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tv   News  RT  December 4, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EST

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to and remained at dark stain on the reputation of the british empire, the southern gauze, or was bombed by israel following statements by the idea that at times today will be equal to or greater than the strikes the level, but not as we felt strongly as are we in northern guys, what we are also doing so now is the southern parts. it will be with no less trends than that the hospital flows becoming make shift treatment areas as the struggle. that's as, as we understand at least $700.00 palestinians supposedly killed in a single day of stripes on guns. and india is eroding party reign.
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supreme and state elections outstanding, the opposition into the countries law just regions by the gradient. president tex flock from top officials in key buffers hyped, counter offensive against russia, fails to deliver any tangible results the we are talking to yourself at 3 pm here in moscow and stanley black or president bush. and he's speaking that the russia exhibition for him and handing out awards as well. we'll go life when he starts to speak. for now though, it's breaking news to kicking off this hour now from a southern guise at the center of hon. units has been attacked by the id f will details here with canadian palestinian john list, man, sort of schuman the number for the 10. 15 am. i was walking downtown, san eunice,
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when suddenly we heard a whistling sound in the air. and then the big glass. i turned to my left, there was a very big smoke screen. people started either running away or running to the i started feeling as i came closer, i started seeing tons of civilians and trying to move. but all those seeing that are people inside that are people so they can be that they might be alive, they might be alive, please let start. removing the robot i helped take out for different bodies. i was told the dozens were still under the rubble. that was too dangerous to me in that area. as air strikes, continue to fly down, have to leave and balances were hurting back and forth. and people, when their own personal cars were taking those stats watkins, i couldn't see any injuries. everyone, there was kim, on site,
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anyone who was in the food team i think was that's what the latest attack are coming, is the idea that it's offensive on the south of being playful, intensified the levels previously seen in the know that despite having older people to head south for their own safety. this one with a whole lot as we felt strongly and southern and northern garza were also doing so now in the southern parts. yeah, it will be with no less strength and that's we are and it will be with no less results than that. i'm asking mom does, will meet the idea of every way and a very strong way more of like a little more. so to month long hall has claimed over $15000.00 palestinian lives, the 70 percent of women and kids are poor. so just think of these 15 people are killed every single hour of a 41000 civilians wounded so far. that's according to officials in gaza, plus 60 percent of residential homes of either being damaged or completely destroyed. so let's have a look at how the events have unfolded since the war erupt. it on the 7th of
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october. in the beginning it was just the north of gaza, which caused itself and the firing line. it was ready forces. we can now show you certain areas hit on the map of the idea of strikes severely damaged. for example, bait had noun paid law here to bali a of course guys, a city which is right. the soldiers then surround it as they both to the ground operation and the yank. 5 symbol changes to the almost every hospital in the north was good. now, all of them have ceased operations. a civilians were forced to head south and estimated 1700000 displaced. but as they headed to the promised at safe haven to the south, that area then came on the increasing attacks. unicef spokesman says, despite assurances from israel, the south would be safe fits carpet bombing. there is just as heavy as we understand. as in the north, a suggestion . sunrise. now, i know i to of actually relentless, bombardments,
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but i cannot stop thinking about the 1800000 people here in the south. i don't think there was more than a 5 or 10 minute period throughout the course of the night and, and i really didn't cite where, where something was and flying out of the head or the sky being laid off. but i just, i lost out of a housing complex in the southern city of con eunice became the target of multiple rocket attacks. the asteroids are right down on the con eunice. there was a dramatic moment caught on camera. the local john was witness her own home being destroyed with the family still inside. she was reporting live nearby. the head almost caused the flow of wounded palestinians arriving to be oh no sort of hospital and con eunice. many of
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the patients, as we understand children, talk to say that completely overwhelmed the are, these are, these strikes also here, residential building and the rough uh, close to the border with egypt resulting in multiple that since we understand that people scrambling to get those injured a way for treatment is less then more now costing life to the regional spokesperson for the near and mid least international committee of the red cross. in montebello . c, joining us here on, on the international limited ability. it's a great pleasure to have you on the program. thank you very much for spending some time with us here at sea. it's nearly 2 months now into this conflict, as you well know, what is in mind? what's your assessment right now? the humanitarian situation in gaza. unfortunately, as you says, it's nearly 2 months and the situation human therapy situation continues to be quite that this child 2nd is declining by the day following the days of the
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ceasefire. in addition to the fact to mean it and hopefully they should have the opportunity to have a bit the 1st 5, but it also offered the opportunity for the residence. so we're still present the located in northern area to move and that included also hundreds of injured people that could not access proper assistance so weeks due to the fact that there is very little 8 that was able to make it to the northern areas. the influx of additional patients arriving to the northern areas to the style during areas or are they a 3rd the grid and on the or edgy collapsing? how sector now with a resumption of the fighting, the pressure even higher. i was ridiculous. the reporting to us quite, but this traffic and possible conditions in which the house stuff, especially in 1000 areas including timeliness, are still a habit of bandwidth. so over the past days we managed doing
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the ceasefire to maximize, to intensify or patients in order to provide further assistance to the health facilities and to other facilities essential as a facilities such, such as, sorry, temporary shelters always provide. i did over 12 temporary shelters and solar panels. i also decided to do some power, lots of plants with sort of kind of titles which could serve up to $70000.00 displace person. but this number is quite slim in conversion with the hundreds of thousands of comedies today, or still either in the as a northern areas or southern areas lacking, or a vital a need such as food wants or access to health because the traffic situation can and used to decline by the day to day, there is a responsibility of the fulls on the shoulders of the parties to the contract, to make sure that the human during this test is channeled fast and without any. and
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you cannot, uh, is, uh, an an a p to a human and sorry, and access and humanitarian aid must be promoted, must be prevented. uh so it must be promoted as we are witnessing a constant decline civilians at our is quite is quite critical today with the resumption of fighting situation also in temporary shelters. now that the temperature is dropping is uh, even more a catastrophic compared to like, choose to be life. uh, that means that there were displaced thousands of displays comedies, uh currents because and shelters where they were already like an essential services . and now with a drop of temperature that also subjected to harsher weather condition and non adoptive shelters. if there's any way to, to schedule the i, i thought of do i do apologize for jumping in, but i just wanted to pick you up on what you're saying there is, i mean, it, it really just does sound. i mean it's, it's almost impossible to imagine,
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but it is just getting worse every single day. and you'll, with the red cross, you mentioned how you've been helping to set up temporary shelters, a solar panels, water treatment equipment as well. but as you say, the temperatures are dropping him on. i wanted to ask you, because originally the idea of was, was targeting the northern part of the ink wave. it told people to get out of the north, evacuated down to the south. as we understand now the south is also being attacked with con eunice, so on and so forth. where am on where, where can people go? is there any way left for, for those who are trying to free the violence to actually find safe haven that you know, to put things simply today, there is no work safe in gaza. whether that be the northern areas of the southern area, as you continue to see the reports, the videos of this, of, of, of civilians in distress. it's important to highlight that northern areas today that there are still civilians. there,
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there was an estimation of at least $200000.00 people are still a present in northern areas. and it's important to highlight that regardless of whether civilians chose to evacuate or not, they're still protected. and there's that there's so protected by the international humanitarian though, which means that the part is to the conflict, must state or precautions in order to promote the safety of the civilians. but also they must work on the excess of basic needs to this population today. unfortunately, now speak only on the behalf of the i, c r c. although i know that the situation is quite similar for the rest of payment . it's our an access better and it's an a minus to make it to the northern areas, which means that hundreds of thousands of families are there today without no assistance at all. over the past a period of the ceasefire minus just up to send very small amount of a few minutes, tearing assistance with an order in areas. and that was a 1st for us as
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a previous attempts to send further humanitarian assistance to hospitalized and to population northern areas failed in the past weeks, which means that the civilians, their the health, the health actors, they, uh they, they, they, they the health, the health sector and all essential uh, services, providers are left to figure out how to survive. and this is not acceptable with people and stressing that whether civilian are able to evacuate or not. they're still protected by the international humanitarian. no, even if a warning has been issued, and even if the authorities in charge have issued a indications for these instructions to these populations to evacuate the data main protection, protected by the international humanitarian. no. and therefore, the part is to the conflict, must fulfill their legal obligations. under that close, you talk about, you know, you talk about parties a feeling that legal obligations here. basically, i think you monetary and low. and i don't want to, to ask you,
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because you mentioned that some aid is getting through to gossip, but not enough is getting through. i'm seeing reports that almost countless numbers of a trucks are actually being prevented from getting into gauze. what is going on. why will the trucks of a you not be allowed to go with us so desperately need? although we cannot, we cannot specify the exact reasons as this goes beyond the scope of the i. c, r c dies to your see our thought we were managed, managed to a to channel through trucks. uh since the uh, over the last, the 4 uh 4 or 5 weeks. uh, which is absolutely nothing version of what the actual population at do need. those the trucks are nothing and can not fulfill the needs of millions of hundreds and thousands of families. they last and everything is the situation is quite similar
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for the rest of the humanitarian actors. and therefore, this is the reason why we keep us trusting on the fact that today there's an emergency situation day, the need for an, an m p to access human. it's aaron access to the order to assist the population as this cannot go further into the population. we're left to figure out how to survive . a humanitarian actors are desperate to channel and further assistance to be able to operate, to be able to move a and to assist the population that the way they want to. unfortunately not on the that's not an automated phone assistance, was able to make it into gaza. but also if, if you were to condition in god that made it quite complicated and challenging for humanitarian actors to be able to provide the needed assistance the way they want to write them on felt safe from the international committee of the red cross. joining us live here on the international a pleasure having you on the program. thank you very much for your time. thank you
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. as well as i can to continue this discussion here on all to international costing live now to precision emergency management specialist informing us congressional stuff. i booked the 5 the us mail. joining us here on, on the international book to are very well welcome to you. thank you very much for the jumping on this program here on network television. but the, if i can ask you the main evacuating the road from the north to the south of the ink lave is now reportedly getting worse. we understand that the idea is taking a much southern gaza, can we just address that? she monetary and situation right now. talk to do the people of gauze, a have shelter to go to a mid renewed bombing campaign. so it's a very, very, it's hard to tell um the information unless you're actually looking directly up what's going on, preferably from a satellite uh image. uh, it is really hard to say what the routes are, what the recreation pilots are, are completely open and how safe they are and how far from the actual,
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the war fighting they are a, the mandatory in the situation is clearly, i mean, we have 2000000 people in an area now basically grabbing in an area of something like a 15200 square kilometers where the infrastructure is, is not working. so there, whether it's, it's a problem, it's a very big problem. this is not something that's going to be sold by um the only, it's simply by transferring that trucks into because uh, no matter how many of them and um frank c, i'm telling you both as a non emergency manager as well as somebody go to spend time with policy making me, we will not see really relief in the situation until the or whole both 41 get over over as soon as possible. it's becoming very quickly and to, uh, uh, to uh,
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a large humanitarian crisis situation. and hopefully, and this can be avoided. i don't see it happening now because let's look at the military situation. look at a strategic level uh in both parties are further away from each other. now the weather were at the beginning of the day. mm hm. and yeah, all we can hold for is that the cooler heads will prevent tale and we will find a situated solution of quick solution to the question of the hostages and prisoners . because in terms of the humanitarian situation, it is simply untenable, it's sustainable, it's done really well. i mean, there isn't much more that we can, we can't wait much more to what i'm saying. we're, we're at that point, very, very strong statements and profoundly wiring statements as well from your doctor. but i appreciate you being so straightforward with us here on international television. if i could ask you regarding a ceasefire, i mean you mentioned the hostages in the prison is just
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a moment ago. it seems when it comes to the ceasefire, both sides seem to have that in the rear view mirror, but during the hostage prisoner exchanges, i mean, i think we can both agree that lives was saved. what do you think? talk to in any chances for the resumption of prison, there are hostage exchanges. do you think look i'm actually, you know, basically oscillating between my doctors side and my strategic. no, i think there's side um we are in a place where human lives of becoming a ship in a fight between 2 forces, 2 enemies. to add the service, you put it in into a game theory formulas and you find out what's going to happen in terms again, cold, know, cold thinking on both sides of the critical point in this struggle. these read. it is a very, very close to reaching some military targets the want. um,
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how mass on the other side is also, it cannot just give up because they, they lose this. the if, if they keep on losing go or losing so far, they would have to leave does a piece of leadership of the, talking about the $40000.00 fighters and talking about the leadership that is left . so this is a critical moment military speaking. the problem is that what happens is within these military caught up, confrontations is that civilians suffer. that's the story of wars and has always been to store wars. you have the fighting forces and then you have a civilian suffering. so from instead of fighting standpoint, it's mace cold sense to, for these writers to continue for a couple of more days. maybe a few little more than maybe even a week or 2 of the same goals for him as from the standpoint of the people, the civilians, it's a disaster. so we have a back to the fight between the,
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the brain of the heart. and uh, yeah, uh, you know, i'm, i'm not here to give you any easy answers because they don't exist. mm hm. um. well, i have heard no rumors, but all do about some kind of a deal that involves somebody to share from him as leaving the strip or something along side of the model that's was implemented with the sonata effects and deal with about 20 something years ago. 21 years ago. something along those lines. maybe that's what the end, the war never does cancel these ready stand point. regardless of what, what the world is saying that is right in public is very feel is very injured right now. and this is a truth. i mean, if you can, um, within the bank, the details of what have been on, on october 7th and why it happened. but in terms of the, the public sentiment here is very, very congested. people are really injured scared. yeah. and that gives rise to some very extreme reaction. that's normal. that's human. the same goes for the other
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side. yeah, they feel very uh agree. again for good reason. so. and again, a we can just hear coughing between each other is hopeful, cooler head still prevails us at all. we can. yeah, yeah, yeah. i think i think it's a very, very good comment from it started sonya jump in, talked about i'd be sitting here quietly just listening to you because i don't know the last time i had a guest on that was what was just so even killed about this i mean, you said you're also a think between between your strategic self and your doctor self as well, but, but what you're telling me here on network tv. i have to say i, i find you'll come in. sure, absolutely fascinating. i'm really grateful for you to come on tv and offer a compassionate analysis from both sides of this ongoing conflict. talk to if i can just be, are way just ever so slightly from this. this theme of the conversation overnight there was an exchange of fire. the is really leveling on board, but what are your thoughts? i mean, from, from a personal level it is, you know, put the installation to the side table on
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a personal level. what are your thoughts about the possibility of a 2nd front in the know if it, israel, you know, the, the will breaks out on to another front. what are your thoughts on that? is it possible, or is it highly unlikely? it is uh, very possible. okay. i live in the north of, uh, i live in godaddy and uh, the, the board is not very far from where i am now. and i can tell you something that if this war breaks will say something completely different. because the ability is that, uh, the brand new in, uh, access has through it as well uh, hold live different level. then what kind of mass has also the ability to get the abilities of these ready defense forces that already there, they are ready to go out the, the, this, the kind of the munition and, and, and strikes that are going to use will be on a completely different level, if we go there, that is not going to be good for anyone in my opinion. that's what you would kind
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of war that everybody will always be usually in wars. everybody loses a lot. but this one will be really different and it will and hurts both countries as well. but i'm actually also serial because we'll go to here. we have to remember today on the borders of israel and syria is almost a 100000 troops that came from all parts of the middle east to participate in war against israel. on the other side is also is there any rules ready for them? this is a very, very highly tan situation. and when people, a mass of these forces on the borders, they don't just do this for exercise of a show. it means they mean business now is the business, i mean is simply keep, is ready. troops is ready for says busy and lifting listing. some pressure of does not, or do they actually mean to engage? i don't know. no, well, there's some engagements, a low level, but from the past more of experience,
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these things can get out of control very quickly. yeah, and then it's really hell we don't want to do this. trust me if it's not good either for the american access or the the access of some people say is, is uh, yvonne glass of china, believing nobody will gainful this. this is not something that makes them with anybody. so this is what i'm saying. really i whole for all the big strictly just that we have in all countries and also the powers to come to come and use the integral is to stop this nonsense stuff is madness in a way he does that is a stable if we just stop just like that it will not be sustainable in 6 months. will be there again. yeah. it has to be something that comes with serious measures on the ground that that would simply cool off the situation because that can go into the kind of words that just keep on expanding and nobody can stop because it will also happen in babylon. mendez where human is and think about how many movies
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are around there. yeah. and it can also start or the persian era goals. and it can start and many places just like that because there, there are so many will ship to, there's so many warships in the region doc. so, i mean, a number of european countries that have said warships, china is just send another flotilla to your part of the world. so i mean, the entire world is watching on, seemingly, on the brink potentially of getting involved. but let me look up your right, let's hope you're right. talk to the old, the cool a heads will prevail. i think it's been a fascinated commentary from you, dr. for the. it's my jo, a research fellow at the international institute, the counterterrorism and emergency management specialist. i really enjoyed our conversation. thank you so much for enjoying you too. thank you so much. have a good day. you too. bye bye. what's good to have your company for this program, the potty or india is prime minister and arrange a body. execute a key victories and state elections within the country. of the ruling a, b,
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j piece, swept the poles and 3 out of the 4 largest regions, ousting the opposition congress party and 2 of them. this all comes ahead of the national vote schedule now in less than 6 months. well, india is former external affairs ministry. secretary directive security says the overall sentiment in the nation is supportive. what are the incumbent payment assistance? it was literally, it's an endorsement of the prominence of all these policies and to fix his credibility among the people. because, you know, as we fill out beginning to understand that when he says something, promises something it really to be done. the windows seems to be blowing in favor of the be shipping. that swap to is the general feeling in india today. and today the indian stock market went up hugely because it's a sign of confidence. uh, and i think that sort of in that. yeah. in general. uh, there is no other leader in india who can match mr. moore. these appeals, not just
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a particular piece, but also his commitment to the development of india. i mean, he caught his credibility overseas. he has done a lot to, to, to change in jos image globally. all these factors play in favor of mr. malia and the visa p i to ukraine. now with the country is presidential advisor has admitted that a lack of success on the front lines is beginning to show when system what she said was only because the anyway, because a lot of the rotation in society society has also accumulated a lot of difficult questions. how well, why, what cost? there's also a lot of information in society. the not all levels of government to just as invested in the will as the society itself. i'm talking about corruption behavior problems and occasional bizarre statements. or the base is such
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a heavy burden because there's be no brakes, try it on the front line. but it's complex days off to be influential. may are of key f and full behavior weight bucks vitale. clips go didn't pull any punches in his criticism of the countries president, he all do those. that is the only it has himself to blame for declining popularity numbers over now to watch these are shaped bows. he has a bit of a closer look on what has become a bit of a spot as winter sets him along the vast ukrainian fort lines. there's a chill wind blowing through the key of we're in a bottle. vladimir zalinski is facing a winter of discontent. fail counter offensive dwindling western support. and the advancing russian army old bowed badly. with the biggest, with the bible actor, current politician, maybe from within his own administration. people see who's an effective leader and who was not if they had and still have many expectations. zalinski is paying for the mistakes he made, and was the lensky looks to apportion blame for his catalogue or blows on ukraine.
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we're re west, so much closer to home are now directly challenging. zalinski is authority and competence. open criticism that would have been a think about a month ago was no common place as a competitor, smell the blood in the water. can you have high profile maritally? courage go, didn't stop there. he opened the box and then skis, increasingly ostracized army chief. well, there is a losing, for declaring that the conflict had reached a stalemate. and as we know, telling the truth and to yes can be a very dangerous pastime. zillow usually told the truth. sometimes people don't want to hear it, but ultimately, he is responsible. he has explained and justify to the current situation. of course we can, you for equally lie to our people and our partners, but you can't do that forever. some of our politicians have wrongly criticize the illusionary, for his honesty. i stand with him. so landscape is now paid to the army chief as of the fetus for basically telling the truth about ukraine's collapse offensive. what
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is the storm cloud gathers? a landscape refuses to see the whiting on the wall. we're finding the 2nd best army in the world and we didn't get all the weapons we wanted. i can't say i'm satisfied, but i can't really complain either. but of course, the landscaping was don't, and there with growing street protests from soldiers, families increasing deserve sions, and mounting casualties. call no reflecting the mass of human toilet. the conflict in ukraine. acosta. that, according to russian defense chief surrogate show, grew as led to the depths of over a $125000.00. you claim the troops during the fields counter offensive alone with the store. the may will break the camel's back. could be the confirmation that this could have all ended peacefully, soon after it started. when we return from miss timble forest, johnson came to kia of and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting. so as the lensky is off.


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