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tv   News  RT  December 4, 2023 6:00am-6:30am EST

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all right, the question i have a question to both of you right before we end here. but at the end of the day, george, for as he was the he wanted to be, he wanted to represent the quintessential consensus. yes or no? absolutely that's. that's what we was martin. here's the thing. so i'll give you jose. well, jesus, that ended really quick cut, twenties to go to a good shepherd study that i can because that's what i think that goes to his personality. he never, never wanted to be outside of the main street of a conventional opinion. okay, gentleman, that's all the time we have a want to think on george and martin. i want to thank our viewers for watching us here are the see you next time. remember, cross stuck rules the, [000:00:00;00]
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the southern gods are involved and by israel following statements by the idea of that attacks, they will be equal to 0. great. so then the strikes the level but not as we felt strongly as though we don't guys are we are also doing so now in the southern parts it will be with no less trends than that the hospital flows, right? they're becoming making shift treatment areas as adults to struggle. as we understand that certainly as a 700 palestinians are reportedly killed in a single day of stripes on guns holes when the program india is rolling potty reigned supreme and state elections ousting the opposition in 2 of the
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countries the largest regions and you create in president takes flat from top officials in kia, tougher as hype, counter offensive against russia, failed to deliver any tangible results. the . we all push you back on the main street narratives live for a most good because you know, there's always something the mainstream media is not telling. this is ok. it is breaking news now to kick off as our from southern goals. so we understand the center of hon. unice has been attacked by the idea canadian testing and journalist month sort of schuman sent us this report from hundreds,
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the number for the . 6 the . 2 the,
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now the latest attack coming is the idea upset it's offensive on the south of the ink label, intensified to levels previously seen in the north of despite having older people to head south for their own safety. this one with a whole lot as we felt strongly on southern and northern goals that we're also doing so now in the southern pods, it will be with no less strength and that's we and it will be with no less results than that is on a mass commodities will meet the idea of every way and a very strong why or more? because like i said, he'll most so 2 months long was claimed over 15000 palestinian lives with at least 70 percent of them said to be women and children a report. so i suggest that these 15 people were killed at just about every single hour and of a 41000 civilians have been wounded. so 5, that's according to the gas and ministry of health. a plus, as we understand 60 percent residential homes have either been damaged or completely destroyed. so for a moment here on the program, let's look at how the events have unfolded us since the will erupt. it on,
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of course, october, the 7th. at the beginning, it really was just the north of gauze or right that which found itself in the firing line. it was ready forces. but we cannot, we can show you as the map continues to an awful lot of areas have been hit, ultimately colored in red. as you can see that right now. now we're not talking about a lot of of damage to areas. garza city, age of alley, a refugee comes as well as what we understand. the is ready. soldiers, abena, bolstering the ground operation in the enclave. so let's bring up the map for you. so moment here, just look at this level of devastation. hospitals clinics. as i said before, refugee comes as well. now civilians are essentially forced to head south bend us down and estimated 1700000 now have been displaced. and a unique spokesman says, despite the assurances from israel to the south would be safe. it's carpet bombing
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better is just as heavy as it was. and then no, it's just and sunrise now. i know i to of actually relentless, bombardments, but i, i cannot stop thinking about the 1800000 people here in the south. i don't think there was more than a 5 or 10 minute period throughout the course of the night and, and i really didn't cite where, where something was and flying out of the head or the sky being laid off. and it was our last saturday that a housing complex in the southern city of con you, this became the target of multiple rocket attacks. the official strikes are rained on or on you and it said there was a dramatic moment caught on camera and a local john list witness to her own home being destroyed with
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a family report least spill inside. she was reporting live nearby a me to had the and the medina who has just been b spokane. what we other than compete. i mean another thing i that covers you all call the get those at the beginning. the say on the home. well the residents here survive the strikes of inventing that theory and reiterating that defiance in the face of the as riley going back. i just gather a solid in one place and dropping the atomic bomb on us to get rid of us once and for all we will no longer be a burden on the air of world on the slimy people because nobody cares about us. oh no, we don't know where to go. you can see what is happening here. people are fleeing without any shelter. we don't know where to run it this out, that's fine with them. i have a wife with 9 children,
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all homes with bones and destroyed. but who will mostly guys, well, we're not the ones who should leave. i don't isn't. he's really tyrants who have killed the women and children driving the naked out of the homes. what i know had you, well, it almost caused the flow of when the palestinians arriving at the alumnis out of hospital and assigned newness many of the patients. that kids and doctors say they are completely overwhelmed. the is ready strikes us. okay. to a residential building and order, i found very close to the border with egypt, resulting in multiple people scrambled together, was injured a way to treat well across in the west bank, palestinians are also dealing with escalating violence. at least 60 people detained in the last 24 hours. and here's the amount of extra and less mohammed the jeep with more on. the idea that it's connected, it's like rock bottom, the lowest bank in front of the north because sold will, might,
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it gives an upgrade discount styles on this. it does add all of those as a spot to stream those out according to that. but assume that there's a lot more advantage series, hold on for a 100 spots. and what is the best 7 of the most the most also come to the scene as something goes by the students and think of using better advice, that kind of stuff. i've seen that so the law smart event, i think i've seen a bit of an in what do you have done as what i should do children as a just them and that could this phone was open. i'm a locked so the situation here, r o d is on the bus 2 of cellphones because of that is what i do. but if i is collision against those by the posse of india's prime minister, now render moody has secured k victories in the state of elections within the country. the ruling beach if he swept the poles and 3 of the full largest regions ousting the opposition congress party and 2 of them. and this all comes ahead of the national vote shuffled in less than 6 months. india is full of external affairs, ministry, secretary or the jeep secret. he said that the overall sentiment of the nation is
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supportive of what the incumbent. 5 minutes dispense a lead, send endorsement of the prominence some of these policies under fix his credibility among the people. because, you know, as we fill out beginning to understand that when he says something, promises something it really to be done. the windows seems to be blowing in favor of the be shipping. that's what this is. the general feeling in india today is today. the indian stock market went up huge leave because it's a sign of confidence. uh, and i think that's sort of in that. yeah. in general. uh, there is no good either in india who can match mr. moore, these appeals, or just a particular piece, but also his commitment to the development of india. i mean, he had his credibility overseas. he has done a lot to, to,
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to change and jose image globally. all these factors play in favor of mr. moody and the visa, the, the stability of the asia pacific region is at stake. that's the charge. beijing has doubled at washington, offer to choose the u. s. navy ship of violating a sovereignty and entering the south china sea. the united states has deliberately violated showing his suffering to you and security seriously on the mind regional peace and stability, and trampled on international law and the basic norms governing international relations. the united states has undermine stability in the south china sea. china has undisputed sovereignty over the islands of the south china sea and surrounding waters. on the side to the incident, has been a bone of contention between china and the philippines. on the united states, washington has recently renewed warnings to beijing that it will defend the philippines off the island nation that use china is co. scott will deliberately
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targeting a special within the south china sea. last sunday, the philippine coast guard accuse china of illegally amassing ships and philippine national awards for him to the claims. last november, a china sent a 100 ships to violate the nation's maritime borders. the number of vessels without increase to more than a 135 units on the brother and political analyst alex report a fi he gave us his take on what is a, a 10 the bulk situation in that part of the well, there's been failure in ukraine failure with nato to show its dominance in that region. so we're seeing the deflection here and the next target i believe on their list to disrupt is on the island of ty one. and this is very interesting how the americans continue to, you know, cruise around this island, kind of poking at a, at the chinese navy to, you know, what, what is their intention?
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their intention is, well, they could spur mistake and that then we get into a conflict, and i think that's exactly what the americans want here. escalation is what america enjoys. this is how they're in military industrial complex benefits. like i said many times before, they make a killing on it, killing and their arms dealers are, you know, ramping up a production of these uh, you know, arms that they've been selling throughout nato countries throughout the last couple of years. and they're moving onto the next project, we hope, you know, for peace in the world here that, that is not going to be china. and china is tie one, but you know, nothing is new for america. this is a country that's invaded 36 nation since world war 2. nothing's going to stop them . all right, shifting gears to ukraine. now, with the countries presidential advisor has admitted that a lack of success on the front lines is beginning to show in society, which is it was already picked up anyway because
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a lot of the rotation in society society has also accumulated a lot of difficult questions. how well, why, what cost? so there's also a lot of information in society, the not all levels of government to just as invested in the will as the society itself. i'm talking about corruption behavior problems and occasional bizarre statements. or the base is such a heavy burden because there's be no brakes. turn it on the front line. steve, the com, just days off of the influential mayor of p as in former heavyweight boxing well, cham, photonics. let's go. didn't pull any punches in his criticism of the country's president, he all through the vitamins and he only has himself to blame for declining popularity, racing as well. let's take a closer look at this spot because it is one is off ease, shape of as winter sets in along the vast ukrainian front lines. there's a chill wind blowing through the key of we're in a bottle. vladimir zalinski is facing a winter of discontent. a fail counter,
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offensive dwindling western support. and then his advancing russian army all bowed bodily with the biggest, with the bible actor turned politician maybe from within his own administration. people see who's an effective leader and who was not they had and still have many expectations. zalinski is paying for the mistakes he made, was the lensky looks to apportion blame for his catalogue or blows on ukraine. we're re west, so much closer to home are now directly challenging. zelinski is authority, accomplish this open criticism that would have been a think about a month ago was no common place as a competitor, smell the blood in the water. do you have high profile maritally? courage go, didn't stop there. he opened the box and then skis, increasing the ostracized army chief. well, there is a losing for declaring that the conflict had reached a stale nation. and as we know, telling the truth and to yes can be a very dangerous pastime. zillow usually told the truth, sometimes people don't want to hear it,
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but ultimately he is responsible. he has explained and justify to the current situation. of course we can, you for equally lie to our people and our partners, but you can't do that forever. some of our politicians have wrongly criticize the illusion, a for his honesty, i stand with him. savanski is now paid to the army chief as of the fetus for basically telling the truth about your claims collapse offensive. what is the storm cloud gathers? the landscape refuses to see the whiting on the wall. we're finding the 2nd best army in the world, and we didn't get all the weapons we wanted. i can't say i'm satisfied, but i can't really complain either. but of course, the landscaping was don't, and there with growing street protests from soldiers, families increasing deserve sions, and mounting casualties. call no reflecting the mass of human toilet. the conflict in ukraine. acosta. that according to russian defense chief surrogate show who has led to the depths of over a $125000.00, you claim the troops during the fields counter offensive alone with the store. the
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may will break the camel's back. could be the confirmation that this could have all ended peacefully, soon after it started. when we return from miss timble forest, johnson came to kiff and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting. so as the landscape options run out, it seems the vultures are circling over to us. and rather than stepping it to save the mind they had bill as a modern day churchill is. western packers will most likely look the other way and let nature take its course. remember, winston churchill ended up on the winning side and that may be with the similarities with the landscape again and, and you credit into internal problems have not gone unnoticed. and the western media, a political and listened with. uh, nicholas markovich believes the new narrative is actually being dictated by western sponsors. there is clearly a campaign. i think part of this is a orchestrated by by the west. i mean, if you read wisdom newspapers, new york times,
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washington washington post the guardians spiegel. and we've got many articles these past weeks, which are starting to throw that on, stay under the bus, saying that the counter offensive is not working. we've got interviews within his own way from ukrainian coast to him. i'd like to see a rest of which we as just as personal counsellors said that a couple of days ago that designs can you has the issue acting as, as a dictator. that he was alone, we've got now of cliffs go with the mayor of kit to say more or less the same thing . so i say more or less internally an outside. uh there is uh the, the, the marketing setup wizard and getting the west sees that he's not the amount of a situation. and internally, of course, as the korean ukrainian army is starting to lose on the front, 9 of this much announced counter offensive has backfired. and actually, the russian army is getting to rank. i think that they're going to be looking in the west and also within ukraine. for scape goat enzo as ski is the perfect man for
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that's it for that for that position. with the south africa as championship up, the bricks is a group of imagined economies coming to an end representatives from the block of met to discuss what's been achieved in the past year and perhaps more important. they want goals still lie, a head over knowledge, warranties not avoid in this. yeah, the world is almost, i'm recognizable compared to 2018. so that's because last hauled, the rotating bricks, presidency a global put, did me say good health and economy crises in countries around the world, bringing a spike in global inflation and probity. was wrapped in the global south of the middle east africa and to raise yeah. strongly affecting the for choose of the bricks, nation taking to the 2 of bricks this. yeah, so the africa found is credentials called into question. was suggestions that the country is not a rising power welcomes kid with the economy. power houses the complete the bricks
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lined up. so in spite of it, oh, just how successful has south africa been delivering progress through it's 10 young tweet to 23. south africa is highly such as fights in terms of the objectives and priorities we have set for which i ship. we have achieved all of that. and i think we have actually achieved much more than we expected. and as you saw, the leaders announced the expansion of the bricks with 6 new members. and i think that was a milestone in terms of 12 bricks, cooperation. we have much bigger family business of january when the new members will become full members of, of the brakes. and i was rushed to take over the breaks presidency for $0.20 for both the establish nations and the latest additions to the brakes. bold face. they stand sold to sold that with russia and are ready to assign a new era off corporation the expense and provides risk images to the group lending
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. it's a great legitimacy and reinforcing the same so that this is a club of what's being called. but what impact, what would the move have on the work of breaks into into 3 different? we will do our best to make sure that by the time when the rush of the year from now complete each year of the breaks cherry, every one feels finds itself comfortable and breaks at 10 or 11 years and even stronger and more attractive international force in international entity that delivers for the people for the nations of countries that united in this group that also make their voices more heard internationally. that's make sense. multilateralism that helps address acute issues that
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negates even to affect societies. russia is among those one at better. busy and more equitable, more inclusive international system that could be described as a true multilateralism. russia has accepted shipments ship for the coming year with total commitment to driving briggs cooperation forward. it is also signal that developing nations with african countries that will be a priority. so it seems like on the 1st of january 2024, the will center of gravity city to shift. we are currently on the durban, so the wealthy individuals and corporations that should pay for the home that closing the planet. and that's according to the u. n. z a special rep, latour on time. it had no human rights for comp $28.00. it's latest, guessed on garden underground. you can watch it all day long here when i see. but for an hour smoke pre. the climate change represents of one of the most serious
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rides through here, manatee the way they have a 5 stand it. and it's a, you know, it's already causing harm to many, hundreds or thousands of people that the rights to was, the food shelter are all being affected by the impacts of climate change. and yet, of course we have the richest in the world, say the washington post owner amazons you haven't been as well as talking green like other all the gods. but with a half a $1000000.00 york's that need super time, because for dorking and it made $7000.00 tons of carbon a year ox. i am reporting that just 12000000000 is bill gates. jeff, as us del musket brokovich, they use the same as 2100000 homes in terms of carbon emissions equivalent of 4.6 coal cold plants, just every yeah is in the it really the gap between rich and poor. here. that's a in question. odd, yes, it's critical let you know we, we have a huge in balance in, in the,
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the amount of people who use greenhouse gases and it costs that you know, the rich countries and, and the billing is using outside grades of emissions. and then the pores, people, how do you think the going to pay for the poor us to people at this club? 28 summit as well. i don't think they'll get a price for it at this caught, but i think inevitably they gonna have to to pay somehow. and i think this is part of the discussions where having during this comp summit around this lawson damage fund, it's clear that we need a fund that will draw from uh, you know, rich people from corporations that are producing greenhouse gases and to pay for the home that they causing to, to pull communities. the . yeah was it was nothing in contrast to what that gentleman just said. the former australian prime minister, tony abbott, says,
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climate change warnings. a nonsense. he says, throughout history, the planet has warmed and cooled. and is nothing strange. he also said the emissions obsession of a climate cult will eventually be discredited, always giving you both sides of today's story and this is on the international the, [000:00:00;00] the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions.
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fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can the 1st time in history. meantime, country's culture has been canceled. the very modern weapons and sole culture they need to ask the associated model as to the truck. it just means setting them on. a quote for me is now particularly due for us to canceling russian culture. and yet the worst it could be up to that i get 20 miles folks to which melville cities, charlie phillips, that the most of the, some rich,
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the one of them is the moist blood rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no questions, partially condemned, reviled and reject it to sit alone and use that a to put somebody at the middle of the panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know, she does. okay, so the little some of the list. joining total condemnation grows daily and now enclosed just to instigate, to go skate, assess the coverage that i need to. yeah, of course to left, but yeah, sheet of those things that were done with you. i'm really you
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the email is based on a new printer, which is the street address, but you on where it goes. all so you guys just sent it to me for you the, the, the spunk,
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this case is still wishing me something in the email cuz i signed it from us. and as i said, just escal sales and reset process to see what we have to move what was done by it . only 1941 more than 300 miles and 1680 small money enterprises, cooperation in the region. producing on average $85000000.00 tons of coal a year. but the war changed everything. attention. this is most go calling issues the issues with the machine,
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but of the the the, the in the was 1st month's co money continue out good was maintained on many male with his were replaced by women, the elderly and have the lessons for the september when the gentleman sees keys going best workers in the enterprises, way back to agent, to the east store to add to it, and you're not just use them over themselves. and so you cut this right, well that sucks it. so what do you mean? the story is rolling by you haven't got the right, i'm going to get i use and will cut the fluids and hit the pros to i'm not what she works night shift. so we ask them here, this of the me, unless you're here just


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