the belief is that they want to repeat what they did in the north by advancing from the east and the west side. eunice from the west,
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it was thoughtful. how much the city and the for the input, how much city the belief is that they want to turn it into robin. similar to what they did to the beach, come in the city before trying to enter it and going to she felt hospital also be the brief say cya how or how does that time with those buildings affect the palestinian civilians where you are the people knowledge to seek out safety to stuck up on a sensors was that respond useful for people that a lot of people try to find the try to go back to their homes in different parts of the split. so in the 1st 2 or 3 days of the ceasefire, the north side hospital and the surrounding areas where the relatively empty people's fault that they can go back to. they've done it on a lives. however, once the warranty stopped, it's again. in addition, they, they brought back all the belongings and more the neighborhoods have been effected together with the leaflets dropped on them by the is really setting the con eunice and it's vicinities is a water zone has,
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can feed into coming into more where they can see the safe areas, like most of the hospital, people are basically tough. we are trapped, we don't know where to go. that is, we'll play safe here in a crime. all satari, a journalist from con eunice told us he's really struggling through all the territory. his left people with no for i to go as a matter of fact, now 1800000 palestinians have no options whatsoever, except for the ones that were proposed on offered to them by the easily probation process through us to move to the very south of the guys and with that comes upgrades risk of them being bombarded. and the examples i bought back by the students who moved from the guys on north area and gaza city was sent and garza and southern gaza. some of them. i know that a large number of them working in different incidents in different areas of the gaza, centered area and gaza. so now is that is often going to leave their homes and fleet
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to devise out while they are uncertain about the future and what the future holds for them because they are aware that is a, was well by being even the areas that were described as safe areas and who my daddy and jones. i mean, while ease well isn't did concentrating, there are tax only on south and central gas or the resumed firing on down la and gas is a city which have suffered it. 10 selling since the very spot of the war. the idea of spokes bus and says of the all me is converging on the quote. everywhere i have mass has oppression centers. the the injured have rushed to the hospital which takes a patients from the whole of central gas that other facilities or well with our medics, treating the wounded on blood stain floors i makes the vash voltage is
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a medical supplies and fuel. when that goes desperate 5, that of course the attack love of the about guess in the box. show the mythology now we're going to have it all the z as well and that to yeah, alex regina as you well about so the oh the oh yeah. it was the the la holly baptist hospital in guys of cities overloaded as well, the medic, so working non stop to help patients. but the death toll is increasing all a with relatives morning, their loved ones. no, the shelves, human the way doing came along with my children's lives and my youngest son. my
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brother was injured and, and my children's were schultz. where do we go? now the schools in our homes are safe, which would be go. dust is everywhere. where should we turn? he was released 16 years ago in the prison or exchange deal. he was multi it on his way out of the school. with sheltering in schools, there's no place for us to seek shelter. there's nothing less of the project and size of the us worship. and 3 commercial vessels have come on to 5 and they're right. see, that's i see, evans, you run back to these claim responsibility for the attacks on the merchant ships saying that they are linked to he's will archie cruise put in use of july, the breaks of the story of the sea waters are really getting stared up as shipping further we drive has increasingly been disrupted by humans. hobbies on sunday, the american worship multiple commercial sheriffs came under attack in the red sea,
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british maritime secure resources. also said that a ball carrier ship had been hit by at least 2 drugs, while sewing in the website. another british container ship heavy quarterly suffered damage from troy, attacked about 63 miles northwest of the northern unity port of the full data. yeah, most of these later claimed responsibility for attacks on to shift the described as being linked to as well, what they did not as mid roll and targeting a u. s. navy vessel, the repetitive maritime. is it as calm as these really, how much more is snowball and get to a wider regional conflagration or in november the who the sees a vehicle transport ship also linked to as well in the red sea, all the coastal piano still holes that vessel near the port studio i for the last week, israel said missiles landed near another us for sure. after this, as to the vessel, went to israel that had briefly been seized by done that over the course of these
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royal how last offered the one back to these have frequently issue warnings, that if israel did not stop as a saw some dollar, they would take retaliatory actions to quote, support their press. brothers in gaza says the group has launched several rolls of rockets against this row, only to be intercepted by us worships monday, confiscation attacks. i guess these were the main ships have charged me to a serious old crisis of the movies. control this for the department of trade for approximately 10 percent of all global freight passes tweets waters. last week, these were the army announced that deployments of war ships and the red sea wage as part of what is called strengthening defense efforts in the area as well. glands that we'll see measures on iran saying the country supports and funds the farms because this is why why has to be rejected the quinn saying neither the he's nor any other forces. other resistance axes, t corners from different,
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but with or without it was support for now that will be sent to the conflict. 1400 miles away from its service center in garza. and this is nothing but a regional spill over. while e's real has reportedly deployed warships and submarine to the area to monitor your ryan's activities about the spot diety of sports bus and denials of the strips attacked with somehow linked to trees. ro wiley's real says it is resuming all out. the operations against him are seeking to wipe out the minutes and group is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's really forces where trains to achieve a full victory over him. asked during the ceasefire. recently 6 more hostages release from him as comfortably to you. arrived in eas, rolled out to achieve the cheering crowds in exchange for the tea policy and present as soon as the october 7th attacked. 104 captives have been released while more than a 100, remain in the hands of the militant group. one mother who has
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a terminal cancer recorded a hot breaking message to her daughter who was kidnapped here in the music festival, hoping to see her child one last by the time i get to that, no, i want to tell you if i don't get to see you please know that i love you very much please. now we did every thing we could to get you released. the whole world loves you know what had from reading we had from like uh yeah, no gods that send a friend off. know i've got bonnie, who told us about what the loved ones of the hostages are going through. the video was made to the whole world to see the situation of known as the mother of the or if she's in really bad situation. and the whole family actually is heartbroken that noise is not with us. she has to be the, the center of the family doesn't have to do with the entry to no mother with the
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disease. and they're helping everybody around. and now just though she's gone and help captive, the whole lives is just broken. and i must say, okay, make that nice sold to is and fullness. so just now remaining captivity, not women and children. so did you have any idea why noah has still not be released as she did her service as the every one of us and we supposed to, we have to go to the army and like in many other countries. but now she doesn't service the idea of she doesn't have nothing, nothing to do with the idea as she was just a student. if you could send a message to noah and those holding her hostage, what would you say? first of all, everybody to want to say, but know that i love her as we always are so much she has missed among friends and family as she is a seriously, she has to be like the center of all our friends and, and then the family and then she has to organize all of our student groups and
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parties, and she is really missed and we don't think we, we can smile again without her home. and i wish you're the 1st of all to be strong, stay strong to wait for us. and i'm 100 percent sure that our government is doing everything they can to release or, and the, the, she will be released soon enough and, and i'm sending her my, my love and energy for her to be strong. i'm to be optimistic. so she will be there really soon like me. any other civilians hasn't been there last week for a sites on it's ongoing assault in guys that he's world has also triggered global and go with its plans to allocate lodge funding for more settlements in the occupied westbank are the steve sweeney explains. israel has come $1.00 to $5.00 upon so expanding to legal settlement program in the occupied, westbound in the middle of its bombardments of gauze on tuesday. the wall cabinet
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approve that controversial $1300000000.00 will budget. it's includes money for new settlements. i moves the fall right policies in the competition government and it will be in for in the face of state. false position is why the finance minister best at law smart, which denied the budget will be used for expanding settlements. he insisted the funds will be used for necessary security measures. there are 2000000 nothise in judy and so maria, who hate us exactly as do the analysis of how much isis and gaza in the budget that's being approved today. there is no funding for new construction entity and some area there is funding for security needs. the move to a shop forbid from the european union, which often criticizes as well as expansion has policies yet takes missile concrete action to stop them. the blocks foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, said that he was a pulled at the funds. i am a poll to learn that in the middle of a war,
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these really government is poor is to commit new funds to build more legal settlements . this is not self defense and will not to make israel safer. the settlements are a grave, international humanitarian law preach and they are israel's greatest security liability. they don't get pod westbank is having to 3 medium palestinians. nice thing is crucial to the future. rotella, city and state. it was captured by as well in the 19676 day war, along with goals are in east jerusalem as well as construction. and the settlement program in the westbound is deemed to legal and bring to the geneva convention. again, these were the occupation states funds from the beginning, israel once the land, without the people that follow it, expands. hence, we must defend our people in our sacred sites so that we can achieve our dream, the palestinian national projects, at least the 2nd stage of the project is to have an independent states of palestine with his capital in jerusalem on the return of the refugees were forced to leave
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all ends, the matter is clear to us, there is the oppressor and the oppressor is the occupation of the people of the oppressed. i'm certainly the occupation state does not want us to rejoice, but we rejoice notes as a response to the occupation. but because our prisoners have been freed and god willing, all the lands will be liberated from this night ma'am, some 450000 is right. the settlers live in the westbound with an additional $220000.00 jewish settlers in the story slim. this year has been the worse for settler vine is against palestinians with a spike seen in the westbank since october. the 7th. i can't tell you, sir, i couldn't have all these things. definitely have facts posting is because it's their country and they're constantly being harassed because of this. the denture is still present because settlers from the streets and attack any posting in the sea, they're filled with hatred. undoubtedly, they're very dangerous and violent towards us, and all of this, of course, has the name packed every day. full of seniors have their rights violated the dian
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software here. and no one cares about us. neither the international community nor anyone else from outside the vonage was even condemned by us secretary of state. and he blinked and who met pablo, sidney and president. luckily the boss and ramada on thursday. the secretary condemned extremist violence against palestinian civilians in the west bank and said he would continue to insist on full accountability for those responsible secretary blinking and present a bus also spoke about the urgent need for measures to improve security and freedom for palestinians in the west bank palestinians are not surprised by the policies of both the same as the most right when government and as well as history done nice by couple minutes about any we live with an extreme right wing israeli government. so when you say nothing, yahoo, small stretch and button there are in government, there's no surprise the supplement issue in this government is being taken further than we could have imagined. but as palestinians arabs and muslims, we refer to the un resolution stating that the supplement. so inactive will we
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consider that as governments are right, wing extremist government undermines any potential piece, processing the regions. the priority is why the settlers, perhaps, on surprisingly seeking to move is necessary. so it is part of the war and that has to be done. and in order for us to be victorious in the war, we will have to of course, also to make sure that we stay under as rarely sovereignty in gaza to return those margins and to have from the river to the sea is rarely sovereignty. god gave the jewish people a small and wonderful country and i think, i mean, it's obvious that part of the war is to settle to, to live in the country. it's kind of, it's, it's, it's just part of the war. aside from the fact that i have full faith in the government and now government today, and i'm sure that that they're doing the right thing anyway. and, but of course,
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we need to support the building of israel, the, the settling of our dear little country vote by the war cabinet to approve. the funds has proved divisive many guns who many sent you as a potential arrival with the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu was among those who voted against the will of budgets walking out. soon afterwards, i spoke 1st and full, published a new president, mckinley. the boss said more money going towards settlements in the won't keep on west fund, as is well, continues to pump gauze. a would have dangerous repercussions. one is on the massacre, run the way in garza is right. the settlers hoping to use a situation to combine more land actions that will ultimately move the region further away from peace as the train. now, while the launch on may of key of isn't pulling, any punches in his criticism of president of driving isn't as key as the head of
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states approval ratings. dip according to any to national republican institutes of a byproduct. technical says, this is our last key, only has himself to blame all these corresponding shape. both brings us more in this or story. as winter sets been along the fast ukrainian front lines, there's a chill wind blowing through key if we're in a bottle. vladimir zalinski is facing a winter of discontent. fail counts are offensive. dwindling western support and advancing. will she army all bowed body with the biggest threat to the bible, actor, current politician, maybe from within his own administration. what is the storm clouds gathers? the landscape refuses to see the whiting on the wall. we're finding the 2nd best or mean the world, and we didn't get all the weapons we wanted. i can't say i'm satisfied, but i can't really complain either. i was the last key looks to apportion blame for his catalogue. a was on of ukraine, wherever you west, so much closer to home or no directly challenging zalinski society and competence.
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open criticism that would have been on think about a month ago is now common place. i just competitors smelled the blood in the water . people see who's an effective leader and who was not they had and still have many expectations. zalinski is paying for the mistakes he made. he has high profile maritally political didn't stop there. he opened the box elated skis, increasing the ostracized army chief val, areas alluding for declaring that the conflict had reached a stalemate. savanski is now painted the army chief as a defeatist for basically telling the truth about your client's collapse offensive . and as we know, telling the truth and to yes can be a very dangerous pastime, is illusion. a told the truth, sometimes people don't want to hear it, but ultimately he is responsible. he has explained and justified to the current situation. of course we can, you for equally lied to our people and our partners,
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but you can't do that forever. some of our politicians have wrongly criticize the illusionary, for his honesty. i stand with him. what, of course, the landscaping was don't, and there with growing street protests from soldiers, families, increasing desert versions and mounting casualties. all know, reflecting the mass of human told the conflict and ukraine. a cost that according to russian defense chief surg showing who has led to the depths of over a $125000.00. you claim the troops during the field counter offensive alone with a straw that may will break the camel's back. could be the confirmation that this could have all ended peacefully. soon after it started, when we return for mr. kimball force johnson came to keith and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting. so as the lance, these options go now, it seems the vultures are circling over to us and rather than stepping it to save the mind they had bill as a modern day churchill is. western packers will most likely look the other way and
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let nature take its course. remember, winston churchill ended up on the winning side and that may be where the similarities with the landscape begin. and. and while the head of nathan made the statement that made the questions about future weapon supplies the drain, we have to be prepared for bad news, worse moving phases. but we must stand by ukraine and good and bad times a like your grades and title problems have been causing speculation in west and media even floating the possibility that presidents and lastly called sac his capital commander and chief author and political analysts in the cloud, maple ridge says that it's telling that some west the media is changing its tune onto landscape. there is period campaign. i think part of this is a orchestrated by by the west. i mean, if you read wisdom newspapers, new york times, washington washington post the guardian, a spiegel, and we've got many articles these past weeks, which are starting to throw that on,
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stay under the bus, saying that the counter offensive is not working. we've got interviews within his own way from ukrainian coast to him. i'd like to see a rest of which we assessed as personal counsellors said that a couple of days ago that designs can you has the issue acting as, as a dictator. that he was alone with gods and now of cliffs, go with the mayor of kit to say more or less the same thing. so i say more or less internally an outside. uh there is uh the, the, the marketing setup wizard and ski. i think the west sees that he's not the amount of a situation and internally, of course, as the korean ukrainian army is starting to lose on the front, 9 of this much announced counter offensive has backfired. and actually the russian army is getting to right. i think that they're going to be looking in the west and also within your train for escape go enzo as ski is the perfect man for that's it for that for that position of the us. mandatory is reportedly planning to deploy
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a longer range ground based mess all on the in the pacific region for the 1st time since the cold war. and american army official signed to by japan is media, as of the movie expected to happen next year, is a that the tearing china spokesperson knew rob phillips did not specify why the missiles will be deployed. but the pentagon has numerous basis in the region, including the in taiwan, the japan, that the philippines on guam all within firing range of the chinese mainland. the us claims it's intermediate range vessels are designed to account to be deemed deployment. those such weapons and its own soil. in recent years, among the american arms mentioned bother us official is the tomahawk cruise the cruise missile? it's capable of carrying nuclear warheads and can hit pockets thousands of kilometers away. another mess of system, the s m 6, is also expected to be deployed to that. it's designed and on on t l weapon,
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but can also be used to hit ground enabled pockets all bead with a much shorter range than diploma hawks. nelson and wong vice chairman of the strong high set before room pack and international studies said that the actions of the us prove a has no intention of taking into account of the interest of all the nations. this actually shows that to them the us is due considering itself to be the world policeman that they do believe that they you know, they control the whole well they have the right to do whatever they like uh, even outside of china's folder. last thing they, they start deploying, consider to deployed nuclear weapons that, i mean, i think for 6 sure the phase now it's something that is really something that needs to be changed in the us,
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particularly in this multi potable world because the world is no longer what it was before and, and i think it's, it's something that the us leadership and the politicians need to really understand what's going long in the world today and going forward. so it's still a metro puts x. and before we go, news coming from the east of the russian capital for a massive fight across country has been brought on. the control. russia's ministry of emergency situation has confirmed. the fire covering 2000 square meters has been put out. the moscow prosecutor's office has taken over the investigation into the course of the effectively unfortunately, they would know people, fortunately by the way, know people in the building at a time and no casualties have been reported about these update this, i'll be sure to get further details in about 30 minutes,
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stay with us. the i'm action or attention and welcome back to going underground broke out single around the world from the host of view and climate change conference cop 20 i do by in the way. it's no secret. climate change disproportionately affects the poor despite being ignited by the rich, but if everyone has the right to a healthy environment, will that be heated debates throughout the next fortnight, about the use of common amazing military attacks. just of all the thousands of children as we've seen in this region in the past few weeks facilitated by comp to at the age of 10, d, z usa u k, and e. u. well, who beth as it goes, you've been the 1st to have a you and special roplenger and climate change and you.


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