tv News RT December 4, 2023 8:00am-8:30am EST
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the, the southern guns are as bomb to, by israel, the following statements by the idea that a tax that will be equal to all grace goods and the strikes that leveled the northern part of the day. as we felt strongly as are we in northern gather. we are also doing so now in the southern parts, it will be with no less strength, and that the idea f, as in alice of the bypass road located along the coast line and will be open for civilian the previous cord or running down central casa, has turned into a bundled field an india is routing potty rain supreme and state elections ballasting the opposition in 2 of the countries. the largest region,
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the it is monday afternoon here at most go. we are spending the glow of 24 seconds. so your news starts now one out to you and let me kick it off. now with breaking news to start off this hour here on out to you from the southern gaza at the center of hon. unice has been struck by the id f of israel announced it would hit the south of the enclave of the same intensity as been not a canadian palestinian during this month or schumann has this report from the devastation. the years. i was walking downtown san eunice, when so the neighborhood, the big glass that shook the ground in front of me,
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there was the very big smoke screen. people started either running away or running to the rumble. i started filming, as i came closer, i started seeing tens of civilians and trying to move that all those seeing that are people inside they might realize helps take out for different bodies. and i was told that dozens, we're still under the rubble that it was too dangerous to me in that area. as eric bikes continue to fire down, have to leave and balances, were hurling back and forth. and people, when their own personal cars were taking those, that's what killed i couldn't see any injuries. everyone's dad was killed on site. anyone who isn't that? the thing that i think was that according to a un estimates nearly 80 percent of the population have gone. so has been displaced from the home since the war broke out. i think it was bolstered when the idea of advised civilians to move to the south of being clay for their own safety. but now
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is ready forces are you there offensive on that area with intensive visor levels only previously seen in the northern part of guns this one with a whole lot as we felt strongly and southern and northern guns that were also doing so now in the southern pods, yeah, it will be with no less strength and that's we and it will be with no less results than that. i'm asking, mom does, will meet the idea of everywhere in a very strong way mode, cuz like, uh, well over the weekend, the city of con eunice was hit twice by the idea from the bombing the destroyed buildings to the hospitals in the, in the number of those killed just continues to go as products, then, you know, authorities say the grim told is now past 15000. a unicef spokesperson says, despite insurances, from israel, that the south would be safe. the reality is now comfortable to what the noise has been for the each just on sunrise. now, i know i to of actually relentless,
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bombardments, but i, i cannot stop thinking about the 1800000 people here in the south. i don't think there was more than a 5 or 10 minute period throughout the course of the night and, and i really didn't sleep where, where something was and flying out of the head or the sky being laid off. but let's have a look at how the events unfolded us since the war broke out. on the 7th of october, the beginning it was the north of gaza, which sold a heavy as bombardment. the areas hit visual, continue to come up on the map of color and read the idea of strikes, disability down there. so bait, honeymoon bade lafayette to bali and gaza city. is there any forces that know surrounded the area and the ground operation? during that time the every hospital in north was hit and now one of them have ceased to operate. and civilians were forced to head south and total about $1700000.00 displaced. but as they headed to the promised southern safe,
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so in that area came under increase of tax. now the idea f, a said it will allow the humanitarian movement of civilians along a bypassed road is a previous cord or in the center of gaza has turned into a was on will despite the is there any attacks on the south for most continue will flows of wounded palestinians arriving to the outside of hospital and on eunice, many of the patients of kids talk to say that totally overwhelmed. also a residential building and rough uh that was here on sunday. the it is situated close to the border with egypt. the strike resulted in multiple then people scramble to get those into the way for the treatment and regional spokesperson for the international committee. of the red cross and mountain of elsie says the body is struggling to provide civilians in gauze and with all the basic necessities with a resumption of the fighting, the pressure even higher altitude, the less the reporting to us quite that this traffic and possible conditions in
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which the house stuff, especially in 1000, in areas including time eunice are still a, have been a very with. so over the past days we manage doing the ceasefire to maximize, to intensify or put ations in order to provide further assistance to the health facilities. and to other facilities, essentially as a president dispatch such as, sorry, temporary shells. there's only 2 bar i did over 12 temporary shelters, was $200.00 panels a also these kind of nation power. lots of plants with sort of kind of titles which could serve up to $70000.00 displace person. but this number is quite slim in comparison with the hundreds of thousands of comedies today or still either in the us in northern areas or southern areas lacking on a vital a need such as food want or access to health. because this traffic situation
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continues to decline by the day, the duration also in temporary shelters. now that the temperature is dropping is uh, even more a catastrophic, a conceptual i choose to be like to put things simply today, there is no work safe in gaza. but apparently the numbers josh does not. so that's the message from us. republican senator lindsey graham, you can pet the civilian death pulling gaza to death in world war 2. well the reason she said that obviously, and what the secretary austin said, which i'll get to in a minute, is because they believe that too many palestinian civilians had been killed. do you agree with that? what tell us how to do it differently? yeah. avoided, you know, what is too many people dying and world war 2 after pearl harbor did, did the american public worry about how many people were dying to destroy tokyo in berlin? i know this is not the same,
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but it's similar. a lisa graham sing season in competition was benjamin netanyahu, or who can be the greatest wal longer of the 21st century? lindsey graham doesn't understand that when tokyo and berlin were destroyed, the us and the world. so nothing but the entire world's cameras are focused on garza and the whole world is saying is i was genocide in real time directly. the shocking images cannot be forgotten. in other words, we killed a heck a lot of people then and they're doing good. now that the same got them criminals, big then and now. so i don't understand what's the fuss about the stability of the asia pacific region is a perfectly at risk. that's the challenge, beijing's level of washington, and offer to choose the u. s. navy ship of violating a sovereignty and entering the south china sea. the united states has deliberately violated showing his suffering, t and security, seriously undermine regional peace and stability and trampled on international law
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and the basic norms governing international relations. the united states has undermine stability and the south china sea. china has undisputed sovereignty over the islands of the south. china sea and surrounding waters. will be assigned to the incident has been a bone of contention between china. the philippines in america. washington has recently renewed warnings to beijing that it will defend the philippines off of the island nation that use china is coast guard of deliberately blocking as some vessels in the south china sea. the last sunday, the philippine coast guard accuse china or of illegally amassing ships and philippine national waters pulled into the clay. last november, china sent a 100 ships report leave to violate the nations maritime board. as the number of vessels are now increased to a 135. and we discussed all this with blood ground political analysts, alex report a fine. there's been failure in ukraine failure with nato to show its dominance in that region. so we're seeing a deflection here and the next target i believe on their list to disrupt is um the
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island of ty one. and this is very interesting how the americans continue to, you know, cruise around this island, kind of poking at a, at the chinese navy to, you know, what, what is their intention? their intention is, well, they could spur mistake and that then we get into a conflict, and i think that's exactly what the americans want here. escalation is what america enjoys. this is how they're in military industrial complex benefits. like i said many times before, they make a killing on it, killing and their arms dealers are, you know, ramping up a production of these uh, you know, arms that they've been selling throughout nato countries throughout the last couple of years. and they're moving onto the next project, we hope, you know, for peace in the world here that, that is not going to be china. and china is tie one, but you know,
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nothing is new for america. this is a country that's in v to 36 nation since world war 2. nothing's going to stop them . the policy of india is private and so now raindrop moody has secured key victories and regional elections within the country. this comes just ahead of the next year's national polls and the ruling a, b, j, b swept the poles and 3 out of the 4 largest regions. i'll sing the opposition and 2 of them which has to be on the beach. i p my men, so i'm as it goes up for general elections next year. it is where moody is widely expected to extend his decade and office by another 5 years. let's discuss this further now pressing life to a geo political ministry, unless colonel ro hit definitely joining us here on aussie international a very well. busy going to today, so what do you think about the outcome of the state assembly poles signals for the opposing congressional party? what are your thoughts? a car? thank you for having me on the show. and i must say that the, the timing of this election and the result has got implications both nationally
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within india and also got the implication jump on it because he had left me amplified both the under to a bit of the input in the country that has been a galvanizing of the you know, mentality of the citizen and fram relieve the you. and also the free people who are below forward the line who had been assaulted to come along in the last 8 and 9 years plus of this government where they have given direct benefits to that particular loss of people in the country as citizens. so i think internally it's a very big win because this would also lead to a moment. i'm building a 4.324 gen ended actions. and i don't see currently any kind of an opposition which can come up with the same idea sion of for the benefit of the common most of the people. and also at the same time i set out india as us as a leading identity. also the word,
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drupal effects and diplomacy. so i'm going to the 2nd fog, which i, you know, a little bit to, i think good geopolitically. it's 10 times the height of prime minister must be. because it has been a lot of, uh, weight behind a to data or the dog, the built off on country, especially in the last year or so. and you have seen right from the farmers purpose video to allow that had been sort of uh, you know, it options of uh, distractions that you may call them within the internal dynamics of one of the big sale. also covered with a lot of media management, especially as some agencies which are not sort of federal because also both nations, i must say, are those kind of media from europe. and the americans had been trying to put some kind of a binding fact auto dot instructor on india as google stories. so i understand we have but enemies was i looked as went well, we're not like to see us go the way we are going at 7.6 percent of due to good size now. well yeah,
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i mean sort of jumped in. so i just wanted to just sort of jump and i do apologize for interrupting you, but, but it's almost like nothing can stop india these days when it comes to population growth. when it comes to gdc gross domestic product. i mean, india has become a colossal force to be reckoned with already on the world stage. so is what you're right. i know, i totally agree with you. you have seen deep when do you have seen how we have to retain the energy dimensions from so a lot of a lions through knowledge over biofuel lines. india potentially is the biggest the watermark good. and then you talk a vehicle, them the most sign up was one. it also is a very lucrative manufacturing developing of, of the water. so if you see anybody can come and manufactured in india and anybody connectivity, so the most part of which in india because of the population and the population is basically young and you and it is going to get a deal for the next people for the kids what does that make it the better thing? so when you say the story, when you say that there's so much and use in india that does that help to explain
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the popularity of no range from body? because as you say after these regional elections, you just mean the b j. p. parties winning your say that mode is going to be looking good for the general elections next year. at the same time you said there's so much and used in india. so what is where the connection? so why is mode is all beside the new i, i tell you the connection comes and stems from the, you know, the desires and the explanation of it. they used ones in any country. example, if you see a ratio president put in has done a very good because he inspires a lot of people. so i think that is, but it's not a value which is n, as in the country, the pry it in the country. and so don't forget that our country has gone through a process of many decades and centuries of subjugation at the and so little above us and otherwise. and that is why, but you'll see that you today, i've give us more small items, started to leave a new c out of history books. they've been talking about something else with those,
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but to be in den mazda is for the longest, i ran the government guns and realized that it brings before the motives, you know, the value of how it will take pride in your boss. and you'll have a page and you've got, you know, we have a ministry of coaches. so the leading into. so i think all these factors that insight and, and size the youth. but at the same time, i must one because the youth is as to be a very nice and stage of forming opinions. and venue says the people coming from the age into the working age. that is the time data more impressionable. so the other thing at a new york times or some funny use people across the globe, we just flashing anti india sentiments. they are looking at what the indian communities talking. the other thing i board, the think tank is talking what be no logical, but it's 6 is not talking until the media, the social media and the way that the petition has happened in india. you can do what do, what do, what do you want to negate? that, but the fax will come out shortly and shortly because everybody's on the social
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media trying to get more than more of it miss an announcement. all that a wait a minute and so the right exactly. what is the story, much as, as you say, the youth is today in india with social media as well that the communication level so so many more now directly involved a geo political minutes regardless or come over. oh it dev. joining us here. when i let you international have very interesting commentary. thank you very much for joining us. thank you. thank you for the time. thank you. are to you probably know where the countries are presidential advice that has admitted that a lack of success on the front lines is beginning to show in society. what you said was only because the anyway, because a lot of the rotation in society society has also accumulated a lot of difficult questions. how well, why at what cost? there's also a lot of information in society. the not all levels of government to just as invested in the will as the society itself. i'm talking about corruption behavior patterns and occasional bizarre statements. or the base is such
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a heavy burden because they'll be no brakes. turn it on the front line. what is it? what comes up just days off of the influential may or of key f. and for me, i have a way of buffing chum. vitaly clips go didn't pull any punches in his criticism of the countries president, he argues that as he only has himself to blame for declining popularity, numbers that so have a much closer look at this. uh, perhaps this balance of dissension among the ranks without the shape of as winter sets in along the vast ukrainian fort lines. there's a chill wind blowing through the key of we're in a bottle. vladimir zalinski is facing a winter of discontent, a fail counter, offensive dwindling western support, and then an advancing russian army old bowed bodily. with the biggest with to the bible actor, current politician, maybe from within his own administration. people see who's an effective leader and who was not they had and still have many expectations. zalinski is paying for the mistakes he made was the lensky looks to apportion blame for his catalogue or blows
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on ukraine. we're re west, so much closer to home are now directly challenging. zelinski is authority and competence. open criticism that would have been a think about a month ago was no common place as a competitor, smell the blood in the water. can you have high profile maritally courage go, didn't stop there. he opened the box and then skis, increasing the ostracized army chief. well, there is a losing, for declaring that the conflict had reached a stay on the side as we know, telling the truth and to yes can be a very dangerous pastime. zillow usually told the truth. sometimes people don't want to hear it, but ultimately he is responsible. he has explained and justify to the current situation. of course we can, you for equally lie to our people and our partners, but you can't do that forever. some of our politicians have wrongly criticize the illusion, a for his honesty, i stand with him. so lansky is now paid to the army chief as of the fetus for
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basically telling the truth about ukraine's collapse offensive. what is the storm cloud gathers? the landscape refuses to see the whiting on the wall. we're finding the 2nd best army in the world, and we didn't get all the weapons we wanted. i can't say i'm satisfied, but i can't really complain either. but of course, the landscaping was don't, and there with growing street protests from soldiers, families increasing deserve sions, and mounting casualties. call no reflecting the mass of human toilet. the conflict in ukraine. acosta. that, according to russian defense chief surrogate show, grew as led to the depths of over a $125000.00. you claim the troops during the fields counter offensive alone with the store. the may will break the camel's back. could be the confirmation that this could have all ended peacefully, soon after it started. when we return from miss timble forest, johnson came to kiff and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting. so as the landscape options went out,
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it seems the vultures are circling over to us. and rather than stepping it to save the mind, they had bill as a modern day churchill is. western packers will most likely look the other way and let nature take its course. remember, winston churchill ended up on the winning side. and that may be where the similarities with the landscape again and, and ukraine's internal problems and all gone unnoticed and the western media. a political analyst and also have nicholas markovich believe the new narrative is actually being constructed by western sponsors. there is period campaign i think part of this is a orchestrated by by the west. i mean, if you read wisdom newspapers, new york times, washington washington post the guardian, a spiegel, and we've got many articles these past weeks, which are starting to throw that on, stay under the bus, saying that the counter offensive is not working. we've got interviews within his own way from ukrainians, which are close to him, alexia, rest of which we assessed his personal counsellors, said that a couple of days ago,
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that was there. and he has the issue acting as, as a dictator, that he was alone. we've got now of cliffs go with the mayor of kids say more or less the same thing. so i say more or less internally an outside. uh there is uh the, the, the people are getting fed up with an skeptic. the west sees that he's not the amount of a situation, and internally, of course, as the korean ukrainian army is starting to lose all the front, 9 of this much announced counter offensive has backfired. and actually, the russian army is getting to rank. i think that they're going to be looking in the west and also within your brain 1st cape, go and zaleski is the perfect man for that's it for that uh for that position. regarding the conflict in ukraine or russian armed forces have repelled a 5 attacks and the crass nearly my direction. the russian ministry of defense says that ukraine is lost up to $280.00 soldiers and 5 ahmed vehicles interest these latest battles. la senior correspondent is on location with mike, but talk
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a trimming nice sun dress, beginning to a russian the sold. this could well be described as the 1st of russia's winter, offensive inaction, where by multiple units combined, utilizing artillery aviation manage to attack, to suppress to p as in to overwhelm multiple ukrainian positions across kilometers kid and the force of creating the i forgot the valerie bush was spectacular, just to be honest. i've never seen anything like it, but they hit hard and accurately when i am the enemy was already the more likely to have shot as an act. my battalion drove no parade to see corrected artillery far as the salt began within the gutter. also, who is the adventure, daniel booker, as the guns grew quite via,
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so troops moved in the, just the last one was a nearby tank to the euro. a so the time you demolish is, are you crazy and trench well, no. space that one. yeah. oh, the, the, the, the, the, the, the you're interested in the, when the assault troops moved in and check the bodies and the papers they found that was no territorial defense. they found as of patches of one for, and most of rate was of african descent. he was a citizen of finland. this was on the front line. the assault in the 6th was led by the 200 and 28th regiment. it's the troops who found these patches,
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and cranes, manpower shortage is likely why ford mazda and res and nationalist troops replaced su. 4 upfront losses always high for the engine. given that joe was really talking about crap and brothers, the saudis, of course he got, you know, it was one of the sort of the water nothing you showed it on. i think with a group a couple of some enemy groups were destroyed with ability, but we kept loading the nation some drones and dropping them on fresh units the by preventing the counselor at tech. most generally those, those are the 3 days i do this to get in the,
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on the trenches and dugouts were piled with the bodies of ukrainian nationalist and foreign massive is the battle went on for 72 hours doing good, but the day you feel drained and don't, especially when the fighting ends drink come back, you feel shopping away, but when it ends, you feel like you haven't slept for days. the lease battle is being mirrored across the front lines. russian forces have begun the winter push and key of which promised to take crimea, but with them alfonze its lines shaking and buckling more i guess the of the, from the guns region. so in true multi product, democratic world, fashion chem and ship up the brick. some group of nations is rotating as the south africa was about to pass the torch representatives from the block met to discuss what's been achieved. perhaps more importantly,
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what is about to be achieved overall, it's what is known of oracle in this. yeah, the world is almost, i'm recognizable compared to 2018. and so that's frequent loss called the rotating bricks, presidency a global put, did me say good health, that economy crises in countries around the world, bringing a spike in global inflation and probity. was wrapped in the global south of the middle east africa and to raise yeah. strongly affecting the fortunes of the bricks . nation. taken to the 2 of bricks this yeah. so the african found is credentials called into question. what suggestions that the country is not a rising power competed with the economy power houses to complete the bricks? line up, so in spite of it, oh, just how successful has south africa been delivering progress through? it's 10 young tweet to 23. south africa is highly such as fights in terms of the objectives and priorities we have set for which i ship. we have achieved all of
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that. and i think we have actually achieved much more than we expected. and as you saw the lead, as announced the expansion of the bricks with 6 new members. and i think that was a milestone in terms of 12 bricks, cooperation. we have much bigger family beginning of january when the new members will become full members of, of the brakes. and i was rushed to take over the breaks presidency for 20 speeds, for both the establish nations and the latest additions to the brakes. bold face. they stand sold to sold it with russia and read you to us in a new era of corporation, the expense, and provides fresh emphasis to the group lending. it's a great legitimacy and reinforcing the sense that this is a club of what's being part of. but what impact, what would the move have on the work of breaks into into 3 different? we will do our best to make sure that by the time when the rush of the year from
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now complete each year of the breaks cherry, every one feels, finds itself comfortable, and breaks at 10 or 11. isn't even stronger and more attractive international force in international entity that delivers for the people for the nations of countries that united in this group that also make the bad voices more heard internationally. that's make sense. multilateralism that helps address acute issues that negates even to affect society is russia is among those one at better. busy and more equitable, more inclusive international system that could be described as a true multilateralism. russia has accepted chapman's ship for the coming year with
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total commitment to driving briggs cooperation forward. it is also signaled that developing nations with african countries that will be a priority. so it seems like on the 1st of january 2024, the will center of gravity city to sift. we are currently on the durban, south africa. so it did, you know, the brick family now control 80 percent of the world oil production and brakes on the opec plus group. they want lower output and higher oil prices. meantime, divide. whitehouse is now relaxing sanctions on the venezuelan oil to floods the market to get the price is, is the move designed specifically to hub the opec oil costs to more details on, on the .
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